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S23.E10: The Women Tell All

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I wonder if this season was designed to be as un-Arie as possible.  Playboy vs. virgin.  Older vs. young.  Slim vs. lumpy.  Dumps his pick vs. obsessed with his pick.

I don't see Cassie as a villain, just bland, boring, inarticulate and indecisive.  She doesn't seem smart enough to plot all this.  It seems like most seasons, people complain about the final one going into an engagement after such a short time and while the guy is dating other women.  Now here's one who admits it wasn't enough time, and has her doubts because of the other women, and she gets the villain label.  I don't get it.

Ugh to all of the Women (Who) Tell All.  What an unpleasant bunch!  No wonder Colton wanted the boring one.  How depressing that so many of them think being loud, rude, and obnoxious means strong and independent.  For those who thought Bekah was too young for this show, may I present Demi, who seems stuck at about 15.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Hannah B had a great night, she looked amazing and her hopeful take on finding love in the future was a much better audition for The Bachelorette than Caelynn’s morose whining about getting dumped.

As for Colton, the joy on his face when he had that ice cream in the shower is more emotion than I’ve seen from him all season.

The only other time I saw his face light up with pure joy and affection, was during the bloopers when he saw the stray dog. That was the first time I  really liked Colton and it was all over.

The one time I found him sexy was when he went over the fence.  As someone who failed gymnastics class because I couldn't get my little dinosaur arms to heave my big rear up on the uneven bars -- I'm in awe of that kind of upper body strength

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11 hours ago, Pass the Tequila said:

I'm new here and don't want to piss anyone off, but if I could just chime in for a second on Demi. Some of my favourite posters hate her. I think if I were in my 20's, and not my 50's...she would drive me nuts. But...I kind of like her "sass"! And I admire her sticking up for herself and calling bullshit when she sees it. I'm all about female empowerment and I even found it refreshing when she unapologetically referred to herself as promiscuous. I lean towards prudish personally, but I still believe it's about time that it's okay for women to enjoy sex...and lots of it, (I guess in her case). Lol

She's a little spitfire... and she is wildly entertaining (to me)! I think that the producers picked her for a reason...and she's delivering in spades. I doubt (hope) she's not thaaaat over the top in real life.

As for the pacifier incident...I've refrained on commenting for fear I'll go on a rant, grr...but suffice it to say, it didn't escape my notice that the producers really skipped past that outburst post haste!...and I have an idea why --- lawsuit! I don't dislike Courtney btw...but you do NOT lay hands on anyone like that. I hope they're not in BIP together...or the other two - Oneyka and Nicole. Then again maybe I do. 😈

Female empowerment is not attacking  and ridiculing other females on TV so they can look pathetic to millions of viewers. 

Theres nothing secure about her.  She’s a complete asshole who finds other’s weak areas and picks away.  In the real world, if this little shit sniffer stepped up like this on a real hard ass, she’d be spitting up teeth and picking her extensions off the ground. 

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43 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Female empowerment is not attacking  and ridiculing other females on TV so they can look pathetic to millions of viewers

Agreed, and acting like a redneck male doesn't make you a strong feminist. Women should be free to have all the sex they want, but it should be her own business and not something particularly cool to brag about on TV. If a man sat there and bragged about how much sex he'd had, made ageist remarks about women over 30, rubbed it in if one of the women was less attractive and  less popular with the lead we would probably think he was a jerk.

Courtney was just as bad in a different way with her physical aggression. 

I worry about the young girls watching this, seeing grown women screaming at each other, and  one bragging about promiscuous sex while the audience cheers her on like it's a fine accomplishment. Female empowerment should be about having the courage to walk out if your boss wants to trade sexual favors for promotions and getting a good education so you can break that glass ceiling, it's not about acting like a man.  Women are better than that.

  • Love 19
20 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

was courtney the chick who never spoke to colton and whined all night that he wasnt coming for her? She lost my sympathy when she got physically aggressive with Demi, on national TV no less--I hope she is not rewarded wtith another show her behavior ( i dont care how much she was goaded on) was unnaceptable, and to me more unacceptable as soon as she got up and headed towards Demi security should have dragged her off the stage. just ridiculous. she is lucky she ddnt slip or accidentally knock someone over, very very foolish.

Yes, that was her. 

I didn't feel bad for her because she willingly stepped into the drama all the time. She could have done her own thing and tried to establish a relationship with Colton, but she didn't. She sat back and picked fights with people in the most condescending tone possible. She was even worse than "emotional intelligence" Taylor from a few seasons ago. Demi would never have even noticed her if she hadn't picked the fight, I think she assumed that enough people hated Demi that she would come out looking good. She was wrong.

