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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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19 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

A fence that surrounds the whole yard keeps all of the dangers to children wide open, inside the fence, you fucking moron.

Exactly-- a four-sided fence surrounding the pool with a locking gate and MOST IMPORTANTLY NOT connected to the house where there is a door leading to the outside! They are such morons it's scary.

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, druzy said:

Jenelle is up early threatening to sue ?

Here is a screenshot if she deletes her threatening tweet


Attention: Mr. Fence please hide UBT will be threatening to fill your store with uppercuts when he wakes up this morning/afternoon/evening ?




What in the hell is she doing up so early?! 

  • Love 7
21 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

Agreed.  I hope MTV isn’t getting much viewer response about the prolonged negotiations and finally let Janelle go.  I would much rather get Barb/Jace segments or add a new girl.

These producers need to take back their show from some of these girls. They are not "the talent" in my opinion as there's not one whit of talent about them. Treating them the way they do gives them an air of superiority, as if the show would die without them. It isn't like some Hollywood starlet that everyone needs to kiss ass so they don't walk off the production and cost the studio millions.

They should tell Kail and Jenelle to eff off and bring in two more girls. There would be some whining from Kail's minions on social media and Kail would probably cry about how she was mistreated, but a couple of episodes in and the viewers would be following the new stories of the new people that they remembered from past seasons. There would not be a Million Whale March for Kail or anything that's for sure.

Stop catering to these people and negotiating with them. Focus on Barb instead of Jenelle. Since Barb has custody of Jace, is Jenelle allowed to forbid him being filmed or that up to Barb? If not, we can stay up on how Jace and Barb are doing and Jenelle and her disgusting excuse for a husband will get nothing, zero, nada. 

  • Love 21
4 hours ago, druzy said:

Jenelle, this is what a fence around a pool looks like:



She seems to have some cognitive issues. 

2 hours ago, lovesnark said:

So, Jenelle says she spent 6k on a fence and UBT said 10k when he was being an asshole to someone on Instagram. Guess he needs to round up since his cipherin' aint too good. It was still a waste of money as far as keeping the kids from being able to walk out the door and drown.

Those are some talking words you're using right there @lovesnark

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, configdotsys said:

These producers need to take back their show from some of these girls. They are not "the talent" in my opinion as there's not one whit of talent about them. Treating them the way they do gives them an air of superiority, as if the show would die without them. It isn't like some Hollywood starlet that everyone needs to kiss ass so they don't walk off the production and cost the studio millions.

They should tell Kail and Jenelle to eff off and bring in two more girls. There would be some whining from Kail's minions on social media and Kail would probably cry about how she was mistreated, but a couple of episodes in and the viewers would be following the new stories of the new people that they remembered from past seasons. There would not be a Million Whale March for Kail or anything that's for sure.

Stop catering to these people and negotiating with them. Focus on Barb instead of Jenelle. Since Barb has custody of Jace, is Jenelle allowed to forbid him being filmed or that up to Barb? If not, we can stay up on how Jace and Barb are doing and Jenelle and her disgusting excuse for a husband will get nothing, zero, nada. 

The only appropriate reaction:



Barb has custody so she is the one who signs off on whether Jace can be filmed or not. 

I agree they should just keep up with J ace and Barb soley because it would drive Jenelle and Lurch batshit! 

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
  • Love 17
1 hour ago, configdotsys said:

These producers need to take back their show from some of these girls. They are not "the talent" in my opinion as there's not one whit of talent about them.

100% agree. I don't see ANY of these girls as some sort of "break out" star that the show just couldn't survive without. This isn't like trying to keep Snooki & the Sitch on Jersey Shore....it's not even the same as trying to keep Shep on Southern Charm. Those shows would definitely take a "hit" without those people. Jenelle & Lurch (and Kail) are such awful people & they aren't fun to watch. Spencer & Heidi of the Hills were awful people, but I admit, they were FUN TO WATCH. It's time for MTV to come up with something new for us to hate. This shit, and these girls are PLAYED. If it does have to limp along for another season or 2, I really hope it's sans the swamp. 

