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S08.E06: Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby

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42 minutes ago, discoprincessthe2 said:

From what we have been shown, AJ exhibits some extreme moods. Stephanie has a steep learning curve in that regard.

Forgetting to use protection once? I can see that, but it apparently happened more than once. That's not a good look for either Keith or Kristine.

The participants are tested before they go on this show, right? It’s obvious they don’t do background checks - or they’re very superficial if they do, but they can’t possibly drop the ball in this way. As much as they talk about and encourage the couples to have sex they must make them get tested. Right? Right!?

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21 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

They weren't extreme. They were basic. Hence my confusion. I've seen extreme. This barely raises an eyebrow with me.

I agree. At worst, he was being pissy. I would characterize that more as high strung. It's still not a good look, but I don't think he is mentally ill or anything. Difficult, immature and over the top, sure. They both seem happy with each other though so I hope they can work through it. They seem to be able to have a calm, mature discussion with each other, so that's at least a good first step. At this point, I honestly think I would rather deal with AJ than Luke or Will......

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5 hours ago, Drogo said:

I don't think either of Kate/Shawniece/Jaclyn were all that classically beautiful - but they were all consistently positive.. eager to please.. went with the flow

Jaclyn and Shawniece in particular seemed like really warm people. I'd add Sonia in there too (though I did/do think Sonia is conventionally attractive. Great hair). They all struck me as the kind of people you'd enjoy being around. Kate's affect is kind of flat but she does seem warm.

1 hour ago, discoprincessthe2 said:

Forgetting to use protection once? I can see that, but it apparently happened more than once. That's not a good look for either Keith or Kristine.

I wondered if Kristine is pregnant in real time and that's why they showed Dr. Pepper asking them about contraception, because I can't recall them ever bringing it up on the show before. 

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5 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

It’s not just that there’s no headboard- it doesn’t look like there is anything other than a metal frame. It just looks unfinished. Also, even weirder, it looks like there is no other furniture in the room other than a mattress in the corner. It just gives off flop house vibes......

Exactly. The headboard was just one of the issues in that sad little room. Add to that the cheap Motel 6 bedspread, the lack of decorative pillows, nothing on the walls. I'm surprised controlling Jasmine didn't pitch a fit over that. Ole' AJ would have. He was complaining about the refrige door and how low the bed was, imagine if his and Stephanie's room looked like that!

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2 hours ago, Racj82 said:

They weren't extreme. They were basic. Hence my confusion. I've seen extreme. This barely raises an eyebrow with me. He, for sure, needs to work on how he deals with frustration but it's not this disorder diagnosing, serial killer in the waiting vibe people keep projecting onto him imo.

My issue is that yes, he needs to work on how he deals with frustration but he doesn't seem to think so. He didn't say to Stephanie, "I need to work on this," but instead told her how she needs to react to his tantrums. To me, that's problematic and quite unfair.

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1 hour ago, Racj82 said:
1 hour ago, discoprincessthe2 said:

From what we have been shown, AJ exhibits some extreme moods. Stephanie has a steep learning curve in that regard.

Forgetting to use protection once? I can see that, but it apparently happened more than once. That's not a good look for either Keith or Kristine.

They weren't extreme. They were basic. Hence my confusion. I've seen extreme. This barely raises an eyebrow with me. He, for sure, needs to work on how he deals with frustration but it's not this disorder diagnosing, serial killer in the waiting vibe people keep projecting onto him imo.

I was married to 'extreme' and I agree with you -- AJ's "outbursts" are NOT extreme. They're not even outbursts. Snarkiness maybe? Minor irritation? But not an extreme mood. You're lucky if that's your viewpoint. Very lucky.

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14 hours ago, silverspoons said:

I got a bit of a Jephte vibe from Keith tonight. While I do not think Keith is going to cheat, when he said he wanted a baby to play with between school and work! I reminded me to Jephte who really seem to want a baby (or lots of babies). Keith and Jephte both have families that came from the islands and seem very laid back. Keith and Kristine need to remember the show is paying for them to play house and in a few weeks it is back to Grandma's or pay rent for the first time. 

I too did not understand Luke calling Keith an alcoholic. It must be an edit? I bet Keith asked Luke a question or made a statement that bothered Luke that we did not see and Luke feeling insecure perhaps made a jab back. The husband's all seem to know about the repulsed  an dead inside comment. But what a weird jab. While I do not think Keith is the perfect package, we have seen nothing that even remotely says he drinks a lot. 

