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S04.E09: Sex and the Kitty Girl

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I was surprised to enjoy this episode despite missing Manila.  

The challenge was pretty good. The real winner was whoever wrote Sex & the Kitty Girl 3; it was so much better than Breastworld. It was one of my favorite acting challenges. 

I love Monet X Change, but she was the weakest tonight. 

I was hoping they would pick Naomi to go home. I thought Latrice was actually good in the challenge and I enjoyed her performance. 

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I love Latrice, but I think I love her more as “the beloved legend” than as an actual, funny, super talented queen with incredible runways.  So I’m not a bit sorry to see her go.

Ru can stop with the SHOCKED!! faces when someone eliminates her favorites.  That’s how she set AllStars up, so she ought to have expected it.  

I still miss Manila.

I’m not a Monique fan, but her runway was fantastic, as was Trinity’s.

  • Love 14

All-Stars is so screwed up that I actually like all the queens still in competition (and have for weeks) but have still again ended up feeling totally “meh” about who wins. 

Last week sent home someone who should by all rights be in the finale, so it’s not the genuine best in the finals, and tonight, while Latrice hasn’t been at her best through some of the season, she was totally in fine “safe” territory tonight, while Naomi’s performance in the challenge was utterly terrible and Monet’s was a mess.  Latrice shouldn’t have even been up for elimination tonight other than the completely arbitrary and ever changing process of All-Stars, so it’s hard to feel any satisfaction one way or another in how it played out.

I guess what I’m saying is that it’s just hard to care at all about a competition where nothing matters, not how well you do overall or how you do in a specific challenge.  

Since the actual competition part of the show ultimately just comes down to the whim of one or two of the competitors, maybe the next All-Stars shouldn’t pretend to be a competiton at all— it could just be a weekly drag variety show until the finale and then at the end they draw one queen’s name out of a hat and she gets to pick the winner.  That sounds stupid, but it wouldn’t be any more pointless than the way they do things now.

  • Love 14

I hated how Trinity just had normal makeup on her face under her mask--she should have kept going and made her face cat-like.  Monique absolutely killed the runway theme, she was gorgeous and was the only seemingly alive, let alone funny queen in the main challenge. Latrice and Naomi failed the runway, they could have worn those outfits any other night.  Monet's runway outfit looked cheap, and she was lost in the challenge.  Naomi's constant posing during the acting challenge fell flat, there was no characterization. 

I don't get the clown red carpet ending to the skit, unless it was to give Trinity a punchline? They could have made Kim's replacement be a queer black woman who could call out SITC for it's racism, classism, and bi/homophobia??  This was not funny and really had shockingly little to say about it's subject. I fucking hate sex in the city, and this episode was barely watchable, between Naomi's obnoxious behavior (I ff'd through most of her suddenly extant screentime) and the reveal that Trinity was the only one who actually cared about sending Manilla home.  Manilla would have nailed this challenge.

I thought Trinity and Monique both won that lipsync, and should have been able to send their lipsticks home even if it was a double elimination.  It should have been Naomi going home, that would be the only way to make last week bearable.  Naomi should have gone home before Valentina, before Manilla, before Latrice IMO, she spent most of the season just taking up space.  I say Monique for the win but it seems inevitable that Trinity is going to be the fourth blond bland thin white girl in the hall of fame.  There's a twitter poll asking for fan input, but Raven and Katya definitely won those polls during their seasons (I don't remember if they asked last year but if they did Shangela would have won it) and that didn't make a difference.

Edited by Glade
  • Love 5

Wow, I feel like they are just messing with us now. That was a stealth move by Trinity. Naomi had a "go ahead, send me home, bitch" look on her face - would love to have seen her face after the reveal.

At this point Trinity has earned the right to win the whole thing, but I'm not sure it's in the cards. This week she did a great job as Samantha and her runway was awesome.

Naomi was awful as Carrie, not even close. 

  • Love 5

I'd have sent Monet home for not knowing what a cat looks like. 

Monique's makeup was incredible, and I liked that backstage she was focused on reapplying. It was interesting to watch. I guess I'll root for her now, she's consistently entertaining. 

