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S09.E03: Hurricane


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9 minutes ago, druzy said:

Chelsea may go into early labor.

Jenelle faces Hurricane Florence and makes an emergency call about her husband.

Kailyn’s birthday party for Lux pushes her to reconnect with estranged family.

Devoin and Nova get closer as she starts first grade.

Airs January 28, 2019

I think it would be good for Kailyn to make some family connections (so long as they aren’t famewhores). 

  • Love 5
If they were so prepared why did they take free food? 
From her Facebook page. This is the free food she received. 
"Just got this in the mail!!!!" she explained. "This is not an ad. Ordered some groceries for FREE on this website. Everyone that is affected by the hurricane can apply. They sent me a confirmation email and I ordered on 9/18. Spread the word!"
Edited by druzy
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Stusan said:

With Jenelle, (and since the show runs so far behind real time), we'll always be asking "which call?" There seem to be so many from which to choose. 

We have a big selection of 911 calls to choose from. I was wondering if this was the 911 call that Jenelle made regarding UBT assaulting her and pinning her down on the ground in the yard. She later recanted her story and said: We had friends over and had a bonfire and I tripped over a hole, and me and David were in the middle of arguing about something and David thought I was hitting him … I went and fell down, David wouldn’t catch me, he tripped over the hole and we both fell down together.

  • Love 9

Kail is such a selfish attention whore in general and took a lot of heat for cutting ties with her mom from people who think you should never cut off contact with your parents. She used her mom until her mom balked at it and then cut ties when she didn't need her anymore, but I actually support her decision to cut ties with her. Like Farrah, her relationship with her mother was toxic and she acts enough like Suzy as it is without learning new traits. If Suzy was sober and they were reconnecting in counseling then it could be productive, but otherwise, it would be Kail pointing fingers at everything Suzy did wrong to her, which is likely a lot, and Suzy telling Kail to get over it already. 

  • Love 9
11 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I'm just gonna say it and I'll swallow the backlash. Janelle's 911 call sounds fake as fuck to me. I do not believe a single false sob on that call.

She's the worst actress. She says a word takes a breath crys another word takes a breath. They abuse each other.

Why didn't she tell the 911 operator that her maniac husband has guns. She wants them to protect her but doesn't give them a heads up.

Edited by druzy
  • Love 17

ok what REALLY seems messed up (FAKE) to me with the 911 call, is that she is not at all talking low or hushed, and is not rushed either. I hope it wasn't real but if heaven forbid it happened where she was really attacked and he left the house like she said (in what kind of vehicle- I don't know) -----wouldnt you be afraid he was really there or would come back. Listening to this again- it's ridiculous. And to use police resources for this...................smh.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Vandy10 said:

Tyler can be a douche sometimes, but he was spot-on tonight with the talk of getting therapy. Between Kail's issues with her mom and her recognized need for the chaos of unhealthy relationships, why the hell isn't she already in therapy? She's a mess.

I think Kailyn would benefit greatly from therapy, she can certainly afford it. She should go!! 

I think it’s perfectly natural to want a connection with “family”, if her sister turns out to be a decent sort, building something there may be more healthy than dealing with her Mom again. 

  • Love 6

Some observations this week:

What’s up with Cole and Chelsea going, ‘We bought a house,” and Chelsea says, “oh my God,” like it’s so overwhelming when she’s bought a couple of houses since this show started.

Apart from the first day of school, Nova continues to always look like such a miserable kid. No real smile or joy. I hate seeing such a straight faced kid. The cameras have been there a long time so I don’t buy that she’s uncomfortable with them.

I thought Leah was being dramatic about the “willchair” thing. It was the first day and the bus was not prepared.It’s not like you work so bring the thing to school and shut up about it. To tell the person on the phone that “they wouldn’t take it” as if they personally just refused to take it for no reason was crap. She spent entirely too much time repeating the same complaints over and over, to the camera in the car, to Cory, to the boyfriend, to the worker on the phone. 

OMG Chelsea has a pug named Barbara? That’s adorable!

Chelsea’s mother looks like she’s 65 year old.

