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S01.E09: Standoff

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Dayum.  This show opened throttle tonight!!

A few shallow notes:

-- Grooving on the apartment interiors.  Good colors, good accent pieces.  Somebody in the art dept had themselves a ball.

-- I loved Talia's chanting the instructions all the way through the cauterization.  That would totally be me.  If I could keep from throwing up!

-- I surprised even myself by getting weepy when Michael Beach embraced his son.

-- That "main power" switch sign in the basement, and the turning off thereof, put me in mind of Obi-wan Kenobi shutting down the tractor beam on the Death Star.

-- FFS: John! Lucy! break Up, you morons!!!!

-- Shouldn't the line have been "Dead cop's husband"? He said "wife".  Or did I mishear.

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15 minutes ago, voiceover said:

Shouldn't the line have been "Dead cop's husband"? He said "wife".  Or did I mishear.

He said "Dead cop's wife" instead of "cop's dead wife." They really should have re-shot the scene.


As soon as that one cop said "Let's show them how it's done," I knew he was a goner.


The bits about the lies were the most creatively written, IMO.
Like the way West Sr. set up Nolan by first asking him about a fictional lie and then switching to the real lie to see the change in response by Nolan, like West Sr. was a human lie detector. I was thinking: "Wow. I better remember this in case I'm ever interrogated and have to lie," which is hysterically funny given my under the radar lifestyle (little old lady librarian). 
Lucy's speech about why Nolan should lie for the greater good rang true within the context of the situation, but kind of bugged a bit with the cavalier attitude towards truth in today's society.
And then there was the an interesting parallel of the boy being lied to in order to "protect" him. The drunk dad actor did a great job with the part in not overacting.

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Nolan gives the guy one very "harmless", "light" kick and the he throws off the gun angle aimed right at his head?!

Where was Chen hiding her gun after leaving the shower?

Chen and Bradford inserted a plate for "extra" protection. So we are to believe these cops were always wearing bulletproof vests since the show started? Must have been wearing some thin material.

Talia only got a graze on her arm. I thought she should have been shot at least twice. 

All these shots fired and no one from the outside of the building could hear to call the police or someone in the building could run outside to make a call?

I hope West is now past this freezing under fire phase and that story line.

Chen had a few opportunities to fire her side weapon but instead used hand to hand and pepper spray. 

I doubt the police/city will pay for all the damages to the building.

Edited by mxc90
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8 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Lucy's speech about why Nolan should lie for the greater good rang true within the context of the situation, but kind of bugged a bit with the cavalier attitude towards truth in today's society.

And then there was the an interesting parallel of the boy being lied to in order to "protect" him. The drunk dad actor did a great job with the part in not overacting.

I was bugged a bit by that too - and wondered if Nolan was thinking less of Lucy (I sure did, honesty is a big issue for me), but then he was okay with her dropping over to be "friends." (btw, lock your damn door, Nolan - haven't you learned your lesson?"

I have to say that the suspense and action in this episode was top notch, though. I'm not generally that engaged with the shoot outs and such, but this one kept me going.

As for what might have been the speediest TV birth ever - this one annoys even me (who gave birth within 45 minutes of my water breaking, with nary a contraction before).

And I was glad to see West do well in a shoot out. I guess he got over the hump.

Also, minor annoyance - do you think Lucy could have waited until the action slowed to pull out the steel plate and look at it? Do they think the audience is that dumb that we'd forget the entire scene about why she had that plate in her vest?

4 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Talia only got a graze on her arm. I thought she should have been shot at least twice. 

On my tv it looked like she had three clustered bullet/pellet wounds. The were small, but they looked like punctured skin to me.

Edited by Clanstarling
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So we are to believe these cops were always wearing bulletproof vests since the show started? Must have been wearing some thin material.

There are different types of bullet proof vests, some of which are concealable and meant to be worn under the uniform. Based on this episode it seems we are to believe they wear this type.

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Well, The Rookie is back and Nolan and Chen STILL have no chemistry. And i don't for a minute believe that a house like that doesn't have a security camera with security cam footage of Chen being there. Two lying idiots.

I cannot believe Bishop went to that apartment by herself knowing the kind of person she was looking for. But that was very smart of her to shoot the steam pipe!

I suppose it wouldn't be The Rookie if the episode wasn't ludicrously over the top in every single way and stretching belief past the breaking point. That said, this episode was ludicrously over the top and stretched belief way past the breaking point.

