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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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Babs needs to put her foot down and kick jenelle to the curb. No more enabling. Just like Leahs family

It's sad but I don't think she'll be able to do it. My aunt and uncle swear over and over that they're done with my addict cousin's lies and bullshit. They've just taken custody of Baby #5 by Baby Daddy #3 because their daughter is in jail. I pray Barb puts her foot down when Jenelle inevitably tries to dump Kaiser, but I have a feeling she's going to need more bedrooms soon.

  • Love 1

But she won't. She'll let Jenelle move back in with whatever kids she has at the time and all hell will break loose. I don't see how Jenelle has changed at all. She may be off heroin, which isn't a huge feat for a casual user like she was. If she had become addicted she wouldn't have stopped using so easily. Other than not using heroin, what has changed? She's still a selfish, self absorbed asshole who can't be without a man for longer than a than a day.

I truly hope Barb won't let her back but I'm pretty sure she will. I'm also pretty sure Jenelle has saved nothing from the money she's made on the show so after the show ends, she'll be broke, homeless and jobless.

These girls infuriate me the way they squander the money and the opportunities they've been given.

I was a teen mom who escaped an abusive marriage with 2 kids when I was still a teenager. I would never do a reality show but if I had and I had made the money these girls have made, I'd be set. My kids would have had college funds, I'd have bought a house that we could live in forever and I would be doing a lot more with that money than spend it. Being a teen mom is tough. I had a newborn and a 2 year old, I was alone with no family and being in an abusive relationship I had no friends. I did the very best I could but it was damn hard. There were many nights that I didn't eat dinner because there wasn't enough for all 3 of us. My teeth are crumbling because there wasn't enough money for all 3 of us to do to the dentist, but it was worth it because my kids have beautiful teeth. I'd have cut off a toe to have been given the money these girls have gotten and they're doing nothing with this opportunity.

Sorry if I sound bitter but it pisses me off the way they take for granted that the money will always be there. They'll be kicking themselves in the ass in 5 or so years when the show is over, the money is gone and all they have to show for it is a bunch of expensive crap.

  • Love 9

I just want to clarify that my post above isn't a cry me a river comment.

I have nothing to cry about. I would do everything all over again just to have the kids I have. We had tough times but it just made us better and stronger. I didn't post it for sympathy, just to say that these girls are really going to regret pissing away all of that money.

  • Love 11

These girls infuriate me the way they squander the money and the opportunities they've been given.

I was a teen mom who escaped an abusive marriage with 2 kids when I was still a teenager. I would never do a reality show but if I had and I had made the money these girls have made, I'd be set. My kids would have had college funds, I'd have bought a house that we could live in forever and I would be doing a lot more with that money than spend it.


I agree wholeheartedly with this post, but it's an unfortunate catch 22. The girls that would take this money, invest in an education (of something practical, not social media, MACI), buy a house that they would stay in, invest/save their earnings, and spend their time not in school/work on their kids, homework, job training, etc are probably not the kind of girls that are going to bring in big ratings. Katie from TM3 seems the most like this (just trying to get an education that will allow a steady job with a decent paycheck, not dating anyone) and her season tanked.


I can live with these assholes making more money than I do and wasting it. I work in finance with a fair amount of brokers who are the most unethical shitheads I've ever met, and a lot of them top $300K annually for not doing a lot of work. It's life. You can make someone money, you get paid. But what really, really, REALLY grinds my gears is the fact that Jenelle and Leah have fans blowing smoke up their asses and calling them great moms. I just can't with these people.

  • Love 8

Much respect Maharincess. I haven't gone through any what you have. But have been a single mother with no help from the father for 19 years. It was a struggle and continues to be while she is in college. But I don't want her to go through the struggles I have had. If I just had a sliver of the money that they had I could put my daughter through school without stressing out. They piss me off with the way they blow through money on drugs, shitty tattoos and vacations from laying around on couches

  • Love 5

Which is why these girls shouldn't be paid. Pay the kids via a trust fund. Why should their personal lives be in the public eye and they're not getting nothing for it. Also these girls are young and dumb. They think it'll last forever.

Unfortunately I think yall are right. Jenelle will never learn. Babs will continue to enable her. I know it's hard to show tough love to your kid, but it has to be done. Jenelle has to learn. Babs is too soft.

