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S07.E05: Holly's Story

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On 2/1/2019 at 9:43 PM, mmecorday said:

If I ate that much at night, I wouldn't be able to sleep, and I'm not morbidly obese. And I'm thinking the midnight suppers are not an occasional thing -- Holly's fiance brings home fast food every night after he gets off work. It looked like she consumed two roast beef sandwiches and an order of loaded curly fries. I would be burping all night! But she doesn't work so she doesn't have to worry about getting enough rest.

I noticed on the rewatch tonight what you all were saying about Holly extending her tongue before taking a bite. Nasty! It's bad enough when people chew with their mouths open.

I have a co-worker who is an open mouth chewer. His desk is feet away from me and he faces me...... ugh! 

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54 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

I have a co-worker who is an open mouth chewer. His desk is feet away from me and he faces me...... ugh! 

Oh, I feel your pain.  That is my giant peeve.  I would be hard pressed not to throw office equipment at him.  

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On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2019 at 1:17 AM, Hannah94 said:

-I am amazed that her body didn't forcefully try to reject the food via throwing up after watching how much she ate in such a short period of time. She ate enough food for at least 8-10 people within an hour in both scenes they showed - breakfast and dinner. We have seen some people put away food big time on this show but nothing anywhere near this girl. 

Good Lord, did she really say that they just moved so they haven't had the time/money to buy groceries so they have been getting take-out junk food (several times) every day? If you have time and money to order (crap) food, you have time and money to go to the damn grocery store. 

So true, this!  I've moved twice in the last 15 months, and always made sure my kitchen essentials were available on day 1.  Both occasions I did go to Chipotle for takeout on move in day, but only because I was tired after going up and down stairs all day, and only got food for one person.

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How is it even possible for Garrett to weigh 608 at 20 years old? It wouldn’t seem he would have enough time to put on more than 400 extra pounds. Especially when you consider that teenagers have a higher metabolism and generally get more exercise, even taking gym at high school. If a pound is 3,500 calories, he has invested well over a million extra calories. Mind boggling.

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2 hours ago, Concerned said:

How is it even possible for Garrett to weigh 608 at 20 years old? It wouldn’t seem he would have enough time to put on more than 400 extra pounds. Especially when you consider that teenagers have a higher metabolism and generally get more exercise, even taking gym at high school. If a pound is 3,500 calories, he has invested well over a million extra calories. Mind boggling.

Actually, I think Garrett was related to Robin.   Holly just had her parents plus Ray.  As to being 600 lbs at age 20, it is definitely possible.  A while back there was Billy, the half ton teenager.  About 20 years ago, Oprah and Dr Phil and other talk show went on a binge of having seriously overweight toddlers on their show.  And one show (not sure what it was) took pictures of overweight children and computer-aged them to show the parents how obese the children would be at certain ages as they grew up.  It was to terrify the parents and motivate them to change the family's eating habits.  I have no idea if it worked for any of them or not. 

Garrett may well have had a drs excuse to get out of gym or maybe he was home schooled or dropped out. 

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On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2019 at 1:30 PM, sara1025 said:

She doesn't quite seem quite all there mentally, though. The way she speaks and how her face looks, it sounds like she has trouble comprehending basic information. When her mom was asking her how many hamburgers she wanted, her eyes were half closed and it looked like she was thinking way too hard about that lol.

I also thought it was interesting when her mom was saying goodbye, Holly was looking at her like a toddler looks at their mom when being dropped off at their first day of preschool. She's very child like.

I think she was just playing pretend.  While she is certainly developmentally delayed, it is all personality development, intellectually she is probably well within the normal range.  If I recall, she mentioned she had to drop out of college because of her weight issues?  Even if it was a community college, still, she had to get admission, something that someone with low IQ is unlikely to achieve even now when everyone with a pulse and a student loan is able to get somewhere.  

On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2019 at 3:31 PM, essexjan said:

After the joy last week of Justin's motivation and success, we're back to the usual 600lb Life participant who only knows how to win the blame game.

I have been thinking about this whole issue of motivation and why some succeed and some don't... I admit I have only watched a few poundticipants, this is only my second season watching - but I think it is the "why" behind desire to lose weight that is the difference.  When someone has clear motivators - take care of an aging parent, take care of a child, maintain/regain independence they had and enjoyed - they do well.  When they just say they want to lose weight but have no real "why" behind it - maybe they just say it because everyone is telling them to lose weight - they fail.  One's own mortality is a hard thing to internalize until you get older and/or bury enough loved ones... I don't think they truly *think* anything bad is going to happen to them because of their weight - after all, so far they are OK.  Even if they are in pain, etc.  And losing weight, instead of a promise of something good, carries ominous changes like having to move out/get a job/pay the bills.  If you see many cons to losing weight and no pros except pacifying your critics - would you do it?  

