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2019 DCC Audition Speculation

Message added by Drogo

Two things:  1) Be nice.  2) Check your personal politics at the door.

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12 hours ago, MamaV said:

Have we heard whether the show is coming back this season?

I for some reason thought it was coming back in late September, but nothing I can find verifies that so I don't think there's any official word yet. There's a huge possibility I may have just saw it in a dream.

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2 hours ago, nittanyvolleyball said:

I for some reason thought it was coming back in late September, but nothing I can find verifies that so I don't think there's any official word yet. There's a huge possibility I may have just saw it in a dream.

In the past when has the new season been announced?  I will be terribly sad if there isn’t one this year.  

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Just now, KatieC said:

In the past when has the new season been announced?  I will be terribly sad if there isn’t one this year.  

What would happen to this board if the show didn't renew? Would we still get to discuss auditions/the team/etc. even if the show doesn't continue?

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3 hours ago, doglover0814 said:

What would happen to this board if the show didn't renew? Would we still get to discuss auditions/the team/etc. even if the show doesn't continue?

I personally think that MTT is a determent to the DCC brand. I started watching at season 12 and was blown away by all the drama. I was expecting a SYTYCD caliber show that focused on just the dancing. I watched season 13 because I thought that the Jenna, Holly, and Erica drama was just an anomaly. Then came all the VK drama. I signed up for a dance competition not Real Housewives.

To answer your question, yes, I personally would stop posting if the show was not renewed.

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On 2/21/2019 at 1:04 AM, hannahbanana said:

The rule isn't in place to protect inexperienced girls from pro athletes, it's to protect all of the women from being pimped out (&, in a small way, to protect the Cowboys organization from such sexual harassment claims). The reasoning was, "if they aren't allowed to date a player, they can't be forced into a relationship with a player they don't want." Is it perfect, no? But it's something they came up with in an effort to protect the women from pimping out/sexual harassment (& the organization being hit with such claims).

The only reason punishment comes into the mix is because they have to enforce the rule somehow. In an ideal world, the rule wouldn't have to exist. In a slightly less ideal world, both parties would be held equally accountable. In reality, the low (wo)man on the totem pole gets the crappy end of the deal.

I’m sorry but how saying that girls can’t date players they actually like is going to stop the owner from pimping them out to his friends or whoever else he wants to? That doesn’t make any sense. And he is the owner, do you think a rule a subordinate made would stop him?

On 2/21/2019 at 2:44 AM, TexasBorn said:

Seriously. @scorpio1031

Do you @sleepyjean have a copy of the DCC non-fraternizing policy?

In the Daughter's of the Sexual Revolution Documentary, SM stated that she had to kick out several of Jerry's drunk friends from the rehearsal studio.

I disagree with the opinion that the rule is archaic. It protects women from having to be demoralized in court and in public opinion when there's a hearsay situation between a cheerleader and a wealthy powerful man with wealthy powerful friends. E.G. Harvey Weinstein.

I mean, look at how we, who are mostly women, lambasted Holly and Jenna when they had consensual relationships with players.

Again, how does this rule protect the girls exactly? They are adults, they can choose to date whomever they want to date. Being assaulted is a risk whether you date a player or anyone else for that matter, so maybe they should have a “no dating whatsoever” rule as dccs.

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1 hour ago, dreamcatcher said:

And he is the owner, do you think a rule a subordinate made would stop him?

With #metoo, yes, I do think it could stop him.

What I don't get is how someone with a daughter (who also has a daughter) could be so disrespectful toward women.

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The rule of no fraternizing I believe is less about protecting the girls and more about protecting the integrity of both brands, the players and the cheerleaders. There are plenty of opportunities for both groups to meet dating partners, but if its known that the two can mix without penalty, the amount of girls trying out for the team just to meet a player MIGHT go up, and SOME guys might think its fun to date as many cheerleaders as they can. It's just best for business to keep them both separate. There are enough scandals without adding a singles dating aspect to the players and cheerleaders. I'm sure Kelli and Judy don't want the reputation of grooming young beautiful girls that cheer on the sidelines to be available for the affection of the players. That rule helps to ensure that the girls trying out are trying out for the right reasons, and not to find a potential rich husband.