The pacifier stunt fell so, so, so very flat. I honestly didn't even see what she did, if she wants to make a watercooler moment, she needs to learn about camera angles. All we saw was her back.

Also, she's just bad TV. She's boring even when being overdramatic. If they bring her to Paradise, I guarantee she goes home at the first RC.

I didn't like them encouraging Demi to be an asshole (though I will say that a lot of those supposed outbursts of laughter and applause sounded a bit off, like they took the same big reaction to one thing and edited it in to other spots*), but it didn't make me feel bad for Courtney. She picked a fight and lost.

*I have to assume that they're banking on Demi being a major player in Paradise and bring the drama, so they're artificially pumping her up.

The "older women" segment DID annoy me because the show seemed to play right into Demi's view of those positively 'ancient' 30-somethings. WTF was the point of that? 


Well, now that they've shown she can string a toast together, I'm on board with a Hannah B season. She's cute and actually has a personality, plus I liked her limo exit. Honestly, though, it's probably mostly because I dislike Caelynn so much.

Yeah, it probably speaks to my dislike of Caelynn as well because the idea that she got passed over at F4 and her BFF not only might have won the show, but also turned out to be "the one" for the guy they were sharing (she can say she was rooting for Cassie all she wants, but that still had to sting), AND the girl that she's been looking down her nose at for "not even placing" in their beauty contest might get the biggest prize of all...it's delicious schadenfreude. 

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"The "older women" segment DID annoy me because the show seemed to play right into Demi's view of those positively 'ancient' 30-somethings. WTF was the point of that?" While 30-something is in no way old, and they should have have been age shamed. I do think that 30-something is too old for this particular Bachelor. Colton may not be super young in actual years, but OMG he is the most youthful bachelor in history. Yes, there's the sexual inexperience, but he also seems like he's very inexperienced in relationships in general and in life. He just comes across as a guy who just left high school and is slightly terrified of what college is going to be like. No one over the age of say 25 should be interested in him as a husband. He's not fully developed yet. He's more suited to the younger girls. So in this context, a 30 something arguing with little girls like Demi over an adolescent boy like Colton is just sad.

  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

"The "older women" segment DID annoy me because the show seemed to play right into Demi's view of those positively 'ancient' 30-somethings. WTF was the point of that?"

While 30-something is in no way old, and they should have have been age shamed. I do think that 30-something is too old for this particular Bachelor. Colton may not be super young in actual years, but OMG he is the most youthful bachelor in history. Yes, there's the sexual inexperience, but he also seems like he's very inexperienced in relationships in general and in life. He just comes across as a guy who just left high school and is slightly terrified of what college is going to be like. No one over the age of say 25 should be interested in him as a husband. He's not fully developed yet. He's more suited to the younger girls. So in this context, a 30 something arguing with little girls like Demi over an adolescent boy like Colton is just sad.

Agreed, but it just reinforces that even having Colton as a Bachelor was pointless from the start. The gaggle of girls who were 23 going on 15 were a match for Colton's 26 going on 12 mentality, but talk of marriage had no place in any of it. There had to have been a better choice somewhere among the rejects of last season.

  • Love 8

I just misread this thread title as "The Women Yell All".  

And regarding anyone saying I just tell it like it is... that's code for I'll be as rude as I want to and it is your problem if you don't like it.

The pacifier stunt as assault as well as asinine.   

What a bunch they found for him.  Colton should have kept going after he jumped the fence and never came back.

Edited by DEL901
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7 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

The one time I found him sexy was when he went over the fence. 

That is exactly what I told my husband as one of my recaps from the show.  I also think that something about the coat he was wearing, boosted the sexy factor (but, ugh, when I just typed the word 'sexy' in conjunction with Colton, it really made me feel kind of icky).

55 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

I just misread this thread title as "The Women Yell All".  

Love it!!!  I am seriously going to steal that, and permanently refer to the show that way!

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3 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

AND the girl that she's been looking down her nose at for "not even placing" in their beauty contest might get the biggest prize of all...it's delicious schadenfreude. 

exactly, Im stunned caellyn got miss usa runner up---i know this sounds awful, but it has to be in part to her backstory, which is pretty awful. But yes, I love that hannah B will finally get hers, i like her, shes funny, quirky, silly and will make a much more interesting bachlorette, than anyone else except for Taylisha, but her over the top "fun fun fun" perkiness and fakery would get very old. sort f like Brit on Chris's season "oh I LUUUUUUUUV Iowa" not 🙂

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Even if you are, who tells the whole world they’re promiscuous?  Demi has no filter whatsoever and that voice of hers sends my cat running for cover.  And she thinks she’s mature?  Wow.  She’s perfect for Paradise, especially after announcing her...availability.  

