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S02.E07: Rings and Runaways


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So many more questions:  How does Michael have a driver's license?  How can he pay for a ring straight outta jail?  How can Matt afford a $133 meal (plus tip I hope) with no money and no job?   How does Sarah afford her apartment and a nice car AND a toddler?

14 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

She thinks she is better than his child's mother and to me she comes off as gloating like she "won" when in reality he is no prize.

These ladies are acting like they are in junior high and "won" the popular boy but this boy is no prize.  He rarely smiles, has a total flat look on his not so attractive face and seems to be Lumpy McDumpy all the time.  

I think Megan has known all along about Sarah but did not realize they are married until recently.  Tools, all of them!!!

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 10
21 minutes ago, Spike said:

This may have been explained in an earlier episode but how did Michael from Michigan get involved with Sarah from New York?  Internet?  He was living out there?  It seemed like he was in a state prison so the crimes must have been committed in Michigan.

See?  So many questions!!!  Can you imagine the look of horror on Sarah's parents faces, when, at 17, she announces she has found the love of her life in Michael?  She is 24 now, correct?  She went on and ON about "SEVEN YEARS, MICHAEL!!!"  I am like, girl you are YOUNG.  Get out NOW.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, KnoxForPres said:

 These people get involved with additcted felons but it’s like they assume they’ll come out reformed and wholesome. Hell they could watch a few Interventions as a crash course to prepare for release. The naiveness/stupidity on this show is scary. 


I think they're under the delusion that it's like adopting a puppy from an animal shelter.   The way the couples announce to perfect strangers that he/she just got out of prison reminds me of pet owners who gush "He's a rescue" when you take notice of their dog.

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, sempervivum said:


Who knew you could rent out a Golden Corral for a wedding party?! (j/k, but that's what it looked like) How wasted were the wedding guests after waiting 5 HOURS for the ceremony to start? (I loved the way nobody stopped conversing to hear the wedding vows being said!) 

I think that they weren't guests per se, but simply patrons whose evening out was interrupted by a pathetic hyena-man in a tux being followed around by a camera crew.   I wonder if that state has a Good Samaritan law because even though they were strangers one of them should have tried to save him when they saw Tracie come shambling in after five hours wearing that ill-fitting dress.

She may have been more stoned than we knew.   The "crime scene" photos of the, um, bridal suite suggest she was wearing two different shoes.

  • Love 9
12 minutes ago, millennium said:

I think they're under the delusion that it's like adopting a puppy from an animal shelter.   The way the couples announce to perfect strangers that he/she just got out of prison reminds me of pet owners who gush "He's a rescue" when you take notice of their dog.

You are really onto something - they really need to rescue someone and prove to EVERYONE that "convict" loves them more than prison, drugs or cheating.  It ain't gonna work but hey thanks for trying!!!

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

Was it Mom’s credit card Matt and Caitlin were dining on?

I hope Sarah takes her daughter far, far away from Michael. But she won’t, she’s a much of an idiot as Megan is.

I assume it was. He said he had borrowed money from mom for the date but I figured mom gave him cash. She is stupid for doing laundry and for giving him a credit card.

@Mrs. Hanson. I had the same questions. Where is Michael's money coming from? He has been out for two weeks so maybe he got his DL renewed or unsuspended or whatever. When do they get payment for this show? Surely not until it's all filmed. So many questions. 

Help me!


Edited by Reality police
  • Love 7
50 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

So many more questions:  How does Michael have a driver's license?  How can he pay for a ring straight outta jail?  How can Matt afford a $133 meal (plus tip I hope) with no money and no job?   How does Sarah afford her apartment and a nice car AND a toddler?

OK.  Pretty sure I've seen your posts on JJ and TPC.   Since when is having a job any kind of prerequisite for living large?  And don't you know that drivers licenses & insurance are only for chumps like us?

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, zillabreeze said:

OK.  Pretty sure I've seen your posts on JJ and TPC.   Since when is having a job any kind of prerequisite for living large?  And don't you know that drivers licenses & insurance are only for chumps like us?

So my license renewal that I just got (and paid $25.00 for) is just a scam?  The insurance bill I just paid for......my folly??  Being a law abiding person, who is faithful to her husband.....my mistake, lol?  

PS - what is JJ and TPC?

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 4
1 minute ago, PityFree said:

 It’s still really bothering me that Matt thinks he needs a vacation after his time in prison. 

 I know his mom gave him the credit card for the meal out, but I do wonder if she realized they’d spend 133 bucks plus tip for dinner.