On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2019 at 4:21 PM, Mothra said:

So much didn't make sense about her reported childhood.  I do believe *something* was going on because of her early and remarkable weight gain.  What parents would allow a six-year-old to weigh 100 lbs.?  

I have a cousin whose grandmother would literally force her to eat, even gave her some herbal tea to increase her appetite. The poor girl was chubby and teased throughout her childhood... and I remember my Mom telling me that this cousin's Mom called her once to say the cousin won't be allowed to play with me because her legs hurt because I make her run all the time.  When she moved away for school, she got a grip on her weight, and though she is not quite slim, she is not obese anymore.  What drove her grandmother to overfeed her - I have no idea, some kind of deep-seeded fears from her own childhood where she often went hungry?  


On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 1:40 AM, Colleenna said:

This thought just occurred to me. Holly's mother said that even as an infant, Holly cried constantly for food. What if pre-verbal Holly wasn't crying for food, but rather to be picked up, held, cuddled and mama interpreted it as hungry and fed her? Holly wanted love and affection, but got food instead. That would very firmly plant the notion that food = love in her brain. Her relationship with Ray seems to reinforce that: she wants his affection, he feeds her. 

I'm not a psychiatrist, and they won't let me play one on TV, but something about that just clicked in my peabrain. 

I think this is possible... just like with older kids, so often parents just buy them a new toy/candy/give money - something quick and easy instead of actually spending time with them and trying to help with whatever underlying issues are bugging the child.  

On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 12:10 PM, cpcathy said:

Another thing that drove me bonkers (there were so many!) was Holly complaining that Ray did not give her affection, that he needed to go over and give her a hug. Bish, please! He is taking care of you (however well that is), wiping your ass, you can go over and give him a hug and say THANK YOU!

Exactly!  She is only able to demand, demand, demand and it doesn't even occur to her to do something herself - even for herself, let alone for others.  She is like an overgrown infant, which is really pathetic at 38.  And given that she had actually lived on her own in the past, I wonder if this is her coping strategy with just having to function in the real world - having to pay the bills and interact with people who can be mean for any number of reasons - she regressed into being a helpless child so that she doesn't have to do anything or deal with anyone who has not willingly accepted enabler/caregiver role.  I wonder if her brother was blurred out - read: didn't give consent to be part of the show - because he really resents her doing this to their parents.  

On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 2:45 PM, Mothra said:

Yeah, I get that, and it certainly crossed my mind as I typed.  And we see characteristics of other kinds of addictions in the poundticipants.  I guess my problem lies in an inability to understand how one can be addicted to something basic, like food, that sustains life. 

American Society of Addiction Medicine actually lays it all out very nicely (even if it is a pretty long document):  https://www.asam.org/docs/default-source/public-policy-statements/1definition_of_addiction_long_4-11.pdf?sfvrsn=a8f64512_4    Addiction can be to anything, object of addiction is really not that important (though of course addiction to some things does develop much faster/easier than to others, on average)

On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 4:19 PM, calpurnia99 said:

In regard to laying around all day having someone else wait on you, they have to like it. It reminds me of when I was a kid. I loved being sick because I got to lay on the couch all day and watch TV and my mother was nice to me. Of course I didn't feel good, like these people don't feel well, but it was so great being home and laying around and having drinks brought to me!

Interesting.  I always hated being fussed over and incapacitated in any way.  When sick, I tend to completely withdraw, because if I don't, people fuss and ask how I feel, and I snap and we end up with all the hurt feelings.  My Mom is the opposite, she likes being constantly asked and cared for when sick, so she feels upset when I am sick that I push her away and when she is sick she feels I am being too cold.  I take after my Dad.  Even as he was dying of cancer, his last words to me, when I came to ask him if he wanted anything the night before he died, he said "No, everything is all right." 

On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 8:16 PM, Granny58 said:

I am currently reading the book entitled "Salt, Sugar, Fat."   It is about how those 3 ingredients are manipulated in processed foods and can become quite addictive.  They are absolutely necessary in order for the foods to taste good and have shelf stability, so there's no getting around that, but they try to find the sweet spot to keep you coming back for more.  Since this is a part of all mainstream processed foods (again, it is necessary) the way to break the habit seems to be cooking from scratch and fresh foods.   Frankly, I don't recall seeing any of the stories features people who crave cakes and pies.  They all seem to crave fats and ESPECIALLY salt.  

I had read that book.  Quite interesting, and it does highlight the problems of (and with) the processed food industry.   I don't know, though, if the people in the show crave fats and/or salt as much as they crave the sensation of eating, and what they are being fed is what is *easy* - be it because it is cheap and easy to get fast food or a stand-by quickly made recipe...  though thinking back to when they start eating "healthy" - bland salads, usually - they do seem to miss the fat and salt, so you are right about that.  

