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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I think Jenelle is absolutely hopeless. I think she's a shitty person with no redeeming qualities. She actually believes with all of her arrests that she will have a career as a medical assistant? Bitch, please. Talk about druggie logic.

I also think she will have several more children by different baby daddies by the time she hits 30.


I wonder how many she'll have, how many she'll abort, and how many she won't be quite sure what happened to them. Which makes me really, really sad.

No, I understand what you mean. Although I think Jenelle is dumb when it comes to men and life situations, I don't think she's Chelsea-dumb, where she suffers from zero book smarts and low IQ. I actually could see her passing her courses to become a medical assistant. I agree it's more that she puts herself in positions where she's going to get knocked down again and again.

That's the impression I get too, that Janelle constantly seeks out negative attention. I can easily imagine that Barbara was a very negative mom and that she gave her kids the most attention when she was nagging them or yelling at them. Janelle has mentioned a few times things to the effect that Barbara doesn't give her a chance to try to do things before she starts picking at what Janelle is doing wrong. I can buy it. I remember from the 16&P episode Janelle had a brief moment of interest in Jace and was getting him dressed when Barbara started harping on her choice of onesie. Now Janelle was a nightmare from go about taking care of Jace, but I remember thinking "Jesus Christ it's just a onesie! The kid's not going to die if it's a little big. Let her do it!" I think that's just the way Barbara is. She sees the negative in life. It could be me projecting because I hate being nagged and usually just shut down when it starts, but I saw Janelle react the same way during the 16&P. When Barbara started in she just shut down and stopped trying. I can imagine this has been a long standing pattern. Lots of "Mom, I'm going to try out for the school play!" "Ahh no. You have to memorize all those lines. You're not good at that." "Ok. I'll just go hang out with the burn-outs behind the bleachers."

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That's the impression I get too, that Janelle constantly seeks out negative attention. I can easily imagine that Barbara was a very negative mom and that she gave her kids the most attention when she was nagging them or yelling at them. Janelle has mentioned a few times things to the effect that Barbara doesn't give her a chance to try to do things before she starts picking at what Janelle is doing wrong. I can buy it. 


I can as well because I grew up with a mother like that. Everything was gloom and doom all the time. When I announced I was moving cross country for a job opportunity, instead of looking at it as something new and exciting, my mother immediately started in on everything that could go wrong. When I told her I was going to graduate school, she said it was a waste of money. No matter what positive things I did, she always put a negative spin on it. In that sense I really do sympathize with Jenelle. Obviously, I don't excuse her behavior, but I can see how the deck has always been stacked against her.

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I can as well because I grew up with a mother like that. Everything was gloom and doom all the time. When I announced I was moving cross country for a job opportunity, instead of looking at it as something new and exciting, my mother immediately started in on everything that could go wrong. When I told her I was going to graduate school, she said it was a waste of money. No matter what positive things I did, she always put a negative spin on it. In that sense I really do sympathize with Jenelle. Obviously, I don't excuse her behavior, but I can see how the deck has always been stacked against her.

I have a mother who is the same. New job? The pay isn't good enough. Or it's too much distance. Met a new guy? Well chances are he is a loser. New friends? They're losers too. It's always negative, and everything sucks unless it's done her way. All the fucking time.


But yeah, that's still no excuse for basically abandoning your child to go smoke weed and shoot up.

  • Love 7

I wonder if Jenelle was abused as a kid? Or maybe she has bipolar or a personality disorder

I believe she was diagnosed as Bi-polar in one episode where she went to a rehab facility in California. Just my personal observation, I believe she also suffers from disassociative episodes as well. I have this disorder and I recognize some of the same symptoms as Jenelle.

Nathan's obsession with Jace freaks me out. I fear he's a pedophile.

I wouldn't leave him alone with that boy EVER!