I had to forward past Janelle and Barb in the diner because Jenelle’s nasal voice was driving me insane.

Kail deserves what she gets from Chris. Period. You’re not addicted, Kail. You’re entitled. You think that no one should be permitted to use you and drop you like a hot potato so you’ll spend your whole life trying to convince both him and yourself that your shit past means you get everything you want for life. Have fun with that.

Her face looked horrible at Lux’s birthday party. I see she had a new crop of friends that she probably discarded after the party. Kail is going to try to recreate something with her “family” that will never work because in no time at all, she’ll treat them like shit when they don’t kiss her ass. They’ll become a bother to her and she’ll throw them away.

This show is going the way of the others: 3/4 of it is filler with people having scripted or re-enacted conversations on couches, in diners, parks, porches, on the phone, etc.

Excuse me while I die laughing that David was so incredibly crushed about missing the milestone pumpkin patch trip and Janelle’s attempt to blame it on him just messing with her. Wow at the call at the end of the episode but I don’t think that will be enough to get her to leave him. I don't follow these people outside the show.

  • Love 17
10 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I’ve always been a Barb supporter, but the 180 she’s done this season has been such a disappointment.  She decided to prioritize filming and MTV money over Kaiser’s welfare, and has thrown Nathan and his mom under the bus in the process.  Sad!

I don't like her speaking out against Nathan's family, either, but I think she's working overtime to keep things calm so that she and Jace can have some semblance of a relationship with the toxic Jenelle. 

The scene with Nova and her father was nice and he actually gave her some good daddy advice. I don't like calling children "Mama" either, but I think that's part of their culture.

Leah should have gotten an advocate years ago!

Kailyn: desperate much? Chris is never, ever going to respect her, especially after hearing that garbage she was spewing last night. Is this sister she spoke of Suzi's daughter or the father's from his Texas live?

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Jenelle's nervous  laughter while trying to play off David's threats to the crew  was a dead giveaway.  Also, kudos to Kristen for not responding to David's  text but making sure to mention the threats he made to shut down production on camera.

Kail: getting rid of negative energy in your home would require you to move out! Oh, don't get me started over need to chase CL. 

So, none of these people need to be in the same state let alone same room to record a podcast.

Leah should have been in contact with an advocate/advocacy group.

Brittany in her kawaii sleep mask and  BTS shirt...

What kind of school allows a trashy reality show to film in the classroom especially filming that shows a student in distress? 

Jenelle was struggling to cover David's ass. "It was the first visit to the pumpkin patch this year!" Is that a thing? I must have failed as a mother, I never took my kid to a pumpkin patch, never mind had an inaugural visit every fall, followed by less important to the family visits. Who are these people? David is over the edge. Who is he going to kill first? Jenelle or someone on the MTV crew?

I thought the exact same thing about Kail. "you want to get rid of negative energy? LEAVE." She is such a downer. Always with that truculent scowl. She is really going to seed, fast. Any youthful attractiveness is gone. Her skin is a mess, her jowls get jowl-ier by the day, and her eyes are disappearing. And if she and Chris have a relationship, I am the Queen of Romania.

Is this business of the whole family taking a kid to school on the first day a thing? I can see maybe making a bit of fuss for kindergarten, if that's your jam, but the whole family traveling in a pack to take a kid to school on the first day after that? Seems excessive. The way they all hover over Nova stresses her out. You'd think someone might notice and try another way of marking the day. But no, the whole bunch of them are selfish cows.

  • Love 19
23 minutes ago, configdotsys said:


Apart from the first day of school, Nova continues to always look like such a miserable kid. No real smile or joy. I hate seeing such a straight faced kid. The cameras have been there a long time so I don’t buy that she’s uncomfortable with them.


I had to forward past Janelle and Barb in the diner because Jenelle’s nasal voice was driving me insane.



The only time Nova looks happy is when she is with her dad.  

Oh don't worry, you didn't miss anything - just Janelle's bullshit and lies.

@configdotsys I have to ask - who is in your avatar?  I crack up whenever I see it!


