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S13.E10: A Storm to be Reckoned With

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Who asks little kids about after school activities when they’re outside feeding birds and having fun.  Their brains aren’t going there.  Just sign them up and drop them off...Bill was complaining how hard it is to work from home with them around. I wonder if Jen really knows how to deal with little kids.  She’ll be great when they are teens I think.

  • Love 3

Jen is not good with little kids and she does EVERY.SINGLE.THING for the camera of course.  She is a nervous talker and is uncomfortable with silences so natters on to keep us excited...LOL. Yep I was on the edge of my seat wondering if the kids would sign up!  I know Bill talks up a good storm about what karate does for Will but Will being behind in his development just wanted to play while there thus the other kids calling him a baby.  Zoey is a performer and LOVES the camera.   I agree, Jen picked a bad time to ask that question, would have been better discussed at the kitchen table.  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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“Those 2 things can’t happen at the same time, mandatory means you have no choice doesn’t it?  It seems mandatory when it comes to evacuations means “we wish you would leave but of course if you choose to stay that is ok too”.  Makes no sense.  “

In Florida, when a mandatory evacuation gets called, it means it’s in your best interest to leave. If you choose not to go, you have to be able to take care if yourself and first responders will not come out to rescue you if their lives are endangered. I believe this rule was put in place to preserve the lives of first responders when people make foolish mistakes.

  • Love 17

Kudos to Will for doing so well with his sleep study.  I was lucky enough to be able to do mine at home.  Cpap can be a pain, but it has made a world of difference in my sleep.  Just ask my hubby!

Seeing the film of the water out of the canal, reminded me of seeing pictures of Sarasota after Irma.  Same thing happened. It was freaky.   Does all the water come gushing back in like a tsunami?   The water leaves first in a tsunami also.  

As a nurse, I can see why Jen would be anxious to get back to work.  We had a bad tornado here years back and the hospital, I work at, went into disaster mode, discharging any able patients to make room for the wounded.  I was off work with a broken leg and couldn't go in to help.  My in laws lived in Gulfport Mississippi and had to evacuate a few times. In fact, after my father in law died,  my mother in law moved back to Indiana 2 weeks before Katrina struck.  I think her old home had part of the roof come off.  Another reason one would want to return to their home as soon as possible. We've had several bad storms, where I live, and it sucks to have the power off for days on end.  Especially in the winter!

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There was a perfect example of Bill fakely playing up Jen in this episode.

They were correct in choosing her to be the one to stay at the hospital because Jen has the medical knowledge and she doesn't snore and wouldn't screw up the study. 

Where Bill took it a step further to falsely play up Jen was when he said that Will would love to have his mom there.

Anyone who ever watched this show knows that if Will had his pick of which parent would be there, he would pick Bill.

Bill and Jen were pretending that Will had this big attachment to Mommy to play up Jen. What a crock of crap...

  • Love 7
On 11/21/2018 at 4:32 PM, BitterApple said:

If Jen was going to be needed back at work immediately, it would've made more sense to book a room wherever Kate was staying and let Bill take the kids to Judy's. 

It might have made sense yes, but when you're evacuating due to a major storm, I think most people would want to stay together, as a family.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, Libby said:

There was a perfect example of Bill fakely playing up Jen in this episode.

They were correct in choosing her to be the one to stay at the hospital because Jen has the medical knowledge and she doesn't snore and wouldn't screw up the study. 

Where Bill took it a step further to falsely play up Jen was when he said that Will would love to have his mom there.

Anyone who ever watched this show knows that if Will had his pick of which parent would be there, he would pick Bill.

Bill and Jen were pretending that Will had this big attachment to Mommy to play up Jen. What a crock of crap...

 I dunno.  If it was playtime, maybe Will would want Bill, but when you want comforting, it's Mommy that you want.

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, Libby said:

There was a perfect example of Bill fakely playing up Jen in this episode.