That said, if a cheerleader, knowing the rules, meets a player and decides that he is worth it, can leave the team to pursue a relationship with him. It is not on the same plane as pimping the cheerleaders out, which is disgusting. 

Edited by LaurelleJ
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9 hours ago, Holly85 said:

Looks like vk was at Jen a prep class tonight according to Jen’s Instagram story 

Not to be rude or belabor the point, but VK doesn’t look any smaller or more toned than last season. In fact, she looks the same size as Jen who just had a baby!  And also larger than Maddie, who I personally think looks great but everyone says she looks bigger in team pictures.  So... that’s not working in her favor. 

Edited by Stee
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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

With #metoo, yes, I do think it could stop him.

What I don't get is how someone with a daughter (who also has a daughter) could be so disrespectful toward women.

Well he would never be able to pull something like that now, but I’m talking about the past decades tbh... 

VK hasn’t improved at all in a year, what a shocker! Savvy has improved though-still isn’t at dcc level to me, but I got to give her credit for that!

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6 hours ago, Stee said:

Not to be rude or belabor the point, but VK doesn’t look any smaller or more toned than last season. In fact, she looks the same size as Jen who just had a baby!  And also larger than Maddie, who I personally think looks great but everyone says she looks bigger in team pictures.  So... that’s not working in her favor. 

Don't get me started on how there are former DCCs who are 10+ years older than her who have had multiple kids who look better than her. For example, Shelley b, cassie ... do I Need to go on?

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I really do not want to see Malena make training camp again. It would be annoying to me and cruel to her. I don't think she'll ever have the skills to make the team's level of performance. The videos I've seen of her in prep classes show no improvement whatsoever. She makes choreo mistakes and is not a clean dancer. And one of my biggest pet peeves about her is her facials. When she does her open-mouthed smiling face (ie in episode 2 doing her solo at Kitty's), she looks surprised and cheesy and kind of vapid, and other times, her face is flat or looks like she's dying.

I'm so glad that Heather O., Caroline, Molly, Jaylyn, and Rachel A are coming back! Amber may be a rough interviewee still, but she's a fantastic dancer and looks killer in the uniform. I'm also hoping for Bridget (who, alongside Daphne, I can see making it into or very close to the triangle this year), Lauren, Alexis, Cianna, and Khalyn (who, as I understand it, might be too injury-plagued, but I'd love to see her in the triangle). I easily can picture Maddie returning, because she's so young and clearly is so favored by TPTB, but I kind of hope she retires and I really, really hope they don't make her point. She's only cute half the time to me, and while I like that they take a range of looks and sometimes clearly value the whole person and performer over beauty, I think the point girl has to be photogenic and at least reasonably pretty. I agree that Gina sometimes looks like she needs a juicy burger and fries and that she gets "Joker-y" sometimes when she smiles, but she's more attractive and has at least some modicum of sex appeal, which Maddie does not really possess in my eyes. I'd far prefer Bridget or Daphne (or Heather O.) at point over Gina.

As for what I want to see more of, maybe more Melissa Rycroft? I kid! I'd love to see a LOT more of what the group leaders and seconds do--leading rehearsals without K&J, maybe in meetings with each other to discuss who's excelling and who's struggling or needs to improve on what, etc. I loved the Where Are They Now segments and hope they (and the show!) continue. I also like getting alumni opinions on rookies; it's kind of insightful and encouraging and snarky at the same time. What I want to see less of? The Star and endless focusing on the same strugglers who can't say anything different or dance any better over the course of the season. I think they're doing a bit of a better job introducing us to more rookies the past couple of years, but we get so little about some of the rookies. For instance, Brianna, who was cut at finals the year before and seemingly rocked it at training camp last summer, hardly got any real screen time and I don't see why they blew the chance to have a stronger "comeback girls" story arc with Brenna and Brianna and went instead with following every breath Malena and VK took. 