I barely watched the show the skit was based on, so it just felt long me, and I thought most of them didn't do a great job of differentiating between the character, the actor, and themselves. I also didn't get why once again we ended with tossed baked goods. 

I never thought I'd say this, but I may need a break from this show. I'm getting cynical about it, or it's not offering anything fresh. Or maybe I'm just bitter that Manila is out, and they didn't take this opportunity to lip sync to a song from Cats. 

  • Love 9

My main issue with the acting challenge is that the script was pretty bad and it went on for way too long. The cafe scene went on forever and just when I thought it was finally over, we got that weird Met Gala red carpet scene. WTF? I think the queens did the best they could to deliver the crappy lines, most of which were not funny at all. I had to laugh when Latrice told Monet to quit stepping on her lines because I was getting annoyed with her too.

Trinity had my favorite look on the runway. I agreed with Michelle - sometimes it's best to just do something simple but execute it well. My only critique was that I wish her face had been uncovered and she'd had some fantastic makeup. She didn't do a straight up Kim Cattrall impersonation in the challenge but she managed to deliver her lines convincingly with the same Samantha attitude.

I wanted to give Monet credit for making an effort with her kitty couture, but I had to agree with whichever judge said she looked like a mouse. Felicity Huffman was correct when she said it was the round ears. Of the four main SATC characters, I think that Charlotte can be a difficult one to pull off because she doesn't really have a schtick. I liked that Felicity recognized that going too over the top with a role like that can come off as shoveling shit.

Latrice's kitty couture look was really weak for me. I agreed with Felicity that Latrice was the one who made the most effort to talk to the other characters (as opposed to Naomi who was clearly playing to the camera/audience). Latrice actually turned her head and looked at whoever she was talking to, which sounds like a minor thing but after watching Naomi do the opposite, I knew exactly what Felicity was talking about.

I hated Naomi's runway look. It just looked cheap and lazy. It was a shapeless pink dress with stuff animals stapled to it. I didn't think much of her acting in the challenge. I agreed with Michelle that Naomi didn't give SJP any likeability. Naomi's version of SJP was just a lot of bitchy attitude and pulling faces, but she was so negative about everything. On top of that, she was looking at Ross/the camera the entire time.

I liked Monique's look for the same reason I liked Trinity's - it was a straightforward cat look but it was done well. Adding the hat and the boots to make it Puss in Boots was a fun twist, and her kitty makeup was great. She made the most of her Kristin Johnson role. She was a drunken over the top mess but in the best way possible.

Trinity and Monique were pretty even in the lip sync, but I gave Trinity the slight edge. I totally understand why she chose Latrice, but I really wish she had eliminated Naomi who honestly hasn't been much better than Latrice. Naomi is so forgettable in the challenges and her runway looks are hit or miss. When I look back over the entire season, Naomi is not one of the for most memorable queens - not overall, not in challnges, and not on the runway.

Like I said last week, I want the final four to be the best four queens and having someone forgettable and middle of the road like Naomi instead of someone amazing like Manila just goes to show exactly why this stupid All Stars rules crap doesn't work. The top four should be the best four, not whoever had alliances or played the game. To put it another way, I would pay money to see Manila perform. I don't think Naomi would be capable of entertaining me for even ten minutes. She's got legs for days and she has done some beautiful makeup, but that's not enough to get me to hand over my cash. I can look at pictures of her on IG for free.

  • Love 10

What a awfull script.. C´mon, the show became so much bigger, they can find someone that can write something better... The queens did the best they could.. Props for Trinity and specially Monique to step out from their character and give us some more. The runway was fine, I expected more... Monique had the best idea and did a great job on her make up..Aaand we have Monet... Guuuiiiirl, I like the reference but is not the right one for this challenge:

pig (1).jpg

BTW, Naomi´s decision to eliminate Manila totally makes sense now.. If wasnt for Latrice still be there, she would cleary be the weakest link, be sent home this week. And as for Monet, she could have survived this week but beat both Manila and Trinity would be too much for her to handle.

Edited by DanielleC.
  • Love 6

I'm giving up on All Stars because it's no longer any fun for me, but if Ru insists on keeping  this format it's possible that a lot of former queens won't be interested, either. They can do poorly and get eliminated or do too well and get eliminated. If they manage to dominate by never being in the bottom, they'll piss off some of the booted queens who may come back for a final jury.  

