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S06.E01: Single, Fat and Crazy

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This entire shit show is a case study in american psychological dysfunction and I am equally guilty for watching this shit. my own disfunction.  but at least I feel 2 postive things may come from this, this is a cautionary tale where denial can lead you and also motivation to um get my own shit toget her before I end up rock bottom unable to go up a steep hill.  I know it was a win for her and good for her but I never realized how physical limited she really was. it was sad. I was a real biker when I was younger and in her position,  it would make me so sad.  I have a professional spinning bike at my house,  justification cheaper than a gym membership you don't use because a lot of times its hard to leave the house in hour blocks, ten min at a time so much easier with breaks to throw in the laundry dishes and no shame. bikes are just my fun in winter., I wish this show would morph into this is how to turn your life around, like people need motivation and guidance. ugh. why does reality tv keep thinking all people want is negative shit, is it a conspiracy with big pharma to sell anti depressants, yet I keep drinking the perverbial cool aid

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23 hours ago, Donut Bear said:

So Buddy has a girl friend which means Whitney will want to seduce him. 

why why fuckity fuck why. I know women who suffer from abuse mental, verbal, etc in the past end up with a sort of Stockholm syndrom for assholes.  I can tell tell heather has a thing for abusive substance abusers, they make his addiction everyone fault but his. no responsibility.  like whit and her weight.   heather seriously make the show pay for your therapy,  they are exploiting your pain. get help. kids can't be around a coke head on national tv without cps comming a calling. even Brittany couldn't get out of that shit. wake up call. please whitney lurker on this board don't let this happen stage a buddy intervention.  despite the buddy mind fucks heather didn't fuck up the relationships, drinking and coke did.

Also wtf is wrong with women in american that buddy is considered a catch. ugh.  makes me sad. seriously i dont get it, i dont have the best self esteem but seriously what tears people up where u seek out this shit show so u can fix an abusive asshole. not my idea of fun.

hate to break it to u but relapses are normal and more people have to quit like 3 times before it sticks according to my job.  no good idea to stretch out this vulnerable time with a relationship. good fucking luck

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2 hours ago, Dot said:

Random thoughts
📌 Hot Toddies:
      🔹 Re Twit's tour dream: "It ain't all sittin' around pettin' cats like she's used to."
      🔹To Twit re her dance ability: "If you had a skirt on, you could trick ppl into thinkin' you were actually doin' it."
📌 WTF is that rat's nest on the top of her head all about? 
📌 New words for the Twitionary:
      🔹 Fig (to Buddy: you're checking out my [figure].)
       🔹 Emosh (to Jessica: I'm not gonna get [emotional]).
📌 As those us watching Twit's IG page during the off-season knew, Buddy will soon be moving back into Twit's house, into a newly renovated room. There's only one vacant room in Twit's house that needs renovation & new furniture. So, WHERE'S DONNA?
📌 Robin is labeled an "adoption specialist." I take it that she is not with an adoption agency, but works as a counselor to help eligible adoption applicants thru the process. Am I correct? If so, I give Twit grudging credit for looking to work with an expert to help her.
📌 One of Tal's pleaures in living in Twit's house is that "we walk around naked." Since Twit is usually at least half-naked even at the grocery store, that hardly seems a legit reason.
📌 Glenn said he's tradional, so that "means Whitney having her own child." HA! Last year I said I didn't think Glenn would accept an adopted child as his grandchild -- I was right!

Not that Glenn needs an apologist, but perhaps he would prefer for Twit to be married and have a kid. Even if she had to adopt due to health issues, he may well prefer that the adoption be into a married environment, not to a single, incredibly flighty, self-centered, no career, Twit. 

Why in the world are Twit & Tal walking around naked??? Call me old-fashioned, but has the girl no shame? What man, when hearing that his intended likes to walk around naked with male roommates, would take things any further? 'Cause you know Twit would have to tell anyone she was dating how with-it and hip she is that she walks around naked in front of anyone. No. Not attractive in a prospective spouse and mother of your children, unless you are nudists or something. 