They were correct in choosing her to be the one to stay at the hospital because Jen has the medical knowledge and she doesn't snore and wouldn't screw up the study. 

Where Bill took it a step further to falsely play up Jen was when he said that Will would love to have his mom there.

Anyone who ever watched this show knows that if Will had his pick of which parent would be there, he would pick Bill.

Bill and Jen were pretending that Will had this big attachment to Mommy to play up Jen. What a crock of crap...


4 hours ago, Honey said:

 I dunno.  If it was playtime, maybe Will would want Bill, but when you want comforting, it's Mommy that you want.

I honestly don't see, currently, a preference for Bill over Jennifer by Will (or Zoey).  To me, Will seemed totally content with Jennifer staying and was rather quick to announce to the sleep clinic worker that it was going to be Jennifer who stayed with him.  I also remember many times where Will has very specifically asked for Jennifer when both Jennifer and Bill were equally available to him.  The first one that comes to mind at the moment is the Christmas episode from last season, where Bill's mother and stepdad came to visit and made spaghetti and meatballs.  Will was very vocal that he wanted to sit with Jennifer at dinner, and kept repeating himself until she assured him she would.  :-)  I think @Honey hit the nail on the head when she said that Will (and Zoey) might prefer one parent over the other sometimes, for various reasons - after all, what kid doesn't? - but I think it's a huge stretch to conclude that Will (and Zoey) overall would always prefer to be around Bill and almost disdain or are indifferent towards Jennifer.

Then again, I also, sincerely, don't see either Jennifer or Bill showing a preference towards Zoey over Will, as do a lot of people.  I also don't find Jennifer to be particularly "awkward" with her kids.  Jennifer is a bit formal, and that's just who she is.  Bill is a bit silly/goofy, and that's just who he is.  Neither quality is inherently bad! Is it really so hard to believe that the kids are able to love both of them the same, enjoying what each uniquely contributes to the family?  IMHO, Bill and Jennifer are very different in a lot of ways and both have some pretty cool things to bring to the table when interacting with their kids, which I think is a huge benefit to and enriching for Will and Zoey and something they will end up very much appreciating and respecting. :-)

Edited by SabineElisabeth
  • Love 20
16 hours ago, Libby said:

Anyone who ever watched this show knows that if Will had his pick of which parent would be there, he would pick Bill.

As someone who has watched this show from the beginning, I respectfully disagree with this statement.


2 hours ago, SabineElisabeth said:


I honestly don't see, currently, a preference for Bill over Jennifer by Will (or Zoey).  To me, Will seemed totally content with Jennifer staying and was rather quick to announce to the sleep clinic worker that it was going to be Jennifer who stayed with him.  I also remember many times where Will has very specifically asked for Jennifer when both Jennifer and Bill were equally available to him.  The first one that comes to mind at the moment is the Christmas episode from last season, where Bill's mother and stepdad came to visit and made spaghetti and meatballs.  Will was very vocal that he wanted to sit with Jennifer at dinner, and kept repeating himself until she assured him she would.  :-)  I think @Honey hit the nail on the head when she said that Will (and Zoey) might prefer one parent over the other sometimes, for various reasons - after all, what kid doesn't? - but I think it's a huge stretch to conclude that Will (and Zoey) overall would always prefer to be around Bill and almost disdain or are indifferent towards Jennifer.

Then again, I also, sincerely, don't see either Jennifer or Bill showing a preference towards Zoey over Will, as do a lot of people.  I also don't find Jennifer to be particularly "awkward" with her kids.  Jennifer is a bit formal, and that's just who she is.  Bill is a bit silly/goofy, and that's just who he is.  Neither quality is inherently bad! Is it really so hard to believe that the kids are able to love both of them the same, enjoying what each uniquely contributes to the family?  IMHO, Bill and Jennifer are very different in a lot of ways and both have some pretty cool things to bring to the table when interacting with their kids, which I think is a huge benefit to and enriching for Will and Zoey and something they will end up very much appreciating and respecting. :-)

I agree with every word of your post, @SabineElisabeth.  I couldn't have stated it better myself.