She probably thought he had earned it by staying out of prison for 5 days or however many it is. 

Since matt thinks he is above everyone else, of course he has earned a vacation. I stated earlier that I really didn't pay much attention to Matt before this episode. He really ticked me off from the first few minutes. 

  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, zillabreeze said:

Oops, my bad.  But yep, on the TeeVee court shows the litigants often have the deer in the headlights looks when asked about having a license or insurance.  Apparently, it's no big deal to travel around without them.

No worries!!  My mom used to watch her all the time so I overheard it A LOT.  Yes, she would drill people and it was nice to hear.


6 minutes ago, Reality police said:

Since matt thinks he is above everyone else, of course he has earned a vacation. I stated earlier that I really didn't pay much attention to Matt before this episode. He really ticked me off from the first few minutes.

Yep - just something about him is overly annoying.  Just he is "da bomb" ya know??  He clearly wants to return to prison and eat their horrible food and listen to people tell him what to do all day.  (It chaps me a bit when prisoners complain about the food.  You are not in a five star place, it is JAIL.  Go look up what our soldiers SERVING OUR COUNTRY eat with Ready to Eat meals and then......shut it.)

Plus he looks SO old and haggard - is what, 32?  He looks late 40's to me.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, Reality police said:

She probably thought he had earned it by staying out of prison for 5 days or however many it is. 

Since matt thinks he is above everyone else, of course he has earned a vacation. I stated earlier that I really didn't pay much attention to Matt before this episode. He really ticked me off from the first few minutes. 

Matt hasn't lived in the real world in a long time, if ever.   He's completely missed out on the process of learning and maturing.  The lessons of budgeting and prioritizing are alien to him.   Caitlin wonders how Matt can't comprehend that he needs to get a job, any job, but it's like expecting an eleven-year-old to man up and do the right thing.   Caitlin's childish herself.    The patented drama queen reaction upon meeting her mother in the restaurant was OTT and never would have happened if a camera wasn't present.

  • Love 8
35 minutes ago, Reality police said:

I assume it was. He said he had borrowed money from mom for the date but I figured mom gave him cash. She is stupid for doing laundry and for giving him a credit card.

@Mrs. Hanson. I had the same questions. Where is Michael's money coming from? He has been out for two weeks so maybe he got his DL renewed or unsuspended or whatever. When do they get payment for this show? Surely not until it's all filmed. So many questions. 

Help me!


Do restaurants think twice when it’s a big bill and the gender on the credit card appears to be different than that of the customer?

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, Spike said:

Do restaurants think twice when it’s a big bill and the gender on the credit card appears to be different than that of the customer?

Good question for a server out there.  I was really hoping (yeah, I know) that Caitlin would say, "Look - you be a douchebag THIEF, I will pay the bill."  But no, she gets up with him and starts to walk away.

Living in prison off the taxpayer dime, living off Caitlin,  dining and dashing.....what a huge tool.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, sempervivum said:

I have to say that, as a gardener, my favorite line from this entire show has to be from Matt, outside angrily whacking down weeds in his Mom's backyard: "F _ _ _ing daffodils"!

Fellow dirt lover here.  I was ROFL.  If Janky dude took a weed eater to my daffodils, somebody gonna get hurt.

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, PityFree said:

 I was yelling at my TV! why on earth did she do either of their laundry???  My parents stopped doing my laundry when I turned 11.  Did they somehow hold a gun to her head and force her to do the laundry?  If not, just leave it there on the floor and when they are naked and dirty maybe they’ll finally get the hint and do their own laundry.  Maybe if you hadn’t coddled your son his entire life he wouldn’t be a 12 time felon!!

On another note I wanted to smack the story out of Clint’s mouth. Just tell us what happened you moron! Stop crying and report your car, phone, and credit card stolen. 

 How has that crybaby managed to find three women to marry??

That was absolutely crazy to me. Meanwhile Caitlin is bored and lounging about with a stomach full of sperm babies. Why on earth couldn't she help?

And why on earth isn't he looking for a job? He's one of the most entitled people I've ever seen.

Not sure what's up with Matt's mom other than she's just enjoying her son for the fleeting moments that she can. She's actually an intelligent and well spoken woman. Matt's brain seems pretty drug scrambled. And Caitlin is just all over the place! Pick up a broom. Help out. It Harness some of the energy in your dangling limbs...

