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S01.E15: Hard Landing


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Why don't they just use a real wolf. Not wolfy enough?

The "I'm fine" after concussion/trauma trope is the worst!

Interest flagging. It's not even that it's bad any more, just uninteresting. Watched on mute while reading The Expanse forum. Now there's a show!

If any J Random Individual can go thru the same effect as the 828ers, then...zzzz.

More half-assed numerology (is that redundant?) - robber guy was gone for exactly 828 mins! Yea sure. That timing could easily have been off and they'd be like, he was gone for...827 mins, that's weird! 

Edited by fauntleroy
  • Love 5

Am I inventing a connection or did they actually hint that Zeke is the Major's son? I wasn't paying close attention and I remember a file with her picture around the same time Zeke's DNA was being run. Or am I conflating 2 scenes (or a scene and a preview)?

If there is a tie between the Major and either (both?) Zeke and Griffin, that would at least make some sense in the context of the show.

But now I'm reading in the forums that they don't plan to reveal what happened to the plane until the finale in 5 years, I don't know if I will stick it out. The characters aren't compelling enough for me to stick around waiting for answers to the mysteries for that long.

TV showrunners and writers need to take lessons from the team from The West Wing. That show could make the tedious process of passing legislation "must-see tv". Meanwhile these people can't make me care about something truly extraordinary.

Edited by slothgirl
  • Love 14
31 minutes ago, slothgirl said:

TV showrunners and writers need to take lessons from the team from The West Wing. That show could make the tedious process of passing legislation "must-see tv". Meanwhile these people can't make me care about something truly extraordinary.

Well put.

Thank goodness for Grace stopping Ben's endless "We must protect the kids from the fact people may be trying to harm us so that when they get killed it will be a total surprise for them" crap again.  Yes Ben, don't tell them so they will be trusting towards strangers approaching them with guns in their hands.  Geez.  Ben will always be a total overbearing asshole.

And Mic (err..writers) how stupid to think that Wolfman wouldn't use the info to save his skin?  Every single viewer knew that would be what he would do 2 seconds into her spilling the beans to him.  "ONLY you can save these people.  ONLY you have the location.  Tell us and just possibly maybe we can get you maybe 40 years in prison instead of life."  Wolfman: "You got to be kidding? You're a for real detective?"

And Jealous Jerrod go walk off a cliff somewhere.  Also no one gets a cup of coffee in some law enforcement place on any TV show without it being used to get their prints.  Tired writing yet again.

  • Love 7

That was pretty lame for the penultimate episode.  We ended the episode where ended the last episode... a really bad CGI wolf meaning who knows what. 

Michaela's mission for 40 minutes was a complete fail and thus ultimately pointless... whether or not Michaela got through to Griffin (helping without immunity vs. helping only with immunity), the outcome would have been the same.  

I enjoyed watching Ben, Grace and Olive working as a team and then texting info to Michaela.  But that family and their leaps of logic are extraordinary.  Michaela and Zeke and Griffin are connected because they all blame themselves for losing someone they loved!  Did Cal kill someone by accident too?   

And of course, the big breakthrough lightbulb moment - realizing that the Callings could be used for evil.  How many Stones does it take a screw in a lightbulb?

Ben and Grace sitting in front of their Macbooks and Olive in front of her Microsoft Surface.  These Writers have their product placement down and that's the real Calling or should we say Ka-ching that counts.

They kept showing Cal building that sinister Popsicle stick model and you just know it's not a good thing.

It was a bit frustrating to see Saanvi refuse to do anything about her PTSD.  

Jared was insufferable in this episode.  Are they trying to make us hate him?  

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 17

Seriously, could someone do something about that awful CGI wolf? Its just...embarrassingly bad. Its 1997 made for TV movie bad. Pretty sure I could make a better effect on my phone in line at the bank in between catching Charmanders. 

Its kind of interesting having this low life guy get these powers, but the big revelation is that their powers could be used for evil? I mean, duh, they obviously can if your a selfish dick. Like the guy from the plane running his own cult, there are always going to be people who want to take something special about them and use it for their own personal gain, just like there are people who want to use it selflessly, and people who just want to chill at their house and order pizza. Its not really that surprising. 

