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S11.E04: Pass the Peach, Throw the Shade

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Porsha faces Dennis' mother; Kandi and Todd meet with Dr. Jackie; Shamari drops a bomb on her mother-in-law; Cynthia hosts a Bailey-Cue; NeNe hears a surprising rumor; the ladies find themselves in the hot seat during Cynthia's Pass the Peach game.

Didn't see an episode thread.  Please merge if I missed it.

So were the questions in the bowl for Pass the Peach all written by the producers?  

According to Nene even though her new friend is a "nerd", it's okay cause she's also into fashion.  <insert eyeroll> Some of us women nowadays can be fashionable AND smart.  And Marlo would't know what to do if she walked into a store and it didn't have labels.  I've never even seen her in just a t-shirt.  But labels aren't important to her.....

I don't understand why these women think that because someone gives them an apology, that means they are now back to being friends.  People can let shit go and still not want to kick it with you.

  • Love 11

Shamari, it's not a open marriage if only he has the option to be open. Having a threesome with your husband doesn't mean that your marriage is open. It sounds like he was cheating and she created the open marriage part to make herself not feel so bad about him cheating. I agree with Nene, if our marriage is open, I want dicks. Big. Dicks. 


Porsha is a bird. You can tell that she's pregnant. Her man is skeevy. 


Kandi annoys. I think that she still wants Porsha. She cares entirely too much about what's going on with Porsha. 


I feel sorry for Greg. Nene toned it down a lot. 


Cynthia. Yawn. I don't want to see someone FaceTime all episode. 


Eva is messy. 


TANya... Never heard it pronounced that way. 

  • Love 10
17 minutes ago, Queena said:

Shamari, it's not a open marriage if only he has the option to be open. Having a threesome with your husband doesn't mean that your marriage is open. It sounds like he was cheating and she created the open marriage part to make herself not feel so bad about him cheating.

Yeah, when she said their marriage had been open but she wasn't allowed to sleep with other men, I was like " ...?" It absolutely sounded like they opened the marriage after he cheated. How you gon' cheat and then put limitations on what I do?

I love Cynthia's long wavy hair look.

1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

So were the questions in the bowl for Pass the Peach all written by the producers?  

I hope so, because otherwise it was dumb for Cynthia to create a messy-ass game and then get on them for being messy.

Nene's new friend reminded me of Real Housewives of Potomac Gizelle's boyfriend's ex-wife.

  • Love 10

 Oh, yes, please invite me to a party where we can all sit around and criticize each other. Why are these women so loud?? I can't stand a single one of them. Is the new chick supposed to shock us with her open marriage that isn't open any more story? 

41 minutes ago, luckyroll3 said:

Forgot to add: Cynthia, I don't mind you, but if you insist on dissing Publix, we gonna have a falling out.  Publix is the shit! (Publix cake, Publix chicken, Publix sandwiches.....man I miss Publix.)

Big, Publix fan here, too. The deli and bakery, yummmm...

  • Love 5

Oh, yes, please invite me to a party where we can all sit around and criticize each other. Why are these women so loud?? I can't stand a single one of them. Is the new chick supposed to shock us with her open marriage that isn't open any more story? 


They all do too much, but Shamari is out here really trying to earn her peach. Telling your mother-in-law about your not really open marriage, and then standing up and proclaiming that you were in an open relationship is not the move. Unrelated, but I really can't with rude ass inlaws. Ma DeVoe sends a Christmas card addressed to her son but not his wife, and Porsha's boyfriend's mother looked like she had an agenda as soon as she walked into the restaurant. I don't know what is it with some mothers and their sons, but they treat their grown sons like their boyfriends. It's a weird dynamic and I can't. 

I'm going to need for Porsha to buy clothes that fit. Stop dressing for your first season body and dress for the one you have now. Shamea and Kandi's boobs were hanging on for dear life. As Kandi told Porsha last week, "the zipper on your ass looks stressed out." That's how I felt about her titty. 

Also, as much as I like Cynthia, I thought it was tacky AF to throw a barbecue, but your guests had to supply the food. I'm not saying show up to someone's home empty-handed, but food should be provided by the host. That reminded me of that hotep that Sheree was dating a few years ago. "Dr." Tie-E Muhammad. He invites her over for dinner, but she had to help cook. Dafuq? 