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8 minutes ago, M1977G said:

I really do not want to see Malena make training camp again. It would be annoying to me and cruel to her. I don't think she'll ever have the skills to make the team's level of performance. The videos I've seen of her in prep classes show no improvement whatsoever. She makes choreo mistakes and is not a clean dancer. And one of my biggest pet peeves about her is her facials. When she does her open-mouthed smiling face (ie in episode 2 doing her solo at Kitty's), she looks surprised and cheesy and kind of vapid, and other times, her face is flat or looks like she's dying.

I'm so glad that Heather O., Caroline, Molly, Jaylyn, and Rachel A are coming back! Amber may be a rough interviewee still, but she's a fantastic dancer and looks killer in the uniform. I'm also hoping for Bridget (who, alongside Daphne, I can see making it into or very close to the triangle this year), Lauren, Alexis, Cianna, and Khalyn (who, as I understand it, might be too injury-plagued, but I'd love to see her in the triangle). I easily can picture Maddie returning, because she's so young and clearly is so favored by TPTB, but I kind of hope she retires and I really, really hope they don't make her point. She's only cute half the time to me, and while I like that they take a range of looks and sometimes clearly value the whole person and performer over beauty, I think the point girl has to be photogenic and at least reasonably pretty. I agree that Gina sometimes looks like she needs a juicy burger and fries and that she gets "Joker-y" sometimes when she smiles, but she's more attractive and has at least some modicum of sex appeal, which Maddie does not really possess in my eyes. I'd far prefer Bridget or Daphne (or Heather O.) at point over Gina.

As for what I want to see more of, maybe more Melissa Rycroft? I kid! I'd love to see a LOT more of what the group leaders and seconds do--leading rehearsals without K&J, maybe in meetings with each other to discuss who's excelling and who's struggling or needs to improve on what, etc. I loved the Where Are They Now segments and hope they (and the show!) continue. I also like getting alumni opinions on rookies; it's kind of insightful and encouraging and snarky at the same time. What I want to see less of? The Star and endless focusing on the same strugglers who can't say anything different or dance any better over the course of the season. I think they're doing a bit of a better job introducing us to more rookies the past couple of years, but we get so little about some of the rookies. For instance, Brianna, who was cut at finals the year before and seemingly rocked it at training camp last summer, hardly got any real screen time and I don't see why they blew the chance to have a stronger "comeback girls" story arc with Brenna and Brianna and went instead with following every breath Malena and VK took. 

I hope Alexis gets a better spot in the triangle this coming season I adore her 

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6 hours ago, M1977G said:

I really do not want to see Malena make training camp again. It would be annoying to me and cruel to her. I don't think she'll ever have the skills to make the team's level of performance. The videos I've seen of her in prep classes show no improvement whatsoever. She makes choreo mistakes and is not a clean dancer. And one of my biggest pet peeves about her is her facials. When she does her open-mouthed smiling face (ie in episode 2 doing her solo at Kitty's), she looks surprised and cheesy and kind of vapid, and other times, her face is flat or looks like she's dying.

I'm so glad that Heather O., Caroline, Molly, Jaylyn, and Rachel A are coming back! Amber may be a rough interviewee still, but she's a fantastic dancer and looks killer in the uniform. I'm also hoping for Bridget (who, alongside Daphne, I can see making it into or very close to the triangle this year), Lauren, Alexis, Cianna, and Khalyn (who, as I understand it, might be too injury-plagued, but I'd love to see her in the triangle). I easily can picture Maddie returning, because she's so young and clearly is so favored by TPTB, but I kind of hope she retires and I really, really hope they don't make her point. She's only cute half the time to me, and while I like that they take a range of looks and sometimes clearly value the whole person and performer over beauty, I think the point girl has to be photogenic and at least reasonably pretty. I agree that Gina sometimes looks like she needs a juicy burger and fries and that she gets "Joker-y" sometimes when she smiles, but she's more attractive and has at least some modicum of sex appeal, which Maddie does not really possess in my eyes. I'd far prefer Bridget or Daphne (or Heather O.) at point over Gina.