  • Love 11
33 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I've never seen Will seek Jen out for comfort. He's usually combative or pushing her away. He was fine with her being there for the sleep study, but I don't think he would've been crying or begging her to stay if Bill had originally planned to spend the night.

I agree.  We also didn’t see him saying goodbye to Bill to see how he felt then.  I have seen Will swat at her and give her a dirty look on the day they transferred the fish to their new owners in Houston.  

  • Love 3

I agree with people who think that Zoey seems to care for and depend on the parents equally.

Will, on the other hand, no way. I think that he prefers Bill all of the time, in every situation.

I think that he makes his feelings very clear, every year, episode after episode, no matter how much Bill and Jen try to make it appear differently. You can't force a kid to act what they don't feel.

ETA: I'm sure that Will loves her and feels more comfortable with her than an outsider. He just loves Bill much more.

If given the pick of Jen or a stranger, he would pick Jen.

However, Bill and Jen's fake narrative that Will wanted Mommy over anyone was a lie, in my opinion.

Given his pick, I think that Will would have wanted his dad there.

Edited by Libby
  • Love 3
7 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I've never seen Will seek Jen out for comfort. He's usually combative or pushing her away. He was fine with her being there for the sleep study, but I don't think he would've been crying or begging her to stay if Bill had originally planned to spend the night.

I also seriously doubt he was crying or begging Bill to stay either.

7 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

I agree.  We also didn’t see him saying goodbye to Bill to see how he felt then.  I have seen Will swat at her and give her a dirty look on the day they transferred the fish to their new owners in Houston.  

We didn't see Bill leaving, that is true.  However, given what he shared (or "over-shared," per Bill, haha) about the two of them sleeping in their underwear, if he'd wanted Bill to stay instead of Jennifer, I have to think he would've come out with that, as well.... as I'm not sure that at his age, kids are generally all that great yet at figuring out the nuances of when/where it's appropriate to express the thoughts going through their little minds.  And, had Will made a scene about it, do Bill and Jennifer have enough control over the show to make sure it stayed on the cutting room floor?  I have no idea what the answer to that question is, to be clear, but if Will had gotten upset when Bill left and wanted Jennifer to leave instead, I could see the producers wanting to include that footage. However, from what we do see of the appointment, Will seemed in really good spirits and perfectly happy with the fact his mommy was the one staying over with him.  In fact, both kids appear completely (and equally) secure and content being alone with either Bill or Jennifer, from my perspective, at least.

As for Will giving Jennifer dirty looks.... he does the same with Bill, but IMHO, the difference is that nobody is on high alert for those, whereas they are on constant look out for anything other than unicorns and rainbows directed towards Jennifer from Will.  And to be fair, from what I see on the show, Zoey sasses both her parents way more than Will does - so does that mean Zoey doesn't care for either Bill or Jennifer, then?   For some reason, I'm thinking of the scene where they were trying to choose a paint color for Zoey's new room and Jennifer decided to use "reverse psychology on Zoey (which I thought was really cute, btw) to get her away from whatever color she had latched onto, as well as the scene in the pet store from an episode last season when Bill wouldn't let Zoey adopt a new dog.  Both times, if you put aside the fact these are little kids, as people seem determined to do, and just take their behavior on face value, Zoey displayed way less respect for and affection towards both Bill and Jennifer than Will did during the "fish transfer."  Note - the last sentence was said to make a point, not because it reflects my opinion on the subject, as not for a second do I think either of those kids have any true negative feelings towards either parent.  And to be clear, if giving one's parent a dirty look actually meant something other than you're a little kid, which by definition means your default is to want your own way, etc, means anything more than that, then I'm just going to pretend I was the one kid in the history of all kids who never shot a "nasty look" at one of my parents when told to do/not do something that conflicted with what I wanted in that moment, hehe.  And yes, I'm sure that when I was their age, I might also have even "swatted" at or lightly tried to wrench myself away from my parents if I was being physically re-directed away from what I wanted to be doing.