  • Love 18

Why would you tell your future mother- in- law who doesn’t totally want ANYONE in her son’s life, that you had an open marriage,even if it is over now. That’s too much information for anyone to know.  Wow Porsha’s nan is really raking in the free publicity for his hot dog stand. Eva is no dummy - get Nene on your side and your peach will be guaranteed. It’s kept boring Cynthia on this show and lost Kim her second peach.  

Edited by Caseysgirl
Autocorrect is not my friend
  • Love 4

Something from last night that seemed minor, but really pissed me off, was Dr Jackie referring to Kandi's two potential surrogates as "two mamas."  I generally like Jackie, but medical professionals must use the right terminology, especially when treading on a topic as sensitive as this.  The only "mama" that I could conjure in this hypothetical scenario would be Kandi.  Any other woman would simply be a surrogate, whether it was Kandi's egg or not.  You especially don't go around calling the surrogate the "mama" if it's not Kandi's egg.  That just stuck in my craw, like, a lot.  

Dennis's mom...she was pretending with how aloof she was to Porsha...right?  If she acted like that toward me, I would feign illness and get the hell out of there.

Shamari, you weren't in an open relationship--that was your husband manipulating you so he could cheat.  And next week he's going to give her shit about revealing that??? Get the fuck out of here. You and your mother.

Eva and Michael have no chemistry with one another.

So Cynthia is just going to be bicoastal with Mike Hill forever?  I give it a year.  Regarding Will, I don't think Cynthia paid him, but I sure as hell believe she paid for him when they went out.  Maybe threw him a watch here or there.  I trust, believe and receive that she was insecure as fuck about Will, and it's bragadocious and unpleasant for Cynthia to imply that she is too attractive to stoop to that behavior.  So it's ok for homely women to do that then?  It's just that Cynthia's above it because she is the most beautiful woman alive?  I'm not buying it.

Who needs a makeover?  Shamari needs a makeover! I believe she forgot her blouse at home for that Cynthia-ego-gratification-fest, I mean, Bailey-Q.  Nene was dressed the best.  Nene was also spot-on when she said Kandi had a big old titty sticking out.  Ha!

I can't with Shamari and the name-dropping.  When Lisa Wu was on this show, yes, she mentioned her husband was a professional football player and then she shut the fuck up about it.  She never even mentioned that Keith Sweat was an ex.  Shamiri, if your family is really so important, word will get around.  You don't have to tell us every nine seconds.  Spending thousands of dollars on cakes for babies who likely won't eat them?  Insecure.  You're not gonna top Phaedra with the 12 cakes for each of the months her son has been alive, so just stop already.  

For a show about a barbecue, we sure spent a lot of time watching them drive to the barbecue, which was boring.  Anyone notice that Cynthia has a huge sign on the front of her house that reads "DREAM"?  Why??  I don't care how small Porsha's doormat is or isn't; it cannot be a worse decorating faux pas than writing DREAM on your house apropos of nothing.

I thought the game was fun when we finally got to it.  This is a reason I'm actually glad Phaedra isn't on this show anymore.  She was like Erika Girardi over on Beverly Hills--too buttoned-up about her personal life to be fun in this scenario.  I am also so over Shamea.  She's like Lauren.  They are just kind of....there.  Eva may have her shady moments, but everyone acting as if she is fake as fuck for passing the bean dip to Shamea was lame.  The woman is pregnant and deeply embedded into a couch.  It would have been supremely rude not to offer.  

  • Love 13
9 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

Didn't see an episode thread.  Please merge if I missed it.

So were the questions in the bowl for Pass the Peach all written by the producers?  

According to Nene even though her new friend is a "nerd", it's okay cause she's also into fashion.  <insert eyeroll> Some of us women nowadays can be fashionable AND smart.  And Marlo would't know what to do if she walked into a store and it didn't have labels.  I've never even seen her in just a t-shirt.  But labels aren't important to her.....

I don't understand why these women think that because someone gives them an apology, that means they are now back to being friends.  People can let shit go and still not want to kick it with you.

Trying to hang on for the season, but I'm so bored with them it's really challenging ! I did enjoy the side-eye action Porsha was receiving from his mother ..Lol !!   Eva is going to be the drama queen this season. Eva's mother is s stone trip.  I am personally trying to encourage my daughter to elope.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Something from last night that seemed minor, but really pissed me off, was Dr Jackie referring to Kandi's two potential surrogates as "two mamas."  I generally like Jackie, but medical professionals must use the right terminology, especially when treading on a topic as sensitive as this.  The only "mama" that I could conjure in this hypothetical scenario would be Kandi.  Any other woman would simply be a surrogate, whether it was Kandi's egg or not.  You especially don't go around calling the surrogate the "mama" if it's not Kandi's egg.  That just stuck in my craw, like, a lot.  