19 minutes ago, politichick said:


Kailyn: desperate much? Chris is never, ever going to respect her, especially after hearing that garbage she was spewing last night. Is this sister she spoke of Suzi's daughter or the father's from his Texas live?


OMG remember the dad put a lock on his refrigerator door so Kail wouldn't steal his meats!?!!

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, eskimo said:

Did she say her ex was there?

Yea, I noticed that, too.  Who was she referring to?

32 minutes ago, politichick said:

I don't like her speaking out against Nathan's family, either, but I think she's working overtime to keep things calm so that she and Jace can have some semblance of a relationship with the toxic Jenelle. 

I think you’re giving her way too much credit.  Janelle spends every day saving lives, whoops, I mean on the land with David, and since they can’t film there or at any time with him, she really has no other option than to film with Barb.  I guess she could have bribed, whoops, I mean asked a fake friend to film scenes with her, but since Jace is with Barb most of the time, and Janelle wants to pretend she cares about Jace, this scenario made the most sense for everybody.  

  • Love 7

Oh my God this show is deathly boring.  I watched it On Demand and kept checking how many minutes I had left to watch.  It also wouldn’t let me fast forward. 

Jenelle’s face when the producer was reading David’s text was very sad.  I don’t like Jenelle but there’s some serious domestic violence in her life.  No one deserves that.  I hope she eventually gets herself and the kids away from David before something tragic happens. And I’m also not loving Barb’s bad judgement bullshit this season.  My bet is that she’ll run back to Doris’ corner when Jenelle cuts her out again.  

Chelsea’s segment was a nice breath of fresh air in this shit show.  I enjoy watching her interact with Cole.  He seems very sweet. 

Kailyn needs therapy.  For many reasons.  Her mom. Chris. How she treats people. Everything.  And settle down with Lux’s birthday party.  A cake tasting? Seriously? Cheap ass towels as favors? So dumb.

Leah’s new boyfriend seems mature.  The advocate is a great idea.  I hope Leah keeps moving in this more stable direction. 

Brianna’s kids are absolutely adorable! Not sure I get the strip mall school next to a Mattress Firm but okay I guess.  Nova is so entrenched in The Coven that she seems traumatized when separating from them and seeing her silently cry was heartbreaking.  I hope she spends more time with Devoin as she gets older and that he doesn’t disappear from her life when the cameras stop rolling. 

As far as Roxanne calling Nova “Mama” yes, it’s cultural.   My mother grew up in a mostly Puerto Rican neighborhood in Brooklyn where it’s common for women to call each other Mama, Mami, or Mommy as a term of endearment. My mother used to call me Mommy all the time when I was little, “What’s the matter Mommy? Are you tired? Sad? Do you need a hug?” It’s not meant to imply “mother” in the maternal with children sense.  Not criticizing, just clarifying. 

Edited by Emmierose
  • Love 16
28 minutes ago, Emmierose said:

Kailyn needs therapy.  For many reasons.  Her mom. Chris. How she treats people. Everything.  And settle down with Lux’s birthday party.  A cake tasting?

Omigod the cake tasting! I was DYING. Damn piss elegant Kail taking the kids to a cake tasting for Lux's first birthday party! Because she's classy that way. Like a bunch of kids care. The baker was a stitch, she was so over it. She didn't even explain the flavors, just plunked that sample plate down and fled. I will bet anyone here a shiny quarter that Kail did not buy a cake there.

  • Love 17
50 minutes ago, Emmierose said:

Jenelle’s face when the producer was reading David’s text was very sad.  I don’t like Jenelle but there’s some serious domestic violence in her life.  No one deserves that.  I hope she eventually gets herself and the kids away from David before something tragic happens. 


Yeah Jenelle knows. She acts delusional and defensive most of the time, but she knows. You could tell by her reaction to those crazy messages. Maybe she’s simply too scared to leave him and be “alone” again. I can only see it as a good sign that she reached out, called 911 and sought help, shows me there may be hope for her yet. I’m interested to see what will unfold in the future. 