On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 8:42 PM, CatherineM said:

This is a small subset of people over 600 lbs., those willing to also humiliate themselves on tv. 

It takes a particular personality to agree to be on this show - and I am sure producers also don't pick everyone who applies, and view applicants through the "would it make good TV" lens.  And they probably want a mix of train wrecks and truly motivational stories to keep viewers interested, but they probably don't want anyone who is in the middle because they are just so "normal".  

On ‎2‎/‎2‎/‎2019 at 12:49 AM, Kyanight said:

When going on the South Beach diet you have 2 weeks where you clear out ALL sugar completely, as well as a lot of fruits, white starches, potatoes, etc.  Ditto when you eat Paleo.  I have done both.    I am not bringing this up to tout any weight loss diet but just to make the point that if you can cut ALL of that out of your diet for 2 weeks - the cravings leave.  The first week is the toughest, but then you learn to really enjoy fresh and wholesome foods. 

When I would stop eating meat for Lent (I stopped that recently, because I noticed I would get sick more often, so I just limit myself to meat at lunch at work but I do not eat meat at home and don't order it if eating out) the first week was always very hard, I was literally hungry all the time and thinking about meat almost all the time - and then it would go away and I could enjoy whatever I was eating - fish, vegetables, starches.   Interestingly, it was never hard to give up sweets. I would give up everything (except fresh fruit) and not miss it at all for seven weeks.  But meat, meat was tough.   Based on everything I had ever read - palates take about two-three weeks to reset, but I still think most poundticipants' problem is not just their palate, it's the lack of effort to make their healthy meals palatable.  It seems that not only most of them don't know how to cook (or at least cook anything healthy), they don't even try - either because they think of it as a temporary thing or because they view it as a punishment or because they are depressed and have no energy to care - I don't know.

On ‎2‎/‎3‎/‎2019 at 3:40 PM, Kyanight said:

HA HA HA HA HA!!  Love it!    I have a feeling that Dr. Now added sugar free jam to the "not allowed" food list AFTER he met Holly.  He figured if a little sugar free jam on toast could make a person gain that much in a month's time, it had better be banned!

Ha!  But I think that list is way older than Holly's episode.  

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On ‎02‎/‎01‎/‎2019 at 9:43 PM, mmecorday said:

If I ate that much at night, I wouldn't be able to sleep, and I'm not morbidly obese. And I'm thinking the midnight suppers are not an occasional thing -- Holly's fiance brings home fast food every night after he gets off work. It looked like she consumed two roast beef sandwiches and an order of loaded curly fries. I would be burping all night! But she doesn't work so she doesn't have to worry about getting enough rest.

I noticed on the rewatch tonight what you all were saying about Holly extending her tongue before taking a bite. Nasty! It's bad enough when people chew with their mouths open.

Not to mention, the plateful of food her parents gave her right before her husband came home with the fast food. It was at least 4 burger patties, covered in gravy and potatoes and lard. Again, I must wonder, how did the fast food meal, eaten minutes after the mountain of burgers, manage to stay in her stomach?

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3 minutes ago, Hellga said:

I still think most poundticipants' problem is not just their palate, it's the lack of effort to make their healthy meals palatable.  It seems that not only most of them don't know how to cook (or at least cook anything healthy), they don't even try - either because they think of it as a temporary thing or because they view it as a punishment or because they are depressed and have no energy to care - I don't know.

On 2/3/2019 at 1:40 PM, Kyanight said:

Oh good point!!  This is something I have noticed on many of the 600 pound shows.  About 95% of the time enabler (and later the 600 pound participant) makes bland (what looks like boiled to death) chicken with zero seasoning and what looks like canned green beans dumped in a pan and heated.   I mean - seriously?  Grab a cookbook or look recipes up online.  There is someone with a blog called "Kalyn's Kitchen and she shares free healthy delicious recipes for anyone to try.  It's easy, so there is no excuse.  You don't need a cookbook to roast fresh veggies that have been tossed in EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and a small bit of salt and pepper on a cookie sheet.  So good!  Eating healthy does NOT mean meals consisting of green beans, boiled chicken and salads with nothing but lettuce for the rest of your life!  Dayum, NO ONE is going to enjoy life if that's all they can eat!  And I've seen more than one of these shows where the person is eating a lettuce salad.  Lettuce salad.  please.  Don't be that stupid.  Figure out what you can put on those greens and ENJOY eating healthy food!      


I have seen ONE show where the chicken was beautifully seasoned (looked like paprika maybe?) and they ate a veggie besides green beans.    This HAS to be for the cameras.  Even so - can't they eat FISH?   And do none of these people ever drink just plain water???

