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S09.E13: Home Is Home


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3 minutes ago, queenbee24 said:

Honestly... Jo and Vee shouldn't bother to settle if Kail won't be reasonable. Child support is literally a formula. You can do a worksheet for your situation online for your state. Vee's income doesn't count, nor does Chris's (non) income. It's just Jo and Kail. She would owe him a BOATLOAD of money very likely and it's beyond crap that she made him keep paying when she knew the situations financially had changed. 

I certainly can't agree with those calling Jo a loser dad. He spends 50% or more of the time with Isaac, including taking him more when it's convenient for Kail. He's even taken Lincoln! He and Vee have jobs and support themselves and their other child and Isaac. In fact, for who knows how long he was supporting Isaac MUCH more than was required of him while Kail doesn't work and collects baby daddies. 

Someone mentioned Javi not paying support- I'd be more than willing to bet if Javi pushed it he'd also be owed support from Kail due to their income differential. 

For some people, there's a stigma attached to men taking money from women, even when it's completely legitimate child support. Kail takes advantage of that. She's was making mid-6-figures for years while taking child support from working/middle-class Jo, which she was able to do because she technically had full custody, though, in reality, Isaac was spending 50%+ of his time with Jo. When Jo finally felt comfortable addressing the issue (only because he had gotten legal 50-50 custody at that point), he only asked her to stop making him pay her child support, not to pay child support to him (though he was legally entitled to receive it). Even so, she was still an asshole and "didn't get around to it" for a year. If a man did that to his baby mama (who was nice to a fault, took care of his child by another woman at times, etc., etc.) no one would question the long-suffering baby mama finally standing up for herself and getting the support she was entitled to.

I also don't think Jo should feel bad for taking child support from Kail because he's likely to be far more responsible with the money (at least we know he won't be spending it on some fuccboi). Kail's income is going to drop precipitously when the show ends, so Jo's income will likely be higher than hers within a few years. The second that shift occurs, Kail will be in court shamelessly pursuing every penny of child support that she's legally entitled to. She won't care what her actual expenses are or how much time Isaac is spending at Jo's (she never has before).

  • Love 21
1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

When Jo said he filed for support one of Karl's first thoughts was how she wasn't going to buy their little girl a Christmas gift. Such a petty scumbag, I hope Jo and Javi haven't offered to watch Lux (stupid fucking name) one time and never do.

This seriously might be the pettiest thing that's been said/done on this show (and that's saying something).

  • Love 21
1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

This seriously might be the pettiest thing that's been said/done on this show (and that's saying something).

I think it really is. It just shows that Kail was only PLAYING at this whole co-parenting thing, where they all involved each other's kids. Javi and Jo would never want to keep the siblings apart or slight one of them, no matter how mad they were at Kail. But Kail was just being all "sweet" to Vivi because she was getting along with Jo - WHICH, she was only really doing in an effort to piss off Javi. Life is like one big strategic game for her. She uses people and throws them away as quickly as their usefulness wears out. 

  • Love 12

Also, Kail has used Jo's child support money to pad her lavish lifestyle for years. She was only receiving the money due to a technicality. If their actual arrangement were official, she would have been paying money to Jo. Instead, he covered all of Isaac's expenses while he was with him AND paid Kail monthly, though she didn't need any help covering her Isaac-related expenses. I'm sure his child support was peanuts to Kail, but she took it anyway and spent it on whatever she wanted. If she had been putting it all in a college fund or something, I have no doubt that she would have made that known. So that was a nice little cushion for her for years while Jo was struggling to make ends meet (even once he reached "middle-class" status).

