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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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5 hours ago, leighroda said:

Too too bad she's never expressed any remotely close sentiment toward her children.

Jenelle and Kaiser. Going strong since 10 minutes ago when I took him out of the playpen he'd been in for 5 hours. 

Jenelle and Jace. Going strong since I picked him up from his real mother's on Friday. 

  • Love 12
10 hours ago, SunshineSquid said:

You can say it if your maturity level is stuck in high school.

This. And also, isn't any embarrassed to be proclaiming publicly about soul mates or whatever in regards to multiple men? I'm sure if you just scroll back a few months on her Instagram you will see the same sentiment posted about Nathan and then before that whatever other guy was the best thing to happen to her. Isn't that awkward?

  • Love 9
On Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 10:28 PM, ChocolateAddict said:

The link doesn't really work from the bio (you have to go to her website, then "From the heart" then pregnancy shoot) but here are some photos that make Jenelle look like she was posing for a smutty magazine. 








So she can't care for her kids. But can do this.

  • Love 4

Since Chelsea announced her pregnancy,  it seems to me that Jenelle is trying hard to make it seem she is leading this fabulous life. First the 'dreamy' boat pregnancy photos and now the hook, line and sinker bullshit. She's barely been with the dude for a year and is how far along in a second pregnancy by him. Slow the fuck down. Next she will be posted how they got married. What's the hurry with popping out kids with someone you have only first met?

  • Love 13
15 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Ha. I hope he does all 60 days. (More would be nice.) His poor son was probably terrified. 

Hasn't Jenelle been pregnant and alone before? Was Nathan locked up for part of her pregnancy with the Roll? She is the definition of history repeating itself. 

Yeah he was! Because her dogs made a mess and Jenelle bitched about having to clean up after Nathan's dogs while she was pregnant.

  • Love 3

Jenelle is going to spin this as poor itty bitty David saw his kid at the store and just had to give him a hug and then his evil, evil ex called the police.  Ignoring the no-contact order, the fact that he went to the kid and tried to grab him after he was told to move away.  No sympathy for her or him. 

  • Love 7

I love how Jenelle tries to spin it as the work of a jellus h8ter judge. The fact that she sees no problem defending her boyfriend's domestic abuse is the exact reason why her body will end up in an unmarked grave by the time she's 30. Every time we think Jenelle couldn't possibly find a bigger loser to procreate with, she surprises us yet again. I can only imagine what the next one will be like.

  • Love 11

Considering how many times Jenelle has been involved in domestic disputes where (allegedly) her partner at the time was the aggressor, you'd think she'd have a smidge of sympathy for David's ex and child. But no, it is all about how innocent her flavor of the moment is and how the meanie ol' judge is being unfair. Yeah, Jenelle, maybe the judge hates David because he beat his pregnant baby mama senseless and too the point she almost went into premature labor. If I was that judge I would've probably went off on David and his lawyer every time the graced my courtroom.

I wonder if David even still has parental rights? If I was his ex and her family I would've did everything but bribe him to sign his rights away. Does he even pay child support, I wonder?

  • Love 15

In Jenelle's response, she says the restraining order expires on October 22nd, then Uncle ID Channel will file for visitation. I sure hope his ex girlfriend has already gone to court to get the order extended for at least another year. My best friend went through the divorce from hell a few  years ago. Her ex never hit her but he threatened her, broke into her house when she was at work and violated a no contact order several times and spent several long weekends in jail for the violations. The no contact order is now in place for the rest of her life. Hopefully, the ex has an attorney and they have the ball rolling. He should NEVER be allowed to be near her or that little boy again. In a year or so, Jenelle will be in the same position as the ex girlfriend. Unless he kills her before she winds up in court.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Considering how many times Jenelle has been involved in domestic disputes where (allegedly) her partner at the time was the aggressor, you'd think she'd have a smidge of sympathy for David's ex and child. 


But we all know that we have NEVER seen Jenelle show any empathy or sympathy (or feelings at all) for anyone except herself. Even her feelings for/about her soulmate-of-the-month are really about what the soulmate is doing for her/can do for her, not about them.