Dennis's mom...she was pretending with how aloof she was to Porsha...right?  If she acted like that toward me, I would feign illness and get the hell out of there.

Shamari, you weren't in an open relationship--that was your husband manipulating you so he could cheat.  And next week he's going to give her shit about revealing that??? Get the fuck out of here. You and your mother.

Eva and Michael have no chemistry with one another.

So Cynthia is just going to be bicoastal with Mike Hill forever?  I give it a year.  Regarding Will, I don't think Cynthia paid him, but I sure as hell believe she paid for him when they went out.  Maybe threw him a watch here or there.  I trust, believe and receive that she was insecure as fuck about Will, and it's bragadocious and unpleasant for Cynthia to imply that she is too attractive to stoop to that behavior.  So it's ok for homely women to do that then?  It's just that Cynthia's above it because she is the most beautiful woman alive?  I'm not buying it.

Who needs a makeover?  Shamari needs a makeover! I believe she forgot her blouse at home for that Cynthia-ego-gratification-fest, I mean, Bailey-Q.  Nene was dressed the best.  Nene was also spot-on when she said Kandi had a big old titty sticking out.  Ha!


For a show about a barbecue, we sure spent a lot of time watching them drive to the barbecue, which was boring.  Anyone notice that Cynthia has a huge sign on the front of her house that reads "DREAM"?  Why??  I don't care how small Porsha's doormat is or isn't; it cannot be a worse decorating faux pas than writing DREAM on your house apropos of nothing.


I noticed Kandi's titty sticking out too.  Who dresses like these women for a bbq or a bailey q.

Maybe Dream is the name of Cynthia's house because she rents it out on VRBO.  Those places always have names.  Especially the houses.  

I admit, I looked up Hot Dog Factory.  They sell a basket of beans. Who eats beans out of a basket?

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, howiveaddict said:


Maybe Dream is the name of Cynthia's house because she rents it out on VRBO.  Those places always have names.  Especially the houses.  

So you're saying it's possible that "supermodel" extraordinaire, Cynthia "Lake Bailey" Bailey, she who is so res ipsa loquitor fabulous that accusations about her paying for a boyfriend should slide off her like arrows off rocks is renting out her home to strangers for cash?


  • Love 7

Re:  Eva

I think her issue is in reality her life is pretty normal.  Nothing wrong with being "basic" Marlo.  Eva's married and has two children.  In order to stay on this show, she needs drama; so she's starting stuff.  

As for Cynthia, maybe it would be better if she did pay someone to date her, anything would be better than Peter, who she picked out for herself.  

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

Re:  Eva

I think her issue is in reality her life is pretty normal.  Nothing wrong with being "basic" Marlo.  Eva's married and has two children.  In order to stay on this show, she needs drama; so she's starting stuff.  

As for Cynthia, maybe it would be better if she did pay someone to date her, anything would be better than Peter, who she picked out for herself.  

After turning down men like Russell Simmons and Leon. Girl, even with those type of looks your picker is seriously broke.

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

I have never seen so many breasts out during the day.  Who the hell dresses like that to go to a “friend’s” house for a BBQ? There wasn’t a bra to be found in the bunch.  Shudder. 

For real, I really, really wish the ATL crew would put the titties away. I get that they want to flaunt what they paid good money for but come. Talking head - titties galore. Sometimes I feel like they are 3 heads per TH. The one on their shoulders (as hollow as it may be - looking at you Porsha) and their 2 titty heads. Than we have ridiculous titties in their actual scenes. Shamea's were ridiculous. Not only did they look big, they looked pendulous too. I'm surprised they didn't get caught in the car door. Or maybe they did and her nipples caused sparks as they grazed the asphalt. 

I'm tired of Cynthia's made up names. It may have been cute before, now it is just juvenile. 50cynt, Chill, Baileyque

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, qtpye said:
2 hours ago, Neurochick said:



After turning down men like Russell Simmons and Leon. Girl, even with those type of looks your picker is seriously broke.

Well, to be fair, Russell cheated on her, so I don't blame her for walking away from that mess. Not sure what happened with Leon, but at least they're friends.

Y'all remember when Porsha was vegan? 

  • Love 5

Shamea may need to put the breasts away but in her defense, she is pregnant.  They swell up.  That's what they do.

