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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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I may be infantile, but I kind of like it when people like Gary or Simon throw shade at the others. It entertains me. Hah. 

I don't get the point of this picture. She's in a car. Let's hope she's not taken it one step up from Kail's Snapping and driving to Sleeping and driving! 

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On 5/2/2017 at 0:09 PM, BXD said:

It's not actually Gary, that's a parody account.

It's a parody account -- but damn; all the cast members are falling for. Maci's mom, Ryan's mom and GF went into debate with "Gary."

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Ha, sometimes those parody accounts are REALLY hard to tell from the real ones. 

Wait, I just noticed the bubbles in the picture. Maybe that hair is a Snapchat filter and she didn't actually dye it? Looking at her most recent IG post, her hair is normal. Am I slow for just now realizing this?

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6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Ha, sometimes those parody accounts are REALLY hard to tell from the real ones. 

Wait, I just noticed the bubbles in the picture. Maybe that hair is a Snapchat filter and she didn't actually dye it? Looking at her most recent IG post, her hair is normal. Am I slow for just now realizing this?

Ohhhh! I knew it was a parody account, but I thought the hair was real. You're right, it is a filter.

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1 minute ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:

Once again cute little kaiser being blamed for giving everyone in his home  a stomach bug today.  Hmmm.

They don't even think of the possibility that it is them who are making Kaiser sick. All they ever feed him are pizzas and hot dogs. Second, they could be carrying a virus and passing it on to Kaiser. His immune system is probably not able to fight off the germs Jenelle and Dave bring around him. I hate how they blame him. 

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7 minutes ago, SPLAIN said:

They don't even think of the possibility that it is them who are making Kaiser sick. All they ever feed him are pizzas and hot dogs. Second, they could be carrying a virus and passing it on to Kaiser. His immune system is probably not able to fight off the germs Jenelle and Dave bring around him. I hate how they blame him. 

UBT has a very hostile/negative attitude toward the world, as evidenced by comments he has made to and about Jace, Kaiser, Nathan, Barb, MTV personnel, etc., etc., and Jenelle is very self-pitying and self-involved. Neither is sympathetic/empathetic toward Jenelle's kids, so I think, on an emotional level, they genuinely experience caring for/dealing with the kids as a huge inconvenience/persecution. Everyone experiences frustration and stress taking care of kids, but hopefully those moments are balanced by feeling gratified, entertained, and pleased by the children. I don't think Jenelle and UBT experience much of that because they're very self-involved. Kids, especially as young as theirs are, aren't very good at fulfilling adults' needs and they need/demand lots of care themselves. Even if Kaiser is Patient Zero (which wouldn't be surprising for a preschooler), they don't frame it in terms of, "My poor baby is sick again...," it's all about how he's inconvenienced/victimized THEM. Kaiser is just a pain in the ass or a tool to use to hurt others (Nathan, Barb), to make themselves look good, etc. It's horrible and sad, but I don't think either of them is really capable of getting it. These are two people who were supposedly devastated because they were unfairly kept away from their kids and when they had a new baby, what did they do? They took off for a week to hang out in LA and get high before she was a couple of months old.

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15 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

They don't even think of the possibility that it is them who are making Kaiser sick. All they ever feed him are pizzas and hot dogs. Second, they could be carrying a virus and passing it on to Kaiser. His immune system is probably not able to fight off the germs Jenelle and Dave bring around him. I hate how they blame him. 

Kaiser likely picks up a lot of germs in daycare. But they're the ones that put him in daycare. And it's not like he can help it. Also, you're spot on about the diet. if kids don't have a healthy diet, their immune system won't be as strong as it can be. I doubt they even give him a multi-vitamin. I really hope that the blaming is relegated to social media alone; but, sadly, I imagine they give him shit at home as well. Poor kid. 

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LOL Lovesnark, but you forgot to describe how Jenelle would answer when the consultant says, "How did you and David meet?"    And whether Barb would be there so Jenelle can scream at her when she makes a comment about a dress?  