  • Love 4

I don't begrudge them making money. It doesn't bother me that they make more than I made when I was working. What bothers me is what they're doing with the money.

I know its none of my damn business what they do with their money but it still annoys me. Aside from Chelsea, I doubt any of them has saved a penny out of the hundreds of thousands of dollars they have made. Can't any of them look forward a few years? Surely they can't think the show and the money will last forever. Aside from Chelsea, none of them have anything to fall back on.

What they've made isn't enough to set them for life but if they were smart with their money, it could be a nice supplement to what they will make in the future. Expensive cars, expensive tattoos and shoes aren't going to help them in the future like investing and saving will.

I think they'll have a lot of regret over wasting so much money.

  • Love 7

The money they make isn't going to last forever and few are in college or graduated college or done anything for a career when the money goes away. Chelsea, Kail and Maci are the only ones who seem to be thinking ahead. Kail wastes money on purses, tattoos and new cars.

As far as Jenelle she is always on vacation and has she even gotten her certificate to do what she does. And even if she has, she isn't practicing it. As far as Nathans hummer, I have never understood why anyone would buy one, other than it being a status symbol. Who actually needs a hummer? There is someone who comes in the convenience store I work at for extra money and he drives a hummer and asked if we too food stamps. Just don't get it.

I just wish the girls would think ahead instead of their next tattoo or their next vacation or their neat man. I wish they would invest their money and put some back for the kids to go to college. I just wish they would think ahead and be grateful that they have had this opportunity

  • Love 3

My guess is the Hummer was a lease and when the lease expired, she got that black pickup truck for him, also probably a lease. I'm sure it went back to the dealership when they split up, unless he's keeping up the payments.

The thing is at the time he had that big ol' fatty Hummer, his license had been revoked and he wasn't even supposed to be driving! The irony of it all!

  • Love 2

I can't recall how I know this, but apparently the Hummer was in both Jenelle and Nipple's name. I can't recall if Jenelle mentioned it on the show or it was something I read in a story linked here. Maybe it was a tweet of hers that was linked here? If she bought it outright with cash, then she screwed up by putting it in his name. She probably did it to "prove" her love to him or he demanded that it be in his name, too.

  • Love 1

No, they won't. They will blame other people for their squandering the money.

Oh absolutely! It will be all Barb's fault that Jenelle is broke and can't find a job due to her drug history. If only Barb had been more like Randy and made her save and invest instead of leasing luxury cars, Jenelle wouldn't be in such a predicament. I can just see it now.

  • Love 3

But she won't. She'll let Jenelle move back in with whatever kids she has at the time and all hell will break loose. I don't see how Jenelle has changed at all. She may be off heroin, which isn't a huge feat for a casual user like she was. If she had become addicted she wouldn't have stopped using so easily. Other than not using heroin, what has changed? She's still a selfish, self absorbed asshole who can't be without a man for longer than a than a day.

I truly hope Barb won't let her back but I'm pretty sure she will. I'm also pretty sure Jenelle has saved nothing from the money she's made on the show so after the show ends, she'll be broke, homeless and jobless.

These girls infuriate me the way they squander the money and the opportunities they've been given.

I was a teen mom who escaped an abusive marriage with 2 kids when I was still a teenager. I would never do a reality show but if I had and I had made the money these girls have made, I'd be set. My kids would have had college funds, I'd have bought a house that we could live in forever and I would be doing a lot more with that money than spend it. Being a teen mom is tough. I had a newborn and a 2 year old, I was alone with no family and being in an abusive relationship I had no friends. I did the very best I could but it was damn hard. There were many nights that I didn't eat dinner because there wasn't enough for all 3 of us. My teeth are crumbling because there wasn't enough money for all 3 of us to do to the dentist, but it was worth it because my kids have beautiful teeth. I'd have cut off a toe to have been given the money these girls have gotten and they're doing nothing with this opportunity.

Sorry if I sound bitter but it pisses me off the way they take for granted that the money will always be there. They'll be kicking themselves in the ass in 5 or so years when the show is over, the money is gone and all they have to show for it is a bunch of expensive crap.