BTW, I listen to talk radio sometimes on my 17 hour commute home, and they have been having commercials for acreages of land for sale outside of Las Vegas. They say the prices, blah blah, and then repeat the phone number you can call - 1-866-THE LAND. The funny thing is, the lady on the commercial says it like the swamp things. 1-866- THE LAAAND 1-866-THE LAAAAAND. It gives me a little chuckle on my hellish drive. 

  • Love 20

You know what? Now I don’t think she is willing or capable of this .... but I think if Jenelle really, honestly worked to make her life better, people would watch and I think wish her well, if only for the sake of her kids.

1. Ditch all men now and for the foreseeable future.

2. Mend her relationship with Barbara. Work on the co-parenting relationship with Nathan. 

3. Get real therapy for her and her sons.

4. Have a minimal presence on social media - just enough to keep your job.

5. Start becoming a real mother with genuine relationships with your kids. 

If she did those things, I think her story would be compelling and MTV could keep her.

But we all know she ain’t doing that. She is too immature, proud for some unknown reason, and self-centered.

  • Love 13

I completely agree with you @lilmarysunshine...the only times on this show (which have been rare) that I have found Jenelle to be even somewhat tolerable is when she has been without a #soulmate...but that has been what, about 2 episodes over the past decade? I also completely agree that she is not willing or capable.

  • Love 8
42 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

BTW, I listen to talk radio sometimes on my 17 hour commute home, and they have been having commercials for acreages of land for sale outside of Las Vegas. They say the prices, blah blah, and then repeat the phone number you can call - 1-866-THE LAND. The funny thing is, the lady on the commercial says it like the swamp things. 1-866- THE LAAAND 1-866-THE LAAAAAND. It gives me a little chuckle on my hellish drive. 

Funny thing...THE LAAAAAND is being sold by Nevada Land & Ranches, but it isn't even in Nevada.  According to a response to someone on their FB page, it is on the Arizona side of Lake Mead (somewhere around Meadview, AZ).  You can get a cabin on six acres for $28,500, and it won't even sink into the ground.  Sounds like heaven on earth!  Maybe Janelle and Lurch can buy a Summer home there.  They can build a pool and not even notice the 110 degree days.  He can open a business scraping the crap off of the bottoms of boats in Lake Mead. #livingthedream


  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

You can get a cabin on six acres for $28,500, and it won't even sink into the ground.  Sounds like heaven on earth! 

Ha! I thought the same thing when I listened to the ad. It's funny because they do advertise it like it's in Nevada, but at any rate, I already envisioned this LAND being in a place where as you're taking the boring drive on the 15 to Vegas you think to yourself "who would live here?". 

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Right? Unless she keeps her kids out of that ENTIRE outdoor area (which I doubt), she's doing it completely wrong.

That's a funny thought. Maybe the fence is to keep the kids on the swampy, undeveloped part of The Laaaand while Jenelle and UBT enjoy the pool, Jacuzzi, sodded lawn, and house.

Edited by TheRealT
  • Love 9
7 hours ago, configdotsys said:

These producers need to take back their show from some of these girls. They are not "the talent" in my opinion as there's not one whit of talent about them. Treating them the way they do gives them an air of superiority, as if the show would die without them. 

Seriously. All these girls have gotten way too big for their britches. Leah wants to be provided with a makeup artist. Jenelle won't film because of David. Kail refuses to talk about unflattering subjects on camera and Chelsea got pissy because production Skyped her for the most recent reunion as opposed to sending a film crew to South Dakota. They should be thanking their lucky stars they've been able to pimp this gig for as long as they have, because not one of them has an ounce of intellect or a scintillating personality. It's crazy to see the level of entitlement there is with this crowd.