Say Yes to the Dress is getting really ridiculous.  I swear if they have Jenelle on there, that'll be the trigger for me to stop watching that show. 

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21 minutes ago, NannyBails said:

LOL Lovesnark, but you forgot to describe how Jenelle would answer when the consultant says, "How did you and David meet?"    And whether Barb would be there so Jenelle can scream at her when she makes a comment about a dress?  

Say Yes to the Dress is getting really ridiculous.  I swear if they have Jenelle on there, that'll be the trigger for me to stop watching that show. 

Of course Barb won't be there! Barb will see the dress when Jenelle makes the official post on Instagram and her co-workers tell her about it. But, she'll post pics of several dresses and tell people they'll just have to wait until the swamp nuptials air on MTV to find out which one she picked. I think they should have baby gators on a stick just like Kathy Bates fixed for dinner in the Waterboy for appetizers at their reception. Nothing says klassy like gator on a stick and Busch Light served in Mason jars!

When asked how they met, she'll lie and say it was on an online dating site instead of an online hook up site. I forgot one more thing she'll drill Jace about.

"Meme ruined me 'n my dad's relationship because she was so mean to him. So, I want you to walk me down the aisle. You're excited about doing that, right?"

I binge watched Say Yes to the Dress when I was making my daughter's wedding dress hoping to pick up hints about things. That's they only time I've ever watched it for more than a few minutes. I did wind up having sympathy for the sales associates, though. I could never deal with women thinking they're the most deserving, special snowflakes in the world on a regular basis. I'd get fired my first week.

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4 hours ago, lovesnark said:

I could never deal with women thinking they're the most deserving, special snowflakes in the world on a regular basis. I'd get fired my first week.

You and me both. Some of the brides that come through that place are just awful. 

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4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

You and me both. Some of the brides that come through that place are just awful. 

I would imagine Jenelle would be no picnic to wait on, either. She'd just stare with her dead eyes and say she didn't like it. When asked why or what other style she'd like to try on, she'd do the monotone "I dunno". The whole thing would be her saying "Babe, what do you think?" and UBT would grunt something like "it ain't what I pichered you in"

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2 hours ago, lovesnark said:

I would imagine Jenelle would be no picnic to wait on, either. She'd just stare with her dead eyes and say she didn't like it. When asked why or what other style she'd like to try on, she'd do the monotone "I dunno". The whole thing would be her saying "Babe, what do you think?" and UBT would grunt something like "it ain't what I pichered you in"

Your writing talent is amazing. I can visualize everything you are describing. 

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1 hour ago, Mkay said:

Holy shit. Look at how many days it's been since it was filed. 2546! This must be the original filing when Barb petitioned for guardianship. That many days is 7 years. Really puts into perspective what a piece of shit Jenelle is. Over 2000 days your mother has done everything for your son and all you can do is badmouth her. And, Andrew is named and is representing himself. I wonder if he even responds to any of the legal mail he gets about Jace? Probably not.

39 minutes ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

Your writing talent is amazing. I can visualize everything you are describing. 

Haha! Not amazing at all. We've seen how these two idiots act enough times to know exactly how it would go down. Jenelle can't muster up enthusiasm for anything but a fight. So, unless she goes into a rage at the sales person, it'll be a series of babes and grunts and she'll pick a dress just like Chelsea's. For Jenelle, a wedding is nothing more than another photo op to post on social media so the morons who think she's the best!mom!ever! can stroke her ego. UBT sees it as a way to make sure he gets something when the whole thing implodes.

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Well I think 2546 days since filing really summarizes this mess.  No doubt Jenelle will want us to believe that Barb has managed to manipulate the entire family court system and masterminded the hurricane to keep Jace to herself (like he is a houseplant or something) but I find it very difficult to believe that it takes the North Carolina court system 5 years to hear a basic custody case.  