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I wonder if going to some of the nice salad or soup places would expose them to what healthy food can be?  If they have no baseline reference for what is possible, it can be hard for them to know what their end result is supposed to taste like when they are cooking at home.  Surely Houston must have some good healthy eating locations where poundticipants can be referred so they can explore food options beyond those whey have been eating since childhood?   Places like Chopt, SaladWords, Hale & Hearty, even Panera... or some healthy cooking class led by a chef and a nutritionist?  

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1 minute ago, Kyanight said:

Oh good point!!  This is something I have noticed on many of the 600 pound shows.  About 95% of the time enabler (and later the 600 pound participant) makes bland (what looks like boiled to death) chicken with zero seasoning and what looks like canned green beans dumped in a pan and heated.   I mean - seriously?  Grab a cookbook or look recipes up online.  There is someone with a blog called "Kalyn's Kitchen and she shares free healthy delicious recipes for anyone to try.  It's easy, so there is no excuse.  You don't need a cookbook to roast fresh veggies that have been tossed in EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and a small bit of salt and pepper on a cookie sheet.  So good!  Eating healthy does NOT mean meals consisting of green beans, boiled chicken and salads with nothing but lettuce for the rest of your life!  Dayum, NO ONE is going to enjoy life if that's all they can eat!  And I've seen more than one of these shows where the person is eating a lettuce salad.  Lettuce salad.  please.  Don't be that stupid.  Figure out what you can put on those greens and ENJOY eating healthy food!      


I have seen ONE show where the chicken was beautifully seasoned (looked like paprika maybe?) and they ate a veggie besides green beans.    This HAS to be for the cameras.  Even so - can't they eat FISH?   And do none of these people ever drink just plain water???

I also noticed that when they are "following the plan" (or so they think), their food looks dried up and tasteless. One pounder was eating a chicken breast that looked like cardboard, all by itself - no sides or flavoring, and she was all depressed and asked for BBQ sauce to dip her cardboard in. And the salad does always consists of just lettuce (and sometimes way too much dressing). Why not add cauliflower, cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, carrots, and egg whites to it - or fresh fruit? Their choices make no sense to me, for the most part. Every now and again, I am pleasantly surprised by their home-prepped meals, but rarely.

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On 1/31/2019 at 11:34 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

"Sugar free jam" is going to go down in history, like "ow mah laig!", "but its fraaaahd!" and "my mattress makes me look fat". 

Sugar free jam. Jesus Christ. Who does this sow think she's fooling? 

@Pepper Mostly I laughed so hard at your post that my stomach staples almost popped. JK.  No staples for me. Anyway, my new fave is “Sugar Free Jam” but it’s pretty close to “my mattress makes me look fat.” 🛌

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1 hour ago, Kaia40 said:

@Pepper Mostly I laughed so hard at your post that my stomach staples almost popped. JK.  No staples for me. Anyway, my new fave is “Sugar Free Jam” but it’s pretty close to “my mattress makes me look fat.” 🛌

Don't quote me because I don't remember the facts - but didn't she either lose something like 3 pounds or gain over 40 pounds that month?  Dr. Now:  "I don't understand this...  you didn't follow the diet!"     Holly:  "No, I did!  I only had two tubs of ice cream, four deluxe pizzas, a bucket of fried chicken, mashed potatoes,  four 2-liter bottles of Coke.... and a piece of toast with sugar free jam!"

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I have to watch how late I eat on new episode Wednesdays, because just seeing the greasy quantities of food they eat turns my stomach.   

Watching Holly's mother ask her how many hamburger patties, and the answer of eight was nauseating to me, and then when it was greasy gravy on top, mounds of potatoes with gravy on the side, and everything else almost did me in.      Then when the fiance brings home the huge bags of food at midnight, that was mind boggling.     

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On 2/1/2019 at 7:34 PM, Hannah94 said:

Oh my, I forgot about him! Yes! Can we do a poll here to see which pounder is the most disliked? It will be close between Steven, James K, and Schenee.

My vote gives to schenee. I can’t rewatch her episode because it’s uncomfortable watching her whip out the God card and try and berate Dr Now. *tiny voice* I put James on and fall asleep to it lol. Also, I’d add LE, from Rena and Lee to the despised list. He physically abused his partner and caretaker once he was capable of it.

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I was sure from the first few minutes that this woman needed psychotherapy more than anything else.  The doctor thinks it's useless before surgery, which I wonder about, but this woman was screaming "help me!" from jump.  A neurological or pituitary or other issue seemed likely as well, but her emotional problems were so abundantly evident right at the outset that counseling seemed necessary NOW.  

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On 2/6/2019 at 10:26 PM, Calamity Jane said:

I was sure from the first few minutes that this woman needed psychotherapy more than anything else.  The doctor thinks it's useless before surgery, which I wonder about, but this woman was screaming "help me!" from jump.

I don't believe that Dr. Now thinks the psychotherapy is useless prior to surgery.  There are certainly many things that aren't shown so I hesitate to paint him with that brush.  His point has always been that they really need it post-op because their coping mechanism has been removed and that is the most difficult part.  Over the years, that's been said by a number of the participants.

