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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I think that Jace is probably much more mentally stimulated than poor Kaiser. At least Jace had Barb there to interact with him after daycare/school and on her off days, etc (as well as Grandpa Mike for a while). If Kaiser really does "live" with Jenelle (and not with Nathan's mom), that poor baby NEVER gets any interaction aside from Jenelle shoving a bottle or food in his mouth. I've yet to see him crawling or moving around to explore his enviornment; poor guy is always in his car seat, crib, or something.

ETA: I'm sure Kaiser is interacted with at daycare, but when he's home with Jenelle....yeah, she's gonna leave him in his car seat or bed with a bottle while she goes out on the porch to cry on the phone to Nathan.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 5

Why is it that loser idiots like these 2 can keep having kids they don't want when there are people out there who want kids so badly and can't have them?

Reason number 8756985 why I'm an atheist.

And the worst thing is assholes like Jenelle will keep kids out of spite instead of placing them with loving families. She screwed Jace over by not giving him up for adoption as an infant and she'll do the same to Kaiser. She has no interest in being a mother to Kaiser but she'll keep him if it means Nathan can't have him.

  • Love 10

Is Nathan truly disabled? Is the PTSD the only thing he claims is his disability? Wasn't there a scene or two where Jenelle asked him about his checks and he said something about him having to wait for them? Did I imagine that scene? Nathan apparently lied about the military awards he supposedly received:



I believe she was in school during filming. Nathan can't watch Kaiser because the fate of the world rests on him making his regularly scheduled gym time. I guess the only remaining option was daycare.

Agree. Don't forget, Barbara also put her foot down and said she wouldn't care for another child. There is also the fact that Nathan hates Barb and he wouldn't let her be with his son. I would guess Nathan's mother has her hands full caring for his daughter. It must be so nice to have money at your disposal to just dump your baby at a facility because the baby's father is just so wrapped up in his gym time.

  • Love 3

I think he is mentally disabled. But how was he working until he got on the jenelle gravy train?

Wasn't he one of those people who annoy you when you one vacation? The ones who stand at the cardboard booths on the street and try to get you to go to a timeshare presentation or ride a jetski or any other thing to annoy your stroll.

  • Love 3

Wasn't he one of those people who annoy you when you one vacation? The ones who stand at the cardboard booths on the street and try to get you to go to a timeshare presentation or ride a jetski or any other thing to annoy your stroll.

Those annoying assholes. I can see Nipples doing that job.



Wasn't there some shadiness around his disability checks a few seasons ago? I seem to remember something involving Barb, and saying he wasn't getting them because he moved? I feel like maybe he got cut off, but was shining Jenelle and her mother on, and trying to mooch off of Jenelle. My memory is foggy, though.

Oh, thank you! That is what I was trying to remember. I thought I had imagined it. Nipples did try to sell Barb a story about his checks right after she called him out for being a possible leech. Did we ever hear anything again about those checks? I do know that Jenelle made the mistake of having his names on their cars. Barb saw him for what he was. She called it.

  • Love 5

Obviously, but have we heard their reason for putting him in day care?

Was Jenelle in school when this was filmed? I don't think Nathan has anything scheduled except for gym time. If he's drawing disability, he can't work.

She was in school but only two days a week so that doesn't explain why he goes to daycare when Nipps doesn't have a job. It's obvious to me that the roll goes to daycare whether or not Jenelle and Nipps have anywhere they have to be.

In the episode where they go to see the lawyer about custody they dropped him off at daycare beforehand for no other reason than they are too damn lazy and selfish to take care of their baby.

I have nothing against daycare but it exists so parents can work or go to school not just so parents can sleep off their hangover because they were up drinking and arguing until 4 in the morning.

  • Love 6

It's 2015. I would think Nathan would have direct deposit, rather than having to wait for a check in the mail.

Unless he owes money to creditors. If Nathan owes money, they will likely attach his bank account to get the money. The creditors likely can't garnish his check since some government checks are exempt from garnishment.

  • Love 1

Why is it that loser idiots like these 2 can keep having kids they don't want when there are people out there who want kids so badly and can't have them?

Reason number 8756985 why I'm an atheist.