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3 hours ago, Dot said:

As those us watching Twit's IG page during the off-season knew, Buddy will soon be moving back into Twit's house, into a newly renovated room. There's only one vacant room in Twit's house that needs renovation & new furniture. So, WHERE'S DONNA?

Oh, noooooo! Wonder how Heather feels about that. Also, what about Tal? 

Can't Whitney or Buddy afford to live alone? Whit makes plenty of money from the show and for cryin'out loud Buddy is old enough he should be living in his own place. Oh, I forgot, he spent it all on booze and blow. His two favorite words. Wouldn't surprise me if he's boozin and blowin again now that he's back to his old triggers. He knows better from the program he is supposed to be working hard at that he can't go back to the same life. Greensboro and Whitney. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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8 hours ago, Brooks said:

Infertility is up in the US and many other developed countries.  A contributing reason is all the active cell phones in hip pockets and laptops placed on laps.  This may be promoting adoptions from outside the US.

Actually, infertility --- defined as "needing help to achieve a successful pregnancy" --- is down in the US. It reached a peak in 1988 and is down about 20% from that peak. The BIRTH RATE is down, but that's due to other factors. If you have studies that show otherwise, can you provide a link? 

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3 hours ago, aliya said:

Not that Glenn needs an apologist, but perhaps he would prefer for Twit to be married and have a kid. Even if she had to adopt due to health issues, he may well prefer that the adoption be into a married environment, not to a single, incredibly flighty, self-centered, no career, Twit. 

Yeah, Glenn made it very clear that he wanted Twit married, then with child. But it was also clear that he wants a blood tie to his grandchild. I have no doubt that given a choice of unmarried Twit with a biological child v. married Twit with an adoptee, he would choose the former.

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Whit is really going to up her chances of adopting if she moves a drug addicted Buddy into her home. I’m sure it’s also a plus if you’re planning to raise your child on a reality show also. 

This whole story line is so much bullshit. Any agency could watch an episode or three and check all the NOs on their list of requirements. 

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On 1/1/2019 at 1:35 PM, ClareWalks said:

A "turkey baster" method would be essentially useless in this situation. Really, her only shot at getting pregnant is IVF, which is very expensive and I doubt any fertility clinic would touch her because her BMI is sooo high (usually the limit is 35 or 40 for IVF).

OTOH, Twit' not doing anything but hanging around the house, where she & Tal -- and prbably Buddy -- are prancing around naked. Why not try the ol' turkey baster a couple times a week? It costs none of them anything but a few minutes of time & who knows. . .?

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6 hours ago, polandspring said:

Is there a good, snarky place to talk about I Am Jazz?

I wouldn't be surprised if "I don't eat all day" means "I wake up at noon, drink 600+ calorie Starbucks drinks until 8:00, then binge eat junk food."

........and drink wine and have her smokes.  

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5 hours ago, aliya said:

Not that Glenn needs an apologist, but perhaps he would prefer for Twit to be married and have a kid. Even if she had to adopt due to health issues, he may well prefer that the adoption be into a married environment, not to a single, incredibly flighty, self-centered, no career, Twit. 

Why in the world are Twit & Tal walking around naked??? Call me old-fashioned, but has the girl no shame? What man, when hearing that his intended likes to walk around naked with male roommates, would take things any further? 'Cause you know Twit would have to tell anyone she was dating how with-it and hip she is that she walks around naked in front of anyone. No. Not attractive in a prospective spouse and mother of your children, unless you are nudists or something. 

Ikr like u just gotta understand babe, she wants to settle down and u can't settle down if u talk like a teen because you will attract a teen and they are not settling down.  grown ups who want to adopt kids on national tv can't walk around naked,  do that with all the sexual abuse scandle these days. if they do then she is able to do an adoption agency could be some sketch  baby broker who sells them for cash little questions asked.

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On 1/1/2019 at 9:23 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

Jesus Heather do you wear anything other than stretched out  gym clothes. Her ragging on Buddy's hygiene is rich considering she was sleeping with him.

Also currently sleeping on his blood soaked mattress, soooooo.....