I don't find it unusual that Cynthia has a "DREAM" plaque by her door.  Having those inspirational words/quotes as borders, paint jobs, wall decorations etc were a decorating trend.  Even if she did rent it out, at least she's not renting it.

I enjoyed this episode.  It was light hearted and fun.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, islandgal140 said:

I'm tired of Cynthia's made up names. It may have been cute before, now it is just juvenile. 50cynt, Chill, Baileyque

I'm tired of seeing her act like a dork on facetime.

Who's this person having a barbeque with no barbeque? How dreadful!

Edited by Mr. Minor
  • Love 12
32 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I like the Dream sign, and I like all of Cynthia's little nickname'y things too.   (I'll go back to my table for one now)  

I'll pull up a chair.  I like that Cynthia's a big ole dork.  It makes her seem super approachable and that she doesn't take her self too seriously.  

  • Love 12

I liked this episode. There was shade but it was light-hearted. I hope we see more of TAN-ya, she seems fabulous, like the type of fabulous Marlo aspires to which is probably why she was mugging her so hard lol.

I know and understand why Porsha isn't everyone's cup of tea but that woman keeps me cackling. She would be a ton of fun to hang out with (as long as you're on her good side).

Something's wrong: I thought Kandi looked the best at the baileyque. Speaking of, somebody make it stop. The nicknames and portmanteaus are so lame to me. As are the FaceTime scenes. Who wants you watch that?

I'm giving Eva a short pass on her messiness because she's giving us a wedding this season. 

Shamari. Chile...I'm here for the dragging ET is going to give her next week. The whole situation is trash but it's their trash that nobody knew about until she told her MOTHER IN LAW on national television. 

  • Love 8

I ain't buying Shamari's attempt at trying to demonstrate power in her marriage. She presented the idea of an open marriage because her husband was already stepping out on her and any power she thought she had with that decision was completely decimated by the fact that he put stipulations on her yet he had none. If pretending you're in an equal partnership and that your man is the most talented man and legend around (his voice is whack), then do what you need to do keep your marriage going...but why the hell you need to tell his mother that...and a mother-in-law who doesn't like you as much as you want her to at that. Stupid.

The BBQ was a light-hearted episode which I didn't mind. The game was a bit shady but nothing too deep.

I thought the scene with Marlo and Tanya was funny because Marlo was complimenting her look and trying to dissect all of the labels she was wearing...Tanya's dress could have easily been off the rack at a store that us 'common' folk shop at. Most designer outfits are.

  • Love 6
22 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

I have never seen so many breasts out during the day.  Who the hell dresses like that to go to a “friend’s” house for a BBQ? There wasn’t a bra to be found in the bunch.  Shudder. 

I would be the fat lady, in the corner, wearing jeans and a t shirt, with an underwire bra.  Not a titty of mine to be seen.  Oh, and tennis shoes or flip flops.  No high heels for me.

  • Love 15

I can't with Cynthia literally 'phoning it in' anymore. How many seasons of Facetiming has she given us now? She needs to go to 'FO'. And well she may. I've been devoting energy to why this season sucks so much and why Porsha of all people on the cast was chosen to anchor the first episode, why Lauren and Shamea are still floating around. It really looks like Bravo are aiming at a younger demographic to me. This leaves a lot of us long time OG viewers unhappy, but they don't care so much for us, apparently. Tamara Tattles recently blogged on this. Apparently TPTB are very happy with the numbers, despite the dramatic drop off because they have an increase in their preferred demographic, which is the 20s to 30s. These are the viewers the advertisers want. Also, I guess they have to think about where the franchise is going to be in another 10 years. 

I'm glad they are thinking about the future of some of my favorite shows, because they need to. But I'm not sure it's going to be smooth sailing for some of us. If this is what they are doing we are unlikely to see Kenya return (personally, I couldn't care less especially with her bullshit 'snapback' body 3 weeks after a 3 hour caesarean? Bitch, please. Something is always rotten in the buttermilk with everything Kenya Moore does ) and we are much more likely to see younger women cast. I just hope we lose Vicki Gunvalson in the new world order, if this is what's happening. And definitely '51 Cynt'. Ffs. Cynthia IS deadwood. Kandi is probably relevant enough to the target audience to be safe, Eva replaces Cynthia, Nene will be gone, Porsha will probably stay and possibly I Totally Wanted An Open Marriage with the Legend who can't sing lady. It does sadden me that all of this has resulted in far fewer posters here, on what used to be the most energetic of the forums i followed. 