This, so much. I know people who would be amazing parents, tried literally everything and couldn't have a baby. Then there are people like Jenelle who give literally zero shits about their kids, and only use them as pawns in their relationships, or to keep a man around or collect child support. It's so frustrating and heartbreaking.

  • Love 5

I just watched the season two episode where Jenelle moves out for the first time and in with Tori.

I've obviously already seen it, I've read about the exact moment multiple times but, I still had a feeling of disbelief hearing Jenelle tell Barb how stressed she (Jenelle) was. Jenelle literally says, "yeah, I know you have work and Jace but I have to look for a job, go back to school and pass my classes." This is right after Barb tells Jenelle that why should she (Barb) have to come home from working full time and then bathe and care for Jace because it's too much for her and she's stressed out because she didn't ask to be a mother at 57 but Jenelle DID chose to be a mother now by keeping Jace... It is just so unbelievable how no one truly exists in Jenelle's world but Jenelle! She has to LOOK for a job and first GO to school for those things to even be a factor in "stressing her out" all the while she should've had zero bill worries because she lived free with Barb.. Who HAD the full time job to stress her out in addition to a baby to completely raise and the worst sociopathic, narcissist daughter around to scream at her about how HER own life is soooo harrrrrdddd.


Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 7

This, so much. I know people who would be amazing parents, tried literally everything and couldn't have a baby. Then there are people like Jenelle who give literally zero shits about their kids, and only use them as pawns in their relationships, or to keep a man around or collect child support. It's so frustrating and heartbreaking.

Life really can be cruel. I think about that scene where Jenelle was bemoaning the fact that her two kids by two different fathers would hinder her search for a new boyfriend and I just want to punch her in the face. The second Nathan bailed, Kaiser automatically became used goods with no value. I don't even think Jenelle can use him as a pawn because Nathan doesn't give a shit about the kid either. He was willing to cause a ten car pile-up on the highway if it meant he could dump his son on Jenelle so he could make his gym time. 

  • Love 11

I know someone said this already (here or on another thread) but is Jace's speech normal for his age? I can hardly understand what he is saying half of the time. Compared to the other kids on the show he is really not that verbally strong. I don't know what is up what that but does anyone hear it also and if so, what is up with that?


That probably was me. I wonder if he receives speech therapy at school because, imo as someone who has spent a lot of time in elementary schools, he's got speech problems. To me he is much harder to understand than the other kids his age. Girls tend to be more verbal so I'm not comparing him to Aubree. But even just comparing him to Isaac.


Every time I see Jenelle put that baby down with a bottle, I cringe. That is nothing but lazy parenting where you don't care a bit about bonding with your kid or his teeth, frankly. It goes against any parenting advice I've ever read. The milk will pool in his mouth and rot his baby teeth.

  • Love 1

I have nothing against daycare but it exists so parents can work or go to school not just so parents can sleep off their hangover because they were up drinking and arguing until 4 in the morning.

Under normal circumstances I would agree with you, but I honestly think it's probably good for Kaiser roll to be away from his parents, and hopefully left in a place where people interact with him in ways that don't involve leaving him in a car seat. I hope he goes to a good daycare but I have no doubt that Jenelle dumped him in the first place that popped up on a google search.

Edited by evilmindatwork
  • Love 6

I have nothing against daycare but it exists so parents can work or go to school not just so parents can sleep off their hangover because they were up drinking and arguing until 4 in the morning.


Eh, I don't judge anyone for having their kid in daycare for any reason.  My husband and I both work full-time which is why our kids are in daycare normally, but I've definitely dropped them off at daycare after I've taken the day off for some "me" time.  Also, when I was on maternity leave after having my daughter, you best believe my son went to daycare every damn day.  Many parents that don't work put their kids in daycare for a variety of reasons: maybe they're volunteering, or going to the gym or want their kids to gain some social skills, or maybe they just want to sit at home and watch a netflix marathon after being up all night for three nights straight.  It's really not anyone else's business. 

  • Love 8

If it is no one's business, then Jenelle needs to get her ass off our television screens.