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23 minutes ago, cynicat said:

don't believe that Dr. Now thinks the psychotherapy is useless prior to surgery.  There are certainly many things that aren't shown so I hesitate to paint him with that brush.  His point has always been that they really need it post-op because their coping mechanism has been removed and that is the most difficult part.  Over the years, that's been said by a number of the participants. 

It seems to me that the coping mechanism is severely limited before surgery when they are supposed to do the 1200 calorie diet plan.  I would like to think he spends a lot more time talking with them at the first appointment; in that case, he might have a good idea of which people need the therapy most and would then have them start it asap.  It just seems to me that therapy before hand might help so that they could cope better after, but he obviously would not agree with me so I figure he makes decisions based on his experience.  

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I think her boyfriend, just like her mother, were feeders, who get a kick out of pushing food on people.   I think the boyfriend (Ray) only promised that he'll marry her when she's much thinner because he doesn't think she'll ever reach that goal.    Ray is just another feeder, who doesn't want a woman who could ever leave him, and thinks she'll always stay with him.    He doesn't want to get married to Holly, but just keep things as they are.      I found it hysterically funny that when Holly went home to talk about the assault with her mother, that Holly, Ray, and Mom were all the same shape, but Holly was actually smaller than the other two.      I hope she loses every pound, and gets a life of her own away from Ray and her mother.    The father seemed like such a wimp, that I bet Holly's mother was the controlling person in that house, and was the one who was so religious, and critical.    

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On 2/1/2019 at 4:14 PM, Hannah94 said:

Watch them ASAP! It's a fantastic trashy mess. You will not be disappointed, I promise. Every second is filled with drama. James K. (since there are more than one James on this show).

Although his update show (but watch the regular first), just has him as James.  
His update is S06.E18 James (K) & Cynthia 2018.06.20 .

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Holly is in her 50s?? She speaks in an eight-year-old girl's voice. What's that about?
Her parents are self-described "religious people." I"m only 15 minutes into this rerun and already I hate them.

Oh, and all parents out there:
Stop teaching your daughters to be so trustful! It's a crime right next to "be nice!" 

Edited to add:
I see she's only in her late '30s, so I sit corrected.
During this episode, I ate not one but two paçzki! Oh, there were goooood!  Bet you could have eaten a boxful, eh, Holly? Hahahahaha!

Edited by Dianaofthehunt
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Tried to re-watch Holly's episode right now and I. Just. Can't! I forgot how her completely aggravating, annoying, whiney baby voice actually makes my head hurt. Nope, no can do.

Choosing to watch Evil Lives Here on the Investigation Discovery channel. It's more uplifting than watching Holly.

Edited by DC Gal in VA
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On 1/31/2019 at 4:00 PM, RTS said:

Some people are just addicted to food (much like some people are just addicted to drugs or alcohol).  Holly struck me this way - her mom said that even as a baby she was always crying to be fed.  One of my coworker's son's was like this... they became so desperate that they literally chained the fridge shut because he would drink all the milk if that's all there was.

I'm surprised that the doctor doesn't immediately start people on a food diary.  Write down EVERYTHING YOU EAT.  The few times we've seen people do that on their own, they've tended to have success - I remember seeing one subject using My Fitness Pal.  Certainly when I'm tracking, I lose weight.. it lets you know when you've hit your limit for the day.

We only see what's edited in the show. How do you know that Dr. Now doesn't have them speak to a nutritionist off camera to go into details like food diary, getting a food scale. I'm pretty sure the paper he gives them talks about those things too. Remember the producer has to keep things snappy & entertaining.

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On 2/1/2019 at 10:43 PM, mmecorday said:

If I ate that much at night, I wouldn't be able to sleep, and I'm not morbidly obese. And I'm thinking the midnight suppers are not an occasional thing -- Holly's fiance brings home fast food every night after he gets off work. It looked like she consumed two roast beef sandwiches and an order of loaded curly fries. I would be burping all night! But she doesn't work so she doesn't have to worry about getting enough rest.

I noticed on the rewatch tonight what you all were saying about Holly extending her tongue before taking a bite. Nasty! It's bad enough when people chew with their mouths open.

Gah, glad to know that I am not the only one finds this so repulsive when anyone does this; not sure why though. Maybe it's because there is just something so reptilian about it? Ditto on the amount of food she would just have to have after eating an enormous main meal. I mean I believe she said that she would do this after EVERY meal.

All in all, kudos to her for her massive weight loss. I sincerely hope that she can ultimately reach and maintain her goal weight.

