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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


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If you make a six figure salary for being on TV, and your mom who works at Walmart is still more popular than you, you might be Jenelle.


Also, can I just take this moment to remind everyone of Jenelle's lip-sync Ke$ha videos? They were fucking amazing. I remember being super drunk at a bar and pulling that up on youtube, laughing myself into oblivion.

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If you think the way for you and your bf to keep from fighting is to have a baby, you might be Jenelle.

If you want your love life to be just like The Notebook, you might be Jenelle.


Sadly, I think these two things are not exclusive to just Jenelle; that seems to be the mindset of a LOT of girls these days.

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Oh yeah, how could I have forgotten to add this one: If you have enough mugshots to fill a 15 month calendar that you can pass out for Christmas presents to one and all, you might be Jenelle.

This is so random, but do we have dates for those 15 mug shots? I was just wondering if there was a correlation between her arrests and the seasons. I feel like she gets arrested in the summer more, but I could be wrong.

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If it's a tossup whether your inevitable next car accident will be caused by DUI, punching your on-and-off boyfriend or texting, you might be a Jenelle . You'll probably be driving without your seatbelt and survive anyway. If your lawyer then gets you off the hook, you are almost definitely a Jenelle.

This is so random, but do we have dates for those 15 mug shots? I was just wondering if there was a correlation between her arrests and the seasons. I feel like she gets arrested in the summer more, but I could be wrong.

It may work somewhat like carbon dating. If it looks like she is five years younger, then it was one year earlier.

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If you make a six figure salary for being on TV, and your mom who works at Walmart is still more popular than you, you might be Jenelle.

Also, can I just take this moment to remind everyone of Jenelle's lip-sync Ke$ha videos? They were fucking amazing. I remember being super drunk at a bar and pulling that up on youtube, laughing myself into oblivion.

Love your name and avatar.

And I still don't understand why Jenelle gets paid and Barbs doesn't. She's a mother not Jenelle

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Love your name and avatar.

And I still don't understand why Jenelle gets paid and Barbs doesn't. She's a mother not Jenelle


Jenelle I assume for being the "birth Mom" and bringing  the drama, but Barbara doesn't get paid?!?  I thought all of the people who appeared on the show got paid?

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I read that Jenelle and Barbara split her share of Teen Mom money- can't remember where I read it though or how reliable the source was. But since it would seem that Barbara would be the one who'd have to sign for Jace to appear on the show, I assume she's getting paid something.

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Ah, blind item gossip:


One Teen Mom wants to desperately make a sex tape but has not been offered a ton of money because she could not pass a talent test*. It would have to be a condom shoot. She likes to pretend she is in huge demand, but she isn’t. (Jenelle Evans)


*Talent Testing Service which does STD screenings for adult performers, routinely tests for HIV, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, according to Sixto Pacheco, president and CEO of the service. In addition, some performers opt for an additional panel of tests for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and syphilis

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One Teen Mom wants to desperately make a sex tape but has not been offered a ton of money because she could not pass a talent test


Oh my. I want to say something funny, but...I've got nothing. These poor kids.

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Do we know in real life that Barbara still has Jace?  I am pretty sure that is the case, but it will make it easier for me to watch Teen Mom 2 if I don't have to worry about Jace going to be with Janelle. 

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Do we know in real life that Barbara still has Jace?  I am pretty sure that is the case, but it will make it easier for me to watch Teen Mom 2 if I don't have to worry about Jace going to be with Janelle. 


I don't know for sure, but I'm reasonably sure Jenelle will never have Jace, and not just because no court would ever allow it. For all of Jenelle's lip service, I don't think for one minute Jenelle wants to be a full time parent to Jace. She doesn't even want to be an every other weekend parent. She wants to stop in when it's convenient for her and be able to do her own thing on a whim. Even every other weekend would be too much of a commitment if she got an itch to go to Jersey on her weekend to have Jace. Plus, with all the money she spends on her own legal fees, I can't imagine she has much cash (or interest) in dropping money and time on a lawyer regarding custody. If Jenelle did get it together enough to make a court appearance and a judge awarded her custody, I imagine she'd last about 3 hours before dumping Jace at her mom's so she could meet up with some guy, and she probably wouldn't come back for a couple days.