For all her bitching and crying and screaming, Jenelle could have got "Jace back" any time that she wanted to.  All she had to do was be clean and sober, not in a relationship with a violent criminal, capable of taking care of a child and out of jail for a reasonable amount of time.  Hardly difficult conditions to fulfill. Barb isn't some legal expert who has used the intricacies of family law to evade poor Jenelle, Jenelle has done sweet FA to prove that she is a capable parent.  She makes the annual pilgrimage to Lawyer Amy to sniffle about how she "wants" Jace "back" (again, he isn't a salad bowl) and then goes home to hand Kaiser off to Nathan/Dave's mom/Marissa/daycare/postman and books her next child-free vacation.  

I would bet a child-free, Instagram worthy New York holiday that the reason this date has taken so long is because Jenelle has put pretty much every other human above getting Jace back.  The dick of the month was automatically given more priority than her actual blood and flesh son who she allegedly is crying over. 

All this to say that I hope and hope that Jenelle does not get custody of Jace.  For all the Snapchat filters she throws on her life, she lives with a violent partner in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by swamp, has few (if any) employment prospects, a short temper and five children rotating in and out of her shop of horrors.

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6 hours ago, ChocolateAddict said:

Well I think 2546 days since filing really summarizes this mess.

I really hope the judge will take this length into consideration when making his/her decision. The fact that this many YEARS has gone by, should show what a priority Jace is in Jenelle's life. At this point, I don't care if she's sober. I don't care if she has her own house. I don't care if she has a healthy bank account. I wouldn't even care if there WERE no Dave and she had a stable job. At this point, all I care about is that he has lived with BARB for those 2546 days (and then some) and it would be cruel to take him from the only parent he's ever known. At what point do we say, "Too much time has gone by and it's in the best interest of the child to remain where he is"? 

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4 hours ago, rhofmovalley said:

I noticed Jenelle's first name is misspelled on the subpoena.

Someone I know was able to successfully fight a subpoena because his name was misspelled on it.

I wouldn't put it past Jenelle's lawyers to pounce on any technicality and use it against Babs. Because they know their case isn't airtight and would seize anything, no matter how minuscule it is. 

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5 hours ago, rhofmovalley said:

I noticed Jenelle's first name is misspelled on the subpoena.

Someone I know was able to successfully fight a subpoena because his name was misspelled on it.

Was his name Matt Baier? 

That is true about the incorrect name. If a person's name or an entity's name is not correct, it can be disputed. All that means though is the person who filed the documents or subpoena has to re-file the documents with the correct name. It won't change the outcome of the case. It is just a simple delay. 

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Those of you here with experience in how family law works, I have some questions. Let's pretend Jenelle actually does make it as far as the hearing. Will the judge appoint a guardian ad litem to look out for what is in Jace's best interest (if one isn't involved already)? Will Barb's attorney be able to to show the judge Jenelle's documented history of moving a man she barely knows into her house, getting pregnant, the relationship imploding and the cycle repeating itself? Can Barb's attorney bring up UBT's history of violence? Will Jace have an opportunity to voice what he wants in a safe and secure setting with a counselor? Can Barb's attorney bring up all the school conferences, doctor's appointments, scout meetings, field trips, etc that Jenelle could't bother to attend? I know, a lot of questions. But, I can't fathom any judge, counselor or anyone with a brain recommending taking Jace out of the only security he's ever know and sending him to live in that den of chaos. The kid is 7 years old. It's too late!

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2 hours ago, lovesnark said:

I know, a lot of questions. But, I can't fathom any judge, counselor or anyone with a brain recommending taking Jace out of the only security he's ever know and sending him to live in that den of chaos. The kid is 7 years old. It's too late!

I want to believe that, but I have an addict cousin who managed to regain custody of two of her kids, even though she'd only been out of rehab a couple months and hadn't proved she could stay off drugs for any length of time. Big surprise, she soon got tired of them and dumped them back off on her parents. Jenelle has skated on so many charges, I have little faith the North Carolina Family Court will do right by Jace. 