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17 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

This is very sad. Then what becomes of all the children in orphanages that have been abandoned and need a loving home?

In the case of China this isn't nearly the problem it was 20 or 30 years ago because the country is so much wealthier and the preference for boys is (slowly) changing.  In the 80s and 90s abandoned babies in China, especially girls, were a major issue.  Now the country is much wealthier and one thing China does very well is access to abortions.  Access to birth control for unmarried women in rural areas isn't always easy but condoms are plentiful everywhere.    There are also internal adoption programs run by the government.  

Really the abandoned kids in orphanages are mostly mentally or physically disabled, which is why they're still allowing international adoptions for those children.  This is not universal as obviously many Chinese parents adore their disabled children, but one of the exceptions to the one child policy when it existed was you could have approval to have a 2nd child if your first was disabled.  Sometimes when parents had a second healthy child they would abandon the older disabled one.  It sounds heartless life in rural China can still be really rough and people often make some decisions that look impossible to me but for them they see it as giving the disabled child a chance at some kind of adoption or training program and see it as now they can focus on raisint their one child who will one day be responsible for 2 parents and 4 grandparents.  Now with the end of the one child policy this isn't happening as much.

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7 hours ago, Bugfrey Von said:

Also currently sleeping on his blood soaked mattress, soooooo.....

That's so gross.   I don't understand Heather at all. Doesn't she have small kids? Why isn't she focusing on her children instead of whining about  this  loser?

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Just checked the website for the US State Department to get an idea of what some of the basic requirements for international adoption are and Whitney has several strikes against her beyond her weight.

1) Minimum residency: Whitney would have to travel to Korea and be present there at the time of adoption. Not impossible for Whitney, but something that she would have to take into consideration with her oh so busy career as a "dancer".

2) Age of adoptive parents: Adoptive parents must be between the age of 25-44 years old, through there are some exceptions to this rule (such as one of the prospective parents being an adopted child of Korean heritage themselves). Whitney would be well within this limitation, so no issue.

3) Marriage: Married couples must be married for at least three years. Single parents are not permitted to adopt from South Korea. This would be immediate grounds to refuse Whitney's application. Do not pass go, do no collect two hundred dollars.

4) Minimum income: Parents must be able to prove that they can financially support the child they look to adopt. I'm guessing that Whitney makes some decent money from the show, but I don't see her having any other real sources of income or being employable outside of being a one woman reality tv freak show.

5) Criminal Record/Substance Abuse - Prospective parents must not have any criminal history involving narcotics, abuse or exploitation of children, sexual assault, etc.. There also can be no substance related disorders or dependence. Having Buddy in her home would again be immediate grounds to having her application rejected.

In other words, there are two (possibly three) grounds for Whitney to not even get past the first stage of getting her application considered. Her weight and health would just be icing on the cake.

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16 minutes ago, SenshusWoman said:

I'll go to hell for thinking this but after her show fails and she fades into reality TV has-been obscurity, I wonder if she's gonna pull a Joan Crawford and try to adopt off the black market.

Nah. It’s a storyline, not a real interest. 

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I thought that Whitney displayed some personal growth and development in this first episode. She seems to have matured a little and that is a relief.  I hope it continues. I wonder if the weight loss has had this positive side effect.  I do suspect that her parent's issues have also weighed heavy on her mind.  Pardon the pun. 

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I live in fear of being smacked for not posting correctly so please just gently tell me if I’m wrong to do this but the previews show W “training” in Alaska, right? Why? Because it’s cooler? Or travel makes it more interesting?

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On 12/28/2018 at 8:42 PM, minamreeka said:

I actually feel for Whitney with her parents obsessed with having grandkids and then she says she will adopt and they complain about that.  Really her parents need to shut up about grandkids.  She's in no position to have them and in any case it's not her duty to have them.  I'm sure there are some people in Greensboro who would love for them to spend time with their kids and kind of act as a grandparent if they're really that desperate to hang out and care for small children.