I think that's what Jo and Vee were talking about when they were complaining about needing a new air conditioner for Isaac's room. Kail makes hundreds of thousands a year and spends it on frequent vacations, expensive cars, etc. So, effectively, Jo was paying for her hotel room on one of her vacations (where Chris was welcome, but he wasn't), a few pairs of ugly ripped jeans, etc., etc. while he was struggling to provide everything that he wanted to give Isaac. It's not that it was a huge hardship for Isaac to sleep on the couch, but Kail never had to feel like she wasn't providing the best for Isaac because she needed money or go without to to provide for him. He could have used the money he was paying to Kail to get a new air conditioner or, even better, have kept that money AND received additional money from her to cover the air conditioner as well as a nice trip for his family.  

  • Love 12

If  2019 Jo used his Teen Mom money for studio time and spent most of his time trying to peddle a mixtape then yea, I would say there is a major problem but he isn't doing that. Also,  I never got why anyone would harp on him for wanting to rap back when he was 20  years old considering it's  a dream for many young men.  I think we know someone who played in a local band or rapped back in our young adult days.

@TheRealT you make a very good point about  her not being entitled to that money and spending it anyway. That is really  foul of her to know that she was supposed to file to have the support order vacated but continued to spend the money. 

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 17
6 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

When Jo said he filed for support one of Karl's first thoughts was how she wasn't going to buy their little girl a Christmas gift. Such a petty scumbag, I hope Jo and Javi haven't offered to watch Lux (stupid fucking name) one time and never do.

According to a twitter fight, when Chris was calling Javi “Goofy” Javi said something to the effect of “you didn’t mind asking goofys mom to babysit Lux for you” or something to that effect.  So yea.  That’s happened. 

  • LOL 3
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Also (don't get me started with Kail), do you think Kail EVER gave Jo and Vee some money/goods when they took Lincoln (and now probably Lux)? I think J&V probably wouldn't accept it anyway, but would Kail even be like, "Here's $X (or a gift certificate to a local restaurant); I want to treat you all to a nice dinner while the boys are with you." or "Hey, I got you guys a water toy for the yard/a game system/whatever to thank you for having Lincoln over so much. No, it's nothing. He loves spending time with his brother over here and it will be fun for all the kids..."?

Do you think when Javi took Isaac took Isaac to FL (or wherever else) Kail thought to get a gift for his mom/sisters who would be helping to take care of Isaac and Linc during the trip or get something for the kids/family to enjoy? OF FUCKING COURSE NOT. All Kail was concerned with while Javi took her kids on vacation was spending time with Chris and coming up with some way to get him to propose to her. She most likely gives gifts, money, etc. to HIS relatives, just to butter them up or to compensate them for watching Lux while she tries to get Chris to propose to her. She probably doesn't speak to Javi or Jo's relatives (though they take care of her kids) because they somehow slighted her years ago or don't kiss her ass enough when they see her these days. She's such an asshole.

  • Love 16
15 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

If  2019 Jo used his Teen Mom money for studio time and spent most of his time trying to peddle a mixtape then yea, I would say there is a major problem but he isn't doing that.

I kinda wish someone would pitch Jo on a show where this is exactly what he's doing. Does that make me a bad person? It would be much more entertaining that whatever this show is. I mean I don't even watch it anymore, I just come in here for the reading. 

I'd also like to see a buddy cop show about Corey's Dad and Randylicious. 

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On 4/8/2019 at 9:56 PM, Brooklynista said:

Did Briana really go to Devoin's apartment to complain about him not seeing Nova...without  bringing Nova?🤦🏾‍♀️.

I'm kinda hoping Devoin and Briana get back together; maybe then poor Stella would have a dad. It was heartbreaking to see her with the bio dad, she doesn't know who he is.


  • Love 6

God damn it, now I'm thinking that there absolutely has to be a scene where the PawPaw Patrol (TRADEMARKED!) is running through the parking garage, Randylicious tries that move where the cop slides across a car hood to save like two tenths of a second, the tumbles hilariously onto the pavement and Corey's Dad is like "I told you the last two times that happened it was not going to work, I wish you'd quit trying that!" and a hurt Randy popping up from the pavement and trying to pretend he's just fine even though you can see him limping and making a grimace face and doing that hissy-slow breathing thing people do when they're hurt and trying not to show it. BEING THIS ENTERTAINED BY MYSELF IS A CURSE, people :). 