  • Love 18

I just listened to Nathan's 911 call, and I really hope that this is gaining attention locally.  I would not want the sheriff of my community not following up on a call about child abuse because it isn't illegal to hit your child with a stick.  It shouldn't take two phone calls for someone to look at your child.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I can't imagine Lurch sharing his wife with anyone.

I clicked on the link and got to the Twitter page of this Marisa person who said this is bogus and she just reposted a picture that she took from somewhere else on Twitter. People are responding that they are calling that number constantly and posting other phone numbers and addresses that may belong to Low Life and Jenelle. People are dying laughing at how angry Low Life is probably getting at all these calls. A couple of the numbers were disconnected. 

I can't stand these people but this dude is crazy and can go off at any minute. Needling him or bombarding him with prank calls is just not right. There are kids in that house and even Jenelle, who made her own bed, are subject to who knows what when he gets into a rage. I'm all for the snark and calling these people out on their clueless, neglectful parenting but this behavior by those Twitter users to me was just over the top. 

  • Love 13
On 7/11/2018 at 6:14 PM, druzy said:
14 hours ago, druzy said:


Attention: Mr. Fence please hide UBT will be threatening to fill your store with uppercuts when he wakes up this morning/afternoon/evening ?

This drone pic from above reminds me of that pic ( a few pages back)of the stinky toxic pulp pool up the road at the paper mill ??  let’s hope Juhnelle gets dumped by MTV and she gets a well deserved reality check .  I’d watch the hell out of Barb & Jace.  We can dream! 

* And the fence is around the Yard not the pool. She’s so dumb and you can bet when Juhnelle & UBT are holed up in the bedroom they DO NOT \WOULD NOT hear a back door alarm going off . It’s a tragedy waiting to happen on “The Land” ( not that either of them care what happens to Lil Kaiser roll) 

Edited by DNR
Ninja edit
  • Love 13

@configdotsys   Ya very true ! As much fun as it is to think of UBT & Juhnelle getting pranked , knowing how much of a hair trigger temper UBT has , i fear him taking it out on the children. Especially Kaiser.  UBT deserves every miserable minute but the kids are in danger around that monster.  

Edited by DNR
  • Love 10
2 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I clicked on the link and got to the Twitter page of this Marisa person who said this is bogus and she just reposted a picture that she took from somewhere else on Twitter. People are responding that they are calling that number constantly and posting other phone numbers and addresses that may belong to Low Life and Jenelle. People are dying laughing at how angry Low Life is probably getting at all these calls. A couple of the numbers were disconnected. 

I can't stand these people but this dude is crazy and can go off at any minute. Needling him or bombarding him with prank calls is just not right. There are kids in that house and even Jenelle, who made her own bed, are subject to who knows what when he gets into a rage. I'm all for the snark and calling these people out on their clueless, neglectful parenting but this behavior by those Twitter users to me was just over the top. 

Agree 100%. I feel like that's crossing a line, especially considering David's hair trigger temper, violent history and the fact that there's innocent children in the house. We already know Kaiser is a frequent target of his rage. The last thing any of these poor children need is for that psycho to be set off.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I clicked on the link and got to the Twitter page of this Marisa person who said this is bogus and she just reposted a picture that she took from somewhere else on Twitter. People are responding that they are calling that number constantly and posting other phone numbers and addresses that may belong to Low Life and Jenelle. People are dying laughing at how angry Low Life is probably getting at all these calls. A couple of the numbers were disconnected. 

I can't stand these people but this dude is crazy and can go off at any minute. Needling him or bombarding him with prank calls is just not right. There are kids in that house and even Jenelle, who made her own bed, are subject to who knows what when he gets into a rage. I'm all for the snark and calling these people out on their clueless, neglectful parenting but this behavior by those Twitter users to me was just over the top. 

I agree. Some of the folks on Twitter are hilarious and are great at researching to call out the swamp things on their constant lies. But, taunting him into a possible rage with Kaiser being the most likely target is going too far.