I have a friend who volunteers at a "crisis" nursery, where they take in a child if parent is in hospital or jail, and there's no one to care for the child. 
A lot of her time is cuddling babies, and Babs would like that.

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20 minutes ago, AUJulia said:

I live in fear of being smacked for not posting correctly so please just gently tell me if I’m wrong to do this but the previews show W “training” in Alaska, right? Why? Because it’s cooler? Or travel makes it more interesting?

A number of us followed Twitney, et al., thru the off-season by reading their IG pages. (Which was probably a mistake since I think it may explain why we are already so weary of Twit by the first episode.)

Anyway, Twit & the gang all haul off to AK  for a 2-week vacay. No explanation why -- maybe Glenn won the lottery this story arc. It has all the trappings of this year's Big Finish, so the previews are relatively early for this story arc.

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34 minutes ago, AUJulia said:

Nah. It’s a storyline, not a real interest. 

Yeah. Like her converting to Judaism. I knew that wouldn't last once Avi was out of the picture. 

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I haven't actually seen this, because I'd set it to record at the same time the cable had a problem in the area, but I did see what was billed as a season preview.
It was all boring bits from last season.  It opened with Henchi having a heart murmur, and went down from there.
In the promo, I was excited to see her naked in the shower, because next stop---HOUSTON!

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3 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

Jeez... just when you thought she couldn't get more awful or obnoxious, Whiny proves me wrong. Why do I keep watching this crap? . . .

These two prizes [Twit & Buddy] deserve one another and we should just be thankful that they cannot breed. Hell, they'd be lucky to just be able to fuck, though I refuse to waste the brain cells trying to work out how mechanically that would be possible for them because he'd have to be hung like a Percheron to reach her bits. . . .

Sure... take BGDC on the road. . . .

She was ready to dump the group for a year to tour with Fitness Marshall before she washed out of that, and now she thinks that she would be up to traveling around the country to wiggle her lard. While watching her trying to squeeze her ass into a coach class seat is always entertaining, seeing her trying to manage on a tour bus would be even more so. *rolls eyes* . . . .

Which brings us to the other big responsibility fail. While I have nil in the way of maternal instinct (my own mother having described my instinct as that of a rattlesnake), I still sympathize with women who desperately want children. . . . 


Oh, @Hana Chan -- how I've missed your dark humor. Welcome back! 😁

Edited by Dot
to remove strikeout lines that Autocorrect decided to insert
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3 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

. Hell, they'd be lucky to just be able to fuck, though I refuse to waste the brain cells trying to work out how mechanically that would be possible for them because he'd have to be hung like a Percheron to reach her bits.

You made me google Percheron penis......

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18 hours ago, Kentuckydaisy said:

why why fuckity fuck why. I know women who suffer from abuse mental, verbal, etc in the past end up with a sort of Stockholm syndrom for assholes.  I can tell tell heather has a thing for abusive substance abusers, they make his addiction everyone fault but his. no responsibility.  like whit and her weight.   heather seriously make the show pay for your therapy,  they are exploiting your pain. get help. kids can't be around a coke head on national tv without cps comming a calling. even Brittany couldn't get out of that shit. wake up call. please whitney lurker on this board don't let this happen stage a buddy intervention.  despite the buddy mind fucks heather didn't fuck up the relationships, drinking and coke did.

Also wtf is wrong with women in american that buddy is considered a catch. ugh.  makes me sad. seriously i dont get it, i dont have the best self esteem but seriously what tears people up where u seek out this shit show so u can fix an abusive asshole. not my idea of fun.

hate to break it to u but relapses are normal and more people have to quit like 3 times before it sticks according to my job.  no good idea to stretch out this vulnerable time with a relationship. good fucking luck

I respectfully disagree re Heather. Her ex-husband is a Mormon, and has always maintained with Heather and his new wife, that sex before marriage, drinking, and drugs are a no-no. He is however, a bigger, bearded guy (he may no longer have the bead), so I think *that* is probably her 'type'. She *should* move on though.

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45 minutes ago, Emma C said:

Whitney knows about the adoption BMI requirement, she just wants to be a sad victim.

