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"The View": Week Of 3/18/2019


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Monday, March 18 – Marcia Clark (ABC’s “The Fix”); “View Your Deal” with hottest items at affordable prices

Tuesday, March 19 – The Political View with Preet Bharara (“Doing Justice: A Prosecutor’s Thoughts on Crime, Punishment, and The Rule of Law”); Priyanka Chopra Jonas (“If I Could Tell You Just One Thing”)

Wednesday, March 20 – Producer Will Packer (documentary series “The Atlanta Child Murders”) and Venus Taylor, the mother of Angel Lenair who was a victim of the Atlanta killing spree that started in the late 1970s

Thursday, March 21 – Day of Hot Topics

Friday, March 22 – Maddie Corman (“Accidentally Brave”)

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15 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Of course the only day McCain isn't defending Trump is when her family has been personally attacked. She's fine with his attacks on anyone else though. Sadly the only thing I could think when she said Trump will never be a great man is that she will never be a great woman either. She's as pathetic as he is.

The only thing I do agree with her on is that already Bernie and Beto--two white guys--are being treated differently by the media than superior female candidates like Kamala. The sexism continues.

It is not just sexism.  The men of color in the race are being ignored as well. The media never fucking learns. I am so pissed about this crap and it gives me a bad feeling..

Edited by Apprentice79
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43 minutes ago, 1SimonMom said:

All this talk about 45 spreading fake news about things that matter to Elsa that the hosts talking about , well guess what now she knows what is happens when she and her sidekick and her husband spread all the lies and fake news about everyone they do on daily basis.  Do you ever think that Elsa and 45 are alike

Yes and no. Trump is a thing apart. Meghan is more like all those politicians who think honor, dignity, truth, and other people are less important than their own careers. She is like Lindsey Graham.  She only cares that Trump is lying about John McCain, because she happens to be John McCain's daughter.

Trump has been telling outrageous and obvious lies about people like President Obama and Secretary Clinton for years, and when he does it, Meghan (and Abby) acts like they're fair game. She only cares this time, because she loves her dad. She's only pissed that Lindsey turned into a Trump sycophant,  because Lindsey now prioritizes his relationship with Trump over his friendship with her father.

38 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

This. Trumps actions/vileness only matter when it's about her father. No sympathy from me. 

Where is all this Lindsay Graham should do better? LG has always seemed like a dick who only care about his. Not shocked, haven't been for years. Why are these women acting like LG is someone different?

Because, if Graham were a normal human, and Trump lied about and shat all over Graham's best friend, Graham would publicly denounce Trump.  The other women on that panel (well, not either of The Daughters, but Whoopi, Joy, and Sunny) are normal humans.

I liked how they rushed to John McCain's defense, took down Trump, and stood by Meghan, except for the fact that as far as Meghan has displayed on the show, I have no reason to believe she would return the favor. She'd start talking about how if Dems want to win back Racist Ronnie of Racine,  they'd better stop caring about income inequality, healthcare for all, and income tax welfare support for millionaires and billionaires.

32 minutes ago, Haleth said:

I see the ratty gray scarf survived too. 

I’d  have more sympathy for Meghan if she showed the slightest bit of compassion for other people who are truly suffering. Instead she sits there, drinking in everyone’s praise, eyes full of tears, lips quivering, playing the poor li’l me victim. Give me a break. Like y’all said, tomorrow she’ll be defending Trump again, just like her bastard uncle Lindsey. 

I don't think Whoopi's scarf is ratty. I think the edge is supposed to be like that.

Other than that? What you said!

Edited by General Days
weirdness and more weirdness
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1 minute ago, blondiec0332 said:

Of course she is. She is the only Trump kid not raised by him.

I'd like to know how much actual raising Donald Trump did...and how long...of any of his children. I think he's incapable/incompetent.  Stronger associations probably began when they were nearing college age and then when they needed j-o-b-s.  I credit Ivana with any good qualities their children demonstrate and our President with all the bad.  Melania's son remains a secret.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, dr. gailey said:

Yep the show is already getting on my nerves with Know It All Whoopi and all that ass kissing to Nutmeg.

