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S08.E05: 'Til Mud Do Us Part

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12 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Also I wondered about the whole "they were both dating the wrong kind of people" thing because other than the races of Luke's exes, I don't remember hearing anything about them and I don't remember hearing anything about Kate's dating life at all. I think they've just focused on Kate's parents' divorce. What was wrong with them? Were they commitment-phobic? Emotionally unavailable? Fundamentally incompatible? If so, how? (Another of my friends used to pick men she was incompatible with so she could find excuses not to commit to them - it was a form of self-sabotage. She's a serial monogamist who is never single very long, but that was her pattern.)

I've suspected this about Luke.  He may be the misogynist here.  He really doesn't want to end up with anyone deep down so he may date all kinds of women that he would never want to end up with for the long haul.  Commitment-phobic indeed.  I have a nephew in his mid 30s like that.  A string of women, each one less compatible with him than the last.  Self sabotage.  Or, and I hate to bring up the gay thing again, but it may also be a way to avoid facing his gayness if he is gay.  I know people say there should be no reason why young people today wouldn't be able to face that, but there still are some young people that can't.

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13 hours ago, qtpye said:

As a woman of color, the blue eyed blonde is such the default standard of beauty in American society that it almost baffles people when that is not true. I feel like in my own community when a successful man of color marries a woman who is not  light skinned, mixed, or of another ethnicity people actually comment about it. There is such a bias that lightness equals femininity that it is even prevalent in cartoons. The Last Airbender is one of the few cartoons where the protagonist actually liked a female that was darker than himself.

I find it interesting that two seasons in a row we have men that preferred brunettes get matched with "bottle blondes".  You'd think the experts would learn from their mistakes, but I doubt they even care to tell the truth.  The lame-ass reasons they give for matching people tell the tale.

That said, as a brunette I never suffered for male attention so I think that blonde/blue-eyed thing is a bit of a myth.  All of the men I was ever in relationships with preferred brunettes.

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12 hours ago, SandraB said:

YES, I swear, I'm getting the gay vibe too, cuz, in general, what guy has ever turned down kissing & having sex with a pretty girl, even tho she's not their perfect type?  His reaction was EXTREME - a kiss is just a kiss - repulsed, and dead inside??  That's some harsh, harsh sh*t... something is just up with him...

My husband and best male friend (who watches this show, lol) keep saying this too.  Heck, I even know gay men that would have sex with Kate in a hot minute!  So something is definitely up with Luke.  I don't know why but just knowing that he ran that dating service screams commitment-phobic to me.  Like he found something to do where he can perpetually be like a kid in a candy store and never make up his mind.  He loves having the choices but doesn't want have to pick just one.

12 hours ago, Ohwell said:

That's what it looked like to me.  It also looked like Jasmine was giving her the stink eye.  I think that's why she didn't want to get in the water.  She was pissed looking at Kristine's body and didn't want to show hers.  

YESSSSS, now this makes sense!  I was trying to figure out what was up with Jasmine that she didn't want to get in the water.  I thought the hair was only part of the story.  I knew it had something to do with not feeling like she measured up in some way with the others - this would be the perfect tie in with that feeling I had.

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25 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

Then again, I don't trust these bozo "experts" to always listen to the participants and I think they sometimes deliberately mismatch people in certain ways for the "drama".

You think??? I think it’s certain that they deliberately do this, going back to season two when Davina said living outside Manhattan was a deal breaker and they matched her with someone who lives in New Jersey. Then you can add Nick the dog lover with Sonia (terrified of dogs), Tom who lives in a bus with Lily who sells high end real estate. The list goes on. I think what really pisses me off is that despite constantly reminding us that these are “legally binding marriages” they do not seem to take any responsibility for the disastrous pairings that frequently occur. Once the selection is made then the success or failure is pushed off completely on the participants with the “experts” strongly encouraging these couples to just work harder even though it’s obvious to everyone that they would be better off calling it quits. I think it’s kind of disgusting actually because it’s clear some of these people are too emotionally fragile and yet they just persist as if these are just stories for a tv show and not these peoples actual real life. Just sick. I have zero respect for Dr. Pepper, Pastor Cal and Dr. Blondie.