I agree, daycare is there for a variety of reasons. All of the legit reasons posted here and any other reasons that have not been listed, surely don't seem to be Jenelle's reasons. Going simply by the car chase that occurred on the last episode, it appears Kaiser is a burden. Everything from "I had him for a whole month" to "I need to get to the gym" don't sound like loving, doting parents who need some time off from everyday parenting duties, work, school, volunteer work, or tending to other children.



Under normal circumstances I would agree with you but I honestly think it's probably good for Kaiser roll to be away from his parents and hopefully left in a place where people interact with him in ways that don't involve leaving him in a car seat. I hope he goes to a good daycare but I have no doubt that Jenelle dumped him in the first place that popped up on a google search

I wouldn't have thought of this at all. Great point. Hopefully, it is an excellent daycare facility. Kaiser would definitely be in better hands.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 6

Under normal circumstances I would agree with you but I honestly think it's probably good for Kaiser roll to be away from his parents and hopefully left in a place where people interact with him in ways that don't involve leaving him in a car seat. I hope he goes to a good daycare but I have no doubt that Jenelle dumped him in the first place that popped up on a google search.

I totally agree, but I do think there's hope that he's in a good daycare, based solely on Nipple's love of throwing Jenelle's money around. If Kaiser went to the most expensive daycare around, then Nipps could tell everyone he meets how much "he" spends on his son's daycare, because he has so much fucking class.

  • Love 6

Count me in as someone who agrees that Kaiser is way better off in daycare than at home with Jenelle and/or Nathan. I'm not even going to hate on them sending him there when Nathan has no job and Jenelle only goes to school two or three days a week. Kaiser probably gets more attention, interaction, & proper care at daycare than he would with his parents. I'm worried for the day when they can no longer afford his daycare (like when TM ends) and Kaiser gets stuck with whichever parent loses the "I don't wanna watch him!" fight.

I know we have all been so sure that Jace got the short of end of the stick as far as TM kids. But really (unless Nathan's mom is great - despite having raised Nathan - and Kaiser eventually lives with her full-time), Kaiser is going to have it rough with Jenelle and Nathan as his primary caregivers. Jace's childhood is going to look like a damn fairytale compared to what Kaiser's will be if Jenelle and Nathan are the ones taking care of him, particularly once MTV leaves the picture.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 17

If it is no one's business, then Jenelle needs to get her ass off our television screens.


I agree, daycare is there for a variety of reasons. All of the legit reasons posted here and any other reasons that have not been listed, surely don't seem to be Jenelle's reasons. Going simply by the car chase that occurred on the last episode, it appears Kaiser is a burden. Everything from "I had him for a whole month" to "I need to get to the gym" don't sound like loving, doting parents who need some time off from everyday parenting duties, work, school, volunteer work, or tending to other children.

Exactly. Anyone who says it isn't our place to judge Jenelle (or any of these chicks) is full of it. They're on tv, their personal lives on total display. With the exception of Chelsea their lives are pretty much one clusterfuck after another....and we're not supposed to judge? Come the hell on.


And for all that we do see....imagine the shit we don't. Or maybe not.

  • Love 8

Ridiculous. Jenelle earns that check and makes her life public knowledge. Even the things we don't see on television, she puts it all out there on every social site she can get a paycheck for. Isn't she the one behind one of the Teen Mom sites where she allows information about the other girls to be posted for all to read? Phfft.  If it is no one's business, then I suppose that applies to everyone on the show.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 5

Eh, I don't judge anyone for having their kid in daycare for any reason. My husband and I both work full-time which is why our kids are in daycare normally, but I've definitely dropped them off at daycare after I've taken the day off for some "me" time. Also, when I was on maternity leave after having my daughter, you best believe my son went to daycare every damn day. Many parents that don't work put their kids in daycare for a variety of reasons: maybe they're volunteering, or going to the gym or want their kids to gain some social skills, or maybe they just want to sit at home and watch a netflix marathon after being up all night for three nights straight. It's really not anyone else's business.

These fools as parents don't do shit but complain and fight.
  • Love 3

Holy crap you guys, calm down.  My post was in response to a previous post that was talking about daycare being used by people not working, I was simply explaining some other reasons why people might put their kids in daycare, despite not working all day.


It's really not that serious.