I think Luke wanted a party wife. It was kind of weird that the other three couples each had 2 friends each over for the party. Kate invites 2 and he invites like 32!  Plus the first few friends that came, did not even know Kate's name or face. I know not every friend could come to the wedding but if I had a close friend getting MAFS I would text and ask a name or for a picture? I wonder if he asks lots of friends just to prove he has a lot or to keep him busy and away from Kate. 

I think, plain and simple, Luke was trying to take the heat off himself by throwing the subject elsewhere.  Remember, the guys were just talking about his situation with Kate.  He didn't want to discuss it, nor own up to what a colossal dipshit motherfucker he's been to her, so he went for the first thing he could.  Keith was taking a swig, easy target.  

I also think he's possible resentful and jealous of Keith, given what Luke's previous girlfriends have looked like.  Kristine is probably totally his type.


7 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I love Will for that, I detest pork.

I think Will might have made a move on Jasmine, had she not done a bait and switch, "I'm an independent woman....UNTIL I get married, then I want to be barefoot and pregnant."  WTF, that would piss me off too.

Kate seems very attracted to Luke (ugh) and I don't know why, he's fug.

I don't get the issue of a bed with no headboard, I haven't had a headboard in decades...I mean you really don't need one.

Thank you for this.  Sometimes I think in this country people believe that if a man acts a certain way, he's gay; OMG they hugged "too long."  Really?  Guess what, there isn't a "way" that all gay men act.   It's like people thinking that something is wrong if a person doesn't have a headboard on a bed, WTF?

I love Will for the turkey bacon as well.  Another non-red meat eater here.

Jasmine is very passive aggressive about her situation with Will.  If she's not happy with the level of intimacy, maybe she  should talk to Will about it and suss it out.  Frankly, if my spouse told me that I should be contributing more than 50% based solely on what was/wasn't between my legs and nothing to do with my salary or anything else, I'd be miffed too.  

As far as their bed goes, it just looks so temporary to me.  Nothing says home or any level of permanency.  

I think AJ and Stephanie, along with Keith and Kristine, have the best shot to make it.  Both couples seem like they are on the same page.  At least so far.

Kate and Luke are doomed.  WTF was he thinking bringing like 20 friends over to her 2?  Didn't they have any kind of conversation where she said, "I'll invite my 2 or 3 good friends over; why don't you pick 2 or 3?"   Luke sticking his tongue out after kissing her shows that he has an emotional maturity level of about 8.  Run, Kate.  

Probably just the editing monkeys at work but the clip made it look like Dr. Pepper showed up to Keith and Kristine's, asked if they were having sex, asked if they were using contraception and then immediately left.  Ha ha.  Is she going to show up at the other couples' homes to inquire about the same things?  

Add me to those who don't understand the "experts" wanting these couples to hurry up and get to sexy times.  Sure, I guess it's good for ratings but I thought they always insisted that was up to the couples.  And I could swear in earlier seasons they actually discouraged the couples from getting horizontal on the honeymoon or too quickly.  Now they are insinuating something is wrong if they're basically not humping during the wedding reception.   

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Although I rarely eat it, I'm a pork bacon eater myself, but I think Will is a cool enough dude that if were my husband, we could just have two kinds of bacon.  I also like that he makes pancakes because mine never turn out right. 

I thought it was interesting that when they showed the gathering at Kate and Luke's place, they made a point of showing that bearded dude who was at the reception who seemed to like Kate.  He was sitting next to her on the sofa, then then a later shot showed Luke sitting in between them.   Luke might not want her, but he doesn't want anyone else with her either.  Or maybe this whole shit was producer driven.

I really do want Keith and Kristine, and AJ and Stephanie to make it.

12 minutes ago, Mercolleen said:

Kristine forgot her pants for the girls' night at the bar.

What with the hanging boobs, she sure does like to show her stuff.  She's cute though. 

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17 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Luke is still acting like a douchey douche...cutting her down, making her feel insecure, challenging her on every picky thing...solo cups?

That was weird, because he mentioned that he forgot to pick up the solo cups for the party, but Kate mentioned using glasses at the party.  So that says to me that they hadn't even coordinated about what they needed for the party.

1 hour ago, discoprincessthe2 said:

Forgetting to use protection once? I can see that, but it apparently happened more than once. That's not a good look for either Keith or Kristine.

I don't even think the word 'forgetting' is accurate.  They didn't actually forget to use it; they willfully chose to not use it, which is 1,000 times worse.

