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Kim Richards: No Escape from Witch Mountain

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Brooke's wedding cannot really be a reason for Kim to avoid rehab because Brooke is already a married woman. Honestly don't care if Kim goes to rehab or ends up dead in a ditch (though I certainly don't wish the latter upon her)--just don't bring her disgraced ass back to BH.


She must've gotten paid for the Dr. Phil stint because her motivation could not have been rehabbing her image alone. Kim seems to be under the impression that people are still believing her badly constructed web of deceit. I bet part of her is secretly loving being in the spotlight, even if it is just for her latest bender becoming public gossip fodder. 

  • Love 9

Going back to Dr. Phil (sorry)...Why would anyone who was serious about recovery go to Dr. Phil? He isn't even a real psychologist. Yes, he has a PhD in clinical psychology, but that's not the same thing. He got in hot water when he went to "help" Britney Spears several years and was accused of practicing without a license.  Everydaypsychology dot com said about Mr. McGraw: He did mislead the public by suggesting that he is a psychologist. He also misled the public about why he doesn't have a license. His statement was: "I retired my license ... I don't need a license ... I’ve chosen instead to pursue another course and use of my education." It's true that for what he does on TV, he doesn't need to actually be a psychologist. But there is more to the story about his having "retired" his license. He was in fact disciplined by the Texas Board of Psychology in 1989, and it appears that he may have "retired" his license, rather than responding to their disciplinary requirements. We don't know for sure, but it may have been a little bit different than an ordinary retirement. End of their statement. My statement is: This is a publicity ploy to make Kim look good. Backfire again? The woman needs serious help, real help. Geez, even Dr. Drew is a real doctor. Kathy, Yolanda (she's not thinking clearly either right now, remember?) or whoever set up this cluster---k, quit fricking' the dog (a la Harry Hamlin) and get Kim OFF television. Either get her some professional help at a place that has certified CD staff, or cut her loose and let her sink or swim on her own.  Not rocket science.

  • Love 9

I don't know if Dr. Phil pays his high profile guests for being on the show but I doubt that would be Kim's reason why to do the interview.  I think her children were more than likely the motivating force.  I doubt Kathy was because that's not Kathy's way of handling a family crisis - you keep it private.  I think Kim thought she could go on and get over on Dr. Phil - it is was just a slip and she owns it.  This is Kim's game.  Unfortunately, Kim plays in the minor league.  Dr. Phil is the majors.  I also think that most of Kim's children knew this.  Sure, it may have been presented to her as a premise to repair her image but I think they knew better. 


I give Kim's children the benefit of the doubt that they know in their hearts that mom has a problem.  They've seen the show.  They've lived with her and dealt with her.  They probably know what's going on.  They all seem to love their aunt Kyle and her family.  They know there's a problem with the dog.  They know that 'mom' is screwed up.  At least, that's what I hope.  Of course, I could be totally wrong but I hope I'm not.

  • Love 15

In Amsterdam Brandi said, "the last time I smoked pot I was with you."  She did not say Kyle smoke pot with her .  Vanderpump was there as well and said Kyle didn't smoke pot.  At last year's Reunion Brandi mentioned- at least I am not in the car smoking pot.  Nobody responded.  Brandi was doing a Kim and knew from Kim that Kyle had smoked pot.    By Brandi bringing it up that way it forces Kyle to admit she has smoked pot. 


Kim isn't Satan but both Brandi and Kim have tried to divert attention from their drunkenness by dragging Kyle into it and claiming she has wine every night and then Kyle had more to drink than I did, Kyle was drunk at the Gay Mixer.  Then it forces the others to either support Brandi/Kim contention or support Kyle's side of things.

Kyle could have easily said well, I didn't maybe you did. She didn't, she shook her head yes.

Edited by Higgins


Going back to Dr. Phil (sorry)...Why would anyone who was serious about recovery go to Dr. Phil?

You are assuming Kim is there for serious recovery. For all we know, and what I believe is, she did the interview as a PR move. If she was serious about recovery, why is she upset at the idea of an intervention? Why does she leave the room? A person who is wanting help, will accept it without the drama that Kim is apparently showing.

  • Love 6

Kyle could have easily sad well, I didn't. She didn't she shook her head yes.


I disagree.  She nodded in agreement because Brandi said the last time I smoked pot I was 'with' you.  That was a fact because Kyle nodded in agreement to that fact.  That doesn't mean that Kyle smoked.  Brandi didn't say that the last time she smoked pot, she 'smoked' it with Kyle.