I sort of feel sorry for Colton.  He seems a little lost.

Best part?  Break ups.  That was great.

There was a Jane????

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On 3/6/2019 at 1:09 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

I did, too.  But even funnier would have been the look on my face if I were Nicole and given a year's supply of low-calorie ice cream.  Even without spoken words, the caption machine would have displayed, "Fuck that shit."

I literally laughed out loud and felt the same way. Full-fat or bust!

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, EllenB said:

I don't see Cassie as a villain, just bland, boring, inarticulate and indecisive.  She doesn't seem smart enough to plot all this.  It seems like most seasons, people complain about the final one going into an engagement after such a short time and while the guy is dating other women.  Now here's one who admits it wasn't enough time, and has her doubts because of the other women, and she gets the villain label.  I don't get it.

I don’t expect the final pick to actually get engaged and/or make it down the altar, but I do expect her to at least want to date the Bachelor. Based on what I’ve seen, Cassie made it to the Final 4 and is super indifferent about even dating the Colton (sans engagement). That’s a bit shady to me and suggests Katie/Tayisha/Kirpa were right on the money about her.

By no means a villain, but not exactly a saint either. 

  • Love 6

Holy heck, did I get bitch-slapped! 😉
I stand corrected on some points that I could have clarified better.

FWIW it's not like I lose sleep over any of these people. And.. I'm well aware that Demi is hardly fabulous...but I still can't get enough of her. (sorry not sorry). 😜 I respect your valid points though.

Moving on to next week...I cannot wait to see if Hannah G goes to the fs or if it's even presented as an option? I would think Colton would have to tell her about what happened...no? And what will Taisha's reaction be? I can't even imagine how these relationships can move forward.

Hannah B for next b'ette would be a season I'd look forward to...and not just because of my dislike for Caelyn. I may have to see that one in BIP though, bleh. 💩

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8 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Agreed, but it just reinforces that even having Colton as a Bachelor was pointless from the start. The gaggle of girls who were 23 going on 15 were a match for Colton's 26 going on 12 mentality, but talk of marriage had no place in any of it. There had to have been a better choice somewhere among the rejects of last season.

Maybe when this is all over Colton will go back on BIP and find love with Tia

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, limecoke said:

Even if you are, who tells the whole world they’re promiscuous?  Demi has no filter whatsoever and that voice of hers sends my cat running for cover.  And she thinks she’s mature?  Wow.  She’s perfect for Paradise, especially after announcing her...availability.  

I sort of feel sorry for Colton.  He seems a little lost.

Best part?  Break ups.  That was great.

There was a Jane????

Makes me wonder if Demi's related to Michael Scott of Dunder-Mifflin fame. 

Edited by One4Sorrow2TooBad
  • LOL 3
19 hours ago, Pass the Tequila said:

Holy heck, did I get bitch-slapped! 😉

Aw, I'm sorry, Tequila.  That was mainly just me saying in 500 words what could have been said in 5.  My long winded rambling can make people feel lectured.

I love it when some one comes along with an unpopular opinion so we have something to bounce  off.

But that's what I love about Previously TV.  There are boards on the internet where the entire episode thread would have been:

Colton sucks.

Caelynn's hot.

Demi OWNED Courtney.

Colton sucks.

The pacifier.  I died.

Colton hot in teh shower.

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On 3/6/2019 at 3:55 PM, Mu Shu said:

(Demis)’s not as cute as she thinks she is.  

There were a few scenes in the middle of the season where she looked REALLY young in a creepy bad way : the one that is coming to mind is a group date in Asia where she ran up to greet Colton first at the start of the day portion of the date. She was wearing a cropped shirt and shorts and full makeup. I didn't see a "Woman", I saw Jon Benet Ramsey. It crepes me out, especially with how sexually aggressive she was (not critiquing being sexually  aggressive, itwas just off-putting coming from someone presenting as so young)

On 3/7/2019 at 3:24 PM, waving feather said:

Colton was really cold to Caelynn. 

I never thought he was into her ( or vice versa) - I don't think he liked the Hannah drama, I think she was a producer plant with the potential to be the next Bachelorette from day one, and he had to keep her after her opening up about her rape.  I think he may blame her for whatever goes down with Cassie (I'm unspoiled), but Colton was clearly into Cassie and at this point that relationship is  a huge mess and he looks bad for not realizing what's going on with Cassie and Cassie is being dragged for being confused. It's bad, and some of that is due to the Cassie/Caelynn convo on the bus, and its easier to blame the person you don't like than the one you do. 

On 3/7/2019 at 4:48 PM, Pass the Tequila said:

Iif I could just chime in for a second on Demi.... But...I kind of like her "sass"! And I admire her sticking up for herself and calling bullshit when she sees it....