(I'm almost positive - with my non-professional arm chair psychology degree - she has narcissistic personality disorder & probably borderline personality disorder as well.) 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 11

(I'm almost positive - with my non-professional arm chair psychology degree - she has narcissistic personality disorder & probably borderline personality disorder as well.

Well, I'm two and a half(ish) years into my BA in psychology, so I think a can safely concur with you in my extremely professional opinion.  Jenelle is a psycho/sociopath and nothing will convince my otherwise. Even her oh so beloved soulmates are nothing but props to her.

She's bragging now about UBT getting visitation, but the fool forgets that (if she isn't already getting it) David's ex can ask for child support. Since, as far as I can tell, he doesn't have a job that'll fall on Jenelle if she wants to keep him out of jail. I'll bet she won't be so happy if she ends up 5 kids around her at any giving time, some of which will be taking her hard earned money. Next season is going to the biggest crapfest yet for Jenelle.

  • Love 9

I'm with that judge. I hate David too. And an unwanted hug IS a form of a child abuse. I don't force my kids to hug anyone they don't want to - not even Nannie or their Aunts, etc. It's up to them. Not to mention, THIS hug is coming from a dude that was abusive to the child's mother, and the child hasn't seen him in how long? He was probably totally freaked out. 

Regardless, even if the original no contact order WAS BS, you honor it. Because that's how you get it lifted and get back in your kid's life. This is all on him. 


That photo is creepy. They look like they're about to go on a killing spree. 

  • Love 15
24 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I'm with that judge. I hate David too. And an unwanted hug IS a form of a child abuse. I don't force my kids to hug anyone they don't want to - not even Nannie or their Aunts, etc. It's up to them. Not to mention, THIS hug is coming from a dude that was abusive to the child's mother, and the child hasn't seen him in how long? He was probably totally freaked out. 

Regardless, even if the original no contact order WAS BS, you honor it. Because that's how you get it lifted and get back in your kid's life. This is all on him. 


That photo is creepy. They look like they're about to go on a killing spree. 

I agree. It would freak any small child out to have some big, scary dude walk up to them in the grocery store and hug them. That's not okay and Dave feeling entitled because it's "his" son shows what a complete selfish asshole he is. As much as I loathe Jenelle, I'm truly fearful for what's going to happen when this relationship implodes. I just pray Kaiser, Jace, Ensley and Marissa don't get caught up in the chaos when it all goes down. If I was Barb, I'd be drastically limiting the amount of time Jace spends at their house. If Jenelle wants to whine and moan, let her go to court (which she'll never do).

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

. If I was Barb, I'd be drastically limiting the amount of time Jace spends at their house. If Jenelle wants to whine and moan, let her go to court (which she'll never do).

and the added bonus of hearing Barb say, "and now I gotta go to couuuuuuhhhhht...."

ETA that I'm allowed to rag on the Boston accent; Barb is my home-girl!! (but that does not mean that I'm claiming Matt!)

Edited by teapot
  • Love 7
14 hours ago, lovesnark said:

In Jenelle's response, she says the restraining order expires on October 22nd, then Uncle ID Channel will file for visitation. I sure hope his ex girlfriend has already gone to court to get the order extended for at least another year. My best friend went through the divorce from hell a few  years ago. Her ex never hit her but he threatened her, broke into her house when she was at work and violated a no contact order several times and spent several long weekends in jail for the violations. The no contact order is now in place for the rest of her life. Hopefully, the ex has an attorney and they have the ball rolling. He should NEVER be allowed to be near her or that little boy again. In a year or so, Jenelle will be in the same position as the ex girlfriend. Unless he kills her before she winds up in court.

The bold is mine - Jenelle kills me. As if an expired restraining order means Dave is no longer a danger or a threat. If only David would expire on October 22nd. No one is safe with that bastard around.

