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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I love that Kaiser looks so happy in that picture. All the pictures Janelle posts have him looking unkempt and terrified. 

Does Ashley have a regular job? I'm curious what Nathan discloses to the court that support his ability to care for Kaiser. 

Edited by meredithalmighty
previous statement unclear
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12 hours ago, druzy said:

Jenelle's storyline would have gone on with her trying to get custody of Jace. It would have shown only her side but her storyline would have continued. Look at Cate and Tyler. Their storyline was about how they tried to move forward after putting their child up for adoption. They moved on to different storylines just like Jenelle did when she  gave birth to Kaiser. Jenelle would have been in the same situation whether or not Barbara was involved. 

I'm not so sure.  Cate and Tyler were sympathetic characters, whom people could root for to rise above their circumstances, and applaud for doing the right thing.  Jenelle, not so much.  Ten years ago, the money isn't what it is today, so it might not have been a great enticement for her to pretend to want custody of Jace.

We'll never know.  But I think MTV has decided not to feature plenty of the 16&P talent, and could very well have decided to jettison Jenelle, as well.


11 hours ago, kicksave said:

Wow...that is really sad. Let's hope Barbara remains healthy. She's not perfect but it's better than having these kids grow up with drugs and violent people. 

Jace is growing up with drugs and violent people.  Maybe not in his primary household, but he spends substantial amounts of time around them.


9 hours ago, Christina said:

Some people who recognize that Barb is a better option than Jenelle still ignore that she kept Jace away from Jenelle for the majority of his life and it's irritating as hell to me.

But she didn't strike when the iron was hot.  I don't know about anybody else, but I'm talking about when Jace was a baby, and Jenelle was living with Barb, and Barb would kick Jenelle out but then always take her back in.  Jenelle just needed a place to live and didn't give a shit about Jace, and that's when Barb could/should have been keeping him away from her.  Out of sight, out of mind. 

But that would have meant Barb didn't get to see Jenelle, and she couldn't take that.  So instead of letting Jenelle forget about Jace, which I'm convinced would have happened because it's Jenelle, Barb kept them together, facilitating a relationship on which Jenelle could later base demands for visitation or custody or whatever.

Does anybody really think Jenelle had the wherewithal back then to fight for custody, never mind the desire?  Barb had the chance to break Jace free from Jenelle, and didn't do it.  That laid the groundwork for everything that's happened since.

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Agreed, @Pixiebomb.  I get that kids get dirty doing all the kid stuff, but when your kid is constantly dirty I question what kind of filthy environment the parents are making.  Love seeing Kai cleaned up, dressed like someone took care to make sure he was comfortable and looks nice, and smiling. 

Edited by Booger666
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32 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

But she didn't strike when the iron was hot.  I don't know about anybody else, but I'm talking about when Jace was a baby, and Jenelle was living with Barb, and Barb would kick Jenelle out but then always take her back in.  Jenelle just needed a place to live and didn't give a shit about Jace, and that's when Barb could/should have been keeping him away from her.  Out of sight, out of mind. 

But that would have meant Barb didn't get to see Jenelle, and she couldn't take that.  So instead of letting Jenelle forget about Jace, which I'm convinced would have happened because it's Jenelle, Barb kept them together, facilitating a relationship on which Jenelle could later base demands for visitation or custody or whatever.

Does anybody really think Jenelle had the wherewithal back then to fight for custody, never mind the desire?  Barb had the chance to break Jace free from Jenelle, and didn't do it.  That laid the groundwork for everything that's happened since.

Oh, but she did.  In fact, Barbara has had some form of court-approved custody of Jace from like Season 2 on.  The terms may have changed from time to time in regards to who has/had permanent physical custody, but you're minimizing the fact that Barb - more so than *any* of these chuckleheads except maybe Kail - has availed herself of the court system to protect herself and Jace.  Also, if you don't have legal custody of a child and you "keep it away from" it's mother, that's called kidnapping. 

You can make the claim that Barb and Jenelle are co-dependent, and I'll agree with you, but Barb has gone above and beyond to take care of a kid she didn't want her daughter to have in the first place and acknowledged from the jump she'd be stuck raising.  Jenelle will always run back to Barb when shit goes sideways and Barb will always take her back, because deep down inside, Barb knows she's partially responsible for all this. 

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1 hour ago, meredithalmighty said:

I love that Kaiser looks so happy in that picture. All the pictures Janelle posts have him looking unkempt and terrified. 

Does Ashley have a regular job? I'm curious what Nathan discloses to the court that support his ability to care for Kaiser. 

