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Brandi Glanville: Drinking and Tweeting - a book and a lifestyle!

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But everything you say applies to them all. That is my point. They're all whinging about each other. Some have PR people that are better than others.


And, maybe it's because I'm old, but the person most guilty of starting shit, on this show, in my observance, is Lisa V. Yet, people -- and yes, I think you're included in that group -- don't see past the marketing layer.


Unfortantely for Brandi, her "team" isn't as polished. Heck, I don't even think she has the money for a "team" yet. But the rest of them sure do......that's why she "looks" like the main problem.


I guess my point is, so?  Brandi needs to concern herself with Brandi.  If they all do the same thing, then why is Brandi disliked for it?  The why isn't "it's not fair" nor is it "the other women have better PR".  The why is for Brandi and Brandi alone to work on.  The other women don't have to treat her "fairly" because what does "fair" really mean?  In that case, she is not fair to them, either, so I guess that means it really is fair.  I think.  lol   


They don't have to like her, and they don't need a reason why.  But they gave her one, more than one and they have communicated it to her, in person.  She refuses to accept that and self-reflect.  That's not the other HW problem and it's not our problem, as the audience.  She can continue to reject what people are telling her in favor of playing victim but it's just going to get her more of the same.  She's unlikeable.  Not anyone else's problem but hers.   


And as far as my view of Lisa V -- I know who she is, well enough. Just because I don't care about the marketing stuff when it comes to her, doesn't mean that I haven't seen it.  I don't really feel one way or another about her, honestly.  I like her for this show.  Would I like her in real life?  Who knows.  But she makes good TV for me.  Brandi doesn't.  Just because I accept one, doesn't mean I must accept the other.  I may like ice cream but just because I like chocolate doesn't mean I have to like rocky road, even though they are both ice cream --- I'm tired, that's the best I can come up with.  lol 

Edited by Mya Stone
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Well, Brandi claims she did have sex with him and no, we don't know if she warned him but we know she has not always done that. I don't think many guys bought her book, especially guys in foreign countries! LOL

Yes she did make that claim. LOL  And you know she didn't tell him. She is the disease that keeps on spreading.

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I'm going to be total honest here and I probably will receive some slack (probably deserved). I don't beleive in slut shaming and have talked to my 14 year old daughter about this very issue just recently. But In my heart of hearts I do think this behavoir is bad. I think Brandi looks pathetic and desperate while she thinks she looks free and sexy. as much as I don't want to think that way that Irish Catholic upbringing is hard to overcome.

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And Brandi doesn't "outright lie." People are just too stuck on "status quo" to realize that they're ALL lying. And, I bet, 10 years from now, there will be some sort of "producer tell all" that reveals that Brandi was the "closest to the truth" than the rest of 'em. Her and ole' Lemons Hadid-Foster.


I think she does outright lie; haven't we seen her do it more than once? Also, it's called tact--adults use it. That whole "keeping it real" nonsense is a perceived get-out-of-jail-free card for blatantly being an asshole. And call me crazy, but there's a lot to be said for making nasty remarks behind someone's back as opposed to directly hurting a person's feelings or causing an unnecessary drama (the latter, of course, a show like this needs; I mean in real life). Ideally, whatever--I suppose you shouldn't make nasty remarks at all, but that will never happen in real life or on TV. I find that most people who run around claiming to call it like they see it are doing so in instances in which what they "see" is irrelevant anyway.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Age difference aside with Dutch Boy, I think she just came off sloppy. Typical Brandi predictable sloppy. 


She just talked about kissing and making out and teased him about what might happen that night - all on camera. No class or decorum in keeping those secrets between the two of them.


She said she had 3 glasses of wine, and she looked it as her eye lids were half mast and she slurred her speech - then she stumbled off with him and he had to help her cross the street. Not a good look. Especially in that scary road kill cave woman vest. 

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When Brandi was on the table on her spa day with Yo, did anyone see a line below her chin? I thought I did and I wasn't sure if that was a wrinkle line, a scar or a line from surgery? It could have been my imagination too!

i don't think its slut shaming to talk about Brandis exploits, because Brandi talks and talks and talks about herself, in her blogs, on her pod casts, on the show about her conquests. She shames herself. I feel the same way if a man behaves the same way, it's pathetic for both.

I might be Catholic, but "shaming" if that is what some want to call it, is coming from me towards Brandi based on the concern that people who behave like that spread diseases and give an impression that irresponsible, free sex has no consequences. Brandi believes in the myth that anything goes and "who cares" or "whatever" or "it's fun" and if you disagree you are a menopausal fun sucker. If you don't want snark, think about your behavior or get some skank friends and get off RHOBH. Brandi belongs on shows like Jersey Shore.

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Did anyone notice the large amount of meat Kyle was barbequing for the two of them? Something tells me she was feeding the crew. Not that anyone would have much of an appetite after the sisters' discussion.

Kyle and Kim are some tiny women doubt they would had ate all that meat. Then they had noodles too. If I was the crew Im eating if she said it was ok. I never let good food go to waste.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Sure, Brandi talks about people behind their back - BUT, then she says it to their faces, too.