11 hours ago, silverspoons said:

Plus the first few friends that came, did not even know Kate's name or face. I know not every friend could come to the wedding but if I had a close friend getting MAFS I would text and ask a name or for a picture? 

This is inexcusable of Puke.  He should have greeted his friends and re-introduced them to his wife if they already met at the wedding, or introduced them for the first time if not.  It is Kate's home too, and she not have been put in a position where she was minimized.

8 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Puke is so so very jealous of Keith’s cute as a button of a wife, Kristine that Puke picked on Keith’s choices of beverage at the grooms’ get together.

Interesting theory...I could see it being true.

2 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

Those pictures are strange. Luke's face looks too young in them to be from the years listed. 

He doesn't even look like the same person in those two top pictures.  His facial features look completely different.  He looks much better then.

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AJ’s friend doesn’t see any upside for Sexy AF but happy that she is an AJ whisperer who can tolerate and live with him.

Wish AJ. would go on camera with his indoor voice instead of talking like he is calling hogs in from back holler....

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AJ is too 'on' all the time, never shuts up & is just too much. Could be the show just pushing his big personality for something to work with though. Stephanie is patient but if it's always going to be all about him it might get old.

3 hours ago, ChiMama said:

I was married to 'extreme' and I agree with you -- AJ's "outbursts" are NOT extreme. They're not even outbursts. Snarkiness maybe? Minor irritation? But not an extreme mood. You're lucky if that's your viewpoint. Very lucky.

I can relate & am not seeing outbursts or temper either, which again could just be from my own experiences as well.

Keith & Kristine- So now they're trying to prevent a MAFS baby. The discussion with Mama Pepper was cringey. At least these two know what contraception is, unlike Boston Ryan. If they end up doing a Jephte & Shawniece from lack of planning, well, at least Keith is into his wife (both literally & figuratively).

I'm not so sure Jasmine is really interested in Will either or she wouldn't be acting like an overbearing mother. They might both be riding this out until they can split without show retribution. If it's their "story line", it's boring.

Kate & Luke I can't stand watching & are destroying the season IMO. No one should be with someone who speaks to them that way, so whatever the reason they are still together - whether it be them playing along or contractually obligated - it sucks, & I can't stand either of them anymore.

Edited by gonecrackers
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9 hours ago, ChiMama said:

There's hope with AJ & Stephanie -- he actually RECOGNIZES his shortcomings, talks about them with her, and APOLOGIZES and she graciousy accepts that apology and doesn't dwell on it / overthink & over-talk it. I still contend the AJ temper thing is producer-driven to give the season a little more drama beyond Luke's repulsion. Keith and Kristine, though cute, aren't that interesting (yet, at least) and Will and Jasmine are a snore. There's no there there. I think AJ & Stephanie and Keith & Kristine will stay together; the other two will go their separate ways.

I agree!  If the worst of AJ's "temper" is a short comment and walking off here and there, it's a nothing.  I am actually like that and get annoyed and swear at the shower curtain or whatever, and Mr P was the over-sensitive type when we got married (he comes from a long line of people who "stop speaking to each other" over nothings and was always worried I was so upset.)  Now he has learned to ignore my little rants, and I have learned that when I address him I need to speak more nicely.  It's sooo not a big deal.

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47 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:


I'm not so sure Jasmine is really interested in Will either or she wouldn't be acting like an overbearing mother. They might both be riding this out until they can split without show retribution. If it's their "story line", it's boring.

Kate & Luke I can't stand watching & are destroying the season IMO. No one should be with someone who speaks to them that way, so whatever the reason they are still together - whether it be them playing along or contractually obligated - it sucks, & I can't stand either of them anymore.

I’m with you. Jasmine and Will are boring as heck. I like him significantly more than I do her but I’m not interested if they ever do consummate their marriage. I’m team #FreeWill at this point. 

And I 100% agree about Kate and Lukewarm. Whatever they’re doing, it sucks. I’m over it. 

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36 minutes ago, princelina said:

I agree!  If the worst of AJ's "temper" is a short comment and walking off here and there, it's a nothing.  I am actually like that and get annoyed and swear at the shower curtain or whatever, and Mr P was the over-sensitive type when we got married (he comes from a long line of people who "stop speaking to each other" over nothings and was always worried I was so upset.)  Now he has learned to ignore my little rants, and I have learned that when I address him I need to speak more nicely.  It's sooo not a big deal.