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Reality police said:

I had much the same thought about Traci with those cards. No ID, no nothing, who would let her charge? Maybe her drug dealer can run it on his phone.

Hardly any place checks ID for purchases.  I do many things for my father as sort of an unofficial PA and I'll use his credit card without anyone batting an eye.  And I sign my name, which isn't on the card, and again nobody cares.  Because people are lazy, and usually if there is some sort of fraud, it's the bank or credit card company out the money, not the store or restaurant.

And I wondered about how quickly Tracie found her drugs.  Is she from there?  Did she have her Uber just take her to a shady part of town and ask around?

  • Love 8
14 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don’t have questions about people’s finances, I bet the show is paying for a lot of it.

They may be. Which makes me a little sad Clint must have answered “a line dancing bar-which peaked in popularity in 2003- complete with empty dance floor and odd people staring” when asked his desired wedding venue. 

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

Matt's mom isn't a maid, she just plays one on TV. 

Meanwhile, Matt is so "bored" he is drinking beer at 11 am. Do your own damn laundry. Have your girlfriend do your laundry. Clean the house for your mom. Do some dishes. My kids, (the ones that still live at home) are 14 and 11, do more around the house than Matt and Caitlyn. 


12 hours ago, bref said:

The whole dine-and-dash scenario HAD to be set up, right? No way was Matt actually going to run out on the bill while being filmed, and I doubt he pulled his "joke" without the knowledge and cooperation of the camerapeople. It's not that far a step to think the idea might have been "suggested" to him by production to fuck with Caitlyn and/or we the audience.


During the dine-and-dash scene, my husband said, "there is no way in hell he is going to do that in front of the cameras, right? He isn't  THAT stupid, is he?" I mean, he is a 12 time convicted prisoner but I also think if he is going to put himself back in prison, he is going to do it with a bang... not by dashing out on a $133 dollar dinner with his girlfriend on national TV. I suspect it will be a lot of drugs, alcohol and women. 


This is the second week in a row where Clint has pulled off a nice sweater. He may be winning Dummy of the Year but I need to know where he gets his sweaters. 

  • Love 8
16 minutes ago, UniqueHandle said:

This is the second week in a row where Clint has pulled off a nice sweater. He may be winning Dummy of the Year but I need to know where he gets his sweaters. 

You need to ask his mom because I’m sure she still buys all of his clothes and underwear.

In addition, she probably has to sew his name into everything because he tends to lose things.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 19
48 minutes ago, Kangatush said:

Hardly any place checks ID for purchases.  I do many things for my father as sort of an unofficial PA and I'll use his credit card without anyone batting an eye.  And I sign my name, which isn't on the card, and again nobody cares.  Because people are lazy, and usually if there is some sort of fraud, it's the bank or credit card company out the money, not the store or restaurant.

And I wondered about how quickly Tracie found her drugs.  Is she from there?  Did she have her Uber just take her to a shady part of town and ask around?

The only place that had ever problem with me using my then boyfriend credit card was in Las Vegas. I was not able to buy a drink and sandwich in hotel's gift shop. Like if I was gonna use stolen credit card to spend 10 USD??? And in Vegas? Otherwise I have been using his cc pretty much everywhere for the past 10 years and nobody ever cares to check. Only recently because I had to travel myself (because I remembered the Vegas experience and didn't want to end up unable to use it and out of town) he put me on his cc and got me one that have actually my name on it.

Also I think Michael is already back dealing drugs or committing other crimes since he has been home for 2 weeks already. That's the only way he would have money for Meghan's surprise and his wife ring. Plus Sarah has to know about it because otherwise she would question his ability to get her 2000 USD ring. 

Cailyn seriously needs to start using vitamin c serum and sunscreen or she will look like her mom in few years. And her mom looks like 80. She has some serious sun damage on her skin already. 

I have no words about Clint. Or I do LOL He is like 7 year old child with oversized clothes who should be home with his mommy and never let out of her sight. And his mom should know better then indulge him with giving him her credit card. I blame her for this mess because he has obviously diminished mental capacity. She should never let him use her card unless she also has the same problem. He would not be able to go to pick Tracey up and marry without her card. He has been married twice already. Which brings another question: how did he find 3 women willing to marry him? Or better 2 women as the third was just looking for a sucker...

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, sempervivum said:

Who knew you could rent out a Golden Corral for a wedding party?! (j/k, but that's what it looked like) How wasted were the wedding guests after waiting 5 HOURS for the ceremony to start? (I loved the way nobody stopped conversing to hear the wedding vows being said!) 