And Brandi doesn't "outright lie." People are just too stuck on "status quo" to realize that they're ALL lying. And, I bet, 10 years from now, there will be some sort of "producer tell all" that reveals that Brandi was the "closest to the truth" than the rest of 'em. Her and ole' Lemons Hadid-Foster.


And I am sure you're 3-year-old GD behaves better. She's only 3 and hasn't lived an ounce of life yet!

Brandi certainly hasn't told Kim to her face that she told LisaR to talk to Kyle about Kim's issues. Brandi hasn't told Kim to her face that she feels like she pretty much has to live in a "lie state" in order to make Kim feel safe. Brandi hasn't told Kim to her face that she's worried about her and wants to ask her if she needs help with her sobriety issues.  Brandi hasn't told Kim to her face that she was on board with the idea of an intervention she only wanted it to be a group style intervention so that Kim wouldn't be angry with any one particular person.


I definitely think that Brandi lies. She lied about the Adrienne situation, she's lied about her role in the planned group intervention--hell, this woman can't even be relied upon to not lie about the fact that she deliberately threw wine in Eileen's face. 


As for the idea that Yolanda and Brandi are the women who are closest to giving us the truth--Yolanda's been caught in her own lies most notably wrt her comments about Lisa in Paris that Kyle called her on. 

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I'm going to be total honest here and I probably will receive some slack (probably deserved). I don't beleive in slut shaming and have talked to my 14 year old daughter about this very issue just recently. But In my heart of hearts I do think this behavoir is bad. I think Brandi looks pathetic and desperate while she thinks she looks free and sexy. as much as I don't want to think that way that Irish Catholic upbringing is hard to overcome.

I don't think feeling or voicing that Brandi looked pathetic and desperate as opposed to free and sexy is necessarily slut shaming. It depends on where you're going with it. I've always said that Brandi's appetite for sex is really about the least objectionable thing about her for me, and even I thought that date of hers looked sad and desperate. That whole situation didn't look like it was about having some hot, sexy vacation sex. If only. That situation was about maintaining a hot, sexy persona, the sexual adventuress vs. the doddering, menopausal mamas - and it was a big, fat fail. It was not hot. Dutch Boy and Brandi couldn't even manage sexy banter, he just wanted to get down to business, and Brandi was stumbling by the time they left. Not hot. Not fun to watch. I'm all for seeing some richie rich sexy times, but the only hint of it in this episode was Yo dropping in a mention of her boyfriend Julio Iglesias being the man who introduced her to her favourite hotel. Now that sounded glam.

Edited by Found A Peanut
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But everything you say applies to them all. That is my point. They're all whinging about each other. Some have PR people that are better than others.


And, maybe it's because I'm old, but the person most guilty of starting shit, on this show, in my observance, is Lisa V. Yet, people -- and yes, I think you're included in that group -- don't see past the marketing layer.


Unfortantely for Brandi, her "team" isn't as polished. Heck, I don't even think she has the money for a "team" yet. But the rest of them sure do......that's why she "looks" like the main problem.

No one asked Brandi to come in and fish around in these women's lives and come back and haunt them with her truths.  LvP last year said it best,"I defended her when she was indefensible."  Brandi went after a successful producer's wife because she felt she was misquoted.  I am sorry you don't wage war on someone over a matter of semantics.  Most of Brandi's issues in life seem to be with how she believes others should behave-not how they behave or react.


Here are some examples:

Joyce should not settled for Michael.  Just because Brandi didn't find him attractive, he is incredibly rich and he mopped the floor with Brandi when she decided to take him on does not make him short (at 6'0" tall) or cowardly. 

She broke up with her boyfriend JR because he did not knock the teeth out of a total stranger who asked if Brandi had slept with Trump.  Brandi claimed JR was not a real man. 

Kyle is not a real sister, even though Brandi admits to not having a close relationship with her sister.  Brandi believes that Kyle should keep feeding Kim fish instead of teaching her to fish.    Brandi might want to remember that Kim's idea of making money off this show was to sell "Slut Pig" T-shirts on Bravo.

LvP is not a real friend because she refuses to fire an employee-one who Brandi knew worked for her before she auditioned for the show.

Eileen is all layers of horrible because Brandi knows absolutely that Vince and Eileen slept together before telling their spouses they were leaving their marriages.  And somehow bringing up 14 year old news on camera to her face is suppose to endear Brandi to Eileen?


I think Brandi has a very polished team.  She has the number one agent for humor books who helped her get her books to number 1.  Much like imprisoned Teresa Giudice, no one can ever take that away from Brandi or Teresa.  Brandi came into pop culture writing a very revealing tell all about her ex-husband-that will never change who she is essentially a bitter crone who now wants to elevate herself to a new group of people and dwell on their life miseries and make bank of it. 

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I'm going to be total honest here and I probably will receive some slack (probably deserved). I don't beleive in slut shaming and have talked to my 14 year old daughter about this very issue just recently. But In my heart of hearts I do think this behavoir is bad. I think Brandi looks pathetic and desperate while she thinks she looks free and sexy. as much as I don't want to think that way that Irish Catholic upbringing is hard to overcome.