But if you yell at the shower curtain or the garbage pail or dish soap bottle, that is you blowing off steam at an object and ignoring you is easy. AJ is snapping directly at Stephanie when he blows up, not coffee mugs or silverware. She says, "I bought a shower thing," and he says, "I hate those things. Whatever," and walks away from her. That would send me from zero to 60. I would never dream of saying "Whatever" in a dismissive tone to my husband and can't imagine him ever saying that to me. She says she doesn't like having things out all over the bathroom sink and he gets a pissy face like a toddler. So he's allowed to dictate that they don't use a shower caddy because it makes him claustrophobic but she can't express that she doesn't like a cluttered bathroom vanity or he gets all huffy? What happens when there is a real problem that he needs to engage in an adult conversation and act like a grown up? I still can't get over his instructions to her about how she is to deal with it when he turns into a pissy little diva. Not one word about how he needs to chill the fuck out or get help to rein in this infantile behavior. I think Stephanie will stay with him because she's desperate to be married and will tread softly. That's one hell of a way to live. 

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12 hours ago, princelina said:

But the hugs were very long and weird.  

Lots of talk on the hugs here. I don't feel like it was necessarily just the LENGTH of Puke's hugs with his guy friends as much as the combination of length of hugs & general body language. A grown man doesn't hold the hug and close his eyes when he hugs his buddy (extenuating circumstances notwithstanding such as a father and son when one has just returned from war or other such scenarios). I found the interactions strange too. Kate gave back to Puke a little tonight with her jab about stopping having used Solo cups five years ago bc now she's a grown up and has proper glasses for drinking.  But she still could afford to put him down MORE and stop hanging on him. He's not into you & never will be . His tongue sticking out after a feeble peck on his "wife's" lips was just the sassy hipster young contemporary insta-douche thing to do...except he's theoretically past that point age and life status wise if we are to take the marriage seriously. I just hate that sh** and I'm not old or prudish.  I just don't like poseur bull.

Dr Pepper: get off Kristine & Keith about their sex life & contraception. Maybe they did oral, maybe they pulled out, maybe it was anal? There are many ways this could've gone, sexually that will not necessarily guarantee a baby "the first time." Just STFU. Why didn't she ask A.J. & Steph about THEIR contraception? Oh. right. bc their edit isn't "young dumb carefree newlywed kids" - it's the "mature couple with it all...including a 3rd personality in the couple." 

Will & Jas- please call it quits. Its awkward and painful already. When my husband cooks for me, I stay back & maybe help clean up. I enjoy what he has made as it is always, in my opinion, 5 fu**ing star bc he made it out of care for me. 

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4 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

That was weird, because he mentioned that he forgot to pick up the solo cups for the party, but Kate mentioned using glasses at the party. So that says to me that they hadn't even coordinated about what they needed for the party.

He hadn't discussed his plans with her at all is my guess. It also seems like the producers told all the couples to arrange dinner with 1-2 friends from each side, which Luke willfully ignored for reasons of his own.*

Ray Romano has a bit in his new stand-up special about a guy who was climbing Mount Everest and mentioned that he "forgot" to tell his wife about it. Luke, was that you?


* The production team probably didn't appreciate having to film around that mob, and I don't see Luke's recalcitrant attitude earning him a better edit any time soon. They can and will fuck you up, dude!

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6 hours ago, configdotsys said:

My issue is that yes, he needs to work on how he deals with frustration but he doesn't seem to think so. He didn't say to Stephanie, "I need to work on this," but instead told her how she needs to react to his tantrums. To me, that's problematic and quite unfair.

He may be saying we because they are a partnership now. They can learn and grow together. There is nothing wrong with him using the term we. At best, he may just need someone to call him out instead of letting things go which Steph is down for. I highly doubt she's perfect too. No one is as perfect as she comes off. I believe she's really a good person. But, she has flaws too. They can work on them together. 

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On 2019-02-05 at 6:26 PM, humbleopinion said:

Luke is making the show unwatchable.

Laughing it up..too loud and fake with the grooms wondering if they knew what you said about Kate...yes they do dirt bag.

Their bed scenes are so staged...he doesn’t want Kate touching him because he keeps mentioning her hogging the bed...stay on your own damn side...

Luke is still acting like a douchey douche...cutting her down, making her feel insecure, challenging her on every picky thing...solo cups?

I thought it was Kate challenging Luke on the solo cups.

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9 minutes ago, endure said:

I thought it was Kate challenging Luke on the solo cups.

It was Kate mocking him, but perhaps that was before she knew he had invited 50 people. Unless she has enough glassware to start a catering company they were going to need the solo cups for all the people Mr. Repulsed invited....