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17 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

You think??? I think it’s certain that they deliberately do this, going back to season two when Davina said living outside Manhattan was a deal breaker and they matched her with someone who lives in New Jersey. Then you can add Nick the dog lover with Sonia (terrified of dogs), Tom who lives in a bus with Lily who sells high end real estate. The list goes on. I think what really pisses me off is that despite constantly reminding us that these are “legally binding marriages” they do not seem to take any responsibility for the disastrous pairings that frequently occur. Once the selection is made then the success or failure is pushed off completely on the participants with the “experts” strongly encouraging these couples to just work harder even though it’s obvious to everyone that they would be better off calling it quits. I think it’s kind of disgusting actually because it’s clear some of these people are too emotionally fragile and yet they just persist as if these are just stories for a tv show and not these peoples actual real life. Just sick. I have zero respect for Dr. Pepper, Pastor Cal and Dr. Blondie.

I think the "experiment" the so-called "experts" keep referring to is throwing obvious mismatches together just to see how they either blow up or overcome their differences.  But as we all know, they usually blow up.  This BS they spew about seeing if the couples can overcome big differences and find common ground never works and they know it.  They're more despicable than some of the worst of the participants!

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7 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:


The point is, if she had met Luke under "normal" circumstances, i.e., "organically", she may have kicked him to the curb long ago. But she didn't meet him that way. And she has a bunch of so-called "experts" drumming into her that THIS guy is the RIGHT guy for her. I'm not surprised she's doubting her own intuition at this point. 



Kate DID meet puke before under "normal" circumstances. At the speed dating event, where she couldnt care or be bothered to even remember his stupid face much less his name hahaha

Im sure that kate has scrapped gum off the bottom of her shoe that has left a much more lasting impact and memory than meeting that stupid sloth loving smirk smiling douchebag

So in a way, she actually did kick him to the curb a long time ago. When a guy meets a girl or vice versa, and doesnt even remember a single shred or fragment of a memory of that meeting, then thats usually not a good sign lol

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43 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

I think it’s kind of disgusting actually because it’s clear some of these people are too emotionally fragile and yet they just persist as if these are just stories for a tv show and not these peoples actual real life. Just sick. I have zero respect for Dr. Pepper, Pastor Cal and Dr. Blondie.

Very good point.

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6 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I think the "experiment" the so-called "experts" keep referring to is throwing obvious mismatches together just to see how they either blow up or overcome their differences.  But as we all know, they usually blow up.  This BS they spew about seeing if the couples can overcome big differences and find common ground never works and they know it.  They're more despicable than some of the worst of the participants!


I totally agree 100%. Honestly, I no longer see this show for the "promise" it originally seek to deliver. NOT anymore. No hope. No faith left.

As with most, if not all of the posters here in this MAFS forum, I have seen every single episode since season 1.  Including all the related spin-offs (2nd chances, J+D plus 1,  honeymoon island, etc etc etc) and now when I watch this show, its solely for the entertainment value to see just how bad the train derailment can possibly get.

Sure I am hopeful that it can work out in the end and that these couples find everlasting love and happiness but the shows and the so called "experts" track record doesn't exactly inspire any confidence in this "experiment" potential future success.

These bonehead "experts" couldnt match a pair of socks to each other much less 2 people who are very likely to be highly compatible. At this point, every time they say anything on the show its just "blah blah blah" to me.  In one ear and out the other immediately. All 3 of them are truly useless. They have ZERO credibility with me right now. ZERO.

And the show is just going to repeat the same mistakes over and over again until they make some changes and truly try to match up the RIGHT people together who can give the storybook fairy tale ending that the show "promises" to deliver. But until then, most are already doomed to fail before it even begins. 5 of 21 couples still married = 23.8% speaks for itself.

I do hope all the couples that go on the show really do find love and happiness, honestly I really do. But at this point I no longer have any faith or hope that it will happen.

Will I still continue to watch the show, season after season after season regardless? Sure, of course I will !!! lmao hahaha lol

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19 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Kept on thinking last night that if Ricky Bobby knew what Hipster Puke said to Kate that Bobby would break ranks and have stern words with him about treating his wife so shabbily and to cut the shit or he would kick his ass thoroughly and wipe that smug smirk off his ugly face...

LMAO. I totally just heard that last part in the voice of the late R.Lee Ermey (r.i.p.). I totally agree with you. Puke is a piece of sh**, 1st class. 

