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S38.E09: Y'all Making Me Crazy

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4 hours ago, kikaha said:

The Gallup Poll from May 25, 2018 found 3.9% of all American men identify as gay.  How is casting 20% of all men players 'token?' Its over five times as much as their proportion of the population.   

Hard numbers weren’t available for most of the last half of the 20th century (when cultural taboos were still rampant, and staying in the closet remained much more of a social and professional necessity), but at the time the medical psychological community estimated the prevalence of homosexuality in the general population at somewhere between 5 to 10 percent, possibly higher - reference the Kinsey Reports.  

Considering these were likely the numbers with which the Casting folks were ingrained most of their lives, they probably figured 1 or 2 gay players per season was fairly representative.

3 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

The floral tattoo on his shoulder doesn't exactly scream, "I am a hetero male!"  either.  🙂

Depends upon his reasons for getting it. 🙂

3 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I am not a big tattoo fan, in general, but that one seems out of place, on his otherwise ink free body.   Maybe he should get one on the other shoulder to balance things out.   

Gavin’s only been of age for five years - and given that he’s from Erwin, I’ll guarandamntee you his parents didn’t sign for permission BEFORE he hit 18.  Give him time.

Plus, he may have tattoos elsewhere we haven’t even seen yet - nor are likely to. 😆

17 minutes ago, Trepis said:

There was a brief conversation the first night after Tribal when they saw the three jury members. They correctly concluded that a) The three jury members where still living on the Extinction island, and b) that Kieth and Wendy were missing because they chose to quit. 

You’re right; I’d forgotten that, but remembered it as soon as you mentioned it.  I’m getting old, peoples.  😄

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The Outcast Twist in Pearl Island was not well received and Redemption Island was not exactly enthusiastically embraced. At least with Redemption Island there was a regular challenge that sent one person home each week. The downside to that was the challenge took time away from the people still in the game. then again, EoE takes away from the people still in the game.

On the plus side, none of the Outcasts or Redemption Island losers were allowed to sit on the jury.

the twist is lame and I don't like it but that is not the biggest problem with this season. The biggest problem with this season is that the people playing it suck at playing the game. Even the returnees are sucking, David is the only exception. Aubry told all the new players the exact same thing and went home with an idol and an advantage in her pocket. Joe played the same game he has always played. Kelly has been saved by Dan of all people, not just once but twice.

Julia told people to shut up and insulted them in Tribal. Aurora has no social game and cannot read the room to save her life. Dan sucks at challenges and is a bull in a China shop. Ron and Julie fell apart after being blindsided once. Victoria seems to be floating between groups. Gavin wants an alliance with four people where he is in the minority. Rick is taking everything personally.

Lauren and David are about the only two people not playing a totally craptastic game.

And some of the people who played awfully are still in the game because you have EoE.

This is an all around bad season. I am still hoping Reem wins her way back in and wins the season because that is about the best ending that I can imagine. More points if she is sitting next to David and Kelly and all of Kama votes for Reem because they don't want a returnee to win the game.

To make it worse, it is following one of the stronger seasons with some pretty awesome strategic play by a good number of people.

Edited by ProfCrash
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21 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

I am still hoping Reem wins her way back in and wins the season because that is about the best worst ending that I can imagine. 

FTFY(?)  😉 

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5 minutes ago, Nashville said:
28 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

I am still hoping Reem wins her way back in and wins the season because that is about the best worst ending that I can imagine. 

FTFY(?)  😉

I agree with that FTFY.

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“It says that Gavin and Victoria are smart players.  Throwing a vote on David or Kelley would do absolutely nothing as Julia would still go home. They knew that. When your alliance is gone you next step has to try to forge new ones.  Voting for one of the people that you might need to align with going forward is not the right way to start that process”

I guess what I meant was that it wasn't clear to me that Julia's eviction was a done deal. The entire group that was intending to vote out David apparently were so certain of the numbers they abandoned trying to stick to their plan or put together a new one. Meanwhile what I saw on my TV was a clusterfuck of chaos. I didn't understand the outcome because nothing I saw made it clear where the vote was going. It was just a lot of craziness that left me scratching my head. 

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15 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

Gavin saying he'd dreamt about having immunity around his neck since he was 8 made me think, "huh... so like, for the last 10 years at most?". I still can't believe he's married. Maybe he did so in a state where child marriage is still legal?

He's 23. Is baby faced but not that young. I was married at 23 and my husband was the same rosy cheeked baby face. My son is 22 now and has same look as Gavin. Though I couldn't imagine him being married...lol.

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8 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

At least with Redemption Island there was a regular challenge that sent one person home each week.

I think this is the clincher for me. I hated RI but at least most weeks someone was actually properly permanently cut from the game. 

With EoE there are no stakes. We're nine episodes in and two people have left the game, both - and I think this is another huge factor - by choice. Being voted out doesn't mean nearly as much, which means everything leading up to the votes doesn't mean nearly as much. It's boring. 