Edited by BitterApple
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3 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Those of you here with experience in how family law works, I have some questions. Let's pretend Jenelle actually does make it as far as the hearing. Will the judge appoint a guardian ad litem to look out for what is in Jace's best interest (if one isn't involved already)? Will Barb's attorney be able to to show the judge Jenelle's documented history of moving a man she barely knows into her house, getting pregnant, the relationship imploding and the cycle repeating itself? Can Barb's attorney bring up UBT's history of violence? Will Jace have an opportunity to voice what he wants in a safe and secure setting with a counselor? Can Barb's attorney bring up all the school conferences, doctor's appointments, scout meetings, field trips, etc that Jenelle could't bother to attend? I know, a lot of questions. But, I can't fathom any judge, counselor or anyone with a brain recommending taking Jace out of the only security he's ever know and sending him to live in that den of chaos. The kid is 7 years old. It's too late!

I disagree. Sadly there is a STRONG bias towards bio-parents despite a history of disinterest or instability. Jenelle is his biological mother and she's expressing a desire to care of him (even if that care is poor), I HOPE Jace stays with Barb but I wouldn't be surprised if Jenelle regains custody......and drops him back off when she and UBT split up. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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It's been a long time since law school- but if I remember correctly, the standard is "Best interest of the child". I could definitely see Jenelle getting Jace back on the basis that it is in the best interest of the child to be with his bio mom and the fact that on paper she seems to have cleaned up her act and looks relatively stable. In my experience "Best interest of the child" doesn't always seem to really be the best. 

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28 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

It's been a long time since law school- but if I remember correctly, the standard is "Best interest of the child". I could definitely see Jenelle getting Jace back on the basis that it is in the best interest of the child to be with his bio mom and the fact that on paper she seems to have cleaned up her act and looks relatively stable. In my experience "Best interest of the child" doesn't always seem to really be the best. 

There is a rebuttable presumption that the best interest of the child is to be with the biological parents. Let's hope Barb/her lawyer can rebut that presumption. 

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'Why haven't I saw Jace lately?' Ugh! I swear she gets more stupid every day.

It's fine for Jenelle to not answer Barb's calls, though. I'm glad Barb is giving it right back to the bitch and I'm glad Barb made plans with Jace's friends.  Notice all she says about Jace is that he hasn't appeared on Instagram or Snapchat. Not that she misses him or wanted to do something special or fun with him. She misses the opportunity to post pics of him so all of her leg humpers can tell her how great she is. She probably has a photographer booked to come out to the swamp and take mother's days pics and is mad that Jace won't be there for a social media opportunity. I love the reply to her rant.

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53 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

How much do you want to bet the situation went something like this:

Jenelle was supposed to take Jace the previous two weekends but blew it off. So Week 3 she feels like playing Mom and Barb says "sorry, but Jace already has plans." Jenelle then proceeds to do her usual bitch rant on social media and complain about Barb "witholding" her son. Same shit, different day. 

There's always wayyyy more to the story than Jenelle's version of events.

Yep. I bet she ignored Barb's calls and then realized that mother's day was almost here and went full on bitch mode because she won't get that social media photo op. I hope Barb has a great mother's day with her friends, other kids and grandkids. Jenelle and UBT can sit at the swamp and eat pizza while they grunt at each other from opposite ends of the couch.

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In her Instagram Jenelle says she "can't bash". Umm, isn't that exactly what she was doing. She made it pretty darn clear who she's blaming and why. 

UBT has probably been a big grump lately because Maryssa doesn't have a playmate and he's stuck with her.

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On ‎5‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 9:33 PM, lovesnark said:

She'd just stare with her dead eyes and say she didn't like it. When asked why or what other style she'd like to try on, she'd do the monotone "I dunno". The whole thing would be her saying "Babe, what do you think?" and UBT would grunt something like "it ain't what I pichered you in"

No....it would be "Dude, what do you think?" Because it appears Janelle can't remember anyone's names (even her own mother's or her children's, half the time), so everyone in Janelle World™ is "Dude".