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19 hours ago, Lily247 said:
On 2/6/2019 at 1:18 AM, Yeah No said:

I cringed when I saw Puke hug his male friends as they each walked through the door.  Something is still setting off my gaydar there.  I can't help it.


I would have to disagree on the male-hugging being considered a "gay" thing. I feel that in the US it is ingrained in a lot of people that straight men are not really supposed to touch each other much, other than a high 5. 

It wasn't the hugging.  Straight men hug all the time.  It's the way he hugged them.  It just felt so vulnerable and female to me.  Way over my line even to be considered "hipster metrosexual".  Whatever's going on with him just doesn't add up for me.  Perhaps he's bisexual.  I don't think there's anything wrong with that, it's just an observation.  I don't have expectations that straight men don't do this or that.  It's the way they tend do them that is often different.

16 hours ago, Soup333 said:

It could be the fact that he hugged them all for an uncomfortably long period of time. It was weird to me, considering his aversion to touching his wife at times. I think their bed cuddles are all for the camera and he’d rather be hugging his friends than anywhere near Kate. 

Yes, the hugging did feel uncomfortably long for me too, and that's part of why it set off my gaydar.  It also felt more intimate physically than most straight men I've ever seen hug, unless they're a crazy AJ type of guy, but even then on a purely physical level it just seems different to me somehow.


Thank you for this.  Sometimes I think in this country people believe that if a man acts a certain way, he's gay; OMG they hugged "too long."  Really?  Guess what, there isn't a "way" that all gay men act.   It's like people thinking that something is wrong if a person doesn't have a headboard on a bed, WTF?

I don't think there's a "way" all gay or straight men act.  I've known literally hundreds of men in my lifetime and know better.  I just felt a gut instinct about this one man based on how he makes me feel on a very visceral level.  When I have those feelings they have always signified something.   Maybe Luke is such a hipster that he is way over on the side of embracing his "feminine" side.  I don't doubt he likes women I just think there's more to the story with him like perhaps he likes both men and women.  Perhaps.  It was just a gut feeling not a proclamation.

Edited by Yeah No
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I feel like Jasmine and Will are both extremely boring, majybe that is why they were matched.  I was thinking perhaps he is Catholic and if he doesn’t consummate the marriage he can get an annulment but that’s obviously just a wild off the wall thought I had lol.

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15 hours ago, Drogo said:

It's true, headboards aren't necessary.  They used to serve a purpose in keeping your head away from the coldness of the wall, but now we have insulation and baseboards and central heat and stuff.  Still... they make the bed look "finished."  I feel equally squicky about beds with a flat sheet and no comforter. 

There are a lot of good reasons to want a headboard other than esthetics.  For sure they're not necessary, but if you want to prevent your pillow from sliding between the bed and the wall, don't want stains on the wall, have your bed up against a window or your baseboard heating prevents your bed from sitting flush against the wall, they certainly come in handy.


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I don't really care what headboards are for. It's look weird to have full grown adults bundled up on a small ass bed with no headboard. Nothing about it looks right. Not to mention the bare room. I know it's probably not THEIR room but I can only comment on what I see.

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2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

It was just a gut feeling not a proclamation.

I'm with you in your idea on Puke. Seems there are two camps here: the one where Puke is a gay douche and the one where he is a totally hetero, progressive douche lol. Then again, I believe even if a gay porn surfaced starring Puke wearing a tee shirt that says "I'm gay," there would be folks saying "look, that was a moment in time. He was probably doing it to pay bills and put himself through college and in NO way does this film mean he is gay or doesn't enjoy the company of women."

Puke was *embracing* his buddies and not just bro-hugging them. And most of those men were effete. Except the one who seemingly chatted up Kate ...then again he was probably a producer for the show. 

Edited by Kdawg82
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Ricky Bobby raised the standard of MAFS casting so high that this season is a reality check....massive disappointing letdown...to put it mildly....

Hard to be sympathetic with the emphasis on “pathetic” for Kate. 

What part of repulsed and dead inside is forgivable?.... a Kate TH explaining why she is staying would have kept me from flipping my coffee table.

Is she such a fame Ho that she is willing to stay and be a participant in cring worthy after cring worthy humiliations?

Puke has a mean and cruel persona that is toxic and having him in the cast has eroded the goofy charm of the show....

on a side note...a sloth emoji is coming soon to your phones.....

I’m calling dibs on the sloth emoji....

Puke...I own the sloth emoji and you can’t use it ...ever.