Of all the teen moms, Jenelle infuriates me the most. Amber and Farrah are shitty moms too, but at least they have or had moments where it seems like they were actually interested in their kids. I don't think Jenelle ever saw Jace as anything but a way to stick it to Barbara and possibly manipulate her. Jenelle was going out when Jace was like, 3 days old. And when Barbara told her she really should consider (after the birth) looking into adoption while there was still time, Jenelle flatly refused, despite the fact she'd spent all of 2 hours with him at that point, both of which were in the hospital. Jace could have had a really good life with an adoptive family and Jenelle kept him despite having no interest in him just because she could. She's despicable.

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I totally agree, which is why it is hard for me to watch Janelle's segments.  I will say that for the most part I am really proud of Jace for overcoming all of the drama in his life.  Most of the time he seems to be an even-keeled kid, and even when he has his moments I am not certain it is much different than other kids acting out.  I know Barbara is unstable at times, but you can see that when Barbara and Jace have time with no Janelle they seem like a very normal mother/son duo--much quieter and calmer.  It is when Janelle comes around that the yelling starts, and don't get me started on her criticizing her mom for how she raises Jace.  Ugh.


I think you are right that it wouldn't make sense for Janelle to actually have Jace full time.  I am dreading the upcoming scenes where they show Janelle and Babs discussing this issue as it sounds like Babs feels threatened she will lose him.  

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I'd be curious to know how much Jenelle has Jace while filming vs. not filming. You know she always would have some voiceover excuse as to why she hasn't seen him a lot lately - "I've been going to school", "I have a new job", "I'm trying to impress a new dick", "I just had an abortion", etc. It seems like she just likes to pick him up for the cameras, or IG photos. 




Back to our game:


If you've ever put on a profane puppet show for a 4-year-old, you might be Jenelle. 

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I think you are right that it wouldn't make sense for Janelle to actually have Jace full time.  I am dreading the upcoming scenes where they show Janelle and Babs discussing this issue as it sounds like Babs feels threatened she will lose him.


Well, the courts can be unpredictable. If Jenelle ever took enough initiative to spend some of her money she usually designates for pot and tattoos on a decent lawyer, listened to their advice, got a job (not counting Teen Mom) and made it a few months without getting arrested, it's not impossible she could be awarded custody (I still don't think it's likely, but I am not a judge and can't say for sure it wouldn't happen). So, it's not an empty threat from a legal standpoint.


That said, even if she could find a judge sympathetic to bio moms who put on a good show about how they've turned their lives around, the far greater impossibility is Jenelle ever taking the slightest initiative to accomplish any of that. It wouldn't just be a matter of writing a check to a lawyer and putting on some classy heels for the day- it would be a months (or years) long commitment (no drugs, working a steady full time job, staying away from her similarly deadbeat loser friends) that there's no way she could follow through. She might get the motions started, but would easily miss a court date, fail a drug test, lose her job, get pulled over for a DUI, etc- maybe all of the above- within that timeframe. Or, before that happened, she might just start dating a new guy and lose interest in any custody battle. The courts don't need to intervene- even with them on her side Jenelle would still mess up on her own. Think Barb can rest easy.

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Jace is way better off with Babs and both Babs and Jenelle know that. Jenelle makes a token grab for him just for the camera (and to appease Nipples when he pushed her) but being a full time mom would so totally crimp her lifestyle. She's managed to push the Roll off on Doris as much as possible too. He'll be raised by others as well.

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Jace is better off with Babs, but I don't know that that is saying much. Babs did raise Jenelle after all. I think she has some real issues. She can at least provide a consistent roof over his head and food on his plate, but emotionally? Mentally? I worry. 