The presence of the cameras only served to make Nova more uncomfortable.


Lux’s bday was way OTT. But in fairness to Kail, if she would just stop procreating with every Tom dick and Harry, I would like to tell her that she’s doing just fine without her addict mom. 

Edited by BARISTA
  • Love 5
12 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I’ve always been a Barb supporter, but the 180 she’s done this season has been such a disappointment.  She decided to prioritize filming and MTV money over Kaiser’s welfare, and has thrown Nathan and his mom under the bus in the process.  Sad!

You can see her physically restraining herself from responding in typical Barb fashion.  I keep waiting for a "Well, ya know, Janelle..." but she's managed to bite it back every time.  She must really want a relationship with her daughter to keep quiet while Janelle tells all those lies about David.

Do the girls all have make up artists at their beck and call?  Well, except for Brianna, who always looks like crap.  When Leah waltzed into the room to place the call to the disability attorney, I was struck by how made-up she looked, false eyelashes and all, for a day at home.  

Having said that I have to give kudos to Leah for cleaning up her act....literally.  Do you all remember the condition of her former houses when the carpets looked so filthy you'd never want to walk on them barefoot?  Her current home looks pristine in comparison.  And I'm in awe at how she's stepped up as Ali's advocate.  She may not know the language or how to pull the strings to get what Ali needs, she's learning and is willing to go outside of her comfort zone in order to support Ali.

  • Love 13
14 hours ago, druzy said:

They played an edited version of Jenelle's 911 call this episode. This is the full version:

Typical battered woman behavior. Reports an attack but then protects her attacker. This season her goal has been to repair David's reputation and make excuses for his socio/psychopathic personality. The worst is her telling 911 she doesn't know if David has weapons. Wow...and even after all this Barbara never challenged visitation for Jace at that swampy hellhole. This won't be the last call to 911...David is getting worse in his hubris and arrogance...and his stockpile of weapons is scary as hell. 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

One thing I've noticed is the vibe in Brianna's apartment is sooo lethargic. Everyone just lays around semi-comatose like it's a struggle to breathe. When Britney made that comment about being glad Devoin took Nova to the arcade because Brianna wouldn't have the energy, I was like wtf?! You're in your mid-20s for God's sake. Maybe Brianna should spend less time on butt lifts and invest in a gym membership and nutritionist instead. She's way too young to be slogging through life like this. 

But to circle back to your point about Nova, I wonder if the general negative energy within the family is starting to really affect her. 

Yes! I've been saying that for awhile. It's a depressed atmosphere. Nova has witnessed a lot of verbal and physical anger in her short life. I have said all along that Brianna should get Nova into some sort of a team sport or any kind of athletic activity where she can make friends and do something healthy instead of just being cooped up in that woefully small apartment. Dance, gymnastics, little kids soccer, softball, basketball...anything would be so much better for her and her self esteem than just hanging around with all these miserable women. Bringing the cameras into the classroom on her first day was a huge mistake...give her a break Brianna.

  • Love 13

It was nice to see Chelsea and Cole living their regular life. I had two false labor scares where I was in the hospital for hours.  Frustrating, but better to be sure.

Poor Nova, that girl is painfully shy.  I wonder if she has a counselor. Her dad talks *to* her, instead of kind of around her, like she's just tagging along.

Leah's grown up a lot.  Her boyfriend seems like a nice guy but the rumors are scaring me.  I kind of hate how she encourages Addie's bad behavior.

how psyched were Kail's kids to test cakes?  Although I don't know that I'd trust a bakery called "half-baked", that would cause stomach issues!

She said on the Teen Mom Trash Talk podcast that Chris didn't want to be on the show because he didn't want to feel like he had a job or anything because of her, he wasn't with her because he owed her something. I could be cynical & say maybe he also wouldn't want anything held over his head...but he does like that pool in the summer!

Jenelle has sort of never acted like a normal person.  But it was chilling how Kristen was describing being threatened, and she was just there giggling at her.  I hope she leaves that psychopath. I like that Barb has a relationship with her granddaughter now but I can't imagine how much this is all tearing her up inside.