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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23 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I really hope the judge will take this length into consideration when making his/her decision. The fact that this many YEARS has gone by, should show what a priority Jace is in Jenelle's life. At this point, I don't care if she's sober. I don't care if she has her own house. I don't care if she has a healthy bank account. I wouldn't even care if there WERE no Dave and she had a stable job. At this point, all I care about is that he has lived with BARB for those 2546 days (and then some) and it would be cruel to take him from the only parent he's ever known. At what point do we say, "Too much time has gone by and it's in the best interest of the child to remain where he is"? 

I've had a question about Jenelle's custody case brewing in the back of my mind for quite some time now. It seems to me Jace is old enough now to have at least some input as to who he lives with. As a matter of fact, of all the people involved, Jace is the only one who has observed what goes on in both homes when neither the cameras or the "other parent" (Barb or Jenelle) are there. Why can't (or doesn't) the court appoint an advocate for Jace to spend time with him and try to figure out what HE wants, and why? It's obvious at this point he doesn't want to hurt Barb or Janelle, so he's going to tell Barbara he wants to be with HER when he's with her, and Janelle he wants to be with HER when he's with her. I don't think this could be worked out in one visit - this person would have to take the time to get to know Jace, build trust with him, and really listen to what he has to say. To me, this would be the right way to resolve this mess. 

I, along with most of the commenters here, don't think Jace should be with Janelle. But I also recognize my viewpoint is based on what the cameras have shown us, which is heavily influenced by editing. There may be things going on in Barb's home we're not aware of, and it could be that Jace would be better off with neither of them, but unfortunately Janelle or Barbara are the only two options. At the very least, input from Jace could uncover some situations which need to be addressed by whichever person is ultimately given custody of him, which would help Jace in the long run.

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3 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I've had a question about Jenelle's custody case brewing in the back of my mind for quite some time now. It seems to me Jace is old enough now to have at least some input as to who he lives with. As a matter of fact, of all the people involved, Jace is the only one who has observed what goes on in both homes when neither the cameras or the "other parent" (Barb or Jenelle) are there. Why can't (or doesn't) the court appoint an advocate for Jace to spend time with him and try to figure out what HE wants, and why? It's obvious at this point he doesn't want to hurt Barb or Janelle, so he's going to tell Barbara he wants to be with HER when he's with her, and Janelle he wants to be with HER when he's with her. I don't think this could be worked out in one visit - this person would have to take the time to get to know Jace, build trust with him, and really listen to what he has to say. To me, this would be the right way to resolve this mess. 

I, along with most of the commenters here, don't think Jace should be with Janelle. But I also recognize my viewpoint is based on what the cameras have shown us, which is heavily influenced by editing. There may be things going on in Barb's home we're not aware of, and it could be that Jace would be better off with neither of them, but unfortunately Janelle or Barbara are the only two options. At the very least, input from Jace could uncover some situations which need to be addressed by whichever person is ultimately given custody of him, which would help Jace in the long run.

If I could like this post a thousand times, I would. You hit the nail straight on the head and I agree with everything you said. This entire shitshow is about Jace and Jace should have input. He's so worried about not hurting feelings  that he can't ever say what he really wants. He needs the opportunity to speak freely and openly without worry.

3 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

No....it would be "Dude, what do you think?" Because it appears Janelle can't remember anyone's names (even her own mother's or her children's, half the time), so everyone in Janelle World™ is "Dude".

She seems to have switched out dude for babe where UBT is concerned. It's babe this, babe that. I don't think I've ever heard her call him David to his face. He's just giant jawed babe.

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6 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:


UBT has probably been a big grump lately because Maryssa doesn't have a playmate and he's stuck with her.