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Jenelle reminds me of some of the parents I've seen. Poor Jace. I really wished Jenelle had an abortion or put Jace up for adoption. He doesn't deserve any if this. He's a cute kid. I'm sure he's sweet and kind. And I'm sure he has his moments but I would too. Right now Barb us the best he's got. You can tell he loves her. I hope he gets therapy at school. I hope he resents the shit of of Jenelle when he's older.

Jace is better off with Babs, but I don't know that that is saying much. Babs did raise Jenelle after all. I think she has some real issues. She can at least provide a consistent roof over his head and food on his plate, but emotionally? Mentally? I worry.

Wasn't Barb a single mother? What happened to her husband? I hope Barbara gets some parenting classes and some therapy. I hope Jace breaks the cycle.

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Watching reruns tonight from last season. All the crap that spews from Jenelle and Nipple's mouth makes me giggle since we now know what the future holds for their relationship. 

Endless loops of breakups and makeups. It's like the chicken and the egg, or perhaps the cycle of poo.

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Do we know in real life that Barbara still has Jace?  I am pretty sure that is the case, but it will make it easier for me to watch Teen Mom 2 if I don't have to worry about Jace going to be with Janelle.



Oh God, please let Jace still be with Barb.


Also, I agree that there's no way that Jenelle actually wants Jace to live with her. That was just pressure from Nathan, for reasons I couldn't understand.

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I'd be curious to know how much Jenelle has Jace while filming vs. not filming. You know she always would have some voiceover excuse as to why she hasn't seen him a lot lately - "I've been going to school", "I have a new job", "I'm trying to impress a new dick", "I just had an abortion", etc. It seems like she just likes to pick him up for the cameras, or IG photos.

Back to our game:

If you've ever put on a profane puppet show for a 4-year-old, you might be Jenelle.

Oh geez..I forgot that puppet show. Poor Jace, even the puppets he was watching were fighting.

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 It seems like she just likes to pick him up for the cameras, or IG photos. 

Yep, the staples of Instagram...cute kid/baby, gourmet lunch plate, and tropical vacation. Rinse, selfie, repeat.

If you've ever put on a profane puppet show for a 4-year-old, you might be Jenelle. 

 I'm afraid to ask...

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I'm afraid to ask...


I don't remember in exquisite detail, but she took Jace to a children's museum of sorts, I believe. And she just had to bring her friends along, because you know Jenelle can't handle her son without someone else there. So they found this little puppet theater and the "adults" proceed to stage an impromptu show full of fighting and cursing. So appropriate. 

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I don't remember in exquisite detail, but she took Jace to a children's museum of sorts, I believe. And she just had to bring her friends along, because you know Jenelle can't handle her son without someone else there. So they found this little puppet theater and the "adults" proceed to stage an impromptu show full of fighting and cursing. So appropriate. 

 I am mildly impressed that Jenelle can say she has spent time with her child at a kid friendly venue, even if she did her best to make it as inappropriate as possible.


Yeah, my standards for Jenelle are pretty low.

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If I recall correctly, Barbs' other kids are total fuck ups as well.  She's also raising her grandson from Jenelle's sister.  If all three of your kids turn out fucked up, the problem is with you.  So yeah, I'm not counting on Jace breaking the cycle, sadly. 

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A part of me hates it when people say Jace is better off with Barbara.  Well, yeah, when you look at Jace's options - Barbara or Jenelle- Barbara is definitely the lesser of the two evils there.  But honestly, I don't think Jace is better off with Barbara at all.  Besides her own kids being fucked up, I don't see her as the type who holds her tongue about things, especially Jenelle, in front of Jace even when Jenelle is not right there to scream with her in front of him.  Sometimes, I wish Barbara would see the bigger picture of what's really and truly best for Jace and place him for adoption where he would hopefully get a much more stable family life and a better chance at having a good life overall.  But sadly, he's already at an age where he would feel abandoned and that would probably fuck him up even more.  I hate to say I don't have much hope for him, but ugh... I don't.  :(

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To be fair to Barbra, I don't know if she was legally allowed to put Jace up for adoption.  IIRC she wanted Jenelle to have an abortion and when she refused, tried to convince her to look into adoption as a serious option for Jace.  Contrary to all of Jenelle's whinging, Barbs never wanted to have to raise Jace.  She stepped up because Jenelle is a complete failure as a mother but it wasn't what she wanted for him.  I can't remember the details of the custody agreement but I don't think that Barbs would have been able to adopt Jace out to another family without Jenelle's permission which she certainly wouldn't have given.  MTV wouldn't have been interested in a storyline about following a high drunkard as she wastes away her life and her son who has a new family which would have been felony and drug free.  