It was nice to see the whole family on the same page and working together though, and I will take that over a stupid love triangle any day of the week. On the other hand, I guess that meant we need to get that ever expanding gelatinous mess that is the love quadrangle with Mc/Jared/Lourdes/Zeke. So cheating on his wife with his ex who was her best friend who he was going to marry before she was lost at sea just wasnt enough of a mess, he now has to act like a jealous dick towards some guy his ex knows? He has no business worrying about who she is seeing, as he is totally still married as far as we know, despite their cheating and the whole mess in general, and abusing his job as a cop to be a dick to some guy she might be into is a really awful misuse of power. Yeah Zeke might be up to something, but its obvious why he is actually upset. Zeke could be the purest least shady guy on the planet, and he would still be running around trying to act like a badass and messing with him, even using police time and resources. 

Yeah, all the drama about Zeke's mom made me wonder if his mom is the Major. At least that would kind of tie him into things more. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Camera One said:

How many Stones does it take a screw in a lightbulb?

Not going to happen.  Neither one will tell the other the information because "We have to protect the children."

A Law & Order detective would have told Griffin "We're going to charge you with armed robbery and murder.  Long prison term.  However, if there is a bomb and it goes off, you will be charged with aiding and abetting a terrorist.  We will seek the death penalty for that, as it is a federal crime. You have 5 minutes to make up your mind."

I have this bad feeling that way too much time will now be taken up with Michaela and the crew chasing after Griffin as he attempts, week after week, to exploit his newfound leverage.

  • Love 13
53 minutes ago, Dowel Jones said:

A Law & Order detective would have told Griffin "We're going to charge you with armed robbery and murder.  Long prison term.  However, if there is a bomb and it goes off, you will be charged with aiding and abetting a terrorist.  We will seek the death penalty for that, as it is a federal crime. You have 5 minutes to make up your mind."

And not just L&O. Brenda from The Closer and Captain Raydor from Major Crimes would've offered Griffin the same sentencing leniency deal. Maybe in the show's reality there are no scripted or true crime TV shows. Or maybe only teenagers watch them, since only teenagers know about MySpace and/or the Internet Archive. Dammit! Olive should've interrogated the guy!

So the same digital video creator who brought us the razorbacks on Zoo must've been hired with his same software to create this wolf, and the actress who plays Grace played a terrible sister on Zoo too. There must be a connection! 

And Saanvi no doubt doesn't just have PTSD, it's a calling! Or something.

  • Love 2

For starters, this armored car heist must be occurring on a parallel world where there is no vehicle traffic whatsoever on the streets of New York.
Seriously, that street went from lots of cars and a lot of pedestrian traffic before the robbery to almost zero traffic as far as the eye could see.

And the driver takes off his mask before driving away -- but that was ok since nearly all the pedestrians on the street had disappeared.  And then the van slows down and turns on its right-turn signal in the middle of the block for some reason.  Because criminals escaping a crime scene are very observant of traffic laws.  It might have helped if they showed how the van ended up in the river -- police chase ?

As they loaded the van driver into the ambulance, for some reason his hair and beard were completely dry.  And no one thought that was odd after being submerged for 3 days.  Yet when he gets to the hospital his face is damp, like someone ran a damp sponge over his face.  Does this show even have a continuity guy ?  Also, his overalls were completely dry in the hospital ER.

How did Michaela know the van driver's name was Griffin ? When he started yelling, Michaela called him by name.  
Did he have his wallet on him ?  Because that's something criminals rarely carry --- while committing a crime !!

The van was in the river from Wed. 11:06am to Saturday 9:14pm -- which is exactly 82 hours and 8 minutes.  Sure it was.

Oh noooeess, Saanvi has the PTSD.  I'm sure that will come into play later on.

Zeke brings the snark -- nice !
Ben: "And why now ? Why two non-passengers back-to-back ?"
Zeke: "Really, you're going to lump me and natural born killer in together ?

Jared is just a wee touch jealous of Zeke.

So Michaela is worried about Griffin getting off the murder charges, but that whole armed robbery charge seems to be no big deal considering he only stole $75 million.
Would $75 million really fit inside those 2 duffle bags ?

Oh crap, now the Stones are reading the dumpster fire that is Reddit for tips about 828 haters.

This guy is a criminal -- how come no one thinks that maybe he also built the bomb ? Especially since Griffin is acting like the Joker from 'The Dark Knight' killing his own henchmen.

How did the details about Griffin get out so quickly to Cody et al ?  

