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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I get the skin to skin contact. My kids are 31 and 26 and I did it with both of them. My thing is I remember how I felt during those hours and the last thing I would have wanted to do was take pics and put them somewhere public. My in laws brought our daughter to the hospital right after our son was born and I pitched a fit when my mother in law whipped out her camera - LOL! The last thing I wanted was my picture taken. But, this is Jenelle and the idiot. Baby Endtable is nothing more to them than a way to get $$$ from MTV and possibly a gossip rag. I weep for her and for Kaiser

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3 hours ago, poopchute said:

She just posted about some weight loss supplements on Instagram.  Does someone manage her page for her? Because I feel like that's a really odd thing to be posting a few hours after giving birth.  Maybe stay off the Internet for a few days?

I laughed at that when I scrolled through Instagram too. A lot of 'celebrities' set up posts to send out at certain times, so it'd be one of those I'd say.

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This isn't going to end well because when had Jenelle ever taken care of a newborn full-time? She dumped Jace on Barbara and I remember seeing Nathan being the primary caregiver to infant Kaiser.  If she thinks David is going to help or take over she is in for a world of hurt because Uncle ID Channel strikes me as someone who thinks infant care is woman's work. 

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Also, not that it matters to mere mortals like us but Chelsea has almost the amount of likes on her baby announcement than Jenelle and her post is only 4 hours old (compared to Jenelle who put hers up a day ago). 

You just know that this is killing Jenelle inside.  Chelsea gets the People article, all the applause and more social media attention while Jenelle can't find anyone who wants her photos.  Unfortunately the third child by the third baby daddy isn't something that the tabloids are looking to celebrate, especially when both parents have criminal records. 

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3 hours ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:


Oh you haters and doubters! :). Jenelle has already posted a picture of David "breast feeding" Ensley.


I saw that too and was confused as to what was going on. I saw him using a syringe to feed the baby. Was that supposed to be her breast milk inside? Why? Would she really pump already, just so David could feed the baby as well? I mean, I don't know her situation, so I probably shouldn't say anything, but if she wants to breastfeed, she shouldn't be pumping and introducing bottles/syringes this early. It can cause nipple confusion. 

I'm aware there are valid reasons why one would be doing this, but it's Jenelle, so I'm likely going to pick apart every little thing she does. I feel like the picture was just taken to make David look like this loving, involved dad. But we all know he's really the dad that pushes out of a movie vehicle while you're residing in your mother's womb. 

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1 hour ago, ChocolateAddict said:


Also, not that it matters to mere mortals like us but Chelsea has almost the amount of likes on her baby announcement than Jenelle and her post is only 4 hours old (compared to Jenelle who put hers up a day ago).


Oh, she's doubled it by now. Hahahahaha, yes, I'm a petty bitch. 

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Just now, ghoulina said:

What kind of weird shit is she hawking now? Apparently it's a device you bite on while in labor? Can one not find something laying around to bite on? A rolled up towel, perhaps?

Rolled-up towels don't earn you cash money for Instagram mentions!!  (seriously, wouldn't it be cool if regular people could do that? Like, wow, my envelopes were WIDE OPEN and licking them made my tongue really sore.  Life is much better now that I've found @bluegluestick.  Use my code TEAPOT2017 for 10% off!) 


  • Love 16
2 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

On Facebook...I am dead serious...this woman wrote, "how sweet that Chelsea and Jenelle had their babies one day apart! It's god's way of telling them that they are good moms."


I don't play in the social-media cesspools!  I only like to talk about really dumb things with really smart people!  and I'm sure that the two girls DESPISE that they had their babies so close together!!!

(Jenelle more than Chelsea, but I'm sure Chelsea's like, "oh great!")

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Let me guess, this was posted about 12.5 seconds after the pic of Cole and baby was posted?  Still no face though.  Gotta make sure just UBT's scragley head area.  Seriously, Jenelle's her own worst enemy.  Everybody loves new babies, she should just post those baby pics.  Or nothing.  It would go a long way to her credit.

