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Ramona Singer: The Turtle Time Walk of Shame

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Well, Andy giveth and Andy taketh away.


I think Ramona's ridiculously snarky attitude towards a few of Andy's questions probably helped to seal her fate, too.  It's one things to decline to answer in an appropriate way, but when she then tried to be all cutesy (ugh) and ask Andy with whom HE was sleeping, I was appalled.  Bitch, YOU are the one on a reality show...you've been through the reunion rodeo several times and know the entire point of the reunion.  Don't sit there and act all butt hurt because the views and wonky-eyed Andy ask questions about your "reality."  Bitch, please.


Just to clarify that I'm not ageist by any means (I'm not too far from the ages of Sonja and Ramona myself), I think perhaps Andy needs to consider looking for a little bit younger women for all of the franchises.  And by younger, I don't mean specifically for looks or anything along those lines.  I mean women who still have things going on in their lives, marriage, children, activities, etc., that can bring something to the table.  Just to highlight, Shannon Beador on RHOC as a comparison.  She's around Sonja's age, but she has marital issues, wacky holistic/new age ideas and theories to which she subscribes that are pretty entertaining, and 3 younger children at home.  There's lots on her Bravo plate to keep viewers entertained, whereas with Ramona and Sonja...Not so much.


How many seasons more do we have to see a deluded Sonja drinking way too much, flinging her nasty twat at any man in her stratosphere and suffering second-hand embarrassment for her, seeing her perform in those godawful grotesque "cabar-esque" routines, not being able to show her daughter (although with her portrayal on the show that might be a good thing most of the time), and trying to squeeze more money out of her ex-husband?  There's just nothing new to offer with her.  And single Sonja dating?  Well, fuck me, we've had a single dating Sonja since she arrived on the show a few seasons ago....Not exactly titillating material there, either.  


And Ramona...she was just so vile most of last season from throwing wine glasses and oars to that perpetual deer-in-headlights look on her face to always trying to market her godawful Ramona Pinot swill in every scene.  She clearly doesn't want to address her marital issues on the show, which is a HUGE part of her "reality."  And Ramona dating?  Oh please, spare me.  We've seen this broad acting single and having seizures (oops, I mean DANCING) at clubs early on in the show.  She makes an ass out of herself whether at a nightclub or in someone else's home.  Same shit, different day.  


Kristen is far from my favorite character but at least she is able to bring her marital life, her children, her modeling activities, and a few other things to the Bravo table.  Luann is still connected enough (and a stealth slut, which I love) and snarky enough to bring some interest to the show.  She has a line of housewares and fashion, but, unlike Ramona, she isn't trying to use a shovel to ram it down the viewers' throats.  Carole can come or go, I really don't care.  I think she was only back last season to plug her book and that mission was accomplished.  Other than that, I really don't know what her single self can bring to the show next season.  Heather has a lot to offer....but this season, with a couple of exceptions, she only served to be Carole's guard dog.  I'd love to see much less of her being Carole's defender and more of her at work or interacting with her children, particularly Jax with his health issues.  


I dunno...I just think this was once a great franchise but, at this point, I'd rather see the ludicrous antics of Alex and Simon than anything Ramona or Sonja can bring to the show.  I'm really hoping the next headline I read is that they've either canned Sonja or relegated her to just "friend of" as well.  


Okay, end of my rant....Now to go forage for something for lunch.  And, no, I won't be having a glass of Ramona Pinot with it, LOL!

  • Love 10

I think Ramona's ridiculously snarky attitude towards a few of Andy's questions probably helped to seal her fate, too.  It's one things to decline to answer in an appropriate way, but when she then tried to be all cutesy (ugh) and ask Andy with whom HE was sleeping, I was appalled.  Bitch, YOU are the one on a reality show...you've been through the reunion rodeo several times and know the entire point of the reunion.  Don't sit there and act all butt hurt because the views and wonky-eyed Andy ask questions about your "reality."  Bitch, please.



Right?!?!?  I may be wrong, but isn't Andy her boss?