As the mother of a 22 year old daughter what I found more disturbing was Brandi trying to sell it as intimate.  That guy cared nothing for her and she was clearly drunk and just wants to mouth rape whoever is in the vicinity once she gets drunk.  I will say if my 42 nephew was on TV hitting on a 24 year old and talking about getting her in the sack I would be disappointed at the lack of discretion not the age difference. 


There is just something about meeting a hot, young guy in the red light district that screams desperation.  Years ago a wise old women shared her thoughts with me about living together and having children together before getting married and they were essentially it was a small sacrifice to just not have that as an issue in your child's life at a later date.  She and her old man were together for 25 years and had three kids after graduating from Berkeley and would comment on not needing a piece of paper and holding to their ideals.  She said  two of her children it was a point of contention and she would have married before having any children to avoid them the consternation. I look at slut shaming the same way it may be in vogue now to be easy, breezy, sexy and sleazy but Brandi is not thinking of her boys and what they have to deal with the rest of their lives and their children.

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I don't think it's slut shaming to call Brandi a bad person for telling the world she has an STD and then sleeping (or at least claiming to) with anyone who comes near her. It's her truth-cannoning all over the place, name dropping and lying that grates. For someone who says she wants to protect her kids' image of her father, she sure talks a lot of shit. Not to mention all the other people she throws under the bus. I remember when there was a story about her sleeping with Gerard Butler and he was clearly pissed off. I find it despicable that she can't keep anything to herself, and uses even the tiniest bit of information to elevate her status.


I'm not a fan of slut shaming, but I think Brandi is asking for it, especially with how she tried to make Lisa out to be a sexual villain for sleeping with her husband of 32 years.

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I look forward to Brandi in years to come.  I suggest she call Kelly Bennisom on how to hire photographers to film her in a bikini in Miami.  That appears to be the only job Kelly has other than child support and I think if Brandi did some sit ups she could handle it.

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We have absolutely no idea if

a.  She had sex with Dutch Boy.


b.  She warned him about HPV.


She wrote a damn book and told everyone else.

Yes, and her boys must be so proud of her putting this in a book for everyone to read.  That one - she's no mother of the year, that's for sure. 

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The question of ages is an interesting one.  Yes, if a 42 year man has a one night stand with a woman 20 years his junior, it may be accepted.  However, if this man then goes on camera, brags, and praises her gorgeous twat, he's definitely an asshole.

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I don't like "slut shaming" either, but I don't think this is.  No one seems to be saying that Brandi cannot enjoy sex, cannot enjoy sex while not married, cannot enjoy sex with more than one man, or that she must be ashamed of any/all of these things.  Anyway, that's not my issue with her because otherwise I'd be slut shaming myself and other women I know, too.  lol 


But she seems to be going after men/sex for really fucked up reasons.  Brandi is not a women who is confident and in control of her sexuality -- or her identity as a person, in general.  She is not some ideal model of a sexually free women.  I honestly can't even say for sure that I think she even enjoy sex on a level that isn't directly tied to her self-worth.   


[One of] my issues with her is that she's pathetic and desperate and that's just not fun to watch, imo.  She seems to think that flaunting her exploits publicly somehow makes her younger/more desirable than the other HW or other women in general and that she's "proving" to the HW how great her life really is by not having what they have.  She's accomplishing the exact opposite.  I don't think many women out there (could be wrong though) saw those clips and went "Wow, Brandi is so hip, young and sexy for her age!",  "She so bangable and young guys just fall all over her!", "I'm/the HW are so jealous of Brandi Glanville!".  No. 


And for me, it's not the age difference as much as it is the attitude.  I've always dated older men, always.  But I would have never dated a man who would publicly brag about getting some "20 year old pussy" and would definitely eye-roll a man the same way I'm eye-rolling Brandi for saying such things.  Also, for me, it's not about the guy's age, or the one night stand -- it's Brandi.  Even if this dude were 50 and not 20, I'd have thought her pathetic.  But she's trying to make a point with the 20 year old and she made one alright, but it wasn't the one she wanted to make.   


The whole thing is just so ...  I don't even know what.  Creepy.  She's creepy.  She's like some stereotype of a sleazy man in his 40's, you know with the unbuttoned shirt, hairy chest and gold chains, who hangs out in places where younger women are and leers at them.  She is sloppy (TY Bossa Nova). 


Add into it that she has two young children at home, and the whole thing is just that much sadder because she is not just responsible for herself, here.  She does have other people to consider in her decision-making.  She is not a free 20 year old, who is only responsible for herself, anymore, and it's time she started acting like it.   

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Sure, Brandi talks about people behind their back - BUT, then she says it to their faces, too.


And Brandi doesn't "outright lie." People are just too stuck on "status quo" to realize that they're ALL lying. And, I bet, 10 years from now, there will be some sort of "producer tell all" that reveals that Brandi was the "closest to the truth" than the rest of 'em. Her and ole' Lemons Hadid-Foster.


And I am sure you're 3-year-old GD behaves better. She's only 3 and hasn't lived an ounce of life yet!