The Stones have duelling MacBook Pros -- I guess finances aren't as tight as they let on -- and Olive has a Microsoft Surface.

This episode of Manifest brought to you by Apple, Microsoft and Reddit.  And apparently MySpace. And LinkedIn.

According to James Griffin's rap sheet that Grace held up, the date/time of the report was Nov. 30, 2018 at 12:22:38, so it's barely December.  But they were in December 2 episodes ago.

Hah!  Zeke gets busted seconds after attempting to break into a house while trying to pick the lock on the front door.  Did he even bother to check the street for cops first ?

Angela Graham has pictures on her smartphone from 14 years ago.  Before smartphones even existed.  Seriously ?  Now, that's a miracle.

I'm onboard with the Cal being evil.

So, this show has enough money for a large scene in Times Square, but can't afford to pay the CGI guys to come up with a decent looking wolf.  WTF ?
That wolf looked so bad.

That couldn't have been a real bomb because there was no blue wire.  There's always a red wire and a blue wire.

  • LOL 8
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7 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Does this show have no budget? Better not to do that horrible wolf. 

Just when I thought the show was giving up the drama, here we get Jared jealous of Zeke for absolutely no reason. 

Jared pulled out that measuring stick with a quickness, didn’t he? I seriously hope Zeke and Michaela end up together. I’m too pissed off with Jared over the way he treated his wife, so I admit I could be a little biased, though 😗

  • LOL 1
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26 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Angela Graham has pictures on her smartphone from 14 years ago.  Before smartphones even existed.  Seriously ?  Now, that's a miracle.

 I have pictures on my smartphone that are over 50 years old. I simply uploaded them from elsewhere. 

Awful episode - boring. Everyone just went around in circles, accomplishing nothing.

Whatever happened to the podcast guy? That went nowhere. 

  • Love 10

Michaela is really the worst detective ever.  She hand fed Griffin all the info he needed and then she was shocked he would use it for evil.  How long have they let you work with criminals, Michaela?  Speaking of Michaela, the actress’ monotone delivery is just awful. There was a moment where she broke monotone and you could hear some emotion in her voice - this stood out to me because it rarely happens!  In fact, I don’t even know what was happening in the scene because I just remember thinking “Michaela is really getting emotional!”  

One of the big problems with the writing of this show is they can’t seem to develop conflict.  Before the Stone family started working together, Ben’s main conflict was that he couldn’t tell his family because he had to protect them.  It just felt so lame.  Now Jared has a conflict with Zeke because ...well why, exactly? Because Zeke talks to Michaela and that makes Jared jealous? Why, writers?  Why does that happen? I could write a better conflict when I was in middle school, and I suck at writing! 

Someone upthread mentioned that we won’t find out what happened to the plane until the finale in 5 years.  I doubt this show makes it that far.  It’s a shame because it has a great concept but they need better writers to develop this story. 

  • Love 6

Griffin wasn’t the wolf since Michaela saw the wolf after he was caught and mentioned that it wasn’t over yet.  I think the “wolf” is in “sheep’s clothing” metaphorically speaking.  Michaela trusts Zeke. Maybe Zeke is the wolf in sheep’s clothing and it is him that is going to burn Mic.  Maybe his breakin is not so innocent after all. 

If he is the major’s son, maybe the major will “turn” him and he will become the wolf in the inner circle.

  • Love 6

All I can say is I hope this is the SERIES finale.   I had such high hopes for this show (don't typically watch supernatural shows but this looked interesting, initially) but it's become so convoluted and with new characters popping up each week, they haven't fleshed out the other main characters or finished hanging storylines, e.g., pilot/dr./missing plane, radio station guy, etc.

Since their return, Grace has gone from being 100% totally disinterested and aloof to be the biggest advocate now of finding out what happened.  Olive has strung all right pieces together in nano-second time (even though Ben's been working on this since they returned)  but I guess their trying to show family unity (and, absolutely, noticed all the product placement as well *sigh*).   Cal building his "dragon" popsicle stick figure (another message) IS a bit creepy.  And the side story with Jared and Zeke - WTH is that about? Mic is annoying/irritating (why does she continue to pursue evil Griffin?)  

Yep - had the same impression that Zeke is the Major's son.  I was certain when he rang the doorbell, she would appear.    And finally, yeah, that's the worst CGI wolf I've even seen!  Seriously, in this day and age, they couldn't have done better - jeez!   My interest has really waned from the first few episodes and I am no longer truly invested in the characters or storyline.