As for what I want to see more of, maybe more Melissa Rycroft? I kid! I'd love to see a LOT more of what the group leaders and seconds do--leading rehearsals without K&J, maybe in meetings with each other to discuss who's excelling and who's struggling or needs to improve on what, etc. I loved the Where Are They Now segments and hope they (and the show!) continue. I also like getting alumni opinions on rookies; it's kind of insightful and encouraging and snarky at the same time. What I want to see less of? The Star and endless focusing on the same strugglers who can't say anything different or dance any better over the course of the season. I think they're doing a bit of a better job introducing us to more rookies the past couple of years, but we get so little about some of the rookies. For instance, Brianna, who was cut at finals the year before and seemingly rocked it at training camp last summer, hardly got any real screen time and I don't see why they blew the chance to have a stronger "comeback girls" story arc with Brenna and Brianna and went instead with following every breath Malena and VK took. 

I was completely agreeing with you, then I got to the MR part and thought we were going in different directions. Then I hit the “I kid” and realized you just might be my new best friend. Agree on it all! 

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7 hours ago, M1977G said:

I really do not want to see Malena make training camp again. It would be annoying to me and cruel to her. I don't think she'll ever have the skills to make the team's level of performance. The videos I've seen of her in prep classes show no improvement whatsoever. She makes choreo mistakes and is not a clean dancer. And one of my biggest pet peeves about her is her facials. When she does her open-mouthed smiling face (ie in episode 2 doing her solo at Kitty's), she looks surprised and cheesy and kind of vapid, and other times, her face is flat or looks like she's dying.

I'm so glad that Heather O., Caroline, Molly, Jaylyn, and Rachel A are coming back! Amber may be a rough interviewee still, but she's a fantastic dancer and looks killer in the uniform. I'm also hoping for Bridget (who, alongside Daphne, I can see making it into or very close to the triangle this year), Lauren, Alexis, Cianna, and Khalyn (who, as I understand it, might be too injury-plagued, but I'd love to see her in the triangle). I easily can picture Maddie returning, because she's so young and clearly is so favored by TPTB, but I kind of hope she retires and I really, really hope they don't make her point. She's only cute half the time to me, and while I like that they take a range of looks and sometimes clearly value the whole person and performer over beauty, I think the point girl has to be photogenic and at least reasonably pretty. I agree that Gina sometimes looks like she needs a juicy burger and fries and that she gets "Joker-y" sometimes when she smiles, but she's more attractive and has at least some modicum of sex appeal, which Maddie does not really possess in my eyes. I'd far prefer Bridget or Daphne (or Heather O.) at point over Gina.

As for what I want to see more of, maybe more Melissa Rycroft? I kid! I'd love to see a LOT more of what the group leaders and seconds do--leading rehearsals without K&J, maybe in meetings with each other to discuss who's excelling and who's struggling or needs to improve on what, etc. I loved the Where Are They Now segments and hope they (and the show!) continue. I also like getting alumni opinions on rookies; it's kind of insightful and encouraging and snarky at the same time. What I want to see less of? The Star and endless focusing on the same strugglers who can't say anything different or dance any better over the course of the season. I think they're doing a bit of a better job introducing us to more rookies the past couple of years, but we get so little about some of the rookies. For instance, Brianna, who was cut at finals the year before and seemingly rocked it at training camp last summer, hardly got any real screen time and I don't see why they blew the chance to have a stronger "comeback girls" story arc with Brenna and Brianna and went instead with following every breath Malena and VK took. 