Ashley is a mental health therapist. She has a master's degree in mental health counseling.

ETA: Yes she is employed.

Edited by druzy
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13 hours ago, kicksave said:

She is detached and has a flat affect. You never see her playing with her kids or doing much of anything with them. She mostly complains about them when they're doing kid things or crying. She uses Instagram to promote herself as a great mom and David as a loving husband...looks like she'll be stomping out of the reunion show...for a change.

Remember when they were first moving into The Land and David was busy unpacking, etc?  (if he weren't such an asshole and garbage person he'd be a great house-husband, homeboy gets shit done around the house....)

Jenelle had Kaiser & of course the toddler was antsy and David suggested they go to a hotel for the night and she was incredulously horrified, "just me and *Kaiser?*  THAT'S FUN!" 

yeah, no, she's probably psyched that she no longer has to put on a mom-show for the rest of the world.

  • Love 18
11 hours ago, Christina said:

Jace wanted to spend time with Jenelle; she was the fun-time party parent. Jace told his therapist that he wanted to spend time with Jenelle and she shared that with the court at the hearing where the visitation schedule was finalized. 

I remember Jenelle taking Jace away on a school vacation and him being like, 'what about Memere?  What about daycare?"

(I wish I had as wonderful recall about my *job* as about Jenelle's life.  Unfortunately...)

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36 minutes ago, druzy said:

Ashley is a mental health therapist. She has a master's degree in mental health counseling.

ETA: Yes she is employed.

 And she wants to date Nathan????

Nathan only looks good when you compare him to Jenelle, and even then, he doesn't win by much. Let's not forget he's been arrested twice for beating a girlfriend, has had numerous arrests related to drinking, has not held down a steady job (right?), and generally sees Kaiser when it's convenient for him. I imagine even now Doris will be doing most of the work in procuring Kaiser.

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

Yes, that's Ashley, Nathan's girlfriend.  She seems to really love Kaiser.

And look at Kaiser, he looks so handsome.  And happy.  

You can see it in his eyes- he is relaxed.  The tension he usually has in his eyes is not there.  It's a micro-expression that shows his emotions. 

It is so good to see him calm and happy!

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58 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

You can if the mother doesn't care.

I don't think Jenelle gives a shit about Jace, or any of her kids, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't use whatever control she has to get what she wanted.

She willingly signed some paperwork in her 16 and Pregnant episode allowing Barb some sort of guardianship over Jace without actually terminating her own rights, and her go-to threat to her mother for years was that she would go back to court and get Jace back and he would never see Barbara again.

Would she have ever followed through, particularly in the early days when her MTV paycheck was $25K? Probably not, but Barb couldn't know that for sure.

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18 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

image.png.4add342dd606610ae6146571def5b8I don’t understand this.  Jenelle can get custody back if she moves out?  Or if David moves out?  If one of them did move, or said they moved out, is CPS supposed to just take their word for it?  I would think there would have to be some legal agreement in place.  Sort of like - a divorce!  Or a restraining order!  Right?

Plus, this scenario is really Jenelle’s worst nightmare.  Can you imagine Jenelle being a single mom to Ensley and Kaiser and maybe Jace, too?  The only reason she spent any time with the kids was pretend-time for the cameras.  

This kind of decision really bothers me. Because, as you said, it is based on the assumption that Jenelle can be trusted. Which she can't. She does EVERYTHING David says. Also, why is Jenelle seen as an option, period? She PICKED David. She has put up with every damn thing he's done over the years. I don't see this as a case of an abused wife. Jenelle was a horrible human being before David. She puts him before her kids and neglects their welfare because she's a horrible person. That will never change. 

  • Love 21
36 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

Maybe she’s using him as some sort of case study? She could be writing her dissertation on him.  I just can’t think of another reason. Someone help me out here.  

This is similar to the speculation I made about Mackenzie being Ryan's nurse when they first started dating. 

But there can be bad therapists/counselors out there. You do have to wonder what is wrong with the loved ones that find themselves attached to all of these horrible people. 

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25 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

This kind of decision really bothers me. Because, as you said, it is based on the assumption that Jenelle can be trusted. Which she can't. She does EVERYTHING David says. Also, why is Jenelle seen as an option, period? She PICKED David. She has put up with every damn thing he's done over the years. I don't see this as a case of an abused wife. Jenelle was a horrible human being before David. She puts him before her kids and neglects their welfare because she's a horrible person. That will never change. 