So sorry you had to go thru all of that hell. I was also a teen mom, sure,things were tough, but not like anything you had to live with. I hope you are happy now:) These girls all blew their money, except Chelsey (Randy's help) and they act like this show will last forever. Stupid wasteful people.

  • Love 1

Jenelle is requesting a jury trial for her assault charge against Nathan's GF. This is happening in 2016, so if you live in the area, get an excuse Ready now.

No wonder these people have no money...

I'd want to be on the jury. I want to see those more classy court heels in person.

I'm watching the first season on Hulu and Jenelle said that it "may take me a month or 2 months or maybe even 3 months, but I'm getting Jace back".

I laughed and laughed.

The next episode on the queue is the one where she and stinky Keiffer steal Barb's credit cards and go to New Jersey. I don't know if I can stomach watching that one again.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 5

The request for jury trial has to be done within a certain amount of time, so it is a routine request. She could still waive it or accept a plea. I would think that a judge would see this as less serious than a jury. Judge's see so much crap and her throwing a glass and hitting the woman who probably wasn't innocently standing there, just won't raise his ire. He may give her time served just to clear the docket.

  • Love 1

The request for jury trial has to be done within a certain amount of time, so it is a routine request. She could still waive it or accept a plea. I would think that a judge would see this as less serious than a jury. Judge's see so much crap and her throwing a glass and hitting the woman who probably wasn't innocently standing there, just won't raise his ire. He may give her time served just to clear the docket.

Or, the judge may review her previous arrests for assault and find that she needs to be held accountable THIS time. Judges will review a defendant's arrest history. Jenelle has a long one.

  • Love 3

The request for jury trial has to be done within a certain amount of time, so it is a routine request. She could still waive it or accept a plea. I would think that a judge would see this as less serious than a jury. Judge's see so much crap and her throwing a glass and hitting the woman who probably wasn't innocently standing there, just won't raise his ire. He may give her time served just to clear the docket.


That's a good point. If you ask me, she deserves serious jail time, (more due to her arrest history as Great Kazu pointed out, than the actual incident itself), but I can see her getting another slap on the wrist. A judge may decide it's more prudent to just give her a fine rather than force taxpayers to support her via jail time. 


I don't know much about the legal system- is community service an option? Jenelle could pick up trash along the highway.

Or, the judge may review her previous arrests for assault and find that she needs to be held accountable THIS time. Judges will review a defendant's arrest history. Jenelle has a long one.

I sure hope the judge gives a long look at her history. The request for a jury trial is pretty routine. The prosecutor probably made an offer and Jenelle's lawyer advised her not to take it so he/she can string it out and spend more of her money. I highly doubt that it'll ever make it to trial. There will be a lot of back and forth between the lawyers - cha ching$$ for Jenelle's - and then they'll hammer out a plea agreement. I hope the bitch doesn't get away scott free again.

That's a good point. If you ask me, she deserves serious jail time, (more due to her arrest history as Great Kazu pointed out, than the actual incident itself), but I can see her getting another slap on the wrist. A judge may decide it's more prudent to just give her a fine rather than force taxpayers to support her via jail time. 


I don't know much about the legal system- is community service an option? Jenelle could pick up trash along the highway.

Depending on what sort of mood the prosecutor and the judge happen to be in when sentencing rolls around, yeah, community service is an option. Do we know if she was charged with a felony or a misdemeanor? Felony assault carries much stronger penalties.

I just watched the episodes where Jenelle stole Barb's credit cards. Watching her Waltz back in and nonchalantly grab a snack and sit down while Barb is yelling at her just shows that Barb has never made Jenelle have consequences for her actions. Jenelle wasn't worried at all. She knew that even though Barb was kicking her out and threatening to call the police, she wouldn't really follow through. That's a big part of why Jenelle is the way she is.

When my son was in high school, he got into trouble, big trouble. The police called me from the school and said that even though he was under arrest and would have to go to court etc, at that point they could either bring him home or take him to the police station.

The hardest damn thing I've ever had to do in my life was to tell them to take him in. It was the first time he'd gotten into any trouble like that and I needed him to see where he'd end up if he didn't shape up. He was 17 at the time and he stayed at the downtown jail for almost 2 full days. I wanted to go get him so bad but I held firm.