Edited by humbleopinion
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My thought was that Luke had included clients from his speed dating business. I envisioned him sending a mass email describing the event as a chance to appear as his friends on a tv show.  He greeted each guest at the door with a hug so it would appear these were actual close buddies. 

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4 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

I'm with you in your idea on Puke. Seems there are two camps here: the one where Puke is a gay douche and the one where he is a totally hetero, progressive douche lol. Then again, I believe even if a gay porn surfaced starring Puke wearing a tee shirt that says "I'm gay," there would be folks saying "look, that was a moment in time. He was probably doing it to pay bills and put himself through college and in NO way does this film mean he is gay or doesn't enjoy the company of women."

Puke was *embracing* his buddies and not just bro-hugging them. And most of those men were effete. Except the one who seemingly chatted up Kate ...then again he was probably a producer for the show. 


Agreed. It’s the totality of his actions and it keeps being dismissed. But whatever. As I said episodes ago, we’ll probably never know for sure anyway and who cares. 

I’m not sure what Luke’s sexuality is but I rewatched the episode last night because I missed parts of it and I just smh when he hugged his friends. It was something you’d expect from a warm, affectionate person and they weren’t put off by it. It wasn’t surprising to them based off their reactions. Luke has NEVER shown that level of affection for Kate. Nothing like it. Just earlier that evening he didn’t even want to use her offered fork to taste the salad. 

Maybe that’s just how he and his bros get along. *shrugs* He didn’t hug the other MAFS male cast that way. It seemed off to me because he can’t/won’t even fake that level of warmth with his wife, who truly repulses him. He’s trying but I’m not buying. 


ETA: I’m not equating sharing utensils with affection. I’m pointing out that he has seemed, on several occasions,  to be physically distant with Kate. 

Edited by Soup333
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7 hours ago, endure said:

I feel like Jasmine and Will are both extremely boring, majybe that is why they were matched.  I was thinking perhaps he is Catholic and if he doesn’t consummate the marriage he can get an annulment but that’s obviously just a wild off the wall thought I had lol.

They didn't marry in a Catholic church so a Catholic annulment should not be needed. And not consummating the marriage would not work for a legal annulment in Pennsylvania either. 

Edited by aphroditewitch
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4 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

I'm with you in your idea on Puke. Seems there are two camps here: the one where Puke is a gay douche and the one where he is a totally hetero, progressive douche lol. Then again, I believe even if a gay porn surfaced starring Puke wearing a tee shirt that says "I'm gay," there would be folks saying "look, that was a moment in time. He was probably doing it to pay bills and put himself through college and in NO way does this film mean he is gay or doesn't enjoy the company of women."

Puke was *embracing* his buddies and not just bro-hugging them. And most of those men were effete. Except the one who seemingly chatted up Kate ...then again he was probably a producer for the show. 

Yes.  If he put on a long wig I'd totally think he was a woman embracing them, plus they gave off similar effeminate vibes to greater or lesser degrees.  My gaydar was going off in a big way and that doesn't tend to happen for no reason.  Case in point - many years ago a pastor at a Protestant church I was going to gave me similar vibes.  I couldn't shake it.  He was single.  I noticed the same kinds of things with him as with Luke.  He talked about dating women, etc., but  I knew there was more to the story.  A year or so later a gay man I met in the choir told me he had had a relationship with him a few years before.  He told me he was bisexual but definitely not openly so.  This was over 20 years ago so there were more closeted people back then.

Usually something makes me think a guy is really dead straight despite some appearances.  Like AJ.  He can seem somewhat effeminate but not everything about him points in that direction.  Virtually everything about Luke points in that direction.  It's hard to shake that.  It doesn't help that he has similar effeminate hipster male friends plus the haughty, pissy way he acts about Kate that also feels in my gut so very gay just in the way he does it.  In my experience there are two kinds of men in general whether gay or straight.  The ones that LOVE women and the ones that are to varying degrees misogynistic.  I think Luke might fall into the latter category regardless of his true sexual preferences.

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2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Ricky Bobby raised the standard of MAFS casting so high that this season is a reality check....massive disappointing letdown...to put it mildly....

Hard to be sympathetic with the emphasis on “pathetic” for Kate. 

What part of repulsed and dead inside is forgivable?.... a Kate TH explaining why she is staying would have kept me from flipping my coffee table.

Is she such a fame Ho that she is willing to stay and be a participant in cring worthy after cring worthy humiliations?

Puke has a mean and cruel persona that is toxic and having him in the cast has eroded the goofy charm of the show....

on a side note...a sloth emoji is coming soon to your phones.....