Which is why you don't bring every dick, billy, and Harry around your kid. Unless you're sure they are there to stay and not going to harm you or your child. Just by watching Nathan I can see right through his bs. He's an abuser and might be a pedophile who knows. But the way he told Jenelle she needs to get custody because Barbara is keeping her away from Jace is such bs. Typically controlling behavior. Isolate Jenelle to control her life. I bet Barbara sees right through his bs too. And she'd totally right about what she said about Jenelle having custody. Nathan was only there to intervene and have it his way. He hates when Barbara points out his bullshit. Jenelle better run not walk away now.
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That's the impression I get too, that Janelle constantly seeks out negative attention. I can easily imagine that Barbara was a very negative mom and that she gave her kids the most attention when she was nagging them or yelling at them. Janelle has mentioned a few times things to the effect that Barbara doesn't give her a chance to try to do things before she starts picking at what Janelle is doing wrong. I can buy it. I remember from the 16&P episode Janelle had a brief moment of interest in Jace and was getting him dressed when Barbara started harping on her choice of onesie. Now Janelle was a nightmare from go about taking care of Jace, but I remember thinking "Jesus Christ it's just a onesie! The kid's not going to die if it's a little big. Let her do it!" I think that's just the way Barbara is. She sees the negative in life. It could be me projecting because I hate being nagged and usually just shut down when it starts, but I saw Janelle react the same way during the 16&P. When Barbara started in she just shut down and stopped trying. I can imagine this has been a long standing pattern. Lots of "Mom, I'm going to try out for the school play!" "Ahh no. You have to memorize all those lines. You're not good at that." "Ok. I'll just go hang out with the burn-outs behind the bleachers."


Wow. It's really sad that I too remember this incident as the one time she seemed to care about Jace (other than that whole spiel she gave about being a cool Mom that would take her newborn to the beach... but I'm talking real world parenting, it seemed like she wanted to try at that point).  Of course none of us really know for sure, but your take seems spot on to me. All the way down to the way Jenelle just shuts down.  It's heartbreaking to see Jace doing the same thing now.

Edited by NikSac
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I'm personally of the opinion no child should ever be left alone with Nathan. I don't know if he's a pedophile or just generally abusive, but I get the feeling he's not a safe person to be around (for kids or adults, frankly). Makes me wonder about the back-story behind him not having his daughter. None of my business I guess but I have a feeling there's more than just "didn't feel like raising her so I bailed."

  • Love 7

Do you feel the same way about his scenes if you assume he's drunk? It helped me to see him as more of a buffoon than immediate danger.

No. In fact him being drunk would make me more angry because that is blatantly irresponsible. If someone  knows they are an angry drunk they probably should not drink at all, especially around children. And if there is a legit drinking problem then they should seek professional help. But I believe Nipples is in denial about everything...his anger and his drinking and that he is a [more] dangerous person when drunk. I would really like to know why he never sees his daughter, yet is insistent that Jenelle get Jace into their household. That doesn't make sense to me.

  • Love 7

I'm not saying Nip Kilmer is a good person or anything, but I honestly don't think he's that interested in Jace. I just think he wants to Jenelle to get him back to stick it to Barb. He hates that Barb calls him out on his shortcomings all the time. He may worry that Jenelle will eventually agree with him and the gravy train will stop. If he can get her to regain custody of Jace, he can further isolate Jenelle from her mother.

  • Love 7

I'm not saying Nip Kilmer is a good person or anything, but I honestly don't think he's that interested in Jace. I just think he wants to Jenelle to get him back to stick it to Barb. He hates that Barb calls him out on his shortcomings all the time. He may worry that Jenelle will eventually agree with him and the gravy train will stop. If he can get her to regain custody of Jace, he can further isolate Jenelle from her mother.

Yup. I don't think Nathan cares much about Jace one way or the other. He just doesn't like Janelle being around Barbara. I think he would also be ok with Janelle just forgetting about Jace entirely, but since she insists on pretending she wants Jace back, Nathan just wants it over with so he doesn't have to listen to Barbara any more.

  • Love 4

Well in Jenelle's defense, TM2 is all about her and Jace....if she were to basically abandon him or go so far as to sign her rights away the gravy train would stop. As long as she's at least pretending to give a shit about him she can continue filming. Kaiser was an ok storyline and all, but she isn't a teen anymore. She and Nipples raising him won't keep the money coming. Jace is their moneymaker.

And I hate that I just came to Jenelle's defense. Ugh. But I can see that rationale of theirs.

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But Tyler and Caitlin were still on Teen Mom and they chose adoption.

True, but they were still involved in Carly's life. It was limited, but they were. And I can see how showing that can portray adoption as a positive option rather than thinking it;s the same as abandoning your baby to strangers to raise. But all of that depends on the adoption terms. It seems that Brandon and Teresa were pretty open to Cate and Tyler's involvement if it meant they got a child. Although lately it does look as though they are putting a stop to Cate and Tyler posting pics of Carly on their social media, and are more limiting in contact.

I think the thing that Cate and Tyler don't get is that even though they are allowed to contact Carly through Brandon and Teresa, she is no longer theirs. They don't have custody, and do not get to demand anything. They are very lucky they have the amount of involvement they do.