He wasn't happy with me at all when he got out but he paid his dues, it was expunged from his record and he never got into trouble again.

He'll be 30 at the end of the month and to this day he thanks me for doing what I did. He knew that he never wanted to see the inside of a jail ever again.

  • Love 8

I just watched the episodes where Jenelle stole Barb's credit cards. Watching her Waltz back in and nonchalantly grab a snack and sit down while Barb is yelling at her just shows that Barb has never made Jenelle have consequences for her actions. Jenelle wasn't worried at all. She knew that even though Barb was kicking her out and threatening to call the police, she wouldn't really follow through. That's a big part of why Jenelle is the way she is.

When my son was in high school, he got into trouble, big trouble. The police called me from the school and said that even though he was under arrest and would have to go to court etc, at that point they could either bring him home or take him to the police station.

The hardest damn thing I've ever had to do in my life was to tell them to take him in. It was the first time he'd gotten into any trouble like that and I needed him to see where he'd end up if he didn't shape up. He was 17 at the time and he stayed at the downtown jail for almost 2 full days. I wanted to go get him so bad but I held firm.

He wasn't happy with me at all when he got out but he paid his dues, it was expunged from his record and he never got into trouble again.

He'll be 30 at the end of the month and to this day he thanks me for doing what I did. He knew that he never wanted to see the inside of a jail ever again.

you are awesome.  I really respect that difficult decision.

Edited by teapot
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Thanks, but I'm not awesome. It was so hard to do but with the results I got, I'd do it again. He told me that with the friends he had and the things he was doing, he'd have kept getting into trouble if I had bailed him out.

I just saw my parents constantly getting my brothers out of trouble with the law and I see the results, 2 men in their 50s who still get arrested for stupid shit and have never held jobs for longer than a few months.

Basically, I raised my kids by doing the exact opposite of everything my parents did. And I'm not kidding. Some people shouldn't procreate.

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In my opinion, the first time Janelle will face serious consequences is when she stabs a boyfriend to death. We'll all say we saw it coming, and then I'll watch the trial on television. She's a public nuisance, probably a sociopath, definitely an addict, but I don't see the judge throwing the book at her for this charge. If I remember correctly, and it's been a long time since I read it, the girl had a red mark but no cuts. No serious injury will equal no serious consequence, even with her dozen arrests.


I'm not sure jail would be too awful for her. There are bound to be some nutcases in there happy to be around her celebrity. Even Jodie Arias had friends in the jail, and when one person attacked her, some of those others stepped in, because she was well known. It seems like Amber was well liked, also. Of course, sober Amber was probably okay to be around, whereas Janelle and Jodi need their asses kicked, but I still see the probability of Janelle being fawned over.

  • Love 4

Maharincess I too had to issue a drastic consequence for one of my children when they were a pre-teen. It meant having to take this particular child to the police station, informing the officer that my child needed a lesson. He agreed and quickly put him in a holding cell for an hour. I didn't hesitate to take him down to the station. I called my spouse at work to inform him what I was going to do. He said, "Do it."  I don't regret that moment. My child learned a valuable lesson and was made to apologize to the kid he pushed. I am proud to say my child never ever got in trouble again and actually thanked us for making such a decision.


We have to sometimes do certain things in life in order for our children to understand there are consequences in life, and many of those consequences must come from us, the parents. We can't sit back and expect society and the law to do our job. Barb, for all the times I could defend her, has likely never issued consequences, she may have issued consequences and felt guilty and gave in to Jenelle, she may have issued consequences but Jenelle didn't learn her lesson, or Jenelle never followed through with whatever Barb issued out as a consequence. I can see Barb issuing consequences, but with no other parent around and with Barb having to work, I get the image that Jenelle was running around like a lose dog on the streets. No supervision and no rules.