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16 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

Something bothers me about Will and Jasmine but I can't quite put my finger on what. 

I FLoved your entire post but I'm quoting this bc YES. I meant to say: I am SO uncomfortable watching these two. There is an almost rage vibe between them boiling up and ready to explode at some point. I cringe during their scenes. I can never tell if they're joking or not until a talking head comes on saying "we playfully go back and. " I feel like when they move in together, it will end with a body bag. I think maybe Jasmine is being a priss bc she's self sabotaging this relationship bc she doesn't like Will at all. That's at the very least.  Will seems too calm and go-with-the-flow for now but underneath I see him boiling.

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This is my thought on who puke is looking for- 

A dark skinned lady (or man) who has  highly educated background- possibly an attorney or such. He/she can be found DJ'ing the hottest spots In town on the weekends.  Maybe he/she also wood carves during spare time. Of course the object of Puke's affection follows a strict gluten/dairy -free lifestyle and is maybe even a vegan.  He/she can be found bopping around the local farmer's market during the day.  

When Kate was looking for a bearded man, I think she meant more lumberjack than hipster wannabe.  She should cut her losses and maybe join something like a "farmersOnly.com." 

Kate does need a personality of some sort though. In her clothing, her speech, & her confidence.  What I'm seeing in these comments is that while we all agree on human decency and respect, we are not all that smitten with Kate to begin with. But her desperation makes us feel sorry for her like that stray puppy. And yes, her clothing is frumpy and matronly.  I myself lost a lot of weight in life and still struggle to see myself at my size and have questionable choices. The problem is that with some fitted clothing, while it looks better than baggy, if you're not toned, it looks bad. So you size UP or go with a more flowing fit. I've gotten 200% better though in my choices and wish I could help Kate and take her shopping. Agree with previous poster she needs V necks , not crew necks. 

Edited by Kdawg82
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In the tease, you have Pastor Cal questioning Will and Jas if they have put themselves in the "buddy zone."

 Will likes Jas, enjoys talking and spending time with her,  but he is doing a slow walk out the door... think that when the red camera light is off that he retreats into introvert mode.

Jas, Miss Stay in Your Lane Gender Role Traditionalist has boxed herself in to passively waiting for Will to reach out to her...if she makes strong moves she usurps his role as the aggressor... 

Will won't abandon "the experiment" so the Will/Jas segments will be a snooze....

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All my sympathy is with Will. If I met someone and right out of the gate they wanted me to pay all the bills and gave zero indication to where the money from their full time job was going, I’d be put off. That’s just so stupidly unfair. Jasmine does NOT want to stay home and cook and clean. 

If 50/50 is wrong, I don’t want to be right. 

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11 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

All my sympathy is with Will. If I met someone and right out of the gate they wanted me to pay all the bills and gave zero indication to where the money from their full time job was going, I’d be put off. That’s just so stupidly unfair. Jasmine does NOT want to stay home and cook and clean. 

If 50/50 is wrong, I don’t want to be right. 

I've thought this over and now wonder if Jasmine said that because she's not feeling Will and wanted to put him off.  It seemed like a snarky comment deliberately designed to put distance between them.  If she really liked him she'd be more flexible. Or she could be engaging in self-sabotage like Luke.

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Jas has been throwing out plenty of bait but Will is nibbling surgically and is too clever to get hooked...

Jas is getting rebuffed so she needs to go into defense mode....

Have to see if her good natured joshing around becomes more pointed....You afraid of heights... scaredy cat?

Jas could also be getting the villainess edit....

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8 hours ago, STRIDER1 said:


Kate DID meet puke before under "normal" circumstances. At the speed dating event, where she couldnt care or be bothered to even remember his stupid face much less his name hahaha <snip>

TBH, if I participated in a speed dating event, I doubt the organizers of the event that were present would register with me at all. I'd be concentrating on the men who were there who were participating in the event, as those would be the men I knew were available and might be interested in a date - not the organizers.

For all I'd know, the organizers could be married or currently involved in relationships. Even if I was introduced to them, I'd probably be scanning the room and checking out the available bachelors the entire time, not checking out the organizers as potential dates. 

