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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Are all these guys homeless before they meet Jenelle? Who thinks it's a good idea to move someone into your home after knowing them only a few weeks?

27 years ago I met a guy, he moved in with me about 10 days later. We've been inseparable since, we have a great relationship, never argue and make each other laugh until we're in tears.

I wouldn't recommend it to everybody but in my case it worked out pretty damn well.

  • Love 1
Jenelle in court would make for amazing television, especially when she screams "Leave me alone" and storms out of the courtroom.


Judge: "Jenelle, could you please tell the court why you threw the glass at Ms. Bodybuilder". 


Jenelle: "Because my feelings for her have dropped." 


Alternatively : "Because she was blocking the drive and I had to get to my Ke$ha concert."

  • Love 9

Judge: "Jenelle, could you please tell the court why you threw the glass at Ms. Bodybuilder". 


Jenelle: "Because my feelings for her have dropped." 


Alternatively : "Because she was blocking the drive and I had to get to my Ke$ha concert."

Jenelle: Dude. Nathan didn't do what I told him to so, I had to hit her with the jar, dude. I'm not talking about this anymore, now leeeeeave meeeeeee aloooooone!

  • Love 9

A lot of responsible people don't introduce their new love interest to their kids for MONTHS, making sure the person is worthy and everything is stable before they do so. Not Jenelle. She not only introduces them within seconds of meeting them, she allows random relatives of the new guy(s) watch her kids within weeks of knowing him, and then invites the new guy to move in within weeks.


I feel so bad (and scared) for Jenelle's kids.

  • Love 7

In this Sneak Peek for next week, Babs and Jenelle are talking while Kaiser is absolutely hilariously cute. 

Oh, jeez, Jenelle. You lying liar who lies. She doesn't want to use her son, huh? She's been using him as a weapon against Nathan since he was born. And, she's been using both Jace and Kaiser to bankroll her life since she was 16.


Kaiser is adorable, though. I just want to steal the little blonde chubster.

  • Love 6

What is wrong with these two? (Don't answer that.)They both already agree! They want the same thing. Janelle wants the charges dropped and in return, Nathan gets to see Kaiser. Nathan wants to see Kaiser and in return, the charges get dropped. It's the same thing! Everybody wins! Most importantly, Kaiser wins. But oh hell no!-Keep on fighting...

Why? WHY?! With all the people these two bitch and moan to, you'd think somebody would have pointed that out by now. Ugh.

  • Love 4

In the most recent sneak peek, Babs asks Jenelle about Nathan and her response is I don't know, I changed my number. So how can she then say he never asks about The Roll when she's made it impossible for him to call her? That don't make no sense! But that's typical Jenelle logic. Let's change our phone number and wonder why he never calls.

I'm not a fan of Nips but I can see the frustration if he is genuinely trying to find out how his son is doing and is being blocked. She moved further away too, I think. If he drove over to see him, I could see her throwing a glass at his head in the driveway!

  • Love 6

What is wrong with these two? (Don't answer that.)They both already agree! They want the same thing. Janelle wants the charges dropped and in return, Nathan gets to see Kaiser. Nathan wants to see Kaiser and in return, the charges get dropped. It's the same thing! Everybody wins! Most importantly, Kaiser wins. But oh hell no!-Keep on fighting...

Why? WHY?! With all the people these two bitch and moan to, you'd think somebody would have pointed that out by now. Ugh.

Thank you. Everything here. Instead it seems like Jenelle really wants to pick at the situation so she gets to punish Nathan by not letting him see Kaiser AND winning in court. And Nathan wants to perpetually bitch about not seeing Kaiser but also have his heyday in court.

I'd hate to be the poor judge who decides who is the "more fit" parent in this case. We all know about Jenelle, but Nathan has no job, 3-4 DUIs, clearly a roid and alcohol problem, no custody of his other child, and domestic violence charges of his own. Sentencing the child to more time with either of these people would be more like a punishment than anything else.

Also, why do neither Barb nor Jenelle understand that Jace is having trouble transitioning and try to gently ease the change from one house to the other? Instead they seem to scream that he's "mean" or "bad" or use his obviously confused behavior as a means of minor revenge against the other person..."He's only bad when he comes back from your house," "Why are you so mean to me after you've been with Mommy?"