Edited by Uncle JUICE
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1 hour ago, Uncle JUICE said:

God damn it, now I'm thinking that there absolutely has to be a scene where the PawPaw Patrol (TRADEMARKED!) is running through the parking garage, Randylicious tries that move where the cop slides across a car hood to save like two tenths of a second, the tumbles hilariously onto the pavement and Corey's Dad is like "I told you the last two times that happened it was not going to work, I wish you'd quit trying that!" and a hurt Randy popping up from the pavement and trying to pretend he's just fine even though you can see him limping and making a grimace face and doing that hissy-slow breathing thing people do when they're hurt and trying not to show it. BEING THIS ENTERTAINED BY MYSELF IS A CURSE, people :). 

How do we crowd fund this???  Because it needs to happen.

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On 4/10/2019 at 7:20 AM, Brooklynista said:

Will Jo ever be able to live down wanting to be a rapper??  That was 10yrs ago! The man has gotten married, bought a home, started a business (not a successful one yet) and he's still getting grief for a childhood dream.  And if memory serves me, he was working at his parents copier service while he was playing at rapping.

For my money, Jo is one of the better dads of the series.  Way better than this new deadbeat Kail is mooning over now. Chris has nothing going on.  I would be more impressed if he was pretending to be a rapper.  He's not even doing that.

Thank you! Not going to college doesn't make him a loser. Trying to be a rapper is cheesy yes, but after it didn't work, he let it go. Not many come to that realization. He moved his family to another state to be with his son. I too think that Jo is one of the best dads on the show. I wish he was on more so that he could make the kind of money the moms are. He did help to create Isaac. They wouldn't even be here if not for that. If he wants to try to do real estate then good for him. I wish him the best.

  • Love 13
On 4/10/2019 at 2:35 PM, ghoulina said:

I think it really is. It just shows that Kail was only PLAYING at this whole co-parenting thing, where they all involved each other's kids. Javi and Jo would never want to keep the siblings apart or slight one of them, no matter how mad they were at Kail. But Kail was just being all "sweet" to Vivi because she was getting along with Jo - WHICH, she was only really doing in an effort to piss off Javi. Life is like one big strategic game for her. She uses people and throws them away as quickly as their usefulness wears out. 

I thought about that too. Jo and Vee literally spent years working to build a "positive" co-parenting relationship with Kail, eating TONS of shit and giving her a million second chances while she only marginally gained self-awareness and minimally expressed gratitude for all that they did for her and forgave her for. I'm sure that Vee, especially, found it very hard to set all of Kail's assholery aside and truly embrace their "crazy blended family" and even support her daughter getting close to Kail.

Then, the first time Jo doesn't bend to her will (in a situation in which Kail was totally wrong), Kail goes ballistic in 2.0 seconds and is quick to turn on them, even Vivi. What the everliving fuck? Personally, I would be very reluctant to encourage any type of relationship between Kail and Vivi after that. How will it affect Vivi when she's 5 or 8 or 11 and Kail, someone she's known all her life, whom she's been taught to view as family, suddenly severs all ties with her because her parent(s) did something to piss Kail off? And the thing is, Kail isn't just some random neighbor or friend whom the Riveras can let drift out of Vivi's life. She's always going to be around and she's always going to be an important figure in their lives. If Kail weren't such an asshole and so immature, she'd realize that too and try to maintain at least basic civility with them. But, as we saw with her behavior at Isaac's basketball practice, Lincoln's soccer games, etc., etc., she doesn't give a fuck how her petty bullshit affects her kids. So that puts Jo and Vee (and Javi and Lauren) in the position of having to accommodate her as much as they can stomach ALL THE TIME because they know she has no problem making everyone, including her (and their) kids, pay if she doesn't get her way.