So yeah... let's say you have two or three organizers, and you don't know the relationship status of any of them, and maybe 20+ single men who, by virtue of signing up for the event, you know are single and looking for a date/relationship, who are you going to be concentrating on and most likely to remember?

Lukewarm remembered Kate from the event, because he was single and he knew she was single and looking too - so she was a potential date *to him* (as were all the women at the event). But did Kate consider Lukewarm a potential date at the event? I'd argue she didn't - and that's why she didn't remember him.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
Removed random "wi"... because "wi" isn't a word!
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38 minutes ago, qtpye said:

I really feel like Jasmine is not feeling Will but is not turned off enough to walk away.

And I think that Will feels the same way about Jasmine.  I just don't think they're into each other.  

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24 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

But did Kate consider Lukewarm a potential date at the event? I'd argue she didn't - and that's why she didn't remember him.

She had mentioned to him at their wedding that she attended speed dating for moral support for a friend and she didn't particularly want to be at the event as she had already signed up for the MAFS experiment and knew she could potentially be selected to marry someone in the next few weeks. I'm assuming she was already in the smaller pool of contestants so was taking it seriously enough to invest hope in this [sh**]show. 

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I feel like Jasmine wanted Will to say he would handle the financial things, so that she could jump in and say that she would help out. However he didn't say what she wanted him to and he brought up 50/50 and she finally countered with 70/30. It was just a weird conversation to have on a honeymoon. 

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1 hour ago, Kdawg82 said:

She had mentioned to him at their wedding that she attended speed dating for moral support for a friend and she didn't particularly want to be at the event as she had already signed up for the MAFS experiment and knew she could potentially be selected to marry someone in the next few weeks. I'm assuming she was already in the smaller pool of contestants so was taking it seriously enough to invest hope in this [sh**]show. 

Both Kate and Lukewarm had, at the time of the event, signed up for MAFS, and at that point both knew they could potentially be selected to marry someone in the next few weeks.

Since both, presumably, applied for MAFS because they wanted to be married, it would make sense for them to be checking out the available men/women at the event, even if one of them (Kate) initially agreed to attend as moral support for a friend. (I'm aware there are other theories as to why Lukewarm applied for MAFS, but for the purpose of explaining why Lukewarm remembered Kate, and she didn't remember him, I'm going with what Lukewarm said was his motivation for participating).

Maybe one, or neither of them, would be selected for MAFS. If you really want to be married, it's a good idea to keep your eyes and ears open to potentially available partners at a singles event, even if your original motivation for attending was moral support for a friend, just in case the MAFS thing doesn't pan out.

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4 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Both Kate and Lukewarm had, at the time of the event, signed up for MAFS, and at that point both knew they could potentially be selected to marry someone in the next few weeks.

Since both, presumably, applied for MAFS because they wanted to be married, it would make sense for them to be checking out the available men/women at the event, even if one of them (Kate) initially agreed to attend as moral support for a friend. (I'm aware there are other theories as to why Lukewarm applied for MAFS, but for the purpose of explaining why Lukewarm remembered Kate, and she didn't remember him, I'm going with what Lukewarm said was his motivation for participating).

Maybe one, or neither of them, would be selected for MAFS. If you really want to be married, it's a good idea to keep your eyes and ears open to potentially available partners at a singles event, even if your original motivation for attending was moral support for a friend, just in case the MAFS thing doesn't pan out.

It was my understanding that they knew they had been chosen and were “engaged” at that point. 

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30 minutes ago, Soup333 said:

It was my understanding that they knew they had been chosen and were “engaged” at that point. 

If that was the case, then Kate is to be commended for not checking out Lukewarm, and Lukewarm, true to form, is a jerk for being offended in the least because she didn't remember him!

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10 hours ago, Yeah No said:

I find it interesting that two seasons in a row we have men that preferred brunettes get matched with "bottle blondes".  You'd think the experts would learn from their mistakes, but I doubt they even care to tell the truth.  The lame-ass reasons they give for matching people tell the tale.

That said, as a brunette I never suffered for male attention so I think that blonde/blue-eyed thing is a bit of a myth.  All of the men I was ever in relationships with preferred brunettes.