  • Love 2
A lot of responsible people don't introduce their new love interest to their kids for MONTHS, making sure the person is worthy and everything is stable before they do so. Not Jenelle. She not only introduces them within seconds of meeting them, she allows random relatives of the new guy(s) watch her kids within weeks of knowing him, and then invites the new guy to move in within weeks.


Right??? She went out for dinner and let David's sister watch Kaiser, Jace, David's daughter, and her own son. Had she ever met this girl before? Obviously this woman isn't a candidate for babysitter if she let the entire house drink Coke and get caffeinated to the point that they were up all night. And Jenelle wants to complain? How about staying home and watching your kids then???


Also, why do neither Barb nor Jenelle understand that Jace is having trouble transitioning and try to gently ease the change from one house to the other? Instead they seem to scream that he's "mean" or "bad" or use his obviously confused behavior as a means of minor revenge against the other person..."He's only bad when he comes back from your house," "Why are you so mean to me after you've been with Mommy?"


Ugh, it just breaks my heart every time. Just once, ONCE, I'd like someone to cuddle him up and say, "I can see that this back and forth is really hard on you. What can I do to help make the transition easier?" Barb was insisting on going out to eat when Jace was complaining of being tired. Has she no food in the house? She couldn't take him home, put him to bed, and make something in the kitchen? 

  • Love 6

Yes, or if she absolutely had to grab something because she'd had a long shift at work and no groceries-- she couldn't get him a special snack or gone through a drive through while he napped in the car, or gently let him know the schedule for the day and that she understood he was tired but as soon as Grandma got a sandwich, he could go straight to sleep? She can't muster a soothing tone? Nope, let's just scream all day.

I don't get personally how Jenelle ONLY gets people with such huge violence problems. Look, I get that domestic violence laws now can sometimes get really extreme in certain situations. I get that a couple of immature 20-year-olds in a toxic relationship could get drunk, get in a nasty fight, and shove each other or even slap each other. They should break up and maybe they get arrested and go to therapy but I don't think mistakes like that necessarily make you undateable or not marriage material as you mature and learn and get over yourself, quit drinking so much, etc. I get that people have abusive childhoods and bad upbringings and terrible role models and don't know how to deal with conflict so it might take them a few mistakes to learn. Maybe they only learned to yell and scream and call names and they have to grow out of that. But none of her partners have had any custody of their children. David beat a heavily pregnant woman so badly she was injured. He left her on the side of the road. Nathan pretended to be gone for days on a trip but then appeared from the shadows clearly high and laughing hysterically about being there the whole time. How do you ONLY find total creepers, junkies, and serial killer level violent people? Is that on her Tinder profile? Aren't there any normal people who may have gotten in some trouble and moved on but aren't at that level of insane, heartless, and cruel? Or is that her fetish?

When people called her out about David, she was all, "people have pasts and make mistakes !!1!" A la Amber's reaction to Matt. I get that if someone was an addict and is now sober, or if you hit your girlfriend once when you were an asshole 22 year old with a host of issues and did your time or got your therapy or whatever, or you cheated in the past but you've become a more faithful and empathetic person. But these girls seem to think that "in the past" literally just means "that event happened at some point that is not at this moment," not something that requires any growth.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 6

Lm2162, I agree. A "past mistake" is a guy who got busted for underaged drinking in college and hasn't been arrested since. Jenelle finds men who are chronic abusers and screw-ups. Not only did Dave leave his pregnant girlfriend on the side of the rode, he pushed her down so violently she began having contractions and required a two day hospital stay. Jenelle is just a glutton for punishment.

  • Love 1

Lm2162, I agree. A "past mistake" is a guy who got busted for underaged drinking in college and hasn't been arrested since. Jenelle finds men who are chronic abusers and screw-ups. Not only did Dave leave his pregnant girlfriend on the side of the rode, he pushed her down so violently she began having contractions and required a two day hospital stay. Jenelle is just a glutton for punishment.