I agree. Anytime Jenelle bitches about not having Jace, there's usually an ulterior motive. No Jace means they might actually have to pay attention to Maryssa and engage her beyond asking what sort of toppings she wants on her pizza. 

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19 hours ago, lovesnark said:

If I could like this post a thousand times, I would. You hit the nail straight on the head and I agree with everything you said. This entire shitshow is about Jace and Jace should have input. He's so worried about not hurting feelings  that he can't ever say what he really wants. He needs the opportunity to speak freely and openly without worry.

She seems to have switched out dude for babe where UBT is concerned. It's babe this, babe that. I don't think I've ever heard her call him David to his face. He's just giant jawed babe.

Is there anyone here who is familiar with how family court works? I'm clueless.

Do we know if this case has been resolved in real time? If not, would a judge have already been assigned to the case? If so, can we (as individuals) write to the judge, explaining what we've observed (I would keep it short and sweet, and mention I've seen both Barbara and Jenelle pressure Jace to say he wants to live with them) - and recommend an advocate be appointed for Jace to get information as to what he wants, and to discover what may be going on in both homes when the cameras and other parent aren't there, which could affect the judge's decision? (I would be very careful not to get too specific, but only speak in general of "concerns" with both individuals, based solely on what we've been shown on a highly-edited TV show).

It makes sense Jenelle might switch from "Dude" to "Babe" when addressing UBT, if only to distinguish him from all the other men going through the revolving door that has been her love life for the past several years...

Still doesn't mean she can remember his real name, though.

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On 5/6/2017 at 8:24 AM, TwirlyGirly said:

I've had a question about Jenelle's custody case brewing in the back of my mind for quite some time now. It seems to me Jace is old enough now to have at least some input as to who he lives with. As a matter of fact, of all the people involved, Jace is the only one who has observed what goes on in both homes when neither the cameras or the "other parent" (Barb or Jenelle) are there. Why can't (or doesn't) the court appoint an advocate for Jace to spend time with him and try to figure out what HE wants, and why? It's obvious at this point he doesn't want to hurt Barb or Janelle, so he's going to tell Barbara he wants to be with HER when he's with her, and Janelle he wants to be with HER when he's with her. I don't think this could be worked out in one visit - this person would have to take the time to get to know Jace, build trust with him, and really listen to what he has to say. To me, this would be the right way to resolve this mess. 

I, along with most of the commenters here, don't think Jace should be with Janelle. But I also recognize my viewpoint is based on what the cameras have shown us, which is heavily influenced by editing. There may be things going on in Barb's home we're not aware of, and it could be that Jace would be better off with neither of them, but unfortunately Janelle or Barbara are the only two options. At the very least, input from Jace could uncover some situations which need to be addressed by whichever person is ultimately given custody of him, which would help Jace in the long run.

Where I live he would talk to the judge privately in chambers. In theory anyway. There is this militant mother's rights group that monitors the court rosters and always shows when a bil mom is fighting to regain custody.  A friend's wife very Kail like used courts to keep him from seeing his kids by making false accusations. At one point she dropped all three of at his work place and disappeared for close to a year. When she came back she fought to see them, then to regain custody. That group was there cheering her on. She got supervised visits for several months then repetioned for custody. Pile pof affadvits from "friends" who were members of this group, and she was given 50/50. End result: 2 of the three are addicted to prescription drugs because she schlepped them from doctor to doctor describing anger issues and anxiety the kids did not actually have to get them labeled and on disability. Of course their disability went to her because they were minors. Oldest turned 18 and it reverted to her. She was still in high school but now considered an adult with her own income. That income and her adult status would mean the mother losing her section 8 housind. Mom kicks kid out.


That oldest is now married, stillon scripts and has added street drugs. Second did the street drugs thing but has cleaned up after getting in some serious trouble. Youngest is totally clean, she did not fall victim to her mother's manipulations and never cooperated in getting a dx. She has an almost year old child, job stabiltity, has enver taken a drink and will not even take OTC meds for a headache. Unbeleivably she is the only one that still has a relationshiop with her mother.