Edited by teapot
  • Love 12
14 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I’ve always been a Barb supporter, but the 180 she’s done this season has been such a disappointment.  She decided to prioritize filming and MTV money over Kaiser’s welfare, and has thrown Nathan and his mom under the bus in the process.  Sad!

Couldn't agree more. Barbara just sits there and doesn't say anything. She and Jenelle have a codependent relationship. For some reason Barb has decided to ignore all the serious warning signs that her daughter is in another and possibly the most dangerous relationship ever and that her grandson could possibly be in grave danger himself at some point in time. I agree with another poster that Barb put all this aside so she could continue to film and earn a paycheck from MTV...she has thrown Jace to the wolves so that she could make an easy buck. Is anybody looking out for all these children and their lives?

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Omigod the cake tasting! I was DYING. Damn piss elegant Kail taking the kids to a cake tasting for Lux's first birthday party! Because she's classy that way. Like a bunch of kids care. The baker was a stitch, she was so over it. She didn't even explain the flavors, just plunked that sample plate down and fled. I will bet anyone here a shiny quarter that Kail did not buy a cake there.

No doubt. That grifter was just tying to get a free meal for her family. 


28 minutes ago, DudeLeaveMeAlone said:

Except that in this week's episode, that phone call to the advocate was made from her boyfriend's house.

His house definitely looks nice in pictures I've seen. Maybe he'll be a good influence on her. Or already has been. 

  • Love 4

omg I almost forgot, for a second I thought Kail brought Cate & Ty to find Suzi b/c they're experts at finding shitty mothers.  Remember when they went to Hawaii & spoke with those two sisters & Cate was chowing down big-time on takeout while Tyler was getting their story?  Alas, no, it was just an excuse to show a Butch clip because Teen Mom 2 is seriously lacking for material. (just wait, they're gonna find an excuse to air Ryan driving on heroin again as soon as they can!!)

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, A-Lo said:


Having said that I have to give kudos to Leah for cleaning up her act....literally.  Do you all remember the condition of her former houses when the carpets looked so filthy you'd never want to walk on them barefoot?  Her current home looks pristine in comparison.  And I'm in awe at how she's stepped up as Ali's advocate.  She may not know the language or how to pull the strings to get what Ali needs, she's learning and is willing to go outside of her comfort zone in order to support Ali.


She may have cleaned up her look but she is still on the pilses, I would bet my last dollar.  Her jaw is doing all kinds of twitching - that is a sure sign.  Also, like @DudeLeaveMeAlone pointed out - that is her boyfriend's house.  It's a pretty nice house, too - so funny that she keeps filming there instead of her hovel.


2 hours ago, teapot said:

It was nice to see Chelsea and Cole living their regular life. I had two false labor scares where I was in the hospital for hours.  Frustrating, but better to be sure.

Poor Nova, that girl is painfully shy.  I wonder if she has a counselor. Her dad talks *to* her, instead of kind of around her, like she's just tagging along.

Leah's grown up a lot.  Her boyfriend seems like a nice guy but the rumors are scaring me.  I kind of hate how she encourages Addie's bad behavior.

how psyched were Kail's kids to test cakes?  Although I don't know that I'd trust a bakery called "half-baked", that would cause stomach issues!

She said on the Teen Mom Trash Talk podcast that Chris didn't want to be on the show because he didn't want to feel like he had a job or anything because of her, he wasn't with her because he owed her something. I could be cynical & say maybe he also wouldn't want anything held over his head...but he does like that pool in the summer!

Jenelle has sort of never acted like a normal person.  But it was chilling how Kristen was describing being threatened, and she was just there giggling at her.  I hope she leaves that psychopath. I like that Barb has a relationship with her granddaughter now but I can't imagine how much this is all tearing her up inside.


Sorry but Cole is so fucking weird.  He kept saying in his squeaky voice "the baby needs to cook" or whatever.  Then he was like, "that was some of Chelsea's fluids."  OMG!!!  Dude stop.

What rumors about Leah's boyfriend??  

  • Love 6

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