That would be like my boss asking me about my corporate drone duties and then I turn it around say ... "NOOO what about YOURS?"


Not. Gonna. Fly.

Edited by jnymph
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I was at best indifferent to Luann until she was demoted, but she was awesome in that role.  I wonder if it'll have the same impact on Ramona. 


If they're going to focus on Heather/Carole/Kristen those three better start doing something.  A lot of what they've given thus far is commentary on other people.  I like them, I'd probably hang out with them, but to me they aren't generally entertaining to watch.  But, who knows. 


I'm surprised they don't just put this one down and focus their energy on keeping the other franchises from falling apart.  I think that OC and NJ are in pretty precarious positions but not as far gone as NYC.  I can't imagine them reviving this one, really.

  • Love 3

I was at best indifferent to Luann until she was demoted, but she was awesome in that role.  I wonder if it'll have the same impact on Ramona. 


If they're going to focus on Heather/Carole/Kristen those three better start doing something.  A lot of what they've given thus far is commentary on other people.  I like them, I'd probably hang out with them, but to me they aren't generally entertaining to watch.  But, who knows. 


I'm surprised they don't just put this one down and focus their energy on keeping the other franchises from falling apart.  I think that OC and NJ are in pretty precarious positions but not as far gone as NYC.  I can't imagine them reviving this one, really.

...as much as NY is one of my favorite franchises...I think NY and NH should both be put down.

OK, Moaner, you wanted to "shut down" all marriage talk & this is what it got ya-




On the plus side, at least I'll never again have to look at vile Veevs or her even more vile father.  YAY for dat.

  • Love 1
I'm pretty shocked by this one! I was looking forward to single Ramona.


I suspect they said to her she's gonna have to share EVERYTHING about Mario & Kasey.  You can be sure the scumbag producers didn't want a repeat of Moaner dodging questions or insisting on shutting down any discussion of it.  And she clearly wouldn't agree to this.  She's lucky they didn't just fire her outright.  In the end she might change her mind & share a lot -- but on her terms -- not ones set by the scuzzball producers (and sheesh, does that ever include Satan Andy).  


Well, I sorta respect Moaner for not completely selling her soul to them.  The demotion doesn't mean we'll see less of Moaner -- as we saw with Lu this past season.  But she'll be making a shitload less money.  Eh, not my prob.  But hey, I don't call him Satan Andy for nothin' . . .

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 1
I think the Bravo execs have lost touch if they think Ramona is the reason the ratings sucked last season.

Casting around Carole, Heather and Kristen? Good luck with that.


Agreed.  Moaner is NOT the reason for the crappy ratings.  Wow, they've made a really piss poor decision to keep the 4 noodnicks who are boring as all fuck & will lead to even worse ratings.  Do they really think anyone cares about Kristen & her shitty marriage to a dickhead?  Or Carole & her constant talk of blowies?  A 50-something woman talking desperately of this shit is ugh.  And Heather is mostly a snooze.  And Sonja without Moaner?  Really?  And more of her delusional nonsense & cougar crapola?  Oh, this show is really over & done.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 4

Agreed. Moaner is NOT the reason for the crappy ratings. Wow, they've made a really piss poor decision to keep the 4 noodnicks who are boring as all fuck & will lead to even worse ratings. Do they really think anyone cares about Kristen & her shitty marriage to a dickhead? Or Carole & her constant talk of blowies? A 50-something woman talking desperately of this shit is ugh. And Heather is mostly a snooze. And Sonja without Moaner? Really? And more of her delusional nonsense & cougar crapola? Oh, this show is really over & done.

But the quote was from an unidentified source not Bravo, right? Sounds like a Jill Zarin quote to me...

I don't read this as a bad thing for Ramona, and it could be something that she herself wanted (except for the reduction in salary, but I don't think she is hurting for money). I actually kind of saw this coming. No way Ramona, who didn't even want to answer any questions about the state of her marriage at the reunion, is going to want to have to talk about it at length on the show. Also, Ramona is - and has always been - jealous of Lu. I kind of thought it had to drive her crazy to watch Lu be the darling of the season, while revealing little of what was going on in her life by virtue of being just a "friends of". She got to hang out with everyone, host some events, do a little bit of snarking on others, yet get little scrutiny. I can see Ramona trying to arrange something similar for herself.