True that. But she also would be rejected for not being married and having a drug abuser living in her house. Being rejected over her weight just feeds into her delusion that the world is against her because she's the size of a smaller-sized cetacean. She needs to be seen as the victim on a prejudiced world.

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31 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

True that. But she also would be rejected for not being married and having a drug abuser living in her house. Being rejected over her weight just feeds into her delusion that the world is against her because she's the size of a smaller-sized cetacean. She needs to be seen as the victim on a prejudiced world.

Her biggest issue is her lack of sustained income. She could get married. She could kick Buddy out. She could lose weight. But she still wouldn’t have the ability to prove she could support the child. They wouldn’t consider her TLC income because it’s finite. Those that I know who have adopted internationally have had their finances scrutinized. They have to show a long history of consistent income that meets particular guidelines AND show that this income is likely to continue. She can’t even show she can get a job. Even if she got steady employment right after TLC blows town it would be several years before she would have the kind of job history they want to see and even then the fact that she got into her 30s with no work experience would be a detriment. Maybe if she married a stable guy with a good income then it would come back to her weight but the reality is her weight is the least of her problems when it comes to adoption. 

If she really wants a child, which I suspects she doesn’t, she should concentrate on losing weight and getting healthy. She should think about establishing an adult life and an adult personality. Then maybe she can conceive herself. But asking an agency to entrust the life of a child to her in her current state is terrifyingly delusional. 

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15 hours ago, Kentuckydaisy said:

Ikr like u just gotta understand babe, she wants to settle down and u can't settle down if u talk like a teen because you will attract a teen and they are not settling down.  grown ups who want to adopt kids on national tv can't walk around naked,  do that with all the sexual abuse scandle these days. if they do then she is able to do an adoption agency could be some sketch  baby broker who sells them for cash little questions asked.

Cate from Teen Mom OG is currently pregnant again. Perhaps Twitney should contact baby broker Dawn to see if she can hustle another baby off of Cate.

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1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

Cate from Teen Mom OG is currently pregnant again. Perhaps Twitney should contact baby broker Dawn to see if she can hustle another baby off of Cate.

Bethany Baby Stealers!! I'm always ready for a crossover show with Dawn " you have to say hello before you can say goodbye."

I think the producers of this show and other reality shows meet with drinks and a huge whiteboard and brainstorm possible story arcs- aging parents check,  Buddy relapse check, adoption check, mobile BGDC check. 

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I’m confused. Last time Buddy lived with Whit, didn’t she get stuck in the shower, and he had to help her naked self out?  The new trailer shows her naked in a large shower/bathtub with plenty of room. How many bathrooms are there?

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17 minutes ago, GrannySmith said:

I’m confused. Last time Buddy lived with Whit, didn’t she get stuck in the shower, and he had to help her naked self out?  The new trailer shows her naked in a large shower/bathtub with plenty of room. How many bathrooms are there?

I don't think she was stuck....I think her back went out.

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1 hour ago, GrannySmith said:

I’m confused. Last time Buddy lived with Whit, didn’t she get stuck in the shower, and he had to help her naked self out?  The new trailer shows her naked in a large shower/bathtub with plenty of room. How many bathrooms are there?

I'd think 2 bathrooms, especially when they finished the attic.

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This show is a psychiatrist's wet dream.  

Just make it a competition reality show, and get it over with...  each season Whitney's circle of misfits compete against one another to prove to a panel of psychiatric professionals, which of them is the most severely broken.   

The winner takes a medical treatment prize package worth $100k.

As a condition of treatment, whichever misfit wins each season may not return for any subsequent seasons, and in fact must permanently cut all ties with the other misfits.  (Kinda like when you're getting sober, you shouldn't hang around bars.)

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37 minutes ago, Dr. Acula said:

This show is a psychiatrist's wet dream.  

Just make it a competition reality show, and get it over with...  each season Whitney's circle of misfits compete against one another to prove to a panel of psychiatric professionals, which of them is the most severely broken.   

The winner takes a medical treatment prize package worth $100k.