I was SMH (shaking my head) throughout this pitifully lame excuse of an episode and am almost begging for this not to be renewed for another season--unless they find MUCH better writers.  What a disappointment to what could have been great storytelling.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, cathmed said:

All I can say is I hope this is the SERIES finale.   I had such high hopes for this show (don't typically watch supernatural shows but this looked interesting, initially) but it's become so convoluted and with new characters popping up each week, they haven't fleshed out the other main characters or finished hanging storylines, e.g., pilot/dr./missing plane, radio station guy, etc.

The show has decent ratings, so I'm pretty sure they'll be back next season. 

Since I agree with your post, I don't know if I'll be back next season. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I would hate to think that Jared is correct about Zeke.  Jared is such a possessive controlling asshole that didn't have the guts to tell his wife that he was intimately involved with Michaela.  The same Jared who was pissed off at Michaela  for basically confirming to Jared's wife that she had indeed slept with Jared.

I think Jared may be correct about Zeke; I just can't figure out if the audience is supposed to know that or not. 
I mean, are we supposed to be annoyed at Jared and then forgive him and be happy when Michaela throws herself into his arms when Jared rescues her because he was following/stalking her (to protect her from her own naivety)?
Or are we supposed to see Zeke as skeevey and be rooting for Jared?

But maybe Jared will just be wrong, and he an Lourdes will move to L.A. where he has a job offer and where they will have babies off screen.

The big question: Will this get resolved before the show is cancelled, and, if not, will the show runner tell us how it was supposed to end?

  • Love 3

I think Zeke and the wolf guy kind of add an interesting wrinkle if they are used correctly.   I have liked the element of some people not using their visions for good and am guessing Zeke will be a gray area for a while whereas there will be some like the murderer who are clearly dark.

I am guessing the show probably will have a season 2.  If so, they need to focus and sharpen the adversaries, and have a few of them have a more consistent presence and a more tangible threat.  If they want to keep the major in the shadows and more of a mystery- the need to have one of her chief subordinates be an evil we see more often.

I know the wolf was really bad CGI, but in a way if kind of worked as a vision versus a real animal - as if she was seeing some animal out of a dream.  Although I am guessing that is not what they were intending and it was supposed to look real.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, preeya said:

This show has morphed into a very bad comedy. I LOL'd throughout.

Since when does the gov't negotiate with terrorists. (Full immunity for double murder) GMAB. Oh yeah, another LOL moment.

Very bad comedy indeed.  I can't believe they think people will stick this out for a five year run.   I'll watch next week, just to see how absurd they make it, then I'm out.

A lot of it is the acting.  Prince Charming couldn't dredge up an emotion if you held a knife to his throat.  Eyebrows is almost as bad.  I don't like Grace the character, but the actress is achieving something.  Apparently, we don't get more Daniel Sunjatta.  Both Zeke and Griffin were able to show some character nuances, so they are probably not long timers either.

  • LOL 2
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7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I realize I can’t apply real life principles but literally in what world ever would they try to diffuse a bomb without clearling a larger perimeter even before the approached it!!!!

I was appalled those people were standing there watching the bomb being diffused.  I would have gotten the hell out of there.

1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

It surprised me when one of the characters said the robber should be dead after being in the water for over 80 hours, that it hasn't occurred to that character that all of the passengers and Zeke from the cave are dead as well. 

The plane and Zeke presumably "disappeared" and went through some sort of time vortex.  Could they detect the getaway van in the water the entire time?  Or did the van go through a time loop the moment it fell off the pier, and then it come back 80 hours later just in time for the machinery to hoist it up?  If the van was actually there all that time, and only Griffin time-travelled, then was the plane flying in the air without the passengers for 5 years?

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 5
5 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

That couldn't have been a real bomb because there was no blue wire.  There's always a red wire and a blue wire.

Not only that , but there was no countdown timer to keep us all in suspense. I'm sure that if there was a timer , it would have shown 8 min 28 sec until it detonated.

You have to give Saanvi some credit for figuring out that the van was submerged for 82 hrs 8 min. Not that she figured it out , but that she did the math in her head.

So Ben said that the plane has been back for only 6 weeks. At this rate, if the show lasts 5 years ( highly doubtful ) , the entire series would have occurred over what..... 5 or 6 months ? 