Yes, Brandi is a proven liar, the lawsuit threat that never was is just 1 example and there are more. And No, Brandi does not tell them to their faces, she wines and cries about how unfair it is that they expect her to act in an adult manner, something she seems incapable of doing.


Yes, my GD is young but my point was, that she is learning that bad behavior has consequences and when you do something wrong, apologize, mean it, and do not repeat that behavior again. It may take her a few times before she understands that throwing the ball in the house is not ok, but she gets it after a few time outs. Brandi on the other hand, not only doesn't care, she becomes defiant when she is told no and goes out of her way to repeat that very same behavior, she has proudly admitted to this.

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I don't like "slut shaming" either, but I don't think this is.  No one seems to be saying that Brandi cannot enjoy sex, cannot enjoy sex while not married, cannot enjoy sex with more than one man, or that she must be ashamed of any/all of these things.  Anyway, that's not my issue with her because otherwise I'd be slut shaming myself and other women I know, too.  lol 


But she seems to be going after men/sex for really fucked up reasons.  Brandi is not a women who is confident and in control of her sexuality -- or her identity as a person, in general.  She is not some ideal model of a sexually free women.  I honestly can't even say for sure that I think she even enjoy sex on a level that isn't directly tied to her self-worth.   


[One of] my issues with her is that she's pathetic and desperate and that's just not fun to watch, imo.  She seems to think that flaunting her exploits publicly somehow makes her younger/more desirable than the other HW or other women in general and that she's "proving" to the HW how great her life really is by not having what they have.  She's accomplishing the exact opposite.  I don't think many women out there (could be wrong though) saw those clips and went "Wow, Brandi is so hip, young and sexy for her age!",  "She so bangable and young guys just fall all over her!", "I'm/the HW are so jealous of Brandi Glanville!".  No. 


And for me, it's not the age difference as much as it is the attitude.  I've always dated older men, always.  But I would have never dated a man who would publicly brag about getting some "20 year old pussy" and would definitely eye-roll a man the same way I'm eye-rolling Brandi for saying such things.  Also, for me, it's not about the guy's age, or the one night stand -- it's Brandi.  Even if this dude were 50 and not 20, I'd have thought her pathetic.  But she's trying to make a point with the 20 year old and she made one alright, but it wasn't the one she wanted to make.   


The whole thing is just so ...  I don't even know what.  Creepy.  She's creepy.  She's like some stereotype of a sleazy man in his 40's, you know with the unbuttoned shirt, hairy chest and gold chains, who hangs out in places where younger women are and leers at them.  She is sloppy (TY Bossa Nova). 


Add into it that she has two young children at home, and the whole thing is just that much sadder because she is not just responsible for herself, here.  She does have other people to consider in her decision-making.  She is not a free 20 year old, who is only responsible for herself, anymore, and it's time she started acting like it.   

 IMO, Brandi comes off as desperate and just as sleazy as the old man who chases 18 year girls then describes in graphic detail what he did to them all to make everyone think he is still desirable, potent and doesn't need that little blue pill. LOL

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The question of ages is an interesting one.  Yes, if a 42 year man has a one night stand with a woman 20 years his junior, it may be accepted.  However, if this man then goes on camera, brags, and praises her gorgeous twat, he's definitely an asshole.

Yes, Yes, Yes. That what it is a sleazy person is sleazy no matter the sex. Brandi is sleazy, fine great own it, but don't be surprised that the audience that consist of woman ages 18-50 dislike you and judge you.

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This goes for sex, but also for everything else Brandi bitches that other women do and get away with:  It's not always what you do, it's how you do it.  She has no concept of this and it's absolutely infuriating to watch.  What's sad is that I look at her and see someone much younger than I am -- not in beauty, sexuality, potential or charisma, but in maturity and wisdom.  She just doesn't seem developed in those two areas and it shows in her words and behaviors.  I hope her boys are receiving some form of parenting, somewhere, that includes learning about responsibility, respect, honesty, compassion, integrity, etc. because I can't see Brandi teaching them those things.

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Regarding Brandi's horrible blog: (Btw loved Kyle's tweet about how Brandi doesn't write her own blogs anymore.)


All quotes are from Brandi's blog.


Set your DVRs and break out your Chardonnay, or maybe just keep a Xanax nearby.

So basically if Brandi is kept around next season we are going to hear her say the word Chardonnay as often as we heard her use some variation of the phrase "moving forward". Ramona Pinot is bad enough but the idea of having to watch Brandi endlessly shill some crappy wine does not sound like anything I'm interested in seeing. I noticed too that she ordered Chardonnay when she was on her "date" with Max's friend. She's so trying to make this happen. Ugh.


More great news on my Chardonnay launch--the launch party is in the planning stages. My friends Bert Marcus and Mike Tyson premiered their film Champs, which you can see on iTunes movies.

In light of the Sony hacking and the info that came out about Kevin Hart being paid to give shout outs to certain movies--I can't help but feel like that's what's going on here with regard to this random plug for a Mike Tyson movie that she points out can be seen on iTunes movies. 