One final thing:  While I'm sure my posts might give the impression that I am in the camp of people discussed recently who "idolize" or "worship" the Kleins, I most certainly do not, for the record.  I don't know them, I don't know anyone who knows them, I don't follow their social media.... the sum total of what I know about them comes from reading a book they wrote and watching the tiniest percentage of their lives on their show, with that percentage being both produced and somewhat contrived to make good tv.  So, any opinions I express are in no way meant to imply that I have some unique knowledge about them that gives my opinions and thoughts some kind of authority or special credibility.  All based on what I read in their book and see on their show and my interpretation of same.  (And yes, I am an attorney, as you can probably tell from the extremely long disclaimer;  my apologies, and please forgive me in advance, haha).  :-)

Edited by SabineElisabeth
  • Love 10

I noticed that Jen speaks to the people building her simulation center the same say she speaks to the children: clearly, pleasantly and rationally. She is very, very organized, and very good at expressing herself. This is just the way she is: not histrionic or dramatic. 


I don't see the family having factions or rivalries, because they are a tight family unit. Jen provides the practicality, Bill supplies the whimsy. The kids supply the comedy and drama. It definitely works for them.

  • Love 16

There was a cot next to Will’s bed. If he is anything like SGirl, once he was asleep he didn’t notice a thing. I know I could not sleep through my child having a sleep study so maybe Jen simply left the room at times. Who knows, but they have obviously done this yearly, I’m pretty sure they have it down. I’m sure Will needed comfort and companionship with all that was going on. Electrodes, Oxygen, gauze around his head. He is still rather young.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, SMama said:

There was a cot next to Will’s bed. If he is anything like SGirl, once he was asleep he didn’t notice a thing. I know I could not sleep through my child having a sleep study so maybe Jen simply left the room at times. Who knows, but they have obviously done this yearly, I’m pretty sure they have it down. I’m sure Will needed comfort and companionship with all that was going on. Electrodes, Oxygen, gauze around his head. He is still rather young.

Thanks. I gave up television, just see clips now and then.

On 11/24/2018 at 12:05 PM, BitterApple said:

I've never seen Will seek Jen out for comfort. He's usually combative or pushing her away. He was fine with her being there for the sleep study, but I don't think he would've been crying or begging her to stay if Bill had originally planned to spend the night.

It's like we're watching 2 different shows.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Honey said:

It's like we're watching 2 different shows.

It really is like we are watching 2 different shows.

It's very interesting that we can all watch the exact same footage and get a completely different take on it.

As I've made clear in previous posts, I think that Will prefers Bill. I thought that it was a given that all viewers saw it that way. Obviously not. 


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On 11/21/2018 at 7:08 PM, walnutqueen said:

I don't think Barb stayed at the Klein's house - I think stayed in her own home and just went over there to check on the house and snap some pics.

Will was really good with all the sleep study paraphernalia; I doubt I could have managed such tolerance myself.

Zoey is SUCH a little animal lover!  I enjoyed her delight in feeding the birds immensely.

Wasn’t Zoey scared of birds when she was younger, or was it bugs? (Throwing it out to everybody) I swear Jen talked about it in an earlier season. If she was scared of birds, it’s cool she loves them now.

13 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

Wasn’t Zoey scared of birds when she was younger, or was it bugs? (Throwing it out to everybody) I swear Jen talked about it in an earlier season. If she was scared of birds, it’s cool she loves them now.

She was terrified of birds.  Remember when Jen brought her to the beach for the first time?  She kept telling the seagulls to go away.  She was also afraid of the penguins at the aquarium, she just knew they were birds.

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So there was a mix of a year old footage and recent footage in this episode?

I was just so confused about Bill constantly bringing up Irma this, Irma that, and I recall Irma being in over a year ago.  Last week when they mentioned going to Mexico Beach and the uncle evacuating why did they confuse me and talk about Irma.