  • Love 6

I don't really care that Jared may be right about Zeke, the guy is a total douchebag and comes off as controlling. Go back to your wife, Jared! Actually, how 'bout you go on a really long break?

I thought Grace was insufferable, but Jared is way up there. And the actor is such a robot.

There's nothing rootworthy about any of these relationships. 

I don't think Zeke has anything to do with the wolf. He had a calling about it last episode, didn't he? 

Michaela is a terrible detective. She gave Griffin everything because he was one of them, not taking into consideration what this guy who is accused of murdering two men for $75 million would do with this type of knowledge.

  • Love 5
20 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I thought Grace was insufferable, but Jared is way up there. 

It seems like the writers of this show can't write drama in a relationship with making at least one person a totally unreasonable self-righteous jerk.

21 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I don't think Zeke has anything to do with the wolf. He had a calling about it last episode, didn't he? 

Good point.  The "Callings" are misleading as hell and there's going to come a point when they stop being mysterious and they become a downright irritating way for the Writers to spin their wheels. 

We will know after next episode if we can completely excise the entire Griffin subplot and still end up with the same endpoint.  It would be even worse if we can take out Zeke and it still makes no difference.  Notice the last few episodes, we have moved away from the plane to "explore" these two random people.  

  • Love 5

They forgot to get someone to check if a dark lightning storm occurred during the bank heist and the impacts of electrical current on wormholes in near-shore diffraction patterns of waves.  Make grandpa the new science expert of google and have him join the research team in the dining room, stat and give him a Chromebook for another sponsor slot!

Edited by Camera One
  • LOL 7
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Would $75 million really fit inside those 2 duffle bags ? 

Given the brilliance of the crooks involved, it probably consisted of the fabled $10,000 bills.

8 hours ago, Snickerdoodle said:

Someone upthread mentioned that we won’t find out what happened to the plane until the finale in 5 years.  I doubt this show makes it that far

Maybe the show will go through some dark lightning somewhere next season, and we will be magically transported five years into the future.

3 hours ago, Orillia said:

Not only that , but there was no countdown timer to keep us all in suspense. I'm sure that if there was a timer , it would have shown 8 min 28 sec until it detonated.

Inside he writers' room:  (Sound of hand slapping the table top)  Dammit dammit dammit!  Why didn't we think of that?

  • LOL 5
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8 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

For starters, this armored car heist must be occurring on a parallel world where there is no vehicle traffic whatsoever on the streets of New York.
Seriously, that street went from lots of cars and a lot of pedestrian traffic before the robbery to almost zero traffic as far as the eye could see.

And the driver takes off his mask before driving away -- but that was ok since nearly all the pedestrians on the street had disappeared.  And then the van slows down and turns on its right-turn signal in the middle of the block for some reason.  Because criminals escaping a crime scene are very observant of traffic laws.  It might have helped if they showed how the van ended up in the river -- police chase ?

As they loaded the van driver into the ambulance, for some reason his hair and beard were completely dry.  And no one thought that was odd after being submerged for 3 days.  Yet when he gets to the hospital his face is damp, like someone ran a damp sponge over his face.  Does this show even have a continuity guy ?  Also, his overalls were completely dry in the hospital ER.

How did Michaela know the van driver's name was Griffin ? When he started yelling, Michaela called him by name.  
Did he have his wallet on him ?  Because that's something criminals rarely carry --- while committing a crime !!

The van was in the river from Wed. 11:06am to Saturday 9:14pm -- which is exactly 82 hours and 8 minutes.  Sure it was.

Oh noooeess, Saanvi has the PTSD.  I'm sure that will come into play later on.

Zeke brings the snark -- nice !
Ben: "And why now ? Why two non-passengers back-to-back ?"
Zeke: "Really, you're going to lump me and natural born killer in together ?

Jared is just a wee touch jealous of Zeke.

So Michaela is worried about Griffin getting off the murder charges, but that whole armed robbery charge seems to be no big deal considering he only stole $75 million.
Would $75 million really fit inside those 2 duffle bags ?

Oh crap, now the Stones are reading the dumpster fire that is Reddit for tips about 828 haters.

This guy is a criminal -- how come no one thinks that maybe he also built the bomb ? Especially since Griffin is acting like the Joker from 'The Dark Knight' killing his own henchmen.