  • Love 4

Hello, new here! Just had to chime in on this. I just adore Ramona, even in spite of everything I'm not blind to. I like Carol and Heather ( not so much Kristen )but I will not watch this show for them. They're great supporting players but do not make a show. I watch for Ramona. I vehemently, vehemently disagree with this decision. I think it's just Andy being a little bitch, I loved it when she stood up to him and refused to play at the reunion but that probably cost her.

  • Love 3

Welcome!  I think your opinion reflects what a lot of viewers think of Moaner.  They may find much of what she says & does quite thoughtless & looney, and maybe even repulsive, but lots of viewers still like watching her.  The producers know they can't get rid of her.  But yeah, Satan Andy clearly didn't like the way she acted at the reunion.  Is this payback?  Wouldn't surprise me if it is.


I just get the feeling the producers didn't react correctly to the poor ratings.  They can't blame the ratings on Aviva cuz she was hardly around this season.  And the father was only in a few eps.   It's this boring cast -- mainly Heather, Carole & Kristen.  Moaner was the one they were all reacting to.  Demote her & they're taking away the only remotely interesting character.  What's left?  Carole talking bout blowies?  Sonja cougaring it up at any nearby high schools?  Heather biting anyone who offends Carole?  Watching Dickhead treat Kristen like shit -- as usual?  Ugh, cancel this shit now & just get it over with.

  • Love 2

Aww.  I am sure Ramona is handling this with her characteristic grace and equanimity -- after all, she was sneering to Sonja during the reunion that LuAnn was 'jealous' because '[sonja] was on the show [as a full cast member.]'  So personally I don't think she welcomed the demotion.  I would be very surprised if she didn't think she was entitled to keep pushing back on what she'd share, and I agree with Persnickety1 that her attitude towards (satanic) Andy was obnoxious beyond belief, and hypocritical in terms of her glee at outing the way off camera stuff of others, particularly LuAnn's.  If she were outright fired, I'd feel like it was good riddance to a horribly nasty person.


SO happy that Aviva and her scumbag, wooden-toofed daddy are straight-up off of the show.  Great decision.  I think they (A+R) are very similar - grossly narcissistic, cruel jackasses.  Getting rid of one at least is a step in the right direction.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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Agreed.  Moaner is NOT the reason for the crappy ratings.  Wow, they've made a really piss poor decision to keep the 4 noodnicks who are boring as all fuck & will lead to even worse ratings.  Do they really think anyone cares about Kristen & her shitty marriage to a dickhead?  Or Carole & her constant talk of blowies?  A 50-something woman talking desperately of this shit is ugh.  And Heather is mostly a snooze.  And Sonja without Moaner?  Really?  And more of her delusional nonsense & cougar crapola?  Oh, this show is really over & done.


I find the Carole factor extremely perplexing.


It's the "Real Housewives" and, yes, Bravo/Andy have taken the liberty of casting unmarried women on it before (i.e., Bethenny as a prime example).


But Bethenny DID things.  She was out and about hustling her Skinnygirl and Bethenny Bakes.  She had a live-in boyfriend and their relationship was all sorts of trainwreck interesting.  She had an established relationship with Jill.  She had her little dog that served almost as her "child" on the show.  


But Carole?  Not so much.  She doesn't cook, doesn't have a pet, didn't have a relationship with any of the other women, and, as an author, pretty much all we see her doing is sitting around her apartment with her assistant.  It's not like she's still a reporter and covering different assignments every week.  It's SS/DD with Carole.  She presents as a hip middle aged woman, sure.  But I really don't see what she has to bring to this particular franchise.  Maybe if there were a Bravo show about middle-aged single women thriving in Manhattan it would be a better fit for her.  