Oh, CRAP!  The show's not on here yet.  I deluded myself into thinking that Whoopi watched the show and finally REALIZED how rude, mean, unbalanced, and incompetent Meghan is.  I thought Whoopi would come back and straighten her out.  Yep...deluded!

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I missed Whoopi, so I'm happy to see her back.  I actually thought MM was on good behavior today.  Didn't mind the discussion about her response to Trump's speech.  She was calm, let others speak, interrupted less, and was a lot less screechy (excluding her defense of ASU during the Marsha Clark interview).  Yes, she will be back to defending Trump policies tomorrow, but today was a good day for her.   

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1 hour ago, General Days said:

I don't think Whoopi's scarf is ratty. I think the edge is supposed to be like that.

I like the scarf.  It is the American Flag without being the actual flag.  I believe everyone has the right to do what the want with the flag but, for me personally, I like when flag clothes are a bit off the actual flag.  Kind of like how money is portrayed in movies - a bit off size of the real thing.

Of course Sunny believes in psychics!  Don't get me wrong, I like Sunny.  She does have some wild ideals though.  I missed her story of a dancer, nude, and a man without underwear and the skin on skin......................................

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1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

I like the scarf.  It is the American Flag without being the actual flag.  I believe everyone has the right to do what the want with the flag but, for me personally, I like when flag clothes are a bit off the actual flag.  Kind of like how money is portrayed in movies - a bit off size of the real thing.

Wait. What? Wasn't it gray?

Sedona Schemona!   It's a "magical mystical" place for those who believe in that stuff.   Because my family didn't have a car, the first time I went to Sedona was in high school (Phoenix).  My best friend and I went with her fiance` (really) and his best friend.  The area had highways, but no freeways yet (1957).  We went to the Grand Canyon and stopped in Sedona on the way up and back.  I've been there many times since. Many.  It's beautiful--very beautiful, touristy, expensive, great shops and restaurants, schlocky shops and restaurants--many art galleries--a good day trip for lunch--and to take visitors from other states.  Not once has anyone ever told me they felt peaceful, enlightened, healed, or any other mystical magic.  So much for the Google vortex stuff Meghan read word for word.

P.S.  It was a rainy day and the Grand Canyon was full of clouds.  We couldn't see anything "grand"!

Edited by HaaCHOO
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1 hour ago, HaaCHOO said:

WHY was Whoopi such a bitch about (and TO!) Beto O'Roarke?   Joy tried to add his "government" accomplishments but Whoopi paid that no mind and kept on rant/lecturing..to the panel, Beto, and US!  Her gray is a little touched up and her dreads are neater today.

I was wondering the same thing. It was odd. I'm not saying Beto is my guy, too early but why be so nasty about him. Then she acted like he was scared to go on the The View. I like that Joy add at the end I like him.

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, maggiemae said:

For a strong woman she sure did not make a comment regarding Lindsey Graham today as a political analyst.

She won't speak out against him.  He is part of her tribe.

5 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I was wondering the same thing. It was odd. I'm not saying Beto is my guy, too early but why be so nasty about him. Then she acted like he was scared to go on the The View. I like that Joy add at the end I like him.

If he turns out to be the nominee I bet Whoopi changes her tune.

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45 minutes ago, SuzieSioux said:

Meghan has squandered any goodwill people may feel for her. I've always tried to be fair in the past and note when I think she does something right, but really she's continually shown herself to be such a nasty, horrid woman, I can't think well of her at any moment anymore. I'm tired of situations like this that have people rushing to support the spoiled brat. I'm tired of shows like The View retconning John McCain (like they did today) to make him some kind of superstar when he was very problematic himself. Even Joy: she should go back and watch clips of herself talking about him in 2008 to remind herself of why she really didn't want him as president.

I understand why they are defending John McCain.  Trump is disgusting,  Meghan is their co worker, not that I think she would back them up. Joy would lose big time if she spoke on why she didn't want John McCain as President.  She would get dragged by almost everyone.  I agreed with her but at this point. It's would not be worth it.

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So NutMeg says Uncle Lindsey is not her dad's best friend, not even second best!  Ouch!  