  • Love 4

I'm not saying Nip Kilmer is a good person or anything, but I honestly don't think he's that interested in Jace. I just think he wants to Jenelle to get him back to stick it to Barb. He hates that Barb calls him out on his shortcomings all the time. He may worry that Jenelle will eventually agree with him and the gravy train will stop. If he can get her to regain custody of Jace, he can further isolate Jenelle from her mother.


Good points. I think I'm actually even more creeped out by how much Jenelle wants him to be interested in Jace.  "Jace behaves so well with us" (yeah just a guess but it's probably because he's freaking scared to death of your boyfriend!).

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Good points. I think I'm actually even more creeped out by how much Jenelle wants him to be interested in Jace.  "Jace behaves so well with us" (yeah just a guess but it's probably because he's freaking scared to death of your boyfriend!).

I hate when Jenelle says that because how often does she have Jace? One weekend a month? Jenelle isn't the one who has the daily responsibility of making sure Jace brushes his teeth, eats his vegetables, goes to bed on time, takes his bath, picks up his toys, attends school, minds his manners and all the other things that kids don't always like doing but are necessary for their growth and health. I guarantee if Jenelle had Jace all the time he'd have his bad moments just like he does when he's with Barbara.


It reminds of the times I used to take my niece and nephew to the park or out for ice cream when they were little. They were always on their best behavior because they were going to do something fun and  didn't want to screw it up. I certainly would never have gone back to my sister and said "parenting is so easy, the kids are always angels with me." It's a completely different ballgame between being a mother and being a fun aunt. Jenelle is the latter.

Edited by BitterApple
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I hate when Jenelle says that because how often does she have Jace? One weekend a month? Jenelle isn't the one who has the daily responsibility of making sure Jace brushes his teeth, eats his vegetables, goes to bed on time, takes his bath, picks up his toys, attends school, minds his manners and all the other things that kids don't always like doing but are necessary for their growth and health. I guarantee if Jenelle had Jace all the time he'd have his bad moments just like he does when he's with Barbara.

It reminds of the times I used to take my niece and nephew to the park or out for ice cream when they were little. They were always on their best behavior because they were going to do something fun and didn't want to screw it up. I certainly would never have gone back to my sister and said "parenting is so easy, the kids are always angels with me." It's a completely different ballgame between being a mother and being a fun aunt. Jenelle is the latter.

That cracks me up about Janelle too. You know, in a stabby way. She just doesn't get that Jace is better behaved around her because she's not his mom. She may be his mother, but she's not his mom. Kids are always horrible little shits for their moms. It's some unwritten law of nature: push the one you love and trust the most to the brink of insanity because it's fun! My nieces and nephews are always perfect for me and hellions when I give them back because I'M NOT THE MOM! The fact that Janelle doesn't get this is so sad. I've never had kids and I get it.

  • Love 4

That cracks me up about Janelle too. You know, in a stabby way. She just doesn't get that Jace is better behaved around her because she's not his mom. She may be his mother, but she's not his mom. Kids are always horrible little shits for their moms. It's some unwritten law of nature: push the one you love and trust the most to the brink of insanity because it's fun! My nieces and nephews are always perfect for me and hellions when I give them back because I'M NOT THE MOM! The fact that Janelle doesn't get this is so sad. I've never had kids and I get it.


True... maybe he's not terrified of Nathan. I'd like for that to be true.

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Seems that Jenelle is still on the road to become a medical assistant. I guess she has no idea (or is totally ignoring it) that she will never be hired with that arrest record of hers. I kind of wonder if she planned it this way, like, take all theses classes and do well and it's all for naught. She will be blackballed everywhere she applies. Then she can turn around and blame "them" for holding her back and denying her a career. Even though she did it to herself all along by choosing a field she has no hope of entry to.


But I don't know. Do you guys think she's this cunning? I'm not sure.

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Yea, I think Jenelle is just narcissistic enough to believe that she is a special snowflake and exceptions will be made for her. 


Aaaaaaand, if it doesn't work out she will definitely play up the victim angle. After all, Dr. Drew himself even said last night that people are always taking advantage of her. *Huge eye roll*

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Amusing. I followed Jenelle on Facebook (cos I just cannot do Twitter, it bugs me) and she posted a pic of some fancy Swarovski chain necklace. Said Nipples bought it for her. If she hadn't disabled comments I would have asked "with his own money, or yours?" Cos really, disability doesn't give THAT much. I'm sure he's living large off her TM2 cash.