  • Love 7

You are assuming Kim is there for serious recovery. For all we know, and what I believe is, she did the interview as a PR move. If she was serious about recovery, why is she upset at the idea of an intervention? Why does she leave the room? A person who is wanting help, will accept it without the drama that Kim is apparently showing.

Oh no, I don't think Kim's serious about recovery at all. That's why I said it's probably a publicity stunt. Look at her acting-face when she says she had one vodka! Others are serious about rehab for her, but it's the last thing on her mind. She's STILL deep in denial, even after the arrest. We'll see what plays out on Phil's show, but not holding my breath that Kim's going to have an epiphany. I heard last time she went to Promises which is way expensive. If she can afford that, she doesn't need pseudo-Dr. Phil to find a place for her to dry out. She's aware of what's out there for "celebrities" if she want to go.

  • Love 8

You probably weren't running with the Faye Resnick, Nicole Brown, Kardashian group.


Nevermind the decade, I think most teens and people in their 20s get plenty of exposure to pot - and, in my case and many in big cities I would suspect, coke. I'm sure Kyle didn't need Kim to get her first toke or her second, third, or fourth. I also think there is absolutely nothing wrong with smoking pot if you are not a drug addict. Kyle could use a good bong hit, frankly, but I also absolutely see her as the type that doesn't respond well to it - way too paranoid and controlling. She probably spends the whole time worrying about what other people are thinking of her.


She is gorgeous and so is Kim and Kathy too. They are a good-looking family. I know you all think Kim is rough looing but, she kooks better than 90% of women here age.


Kim was gorgeous and she still sort of has it, but her skin is atrocious. She's really managed to age herself up through either sun, drug use, alcohol, or all of the above. 

  • Love 7

Brooke's wedding cannot really be a reason for Kim to avoid rehab because Brooke is already a married woman. Honestly don't care if Kim goes to rehab or ends up dead in a ditch (though I certainly don't wish the latter upon her)--just don't bring her disgraced ass back to BH.


She must've gotten paid for the Dr. Phil stint because her motivation could not have been rehabbing her image alone. Kim seems to be under the impression that people are still believing her badly constructed web of deceit. I bet part of her is secretly loving being in the spotlight, even if it is just for her latest bender becoming public gossip fodder. 

Kim is a puzzle.  She lives most of her life in the shadows and yet really enjoys the spotlight too.  It's like there is no in between for her.  Making a big dramatic exit from the show put a Big Spotlight on her.  Did she enjoy everyone running after her down the hall?  I wonder what she would have done if no one came after her?  What if Dr Phil corralled the kids and said that he wasn't going to pay Kim for the interview or offer her any services gratis unless he had an hour show. Then he had them come back to the set to discuss how living with an addict has affected them.  I could see Kim peeping out and then coming back - to the spotlight.

  • Love 7

During that "I might be pregnant" scene poor Kyle had to sit there and nod like it was some kind of normal conversation and Kim wasn't drugged out of her mind. If Kim does come back that can't happen anymore, Kyle has to have the backbone to say " come talk to me when you're sober".

Yeah thanks to Kim blowing up her whole cover (or at least the production did it for her) this season and the arrest, there is no more coverup convos between those two IMO. If they try it still like they have done at the SUR party in season 2, the launch party for Kyle's store and to a lesser degree the poker party in the bathroom, viewers will be like "Mhmm. Sure. Ok. Next." Kyle, like the gdamn house convo, needs to have straight forward and truthful conversations like she did with that. She seems to be real quick when Kim or anyone for that matter wants to target her character.

Speaking of, Im starting to believe why Kim wanted space or how she say a break from Kyle is because Kim was falling back into pattern of doing drugs and alcohol regularly. Kyle specifically asked Kim once how she would hide her alcohol before they charted to Paris in season 3.

Kyle: When you were drinking, what tricks you have up your sleeve?



Kyle: And you'd blow on it and pretend it was hot... to make me think if was really coffee?

Kim: No I just kept it over here [at arms length gesture]. I didnt blow on it. I think you knew.

Kyle: I know everything with you. With you I do. I know when you're thinking about it (drinking).

Kim: I know because I felt gulity soon as I did it.

Kyle: I know how you drink. I know if you had a drink. I know what you drink.

Kyle: (went on about Kim being off the wagon) The reason I never acknowledged it was because when it happened it would be like bring it on.

This is probably the only conversation to my knowledge these two have ever had that seemed genuine enough and somewhat honest. Yet it also speaks to, besides the dog, why Kim has decided to keep Kyle at a distant. Some of you have pointed Kim's addiction is the only thing not "perfect" in Kyle's world. Kyle would had suggested soon as she saw Kim heavily intoxicated or high she needed to go and get help. And Kim doesn't like taking orders as we've seen "Is this an intervention?" or "Blah Blah Blah".