I don’t think they were guests.  I think they were people who happened to be eating at the restaurant.  

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, ava111 said:

I blame her for this mess because he has obviously diminished mental capacity.

She is to blame, but think about his age.  If he truly has diminished mental capacity, maybe it was caused by an accident.  Perhaps she keeps hoping her "normal" son will miraculously return.  She has probably had to deny-deny-deny him most of his adult life and is just worn out!   His father sits back and lets her handle everything.  I feel very sorry for her. 

P.S.  Also, I read that Wife #2 passed away.

  • Love 3
41 minutes ago, UniqueHandle said:

Do your own damn laundry. Have your girlfriend do your laundry. Clean the house for your mom. Do some dishes. 

You KNOW Matt isn't going to lift a finger...anytime, anywhere.  Why should he?  He gets along fine having WOMEN do his bidding...until he goes to jail again.  Then he still doesn't have to do much in the way of cleaning.  Laundry? That's a prison perk.

3 hours ago, Spike said:

She is stupid for doing laundry and for giving him a credit card.

She's one smart woman.  She knows she'll have to see him only every six or seven years for a few days.  She has learned from experience just to go with the flow.  Don't make waves.  It will be over soon and she'll have another chapter for her memoir.

  • Love 21
5 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

How does Michael have a driver's license?

How can he pay for a ring straight outta jail? 

How does Sarah afford her apartment and a nice car AND a toddler?

  • Michael don't need no steenkin' driver's license.  Our laws do not define him! 
  • He went right back into his chosen profession with his built-in customer base, drug-selling...because our laws do not define him.
  • "Sarah's place" we've seen looks like a house...most likely her grandmother's house, her grandmother's car...and the State probably helps with expenses for the child.
  • Love 4
31 minutes ago, HaaCHOO said:

She is to blame, but think about his age.  If he truly has diminished mental capacity, maybe it was caused by an accident.  Perhaps she keeps hoping her "normal" son will miraculously return.  She has probably had to deny-deny-deny him most of his adult life and is just worn out!   His father sits back and lets her handle everything.  I feel very sorry for her. 

P.S.  Also, I read that Wife #2 passed away.

Is being attracted to men with low self-esteem a thing?  I don’t see how anyone could find that sexy.

  • Love 2

Can't wait to read your thoughts on this week!

They only give us an hour and waste so much time on junk filler conversations.

Megan is an ass.

Matt's mother should show them how to use the washing machine and not be doing laundry for "30 year olds."

Slow Clint. Still waiting. I don't get it. Presumably he told that pastor or whatever what time the wedding would be. She's three hours or more late, the guy comes out and brings Clint in, puts him in the middle of the floor, and she magically shows up? What? His nails are disgusting. I'm so confused! What happened? She married him and then left? To get cracked up or left him left him? 

Marcellino is going to take a page from Steven from 90 Day Fiance and expect to be numero uno all the time because Britney owes him for life. Bleh.

Sarah's blackcent is ridiculously stupid. She sounds like a stupid ass. Love Michael's smug face as he gets his desired reaction from Sarah. 

And again, you blink and the hour is over...

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, LunaMia said:

So according to Marcellino, women can’t rasie men. I guess the millions of men who have been raised by single mothers because their dad left, aren’t real men. I’m sure President Obama feels differently. Marcellino gives me misogynistic vibes on top of all his other personality traits.

Clint is a dumb moron who I have zero pity for. His mom is also a moron for enabling that man baby. 

So Caitlin bitches about Matt being lazy and not wanting to do work, yet let’s his mother wash her dingy ass flossers. His mom that is letting them live there without paying I’m sure. 

Poor Sarah, she looks exactly like the bully Francis from the Pee Wee Herman movie. “I know you are, but what am I.”

Marcelino can take a goddamn seat. "A woman can't raise a man"? Fuck off. Agreed, he's a misogynist. Insecure, so he seeks out an inmate, someone he can "fix", someone he can feel superior to. I loathe him. I like Brittany though. She's too good for him. I feel like she picked him because he is so rigid and uncompromising, maybe thinking she could stick to the straight and narrow and have a chance to rebuild her life. But i hope she runs for it once she's started on a better path. He's bad news. 

7 hours ago, Spike said:

This may have been explained in an earlier episode but how did Michael from Michigan get involved with Sarah from New York?  Internet?  He was living out there?  It seemed like he was in a state prison so the crimes must have been committed in Michigan.