There's very little upside for them outside of more exposure, but even that can be a two-edged sword. See: Latrice

Edited by 2727
  • Love 10
8 hours ago, bobbyjoe said:

Latrice shouldn’t have even been up for elimination tonight other than the completely arbitrary and ever changing process of All-Stars, so it’s hard to feel any satisfaction one way or another in how it played out.

Honestly, I felt like everyone's acting was pretty bad, but the script was such a mess, it was hard to tell.  Also, the editing used a lot of Trinity reaction faces as Samantha, which gave her an advantage.  

8 hours ago, Glade said:

I thought Trinity and Monique both won that lipsync, and should have been able to send their lipsticks home even if it was a double elimination. 

Monique could have won if not for the weird reveal.  Someone on Twitter said it looked like she was pulling toilet paper off the roll.  Seeing Trinity vs. Manila in the first lipsync made me realize how much of a disadvantage it is for Trinity not to be able to make facial expressions.  

5 hours ago, Mayberry said:

Naomi looked so smug walking back into the werk room after eliminating Manila. Like the cat that ate the canary. They all were a little too happy about it, except Trinity. Monique was just too happy about it. I'm glad Trinity called them out on it.

Last week, I said that I totally understood Naomi's decision.  This week, I liked her less for it.  There was something coy and catty about the way she talked about it.  As Michelle would say, I wish she had shown more vulnerability.  If she had said something like "winning the crown means so much to me, I want to prove myself as a drag queen, I feel like Ru would respect a queen who made a bold move, I want to win for my drag mother Raven, etc.," it would have made her look a lot better. 

And I don't understand Monet's saltiness at all.  Manila was very upfront that Latrice was her friend and she wouldn't eliminate her.  Also, Latrice is a legend in a way that I just don't see Monet ever being outside of Drag Race. It wasn't some huge betrayal.  Also, I think Latrice should have been in the top in the talent show episode and the girl group episode, so the whole report card thing is subjective.  

4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I hated Naomi's runway look. It just looked cheap and lazy. It was a shapeless pink dress with stuff animals stapled to it.

I agree!  I thought I was crazy when the judges and apparently the internet loved it.  Fun idea but the execution was off.

Edited by Ruby Gillis
  • Love 6

I honestly don’t understand the judges sometimes. Just last week they complained about Manila’s runway look because it was too simple but Naomi’s kitty outfit got praise this week, despite the fact that it looked like something that a queen who couldn’t sew would make for one of those mini challenges where they’re give some fabric, a table of crap from the dollar store, and a glue gun.

  • Love 6

I didn't like Trinity's runway look. She performed the hell out of it, but I thought it looked like a straight-up costume from Cats but she didn't do Cats face makeup. She did her normal drag makeup underneath, which I get was a choice, but it didn't land for me. Monique's worked for me.

I didn't think Trinity's Kim was great. It was fine, but it wasn't fabulous. I agreed with Huffman about the Kristin Davis character, and actually found myself while watching the scenes first annoyed at certain facial tics Monet was doing and then I'd sort of do  a double-take at myself and think "no wait, actually...that's exactly what Kristin Davis did on that show". The writing just wasn't good enough for any of it to actually showcase a good impression. So even when some of them were doing good impressions it didn't always land and I don't blame the performers. Monique also had a very very Kristen Johnsten thing going on. In the rehearsal I was worried she'd be way overboard (and maybe she was and editing helped) but watching the final piece, it really screamed the person she was supposed to be immitating. So, win there.

I guess OK fine Sure on giving Naomi credit for trying to challenge herself...except she completely failed. The worst by a long shot. Felt like she was in a skit in a high school class. (not even a high school play for drama club, like a skit students had 30 minutes to come up with in a hallway before coming back to class and doing it) It's one thing to say "it's not a good look to pick a role you can hide in and hope nobody notices" and it's a very different thing to then cast yourself as the lead just cuz you can but then do a terrible job at it. She suuuuuuuucked. Miscasting herself did her no favors. Not that I think she'd have likely been better as any of the others either.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Temperance said:

I was surprised to enjoy this episode despite missing Manila.  