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To be fair to Barbra, I don't know if she was legally allowed to put Jace up for adoption. IIRC she wanted Jenelle to have an abortion and when she refused, tried to convince her to look into adoption as a serious option for Jace. Contrary to all of Jenelle's whinging, Barbs never wanted to have to raise Jace. She stepped up because Jenelle is a complete failure as a mother but it wasn't what she wanted for him. I can't remember the details of the custody agreement but I don't think that Barbs would have been able to adopt Jace out to another family without Jenelle's permission which she certainly wouldn't have given. MTV wouldn't have been interested in a storyline about following a high drunkard as she wastes away her life and her son who has a new family which would have been felony and drug free.

I think you're right. I'm reasonably sure that Barb did not have the legal standing to put Jace up for adoption at any point. Really, the only thing she could have done was bar Jenelle from bringing Jace home. If she absolutely stuck to her guns and Jenelle realized it wasn't a bluff, she *may* have agreed to adoption. That said, given jenelles stubbornness and her complete disregard for her son's welfare, it could have taken a few days or even weeks for her to decide to give him up, and God only knows what could have happened to him during that period. I can see why Barb wasn't willing to chance it, even though it may have paid off for him in the long run.

It makes my blood boil that Jenelle not only gets a paycheck for being such a selfish fuck up, but she actually has "fans" encouraging her and telling her how amazeballs she is.

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Sorry, I guess I should have clarified that if Barbara HAS/HAD the legal authority to do so, a part of me wishes she would/could have put up Jace for adoption. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that Jace turns out alright and runs off as far as he can to a productive and successful life the second he turns 18.

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If memory serves, Janelle's brother has schizophrenia. If that's the case, Barbara cannot be blamed for his issues. In fact, if there is a family history of mental illness, Barbara can't be blamed for the kids having it. Janelle was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder or something like it while at rehab. I also think she is a sociopath, but of course they wouldn't tell us that.


Barbara may not be the best mother, but if her kids have mental illness, she's not to blame. We've seen her yell and scream at Janelle, and we've also seen her try and speak reasonably to her. I don't know how that relationship will work between them until Janelle begins treating her mental illness.

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I think Jace has the best chance with Barb AND the mtv cameras. For the most part, I think the cameras need to go away for all of these children. Just not jace. I firmly believe that this is his best shot at "normal".

Sounds crazy, I know. But I really do feel it's his best shot at becoming a productive adult.

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Sorry, I guess I should have clarified that if Barbara HAS/HAD the legal authority to do so, a part of me wishes she would/could have put up Jace for adoption. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that Jace turns out alright and runs off as far as he can to a productive and successful life the second he turns 18.


I think Barb would have done it in a heartbeat if she could have. I'm sure the last thing she wanted to do at age 55 while working full time and living on a strict budget was raise another child. And I'm sure she feels like Jace deserves better than to be raised knowing his primary caregiver didn't necessarily want him and his biological mother who insisted on keeping him fucks off whenever she feels like it, which is 95% of the time.  It will become pretty clear to Jace, if he doesn't already know, that Jenelle will always care more about the romantic relationship in her life than him, and if she ever gets the itch to actually be a mother, she'll more likely than not just have another child vs trying to start over with Jace, who is likely damaged goods in her eyes.


People can overcome all sorts of things, and I hope Jace is one of them. But no kid should have to go through what he does. Jenelle is just a despicable person, and I feel like her comeuppance is never going to come.

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