Don’t really see Lauren getting closer to triangle if she still can’t do a jump split.  Also, triangle peeps are prominently featured.  Lauren didn’t do calendar and probably won’t again.  Love her, but ...

Alexis is truly beautiful and not a great enough dancer to move up too far. Not nearly enough pop.

Amber...gotta be able to put together an intelligent sentence to represent the brand.  Great dancer, but no.

Malena...emphatic no!

Gina... best dancer, needs a slice of humble pie, not great facials, looking skeletal - what happened to that rockin bod?

Great all-around triple threats — dance, poise when speaking, beauty... Heather, Tess, Kelli, Amy, Lexie, new Rachel, Daphne, Bridget.  Also, Kahlyn, Lauren, and Tasha if they are returning and not injured.  And Maddie and Cici if you like that look.  

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9 hours ago, M1977G said:

I really do not want to see Malena make training camp again. It would be annoying to me and cruel to her. I don't think she'll ever have the skills to make the team's level of performance. The videos I've seen of her in prep classes show no improvement whatsoever. She makes choreo mistakes and is not a clean dancer. And one of my biggest pet peeves about her is her facials. When she does her open-mouthed smiling face (ie in episode 2 doing her solo at Kitty's), she looks surprised and cheesy and kind of vapid, and other times, her face is flat or looks like she's dying.

I'm so glad that Heather O., Caroline, Molly, Jaylyn, and Rachel A are coming back! Amber may be a rough interviewee still, but she's a fantastic dancer and looks killer in the uniform. I'm also hoping for Bridget (who, alongside Daphne, I can see making it into or very close to the triangle this year), Lauren, Alexis, Cianna, and Khalyn (who, as I understand it, might be too injury-plagued, but I'd love to see her in the triangle). I easily can picture Maddie returning, because she's so young and clearly is so favored by TPTB, but I kind of hope she retires and I really, really hope they don't make her point. She's only cute half the time to me, and while I like that they take a range of looks and sometimes clearly value the whole person and performer over beauty, I think the point girl has to be photogenic and at least reasonably pretty. I agree that Gina sometimes looks like she needs a juicy burger and fries and that she gets "Joker-y" sometimes when she smiles, but she's more attractive and has at least some modicum of sex appeal, which Maddie does not really possess in my eyes. I'd far prefer Bridget or Daphne (or Heather O.) at point over Gina.

As for what I want to see more of, maybe more Melissa Rycroft? I kid! I'd love to see a LOT more of what the group leaders and seconds do--leading rehearsals without K&J, maybe in meetings with each other to discuss who's excelling and who's struggling or needs to improve on what, etc. I loved the Where Are They Now segments and hope they (and the show!) continue. I also like getting alumni opinions on rookies; it's kind of insightful and encouraging and snarky at the same time. What I want to see less of? The Star and endless focusing on the same strugglers who can't say anything different or dance any better over the course of the season. I think they're doing a bit of a better job introducing us to more rookies the past couple of years, but we get so little about some of the rookies. For instance, Brianna, who was cut at finals the year before and seemingly rocked it at training camp last summer, hardly got any real screen time and I don't see why they blew the chance to have a stronger "comeback girls" story arc with Brenna and Brianna and went instead with following every breath Malena and VK took. 

Thank you for your eloquent opinion. I agree with everything you have stated. 

9 hours ago, Holly85 said:

I hope Alexis gets a better spot in the triangle this coming season I adore her 

She's so gorgeous.

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10 hours ago, M1977G said:

I really do not want to see Malena make training camp again. It would be annoying to me and cruel to her. I don't think she'll ever have the skills to make the team's level of performance. The videos I've seen of her in prep classes show no improvement whatsoever. She makes choreo mistakes and is not a clean dancer. And one of my biggest pet peeves about her is her facials. When she does her open-mouthed smiling face (ie in episode 2 doing her solo at Kitty's), she looks surprised and cheesy and kind of vapid, and other times, her face is flat or looks like she's dying.