How did the details about Griffin get out so quickly to Cody et al ?  

The Stones have duelling MacBook Pros -- I guess finances aren't as tight as they let on -- and Olive has a Microsoft Surface.

This episode of Manifest brought to you by Apple, Microsoft and Reddit.  And apparently MySpace. And LinkedIn.

According to James Griffin's rap sheet that Grace held up, the date/time of the report was Nov. 30, 2018 at 12:22:38, so it's barely December.  But they were in December 2 episodes ago.

Hah!  Zeke gets busted seconds after attempting to break into a house while trying to pick the lock on the front door.  Did he even bother to check the street for cops first ?

Angela Graham has pictures on her smartphone from 14 years ago.  Before smartphones even existed.  Seriously ?  Now, that's a miracle.

I'm onboard with the Cal being evil.

So, this show has enough money for a large scene in Times Square, but can't afford to pay the CGI guys to come up with a decent looking wolf.  WTF ?
That wolf looked so bad.

That couldn't have been a real bomb because there was no blue wire.  There's always a red wire and a blue wire.

I thought I misheard the $75 million ! It's just not possible unless they took things other than cash, such as gold or bearer bonds ( which is highly unlikely, as those kind of things are usually kept in a vault, thus much harder to get at quickly.) The highest denomination bills in circulation today are $100 dollar bills, meaning to steal $75 million, there would have to be 750,000 of them in the 2 duffel bags ! I know this show is terrible with logic and all, but they should at least be able to do some math !

The van driving slowly down the street after the heist was funny, it was just so dumb.

All the onlookers within earshot of them defusing the bomb was also dumb.

I do like the show, but all the dumb stuff does get to me and it makes it kind of hard to enjoy the story. Every episode there is a list of things like this.

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, cathmed said:

All I can say is I hope this is the SERIES finale.   I had such high hopes for this show (don't typically watch supernatural shows but this looked interesting, initially) but it's become so convoluted and with new characters popping up each week, they haven't fleshed out the other main characters or finished hanging storylines, e.g., pilot/dr./missing plane, radio station guy, etc.

I hope not, since I am enjoying the show overall, even with all its problems. Which is a MASSIVELY unpopular opinion on this board, I understand. 😀 But ratings are still decent given its 10 p.m. slot, so I think it will get renewed for a second season. I actually had no opinion of this show at all when it first started; as with new shows, I just wanted to check them out. If I don't like the first 3 or 4 episodes, I drop them. So far, it has held my attention.

Overall, I liked the new angles and mysteries developing this last episode. I also like that we now have less family and interpersonal drama and more mystery.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Camera One said:

They forgot to get someone to check if a dark lightning storm occurred during the bank heist and the impacts of electrical current on wormholes in near-shore diffraction patterns of waves.  Make grandpa the new science expert of google and have him join the research team in the dining room, stat and give him a Chromebook for another sponsor slot!

My money is on the previously undiscovered dark lightning submarine which fired dark lightning torpedoes at the van in the water and transported the van 3 days into the future. </sarcasm>


  • LOL 5
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So, wait, Zeke didn't want to just ring his mom's doorbell because he didn't want to upset her...so he thought breaking in was better? Did I get that right?

I don't get Grace's disbelief that a 'bad guy' could get a calling. They don't know what they are, where they come from, what the purpose is, and she only just like, yesterday, finally accepted that this was a real thing...but she just assumed only good people would have them? Why?

11 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Angela Graham has pictures on her smartphone from 14 years ago.  Before smartphones even existed.  Seriously ?  Now, that's a miracle.

Ha! I thought the same thing. I mean, sure, people can put old pictures on their phone, or they could be on facebook or something (but she had it quite readily pulled up), but, what, she basically wants to forget all about this kid she fostered who turned out to be a bad guy so she keeps pictures of him and his friend from 20 years ago easily accessible in case a random stranger comes asking questions about him? Sure.

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

My money is on the previously undiscovered dark lightning submarine which fired dark lightning torpedoes at the van in the water and transported the van 3 days into the future. </sarcasm>


If they get transported into the future, shouldn't who/whatever is causing it be shooting for August 28?

They could visit the polar bears at the zoo then.

  • Love 2
19 hours ago, slothgirl said:

But now I'm reading in the forums that they don't plan to reveal what happened to the plane until the finale in 5 years, I don't know if I will stick it out. The characters aren't compelling enough for me to stick around waiting for answers to the mysteries for that long.