The challenge was pretty good. The real winner was whoever wrote Sex & the Kitty Girl 3; it was so much better than Breastworld. It was one of my favorite acting challenges. 

I love Monet X Change, but she was the weakest tonight. 

I was hoping they would pick Naomi to go home. I thought Latrice was actually good in the challenge and I enjoyed her performance. 

I agree with all of this except the bolded. I thought Naomi was by far the worst in this challenge. 

Edited by heckkitty
  • Love 2

I'm giving up on All Stars because it's no fun to watch, but if Ru insists on keeping this format I think many former queens will no longer be interested, either. They can either do poorly and get eliminated or do too well and get eliminated. If they manage to dominate by never being in the bottom, they'll piss off several of the booted queens who may come back for a final jury.  

You say it perfectly:  how can Ru call this an All-Stars competition if part of the very rules imply that it’s in the best interests of the competitors to eliminate the best performing contestants?  As you say, the best and the worst are the ones who get eliminated.  By definiton, these rules give the advantage to “safe” performers, not the best or the bravest/riskiest (and the current All-Stars Hall of Fame bears this out).

When the show returns next time if they don’t change the rules (and Ru seems irritatingly stuck on them since she didn’t even change them after all the uproar about the Shangela disaster) they should call it RuPaul’s Middle-Of-The-Road Race.

  • Love 3

I agree with those saying Naomi was smug and coy after eliminating Manila, but what got me was the sheer number of reasons she was shown giving before landing on "because I wanted to." And none of them seemed to be the most obvious, understandable reason of getting rid of the stronger player. That's where she annoyed the crap out of me- if you make the move, fucking be the girl who made the move, ditch the "I owed Latrice" and whatever other nonsense. 

That said, I did like her runway look. I thought there was thought behind the construction. Does she make her own stuff? 

I also don't fault her too much for playing to camera, because I wonder if it was directed that way. 

About the format in general-- I really wish they'd get risky and do some kind of live tweet/tipping element. The real all stars from this show get gigs, get paid, and get more tips. If we're gonna have wacky voting and eliminations, maybe get fans involved (though I realize that could be an entirely different kind of awful). 

Or hell, stop eliminating people and do a cumulative point count. Eliminations are tired in general. Pick fewer participants, let's see how they do over time. 

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IMO, the best way to keep things a little different from the regular seasons/still keep the queens having some decision would be choosing just one winner from the Maxi Challenge (as on the regular seasons) and let the winner of the week choose between the bottom 4 (at least on the first half of the competition, than it could narrow down to the bottom 3) the two that will have to lip sync for their life, than Ru chooses who leaves.. It would still give a chance for the queens to battle for their spot, would avoid some of these awkward/lame lip syncs where one of the queens or even both are not really trying to win. But as I heard Manila talking about the show rules during a interview: ´´Ru doesnt want to be the one sending home a fan favorite.. Its easier to let the queens getting the hit..``.  I still think tho, the fans would accept way better a format like this were a queen on the bottom will get the chop after fail to beat another queen at the lip sync.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, DanielleC. said:

But as I heard Manila talking about the show rules during a interview: ´´Ru doesnt want to be the one sending home a fan favorite.

Pfft. He does that every week on the regular season. If he really didn't want to be the bad guy, he'd let the judges have actual votes instead of deciding everything himself.

I don't at all discount everything he has accomplished and what he means to drag, but I no longer have any illusions about him after listening to his podcast, seeing him in interviews, reading tweets, etc. The guy's got a healthy ego on him. In fact, it makes me a little sad when contestants call him Mother Ru, because he probably won't even remember their names in a few months.

  • Love 4

Latrice's runway look was a disaster. I have no problem with green, but the design at the bottom was awful! When she was crowing about the beautiful airbrushed art, I pictured the ubiquitous hillbilly meth-head at the county fair who does airbrushed t-shirts with cheesy script names and confederate flags. Gurl, no.

Monique's runway look was pretty good, though for some reason the color of the hat plumes bugged me, just didn't seem go with the rest of the outfit. But her K-Jo was SPOT ON. Wow, by far the best character - she had every mannerism down! And I could not stop laughing at her wig gaffe. I was hoping they'd work it into the final edit.