I also hope that she realizes every gift he gives her she actually bought for herself.

  • Love 4

Amusing. I followed Jenelle on Facebook (cos I just cannot do Twitter, it bugs me) and she posted a pic of some fancy Swarovski chain necklace. Said Nipples bought it for her. If she hadn't disabled comments I would have asked "with his own money, or yours?" Cos really, disability doesn't give THAT much. I'm sure he's living large off her TM2 cash.

I also hope that she realizes every gift he gives her she actually bought for herself.

During this "discussion" posted on YouTube of all places, Jenelle reminds Nathan that his total household posessions amount to two couches:



Seems that Jenelle is still on the road to become a medical assistant. I guess she has no idea (or is totally ignoring it) that she will never be hired with that arrest record of hers. I kind of wonder if she planned it this way, like, take all theses classes and do well and it's all for naught. She will be blackballed everywhere she applies. Then she can turn around and blame "them" for holding her back and denying her a career. Even though she did it to herself all along by choosing a field she has no hope of entry to.


But I don't know. Do you guys think she's this cunning? I'm not sure.

She should be studying Criminal Justice.  She could work in any jail in the Carolinas.  Not only do they already know her, she has the booking procedure memorized.

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During this "discussion" posted on YouTube of all places, Jenelle reminds Nathan that his total household posessions amount to two couches:



She should be studying Criminal Justice.  She could work in any jail in the Carolinas.  Not only do they already know her, she has the booking procedure memorized.

That was so klassy! I wonder if all her fans record  their fights with their boyfriends? Stupid twat. She puts her entire life on social media and then calls people jellus haterz when they respond to it. Well, when rational, sane people respond to the crapfest it is. I'm heading out to the grocery store, I better check and make sure I have a full battery on my phone so I can record my shopping trip and upload it to YouTube.

  • Love 6
She puts her entire life on social media and then calls people jellus haterz when they respond to it. Well, when rational, sane people respond to the crapfest it is.I better check and make sure I have a full battery on my phone so I can record my shopping trip and upload it to YouTube.

That is why Jenelle and Nipples wanted the electronical stroller so they could always have their iPhones charged and ready to go at any time. Even when MTV is not around, they still have footage to share. Nipples and Jenelle must be viewed as the most honest people on this show because they are not hiding their private lives from the camera. They are not committing fraud like Chelsea who dares to keep a lot of her private life, private. For shame!


Nipples and Jenelle should just buy helmet cams or a go pro and shoot footage all damn day.


Wasn't there a video of Barb talking to Keiffer's mother? There was something I remember that was linked to on the old message board and it didn't show any faces, but one could hear Barb having a conversation with someone related to Kieffer. Did Barb record a phone call?

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That is why Jenelle and Nipples wanted the electronical stroller so they could always have their iPhones charged and ready to go at any time. Even when MTV is not around, they still have footage to share. Nipples and Jenelle must be viewed as the most honest people on this show because they are not hiding their private lives from the camera. They are not committing fraud like Chelsea who dares to keep a lot of her private life, private. For shame!


Nipples and Jenelle should just buy helmet cams or a go pro and shoot footage all damn day.


Wasn't there a video of Barb talking to Keiffer's mother? There was something I remember that was linked to on the old message board and it didn't show any faces, but one could hear Barb having a conversation with someone related to Kieffer. Did Barb record a phone call?

I remember watching that. I think Kieffers family record, and released, that?

I always thought Jenelle and Farrah were the smartest of the Teen Moms. I wouldn't put anything past her. Certainly Dustin lawyer has informed Jenelle that she doesn't have a shot in hell to work in any Medical Center.

They are "book smart" but outside of that there dumb as a door nail. Just how they treat there family or view there lives. There very dumb in that sense..

At least it's a real costume. I would have expected something much more lame from Jenelle, like a ghost costume made from a sheet with eye holes cut in it. At least he had a costume! Probably from Barb, but still. I thought the makeup was hokey, but for a little kid wanting to be a zombie it was fine. I bet he was a "regular" cop at school and a "zombie" cop trick or treating.

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At least it's a real costume. I would have expected something much more lame from Jenelle, like a ghost costume made from a sheet with eye holes cut in it. At least he had a costume! Probably from Barb, but still. I thought the makeup was hokey, but for a little kid wanting to be a zombie it was fine. I bet he was a "regular" cop at school and a "zombie" cop trick or treating.

If you notice, Jenelle has a pretty nice style. No reason to think she wouldn't hook Jace up.

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Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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