Sorry.  We take our hate for Janelle seriously in here.  Guess you just got caught in the crossfire. Please don't bleed on any of the gym equipment.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 8

Right. Kaiser doesn't need daycare. He needs to be given up for adoption.

Sadly that will never happen. She will hold onto Kaiser out of spite forever if that means Nathan can't see him. Same way she decided not to have an abortion with Jace (or an adoption) just to spite Barb. She sees those kids as leverage in her manipulation schemes. She'll never let them go.

  • Love 5

Holy crap you guys, calm down. My post was in response to a previous post that was talking about daycare being used by people not working, I was simply explaining some other reasons why people might put their kids in daycare, despite not working all day.

It's really not that serious.

I have nothing against parents using daycare other then times when they are working. The problem I have with Jenelle and Nips using it is that they are not doing anything important with their lives. I haven't gotten the sense that either of them put so much effort into raising Kaiser or taking care of their other children to be all that mentally or physically exhausted. It comes off, going by that high speed chase that they were in last episode, that Kaiser is a burden to them and both will use any excuse to dump him on someone else. I agree with the sentiment that he is better off in a daycare where he might get some interaction, rather then lying around while Nips flexs in the mirror or Jenelle searches het phone for her next loser.

  • Love 4

And he's baaaack...until the next breakup. Surprise, said no one ever.

"Oh, Nipples, I wish I could quit you."




Agree with the commenter who thinks that they are trying to get Vivid Video to make them an offer.

Edited by cheatincheetos
  • Love 5

I'm going to address this to Nathan since he has shown a modicum of self-realization about how he and Jenelle should not be together despite the fact that he likes her money and "fame"....

Run Nathan! Take Kaiser Roll with you and drop him off at BrandonAndTheresa's or an adoption agency on your way out.

(I'm assuming Nathan ran out of money so he's back with Jenelle mainly because of that....and the famewhore factor.)

And he's baaaack...until the next breakup. Surprise, said no one ever.

"Oh, Nipples, I wish I could quit you."


Agree with the commenter who thinks that they are trying to get Vivid Video to make them an offer.

Also, nice pic of Jenelle's marijuana pipe on her bedside table (at this link above). She's changed, yall! Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 2

I'm going to address this to Nathan since he has shown a modicum of self-realization about how he and Jenelle should not be together despite the fact that he likes her money and "fame"....

I think he was "playing hard to get" and exploiting her neediness in that scene on the phone. I doubt that he really wanted to break up with her for their mutual good. His other women probably can't fund him like Jenelle does.

  • Love 7

I agree with the commenter who said Jenelle was probably the "teen mom reality star" who was signed on for a sex tape with Vivid but couldn't or didn't pass the STD screen. I wouldn't be surprised if these 2 are attempting to "shop around" (shall we say) for a different offer. Or maybe that's how they play trains in that house? Who am I to judge? LMFAO.


Eewewweeeewewwww. Definitely not going to Torey's IG for the rest of that photoset, I have seen more than I care to already. Where's the brain AND body bleach? I feel unclean now.


But remember everyone they're not officially back together, they have a child together. *busts out laughing* Whatever dafuq that means.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 3

Holy crap you guys, calm down.  My post was in response to a previous post that was talking about daycare being used by people not working, I was simply explaining some other reasons why people might put their kids in daycare, despite not working all day.



Actually, the poster you quoted commented that daycare is available to parents for legit reasons, such as the ones you listed. They then noted daycare is not for people who have hang-overs and fight until 4 a.m. such as Jenelle and Nathan.

This will dramastically help with her finding that great Medical Asst Job.

"I'm like, real good with needles..." on her application.

I agree with the commenter who said Jenelle was probably the "teen mom reality star" who was signed on for a sex tape with Vivid but couldn't or didn't pass the STD screen.

She can always try to sell the tape online, but that won't go far once the inevitable piracy starts. The outlets that would pay more, like you said, would expect the actors to test for STD.

Eewewweeeewewwww. Definitely not going to Torey's IG for the rest of that photoset, I have seen more than I care to already. Where's the brain AND body bleach? I feel unclean now.

And just think,  those photos were mercifully blurred and oversaturated, probably to hide all the skin issues from substance use, steroids, excessive use of injectible tans, etc.

  • Love 1

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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