  • Love 10

I never believed Porsha was a vegan. Clearly, she's quit even pretending. Bless her heart.

The only person I know who pronounces Tanya this way (TAN-ya rather than TON-ya) is Tanya Tucker.

I am not sure I can stick with any of the RH series at this point. They're either too boring or too vulgar. *sigh* I just don't know.

  • Love 5
On ‎11‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 10:42 AM, LibertarianSlut said:

Something from last night that seemed minor, but really pissed me off, was Dr Jackie referring to Kandi's two potential surrogates as "two mamas."  I generally like Jackie, but medical professionals must use the right terminology, especially when treading on a topic as sensitive as this.  The only "mama" that I could conjure in this hypothetical scenario would be Kandi.  Any other woman would simply be a surrogate, whether it was Kandi's egg or not.  You especially don't go around calling the surrogate the "mama" if it's not Kandi's egg.  That just stuck in my craw, like, a lot.  



That entire scene bothered the hell out of me.  I hate when doctors sell their professional selves out to score a little reality show fame and this "doctor" was practically tap dancing in front of those cameras.  First of all, I don't know of any doctor who would wait hours for their patient to decide to show up for their appointment (it was obvious they were quite late as Todd was apologizing for it when they got there.)  Secondly, no doctor I know of would be insulting surrogates who don't charge an arm and a leg for their services.  I've known of plenty of surrogates who charge fees in line with what Kandi mentioned and they were far from the hookers this "doctor" was alluding to.  It was gross.   She was woefully unprofessional and if I were a doctor I'd be embarrassed that she represented my profession.

On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 10:41 AM, Mr. Minor said:

I'm tired of seeing her act like a dork on facetime.

Who's this person having a barbeque with no barbeque? How dreadful!

Right?  How is it a BBQ with no actual BBQ?  No comprende. 

  • Love 2
40 minutes ago, lezlers said:

That entire scene bothered the hell out of me.  I hate when doctors sell their professional selves out to score a little reality show fame and this "doctor" was practically tap dancing in front of those cameras.  First of all, I don't know of any doctor who would wait hours for their patient to decide to show up for their appointment (it was obvious they were quite late as Todd was apologizing for it when they got there.)  Secondly, no doctor I know of would be insulting surrogates who don't charge an arm and a leg for their services.  I've known of plenty of surrogates who charge fees in line with what Kandi mentioned and they were far from the hookers this "doctor" was alluding to.  It was gross.   She was woefully unprofessional and if I were a doctor I'd be embarrassed that she represented my profession.

Right?  How is it a BBQ with no actual BBQ?  No comprende. 

Dr Jackie from Married to Medicine is plenty professional, however given Kandi's fame she HAS to be more selective of her surrogates. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

Dr Jackie from Married to Medicine is plenty professional, however given Kandi's fame she HAS to be more selective of her surrogates. 

I'm going off what I see.  She was NOT professional in the scene we saw her in.   If she was truly professional, she'd know how improper her behavior was.

  • Love 1
On ‎11‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 6:47 AM, luckyroll3 said:

Didn't see an episode thread.  Please merge if I missed it.

So were the questions in the bowl for Pass the Peach all written by the producers?  

According to Nene even though her new friend is a "nerd", it's okay cause she's also into fashion.  <insert eyeroll> Some of us women nowadays can be fashionable AND smart.  And Marlo would't know what to do if she walked into a store and it didn't have labels.  I've never even seen her in just a t-shirt.  But labels aren't important to her.....

I don't understand why these women think that because someone gives them an apology, that means they are now back to being friends.  People can let shit go and still not want to kick it with you.

ok, what' s up with all of the men not attending the couples trip ? They knew all of the details and somehow each of them had something else to do ? I doubt if we'll even see Mike Hill this season other than face time, and Todd is probably sick of the drama from past trips.  Dennis hurt his foot , (I don't believe his foot is hurt at all ) I just believe these men did not want to be in the presence of these women. Who appointed Marlo as the fashion  police ? I personally don't like anything Marlo wears.  Just because it has a label does not mean it looks good on you ! Nene is getting tiresome to me, and her ugly faces and loud voices aren't amusing . They could have kept Kenya and Phaedra. I would be happy to just see Kenya's and Eva's beautiful babies every week.  Not sure what RHOA needs but this season is just crappie. Maybe Eva's wedding will give it boost.

Edited by byrd
  • Love 4

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