Speaking of which, dang, the writing for the challenge was duuuuullllll. I wasn't even paying attention for the red carpet scene.

I hope I'm mis-remembering, but did Naomi say she's seen every SATC ep five times? And THAT'S how she played Carrie Bradshaw? Good gravy. SJP/CB has so many idiosyncrasies that could have made that character really pop, and Naomi failed on all cylinders.

  • Love 10
On 2/9/2019 at 5:36 AM, 2727 said:

I'm giving up on All Stars because it's no longer any fun for me, but if Ru insists on keeping  this format it's possible that a lot of former queens won't be interested, either.

This season really has been a disappointment for me. The contestants as a whole haven't wowed me, and I think I would only have identified around half of them as "All-stars" material to begin with.  Of the ones left, I don't know, I guess either Trinity or Monet as the winner (although I can't say either one of them has been stellar)?   The contestants doing the voting format didn't work well on the last All-stars and is not working here either, rather than stirring up "drama" for the most part it just seems to make all of them seem stressed and tired.  I really hope they take a long break before trotting out All-stars again, and hopefully revamp the format.   

  • Love 2

Woof, this is one episode where I feel like I'm on a very different page. Trinity did fine as a performer, but pretty terrible as a Kim Cattrall impersonator. I don't know if Money could've really stuck that landing, but her confessionals were definitely on point. Everything should be knowing and purring and slightly breathy, but mainly with confidence (you can tell who was one of my faves). Alaska updating her Mae West impersonation would've been PERFECT. What could have been. So I thought Trinity was clearly on the bottom, underwhelmed as I was by almost everyone except Monique. I also liked Monet's look because the pink panther has those weird-shaped ears, so her inspiration seemed really clear. And her face was so transformed. So basically, what do I know.

Naomi's SJP was the worst by a mile, no lie. She should kiss Trinity with tongue for still being in the game. I didn't love Latrice in the sketch and I hated her dress, but Naomi was just so terrible.

Man, all I could think was how Manilla would’ve nailed the perky nuances of SJP if she had stayed on. She actually could’ve acted all the characters since her talent is on another level...which highlights why Naomi stunk in both her performance and awful runway.

I’m happy for Trinity and Monique. But I kind of don’t care anymore. Ru RUined All Stars!

  • Love 6

Unpopular opinion with a big caveat: I think Naomi did well as SJP. The actress. Her unlikeable qualities and behind-the-scenes alleged persona. Where Naomi failed was in switching to Carrie mode during the film scenes. It could have been great if she'd just transformed from sweet to bitch in a "cut!"

Edited by ClareWalks
  • Love 4

Monet was dressed as the Pink Panther, and every single judge missed it.  WTF.

I'm not quite hate watching, but it's getting close.

I also really liked Naomi's runway. Reminiscent of Sharon's magazine challenge crazy cat lady.

I thought Trinity had a bad runway and was shocked it was so well received. It was a literal catsuit with plain makeup.

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Unpopular opinion with a big caveat: I think Naomi did well as SJP. The actress. Her unlikeable qualities and behind-the-scenes alleged persona. Where Naomi failed was in switching to Carrie mode during the film scenes. It could have been great if she'd just transformed from sweet to bitch in a "cut!"

I was watching with my sister (who did not watch SATC -- I did, it was my regular thing with friends and roommates -- I even awkwardly watched it with my Dad once...) and when Michelle started going on about how Naomi didn't make SJP likeable I said 'sounds like she nailed it to me.' When Michelle then went on about how Carrie was the one 'everyone wanted to be' I had to pause the playback and go on a RANT about how fucking horrible Carrie was and cited the episode when she kept flipping out whenever she saw a squirrel as an example of this (which was an easily translatable thing for my sister to be disgusted by) despite the absolute mountain of evidence there is. Oh, I also pulled out the shit when she kept fainting whenever The Russian would do something romantic and then whine about how 'I'm an American... we don't do things like this...'

So, Naomi being unlikeable as SJP was spot on for me. But I agree that she needed more of a transformation between the 'acting' and the 'cut.'