  • Love 6

Well of all the things that make me upset while watching this show, this makes me the saddest: Jenelle got another dog.  I think of how she treated those poor dogs before and it makes me so sad. What happened to them? Were they Nathan's? She's mean to animals.  I feel bad for this poor sweet pittie ?

And it looks like she got him from a breeder instead of just adopting one of the thousands of pitbulls in a shelter who need a home.

Edited by poopchute
  • Love 6

As someone who's owned pits, all I can say is Jenelle better be really, really careful. Depending on what lines they're bred from, they can often turn dog aggressive as they mature. Just because her dogs get along now, doesn't mean it will always be the case. It worries me because we know damn well these animals will be kept out in the yard with no supervision. Prayfully both dogs are neutered.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 5

Thinking about Uncle ID Channel getting arrested for hugging his son got me thinking. He beat the shit out of his ex while she was pregnant. There has been a no contact order in place (I'm assuming) since then. That poor little kid probably didn't even know who the hell the giant, creepy guy was that was trying to hug him.

Last season, we did get a brief glimpse of the pit she had when she was with Nathan. It was in the back yard when she was giving Babs a tour of the house she was living in. Bitch moves so often, I don't remember which house it was. We also saw her with a Pomeranian pup last season. She was holding it and baby talking to it while she ignored Kaiser trying to get her attention. I think she called it Cinnamon and it was wearing an e-collar because it had just been neutered.

  • Love 9

My heart bleeds for those dogs. She is literally the worst. As a former pittie owner, they can be great dogs, but they need a lot of love and attention and proper discipline. People who like to get them because they look "badass" usually don't care for them properly, and they CAN be aggressive. They get a bad rap, and it's due to the owners. This makes me sick. 

  • Love 9

I'm sick with you, Ghoulina. I was recently a little too upclose and personal with a pit that was the result of ignorant people. I was visiting my daughter and son in law and their friend was there with her dog. An adult pit she'd adopted from a rescue group. The early part of his life wasn't really known but the rescue group believed he'd been abused. I'd been around him before and he was a great dog. Very goofy, sweet and just wanted to be loved on. For unknown reasons, the minute I walked into their house that day, he felt the need to kill me. It was extremely scary and the entire time I was there, he had to be leashed and held tight, all the while fixated on me and growling. I cut the visit short and was pretty upset by the whole thing. A week later, he attacked the girl's roommate and the roommate's mother out of the blue. He'd lived with them since the day he was adopted and until that night had been a sweet and loving companion. He did some serious damage to the roommate's arm and hand. Sadly, his owner did the responsible thing and he was euthanized the next day. Idiots like Jenelle are responsible for creating dogs who will likely have a sad and unfortunate end through no fault of their own :(

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Just what the world needs, more backyard bred pitbulls ending up in the hands of irresponsible trash. Bravo, Johnny Gonzalez, your dog will be on national tv. Hope you can live with yourself when Jenelle stuffs the poor thing in a cage 24 hours a day.

At the risk of going too far off topic  -- and excuse me because I've been volunteering at my local animal shelter for far too long  -- but discipline might not be the right word.  I would use "proper training, combined with mental stimulation and physical activity."    Vet behaviorists tell us that dogs (like kids) do better with rules and boundaries.  Most dogs just want to please their owners.  We don't have to discipline them (hit them, roll them, etc.) in order to get them to understand how we'd like to live in harmony.  

The breeder in this instance makes me sick.   He obviously doesn't give two shakes about the puppies if he gives/sells one to Jenelle.  

  • Love 10

When the new season starts: (Jenelle's voice-over) "I can't get custody of Jace right now because I am dealing with a new puppy." We then see her hitting the puppy for shitting all over her garage and then locks him in a cage.

1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

The dog suited their purpose, everyone is talking about the puppy now instead of David getting 60 days in jail. Since the puppy has fulfilled it's job, it's probably now in a cage in their garage. 

You are so right.

Johnny Bravo, or whatever the fuck the breeder's name is, is definitely just as sick as Jenelle. He posted he can't wait to watch the dog grow up on Teen Mom. Shit. If he watches this show he would know what happens to the pets. Idiot.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 8

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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