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I think it's likely janelle gets custody unless the "fame factor" might play in and some judge decides they don't want to be known as he one who gave janelle custody. Or janelle gets arrested before new date. Or Kesha puts on a concert.  The only hope would be that janelle and UBT break up shortly and janelle dumps him back on barb. If they stay together too long  jace may reach an age where he starts to get into trouble But is typical teenager who rather deal with his moms crazy and be let to be feral than be anywhere there might be structure or rules.

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On 5/5/2017 at 11:14 PM, BitterApple said:

Jenelle was supposed to take Jace the previous two weekends but blew it off. So Week 3 she feels like playing Mom and Barb says "sorry, but Jace already has plans." Jenelle then proceeds to do her usual bitch rant on social media and complain about Barb "witholding" her son. Same shit, different day. 

Exactly. Jenelle reminds me of my ex-step-dad. My dad kept regular visitation and was never an issue. When my mother divorced her second husband, the father of my 3 younger sisters, he was a nightmare. He would go weeks without calling or seeing them, sometimes months. Then he would just show up on a Friday at 6 pm and say, "Let's go the ballgame!" And my sisters would already have plans for a sleepover or something. So he'd throw a fit like a 5-year-old and not call them again for several more weeks. Lather, rinse, repeat. 

Jenelle only wants Jace around when it suits her. She thinks nothing of consistency or stability. She is a child. 

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16 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Exactly. Jenelle reminds me of my ex-step-dad. My dad kept regular visitation and was never an issue. When my mother divorced her second husband, the father of my 3 younger sisters, he was a nightmare. He would go weeks without calling or seeing them, sometimes months. Then he would just show up on a Friday at 6 pm and say, "Let's go the ballgame!" And my sisters would already have plans for a sleepover or something. So he'd throw a fit like a 5-year-old and not call them again for several more weeks. Lather, rinse, repeat. 

My sister's ex was the exact same way. He'd show up at 8:30 on a school night like "hey, let's go to a movie!" when my sister would be trying to get the kids winded down and ready for bed. So of course she'd say no, and he'd complain to all his family and friends that she was a horrible bitch for trying to keep him from his kids. I agree Jenelle plays the exact same passive/aggressive games with Barb and Jace.

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On ‎5‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 4:22 AM, TwirlyGirly said:


Is there anyone here who is familiar with how family court works? I'm clueless.

Do we know if this case has been resolved in real time? If not, would a judge have already been assigned to the case? If so, can we (as individuals) write to the judge, explaining what we've observed (I would keep it short and sweet, and mention I've seen both Barbara and Jenelle pressure Jace to say he wants to live with them) - and recommend an advocate be appointed for Jace to get information as to what he wants, and to discover what may be going on in both homes when the cameras and other parent aren't there, which could affect the judge's decision? (I would be very careful not to get too specific, but only speak in general of "concerns" with both individuals, based solely on what we've been shown on a highly-edited TV show).


No, a judge would not accept letters from viewers.

Someone posted the information here about the next court date which is the last week of this month so, we are still awaiting a resolution to this custody fight. 

I hope Jace has been assigned a guardian ad litem. A GAL would be the one who represents the child and offers their POV to the judge on what is in the best interest of the child. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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3 hours ago, BitterApple said:

My sister's ex was the exact same way. He'd show up at 8:30 on a school night like "hey, let's go to a movie!" when my sister would be trying to get the kids winded down and ready for bed. So of course she'd say no, and he'd complain to all his family and friends that she was a horrible bitch for trying to keep him from his kids. I agree Jenelle plays the exact same passive/aggressive games with Barb and Jace.

Yes,and, while in my ex-step-dad's case, it was mostly immaturity and disorganization that led to these incidents; I'd even go so far as to say that Jenelle INTENTIONALLY picks times when she know Barb will say "no". So she can continue her mission of being the victim of Evil Barb. 

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