We spent all day shopping and having a great time, but you saw the awkward moment of my apologizing to Lisa V. for the umpteenth time, which was not fun for me and probably annoying for you.

The delusion is strong.

Anyway, I'm sorry to have missed Yolanda’s quintessential Dutch dinner at the truly perfect Hotel l’Europe, but I probably would have added my own little sex joke and ruined the proper “ladies” evening.

Yeah, I'm being a smartass. Lighten up!

Yeah, she's still not getting it.


So, we’re back in LA, and you see why I was stressed in Amsterdam. My father’s health wasn’t that great and went scarily downhill fast when I arrived back in the States.

There she is again trying to squeeze out some drops of sympathy from the viewers. No comment though about the facial being top priority over seeing the father she's supposedly so concerned about. 


So, there they are pretending to eat, so they can gossip about Kim and I behind our backs. What would they even talk about without us? Kyle heard Lisa R. use the word intervention and visibly salivates and is just chomping at the bit about running to Kim with this hurtful gossip. Only stop, rewind. Bravo replayed our conversation, and it was Lisa R. who brought up the word "intervention," NOT ME. I quipped back, “Maybe you could do an intervention with (for) all of us.” Not quite the same thing.



Brandi is trying to slime her way out of this but it isn't working.


Yeah, Lisa R says that they *can't* do an intervention. Brandi is such a dumb ass if she thinks that people can't just look at the clip from that scene to see that she, Brandi OTOH, was on board with the idea of an intervention for Kim she just wanted it masked as a group intervention so that Kim wouldn't be mad at her or any one particular person. This is the same conversation where Brandi admits that she pretty much has to live in a "lie state" if she wants to continue to be friends with Kim. But of course Brandi doesn't mention any of this as she tries to make make it seem as though she's giving an accurate recap of what happened. So much for being the truth cannon. 


So, cut to Kyle showing her newest real estate purchase in Palm Springs. Kyle has decided the best possible place to talk to her sister is in the enormous multi-million dollar house she just bought from selling her and Kim’s shares of their deceased mother’s house…This always confuses me. If Kim was not of the mind to enter into business at the time, it looks like Kyle took advantage of her. If she was, it looks like a fast one was pulled. Clearly Kim is still unhappy about whatever transpired, and Kyle is hiding something. Wasn’t this the family house that Kim worked and paid for as a child star? Anyway, ask Kim, not me, but don’t ask Kyle, unless you’re a gossip site or magazine. Kyle’s been giving tons of interviews about her sister lately, even though they haven’t talked in many months. But file that under keeping Kim’s private life private. Right, Kyle?

I'm so disgusted by this that I can only imagine how Kyle must feel. (And seriously, WTF does Kathy make of what Brandi is saying about her sister Kyle here? Why would Kathy want anything to do with this woman?) How is it clear that Kyle is hiding something when Kyle is willing to show the truth about the facts? It's Kim who keeps changing her story and the reasons why she's mad but there is no evidence that Kyle is hiding anything when it comes to this Housegate. If Kyle was hiding anything it's that she was being discreet about why Kim wasn't in the position where she could handle a mortgage. Kyle could have laid into Kim about the truth (we know Kim hates that word) about her choices and her addictions but she refrained and tried to be tactful. 


Brandi also gets her details wrong so she asks (she knows damn well that this wasn't their childhood home) in the form of the question so that she has an out when she's called on the fact that she's 100% wrong. Unfortunately there are going to be some people out there who accept Brandi's comments as the truth and will always think that Kim is being taken advantage of by her mean sister and that she had a house that she worked hard for as a child stolen from her and that it's all been some evil conspiracy against her.


Why does Brandi think that people should only accept Kim's side of the story and ignore everything that Kyle has to say even when Kyle has solid facts to back up her side? 


Kyle also puts this on the record about me, “If she’s so concerned about Kim, but she won’t come to me?” File this under bad acting and lie No. 126 from Kyle Richards. Make a chart, you’ll need it later.

Brandi asks LisaR if she can talk to Kyle because Brandi said that she feels that she can't. These are Brandi's own words and she's pretending like she didn't say them. Kyle isn't lying. That's why Brandi asked LisaR to talk to Kyle. 


If this isn't some deliberate and obvious pot stirring on the part of Brandi then I don't know what is.


So Kim and Kyle alone in Palm Springs.  Kyle really doesn’t get why Kim is upset with her? OK. Well, Kyle, it could be because you’re a lying, empathy-lacking, narcissist who only cares about the appearance of looking wealthy and having famous friends, while throwing your sister under a fleet of buses. It could be that. But, what do I know?

Brandi really has a knack for describing herself when she's trying to trash other people. A lying, empathy-lacking narcissist? I can't think of a better way to describe Brandi Glanville.

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When I watched Brandi at dinner with Dutch boy, all I could see was a female George, as in Avivas dad from RHONY. Like a hanger on with sexual issues, like Brandi hanging onto Lisa as she was leaving the boat and stopping her from leaving, like she was stopping Kyle at Eileen's house...that's like George harassing and grabbing Ramona and assuming the audience was impressed when confronting any of the housewives in this manner.