It had a pregnant woman with a dangerous boyfriend, a shootout with many automatic weapons in a residential building, and a helpless cancer patient, two officers down and a third one wounded, who performed meatball surgery on one of her colleagues, Nolan's career on the line (again),  wanton destruction, a cop pursuing revenge on the guy who hurt his estranged wife, a secondary story of a kid from a broken home and an alcoholic parent, and so much more. Including, and I could be wrong, Nolan's realization that maybe Chen isn't the person he hoped she was. I think Die Hard had less plot points and P.T. Barnum must have written this episode.

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Was anybody else surprised that nothing happened to the boy or he didn't walk out of the station when Nolan and IA cop went into the interrogation room? The other officer had left the desk w/ Nolan in charge. No other officer was around.

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I was waiting for Nolan to come back from finding crayons to find the boy missing. D'oh. Rookie mistake. ;) 

I wouldn't have thought a police station reception area to be a place to leave an unsupervised minor.  Not without giving a heads up to a remaining officer on duty, which there must have been.

With the mountain of high stakes (melo)drama The Rookie likes to pile on the audience, I was waiting for a hostage situation in the reception area or for someone to come in bloodied into the police station confessing he did it.  No such thing as simple rubber stamping a form within the boundaries. ;)

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Another episode where the show is watchable and I wasn't bored, but there were certainly bits that were straining credibility to the extent that it was taking me out of the show.  And also there were some writing choices for the characters that I felt could have been better. 

I feel at this point that The Rookie wants to do a high stakes big shootout almost every episode.  Be careful of going to that well too often.  I don't need bullets flying endlessly to be entertained and good writing shouldn't require what can become a crutch either.  I don't mind a show showcasing officers on patrol with the drama and pathos that comes from the mundane and not so mundane, and not just gunfire all the time.  While the shootout this time in a building did build tension, I was very distracted by the fact that all these officers went into a known dangerous location (and Bishop even went without a partner, c'mon) and so called special assignment without proper supervision and backup so it seems other than radioing in.   The two detectives who went in after clearly weren't any smarter.  As others have said, no one else in the building thought to call the police with all the gunfire?  It was all just stretching credibility a bit too much.  In another kind of show, Bishop and Chen etc. would have been killed for their stupidity by the automatic weapons.  Baby would have been injured in the crossfire.  West would have froze.  Druggie wife would be long dead.  But this is not that kind of show.  Which is OK.  But let's try to dig deeper and go messier sometimes because that's when things can get more interesting.

West freezing up would have been a more interesting character choice to me.  I thought it was a storyline with potential for the character but the easy resolution of what should be a difficult obstacle is disappointing.  It's like he barely had to do anything to get over his problem.

Tired of Bradford given slack to do whatever in the name of his wife and everyone around him indulging him in it.  If the wife doesn't make good after this rock bottom, then please just end this storyline already.  But I guess if they allow him and the wife to be happily reconciled, the writers won't know what to do with him? ;) 

I wasn't as unenthusiastic about the Nolan/Chen storyline as some at the start.  However, with the more dramatic turns of late, they are losing me with it and I am finding it more tedious.  With this latest pivot to friend mode, I hope they can leave the romantic storylines on the backburner for a while.  There's plenty more to focus on as the writers shove so much drama in an episode.  I was a little annoyed with Chen this episode because she's been the one going to Nolan's place after wanting to call it quits, and then wanting to call all the shots afterwards without really listening to him, and then claiming friendship again.  Yes, I understand a relationship reveal could hurt both their careers, but lying to a superior officer in an investigation is no small matter either, and deserved more consideration imo, and possibly some consequences. 

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Lies, lies, lies.  OK, we get it.  Lying is bad.  Very very bad.  This part of the show felt like an afterschool special hammering home a very obvious point.  And to me, the kid plot line was as subtle as being hit over the head with a 2x4.  Yes, lying is bad.  Don't lie to people.  Even kids know lying is bad.  OK, we got it.

That said, I was expecting for Nolan to take a bullet for West, or something equally dramatic and life saving.  Then West Sr. would say "you have one chance to tell me anything you want to say with no repercussions" in appreciation, so Nolan could spill the beans on him and Chen.  But no, we get the stupid relationship cover up story for how many more episodes? 

And what was the point of having West cower in fear over gunfight for the first few eps, just to magically get over it and now be fine in the middle of a major gunfight? 

I guess my main problem with this show is that all these silly pseudo-dramatic plot devices just get in the way of the shows greatest asset - Nathan Fillion.  His scenes with the desk cop, having to re-do the stamp, were Fillion gold.  This show is supposed to be about Nolan as an overaged cadet, not a super shoot 'em up cop show that just happens to have an overaged cadet.