She's a little spitfire... and she is wildly entertaining (to me)! I think that the producers picked her for a reason...and she's delivering in spades. I doubt (hope) she's not thaaaat over the top in real life.

Her sass was fun.  It was her cruelty that went hand in hand with that that was so off-putting to many of us. IMHO, she led with the cruelty, and responded when challenged with the sass, which deflected the cruelty pretty effectively. I just wish she hadn't started with cruelty, towards Tracy, towards Courtney or toward anyone else. 

Edited by fib
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2 hours ago, fib said:

Her sass was fun.  It was her cruelty that went hand in hand with that that was so off-putting to many of us.

I think as she gets older and more secure in herself the cruelty might fade out. At that point she will be a fun, sarcastic, snarky entertainer. Right now I think she lashes out with cruelty because, no matter how much she says she is mature and knows who she is, she has no clue and is covering it with attacking others, as is typical for young, insecure people. 

I do think she has potential as a person, which I can't say for some of the others. 

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It's all good JudyObscure. Thanks for replying. 😊

In retrospect... I've asked myself, what was I even thinking by mentioning the concept of "female empowerment" on a discussion forum for a show like The Bachelor to begin with! 😋

But Demi aside, I do enjoy reading you all, and hearing different viewpoints and opinions. I've had a few lightbulb moments, that actually surprised me. So thanks for those. Warning though, if Demi is on BIP,  I'll be pretty vocal in those threads ...and expect that I'll have my work cut out for me explaining the joy I find in "some" of her actions! 😉

I can hardly wait for tomorrow and Tuesday episodes! And I look forward to catching up here again then. 😃

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Warning though, if Demi is on BIP,  I'll be pretty vocal in those threads ...and expect that I'll have my work cut out for me explaining the joy I find in "some" of her actions! 😉

I enjoy Demi at times. She is quick with one-liners and can be funny. I like that she sows some personality and doesn't just parrot the "journey", "vulnerable", "right reasons" talking points. I cracked up in the one episode when she said she wished she were a fly on the wall to overhear some conversation, and when scolded by another girl responded back "oh, you don't?" She seems to enjoy life and knows how to have fun.

I also find her ridiculously pretty. Yes, she looks young, and I find other women more beautiful, but her looks are really quite flawless, in my opinion.

However, I would like her a lot more if she would just have fun and stop with the "old" comments and picking on people. I think she will be fun on Paradise where it's a bit less about competition and more about having a good time.

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I think that the larger problem with Demi is that she shows how ridiculously--and foolishly--"meta" this show has become.  No one just comes on it anymore.  They all come having scripted their own roles in relation to earlier seasons and then try to put a new spin on it.  Demi wanted to be Corrine 2.0 but didn't have the skill.

Edited by call me ishmael
I just wanted to let people know that there is no quote. Not sure why it is there or how to get rid of it.
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1 hour ago, call me ishmael said:

I think that the larger problem with Demi is that she shows how ridiculously--and foolishly--"meta" this show has become.  No one just comes on it anymore.  They all come having scripted their own roles in relation to earlier seasons and then try to put a new spin on it.  Demi wanted to be Corrine 2.0 but didn't have the skill.

in all fairness the shows themselves have been "casting" in a certain way for years---I had a friend who tried out for survivor and made it very far in the "casting process" and they actually told her she was going to be the "mom" lol. Demis first line to Colton made me cringe a bit, something to the effect of her "first virgin" but she did have some amusing moments--but not the person i would want as an enemy lol.

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On 3/8/2019 at 1:23 PM, DEL901 said:

I just misread this thread title as "The Women Yell All". 

That was so funny!

On 3/9/2019 at 2:33 PM, JudyObscure said:

The pacifier.  I died.

In all honesty, I was horrified by the stunt.  Who knows what that pacifier was dipped in.  Complete assault.

On 3/8/2019 at 3:04 PM, limecoke said:

Even if you are, who tells the whole world they’re promiscuous?

I only clicked by the show a couple of times and would always catch, on a commercial, the girl who said the last virgin she was with was when she was 12 years old.  WTF?  Sex at 12?  He should have just told her to get back in the limo right there.  How long did she last?

I will agree that the fence jump was awesome!  Wow!  I was impressed.

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1 hour ago, jumper sage said:

In all honesty, I was horrified by the stunt.  Who knows what that pacifier was dipped in.  Complete assault. 

I thought it was horrible, too.  My, "The pacifier.  I died," was part of my parody of the sort of message boards where posters only say a few words at a time.  Usually not very nice ones.  I wasn't very clear about what I was doing there.  Sorry.

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