They match on compatibility .. same likes, same upbringing, etc.   Big mistake.  What’s wrong with “opposites attract”         ?    Molly didn’t want Jon a few seasons ago for some reason, but Blondie there snatched him up pronto.  Hmmm .  Wonder what he had that Molly didn’t like, but Blondie did?  Muscles?  I don’t think Kristene and Keith are compatible .. same goes for Will and Jasmine.  Certainly Sloth boy isn’t with Kate, only A.J. And what’s her name are.  Pepper , Blondie and the Pastor obviously don’t know what they are doing.  They just talk, talk, talk fancy words.

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2 hours ago, aphroditewitch said:

I feel like Jasmine wanted Will to say he would handle the financial things, so that she could jump in and say that she would help out. However he didn't say what she wanted him to and he brought up 50/50 and she finally countered with 70/30. It was just a weird conversation to have on a honeymoon. 

I know that these people just met each other but reading that a spouse was countering and bargaining how much they would contribute is just bizarre. If that works for both people, then fine but these experts are morons if they are neglecting to include critical questions about money management, roles, etc., in these pre-show interviews and Q&As. 

Edited by configdotsys
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On 1/23/2019 at 12:09 PM, islandgal140 said:

"Repulsed and dead inside"

"Repulsed and dead inside"

"Repulsed and dead inside"

Lukewarm is a dramatic lil' bitch. That is some shit you say about pedophiles, sex trafficking or horrific war crimes. Not about a consensual kiss with an attractive young woman. Not only is this cruel and savage but it is cruel and savage for absolutely no reason. He didn't have to say that and he shouldn't have. He could've just kept his mouth shut or more kindly state that he wasn't feeling any chemistry with her. But no, he has to dramatically run to the bathroom like Marcia Brady and proclaim he is "repulsed and dead inside."

I admit that although I felt for Kate, I didn't think much of her for thinking there was a solution to this - like time. If someone kisses you and states it made them feel "repulsed and dead inside" the only solution is to pack your shit and leave. 

AJ always seems borderline drunk to me. 

Apart from his 3 meals a day shit, lack of motivation/couch surfing (which in my personal life is a deal breaker), Keith seems like he could be malleable for a woman that isn't opposed to a project and raising a grown ass man. 

Something bothers me about Will and Jasmine but I can't quite put my finger on what. 

I’ll put your finger on it.  Jasmine looks very controlling.  She wants what she wants, and that’s it.  And, she looks rigid.  Regarding A.J., I think they both like to drink.  That’s why they are always so happy and giggling.

Edited by Gem 10
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Jasmine probably hasn't had many dates so it could be a matter of Will or nobody!  Will seems to not care one way or the other but he's surely not going to pay all the bills!

Like is not only rude and annoying but I think he's a germaphobe!  Asking when she bathes and will she brush her teeth before or after breakfast!  Uggg just Uggg!

I wish she would ask him how often be shampoos his beard!

Kristines farting guy might do me in!  Uggg who does that over and over in front of a pretty little new wife!

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13 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

I think it’s kind of disgusting actually because it’s clear some of these people are too emotionally fragile and yet they just persist as if these are just stories for a tv show and not these peoples actual real life. Just sick. I have zero respect for Dr. Pepper, Pastor Cal and Dr. Blondie.

True, but we don't live in a nanny country.  Adults can do what they want, even if it is going on a silly reality show.

I don't think the experts are any more expert than I am in matching people up.   In reality it's all a crapshoot anyway. 

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Everyone is getting Skeeved out......

Puke is like Sheldon Cooper...will he put Kate on a shower schedule( mornings) and pencil in a time for her to move her bowels?

 Puke measure out how much toothpaste she can squeeze on her toothbrush since she brushes excessively...apparently that number is twice...once upon arising and another after breakfast...

Keith delighting on having the soundman mic his farts....

Jas freaking out about a hair(probably a pube just to add to the grossness) in the mud...

 The thought of having sexy time with AJ is enough to give anyone the heebee jeebees......

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On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 10:00 AM, princelina said:

On Lifetime?  I don't understand why mine is only an hour.  But I remember this show used to be on another channel as well.

I can't remember if I watch this on Lifetime or TLC, but it takes up about a 3-4 hour slot with repeats.  I have noticed when I cancel my 9:00 showing and record the later one, the first repeat IS only an hour long.  But they repeat it later and it's the full show.  I thought maybe the hour show was with half the commercials cut out, guess not huh?