I was lost, as usual, during this episode.

  • Love 1
On 11/21/2018 at 10:45 PM, Spike said:

Also a hotel is good enough for the nanny but not them?

There are a lot of reasons that the nanny and her husband stayed in a hotel that have nothing at all to do with the Kleins.  Given that Kate and her husband followed them to FL, that's probably a good indication that the Kleins must be pretty good employers and not thoughtless jerks who would deliberately endanger the lives of the nanny and her husband while they, themselves, fled.  I don't think we know Kate's husband's job.  Maybe he's a first responder who had to stay?  Maybe because he's new to his job since they haven't lived there long, he had to stay?  Who knows?

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, readheaded said:

There are a lot of reasons that the nanny and her husband stayed in a hotel that have nothing at all to do with the Kleins.  Given that Kate and her husband followed them to FL, that's probably a good indication that the Kleins must be pretty good employers and not thoughtless jerks who would deliberately endanger the lives of the nanny and her husband while they, themselves, fled.  I don't think we know Kate's husband's job.  Maybe he's a first responder who had to stay?  Maybe because he's new to his job since they haven't lived there long, he had to stay?  Who knows?

I wasn’t saying the nanny shouldn’t have stayed.  I was saying they could have too.  

3 hours ago, JerseyGirl said:

So there was a mix of a year old footage and recent footage in this episode?

I was just so confused about Bill constantly bringing up Irma this, Irma that, and I recall Irma being in over a year ago.  Last week when they mentioned going to Mexico Beach and the uncle evacuating why did they confuse me and talk about Irma.

I was lost, as usual, during this episode.

You are likely confused because over a year ago they had a special about the hurricane that was played out of order from this season to be topical.  So the beginning of this season took place way before that special.  The special also contained some of the same video that was shown late in this season, adding to the confusion.  The special included Bill and his brothers traveling to Houston to help with the other hurricane there and to check on the vacant unsold house and also showed the long drive from Pensacola to Saint Petersburg after Irma along with the power being out in the new house etc.

Edited by Spike

I remember the episode last year where Bill's brothers spent a night in St. Petersburg before they went back to Houston with Bill.

I wondered why the brothers stayed in a hotel when Bill and Jen had such a big house. Question answered...

Bill and Jen were in a first floor apartment while construction was being done upstairs. They didn't have room for Bill's brothers.

ETA: At that time, I assumed that they didn't want to be around Jen and that she didn't want to be around them. I was wrong. There was a much simpler explanation.

In the future, I will realize that my dislike for Jen makes me see things in a negative way.  I really don't care for her personality. Sometimes my negative take will be right and other times it will be wrong.

Edited by Libby
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When my husband and I travel, we never stay with relatives.  I like my privacy and I don't want to be with someone 24 hours a day.  Although we love visiting distant relatives, we still want our space.  Give me a hotel every time!

As far as liking Jen, it's a personal choice.  Obviously her husband is crazy about her, she has good friends and co-workers that have been around for years, and her family seems to love her very much.  I base my opinion on those facts, when I have never met someone. There are some reality stars I loathe, (Tori Spelling, a few housewives...lol), but mostly I try not to judge, especially from what I see on tv.

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, watcherwoman said:

When my husband and I travel, we never stay with relatives.  I like my privacy and I don't want to be with someone 24 hours a day.  Although we love visiting distant relatives, we still want our space.  Give me a hotel every time!

As far as liking Jen, it's a personal choice.  Obviously her husband is crazy about her, she has good friends and co-workers that have been around for years, and her family seems to love her very much.  I base my opinion on those facts, when I have never met someone. There are some reality stars I loathe, (Tori Spelling, a few housewives...lol), but mostly I try not to judge, especially from what I see on tv.

It was a life-changing moment when we realized that we had a much better visit to my folks when we did not stay with them. Ahhh.