As you all have noted it is the height of hypocrisy for NutMeg to be upset with Trump and Graham, when she rarely if ever calls out either of them for the shameful things they have said and done.

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, merriebreeze said:

Whoopi has a thing against younger, smarter people (Beto, AOC). Insecure much? She has great name recognition, but considering her moderating skills, it's hard to believe that she's that valuable to the show. 

Whoopie's disdain of Beto is odd. Her nonsensical rants about him reminded me why I did not miss Whoopie at all. I rolled my eyes as she spoke.. I think Beto speaking about White privilege triggered Whoopie. Beto being obtuse about his privilege should have been something for her to bitch about.. Whoopie started to mention that but she veered off the topic and just meandered about nothing.

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 12

Maybe it's the English teacher in me, but was I the only one who was horrified to read MM's tweet due to the glaring grammatical error?

She used "Saturday's" instead of "Saturdays."

I just can't with her to begin with, and then her dumb ass Columbia educated self (ahem, ahem) can't even figure out when to lose an apostrophe in a Tweet that's meant to be a mic drop moment?

Where the hell was Ben and why didn't he spell check her post?

Edited by Bridget
Mix drop isn’t the same as Mic Drop
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5 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

Sedona Schemona!   It's a "magical mystical" place for those who believe in that stuff.   Because my family didn't have a car, the first time I went to Sedona was in high school (Phoenix).  My best friend and I went with her fiance` (really) and his best friend.  The area had highways, but no freeways yet (1957).  We went to the Grand Canyon and stopped in Sedona on the way up and back.  I've been there many times since. Many.  It's beautiful--very beautiful, touristy, expensive, great shops and restaurants, schlocky shops and restaurants--many art galleries--a good day trip for lunch--and to take visitors from other states.  Not once has anyone ever told me they felt peaceful, enlightened, healed, or any other mystical magic.  So much for the Google vortex stuff Meghan read word for word.

P.S.  It was a rainy day and the Grand Canyon was full of clouds.  We couldn't see anything "grand"!

I've visited Sedona and I think it's absolutely stunning. And not going to lie, I've climbed some of those rocks and getting to the top, it was very peaceful and reflective for me. However, I've had similar experiences hiking the Niagara Trail, hiking national parks, standing on top of my city escarpment and looking at the greenery and blue waters away from the hustle and bustle of the city, discovering a beautiful waterfall hidden in an unassuming park, or being in the park during cherry blossom season. The point being, what is being sold as magical healing powers is really about an appreciation for Mother Nature. An appreciation for the beauty of earth that is untouched by man and you don't need to go to Sedona to experience that (though I recommend the trip, as I said, it's beautiful). There's a reason why spas imitate nature in its sounds and several of its services (hot rocks, mud baths, ice baths, salt springs, etc.) and there's a reason why rehab/wellness centres are often located on the outskirts of cities and surrounded by nature's trees and flowing rivers. This is not some formula unique to Sedona. There is a general concept and belief that nature is peacefulness and to be surrounded by it enables meditation and reflection, no surprise, we've seen Indigenous cultures say and practice this for centuries.

But like you said, if someone goes to Sedona believing that that particular spot has healing powers, then they're more inclined to believe that because they've conditioned their mind to expect that.

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23 minutes ago, Bridget said:

Maybe it's the English teacher in me, but was I the only one who was horrified to read MM's tweet due to the glaring grammatical error?

She used "Saturday's" instead of "Saturdays."

I just can't with her to begin with, and then her dumb ass Columbia educated self (ahem, ahem) can't even figure out when to lose an apostrophe in a Tweet that's meant to be a mix drop moment?

Where the hell was Ben and why didn't he spell check her post?

Eh, if you're an English teacher you surely see worse grammar mistakes than that every day. I know I do!

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, deirdra said:

LOL.  She coined a new word, but I think she is suffering from it.  Here's my definition;  Psychosemantic: warped meaning in language or logic caused or aggravated by a mental factor such as internal conflict or stress.

Perfect!  Love it.   And I wonder if she just got flummoxed and it came out that way, or if she's been mispronouncing that word all her life.

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