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7 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

On my tv it looked like she had three clustered bullet/pellet wounds. The were small, but they looked like punctured skin to me.

I agree. What I meant: Talia cheated death twice. How the main criminal missed her in the ambush with an automatic weapon was wild and the other criminal had a clear shot at her back and suddenly lost his aim.

7 hours ago, FinnishViewer said:

There are different types of bullet proof vests, some of which are concealable and meant to be worn under the uniform. Based on this episode it seems we are to believe they wear this type.

Shouldn't the vests worn under the uniform make the officers appear to be heavier? It doesn't seem they wear vests.

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40 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Shouldn't the vests worn under the uniform make the officers appear to be heavier? It doesn't seem they wear vests.

I believe the actors wear the vests only when it is something that will be noted or seen in a particular script. Like yesterday when they used the reinforcement plate and of course it saved Chen's life.

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9 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Chen had a few opportunities to fire her side weapon but instead used hand to hand and pepper spray. 

I inwardly cheered at her use of non lethal force in the form of pepper spray. It almost made up for the crazy siege led by the husband of the gang leader's victim.

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10 hours ago, mxc90 said:

All these shots fired and no one from the outside of the building could hear to call the police or someone in the building could run outside to make a call?

I figured most, if not all, the people living there hunker down and ignore any gunshots, especially if they know about the gang. It's also possible that many people in the building don't have working phones.

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8 hours ago, madmaverick said:

Another episode where the show is watchable and I wasn't bored, but there were certainly bits that were straining credibility to the extent that it was taking me out of the show.  And also there were some writing choices for the characters that I felt could have been better. 



The shtick on this show is to do exactly what nobody in their right mind would do, every single time.  It's lazy writing, but I guess that's what TV has become.  Honestly, I miss Marlowe.

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1 hour ago, TWP said:

The shtick on this show is to do exactly what nobody in their right mind would do, every single time.  It's lazy writing, but I guess that's what TV has become.  Honestly, I miss Marlowe.

I don't. He was just as trope-ridden and lazy. See the Beckett's Mama mess if you need reminding.  :-) Honestly, broadcast TV lives by tropes and Hulu, Netflix, et. al. seem to get more creative because there is more freedom, I think.

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Shouldn't the vests worn under the uniform make the officers appear to be heavier? It doesn't seem they wear vests

It usually would add some bulk, but from what I have read, the technology there has progressed to a point where it's not so obviously noticeable in the case of the concealable types. When it comes to TV and movies, it's possible that actors wear them only when a scene requires them to wear, otherwise it's only implied that the characters wear them, because it might become a bit uncomfortable to wear them all the time.

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13 hours ago, auntlada said:

I figured most, if not all, the people living there hunker down and ignore any gunshots, especially if they know about the gang. It's also possible that many people in the building don't have working phones.

Not many land lines - and they had that jammer running, which likely jams cell phones as well as radios (the cops would have both, at least the ones I work with do).

12 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Maybe it's just me, but if my chest-plate stops a round, I'm not going to pull it off/out and stare stupidly at it in the middle of a fire-fight, while bullets are still flying!

I know, right? Bugged me more than anything else in the episode.

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18 hours ago, auntlada said:

I figured most, if not all, the people living there hunker down and ignore any gunshots, especially if they know about the gang. It's also possible that many people in the building don't have working phones.

And they played as if nobody had a phone, even the senior citizen class who are most likely to buy a newspaper and not have a cell phone turned theirs off.

21 hours ago, mxc90 said:

I agree. What I meant: Talia cheated death twice. How the main criminal missed her in the ambush with an automatic weapon was wild and the other criminal had a clear shot at her back and suddenly lost his aim.

Shouldn't the vests worn under the uniform make the officers appear to be heavier? It doesn't seem they wear vests.

I remember when Christopher Donner was hunting LAPD officers during that week I saw some suburban cops with two gun gunfighter rigs, not the ankle hideout gun along with very bulky vest under their uniforms by both LAPD and other departments.   In the years since Donner was killed many seem to have kept the heavier vest on permanently.  I guess in Chicago to go by Chicago PD the vest are worn outside the uniform so an officer can't cheat and not wear it.

On 1/9/2019 at 6:28 AM, Clanstarling said:


And I was glad to see West do well in a shoot out. I guess he got over the hump.