I'm so glad that Heather O., Caroline, Molly, Jaylyn, and Rachel A are coming back! Amber may be a rough interviewee still, but she's a fantastic dancer and looks killer in the uniform. I'm also hoping for Bridget (who, alongside Daphne, I can see making it into or very close to the triangle this year), Lauren, Alexis, Cianna, and Khalyn (who, as I understand it, might be too injury-plagued, but I'd love to see her in the triangle). I easily can picture Maddie returning, because she's so young and clearly is so favored by TPTB, but I kind of hope she retires and I really, really hope they don't make her point. She's only cute half the time to me, and while I like that they take a range of looks and sometimes clearly value the whole person and performer over beauty, I think the point girl has to be photogenic and at least reasonably pretty. I agree that Gina sometimes looks like she needs a juicy burger and fries and that she gets "Joker-y" sometimes when she smiles, but she's more attractive and has at least some modicum of sex appeal, which Maddie does not really possess in my eyes. I'd far prefer Bridget or Daphne (or Heather O.) at point over Gina.

As for what I want to see more of, maybe more Melissa Rycroft? I kid! I'd love to see a LOT more of what the group leaders and seconds do--leading rehearsals without K&J, maybe in meetings with each other to discuss who's excelling and who's struggling or needs to improve on what, etc. I loved the Where Are They Now segments and hope they (and the show!) continue. I also like getting alumni opinions on rookies; it's kind of insightful and encouraging and snarky at the same time. What I want to see less of? The Star and endless focusing on the same strugglers who can't say anything different or dance any better over the course of the season. I think they're doing a bit of a better job introducing us to more rookies the past couple of years, but we get so little about some of the rookies. For instance, Brianna, who was cut at finals the year before and seemingly rocked it at training camp last summer, hardly got any real screen time and I don't see why they blew the chance to have a stronger "comeback girls" story arc with Brenna and Brianna and went instead with following every breath Malena and VK took. 

I second it all.....but I almost had a stroke when you said more MRS!!!!  I was getting ready to type "hush your mouth" as my response!

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Anyone know if Grace Patterson, current DSIG and former AAIA is  auditioning? She was the only one of the AAIAs who didn't make it to semi finals or finals (don't remember which one) last year.

Edited by MrsEVH
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3 hours ago, Bennie said:

Great all-around triple threats — dance, poise when speaking, beauty... Heather, Tess, Kelli, Amy, Lexie, new Rachel, Daphne, Bridget.  Also, Kahlyn, Lauren, and Tasha if they are returning and not injured.  And Maddie and Cici if you like that look.  

Completely agree, now that I’ve fixed it for myself 😉

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I’m glad Heather is getting some love 🙂 Heather for point! Heather + Gina (don’t think we’ll be spared, but if she gets Maddie’s place then she will be out of most frames so there’s that)+ Bridget for next year’s triangle!

I know Bridget might be too junior for that but we need a brunette in the mix and I think Tess would be behind point due to her height, so what other option do we have?

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24 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

I’m glad Heather is getting some love 🙂 Heather for point! Heather + Gina (don’t think we’ll be spared, but if she gets Maddie’s place then she will be out of most frames so there’s that)+ Bridget for next year’s triangle!

I know Bridget might be too junior for that but we need a brunette in the mix and I think Tess would be behind point due to her height, so what other option do we have?

The only brunettes that will be upper vets will be molly Rachel a Miranda Alexis and Maddie if she don’t retire yuko if she don’t 

Edited by Holly85
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4 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

I’m glad Heather is getting some love 🙂 Heather for point! Heather + Gina (don’t think we’ll be spared, but if she gets Maddie’s place then she will be out of most frames so there’s that)+ Bridget for next year’s triangle!

I know Bridget might be too junior for that but we need a brunette in the mix and I think Tess would be behind point due to her height, so what other option do we have?