Frankly, I don’t know if I even believe the report.  It seems like typical Jenelle-type spin to me, on par with her thinking she wasn’t going to get fired because it was David and not her that killed the dog.  So naturally it follows that she’ll get custody back so long as David isn’t in the house since, again, it’s David who is in trouble with CPS, not her.  

1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

You can see it in his eyes- he is relaxed.  The tension he usually has in his eyes is not there.  It's a micro-expression that shows his emotions. 

It is so good to see him calm and happy!

That was the first thing I noticed, aside from Kaiser being clean and nicely dressed. He isn't wearing that expression of constant tension you see when he's with Jenelle.

I thought it was telling in one of the earlier episodes when Jenelle was retrieving Kaiser from Doris and the first thing Kaiser did was make a beeline for the MTV security guard. His mother is not a source of love and comfort. 

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, Lemur said:

Considering how these people - her sister included - aren't afraid to call the cops and use their kids against each other, what makes you think Jenelle never cared enough to call the cops?

I'm talking about back at the very beginning, when Jenelle just wanted to party and Jace was in the way.  She didn't want Jace--she just wanted a place to stay.  If Barb had just followed through on one of the many times she kicked Jenelle out, Jenelle would have drifted off into heroin or whatever, and never given Jace another thought. 

I agree that later on, she figured out how to use him as a pawn, but that was possible only because she had a relationship with him.  Barb is responsible for that.


1 hour ago, Tatum said:

Let's not forget he's been arrested twice for beating a girlfriend, has had numerous arrests related to drinking, has not held down a steady job (right?), and generally sees Kaiser when it's convenient for him. I imagine even now Doris will be doing most of the work in procuring Kaiser.

You didn't even mention the superficial stuff, which I wouldn't be able to get past.  That body he's shaped.  That hair.  Those clothes.  Yuck.

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IF CPS gave Jenelle the option of having the kids if she got rid of the bearded leech, it wouldn't be them just saying "Okay! We believe you kicked him out, here are the kids"! She would have to jump through a ton of hoops and they would be checking in with the kids daily at first to see how things were going and she would have to follow up on every recommendation made by the caseworkers.

I found some posts on Twitter made by a woman who works for CPS and what she said was very enlightening. I fell down the Twitter rabbit hole and don't remember what the person's account was that she was posting on. According to what she said, the fact that a detective made the request is a huge help for the kids. She also said that Ensley will be screened thoroughly as far as her development goes and any delays and/or problems will be addressed. And, if/when she goes back, they will be mandated to follow up on whatever course of treatment is recommended or risk losing her again.

She said Maryssa will undergo an intense evaluation and returning to school would likely be recommended for next year. It's too late to enroll this year. Therapy for her will also be mandatory. This woman thought Maryssa would likely wind up living with her mother if her mother is found capable of providing a stable home for her. Especially because UBT is facing charges for the truck towing incident and could be facing felony charges for killing Nugget.

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4 hours ago, Tatum said:

 And she wants to date Nathan????

Nathan only looks good when you compare him to Jenelle, and even then, he doesn't win by much. Let's not forget he's been arrested twice for beating a girlfriend, has had numerous arrests related to drinking, has not held down a steady job (right?), and generally sees Kaiser when it's convenient for him. I imagine even now Doris will be doing most of the work in procuring Kaiser.

Probably can’t find anyone better or thinks she can fix him.

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33 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

Probably can’t find anyone better or thinks she can fix him.

Yep she's trying to fix him. Just because she has a master's degree doesn't mean she's too smart to fall for that age old trap. The fact that her degree is in mental health just gives her confidence that she'll be successful. 

He's definitely a project and I wish her every success. For Kai's sake. 

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“The case was continued until Wednesday,” the source tells The Ashley.

As for what has been revealed so far in the courtroom, The Ashley hears that at least one of the older kids has been able to speak to the court (most likely through their court-provided guardian ad litem) so far. Others associated with custody of the couple’s kids– Maryssa, Jace, Kaiser and Ensley– have also already spoken in court.

Edited by druzy
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22 minutes ago, ravencroft said:

So at least for the next few days, the kids will be safe and sound. Thank the gods.

You know, I bet this is like a vacation for Maryssa. No being mother to her little sister, no screaming and ranting parents, no taking care of the hoard of animals the swamp monsters are collecting and no being forced to sit at the table with her ignoramus father while he attempts to homeschool her. I'm sure she's scared and confused, but I bet it's the first time she's relaxed in ages. I hope she's with her mom or her maternal grandma. If she's with Ma Eason, she will just hear her go on and on and on about how unfair this all is to her precious little David.

  • Love 23

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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