Yeah-- I even think that there can be serious issues from the past (one violent incident, bar fights, toxic relationships, cheating, addiction, not being a great parent, what have you) and people truly can grow and get over those, especially if they have therapy and really want to do so and their issues stem from childhood. But the common theme among Jenelle and her throng of boyfriends is that they did nothing wrong and their exes are all insane, their bosses are insane, their friends are insane. Their exes may well be just as troubled, but have some accountability and work on your shit intensively. Go to programs, go to AA, take medication and anger management courses, adopt a spiritual path, read self help books, pay more child support, apologize, form a strict routine, do whatever you have to do. But seriously, every single one of them maintains that they're an angel who just happened to fall into bad luck with every cop (and I'm no fan of cops), every relationship, every boss, every event in their life. And they expect to be believed?

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 4

Really when you think about it, the only guys Jenelle can attract are losers. No normal, well-adjusted, educated, intelligent guy with no baggage or arrests would go anywhere near her. Only bottom-feeders for her.

What is that saying, "water seeks its own level"!

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 8

Really when you think about it, the only guys Jenelle can attract are losers. No normal, well-adjusted, educated, intelligent guy with no baggage or arrests would go anywhere near her. Only bottom-feeders for her.


What is that saying, "water seeks its own level"!

These X1000! No man with any intelligence or self respect would have anything to do with her. The only men she attracts are losers looking for someone to live off of and they probably believe the idea that the crazier the chick is, the better she is in the sack. Add in that she's extremely ignorant about people and their motives and she's ripe for the picking.

Don't know if this link will work, it's a video from Instagram. Is she filming Kaiser in the backseat while she's driving? Looks like it to me.


She's driving. You can see the car go over a bump. I love all the comments from people pointing out the improper car seat usage. Of course, her fangirls are defending her.

  • Love 2

Really when you think about it, the only guys Jenelle can attract are losers. No normal, well-adjusted, educated, intelligent guy with no baggage or arrests would go anywhere near her. Only bottom-feeders for her.

Jenelle is addicted to drama more so than men. She could never date a normal guy because she'd get bored.

  • Love 2

Is she not wearing a shirt?


I think she thinks that is a shirt?  I really don't know. I don't remember seeing her on any of the after shows with that, so I'm guessing MTV made her change clothes or that might've been the after show she missed because she was so dehydrated at the previous one.


Edited to clarify - she did show up at the one she was so dehydrated for, but she wasn't at this last one for some reason.

Edited by NikSac

Really when you think about it, the only guys Jenelle can attract are losers. No normal, well-adjusted, educated, intelligent guy with no baggage or arrests would go anywhere near her. Only bottom-feeders for her.

Exactly. Water finds its own level. Jenelle is a fuck-up and a loser, seemingly always has been, and shows no signs of changing. Why would a nice guy with a stable job, no record, and normal life want to be with her? What is she bringing to the table? On paper, she's a complete mess. 2 kids by 2 men, one of which she's not raising (and whose paternity was in question), arrested at least ten times, addiction issues, I think there's a failed quickie marriage in there. and then you see her in person and she's not even a nice, kind person - she's a complete bitch. Even her MTV money (which is temporary, and when it runs out she'll be fucked because she's unemployable. If any of them are headed toward porn, it's Jenelle) isn't worth it.

Shit - her saying she wished someone died in combat alone should render her undateable to anyone with a shred of common sense and self-respect.

  • Love 9

I love the look on Chelsea's face, the barely supressed "Kill me, I have to associate with these losers again." Probably didn't help that she was standing next to one of the most unpleasant losers, Jenelle and her boob job baring shirt.

I am a little surprised at Kail's vacuum pants-she is usually one of the better dressed.

  • Love 6

One other thing about these losers who are "fathers" is, they do not have custody of their kids and yet, they tell Jenelle to get Jace back. I get why they tell Jenelle about getting her son back. It is a tactical move to get her to see them as these supportive guys who know what to tell her. Just like Matt feeding Amber all that bullshit. It is what Amber wants to hear.

How I wish Jenelle would look beyond these guys with no custody and tell them they should worry about why they don't have custody of their kids.

Of course, that will never happen.

Like attracts like. No true gentleman would want to be with Jenelle.

  • Love 4

Jenelle is addicted to drama more so than men. She could never date a normal guy because she'd get bored.