I felt absolutely no sympathy when Brandi was on the table crying to Yolanda at the spa.

In my opinion, I don't get thinking that Kyle should have known better than to invite Kim to Palm Springs or Palm Desert or wherever they were that night at Kyles vacation home. Kim is her sister no matter what and the issues don't make Kyle believe that Kim would be angry. She invited her to get away, without distractions of the kids to have one on one time with no possible interference from Brandi! She was probably thinking here's their chance to hang out like they used to and reminisce.

Edited by IKnowRight
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I can't believe I finally caved and read Brandi's blog. If it weren't so delusional, I would find it hysterical. So, in her mind, Lisa Rinna saying "we can't do an intervention" is the same as her suggesting and intervention? I guess I shouldn't be surprised as in her mind, Lisa V saying stop it or I'll smack you is the same as suggesting that Brandi slap her in the face. 


Brandi being on this show is a total slap in the face to viewers who want to see truly rich lifestyles. See what I did there?

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What is the story with Brandi's dad?  Why doesn't he like her?  Did she fuck him over too?

Brandi outed him in her book and during interviews as "the local pot dealer" and her parents "hippyish" lifestyle all the while herself being in the press for compromised behavior. He called her out on it and of course she didn't like it.   

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What is the story with Brandi's dad?  Why doesn't he like her?  Did she fuck him over too?

In her book, her first one, she wrote that he grew and sold pot to make money. Now mind you, it was/is still illegal to do that in Cali. and her brother is also a cop! They made up with help from Yolanda but I am not so sure he has let it go completely. Hell, Brandi even revealed to everyone that her sister was molested on her podcast then made a distasteful joke that she felt bad because she wanted to be molested but wasn't (something along those lines). Here is another thing I hope Kyle throws at her during the reunion, Brandi's sister does not speak to her!

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As for the idea that Yolanda and Brandi are the women who are closest to giving us the truth--Yolanda's been caught in her own lies most notably wrt her comments about Lisa in Paris that Kyle called her on.

True. YoFo has done other things that are not at all flattering.  Don't forget her pathetic behavior towards Joyce, by putting her back to her at the reunion and referring to Joyce as "her" while pointing at her without even turning around. So, Kim and Kyle are not the only finger-pointing bitches on this show. Some just don't do it as much or are ignored. When Brandi made nasty comments about Joyce, there was YoFo smirking or smiling. YoFo also didn't stop Brandi when she made her racist remarks at YoFo's dinner party when Joyce was speaking. YoFo, like LisaV. did in earlier season, stood back and just giggled at Brandi's foul behavior. Oh, but the minute Brandi said "Bella" and "alcoholic", YoFo wasn't having it.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Whoever ghostwrites Brandi's blog and trawls this board for info?  Please tell Brandi that her anxiety issues are well-deserved, couldn't happen to a nicer person, that her shitty plastic surgery is making her look like Jocelyn Wildenstein, and that a lot of us really hope that Andy finally bites the bullet and fires her ass.

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Brandi's blog: "So, there they are pretending to eat, so they can gossip about Kim and I behind our backs."


I think there's some more "eating disorder" shade there.


As far as Dutch Boy, like Sword Queen said, it's not what you do, it's how you do it. I used to like 'em young myself, so I can vouch that it's just as possible to behave in a dignified manner on a date with someone younger as it is with someone your own age.

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Brandi's blog: "So, there they are pretending to eat, so they can gossip about Kim and I behind our backs."


I think there's some more "eating disorder" shade there.


As far as Dutch Boy, like Sword Queen said, it's not what you do, it's how you do it. I used to like 'em young myself, so I can vouch that it's just as possible to behave in a dignified manner on a date with someone younger as it is with someone your own age.

Brandi also accused Joyce of having an eating disorder. When Brandi referred to herself, she exclaimed, "I am no size zero."  Hey Brandi, you have a size ZERO brain and ZERO class.



like Sword Queen said, it's not what you do, it's how you do it

Exactly. And that goes for knowing what to say and where to say it, too.

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I don't know if this is just a southern phrase, I lived in the NE all my life and never heard it, but Brandi acts like she has no " home training". Remember when Jamie Foxx won the academy award and he talked about his grandmother saying to him " act like you've been somewhere". That's my advice to Brandi act like you've been somewhere. Act like you've dined with rich people before, act like you've traveled around the world, act like you've mingled with the movers and shakers. Instead she seems like a feral child living among the civilized world.

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What is the story with Brandi's dad?  Why doesn't he like her?  Did she fuck him over too?

At the Oscars a couple of years ago Brandi was invited by a local LA TV station to do some color commentary.  She made a big deal how she designed her dress and the dress was totally inappropriate- http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/brandi-glanvilles-dad-said-her-oscar-dress-showed-way-too-much-boob-2013262 and then said her dad said there was way too much boob.  Got to love this family keeping it classy.  In Brandi's book she also mentioned being scarred by her father being naked around the house all the time.  So essentially she is a classless twit, who exploits her family's weakness for money.