Also, minor annoyance - do you think Lucy could have waited until the action slowed to pull out the steel plate and look at it? Do they think the audience is that dumb that we'd forget the entire scene about why she had that plate in her vest?



Yes they think we are that dumb, or have not seen all of the episode.  Hence the ballistic plate scene. 

To young officer legacy getting over it and the command staff telling Nolan you are in already. pare for the course.  But it did stop me when West  said he only had two magazines left. Which meant he had more bullets than Reed and Malloy together had when the hit the streets in Adam-12. I am not sure if I like the ideal that police lay down suppression fire as they have been since the 80s when they traded in their revolvers for pistols.

Edited by Raja
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"The shower stall was wet, but you were dry. Why is that?"

"Uh, because I dried myself off?!?"  So dopey.

I agree a house like that would have cameras and security footage.  

Whatever. I'm a big Nathan Fillion fan and I find the show entertaining enough to keep watching, even if is ridiculous.

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This show is pure escapism and entertainment.  It is very loosely based on real life for a rookie.  I just go along for the ride and enjoy it.  If I tried to plug all the holes mentioned it this thread, I would drive myself nuts!  But I really do enjoy the show so far.  I agree that I wish the cop/wife stuff would either tie it up or cut it loose.  It serves no purpose but to give the sergeant extra screen time.  I don't like the Nolan/Chen romantic angle as it doesn't really serve any purpose except to show Chen out of a uniform in every episode. 

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44 minutes ago, Evagirl said:

If I tried to plug all the holes mentioned it this thread, I would drive myself nuts!

Yes, so I'll just point out one not yet fully plugged:

2 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Not many land lines - and they had that jammer running, which likely jams cell phones as well as radios (the cops would have both, at least the ones I work with do).

2 hours ago, Raja said:

And they played as if nobody had a phone, even the senior citizen class

Low income senior citizens (like the woman with the husband with cancer) would qualify for a free land line.

But, yeah, the whole plot was extremely unlikely.

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15 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Maybe it's just me, but if my chest-plate stops a round, I'm not going to pull it off/out and stare stupidly at it in the middle of a fire-fight, while bullets are still flying!

With that kind of attitude, you'd never make it through the academy.

1 hour ago, Evagirl said:

I don't like the Nolan/Chen romantic angle as it doesn't really serve any purpose except to show Chen out of a uniform in every episode. 

I'm not a fan either, although I like NF and MO. But, if Chen is going to keep stopping by and showering, Nolan should invest in smaller bath towels.

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On 1/9/2019 at 9:28 AM, Clanstarling said:

As for what might have been the speediest TV birth ever - this one annoys even me (who gave birth within 45 minutes of my water breaking, with nary a contraction before).

That was the most unrealistic TV birth I've ever seen.  That couch was still pristine clean at the end.

I actually don't mind Nolan and Chen.  Most of it is probably just leftover goodwill from previous roles (Fillion- too many to name and O'Neil- Dark Matter).  They had an attraction in the Police Academy, acted on it, probably thought it would be casual, started feeling more serious and then realized the complications when they got to the real world.  I'm ok with the story line regardless of whichever direction they go (just friends or reuniting romantically later).  

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This was an okay episode and I admit, I checked out the board before watching it to see if it aired at all with the President's speech even if it The Rookie airs at 10pm. 

I hope the younger West did get over his issue with gunshots and think his plot-line might be interesting but I hope they don't drop it. 

I hope Nolan didn't forget the kid's dad but I hope the dad turned his life around. 

Still don't care for Nolan/Chen but I think somehow they will be found out. 

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8 hours ago, Raja said:

And they played as if nobody had a phone, even the senior citizen class who are most likely to buy a newspaper and not have a cell phone turned theirs off.

Well, they did explain that senior couple couldn't afford it.

5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Yes, so I'll just point out one not yet fully plugged:

Low income senior citizens (like the woman with the husband with cancer) would qualify for a free land line.

But, yeah, the whole plot was extremely unlikely.

Being eligible, and knowing you're eligible are different things, even if they're willing to go through whatever process is required to apply and get the free land lines (or other help). In my frustrating personal experience, some seniors refuse to accept what they think of as handouts even when they're in dire need, because they're too proud.

That being said, it was an unlikely, but at least they tried to address the issue (unlike some shows I can think of). I'm willing to accept that level of unlikelhood when it keeps me engaged enough to make my exercise fly by. :)

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On 1/9/2019 at 2:39 PM, chaifan said:

...I guess my main problem with this show is that all these silly pseudo-dramatic plot devices just get in the way of the shows greatest asset - Nathan Fillion.  His scenes with the desk cop, having to re-do the stamp, were Fillion gold.  This show is supposed to be about Nolan as an overaged cadet, not a super shoot 'em up cop show that just happens to have an overaged cadet.