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I love the Chelsea has already posted her babies face and doesn't seem too worried about whether or not she gets any magazines or anything, while Jenelle is posting sans face, and has to remind us it's without the face to see if there are takers on a magazine.  I'm betting now that they were born so close that they'll get some kind of joint article.. but I really wish a magazine would just do Chelsea, even if it's not exclusive since the pics are already out. Does anyone want to invest in a magazine with me do we can do this?

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Look at the contrast, after all - presenting the baby as an anticipated and loved member of the family vs. presenting the baby as a commodity. I like the way that Chelsea was in control of how and when she introduced Watson to the world, interacting with his family (that picture with Aubree is stunning) - it's something we're not going to see a lot of from Jenelle's camp.

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Chelsea is a normal mother who had a baby, who happens to be on a high paying TV show. She probably wants to spend time with her little family adjusting. I doubt the hoopla of a magazine spread is something she would even want. 

Jenelle is living her life trying to impress others. Being on a TV show is her identity. She's trying so hard for that spread, to earn a buck and get some publicity. She already doesn't appreciate Ensley for being Ensley, she appreciates Ensley for the $$ she could bring in.

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Janelle has to be chewing nails over the way Chelsea's baby girl is being received. She had a girl to finally get some love from you people!! But alas, outshined by real love again.

I'm guessing Janelle has already tossed the baby in a corner. Ensley isn't garnering the adoration Janelle thought she would finally win so why keep pretending to be thrilled the baby is here.

Breakup with David in 3, 2,...

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 5
14 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Kail posted her congratulations to Chelsea. Nothing to Jenelle.

I am happy Jenelle's baby is healthy. I pray Jenelle lives long enough to see this child grow up.

I am happy Chelsea's baby is healthy. 

WHY is all of this public? What happened to congratulating a friend privately??

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On 1/25/2017 at 5:06 AM, poopchute said:

I didn't think you could do that on Instagram.  I don't see that setting anywhere.

You have to have a program like Hootsuite. It schedules all your social media posts. I use it. I do not like playing the social media game but it DOES account for around 75% of my marketing.

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Shall we start a pool on how long it'll be until we see pics of little Endtable wearing personalized hats and wrapped in a personalized blanket? I bet Jenelle was on her phone ordering shit from Etsy the minute she saw the pics Chelsea and Cole posted. Of course, we won't see the baby's face. She'll hold out for cash for that one. Knowing her, she'll try to make a deal with the vendor for free stuff by telling them she'll post pics with a link to their shops.

  • Love 5
On 1/24/2017 at 4:56 PM, ghoulina said:

Skin to skin isn't really new. It's kind of old-becomes-new again. But I was doing it with my son who was born almost 9 years ago. It's very important for babies. I doubt Jenelle would think of it on her own, but I'm glad hospitals encourage it. I recall a picture of my sister with my niece that looks almost exactly like the one of Jenelle and Endtable. She did post it on her FB, but it's not public. But you know, I don't even care. You can't really see anything in that picture anyhow. If she was nursing or just having skin-to-skin, I'm all for people seeing that these practices are nothing to be ashamed of. 

Same here. They encouraged it with my son 10 years ago and with me, for my mom, 3 decades ago. I like baby pictures. I would rather see nursing shots or post birth glow than some other pictures people show. But then, after 3 kids and one literally given birth to in front of 18 people (sudden placental abruption, massive hemhorrage, birth on the spot) I am a lot more easygoing about that stuff than I used to be. Heck, by the time my third rolled around, my BFF was standing by with a brush and lipstick. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Mkay said:

I'm reference to Chelsea. The original tweet was deleted I guess.  


Hmm...let me see. Because you were such an ass when Chelsea announced her pregnancy and you let it be known what a petty bitch you are?

Look at Ensley. Awwww such a sweet baby! Well, all babies are sweet to me. I think I see a resemblance to Jace.

  • Love 6

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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