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1 hour ago, forevertwentynine said:

I can't remember if I watch this on Lifetime or TLC, but it takes up about a 3-4 hour slot with repeats.  I have noticed when I cancel my 9:00 showing and record the later one, the first repeat IS only an hour long.  But they repeat it later and it's the full show.  I thought maybe the hour show was with half the commercials cut out, guess not huh?

No - I missed the boys golfing and Jasmine being a bitch (which I would have like to see).  On the plus side I apparently missed Keith farting away like a blowhorn.  I'm okay with missing that :D

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47 minutes ago, princelina said:

On the plus side I apparently missed Keith farting away like a blowhorn.  I'm okay with missing that :D

He only threatened to in the car, but if he actually let go, we (mercifully) didn't hear the blow.

On Unfiltered, they replayed Keith letting it out via both ends.  JamieO then asked Cal when it would be "appropriate" to pass gas in front of the spouse. He started to respond it's a "natural" thing, but disintegrated into weak, somewhat frustrated laughter.  Sadly, her question was left unanswered.

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8 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

If that was the case, then Kate is to be commended for not checking out Lukewarm, and Lukewarm, true to form, is a jerk for being offended in the least because she didn't remember him!

I agree. Wouldn’t you be happy your spouse wasn’t into the speed dating? In her mind she was already committed to whoever her husband turned out to be. 

Lukewarm is stupid. Someone made a comment about him and that car he purchased that he can’t afford. Made me think that he’s used to projecting himself to be on a certain level and Kate doesn’t make the grade. He wants someone exotic or “other” to hang on his arm for others to admire just like that car. Whoever he’s with is just a trophy. He’s a fetishistic xenophile. 

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12 hours ago, Ohwell said:

And I think that Will feels the same way about Jasmine.  I just don't think they're into each other.  

We are here. We have two men on this show who are not physically attracted to their wives IMO.

Now Im not disputing the claims of Jasmine being a princess BUT the reason her husband is not trying harder to impress is because he’s not attracted to her.  IMO We’ve seen princesses on this show before i.e. Molly and Danielle. But their husbands tried a lot harder than will to please them because they were physically attracted to them. Will is a financial analyst. I don’t think he would have a problem with a 70/30 split if he was paired with a woman he wanted. Damn near every finance dude I know is footing all the bills.  Will also probably wouldn’t leave his dirty clothes all over the place AND would’ve tried harder to help her on that ATV, if he wanted Jasmine.  Jasmine stopped being into Will when he said 50/50, but he was out before that convo. They have as little chemistry as luke and Kate. Will just isn’t an asshole like Luke.  I do not get the feeling he wants to touch jasmine at all. 

Edited by dirtypop90
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Will's only outburst was his whooping it up as Jasmine  started down the zip line....showing her support....for the camera.

Think Will is just a guy who holds his cards close to his chest.....

The morning walk along the beach is better than having to have morning sex with Jasmine......total avoidance behavior....

Go back to their kiss in the sand as the wave lapped around their ankles....Will did not lean in as they smooched...

Edited by humbleopinion
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2 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

We are here. We have two men on this show who are not physically attracted to their wives IMO.

Now Im not disputed the claims of Jasmine being a princess BUT the reason her husband is not trying harder to impress is because he’s not attracted to her.  IMO We’ve seen princesses on this show before i.e. Molly and Danielle. But their husbands tried a lot harder than will to please them because they were physically attracted to them. Will is a financial analyst. I don’t think he would have a problem with a 70/30 split if he was paired with a woman he wanted. Damn near every finance dude I know is footing all the bills.  Will also probably wouldn’t leave his dirty clothes all over the place AND would’ve tried harder to help her on that ATV, if he wanted Jasmine.  Jasmine stopped being into Will when he said 50/50, but he was out before that convo. There have as little chemistry as luke and Kate. Will just isn’t an asshole like Luke.  I do not get the feeling he wants to touch jasmine at all. 

I think Jasmine was done with Will before the financial conversation. She was pretty done with him on the ATVs. He was being a jerk taunting her and telling her she was riding like a girl. Then when she was struggling, he sat there like a bump on a log. 

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As Jasmine's ATV's back wheels were dangling off the hill she realized that Will was not going to replace her father as her protector.