I respect the heck out of Jen. I realize she has some mannerisms that are a bit annoying but as someone who inherited a nervous laugh from my mom, I try to give her a pass.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, watcherwoman said:

When my husband and I travel, we never stay with relatives.  I like my privacy and I don't want to be with someone 24 hours a day.  Although we love visiting distant relatives, we still want our space.  Give me a hotel every time!

I'm the same way. I think it wears on the host being in entertainment mode 24/7 and it's exhausting for the guests tip-toeing around someone else's routine. If it's just for a day or two, I could tolerate it, but anything longer I want my space.

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On 11/21/2018 at 4:34 AM, sATL said:

<snip>If Jen needed/wanted to get back, then why not fly back (airports are normally one of the first to get back on an operational schedule) and let the family come when the traffic southbound/eastbound died back out a little and after you accessed the what happened at home?  She would have been home in a couple of hours all refreshed to go to work, and therefore she would have been happy. .<snip>


FYI...coming from someone who worked for a major commercial airline for 22 years...

When airports are closed and flights are cancelled, once service resumes all the passengers that have purchased tickets for flights beginning with the first flight to fly after the airport reopens are accommodated first. Any remaining open seats will be given to the backlogged passengers who held tickets for flights cancelled due to the weather/airport closure in previous days. Chances are ALL of the flights between where Jen was and her final destination went out full for a week or more after the airports reopened, with NO tickets available for sale on any flight going in/out any of the affected airports for new reservations.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
  • Love 6
On 11/24/2018 at 11:34 PM, CousinAmy said:

I noticed that Jen speaks to the people building her simulation center the same say she speaks to the children: clearly, pleasantly and rationally. She is very, very organized, and very good at expressing herself. This is just the way she is: not histrionic or dramatic.

I agree. I was very impressed with how she acted during the sleep study. Jen had this soothing, calm voice she used at the hospital. Hell, I felt comforted, and I wasn't even the one having a sleep study! It was one of Jen's finest moments as a mother onscreen. I wish I could be her patient.

I'm a Jen stan. I admire the hell out of what she's accomplished and what a firm foundation she and Bill have created for the kids.

  • Love 9

I would say pajamas have changed over the years.  While traditional pajamas do exist (tops that are like large button down shirts, etc.), there are also more variants now with loungewear kinds of looks - pull on flannel pants and loose pull on tops, etc.  So the line is blurred between PJs, sleep wear and lounge wear.  Topic?  So, eh, people wear what they wear to bed and the Klein's are a less clothing family.  That can be an issue during sleep studies.  If you're a sleep in the nude or underwear only person, chances are you'll put on clothes for a sleep study.  No need to flash the testing team! 

  • Love 4
22 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

I would say pajamas have changed over the years.  While traditional pajamas do exist (tops that are like large button down shirts, etc.), there are also more variants now with loungewear kinds of looks - pull on flannel pants and loose pull on tops, etc.  So the line is blurred between PJs, sleep wear and lounge wear.  Topic?  So, eh, people wear what they wear to bed and the Klein's are a less clothing family.  That can be an issue during sleep studies.  If you're a sleep in the nude or underwear only person, chances are you'll put on clothes for a sleep study.  No need to flash the testing team! 

Mr. lookeyloo sleeps in his underwear.  I sleep in pajamas of varying types depending on mood and weather.  When he had his sleep study he wore pajama pants over his underwear.  When I was a child, my brothers and I slept in our underwear because there was no budget for pajamas.  This was in the olden days.  I remember one of my first paychecks I got myself some pajamas and slippers.  Big treat.  I'm sure budget isn't a consideration for the Klein-Arnolds.

On 11/20/2018 at 6:02 PM, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Jen said it is very common for little people to have sleep apnea and she thought she and Bill might also have it but we never heard another word about it.  I believe at one time Zoey had one, I seem to recall seeing it in her bedroom?

Jen mentioned that Zoey originally required a CPAP but that her sleep apnea resolved after she had her tonsils removed.  Will's did not. 

  • Love 5

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