Also, as for TLC, I get it, these folks are huge but the continual inches-away-from-their-faces camera closeups need to go. IMHO, they just shine a spotlight on the absolute contempt TLC has for obese people in general. We are not stupid. We understand that these people are really, really, really fat. There are more compassionate, intelligent ways to demonstrate how their weight affects their daily lives. Same goes for the obligatory shower scene. If they weren't so lazy and formulaic, they'd figure that out.

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3 hours ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Tried to re-watch Holly's episode right now and I. Just. Can't! I forgot how her completely aggravating, annoying, whiney baby voice actually makes my head hurt. Nope, no can do.

Choosing to watch Evil Lives Here on the Investigation Discovery channel. It's more uplifting than watching Holly.

Come and sit by me.   I am an ID channel addict.

42 minutes ago, MutualCore said:

How do you know that Dr. Now doesn't have them speak to a nutritionist off camera to go into details like food diary, getting a food scale. I'm pretty sure the paper he gives them talks about those things too. Remember the producer has to keep things snappy & entertaining. 

They have shown a nutritionist on occasion.  They had one young guy who needed to lose 150 pounds to get to 650 so he could be operated on.   He had never counted calories before (it is hard for me to imagine that some of the people on the show must never, ever have tried a reduced calorie diet) and  she had to teach him how to read the nutrition labels.   I didn't find her section boring at all.  He was living with his mom who was in a wheel chair; she could use WLS herself.   I was impressed with him as he decided he would have to cook his own meals;   too bad his mom didn't join him.

For the latter person Dr Now did bypass surgery which I guess is different from what he normally does, because he usually just talks about making the stomach smaller.  

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I think Dr. Now does the gastric sleeve on people who can't spend a lot of time under anesthesia.   Some he's talked about doing a later procedure of the gastric bypass, if their weight loss slows, and they can stand the surgery then.  

 Some, like Holly that are in better shape, he does the gastric bypass, because it is more effective. and she could stay under anesthesia longer.      I also recall he had to fix the portion damaged by the previous WLS, stapling.       Apparently, her previous surgery was a gastric bypass done by stapling the stomach.     

I know that was probably the 89th take, and many people don't want to be emotional on TV, but Holly's mom  really didn't show that much emotion when her daughter told her about being assaulted.    They certainly are a restrained family emotionally.    

I'm hoping Holly puts her efforts into finishing more college, or technical training, so she can make her own way in the world.    She had such a great attitude after getting into the program, and I hope she keeps on with finding fulfilling hobbies, and meeting people in Houston.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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And the bonus scene is when they are considering the move to Houston, she says to Ray that she is hungry and he lists stuff they have in the fridge to her:  salad mix, blueberries, cottage cheese and she keeps saying no.  He says there is also apple pie, and she asks for a piece of which.  He obliges.

I find her even more repulsive on rewatch as I did the first time around, even after Maja earlier this week. 

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That bag of candy in the bonus scene!   Which she rips open on the side!?   That’s the action of someone who eats bulk candy by the bag full.  

(It was like a clear produce bag, but filled to the top with different candies, for those not watching the super sized episode.)

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Surprise!   The second bonus scene is also her eating sweets!

At least this time Ray did say "you know you aren't supposed to have it".  And of course she claimed she would only have "a couple pieces".

It's all really crappy candy too. Not worth the calories.

Edited by Hellga
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On 2/6/2019 at 8:26 PM, Calamity Jane said:

I was sure from the first few minutes that this woman needed psychotherapy more than anything else.  The doctor thinks it's useless before surgery, which I wonder about, but this woman was screaming "help me!" from jump.  A neurological or pituitary or other issue seemed likely as well, but her emotional problems were so abundantly evident right at the outset that counseling seemed necessary NOW.  

I've always wondered why therapy isn't required before surgery, because in nearly every case we've seen, these people eat because that's how they handle their emotions. You would think that getting therapy right at the start of the whole process would make it easier for them to lose the weight they need to get the surgery, but usually it doesn't happen until after they've struggled through trying to lose and then getting surgery.

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18 minutes ago, Hellga said:

Surprise!   The second bonus scene is also her eating sweets!

At least this time Ray did say "you know you aren't supposed to have it".  And of course she claimed she would only have "a couple pieces".

It's all really crappy candy too. Not worth the calories.

Why do they even have candy? Neither of them "need it". And it's like a bag of grocery store bulk bin crap. Although I've had the soft mints and they are pretty good. But seriously. 

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Just now, JunkFoodTV said:

Why do they even have candy? Neither of them "need it". 

My guess is she wanted it so Ray bought it.  He seems to never say "no" to her, no matter what she asks.  And it's the same whether she is asking for food, for a hug, for anything - just the exact same placating tone.  Makes me wonder whether he believes her to be slow, or she flies into rage often (strategically off camera, where she plays a sweet and slightly dumb child) and he is used to speaking to her in this way.  Or he just stopped caring a long time ago.  