And since she's not even in the process of writing anything (to my knowledge) at the moment, what the fresh hell is she going to bring to the table next season?  More oddly awkward and sophomoric double dates?  I was uncomfortable even watching that scene so I really don't care to see any more awkward interactions with the opposite sex.


I don't even dislike Carole.  I just don't get what she can continue to offer on this show to make it more interesting.  


Being Andy's friend shouldn't be enough to continue to secure her spot on the show, IMO, especially not in light of the floundering ratings.  And I agree with you Scoobs, they can't blame the dismal ratings on *only* Ramona.  There were a lot of things at play here that led to that, probably most glaringly Bravo's waiting over a year to air the season so they could "tweak" it, but I guess the network wouldn't want to have any culpability in that fiasco.  It was a bad decision, period.


Maybe I'm just in full-on bitch mode from not having enough sleep last night, but I really think Bravo is painting themselves into a corner with this franchise if they don't do some serious revamping.  

  • Love 4

I like Carole but agree with you, Persnickety. The stuff that interests me about Carole is likely not stuff that's suitable for the show. (Like, Why does she have a home in Beverly Hills? That seems random. I'm curious about writers' processes, but appreciate that watching Carole talk about writing is the reality show equivalent of watching paint dry for most people.)

  • Love 2

I agree that Carole story has been told in two seasons and I can't see what else she could contribute to the show.  On the other hand, Ramona has a lot to offer especially trying to start over after a long marriage.. does she date? focus on her company? Do some charities?  I guess if Ramona didn't want to showcase that part of her life, that is her choice.. but the cost of that is a demoted role next season.


It does seem like the shows employ a single woman to be in the cast.  I do agree Bethanny did a lot in her private life with her businesses and her dating relationships that Carole hasn't shown in her two seasons.

I would completely agree Persnickety except for one major point........the HW shows are no longer about what the women do in their personal lives. The only focus now is to put them together for whatever stupid reason a junior producer can come up with and then...........let the phony fuckery (thank you for that great word) begin.

The only kinda sorta real thing that happened last season, was Aviva not wanting to go away on the phony made up trips and the other women being pissed that they had to go away, work and fake it on camera while Aviva and her leg, didn't.

Maybe I'm just in full-on bitch mode 


And that's a bad thing?  Not here, baby!  We gotta carry on for St. Joannie!  


Anyhoo, I'm just not seeing how this show is gonna be able to get any better ratings with the same cast mostly intact.  Carole doesn't offer much.  Unless we're gonna see her hanging with any famous friends she has.  Or is she gonna suddenly have flashbacks to John John & Carolyn, er, at the blink of a traffic light?  Is Heather gonna offer us any more than she already has?  Are we gonna actually see where she lives in the city?  Do we even care?  


How much more of Kristen & Dickhead does anyone wanna see?  Will she be making more O faces?  Yawn.  We've already seen Sonja's tired act.  What else she got?  Not much, I suspect.  What's Lu got left to give us?  Maybe dating and being slutty.  That might be fun, but would she let us in on her being slutty?  Not so sure bout that.  Moaner's the ONLY one left who is remotely interesting.  Her dating life could be fun.  But they demoted her.  So what does that mean?


Well, if Satan Andy is merely being his actual & true c*nty self (very, very, very far from the cutesy nice guy act he desperately wants us to believe on WWHL & the reunions) and he demoted Moaner cuz she talked shit to him at the reunion -- oh, and cuz she's making too much dough, then he screwed himself.  If he's not gonna change the cast (and firing Aviva doesn't change much cuz she was barely a presence by the end of the season) AND demotes Moaner, cuz she's become pretty much the only reason to even watch the show, he's in essence killed the show.


Has Satan Andy forgotten about the dreadful ratings thru most of this season?  Of all of them, it seemed like Moaner was the one trying to do whatever she could to make the show watchable.  Veevs' leg throwing was the only thing that seemed to pump up ratings & now she's gone.  Still think this show is cooked.