Changing the subject. I have to share a funny story. I was having lunch last week with a close relative. Imagine the look on my face when this relative used the word "dramastically". I nearly dropped my fork and I can only imagine how my face must have looked with my eyes wide open as I sat there in shock. I had to stop myself from laughing. This relative looked at me and asked what was wrong. I asked them to repeat what they said. They again repeated the word "dramastically". I then informed them that I think they meant to say "drastically". They admitted that was the word they were thinking of, but their mind jumbled up the words "drastically and dramatically". This relative has ADD. This relative believes they may have a learning disorder as they began to tell me how they had a hard time in school. This was back in the late 60s. I then had to tell them about Jenelle. They laughed. Thank goodness. Just had to share.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 4

In my opinion, the first time Janelle will face serious consequences is when she stabs a boyfriend to death. We'll all say we saw it coming, and then I'll watch the trial on television. She's a public nuisance, probably a sociopath, definitely an addict, but I don't see the judge throwing the book at her for this charge. If I remember correctly, and it's been a long time since I read it, the girl had a red mark but no cuts. No serious injury will equal no serious consequence, even with her dozen arrests.


I'm not sure jail would be too awful for her. There are bound to be some nutcases in there happy to be around her celebrity. Even Jodie Arias had friends in the jail, and when one person attacked her, some of those others stepped in, because she was well known. It seems like Amber was well liked, also. Of course, sober Amber was probably okay to be around, whereas Janelle and Jodi need their asses kicked, but I still see the probability of Janelle being fawned over.

Even if Jenelle is fawned over in prison, I think she may through bad withdrawals without Twitter, Instagram, being able to stalk her exes on social media, and being with her loser soulmate boyfriends.....
  • Love 3

SPLAIN, to me its obvious that Barb has never made Jenelle face consequences for anything. Jenelle stole her mom's credit cards and as Barb is screaming at her that she's going to kick her out and call the cops, Jenelle is sprawled out in a chair picking her nails and saying "uh huh" every so often.

She wasn't the least bit worried because she knew Barb wouldn't follow through. She may kick her out for a day or 2 but that's it.

Those kinds of things have to start early. I never threatened my kids with a punishment that I wasn't going to follow through on, from everything to no dessert to being grounded for a month, my kids knew that if I threatened it and their behavior didn't change, they'd face that punishment.

My biggest bitch about people is that so many don't discipline their kids.

That's hilarious about DRAMASTIC. Lmao.

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Nathan is worried Jenelle won't let him see Kaiser for Christmas.


She had a big birthday party this past weekend in NYC. Looks like she was likely paid an appearance fee. New boyfriend was with her.


Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic

Sounds like Nipples hasn't taken the time to see a lawyer and have a parenting plan set up. According to the article, he says Jenelle won't let him see the Roll unless his girlfriend drops the assault charges against her. If he had parenting plan, bitch would have to let the Roll go see his dad or be in contempt and maybe be charged with something else for essentially using extortion to try to bargain with Nipples. I really hope the girlfriend doesn't drop the charges and Jenelle gets a really cranky judge that is a real hardass when it comes to DV assault.


Too bad for the Roll that Nipples spent all of his MTV money on the gym and steroids and doesn't have any left to hire a lawyer so he can see his kid.

  • Love 5

Nathan is worried Jenelle won't let him see Kaiser for Christmas.


She had a big birthday party this past weekend in NYC. Looks like she was likely paid an appearance fee. New boyfriend was with her.


Oh cry me a fucking river, Nathan. Have you even made one move to reclaiming custody? Sounds to me like you are using Jenelle's shitty ultimatum as a convenient scapegoat to divert attention from the fact that you are a complete deadbeat dad to two kids. And if you were so concerned about Kaiser, maybe you shouldn't have purposely brought  your new girlfriend with you and encouraged her to bait Jenelle, knowing what a fucking psycho she is?

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I love how Jenelle has all this time for parties and vacations. Hello you are 24, where are your kids? With everyone else while she thinks she is Jenelle Kardashian with her lip fillers and birthday party bashes and vacations every month.

I agree. It's pretty damn sad to think about Barb standing on her feet at Walmart all day while Jenelle is taking off on vacation and getting plastic surgery. Who's watching Kaiser Roll while his mother is partying in New York?

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 7

I'm not saying Jenelle can't have fun. But that's all she does. She has her own manager and is seen in all these photo ops, she really believes her own hype. I feel so bad for the boys because there will be all these pictures of her out and about and not with them

Damn. WTF has she done to her face and would her boys recognize her if they ever got to see the sorry bitch in person? 

  • Love 2

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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