I feel bad for Jo, Javi, and their partners because their future with Kail won't be pretty. I think we have already witnessed her best years as a mom and it's going to be mostly downhill from here. Once she reached a point where she didn't need a man to support her, she showed herself to be into a "bad boy." If I were Jo or Javi, I'd be very worried. After Chris gets done using her, I'd assume she'll look for other "bad boys" who treat her/her kids like shit and generally cause chaos in her life (and, therefore, the lives of her kids and their dads). When she's not making $300K+, the chaos will be a lot worse for everyone.

  • Love 14

I think Vee has a mature understanding that Kail is going to be Kail and she's going to fly off the handle at little things but can be talked back down. Jo on the other hand is just probably over it and doesn't want to deal with it. 

However, I hate to say this... but I was kinda siding with Kail on the whole issue of Jo not having money because of his business.  Whether Isaac is in the picture or not... if Jo can't pay basic bills because he's not making any money, that's not really a child support issue. I wish him well in his real estate endeavors but if you can't pay your bills then you need something to supplement it and not make the excuse that your baby mama has to buy you a new AC.  I'm usually team Jo but his excuses as to why he was asking for support were kinda wack. 

btw... did anyone else lose their account with the name change? I had to make a new one because it said I no longer existed. 

Edited by Dmarie019
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Dmarie019 said:

I think Vee has a mature understanding that Kail is going to be Kail and she's going to fly off the handle at little things but can be talked back down. Jo on the other hand is just probably over it and doesn't want to deal with it. 

However, I hate to say this... but I was kinda siding with Kail on the whole issue of Jo not having money because of his business.  Whether Isaac is in the picture or not... if Jo can't pay basic bills because he's not making any money, that's not really a child support issue. I wish him well in his real estate endeavors but if you can't pay your bills then you need something to supplement it and not make the excuse that your baby mama has to buy you a new AC.  I'm usually team Jo but his excuses as to why he was asking for support were kinda wack. 

btw... did anyone else lose their account with the name change? I had to make a new one because it said I no longer existed

I didn't lose my account but Primetimer is apparently deemed a "potentially hazardous site" on my work computer.  Sad face.

On 4/11/2019 at 2:50 PM, A-Lo said:

I have never in my life seen three children being so excited about new carpeting!  Is the bar set so low for them in terms of entertainment value that rolling around on a carpet is a highlight of their day?  Don't get me wrong...it was pretty funny to watch them perform their cartwheels and such.  It was just so odd!

We were lower-middle class when I was a kid. I remember getting new carpet and us  kids just rolling around and rubbing our hands on it. It was a big deal to us. But, we really didn’t have much. I would have thought Leah’s girlses would be less impressed by the carpet since they have so many toys and other crap. 

Edited by Mambo Gladys
  • LOL 1
23 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

I didn't lose my account but Primetimer is apparently deemed a "potentially hazardous site" on my work computer.  Sad face.

4 hours ago, ccphilly said:

Me too 

3 hours ago, teapot said:

so y'all are looking for new jobs, right???

My husband asked why don't I read the forum on my phone. Duh, because I'm watching Teen Mom on the phone while I read comments on the episode on my work computer. 

I am tempted to ask one of the IT guys for a workaround.

  • LOL 5
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On 4/10/2019 at 11:35 AM, ghoulina said:

I think it really is. It just shows that Kail was only PLAYING at this whole co-parenting thing, where they all involved each other's kids. Javi and Jo would never want to keep the siblings apart or slight one of them, no matter how mad they were at Kail. But Kail was just being all "sweet" to Vivi because she was getting along with Jo - WHICH, she was only really doing in an effort to piss off Javi. Life is like one big strategic game for her. She uses people and throws them away as quickly as their usefulness wears out. 