  • Love 3

I really don't think Ramona was demoted because of how she acted with Andy. There hasn't been a reunion yet where one or several HW didn't answer Andy's questions. Most of the time he doesn't even push the issue. He let Ramona know what's what right there on the spot....nuff said.

I do think Ramona was demoted because she's not willing to have her divorce play out on the show. I also think it was her idea and probably to protect Avery. If my concept is true, then I admire Ramona for making a smart decision.

Of course I could be completely wrong. It's scary trying to get in a Housewife's mind. :-)

  • Love 2
I do think Ramona was demoted because she's not willing to have her divorce play out on the show.



I agree this was a big factor -- but I think money was a big issue too.  Moaner was making 600 thou.  Since ratings stink & may likely not get any better, if they can keep the costs down, they might be able to keep the show going, in spite of shitty ratings.  Not necessarily, but it's possible.    

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

I agree this was a big factor -- but I think money was a big issue too.  Moaner was making 600 thou.  Since ratings stink & may likely not get any better, if they can keep the costs down, they might be able to keep the show going, in site of shtty ratings.  Not necessarily, but it's possible.

I agree that makes a lot of sense. So why do they (Shed Media) let the salaries get so big? It's not like there are people beating down the doors of the HW trying to sign them up for other shows. Look at the crap previous HW have done. I think they would take a pay cut all day long to stay on the show. Things that make me SMH.

I will watch.  Namely because I think that Heather and Carole have a lot of flaws that will come to light and will be snarkable.  Ramona will still be on as will Luann.  I think we will have more organic meetings as the three so-called boring ones have actual relationships, they will include Luann too as Carole has stayed with Luann over the summer and Heather seems to like her too.  I would like them to get back to showing their everyday lives.  And I would like to see them interacting without fake stuff.  I think Carole/Heather are in for some drama in their own relationship.  And I think Luann /Sonja/Ramona are going to be an interesting dynamic this year.  Sonja is there too.  She with her crazy delusional shit.  Aviva and her real lunacy is gone so no one is there to hide everyone's real flaws.  

  • Love 5
Seriously? No Ramona?


Big mistake, if that's the case.  But I suspect it isn't.  As long as Moaner shares everything bout her life, they'll feature her.  It's Satan Andy's way of not only keeping her in line, but also not paying her the big dough anymore.  The big question is how much Moaner will share.  But Satan Andy is a dick for screwing Moaner out of money that's due her.  The thing is, it sounds like it'll be the same shitty show that got such crappy ratings before.  WTF?

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As far as I'm concerned they coulda kept Lu & Moaner & sent the rest packing.  They need to find some really interesting ladies with great careers or involved in charities.  Shit, Satan Andy, get the fuck outta your limited circle of snooty ass friends you suck up to & look around you, you fuckin' dickhead.  It's freakin' NYC for gosh sakes.  There's a bazillion women who would be great for the show.  Way better than these boring ass noodnicks he's so insistent on sticking with.  Guess he's too scared or lazy to recast.  Not exactly hard to predict ratings will plummet.  Cue shark jumping -- er, for what -- the 20th time?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Seriously? No Ramona? The main Housewives will be Heather, the dumb one and the Ghostwriter and Mrs. Muir?

Who the hell is gonna watch that crapola?

I love that Carols nickname is the Ghostwriter. Hee.

Ramona did talk about her divorce to US weekly I think? Though maybe she was unwilling to show the details on camera

Less Ramona works for me.

Ramona still has a spot, just less woohoo!

I can't stand the women, so less is good. It worked out well for Lu, So you never know, maybe some will start to root for Ramona.

Maybe they can just have her off in the corner doing her odd spastic dancing. I always enjoyed that.

No matter what's going on in the scene, off to the side you see Ramona getting her groove on.

Ramona dancing never not funny

  • Love 6

The only way the show works is if they drop Heather. She already has Carole and the dope under her thumb and it is not going to be much fun watching them enviserate a new girl.

Unless they bring on someone or a group of people that will bring enough strength to the table to serve as a counterweight.