I’m calling dibs on the sloth emoji....

Puke...I own the sloth emoji and you can’t use it ...ever.

Yeah, I have been feeling all the same things re: the disappointing let-down of Puke vs. the charm and class of Ricky Bobby.  What a 180 degree turn for the show to take with a male participant!   It really sucks.  I wish we could get his take on Puke.  That would at least bring us some sense of justice.  I'm not sure yet whether Kate is that much of a fame-ho or the ever-tweaked contract is now so ironclad that she really has no choice as she's signed her life away to 8 weeks of humiliation and torture with this douche.  She knows what she was possibly getting into with this and it looks like she's mentally psyched herself up for going along with it like it's just a lark whether she really wants to or not.  Her emotion-less delivery doesn't help to figure out where she's really coming from, though.  At this point she might be convincing herself to go along with things and act like it doesn't matter but it might hit her later on in the process when she can't manage to do that anymore.  Or there may be a straw that breaks the camel's back with her and then she will suddenly have a major breakdown and be inconsolable.  I feel for her because she certainly didn't deserve this.

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7 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

It was Kate mocking him, but perhaps that was before she knew he had invited 50 people. Unless she has enough glassware to start a catering company they were going to need the solo cups for all the people Mr. Repulsed invited....

It's Mr. Repulsed-and-DeadInside.  It's hyphenated, because he's a modern shithead. 

Kate was definitely excluding the latter 65% of her thought: "I don't buy Solo cups anymore because this is not Phi Beta Epsilon rush night and I haven't bought vodka in a plastic bottle since 2011."

9 hours ago, palmaire said:

Yeah, I don't think that "other people act much worse" excuses any of AJ's little tantrums.

Agree.  And while I don't think he's a serial killer pot about to boil over, it's a shitty way to be in a relationship.  You can't blurt offensiveness over life's minutiae and then expect your partner to not take it personally because "that's just you." 

All it's really saying to your spouse is "I care about [this small shit] more than I care about making you happy or ruining your day" and well, most people would rather be single than play second fiddle to shower accessories.  I don't think AJ's a bad guy, but he's not ideal husband material at this moment.  That can change. 

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4 hours ago, Kdawg82 said:

I'm with you in your idea on Puke. Seems there are two camps here: the one where Puke is a gay douche and the one where he is a totally hetero, progressive douche lol. Then again, I believe even if a gay porn surfaced starring Puke wearing a tee shirt that says "I'm gay," there would be folks saying "look, that was a moment in time. He was probably doing it to pay bills and put himself through college and in NO way does this film mean he is gay or doesn't enjoy the company of women."

Puke was *embracing* his buddies and not just bro-hugging them. And most of those men were effete. Except the one who seemingly chatted up Kate ...then again he was probably a producer for the show. 

Hmmm. I still don't see it. My husband embraces his Male friends when he sees them and he is not gay or bi. I live next to a gay male couple and both are quite macho, heteronormative guys. They have matching beards, a big pitbull, lift weights together, and do other "masculine" things together. What q lot of women don't realizes that the whole "effeminate flamboyant" that wr imagine a lot of gay men have only applies to a portion of gay men. 

How to tell if anguy is gay:

If a guy says he is gay, or has consentual sex with another man, he is probably gay. 

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Hey- maybe there's a little "gay" in all of us. I believe the Kinsey scale. So maybe Puke just pings a little higher up there. Yes- macho and heteronormative gay men are out there but I cant help but think, what about the other way around , for hetero men? I like Chris Krisley's response to refuting the gay rumors about him "hey! I see it as a compliment. Why would I deny it? It's flattering to think I can get it from both ends - men AND women!" 

Edited by Kdawg82
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On 2/6/2019 at 7:52 PM, humbleopinion said:

AJ’s friend doesn’t see any upside for Sexy AF but happy that she is an AJ whisperer who can tolerate and live with him.

Wish AJ. would go on camera with his indoor voice instead of talking like he is calling hogs in from back holler....

Laughed at this and went back and laughed again. An AJ whisperer.  I like her personality and can't figure out what she finds to like about him.  He's always loud and laughing at his own jokes and having shower caddy/fridge door/picture removal/taped up drawers meltdowns, so deal with it?  He doesn't spend much time at his apartment but he's never been anywhere in the city and no one has sat on his couch. He's beyond thrilled about no longer eating alone over the counter and walking the streets, like a happy little troglodyte who got a wife without the work.  Yikes. Thinking forever will be a long time with this guy. And this is one of the good couples!