On 4/10/2019 at 4:23 PM, TheRealT said:

Also (don't get me started with Kail), do you think Kail EVER gave Jo and Vee some money/goods when they took Lincoln (and now probably Lux)? I think J&V probably wouldn't accept it anyway, but would Kail even be like, "Here's $X (or a gift certificate to a local restaurant); I want to treat you all to a nice dinner while the boys are with you." or "Hey, I got you guys a water toy for the yard/a game system/whatever to thank you for having Lincoln over so much. No, it's nothing. He loves spending time with his brother over here and it will be fun for all the kids..."?

Do you think when Javi took Isaac took Isaac to FL (or wherever else) Kail thought to get a gift for his mom/sisters who would be helping to take care of Isaac and Linc during the trip or get something for the kids/family to enjoy? OF FUCKING COURSE NOT. All Kail was concerned with while Javi took her kids on vacation was spending time with Chris and coming up with some way to get him to propose to her. She most likely gives gifts, money, etc. to HIS relatives, just to butter them up or to compensate them for watching Lux while she tries to get Chris to propose to her. She probably doesn't speak to Javi or Jo's relatives (though they take care of her kids) because they somehow slighted her years ago or don't kiss her ass enough when they see her these days. She's such an asshole.


This is why Kailyn doesn't have friends and her friends ditch her. Because she's a selfish asshole. 

On 4/15/2019 at 3:01 PM, Brooklynista said:

I didn't lose my account but Primetimer is apparently deemed a "potentially hazardous site" on my work computer.  Sad face.

same. 😞

  • Love 5

I have never seen people flip flop in my life the way they do on this show. One day Kail is mad at Javi, the next week they're getting along, then she gets mad at Jo, then they are on good terms, then it's Chris' turn.. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Then Jenelle hates Barb and will quit the show unless Barb gets fired.

Barbara is team Nathan all the way and wants what's best for Kaiser. She was ready to take Jenelle to court.

Then Barb and Jenelle make up.

Then the next season comes and they are at war again with Jenelle threatening not to film if Barb is on the show. 

Then they go to lunch and on a weekend trip and Barb is completely team Jenelle and is joining the dark side.

These people make my head spin. They have such hatred for each other and the next episode it's, " me and X person made up." I think if they actually had to work for a living, they wouldn't have this much time on their hands to act this way.

  • Love 13
On 4/15/2019 at 4:42 PM, Dmarie019 said:

I think Vee has a mature understanding that Kail is going to be Kail and she's going to fly off the handle at little things but can be talked back down. Jo on the other hand is just probably over it and doesn't want to deal with it. 

However, I hate to say this... but I was kinda siding with Kail on the whole issue of Jo not having money because of his business.  Whether Isaac is in the picture or not... if Jo can't pay basic bills because he's not making any money, that's not really a child support issue. I wish him well in his real estate endeavors but if you can't pay your bills then you need something to supplement it and not make the excuse that your baby mama has to buy you a new AC.  I'm usually team Jo but his excuses as to why he was asking for support were kinda wack. 

btw... did anyone else lose their account with the name change? I had to make a new one because it said I no longer existed. 

I agree, and I feel like they all do this stupid stuff. Leah and Jeremy got a new house, so suddenly they needed more from Corey, plus I'm sure nobody can even forget Kail and javi demanding it from jo. And bri loves to "put people on child support" as a type of punishment. So, so stupid! 

I do think jo deserves child support since he was always do reasonable with Kail when the shoe was on the other foot. I just find his reasoning faulty. He strikes me as the type who is work-averse, and he would have been another Chelsea / Leah if he had been a girl. Actually, I think if Vee had a great income, he would be an awesome stay-at-home dad! Society is definitely more approving of women who don't want to work than men, though, and I think Jo is sensitive to this. I do think he should have the child support he seeks, but he should also get a second job if his business doesn't adequately provide. 

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, Christina87 said:

I do think jo deserves child support since he was always do reasonable with Kail when the shoe was on the other foot. I just find his reasoning faulty. He strikes me as the type who is work-averse, and he would have been another Chelsea / Leah if he had been a girl. Actually, I think if Vee had a great income, he would be an awesome stay-at-home dad! Society is definitely more approving of women who don't want to work than men, though, and I think Jo is sensitive to this. I do think he should have the child support he seeks, but he should also get a second job if his business doesn't adequately provide. 