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At the Oscars a couple of years ago Brandi was invited by a local LA TV station to do some color commentary.  She made a big deal how she designed her dress and the dress was totally inappropriate- http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/brandi-glanvilles-dad-said-her-oscar-dress-showed-way-too-much-boob-2013262 and then said her dad said there was way too much boob.  Got to love this family keeping it classy.  In Brandi's book she also mentioned being scarred by her father being naked around the house all the time.  So essentially she is a classless twit, who exploits her family's weakness for money.

Brandi talked about this on the episode where her mother came to help her move last year. She said that she hadn't talked to her father since right after the Oscars. He thought her dress was tasteless and was embarrassed. She then said that she didn't understand his reaction, considering he never wore any clothes at home. I think that was just the last straw, however, as they were already on rocky ground with her outing him as the local pot dealer. 

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Did Brandi really devote 2 or 3 paragraphs in her blog about Scheana?  Is she serious? Who gives a shit? For real.  She talks about LisaR and the others needing to drop the topic of Kim's (non)sobriety.  Take your own advice, sweetheart. 


P.S. Tell your ghostwriter it's spelled Bobby F-i-s-c-h-e-r.  

Edited by beaker73
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Did Brandi really devote 2 or 3 paragraphs in her blog about Scheana?  Is she serious? Who gives a shit? For real.  She talks about LisaR and the others needing to drop the topic of Kim's (non)sobriety.  Take your own advice, sweetheart. 


P.S. Tell your ghostwriter it's spelled Bobby F-i-s-c-h-e-r.  

It was the only part of her blog that I couldn't be bothered to breakdown it's just too tiresome for words. 

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In the reunion thread there was a discussion about incident a few years ago regarding Brandi and her pets doing their business in her bed. The part that stuck out to me was the tweet about her plans to have sex in her son's bed.


Brandi Glanville’s Outrageous Revenge On LeAnn Rimes & Eddie Cibrian — Sex On Their Son’s Bed!
Posted on Aug 2, 2011 @ 7:45AM
 By Dylan Howard – Senior Executive Editor, Star magazine
Just as the dust was starting to settle, Brandi Glanville is again stirring-up a nasty feud with her enemy ex-husband, Eddie Cibrian, and his new wife, LeAnn Rimes.

Even though the warring women called a Twitter truce months ago, the new Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star, 38, has again fueled the long-running rivalry with an outrageously suggestive Tweet.

“This is what I’m do n tonight! On star wars sheets,” she wrote, referring to the snapshot she posted of a young mystery man lying in a child’s bed — likely belonging to one of her and Eddie’s sons, Mason, 8, and Jake, 4.

And a source close to the newlywed couple is convinced that Brandi showing off her latest sexual conquest is anything but innocent.

“The only explanation as to why Brandi would publicly tweet that photo was either to make Eddie jealous or to make him mad as a parent.”

Either way, it didn’t faze the Playboy Club actor. “Eddie couldn’t care less about her,” the source adds.

But the controversial tweet does add to the couple’s concern about Brandi’s not-so-model behavior.

Following her DUI last October, Brandi insisted: “I don’t think I have a drinking problem. I think I had a problem the other night when I made a bad choice to drive.”

But Eddie, 38, was already so worried about Brandi’s alcohol-induced antics during the collapse of their eight-year marriage that he sent a letter to her friends “pleading to get her help.”

With her sexcapades and drinking drama, Eddie is on edge when his two sons spend time with bad-behaving Brandi.

“He’s really worried about the kids, and so is LeAnn,” the source says.

To make matters worse, Brandi is Googling her ex’s extramarital affair — Eddie infamously cheated on his then wife with LeAnn, 28 — in front of their eldest son, Mason, who’s reporting everything to his stepmom!

“Brandi wants to put stuff in Mason’s head so she can cry, ‘I didn’t say anything, he just read it,’ ” the source says.

“Brandi is out for revenge,” another insider reveals. But LeAnn is over all the drama with Eddie’s ex. “She wishes Brandi would just move on!” her pal tells Star.
-click link below for full story-


source: http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2011/08/brandi-glanville-revenge-leann-rimes-eddie-cibrian-tweets-photo/

Another article where Brandi explains the tweet

Rumor Report: Did Brandi Glanville Sleep in Her Son’s Bed With Her Ex-Fiance?

August 3, 2011 at 04:15PM EDT by Erica Strauss


Credit: Brandi Glanville's Twitter/yfrog Photo: Brandi Glanville's Mystery Man Snuggles Up


“This is what I’m do n tonight! On star wars sheets,” Brandi tweeted after posting a photo of a man in what looked like the bed of one of her sons, Mason, 8, or Jake, 4.

Brandi later defended herself on Twitter, saying: “One last thing yes I slept in Masons bed with my ex fiance wen the boys were at there dads cuz sugarhead peed in my bed!!!!Get over it.” (Sugarhead is her dog.)

Ex-fiance? Considering the photo was taken 11 days ago, did they break up sometime this week? Either way, we’re sure this only the beginning of ridiculous stories involving Brandi Glanville.

source: http://www.wetpaint.com/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/articles/rumor-report-did-brandi-glanville-sleep-in-her-sons-bed-with-her-exfiance

Edited by quinn
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In the reunion thread there was a discussion about incident a few years ago regarding Brandi and her pets doing their business in her bed. The part that stuck out to me was the tweet about her plans to have sex in her son's bed.