Her knight in shining armor to the rescue fantasy was busted...

To be fair she was bragging about being a thrill seeker as they drove up to the ATV rental place...so when Will challenged her to catch air how was he to know she'd lose control of her rig?

These two have a better chance of being respectful of each other if they call it quits...

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Do we know if Keith dated much or had a serious relationship in the past? I can;t remember. Something about him just strikes me as a bit lazy. Likes to watch TV, does not like any sort of physical activity, is 30 and a student (and in the same place in his education that a 20-21 would be), having grandma cook etc. I kind of feel like he did not want to put the energy into dating and was thrilled the experts found him an attractive wife. He seems to say he will just go along with whatever she wants , kind of like a puppy dog first crush. 

I'm looking forward to see how they work out their living situation and how Kristine's views real day to day life with him. 

Edited by silverspoons
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In the screening stage, Jasmine told the experts she wanted her man/new husband to be her slave and then laughed, but it's becoming clear she meant that statement.  She also belittles Will every chance she gets.  I don't expect Will to stay in that marriage.  She never should have been selected to be on the show at all based on her slave comment.

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22 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

Do we know if Keith dated much or had a serious relationship in the past? I can;t remember. Something about him just strikes me as a bit lazy. Likes to watch TV, does not like any sort of physical activity, is 30 and a student (and in the same place in his education that a 20-21 would be), having grandma cook etc. I kind of feel like he did not want to put the energy into dating and was thrilled the experts found him an attractive wife. He seems to say he will just go along with whatever she wants , kind of like a puppy dog first crush. 

I'm looking forward to see how they work out their living situation and how Kristine's views real day to day life with him. 

It is not uncommon for people to be in school at 30 if they are changing careers. He might not have been able to afford to go when he was right out of high school. 

Keith claiming he is unable to cook is what annoys me. There is no excuse for someone his age to be unable to cook a basic meal. I'm guess that had more of an impact on his relationships than the education issue. A lot of women don't want to all the cooking or laundry while their husband sits on the couch. I know someone who does all the cooking and laundry for her family because her husband is a lazy person. She tried to excuse it by saying that his mother wouldn't let him cook or laundry. So? After he turned 18 that was on all him, it is the same for Keith. I'm thinking Kristine is not going to be cool with that. 

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1 hour ago, aphroditewitch said:

I think Jasmine was done with Will before the financial conversation. She was pretty done with him on the ATVs. He was being a jerk taunting her and telling her she was riding like a girl. Then when she was struggling, he sat there like a bump on a log. 


48 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

As Jasmine's ATV's back wheels were dangling off the hill she realized that Will was not going to replace her father as her protector.

Her knight in shining armor to the rescue fantasy was busted...

To be fair she was bragging about being a thrill seeker as they drove up to the ATV rental place...so when Will challenged her to catch air how was he to know she'd lose control of her rig?

These two have a better chance of being respectful of each other if they call it quits...

I definitely think the ATV incident was the start of it, but I think the 50/50 convo ended all attraction. She didn’t seem distant when that dinner convo started, but since then she’s ranged from lukewarm to cold. And Will hasn’t done anything to try to win her over. Not saying he should but he would, I think, if he actually wanted to be with her. He seems like he dgaf if she likes him or not. 

I agree that best case would be them making a decision to be friends (and soon). I can see resentment really building up between them and exploding. 

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Because I haven't touched on it yet and just caught some of the "Love Unlocked: love can grow" or whatever it was called - they had Kristine, Kate & Cal. Kate's hair is just NOT GOOD.  Others here touched on it but I'm reiterating it is NOT GOOD. looks overly coiffed and dirty. I used to watch this "urban legends" show back in like 2002, and there was one about a woman in the 50s with a beehive hairdo and spiders supposedly hatched in her 'do. I get that vibe from Kate. Teased up crown, etc. Her hair looks dirty and like she doesnt make any attempt to clean it. It's also frizzled blonde. Same thing that irked about Amber's (last season MAFS blonde). I dont think she's unhygienic but something about her seems foo foo.

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1 hour ago, dirtypop90 said:

We are here. We have two men on this show who are not physically attracted to their wives IMO.