Quite honestly, I never really had an opinion of Heather before and never really cared very much about who was at point, but now I’m firmly on the Heather for Point bandwagon. She’s universally loved by almost all the other girls, her dancing has always been strong, it seems like she’s articulate and poised. I can’t say that I believe she’s the most physically beautiful (that’s Alexis for me), but she is really all around the perfect DCC on the team right now. I’m glad she is returning. 

Edited by KnyghtRyder
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1 hour ago, Holly85 said:

The only brunettes that will be upper vets will be molly Rachel a Miranda Alexis and Maddie if she don’t retire yuko if she don’t 

I don’t think Alexis is a strong dancer to be honest... not sure about Miranda, but Rachel is definitely strong enough-she will be battling weight most probably though so I’m not sure she would nake triangle.

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9 minutes ago, dreamcatcher said:

I don’t think Alexis is a strong dancer to be honest... not sure about Miranda, but Rachel is definitely strong enough-she will be battling weight most probably though so I’m not sure she would nake triangle.

I think she is strong just not strong enough to be the front of the triangle !!! 

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9 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

Anyone know if Grace Patterson, current DSIG and former AAIA is  auditioning? She was the only one of the AAIAs who didn't make it to semi finals or finals (don't remember which one) last year.

I hope she is!  She’s so pretty!  

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21 hours ago, M1977G said:

I really do not want to see Malena make training camp again. It would be annoying to me and cruel to her. I don't think she'll ever have the skills to make the team's level of performance. The videos I've seen of her in prep classes show no improvement whatsoever. She makes choreo mistakes and is not a clean dancer. And one of my biggest pet peeves about her is her facials. When she does her open-mouthed smiling face (ie in episode 2 doing her solo at Kitty's), she looks surprised and cheesy and kind of vapid, and other times, her face is flat or looks like she's dying.

I'm so glad that Heather O., Caroline, Molly, Jaylyn, and Rachel A are coming back! Amber may be a rough interviewee still, but she's a fantastic dancer and looks killer in the uniform. I'm also hoping for Bridget (who, alongside Daphne, I can see making it into or very close to the triangle this year), Lauren, Alexis, Cianna, and Khalyn (who, as I understand it, might be too injury-plagued, but I'd love to see her in the triangle). I easily can picture Maddie returning, because she's so young and clearly is so favored by TPTB, but I kind of hope she retires and I really, really hope they don't make her point. She's only cute half the time to me, and while I like that they take a range of looks and sometimes clearly value the whole person and performer over beauty, I think the point girl has to be photogenic and at least reasonably pretty. I agree that Gina sometimes looks like she needs a juicy burger and fries and that she gets "Joker-y" sometimes when she smiles, but she's more attractive and has at least some modicum of sex appeal, which Maddie does not really possess in my eyes. I'd far prefer Bridget or Daphne (or Heather O.) at point over Gina.

As for what I want to see more of, maybe more Melissa Rycroft? I kid! I'd love to see a LOT more of what the group leaders and seconds do--leading rehearsals without K&J, maybe in meetings with each other to discuss who's excelling and who's struggling or needs to improve on what, etc. I loved the Where Are They Now segments and hope they (and the show!) continue. I also like getting alumni opinions on rookies; it's kind of insightful and encouraging and snarky at the same time. What I want to see less of? The Star and endless focusing on the same strugglers who can't say anything different or dance any better over the course of the season. I think they're doing a bit of a better job introducing us to more rookies the past couple of years, but we get so little about some of the rookies. For instance, Brianna, who was cut at finals the year before and seemingly rocked it at training camp last summer, hardly got any real screen time and I don't see why they blew the chance to have a stronger "comeback girls" story arc with Brenna and Brianna and went instead with following every breath Malena and VK took. 

I have to say, I agree 100%, with all of this.  Thank you for putting into words what has been on my mind.