I think Sarah lives with her grandparents in NY. She and Michael must have met and had their sweet young romance in Michigan, she says they've been together for 6 years. 

I am breathless with anticipation for the moment when Megan learns the truth. That is going to be epic. What does she think Michael is doing in NY to be able to finance their "romantic getaway"? She is so naive she glows in the dark. 

Tracie teetering in on those sky high heels and that ill fitting spangly hooker dress was a moment I will treasure forever.

  • Love 13

Clint gave Tracie a $500 budget for her wedding attire. I NEED to know how much the gray, sparkly, hooker dress and shoes cost. Did she go over-budget? Did she get a cash advance and buy some crack in the hours she was missing before the wedding? Producers, I need answers!

Unless Matt finds his way to a Meth Industry Job Fair, he’s never going to get a job. Meth smoking is his only skill.

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

You KNOW Matt isn't going to lift a finger...anytime, anywhere.  Why should he?  He gets along fine having WOMEN do his bidding...until he goes to jail again.  Then he still doesn't have to do much in the way of cleaning.  Laundry? That's a prison perk.

She's one smart woman.  She knows she'll have to see him only every six or seven years for a few days.  She has learned from experience just to go with the flow.  Don't make waves.  It will be over soon and she'll have another chapter for her memoir.

I wonder if in a weird way, she is relieved when he's in jail.  It must be hell to have an uncontrollable, entitled drug addict in your house and never knowing what kind of havoc they will cause when they are not in prison.  Not that prison is a safe place, per se, but at least she doesn't have to worry about him taking someone's car and almost killing someone in an accident.

  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, zillabreeze said:

I'm am so perplexed as to why these idiots, both con & partner, are so eager to blab their issues.   Complete strangers at the restaurant, "ring store" they just have to announce that they've been in prison.  Why? It seems like some kind of twisted badge of honour.

 Seriously. Sometimes things should bring a little bit of shame.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Good question for a server out there.  I was really hoping (yeah, I know) that Caitlin would say, "Look - you be a douchebag THIEF, I will pay the bill."  But no, she gets up with him and starts to walk away.

Living in prison off the taxpayer dime, living off Caitlin,  dining and dashing.....what a huge tool.

That was a stupid set up scene because of the cameras but I'll say this: Caitlin would not have been able to pay for the dinner had the cameras not been there and he decided that he'd rather jet than pay the bill. How eff'd up is that to put her in the position of having to go along because she has no money. Of course that's her fault for being involved with such a lowlife, but wow. 

6 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

That was absolutely crazy to me. Meanwhile Caitlin is bored and lounging about with a stomach full of sperm babies. Why on earth couldn't she help?

And why on earth isn't he looking for a job? He's one of the most entitled people I've ever seen.

Not sure what's up with Matt's mom other than she's just enjoying her son for the fleeting moments that she can. She's actually an intelligent and well spoken woman. Matt's brain seems pretty drug scrambled. And Caitlin is just all over the place! Pick up a broom. Help out. It Harness some of the energy in your dangling limbs...

I think his mother knows that he's a hopeless case that's addicted to drugs and has zero interest in stopping. She saw him in and out of jail many, many times and coupled with his attitude of "I'll thrive even if back in jail," she knows there is nothing she can do for him but wait until he uses and gets thrown back inside. She is completely unaffected by the possibility that he'll go back in. She knows he will. That's just him. She seems like a nice enough lady that if he expressed sincere interest in getting into a rehab and getting on the straight and narrow that she'd help him out. He probably bullshitted her before and she helped out only to have her stuff stolen and sold for drug money and who knows what else. She may be happier when he's in jail. I bet when out with zero money, he made her life a living hell.

Edited by configdotsys
  • Love 21

I just noticed something odd while watching this train wreck again. In Clint and Tracie's hotel room, why are there so many used tequila shot glasses on the table? Did they have a party in there with lots of people? I know, in the rare times I have done shots, I used the same shot glass over and over. I don't go get a new shot glass with each shot.

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, PityFree said:
4 hours ago, zillabreeze said:

I'm am so perplexed as to why these idiots, both con & partner, are so eager to blab their issues.   Complete strangers at the restaurant, "ring store" they just have to announce that they've been in prison.  Why? It seems like some kind of twisted badge of honour.

 Seriously. Sometimes things should bring a little bit of shame.

Producer-driven.  They're on television and signed contracts...which the producers have to remind them OFTEN.  They have to do AND SAY lots of ridiculous things for "good TV."

  • Love 3

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