Now Im not disputing the claims of Jasmine being a princess BUT the reason her husband is not trying harder to impress is because he’s not attracted to her.  IMO We’ve seen princesses on this show before i.e. Molly and Danielle. But their husbands tried a lot harder than will to please them because they were physically attracted to them. Will is a financial analyst. I don’t think he would have a problem with a 70/30 split if he was paired with a woman he wanted. Damn near every finance dude I know is footing all the bills.  Will also probably wouldn’t leave his dirty clothes all over the place AND would’ve tried harder to help her on that ATV, if he wanted Jasmine.  Jasmine stopped being into Will when he said 50/50, but he was out before that convo. They have as little chemistry as luke and Kate. Will just isn’t an asshole like Luke.  I do not get the feeling he wants to touch jasmine at all. 

We just said on another thread that the formula for success on this show is a malleable guy, who believes at least in his mind that he has been matched with a woman at least a little out of his league and a woman who is so eager to get married and have children, that she is willing to “settle” with some of her expectations. Neither Will or Jasmine are into each other and are liking each other less with each passing day.

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You just described AJ and Stephanie...

In AJ's case, his hair trigger temper and his inability to control it will be the most obvious deal breaker for Stephanie even though her eggs aren't getting any fresher.....

Edited by humbleopinion
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I'm so shallow tonight, going on looks. But I post these thoughts as they come back to me bc I'm distracted.

I believe Stephanie literally CAN'T re-grow her eyebrows. She's around my age. There was a THIN eyebrow craze in high school when they had to be waxed, tweezed & plucked to barely-there perfection.  My BFF (at the time) and I worked in salons & waxing brows was HUGE. Well, here we are in bushy eyebrow era & those suckers are GONE, GURL! Thank the Almighty that I was never into over waxing or I might pull a Danielle (last season) & sharpie them caterpillars in, THICK! Steph possibly got over aggressive in waxing and this happened. But she makes up for it in other ways. Seems sweet and has a nice smile with kind eyes. Awesome at yoga, too!! I'm jealous!-& I kinda hate yoga.

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5 hours ago, Soup333 said:

I agree. Wouldn’t you be happy your spouse wasn’t into the speed dating? In her mind she was already committed to whoever her husband turned out to be. 

Lukewarm is stupid. Someone made a comment about him and that car he purchased that he can’t afford. Made me think that he’s used to projecting himself to be on a certain level and Kate doesn’t make the grade. He wants someone exotic or “other” to hang on his arm for others to admire just like that car. Whoever he’s with is just a trophy. He’s a fetishistic xenophile. 

I recall when he was revealing who he was to her she explained she was supporting a friend,  felt engaged and that Puke even emailed her after and she didn’t answer him  back.   So how committed was he?   I can not forget when Jamie commented on his hair he said he butched it up , I think it was Jamie or was it at a group meeting?  Since he was almost bald the next time he was shown Kate’s pretty generous for letting a hairpiece go unmentioned.  

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Finally caught up with all the episodes. Like many of you, I am not feeling Jasmine and Will. I personally thought she was nuts for wanting Will to take on paying all the bills, and she just took it for granted that he would want to. And I speak as someone whose husband DOES pay all the bills - but I worked the first 7 years we were married and childless and then I became a SAHM because both of us wanted someone to be home with the kids, and it worked out for us financially to do that. But that took negotiation and mutual understanding - it wasn't a given. Plus Jasmine seems very contradictory - she says she's independent, and she acts very bossy on one hand, but then she wants Will to wear the pants and be the man of the house. She says she's adventurous but she whined at the first moment she had trouble on the ATV and said she didn't feel married. She made fun of Will for not wanting to cross the bridge (legit fear!) but then she wussed out over some paintbrush hairs. I don't think she really knows what she wants.

Kristine & Keith - I like them so far, and they seem like a cute couple. He seems pretty willing to go along with whatever she wants. They both seem fairly easygoing, so they may work out.

AJ & Stephanie - I had high hopes for these two, but the previews look like there's trouble brewing. I hope for their sakes they can make things work.

Lukewarm & Kate - ugh, Lukewarm is a pill. I definitely get the feeling that he doesn't think Kate is good enough for him. He obviously didn't make his true desires known to the experts. He's such a jerk though. I would love to hear from his exes. Poor Kate. I hate that the experts will try to make her stick it out and wring affection from the dry husk that is Lukewarm's heart.

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