3 minutes ago, missnoa said:

I've always wondered why therapy isn't required before surgery, because in nearly every case we've seen, these people eat because that's how they handle their emotions. 

We can see it, the patients themselves probably don't.  And therapy isn't going to help someone who resists it or doesn't believe it necessary, etc.  A person has to be ready for it in order for it to work best.  In a perfect world, they would get therapy before and after, but given that insurance pays for a limited number of sessions. you want to save them for when you get the most bang for your buck.

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I think I leave this recording on my PVR and if I'm ever tempted I'll re-watch those scenes of Holly's tongue darting in and out like a snake as she shoved food into her mouth. Who could eat after seeing that? Worse than the horrific shower scenes.

Many of these overweight folk seem to have dogs.  The poor things must never get taken out for walks.

Anyway, best wishes to Holly.  Hope she makes it.

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13 hours ago, Hellga said:

Surprise!   The second bonus scene is also her eating sweets!

At least this time Ray did say "you know you aren't supposed to have it".  And of course she claimed she would only have "a couple pieces".

It's all really crappy candy too. Not worth the calories.

This.  Plus finally we know why she kept telling Dr. Now that chocolate was her downfall, yet in the original airing I don't think we ever saw her eating chocolate at all.

Edited to add:  And Ray asked what they should do with the bag of candy--throw it out?  And I jumped up and said YES!  Throw it away!

That, actually, was my most successful diet strategy.  When I stumbled, as soon as I'd scratched the itch, I *threw away* the rest of it, whether it was cake, candy, cookies, ice cream, a huge sandwich.  It's hard the first time because we are trained not to waste money, or food, but I asked myself which was more important, wasting this food which no one really should be eating anyway, or losing weight.  This way, at least I nipped binge eating in the bud, which is a very helpful strategy to have.

I also started buying really good quality cheat foods, so at least I wasn't putting trash in my mouth--imported chocolates, small-batch high milk-fat ice cream--which were much more satisfying and which come in much smaller containers.  Nobody's perfect, after all--but still:  Throw it away once you've satisfied your craving.  Instead, and instead of having Ray hide the rest of the candy, which he suggested, she took it with her to the bedroom, where I guarantee Holly kept eating it.

And I have to take back my complaint in another thread that the poundticipants don't have grab bars in their showers--Holly had one, and she used it.  I was glad to see it.

Edited by Mothra
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36 minutes ago, Mothra said:

That, actually, was my most successful diet strategy.  When I stumbled, as soon as I'd scratched the itch, I *threw away* the rest of it, whether it was cake, candy, cookies, ice cream, a huge sandwich.  It's hard the first time because we are trained not to waste money, or food, but I asked myself which was more important, wasting this food which no one really should be eating anyway, or losing weight.  This way, at least I nipped binge eating in the bud, which is a very helpful strategy to have.

I also started buying really good quality cheat foods, so at least I wasn't putting trash in my mouth--imported chocolates, small-batch high milk-fat ice cream--which were much more satisfying and which come in much smaller containers.  Nobody's perfect, after all--but still:  Throw it away once you've satisfied your craving.  Instead, and instead of having Ray hide the rest of the candy, which he suggested, she took it with her to the bedroom, where I guarantee Holly kept eating it.

It's also very hard for me to throw away food - what helped me is the saying I have seen somewhere, "if you are eating something only because you don't want to throw it in the garbage, you are treating your body worse than a garbage bin".  It's still hard, but I try to remind myself that my body is far more important than a trash can.  And eating good food is cheaper in the long run than the medical bills on top of junk food spending.

I am all for having good chocolates. 🙂  I am right now in the process of re-educating a colleague who has been self-proclaimed "Hershey's girl" all her life.  

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1 hour ago, Mothra said:

This.  Plus finally we know why she kept telling Dr. Now that chocolate was her downfall, yet in the original airing I don't think we ever saw her eating chocolate at all.

Edited to add:  And Ray asked what they should do with the bag of candy--throw it out?  And I jumped up and said YES!  Throw it away!

Nobody's perfect, after all--but still:  Throw it away once you've satisfied your craving.  Instead, and instead of having Ray hide the rest of the candy, which he suggested, she took it with her to the bedroom, where I guarantee Holly kept eating it.

Not only throw it away, but in a manner that it Can Not Be Retrieved.  (Yes, I have done that with things that were well wrapped in a trash bin with nothing disgusting disposed of yet.). 

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1 hour ago, ThereButFor said:

Not only throw it away, but in a manner that it Can Not Be Retrieved.  (Yes, I have done that with things that were well wrapped in a trash bin with nothing disgusting disposed of yet.). 

Yep.  When Ray asked if he should throw it away, my reaction (after YES) was "Take it outside to the dumpster so she can't retrieve it!"

I hear you, sister.