As a condition of treatment, whichever misfit wins each season may not return for any subsequent seasons, and in fact must permanently cut all ties with the other misfits.  (Kinda like when you're getting sober, you shouldn't hang around bars.)

So Donna has won already. 

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On 1/2/2019 at 9:09 PM, bichonblitz said:

Can't Whitney or Buddy afford to live alone? 

Neither one of them is employed.  Their only income is whatever TLC pays them to be exploited.  What's the going rate for freak show geek these days?

Once this show ends, they'll both be on disability welfare...  that's if they're not already.  

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3 hours ago, Dr. Acula said:

Neither one of them is employed.  Their only income is whatever TLC pays them to be exploited.  What's the going rate for freak show geek these days?

Once this show ends, they'll both be on disability welfare...  that's if they're not already.  

Twit currently could afford to live alone. But she can't stand herself, so she constantly needs ppl around her so that she can forget how repellent a human being she is. And she also needs that "life assistant" to apply ointment to her thighs, tie her shoes, shave her legs. etc.

Buddy's TLC check would probably be enuf for a modest studio apartment, or similar. But the scriptwriters decided to put him back in Twit's house to heighten the will-they, won't-they sexual tension. *yawn* He's apparently still there even tho filming is over. I suspect that's more cuz Twit wants him there. After all, Tal is really smitten with his new BF & spending a lot of time with him. With Buddy around Twit isn't alone with herself.

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On 1/2/2019 at 10:51 PM, Dot said:

Why not try the ol' turkey baster a couple times a week? It costs none of them anything but a few minutes of time & who knows. . .

I just got this!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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On 1/2/2019 at 10:56 AM, 3girlsforus said:

I don’t think Whitney is frustrated with adoption requirements. She wants there to be a restriction based on her weight. It plays into her victim mode. She doesn’t mention being single being a problem. She doesn’t mention mental illness, even something which can be basic like depression or anxiety. She wanted the ‘I can’t adopt because people hate fat people’ story. I don’t even believe she wants a child. 


On 1/3/2019 at 12:30 PM, AUJulia said:

Nah. It’s a storyline, not a real interest. 


On 1/3/2019 at 2:55 PM, Emma C said:

Whitney knows about the adoption BMI requirement, she just wants to be a sad victim.

Yes yes and yes!!!  Thank you!

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Also - as of this episode we are supposed to believe that Buddy is drunk and will be using but for the rest of this season he is going to be hitting on Whit AND wanting to marry his “girlfriend” all the while appearing perfectly sober?  They need to get their stories straight!

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On 12/21/2018 at 6:07 PM, Dot said:

have contended for over a year that she weighed over 400 #s around the time she went to HI. If she weighed, say, 420 #s, a 60 # loss would put her at about 360 #s now which I believe is about right.

That’s exactly what I thought @DOT! She was well over 400lbs! 

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I cannot stand what a liar Twit it!  I can’t stand her for many reasons but I have a clear example in Black and White of what a liar she is! 

In this new episode, when she was sitting in her living room with Tal after the “Cat Party”, she stated that she got her period 5 times in the last three months, but only has had her period 15 times in her entire life! 

Okay! I have posted the link below to her TedX talk.  Fast forward to 6min 49 seconds where she clearly states that her period “visited her TWICE at 15 years old and never again.”

She has lied so much that she can’t keep her lies straight! Lucky for us that her lies are mostly documented! Maybe she should rewatch herself to keep her lies straight! 

It’s also like when she said to Jessica (her trainer) that she has to force herself to eat 2 meals a day because she’s had an eating disorder her whole life!!! OKAY Twit! 👌 It’s like the Episode in My 600lb Life when the lady told Dr. Now that she’s worried because she didn’t eat enough and she was Bulimic! Dr. Now literally chuckled and said “You’re not in this hospital bed because you aren’t eating enough or that you’re Bulimic.  You’re on controlled diet in this hospital bed because you are over 600lbs.  You’re certainly eating enough.”

That lady on that episode totally reminded me of Twit with her lies!  

Edited by Kaia40
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