I just said to Hubs, "remember when The Rookie was supposed to be entertaining and funny and we liked watching Nathan Fillion?" Now the fish-out-of-water is the big hero in every violent episode. And they are going to run out of bullets in LA pretty soon.

And I'm ashamed to admit I still can't tell Lucy from West's partner/mentor/whatever, Angela I think her name is? So that really slows our watching down, as I'm always asking Hubs who that woman is, and he's always pointing out that one of them has french-braided her hair while the other has a messy bun. You can find Google images of the actors that look like they are twins. Dear Casting Directors: try to find actors who don't look like twins. I'm shallow.

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14 minutes ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

I just said to Hubs, "remember when The Rookie was supposed to be entertaining and funny and we liked watching Nathan Fillion?" Now the fish-out-of-water is the big hero in every violent episode. And they are going to run out of bullets in LA pretty soon.

And I'm ashamed to admit I still can't tell Lucy from West's partner/mentor/whatever, Angela I think her name is? So that really slows our watching down, as I'm always asking Hubs who that woman is, and he's always pointing out that one of them has french-braided her hair while the other has a messy bun. You can find Google images of the actors that look like they are twins. Dear Casting Directors: try to find actors who don't look like twins. I'm shallow.

I have the same problem.

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9 hours ago, Waterston Fan said:

This was an okay episode and I admit, I checked out the board before watching it to see if it aired at all with the President's speech even if it The Rookie airs at 10pm. 

Well, thank goodness for On Demand! I hit my play button for The Rookie and there was Oliver Hudson! Wrong show! They didn't pick up The Rookie here until more than half way through...so thankful for having On Demand!

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12 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:


And I'm ashamed to admit I still can't tell Lucy from West's partner/mentor/whatever, Angela I think her name is? So that really slows our watching down, as I'm always asking Hubs who that woman is, and he's always pointing out that one of them has french-braided her hair while the other has a messy bun. You can find Google images of the actors that look like they are twins. Dear Casting Directors: try to find actors who don't look like twins. I'm shallow.

I think it is a problem with the promo department which pushes first names at us when as an organization the corporate culture shown uses last names. She is Officer Lopez, it is right there on her name tag.

14 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Well, they did explain that senior couple couldn't afford it.

Being eligible, and knowing you're eligible are different things, even if they're willing to go through whatever process is required to apply and get the free land lines (or other help). In my frustrating personal experience, some seniors refuse to accept what they think of as handouts even when they're in dire need, because they're too proud.

That being said, it was an unlikely, but at least they tried to address the issue (unlike some shows I can think of). I'm willing to accept that level of unlikelhood when it keeps me engaged enough to make my exercise fly by. :)

In generations long past the bad guys just would have cut the phones lines. It would seem just as easy as setting up a cell phone and radio jammer

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19 minutes ago, Raja said:

I think it is a problem with the promo department which pushes first names at us when as an organization the corporate culture shown uses last names. She is Officer Lopez, it is right there on her name tag.

In generations long past the bad guys just would have cut the phones lines. It would seem just as easy as setting up a cell phone and radio jammer

Which is what they did. So it worked for me.

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13 hours ago, suebee12 said:

Well, thank goodness for On Demand! I hit my play button for The Rookie and there was Oliver Hudson! Wrong show! They didn't pick up The Rookie here until more than half way through...so thankful for having On Demand!

Me too!  I hate having to watch the commercials but thankful for the opportunity to watch at all.

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14 hours ago, suebee12 said:

Well, thank goodness for On Demand! I hit my play button for The Rookie and there was Oliver Hudson! Wrong show! They didn't pick up The Rookie here until more than half way through...so thankful for having On Demand!

I love Oliver Hudson—maybe he can guest star, or they can do cross-over shows with Splitting Up Together!

We figured out what was going on and recorded the news that typically follows The Rookie so did not have to resort to on demand.

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On 1/11/2019 at 1:36 AM, suebee12 said:

Well, thank goodness for On Demand! I hit my play button for The Rookie and there was Oliver Hudson! Wrong show! They didn't pick up The Rookie here until more than half way through...so thankful for having On Demand!