I don't think Jo is work-averse, I bet he is trying to make a go of his business and it is taking a while to get it to the point where he is actually making money.  I know a lot of small businesses stay in the red for the first 2-3 years no matter how hard you work.  I can't say for sure he is working hard, I don't follow him around but assuming he is - it is not uncommon for this to be the case.

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 9
On 4/18/2019 at 11:33 AM, heatherchandler said:

I don't think Jo is work-averse, I bet he is trying to make a go of his business and it is taking a while to get it to the point where he is actually making money.  I know a lot of small businesses stay in the red for the first 2-3 years no matter how hard you work.  I can't say for sure he is working hard, I don't follow him around but assuming he is - it is not uncommon for this to be the case.

Oh, I don't doubt he is working hard at his business! I just remember, not too many years ago, when he said something like, "why should I get a job? I could get a 9 to 5, but I'd be miserable and hate it!" It seems like he hadn't worked for a few years then either. I think it's possible he could be one of thise people who isn't opposed to working hard, but doesn't like being on other people's schedule, being bossed around, etc. I could see him working really hard in his own business, and being a hard worker while taking care of his kids. You can definitely be a hard worker while being, let's say, employment averse (I even consider myself to be like that to some degree...I love working hard on my own time, but I don't always necessarily want to do it at 8 am. I think my migraines have a big part in this though; I do best when I can work around them. Sucks when you're teaching eighth graders when your headache is at its worst!). But I think if his business can't support his lifestyle, he should totally suck it up and get a traditional job as well, even if just part time. I just totally think if Leah or chelsea had protested so much at the idea of getting a job, people would consider it a symptom of their work-averse-ness. 

  • Love 5
33 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Oh, I don't doubt he is working hard at his business! I just remember, not too many years ago, when he said something like, "why should I get a job? I could get a 9 to 5, but I'd be miserable and hate it!" It seems like he hadn't worked for a few years then either. I think it's possible he could be one of thise people who isn't opposed to working hard, but doesn't like being on other people's schedule, being bossed around, etc. I could see him working really hard in his own business, and being a hard worker while taking care of his kids. You can definitely be a hard worker while being, let's say, employment averse (I even consider myself to be like that to some degree...I love working hard on my own time, but I don't always necessarily want to do it at 8 am. I think my migraines have a big part in this though; I do best when I can work around them. Sucks when you're teaching eighth graders when your headache is at its worst!). But I think if his business can't support his lifestyle, he should totally suck it up and get a traditional job as well, even if just part time. I just totally think if Leah or chelsea had protested so much at the idea of getting a job, people would consider it a symptom of their work-averse-ness. 

Well, didn’t both Leah and Chelsea find very part time jobs at tanning booths to be much too strenuous?😆😆😆

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Jo did go to school, at least for awhile. Not sure if he graduated but it came up when Kailyn started school. Kailyn definitely shouldn’t have been taking his money when it was decided and she agreed to “take him off child support” but doesn’t Jo, as one of the original dads, make nearly as much money as Kailyn? Something is off with this narrative that Jo is broke. Something is weird there.

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Brianna’s producer looks so much like Sutton Foster. I like to imagine it is her and she’s researching a role.

Man, I kind of agree with Kali. It’s not a nice feeling. But if Kali went looking to change child support because she needed more money to start a business she would get raked over the coals. The outrage would be epic. And doesn’t Jo get money from the show? What does he make from MTV every year? I swear I never understand Jo’s finances. Whenever he talks about money I always feel like there a big piece of information missing. Maybe he’s just not very good with money or something.

Janelle’s life is not something I can relate to. She’s always in court. It’s the only thing she does.

Chelsea is definitely looking overwhelmed with three kids. I imagine it will get better once the kids get a little older.

Edited by FozzyBear
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