See, now that is the same shit I was referring to about her hook-up with Buster Brown. It isn't enough to have sex with guys. She has to announce it and go about it as if she is somehow trying to prove something or shoving it in someone's face.


No damn discretion, whatsoever. I seriously have wondered if something happened to Brandi when she was younger that made her think she is only appealing as long as sex is involved. There is a difference between a woman being in control of her sexuality, her body, her life. It is another for a woman to think her only worth is giving her body up to men on a whim.



Brandi's wine to be released.

Great. A wine product from an alcoholic. Will she have a Xanax product made too? Brandi's Bennies

Edited by GreatKazu
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Just checked on Brandi's wine.  The grapes come from Lodi - NOT in Sonoma County, but because the crushing plant is in Sonoma it can legally be called a Sonoma Wine.   Ironically the facility is located on County Dump Road.    Not unlike when Vickie Guvalson kept saying her vodka was produced in Sonoma.  No, it was Sonoma County, but the actual facility is in Petaluma - not a bad town, in fact rather nice, but a far cry from the prestige of Sonoma.  

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There is a Lodi here in California.  They have a wine-stomping festival there. Maybe they can crown Brandi their wine queen - the official Lodi Raisin. Then people can stomp all over her.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I am 48 or 49 years old and I still freaking get the freaking flow every single 28th day on the dot! I am so pissed about that and can't wait to get to menopause so it freaking stops! So shut the hell up Brandi Flow Glanville.

I read this so fast, I thought I was reading, "I still get my freak on" lol.  I am sitting here saying, "You go on with your bad self!" :-)  Brandi acts as if she is the only freak in town. She acts as if menopausal women are no longer attractive, sexual, or even wanted. Brandi, I got news for you. Menopause isn't the same for everyone.  I thought for sure when my menopause hit, I was going to lose all my desires. Nope. Not one bit. Sorry, too much TMI.  Stewedsquash I hope you get to menopause soon so you can be free.


I vote for a name change - Drinking, tweeting and flowing.

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I read this so fast, I thought I was reading, "I still get my freak on" lol.  I am sitting here saying, "You go on with your bad self!" :-)  Brandi acts as if she is the only freak in town. She acts as if menopausal women are no longer attractive, sexual, or even wanted. Brandi, I got news for you. Menopause isn't the same for everyone.  I thought for sure when my menopause hit, I was going to lose all my desires. Nope. Not one bit. Sorry, too much TMI.  Stewedsquash I hope you get to menopause soon so you can be free.


I vote for a name change - Drinking, tweeting and flowing.

Ohhhhh, not having to worry about that is sooooooo freeing! LOL

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There is a Lodi here in California.  They have a wine-stomping festival there. Maybe they can crown Brandi their wine queen - the official Lodi Raisin. Then people can stomp all over her.

That's the Lodi - not a bad place, but not Sonoma.  She's obviously hooked up with a guy (Rippey) who is a wine hustler, and sells "large quantity, affordable" wines.  Not the prestidge winery Brandi is trying to make people believe.   In other words - it's Encino wine, NOT Beverly Hills wine.

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That's the Lodi - not a bad place, but not Sonoma.  She's obviously hooked up with a guy (Rippey) who is a wine hustler, and sells "large quantity, affordable" wines.  Not the prestidge winery Brandi is trying to make people believe.   In other words - it's Encino wine, NOT Beverly Hills wine.

This reminds me of the wine that was sold back in the days when I was growing up. They were called bum wines. Very cheap and one could get a quick buzz. I am thinking of Ripple, Thunderbird, Night Train. I am laughing here at the guy's name being Rippey.  Too close to "Ripple".  I wouldn't doubt that is the same quality of wine that Brandi has slapped (no pun intended) her name on. 

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Remember when Miley Cyrus discovered sex? And she wanted to let everyone know that she discovered sex so everyone would know that sex existed? Well it's cute when a 19 year old is letting the world know that sex exists. When forty something Brandi does it, it is just annoying. Come on Brandi, we know about sex. We do it okay? But you are not on the cusp of womanhood anymore so it is ridiculous to keep informing us that sex exists. WE KNOW IT! The other housewives are having it! But when they are not having it, they have other things to talk about and things to do. That is why you look like a moron, you moron.


And as bronzedog says, menopause.


And also, I am 48 or 49 years old and I still freaking get the freaking flow every single 28th day on the dot! I am so pissed about that and can't wait to get to menopause so it freaking stops! So shut the hell up Brandi Flow Glanville. 


I vote to change the name of the thread to something that includes menopause, flow, periods. Anything to show what a moron Brandi is.


eta I completely give anyone who twitters permission to tweet Brandi and let her know we know sex exists! Feel free to plagiarize any part of this post.


It wasn't even THAT cute when Miley did it. Seriously, anyone who tweets/instagrams/facebooks/mass texts the world before they have sex, doesn't deserve to get laid. Let's cool it with the public pillow talk.

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