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On 4/11/2019 at 3:42 PM, blackwing said:

If anything, Aurora is the one that looks like Patricia Wettig.  She has the blonde hair and slightly buggy eyes.  I've also thought Aurora looks like Virginia Madsen, but now that she's on air more, maybe not as much.

Not sure who Julie looks like, but I agree she seems to resemble an actress that I can't place.

I'm not sure about Aurora or Julie, but Victoria looks like Mike White. She could be his little sister

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13 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

On the plus side, none of the Outcasts or Redemption Island losers were allowed to sit on the jury.

Except for the ones that were voted out (again) post-merge.  But I get what you mean.

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There was a moment on the outcast island when we were giving footage of Chris fishing and I was thinking 'who is Chris?'  That probably summed up the season.  At least in other seasons those who don't get an edit and leave earlier aren't featured anymore.  

A problem this season is there's been too much focus on the returnees who we already know to a degree and not enough on many of the others.  It's better to not mix vets and newbies in a cast anyway.

Edited by amazingracefan
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13 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I guess what I meant was that it wasn't clear to me that Julia's eviction was a done deal. The entire group that was intending to vote out David apparently were so certain of the numbers they abandoned trying to stick to their plan or put together a new one. Meanwhile what I saw on my TV was a clusterfuck of chaos. I didn't understand the outcome because nothing I saw made it clear where the vote was going. It was just a lot of craziness that left me scratching my head. 

Actually, I think the plan was to vote out Kelley until Julie threw a wrench in that by getting hysterical about not trusting people who had left her out the week before but who claimed they were working with her this week. Which caused Kelley to ask Julia if they were still good... so Julia had to confirm that yeah, of course they were. And that got noticed, of course, and it just went on from there.

But essentially I’m fairly certain that going in to the tribal, Julia, Gavin, Victoria, Ron, and Julie were supposed to vote Kelley. Kelley, Lauren, and Wardog were going with the “vote David” plan they had agreed on earlier with Gavin/Julia/Victoria (before that trio switched to voting Kelley). David was also the last plan Aurora had been told. I have no idea who David and Rick were planning to vote for.

So that all went to hell when Julie jumped ship and Rick pushed the idea of the 5 Lesu and Ron and Julie voting together. And in the ensuing chaos, Kelley told David he’d been the target. So without Julie, they lacked the votes to send Kelley home and she was suspicious. And voting out David just became a LOT harder because a) they would have had to communicate to each other to switch back to David, b) they would have needed Wardog, Kelley, and Lauren, and Julia had been insulting to Wardog and pretty much caught playing both sides, and c) David was already alerted. Trying to choose someone else to be the consensus pick would be tricky... unless that consensus pick was Julia, whose name was brought up earlier in the episode by Julie and who had just spent TC pissing people off.

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I hope Julie gets voted out next.  She's shown herself to be completely unstable and willing to jump to whoever is willing to take her and Ron.  She acts like she has never seen the show before and appears shocked that people are playing the game without her.

On top of that, she has an irritating whiny voice and she kind of resembles jack-of-all-trades Debbie Wanner in looks.  She's probably even more unstable than Debbie.  So annoying.

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14 hours ago, HkyLvr said:

I'm not sure about Aurora or Julie, but Victoria looks like Mike White. She could be his little sister

14 hours ago, HkyLvr said:

If anything, Aurora is the one that looks like Patricia Wettig.  She has the blonde hair and slightly buggy eyes.  I've also thought Aurora looks like Virginia Madsen, but now that she's on air more, maybe not as much.

This is going to sound crazy, but sometimes, at certain angles, I think Aurora looks a little bit like Amber.  A harder version of her, but something.

Crazy I know.

Edited by Steph Sometimes
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Can we just fast forward to the next EI challenge return and end this season early?! I’m just not feeling it. Now, everyone knows about the twist. Who’s gonna say “No” and miss out on more camera & jury time? The jury is gonna be huge. Then there’s the stupid fire 🔥 challenge where the anyone in the Final 4 can make the Final 3. That could be an EI returnee?!?!? Who am I kidding. I’ll continue watching. I can’t quit Survivor but I’m still not feeling you this summer. It’s gonna be a long time till September rolls around. At least, I’ll have TAR to get me through it. Is it just me who’s not really into it this season?

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5 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Can we just fast forward to the next EI challenge return and end this season early?! I’m just not feeling it. Now, everyone knows about the twist. Who’s gonna say “No” and miss out on more camera & jury time? The jury is gonna be huge. Then there’s the stupid fire 🔥 challenge where the anyone in the Final 4 can make the Final 3. That could be an EI returnee?!?!? Who am I kidding. I’ll continue watching. I can’t quit Survivor but I’m still not feeling you this summer. It’s gonna be a long time till September rolls around. At least, I’ll have TAR to get me through it. Is it just me who’s not really into it this season?

I don't hate this season, I just hate the EI twist. I would love to see what would have happened if Rick never returned back into the game, and how the VOTES would have gone after. If an EI returnee wins, I'll be disappointed because the show has always been about when you are voted out, your game is over. It's the stupid twist that somewhat ruins my enjoyment this season.