  • Love 12
28 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Isn't it Nathan's weekend again? So what happens now with Kaiser and visitation? It's court-ordered and must  be supervised  by Doris so what happens if Jenelle refuses to hand him over?

I thought about this today. Didn't one of the swamp things say Kaiser wasn't going to see Doris or Nathan again in one of their rants?  I don't think Jenelle can just stop court ordered visitation.

  • Love 4
On 7/12/2018 at 4:09 PM, druzy said:

Jenelle and UBT are so nice to potential customers:

Anybody know anything about boats? Me not much - but alot of my extended family was really into them. It’s always nice to know somebody with a boat. They’re a huge pain in the ass to actually own. They cleaned their own boats (I remember my Uncles getting in the water with goggles - no scuba gear! - and a scrub brush to do the water line). I don’t think they did full cleaning underneath except when they went into storage every late fall/winter. 

We were further north - but I’m pretty sure in NC they have to pull the boats for the winter and generally the Marina (with a boat lift) cleans, winterizes and stores them. Or a similiar service that has an actual storage facility. My mother has a house in the Keys and most people have boat lifts cause you can keep them in water year round there.

So I’m confused too about what “services” they’re offering too.

  • Love 4
On 7/13/2018 at 6:58 PM, BitterApple said:

Seriously. All these girls have gotten way too big for their britches. Leah wants to be provided with a makeup artist. Jenelle won't film because of David. Kail refuses to talk about unflattering subjects on camera and Chelsea got pissy because production Skyped her for the most recent reunion as opposed to sending a film crew to South Dakota. They should be thanking their lucky stars they've been able to pimp this gig for as long as they have, because not one of them has an ounce of intellect or a scintillating personality. It's crazy to see the level of entitlement there is with this crowd.

Have you met millennials on reality TV? I'm their age and even I think we're all awful lol. Social media followings make every YouTuber and MTV Z-lister think they're A-list Hollywood. It's bizarre. NONE of that means anything to your life or career. Yeah, I guess there's paid sponsorship, but hawking chocolates or foundations or watches or whatever a few times a week on Instagram doesn't even make you a Kardashian, much less Cardi B.

Ah yes Leah, because everyone needs a full face of makeup to be filmed sitting on their puppy piss stained sofa. And I expect this shitty tantrum throwing from the rest of them, but not Chelsea. Does being Skyped in mean she's paid less? YOU chose to get pregnant and fill up the house with [nasally baby voice] a million Coley babiessssss and it's not their fault you can't fly. So now she's mad they won't fly producers out there to do what? Prop her swollen ankles on a pillow while she films a seven minute interview? Idgi. Out of all the moms, as the most well adjusted, she should be smart enough not to rock the boat. She's making a six-figure salary to be a SAHM in the middle of nowhere doing nothing but fawning over her husband and cute kids. It's not even about being humble, it's using common sense, which I apparently wrongfully assumed she had. 

Edited by Guest
2 hours ago, crazychicken said:

I think Chelsea issue is that Janelle refused to attend the reunion without UBT and MTV bent over backwards to accommodate her while Chelsea has not caused any issues and got a Skype interview. If they were willing to book hotels and fly Sad Panda and the crew out for Janelle then they should have done the same for Chelsea


1 hour ago, Court said:

Chelsea didn't have an issue with skyping in until she knew that MTV flew out the crew, Dr. Drew, etc for Janelle. Janelle who threw a fit and refused to fly out since MTV wouldn't foot the bill for her racist homophobic abusive fired pos husband.

I would have been upset too if I were Chelsea. 

Ah ok thanks for clarifying. I'm on Chelsea's side then. ;)

7 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:


Ah ok thanks for clarifying. I'm on Chelsea's side then. ;)

Honestly I still think it's ridiculous. They flew a film crew out for Jenelle because her brand of crazy is what brings in the ratings, not Chelsea baby-talking with Cole. There's no point hauling a film crew to South Dakota to spend ten minutes talking about Adam's latest court case and then going home. 