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Dandesun said:

When Michelle then went on about how Carrie was the one 'everyone wanted to be' I had to pause the playback and go on a RANT about how fucking horrible Carrie was

YES, OMG. Full disclosure, I have seen every episode of SATC at least a dozen times and actually taught a course in college about it. No shit, that was a thing at my liberal arts college, and I taught it. Carrie was THE most unlikeable character of the series. Some nuggets were planted in early seasons, like when she called bisexuality "a layover on the way to Gaytown" and such. It started ramping up when she was cheating on Aidan with Big, and reached a high point in season 5 when she published her book and was a total narcissistic sack of shit with her friends. Season 6 was self-indulgent tripe as well with her "American girl in Paris" garbage. I thought Naomi took that part of Carrie's character and heightened it to really show the unlikeability, which tells me how big a fan of the show Naomi really was, to have seen that part of Carrie and hated it as much as I did. But yeah, it would have better served this challenge for Naomi to oscillate her character wildly from "sticky (fake) sweet" to "raging beeotch" a bit more 🙂

Edited by ClareWalks
  • Love 4
On 2/9/2019 at 6:19 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

but I had to agree with whichever judge said she looked like a mouse. Felicity Huffman was correct when she said it was the round ears.

I thought Monet's runway look looked cheap and Halloween costume-y (though I found it endearing how sexy she thought she looked in it) and fell into Monet's past over-reliance on bodysuits as costume but the pink panther does have round ears.


Edited by TresGatos
Conjunction Junction Does Have a Function.
  • Love 2

I mean, I got what Monet was going for immediately. The Pink Panther was a cartoon played often in my youth. The cigarette holder, in particular, sealed the deal there. And even though others I watched with were saying that cat ears weren't rounded, I did point out that panthers were, so were lions... so, yeah, I got it. It just didn't translate very well when it came down to it.

The polish wasn't there.

I loved Monique's look. That hat!!

  • Love 3

I didn't watch the episode 'cause I don't care anymore, so I'm just gonna quote all the lovely people whom I agree with:

On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 8:49 AM, bobbyjoe said:

Since the actual competition part of the show ultimately just comes down to the whim of one or two of the competitors, maybe the next All-Stars shouldn’t pretend to be a competiton at all— it could just be a weekly drag variety show until the finale and then at the end they draw one queen’s name out of a hat and she gets to pick the winner.  That sounds stupid, but it wouldn’t be any more pointless than the way they do things now.

On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 1:19 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Like I said last week, I want the final four to be the best four queens and having someone forgettable and middle of the road like Naomi instead of someone amazing like Manila just goes to show exactly why this stupid All Stars rules crap doesn't work. The top four should be the best four, not whoever had alliances or played the game. To put it another way, I would pay money to see Manila perform. I don't think Naomi would be capable of entertaining me for even ten minutes. She's got legs for days and she has done some beautiful makeup, but that's not enough to get me to hand over my cash. I can look at pictures of her on IG for free.

On ‎2‎/‎11‎/‎2019 at 1:51 AM, rlc said:

Most underwhelming top 4 ever.

  • Love 2

I know they've used the word "gag" before but I never know it had so many different meanings and could be used as so many parts of speech until this season.

I'm finding myself liking Trinity more and more, which is weird because I don't think she registered at all for me during her initial season.  At this point I really do think she deserves the win, even though it would be gagging (correct usage?) to have another skinny white All Stars winner.  Ugh.  Monique's at a close second.  

Felicity Huffman is looking fantastic!

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ladle said:

At this point I really do think she deserves the win, even though it would be gagging (correct usage?) to have another skinny white All Stars winner.

"Gagged" refers more to a surprise, so it depends if you think it would be shocking to have another white chick in the HoF - it also refers to something that is awesome, like "your outfit is gorgeous, I'm gagged."

Edited by ClareWalks
On 2/14/2019 at 3:30 PM, ClareWalks said:

"Gagged" refers more to a surprise, so it depends if you think it would be shocking to have another white chick in the HoF - it also refers to something that is awesome, like "your outfit is gorgeous, I'm gagged."

Hmm I mean it would make me annoyed (like, “ugh, gah me”) but perhaps I am conflating it with “gooped.”

  • LOL 1

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