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On 4/13/2019 at 5:23 AM, simplyme said:

Actually, I think the plan was to vote out Kelley until Julie threw a wrench in that by getting hysterical about not trusting people who had left her out the week before but who claimed they were working with her this week. Which caused Kelley to ask Julia if they were still good... so Julia had to confirm that yeah, of course they were. And that got noticed, of course, and it just went on from there.

But essentially I’m fairly certain that going in to the tribal, Julia, Gavin, Victoria, Ron, and Julie were supposed to vote Kelley. Kelley, Lauren, and Wardog were going with the “vote David” plan they had agreed on earlier with Gavin/Julia/Victoria (before that trio switched to voting Kelley). David was also the last plan Aurora had been told. I have no idea who David and Rick were planning to vote for.

So that all went to hell when Julie jumped ship and Rick pushed the idea of the 5 Lesu and Ron and Julie voting together. And in the ensuing chaos, Kelley told David he’d been the target. So without Julie, they lacked the votes to send Kelley home and she was suspicious. And voting out David just became a LOT harder because a) they would have had to communicate to each other to switch back to David, b) they would have needed Wardog, Kelley, and Lauren, and Julia had been insulting to Wardog and pretty much caught playing both sides, and c) David was already alerted. Trying to choose someone else to be the consensus pick would be tricky... unless that consensus pick was Julia, whose name was brought up earlier in the episode by Julie and who had just spent TC pissing people off.

And that's not a blindside.  That's a chaotic random mess.  

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33 minutes ago, marys1000 said:

And that's not a blindside.  That's a chaotic random mess.  

Well, you could say that’s the truest of blindsides, couldn’t you - one that has ALL the voters in suspense, not certain what the outcome will be...? 😉

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chiming in late to add what the last 2 episodes have driven home for me is just how poorly Kama plays the game. They gave themselves credit for having gotten numbers but didn't seem to notice that was almost entirely due to Lesu sucking so bad and losing challenges. So while Lesu dealt with tribals and gained some experience in not getting voted out, the Kama people did not. Ron arrogantly thought somehow this was all because of his masterminded plan. It was not; you just won physical challenges.

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On 4/12/2019 at 9:39 PM, MissEwa said:

I think this is the clincher for me. I hated RI but at least most weeks someone was actually properly permanently cut from the game. 

With EoE there are no stakes. We're nine episodes in and two people have left the game, both - and I think this is another huge factor - by choice. Being voted out doesn't mean nearly as much, which means everything leading up to the votes doesn't mean nearly as much. It's boring. 

Ain't it laffable that Probst invests all this time and energy in putting the EoE decisions (should I go home or should I go to EoE?) and every single person makes the same choice - just like we all knew they would.

What is the point to it? Was it just something Probst felt was needed to heighten the drama?

I doubt that anything could do that. I'm really sick of this stupid show. I'm even more sick of stupid Probst.

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9 hours ago, RedbirdNelly said:

chiming in late to add what the last 2 episodes have driven home for me is just how poorly Kama plays the game. They gave themselves credit for having gotten numbers but didn't seem to notice that was almost entirely due to Lesu sucking so bad and losing challenges. So while Lesu dealt with tribals and gained some experience in not getting voted out, the Kama people did not. Ron arrogantly thought somehow this was all because of his masterminded plan. It was not; you just won physical challenges.

It wasn't that the David/Kelley tribe were entirely bad (except Wardog).  It just was Kama had Joe being such a strong challenge dude that he was the major factor in Kama winning a lot of those immunities.  That is what is driving me crazy every time I hear how great and strong Kama is.  It was 90% because of Joe and not all those preening newbie braggarts.

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8 hours ago, green said:

It wasn't that the David/Kelley tribe were entirely bad (except Wardog).  It just was Kama had Joe being such a strong challenge dude that he was the major factor in Kama winning a lot of those immunities.  That is what is driving me crazy every time I hear how great and strong Kama is.  It was 90% because of Joe and not all those preening newbie braggarts.

exactly. Kama acted like they had done this great job (Ron even mentioned working so hard to have the numbers) but they really didn't do anything besides win challenges--and you are right, that was on Joe. Watching Ron fall apart after one set back really drove home how they were just lucky as opposed to a team of scrappy people who overcame some setbacks, outwitted their opponents etc.

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1 hour ago, RedbirdNelly said:

exactly. Kama acted like they had done this great job (Ron even mentioned working so hard to have the numbers) but they really didn't do anything besides win challenges--and you are right, that was on Joe. Watching Ron fall apart after one set back really drove home how they were just lucky as opposed to a team of scrappy people who overcame some setbacks, outwitted their opponents etc.

Yes, Kama Strong is really Joe Strong. They won because of him. Even when he said he was going to downplay his challenge strength but couldn't. They were sort of smart to get him out but the only reason they got so far in the first place was because of Joe.

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When people get voted out these days they all think it's appropriate to make some big speech at Tribal Council.  LOL!!!!!  It is SO ridiculous..  I wonder what Jeff thinks about this?  They should start the "Oscar wrap up" music IMMEDIATELY on these fools.

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