  • Love 13
3 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Does being Skyped in mean she's paid less? YOU chose to get pregnant and fill up the house with [nasally baby voice] a million Coley babiessssss and it's not their fault you can't fly. So now she's mad they won't fly producers out there to do what? Prop her swollen ankles on a pillow while she films a seven minute interview?

Answered already, did not notice a new page of replies!

Edited by DudeLeaveMeAlone
See above
On 7/12/2018 at 3:09 PM, druzy said:

Jenelle and UBT are so nice to potential customers:

He’s such a twat. 

On 7/13/2018 at 9:00 AM, druzy said:

Someone already said it but that comment didn’t quote! But does that alarm matter when they’re passed out from whatever drug or alcohol? They’re so stupid. Just get a proper fucking fence around it already.

On 7/13/2018 at 12:38 PM, lilmarysunshine said:

You know what? Now I don’t think she is willing or capable of this .... but I think if Jenelle really, honestly worked to make her life better, people would watch and I think wish her well, if only for the sake of her kids.

1. Ditch all men now and for the foreseeable future.

2. Mend her relationship with Barbara. Work on the co-parenting relationship with Nathan. 

3. Get real therapy for her and her sons.

4. Have a minimal presence on social media - just enough to keep your job.

5. Start becoming a real mother with genuine relationships with your kids. 

If she did those things, I think her story would be compelling and MTV could keep her.

But we all know she ain’t doing that. She is too immature, proud for some unknown reason, and self-centered.

She’s a sociopath. Not even one of the five things you listed will ever happen. She sucks. I wouldn’t trust it even if she managed to convincingly fake the appearance of changing her life somehow. She’s the bad seed. 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 15

They had to send a camera crew to Jenelle because they never would be able to catch the crazy with just Skype. She could/ would refuse to continue the interview and David would be lurching over her shoulder ready to close the laptop at the first sign of unflattering questions.  Camera crews can follow  her around the house ranting and raving about  Barbara and Nathan. Camera crews can pick up holes in the walls and medicine bottles. 

  • Love 12
On 7/11/2018 at 12:53 PM, gotta watch said:

We're just assuming he's high, right?

High, high, high!

I had no idea Chelsea was miffed that they sent a camera crew to Jenelle but not her. I gotta be honest here, it's simply not worth it to pay that kind of money to watch Chelsea and Cole spit back babytalk to each other. Whether you think these two are just the cutest darned things ever or not, at this point she has no storyline to speak of except to use the word 'excited' 50 times an hour. That's not worth the expense of sending a crew there. 

  • Love 14
5 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

High, high, high!

I had no idea Chelsea was miffed that they sent a camera crew to Jenelle but not her. I gotta be honest here, it's simply not worth it to pay that kind of money to watch Chelsea and Cole spit back babytalk to each other. Whether you think these two are just the cutest darned things ever or not, at this point she has no storyline to speak of except to use the word 'excited' 50 times an hour. That's not worth the expense of sending a crew there. 

To be fair, many viewers prefer watching Chelsea over Janelle.  It also says to me that the person that is the issue gets special attention, while the person not causing the drama is treated differently--which happens too often in too many workplaces.  They don't want employees to cause issues, but in some ways reward them by giving them less work, trying to appease them, etc.

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, alexa said:

To be fair, many viewers prefer watching Chelsea over Janelle.  It also says to me that the person that is the issue gets special attention, while the person not causing the drama is treated differently--which happens too often in too many workplaces.  They don't want employees to cause issues, but in some ways reward them by giving them less work, trying to appease them, etc.

I totally agree with you. These producers created a monster here and have to kowtow to the lowest element because that is what garners ratings. Viewing it from their lens, it's a no brainer not to drop cash on sending a crew out to Chelsea. It's unfortunate that most people would likely prefer to watch Jenelle than Chelsea. I will admit that Chelsea is not making me tune in every week and read the threads here, the others are.

  • Love 4

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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