There is talk that Jill and The Skinny Girl might be coming back! That would be ratings gold. Especially if they team up.

Edited by Trooper York
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There was a blind item today at CDAN that said an A list female chef had turned down an offer to be a NY housewife.   Guesses were Giada and Rachel Ray.

I don't think it would be Giada. She lives in California. If the other one was RR, thank heavens she said no. Everything about her irritates me, not the least of which is her cooking.

  • Love 1

I love that Carols nickname is the Ghostwriter. Hee.

Ramona did talk about her divorce to US weekly I think? Though maybe she was unwilling to show the details on camera

My guess is she was trying to pull a Teresa G.  She wanted to tell her story in her own words - and get paid for it - but she didn't want it to be a topic open for debate and discussion on the show.  In that forum she cannot retain control over the narrative as she can in an interview.  


I think they have a great cast in the girls they have. I don't think it is about them, I think it is the way the show gets edited. For the most part these ladies are accomplished and they are interesting.  It is the part of their lives that Bravo shows us that could be a snooze-fest.  I hope the rumors are true and that they will bring Andy back into this show a bit more.  


I said way back in the beginning that Ramona and Aviva would be doomed, because for the most part, the show was more enjoyable when they were not on the screen. By being away much of the time, they let it be known that the show could still be fun without them. The other gals seemed to have more fun when they were not around. My favorite scenes from last year didn't have either one of them in it: 


  • Heather's Anniversary Party - those people had some serious fun
  • The Berkshire's after Ramona left - loved watching them do drunk Yoga and party on the boat
  • Saratoga - Even though there was a little drama with Sonja, it was short lived. They all got past it very quickly and went out to party together 


I think they still need Ramona.  She is bat-shit crazy and great for Reality TV. This show needs her like the OC needs Vicki.  I think she will do fine with a "Lu Style" role this year.  

  • Love 1
There is talk that Jill and The Skinny Girl might be coming back! That would be ratings gold. Especially if they team up.



I hope not. Seeing those two together would be way too contrived. From what Page Six tidbits I've seen here and there, they are cordial with each other when they run into each other at events, but the friendship that they once had is long gone. I honestly can't see Bethenny coming back and Jill…well, it's true that you can't go home again. I can't see Jill fitting in with any of the women remaining (aside from LuAnn), unless she took Kristen under her wing ("Jill likes the underdog") and tried to help her with her marriage.


I wonder what's going to happen to Sonja now that Ramona's been demoted and Aviva is gone. She really isolated herself from the others this season. I'm sure that when Ramona does her "friend of…" spots, they will largely be with Sonja. But other than that, what is Frack going to do without Frick around full-time?

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A little surprised that Ramona is going part-time, but not shocked. Not holding an apple might sting a little, but she'll still get a pretty penny for basically just having Turtle Times and promoting her shit.


I think they have a great cast in the girls they have.

Me, too. I've only been watching since S4, but NY has become one of my faves of the franchise. It's a shame about the lowered ratings, but I hope TPTB don't get all Chicken Little with the cast, because they (sans Aviva) have a good groove going. The statuses of Ramona and Aviva seem to have been decided rather quickly, so hopefully that's a sign that filming will start sooner than later, and that there won't be another huge gap between seasons (and a Tuesday slot).


And, count me as another who doesn't want to see any former HWs brought back. They're exes for a reason.

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I guess I'm surprised by Ramona's demotion, but I don't think it's all that tragic. The shining moment that people bring up about her is Turtle Time, which happened seasons and seasons ago. So... I mean, she'll still be on the show, probably in the same capacity that the "demoted" LuAnn was on the show this past season.


I love that the new season may just revolve around Carole, Heather, and (to a lesser extent) Kristen. Which leads to a big thumbs down on even entertaining bring back that harpy Jill. Let her ass continue gossiping to US Weekly and its ilk, patting herself on the back about how great she was. Meanwhile Andy invited her (to dig her grave further) on WWHL two years ago and she's what? Still not on RHONY. 

Edited by Mozelle
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