Agree - but my on demand doesn't have it available yet.  I could go to the ABC app on my phone, but the screen is so tiny!  Hope I can catch it next Tuesday; it should be available then.

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25 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:

Agree - but my on demand doesn't have it available yet.  I could go to the ABC app on my phone, but the screen is so tiny!  Hope I can catch it next Tuesday; it should be available then.

I now regularly watch shows on my phone at lunch at work (I have the luxury of being alone in my area), and am always amazed at how easy everything is to see - even closed captioning - even though my eyes aren't great. Phone are really high def, so that helps a lot.

As for The Rookie, I watch it on Hulu, where it appears the next day (so far as I know, I only watch it the morning after).

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1 hour ago, SweetTooth said:

I wish he had come clean. Because this is something that will be hanging over their heads to come back at a later time, and I'm totally not looking forward to that. 

Because there's no way this is going away forever.

You mean Nolan coming clean about the relationship? Well, if the relationship really does end, it might not get discovered, which might happen when 


Sarah Shahi is added to the cast—and if sparks immediately fly between them. Not sure where that would leave Chen. Maybe she'd reconsider the flirty firefighter.



OH! It wasn't "A dead cop's wife."

It was a dead...cop's wife. It's the inflection.

But yeah, it could have been said better.

I don't see how it could have been said better without reversing the two adjectives. Maybe it was written "dead, cop's wife," but there's really no way to deliver that. Do TV shows have rehearsals? Or do the actors just run lines without the director? I can imagine the guest actor thinking maybe it was a dead cop's wife. The director should've caught it. The only reason I can think of for why they didn't reshoot it with "cop's dead wife" would be if they thought the show was going to be cancelled anyway. But then I'm one of those compulsive editors.

Edited by shapeshifter
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7 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

You mean Nolan coming clean about the relationship? Well, if the relationship really does end, it might not get discovered, which might happen when 

  Reveal hidden contents

Sarah Shahi is added to the cast—and if sparks immediately fly between them. Not sure where that would leave Chen. Maybe she'd reconsider the flirty firefighter.


I don't see how it could have been said better without reversing the two adjectives. Maybe it was written "dead, cop's wife," but there's really no way to deliver that. Do TV shows have rehearsals? Or do the actors just run lines without the director? I can imagine the guest actor thinking maybe it was a dead cop's wife. The director should've caught it. The only reason I can think of for why they didn't reshoot it with "cop's dead wife" would be if they thought the show was going to be cancelled anyway. But then I'm one of those compulsive editors.


If he took a beat between dead and cop it would have worked better, as well as saying "cop's wife" with emphasis, and quickly so that they're heard together. It did make me pause a second. I think they really wanted the "cop's wife" to be together, because killing a cop's wife, in the perp's mind, would be even better than a killing a cop. So while the writer in me longs to edit, I think it was written that way intentionally, and the actor in me thinks the director should have given a better instruction.

Edited by Clanstarling
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3 hours ago, Clanstarling said:
10 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I don't see how it could have been said better without reversing the two adjectives. 

If he took a beat between dead and cop it would have worked better, as well as saying "cop's wife" with emphasis, and quickly so that they're heard together.

Yeah, reading it that way would have worked. I guess nobody working on the show thought about it as much as we have, heh.

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If I was investigating Nolan, my main concern would be how did Kyle find out where Officer Nolan lived. Kyle says that Nolan lured him there, did he have any proof of that. What ever else happened, I would think of as secondary.

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I think it’s sad that he didn’t say she was a dead cop, instead of a dead “cop’s-wife”—wasn’t she addicted after being undercover and having to use to keep her cover? And for some reason I think that was fairly recent? How quickly they forget. 


Sarah Sashi is so gorgeous.

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On 1/12/2019 at 12:37 PM, Clanstarling said:

I now regularly watch shows on my phone at lunch at work (I have the luxury of being alone in my area), and am always amazed at how easy everything is to see - even closed captioning - even though my eyes aren't great. Phone are really high def, so that helps a lot.

As for The Rookie, I watch it on Hulu, where it appears the next day (so far as I know, I only watch it the morning after).

Got to watch it yesterday.  Agree with much of the comments, but I enjoy it a lot.

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18 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

I think it’s sad that he didn’t say she was a dead cop, instead of a dead “cop’s-wife”—wasn’t she addicted after being undercover and having to use to keep her cover?

By the time we first see her in the series, she is no longer a police officer.  I don't recall if we know whether she lost her job because of drug use or not, but I suspect that may be the cause.  But she clearly is no longer on the force when the events we see transpire.

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