13 hours ago, Bennie said:

Don’t really see Lauren getting closer to triangle if she still can’t do a jump split.  Also, triangle peeps are prominently featured.  Lauren didn’t do calendar and probably won’t again.  Love her, but ...

Alexis is truly beautiful and not a great enough dancer to move up too far. Not nearly enough pop.

Amber...gotta be able to put together an intelligent sentence to represent the brand.  Great dancer, but no.

Malena...emphatic no!

Gina... best dancer, needs a slice of humble pie, not great facials, looking skeletal - what happened to that rockin bod?

Great all-around triple threats — dance, poise when speaking, beauty... Heather, Tess, Kelli, Amy, Lexie, new Rachel, Daphne, Bridget.  Also, Kahlyn, Lauren, and Tasha if they are returning and not injured.  And Maddie and Cici if you like that look.  

Agree to this too.

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18 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

I’m glad Heather is getting some love 🙂 Heather for point! Heather + Gina (don’t think we’ll be spared, but if she gets Maddie’s place then she will be out of most frames so there’s that)+ Bridget for next year’s triangle!

I know Bridget might be too junior for that but we need a brunette in the mix and I think Tess would be behind point due to her height, so what other option do we have?

Edited by J-R
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Heather pissed off Kelly for doing God knows what, or not doing something since that is also her MO, so I 100% believe she does not have a snowball chance in heck at getting point or being in the triangle. Same with Alexis. Is she pretty? Yes. Can she dance? Sure. Is she a strong enough dancer for the triangle? No. If she were, she would already be there on looks alone. 

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5 minutes ago, Loves2Dance said:

Heather pissed off Kelly for doing God knows what, or not doing something since that is also her MO, so I 100% believe she does not have a snowball chance in heck at getting point or being in the triangle. Same with Alexis. Is she pretty? Yes. Can she dance? Sure. Is she a strong enough dancer for the triangle? No. If she were, she would already be there on looks alone. 

I think Alexis is retiring just a gut feeling she is 

Edited by Holly85
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44 minutes ago, Jennv said:

Kelli posted that her wedding in in July in Colorado, I'm guessing she isn't coming back then. I was hoping she would , she is one of the best vets they have, imo.

I saw that to I’m assuming she isn’t either 

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12 hours ago, Jennv said:

Kelli posted that her wedding in in July in Colorado, I'm guessing she isn't coming back then. I was hoping she would , she is one of the best vets they have, imo.

I dont know, she said it was going to be super small. You could do a small wedding on a long weekend. They usually have one long weekend during TC. 

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I mean, I knew a couple of doctors who got married to each other in the middle of their grueling residency. If they can take a couple of days for a wedding, I don’t know why someone auditioning for a dance team can’t. It’s a tough process sure, but most people are super busy and still plan and carry out weddings. 

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7 minutes ago, PhillyFan said:

I mean, I knew a couple of doctors who got married to each other in the middle of their grueling residency. If they can take a couple of days for a wedding, I don’t know why someone auditioning for a dance team can’t. It’s a tough process sure, but most people are super busy and still plan and carry out weddings. 

She could of been planing it around rookie week you never know 

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4 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

She could of been planing it around rookie week you never know 

I am guessing that she retires.  Isn't she over 30 years old?  Now she is getting married...maybe her long talk with Lauren that she posted about was her wedding date and decision to retire?

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23 minutes ago, J-R said:

I am guessing that she retires.  Isn't she over 30 years old?  Now she is getting married...maybe her long talk with Lauren that she posted about was her wedding date and decision to retire?

Maybe so I’m dying to know who else is retiring 

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I deleted the list with Kelli as "likely retiring" on it because, as people pointed out, it could be on a long weekend or during Rookie Week and I've been trying to keep the list for those who have confirmed retirement or that they are returning.  Kelli could still return since 07/20 is on a Saturday so she could get married during Training Camp and have the honeymoon after Training Camp. 

Edited by EricaShadows
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