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On 2/17/2019 at 10:46 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I think Dr. Now does the gastric sleeve on people who can't spend a lot of time under anesthesia.   Some he's talked about doing a later procedure of the gastric bypass, if their weight loss slows, and they can stand the surgery then.  

 Some, like Holly that are in better shape, he does the gastric bypass, because it is more effective. and she could stay under anesthesia longer.      I also recall he had to fix the portion damaged by the previous WLS, stapling.       Apparently, her previous surgery was a gastric bypass done by stapling the stomach.     

I know that was probably the 89th take, and many people don't want to be emotional on TV, but Holly's mom  really didn't show that much emotion when her daughter told her about being assaulted.    They certainly are a restrained family emotionally.    

I'm hoping Holly puts her efforts into finishing more college, or technical training, so she can make her own way in the world.    She had such a great attitude after getting into the program, and I hope she keeps on with finding fulfilling hobbies, and meeting people in Houston.   

Holly must've been under anesthesia for a *really* long time because he repaired her hernia before he could do the bypass.  I think that the fact that she'd had a bypass before dictated that that's what he would have to do this time, too--part of her intestine had already been removed in the earlier surgery, so even if he did just the sleeve, she would still essentially have a bypass.

I hadn't put the two together until you mentioned it, but it did seem odd to me that her mother was *so* emotional about Holly's move to Houston and so stoic after she heard about Holly's "sexual assault"--wonder why Holly didn't say "rape"?  That's some messed-up emotional relationship right there.  If I had told my mother, with whom I had a really terrible relationship, that I had been raped when I was 14, she would have flown out of her chair to hold and comfort me.  I think we saw exactly why Holly felt she couldn't tell her mother about the rape when it happened.

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On 2/1/2019 at 8:39 PM, Jeeves said:

Hell, even the way she talked about her first husband just grated. He was in the military and went off to serve in the Mideast (Iraq? Afghanistan?), and came home with PTSD. Her description of that was so childish and self-centered. I didn't get the idea that she had any capacity for, or interest in, helping him to cope with his problems. It was just, poor Holly.

I agree although I thought I remembered saying she woke up to a gun in her face at one point? Otherwise, I agree with your assessment.

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3 minutes ago, OrigamiNightmare said:

I agree although I thought I remembered saying she woke up to a gun in her face at one point? Otherwise, I agree with your assessment.

Yikes! I missed that. Certainly, in that case I'd cut her some slack on her comments about her ex.

Overall, though, she came across as extremely immature and self-centered.

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39 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

Yikes! I missed that. Certainly, in that case I'd cut her some slack on her comments about her ex.

Overall, though, she came across as extremely immature and self-centered.

37 minutes ago, toodles said:

As does 99% of the other 600 pounders.

I don't know about 99%, but that is certainly true of a lot of them. I doubt that anybody gets to 600 pounds without some serious psychological/mental issues going on.

Obviously, YMMV, but there was something about Holly that seemed particularly childish to me. Maybe I was just extra-grouchy that night. I think what struck me was that she seemed to have been a "failure to launch" into adult life. Many poundticpants have, prior to their weight getting so high, completed education, held jobs, even served in the military. And not just the relatively older ones. Justin was still pretty young, for example. IIRC Holly was already in her 30's but came across as a lot younger, and her introductory voiceovers were all about how everyone's job was to take care of her. Including that she and her fiance (who had a job) had to live with her parents because for some reason I never understood, she needed "assistance" 24/7. 

And, I'm often wrong about stuff, so there's that. 😂

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I think Holly said something at the beginning of the show, about needing to be around people in case she fell, or got stuck.    So they moved in with her parents, even though they didn't want Ray and Holly living under their roof without being married.    They could have fixed the marriage issue with a 10 minute trip to the local courthouse.    

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On 1/30/2019 at 10:51 PM, Chilly said:

Ray makes my skin crawl. Watching him feed her and smile creepily when he says "if  she eats anymore, she'll die."  Makes me feel like I need a shower. Gross. 

Maybe he plans to wed Lisa, when Holly and James K. both kick the bucket.

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On 3/9/2019 at 1:19 AM, auntjess said:

Maybe he plans to wed Lisa, when Holly and James K. both kick the bucket.

Yeah when he was watching her eat the apple pie it was so creepy! He said, did that hit the spot with this shit eating grin on his face. Why the hell was that pie even in the house? When she says she has a craving, this is the time to say- hey we moved all the way here because you said you wanted to change your life! we spent all this time and money and you are going to ruin it by eating what you are not? not "there is apple pie, Ill bring you some". She was so whiny and child like but Dr. Now had her pegged he said she acts like a baby and everyone caves to her but that would not work on hims. I love him.

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Revisiting Holly's episode today. Did Holly's mother go to a culinary school run by Paula Deen? Because she put a whole stick of butter in the pan when she sauteed the onions for the hamburger steak and gravy.

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