Jenelle said this very thing in an episode after she moved into her guy's mom's house some years back. She told Barb how boring the guy was after Barb complimented what a nice guy he was to Jenelle and Jace. Shortly thereafter, Jenelle dumped him.

  • Love 2


"They're called vacuum slacks. It's supposed to inhale all the fat from your body. Watch! Um, I must've done it wrong. Maybe I ought to put it on suck." -- Rose

OMG great find! I'd never seen that before and it is so perfect.

Jenelle said this very thing in an episode after she moved into her guy's mom's house some years back. She told Barb how boring the guy was after Barb complimented what a nice guy he was to Jenelle and Jace. Shortly thereafter, Jenelle dumped him.

In the sneak peek for next week Jenelle says something about how great things are with David because they're not fighting (sound familiar?), and Barb nails it asking if that's too boring for her.

  • Love 1
Yest. 4:44 pm

Don't know if this link will work, it's a video from Instagram. Is she filming Kaiser in the backseat while she's driving? Looks like it to me.



I think she was definitely driving. The camera was moving around a lot, and I don't think it would be if the car wasn't in motion. I doubt she was completely turned around. She probably had the camera positioned over her shoulder, with one hand on the wheel. But still. 


This show is going to give me a heart attack. 

Exactly. Water finds its own level. Jenelle is a fuck-up and a loser, seemingly always has been, and shows no signs of changing. Why would a nice guy with a stable job, no record, and normal life want to be with her? What is she bringing to the table? On paper, she's a complete mess. 2 kids by 2 men, one of which she's not raising (and whose paternity was in question), arrested at least ten times, addiction issues, I think there's a failed quickie marriage in there. and then you see her in person and she's not even a nice, kind person - she's a complete bitch. Even her MTV money (which is temporary, and when it runs out she'll be fucked because she's unemployable. If any of them are headed toward porn, it's Jenelle) isn't worth it.

Shit - her saying she wished someone died in combat alone should render her undateable to anyone with a shred of common sense and self-respect.

Honestly I would respect her or Leah/Amber so much more if they did porn. At least they would be doing SOMETHING. They act all high and mighty because they said no to porn requests...oh yes, you're the Queen of Sheba. At least porn is honest! Its purpose is obvious. You're all pretending to care for your children.

  • Love 5

I think she thinks that is a shirt?  I really don't know. I don't remember seeing her on any of the after shows with that, so I'm guessing MTV made her change clothes or that might've been the after show she missed because she was so dehydrated at the previous one.


Edited to clarify - she did show up at the one she was so dehydrated for, but she wasn't at this last one for some reason.

She did wear it on an after show.  It looked just as awful as it does here.  


So far, every mom on Teen Mom 2 (with the exception of Chelsea for the moment) has two different baby daddy's.  Kail is about to be another.  I'd be willing to bet money her relationship with Javi is done.  She made sure to tell Isaac Javi leaving was only temporary.  Instead, I don't think he will be coming back into that home.

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 1

She did wear it on an after show. It looked just as awful as it does here.

So far, every mom on Teen Mom 2 (with the exception of Chelsea for the moment) has two different baby daddy's. Kail is about to be another. I'd be willing to bet money her relationship with Javi is done. She made sure to tell Isaac Javi leaving was only temporary. Instead, I don't think he will be coming back into that home.

Karl already has 2 kids by 2 different men.

  • Love 3

Karl already has 2 kids by 2 different men.

I know.  I meant it as not being with either guy.  I'm not great at typing exactly what I mean. Sorry


Leah has two baby daddy's and she isn't with guy.

Kail has two baby daddys and she is about to not be with either one.

Janelle has two baby daddys and she isn't with either guy. 

  • Love 1

I don't know if it is clever editing. I hope so.


But I am disturbed by what seems like Barb's lack of attention paid to Kaiser. I don't really buy any excuses for it, either. He's a baby. Nothing is his fault. If she wants to guard her heart, she is seriously the ONLY grandmother I've ever witnessed who desired to be distant from her grandchild. I know she gets a lot of love sometimes but I think she is deeply troubled emotionally. There's a reason Jenelle and all of her siblings are fucked up. She is better than Jenelle, for sure. But that's not saying a whole lot.

  • Love 3

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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