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About the parties...

AJ’s favorite restaurant is...an eatery for Warlocks and Wiccans and D+D players....guess they took off their hooded cloaks for the camera....

Medieval inspired lighting with gargoyle decor complement the sparkly purple and black drapey bunting...is that the alcoholic served section of the Dragons and Dungeons Eatery and Laser Tag Fun Castle?

Kate invited 2 look alike friends so she would be reassured that they also repulsed Puke.

Puke’s unaffordable car payment is coming up....hence the solo cups.

Puke advertised the opportunity to get on a basic cable show by buying your way into his “event” and pretending to be his friend.

$20 will get you a solo cup for all the beer you can drink and a walk on his basic cable TV show.

Still hustling....

Edited by humbleopinion
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While the board was down I found this photo of Luke in this episode on another board that shows him wearing his wedding ring on his middle finger.  The person also posted the Urban Dictionary entry claiming that wearing a ring on the middle finger is a signal gay people use to let each other know they're gay.  Not sure how true that is, but the clues just keep stacking up.


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On 2/6/2019 at 11:32 PM, Racj82 said:

He may be saying we because they are a partnership now. They can learn and grow together. There is nothing wrong with him using the term we. At best, he may just need someone to call him out instead of letting things go which Steph is down for. I highly doubt she's perfect too. No one is as perfect as she comes off. I believe she's really a good person. But, she has flaws too. They can work on them together. 

I didn't say "we" in my post at all and neither did AJ. He told her how she needs to deal with it. That is not a partnership. That is expecting the other person to absorb anger directed at them for very small things until AJ feels better. He said nothing about the effect that his behavior has on her. It was all about him. 

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12 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

While the board was down I found this photo of Luke in this episode on another board that shows him wearing his wedding ring on his middle finger.  The person also posted the Urban Dictionary entry claiming that wearing a ring on the middle finger is a signal gay people use to let each other know they're gay.  Not sure how true that is, but the clues just keep stacking up.


If it is true is sounds like something from another era. I don't feel it matters much if he is closeted. None of that justifies how he treats people. He is an equal opportunist going after Kate and then Keith. 

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28 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

While the board was down I found this photo of Luke in this episode on another board that shows him wearing his wedding ring on his middle finger.  The person also posted the Urban Dictionary entry claiming that wearing a ring on the middle finger is a signal gay people use to let each other know they're gay.  Not sure how true that is, but the clues just keep stacking up.


Or maybe it doesn’t fit right, having been bought for him without a try-on...  Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

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48 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Puke’s unaffordable car payment is coming up....hence the solo cups.

I don't know from cars but the host of a MAFS podcast said Luke's famously bad financial decision is an Audi.

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And we’re baaack!

i think part of the reason Jasmine acts the way she does is because she’s trying to get some reaction from Will.  It’s her response to this guarded withholding behavior.  Another part is her thinking she’s a bit better than he is, and still another part is her way of being playful.  She’s developed a bit of a hard edge which she has to put aside if she wants to find out about Will, but I fear it’s too late now.

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What gets me is that with Luke/Kate, even with just her subtle flirting and snuggling with him, she's coming on way too strong for the situation where "guy is repulsed by girl". She needs to start being distant and aloof with him ASAP if she has any pride in her. I cant imagine this sitiation turning around to the point where he starts chasing after. Because this "attraction can grow" nonsense doesnt work so well for guys who are very visual rather than women. Mayyyyybe if she just leaves him alone he might get miffed and want her attention back. But we'll see. And she cant get a hint, plus unfortunately being a puppy dog who doesnt get any affection is not a good luck on anyone. 

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2 hours ago, Lily247 said:

What gets me is that with Luke/Kate, even with just her subtle flirting, she's coming on way too strong for the situation where "guy is repulsed by girl". Because this "attraction can grow" nonsense doesnt work so well for guys who are very visual rather than women. And she cant get a hint, plus unfortunately being a puppy dog who doesnt get any affection is not a good luck on anyone

The problem is, they aren't just a couple of people on a blind date. Kate is flirting with Luke because they're married  and because he said he wanted to give the relationship time for "affection to grow"

After they both said they wanted to continue the relationship, Pastor Cal told them he "absolutely" believes love can grow  --just look at Jamie and Doug

Otherwise, I agree with you. There is absolutely no chance that "attraction can grow". And watching him lovingly with puppy-dog eyes and a big smile will never change Luke's mind about Kate!

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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