They better have a plan to reveal other interesting information or something to make up for it. Otherwise, no one will wait 5 years. Or else the explanation better be pretty freaking amazing.

13 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I realize I can’t apply real life principles but literally in what world ever would they try to diffuse a bomb without clearling a larger perimeter even before the approached it!!!!

I also couldn't believe all those people who stood around watching.  Run away from the bomb people!

Although I once read about people in real life who went to the beach to "watch the tsunami" after an earthquake, so maybe people would watch.

6 hours ago, Camera One said:

I was appalled those people were standing there watching the bomb being diffused.  I would have gotten the hell out of there.

The plane and Zeke presumably "disappeared" and went through some sort of time vortex.  Could they detect the getaway van in the water the entire time?  Or did the van go through a time loop the moment it fell off the pier, and then it come back 80 hours later just in time for the machinery to hoist it up?  If the van was actually there all that time, and only Griffin time-travelled, then was the plane flying in the air without the passengers for 5 years?

The plane wasn't in the air for five years, because I'm sure even with all the idiots in this universe, someone would have detected the plane. Or the plane would have been in a different point in space.

I'm guessing the van wasn't under water the whole time, it's not like they had cameras down there or anything. Maybe that is why it took so long to pull the van out of the water?

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16 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I'm guessing the van wasn't under water the whole time, it's not like they had cameras down there or anything. Maybe that is why it took so long to pull the van out of the water?

Yes, this is what happened.  I checked the dialogue for the previous episode, and they did mention an electrical storm too.


"Recovery of the getaway vehicle from that armored-car heist that went into the East River."

"It's going on four days now.  At first, divers couldn't go into the water because of the electrical storm.   Now they can't even find the thing."

"Now, last night, a couple of geniuses with scuba tanks tried to find it themselves.  So, the chief of detectives wants a gold shield on-site, 'round the clock, till the thing comes up."

  • Love 4
49 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

So, wait, Zeke didn't want to just ring his mom's doorbell because he didn't want to upset her...so he thought breaking in was better? Did I get that right?

Wait, is that Zeke's story? If so, not too bright.
Anyway, if we assume the evil queen is Zeke's mom, and considering this:

4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

What I don't understand, with all of the years of air travel, why would that be happening now?  Shouldn't it have happened at least once long before now?   Shouldn't there be a record of it?

--I have a semi-workable theory: Evil MaybeZekeMom is an orchestrator of a science experiment to create wormholes so she can get Zeke's dead sister back by traveling in time and preventing her death.
So the black lightning storms that cause wormholes are targeted, not random.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, ams1001 said:

So, wait, Zeke didn't want to just ring his mom's doorbell because he didn't want to upset her...so he thought breaking in was better? Did I get that right?

He claimed he wanted to break into his mother's house to make sure she was doing alright, before he made his decision to see her or not.  Because she had been through so much already, and who isn't comforted by finding out that someone had broken into their house? 

His strategy is pretty stupid if he's telling the truth.  Why didn't he just shadow her?  Get Michaela or Grace to ask the neighbors?  

The police sure does their job diligently, to be at the right place at the right time to catch him breaking into the house. 

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

--I have a semi-workable theory: Evil MaybeZekeMom is an orchestrator of a science experiment to create wormholes so she can get Zeke's dead sister back by traveling in time and preventing her death.
So the black lightning storms that cause wormholes are targeted, not random.

Interesting theory

  • Love 1

This whole situation in the show pisses me off! Especially because they both want to try and rebuild a friendship with her when they find out, oh ooops guess she's not dead! 

Well this is awkward......

 Like WTF!! Better Not none of my friends, male or female,  try to get together with my significant other, or vice versa, my sig other better not try to get together with any of my friends, AFTER THEY THINK I'M FUCKING DEAD!! AND NOT EVEN A BODY FOUND!! HER ASS WAS JUST MISSING LIKE DAAAMN. 

And don't get me wrong, I get it,  it was five years so yes obviously they would move on, but as her friend, to want to be in an intimate relationship with someone you know your best friend was also in an intimate relationship with? And vice versa as her boyfriend/fiance to want to be with the friend? And just because yall thought she was dead?

Idk I just feel like there are some lines you just don't cross. 

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