  • Love 13

Kyle could have easily said well, I didn't maybe you did. She didn't, she shook her head yes.

She shook her head yes because she is agreeing with Brandi that she was there the last time Brandi smoked pot.  If Kyle were to say, "I didn't," then she is walking right into Brandi's trap of bringing up who has ever smoked pot.  Brandi wants everyone to sit around and talk about their party days on camera and there are some who don't want to go there.   If they deny smoking pot with Brandi on that particular day she then can turn around and say-"Kyle is a liar, she said she didn't smoke pot."  Because now Brandi has taken part of the conversation and applied it across the board.  It is then up to people to point out that Kyle didn't say she never smoked she just said she didn't smoke pot with Brandi the last time Brandi smoked pot.


Kim and Brandi have a method to their madness.  I noticed when Brandi was arguing with Kyle in Amsterdam and claimed the reason she disliked Kyle is because she claims because Kyle hits people.  When Kyle says she has never hit anybody in her life-Brandi starts with the frantic hand gestures which she claims is just like hitting.  This in print makes in seem like Kyle hits people.  Same with Brandi's meltdown on the streets of Amsterdam-Kyle said she was a bad parent and should have custody taken away-Kyle never said any such thing on camera.  Maybe a sneaky producer told Brandi that or maybe a non sober Kim told Brandi that to drum up sympathy and maybe Kyle said it years ago after Brandi made the doing crystal meth in the bathroom comment.  Brandi repeats it thinking the whole world thinks she is a great parent and the audacity of anyone let alone these women to claim otherwise is the greatest injustice in the world.   It is Brandi's storyline and no one is letting her have it.  She can get drunk throw wine, slap someone, insult Babyface, scream at Kyle, grab Kyle's arms, get between two sisters, lie repeatedly AND the rest of them are smart enough NOT to walk into the Brandi and the her parenting trap.  Because she wins if any one of them state the obvious-Brandi's behavior gives rise to her mothering techniques.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 8

During that "I might be pregnant" scene poor Kyle had to sit there and nod like it was some kind of normal conversation and Kim wasn't drugged out of her mind. If Kim does come back that can't happen anymore, Kyle has to have the backbone to say " come talk to me when you're sober".

That backbone has to be exercised both on Kim and the producers who are itching to film a juicy scene.
  • Love 6

I don't know if Dr. Phil pays his high profile guests for being on the show but I doubt that would be Kim's reason why to do the interview.  I think her children were more than likely the motivating force.  I doubt Kathy was because that's not Kathy's way of handling a family crisis - you keep it private.  I think Kim thought she could go on and get over on Dr. Phil - it is was just a slip and she owns it.  This is Kim's game.  Unfortunately, Kim plays in the minor league.  Dr. Phil is the majors.  I also think that most of Kim's children knew this.  Sure, it may have been presented to her as a premise to repair her image but I think they knew better. 


I give Kim's children the benefit of the doubt that they know in their hearts that mom has a problem.  They've seen the show.  They've lived with her and dealt with her.  They probably know what's going on.  They all seem to love their aunt Kyle and her family.  They know there's a problem with the dog.  They know that 'mom' is screwed up.  At least, that's what I hope.  Of course, I could be totally wrong but I hope I'm not.

Dr. Phony does, in fact pay his guests. In fact, in spite of all of his proclamations about how much he cares about children, the P.O.S. was only too happy to pay the Anthony's for a interview in spite of Cindy lying, under oath, to protect her baby killer daughter.


I watch the local CBS news in the morning when getting ready, which is the same station that carried Dr. Phony in the afternoon. 

I caught a preview of Kim's "interview" this morning (sorry if this has already been stated I haven't had time to catch up on the thread), and it showed her saying "is this an intervention?". There was a young man in the room that I assumed, and it is strictly my assumption, must have been Chad. She only has one son, this guy was young, and I cannot imagine who else it could have been. At any rate, right after asking that, she got up and was walking out of the room.


Now, it  could have been editing, but this would not be the BRAVO editing monkey's, and knowing Kim, queen of denial, as we do, It would seem she is no more accepting of an intervention with at least one of her kids in the room (there may have been others, I was only listening and by the time I walked into the room only the young man was visible, but there were others in the periphery of the scene), than she was when LIsa R suggested it.


I detest Dr. Phil (as you may have gathered) but I do have my DVR set. 


I am not sure who actually believes that an intervention organized by a phony doctor and first class famewhore is going to help the addict, but I am bringing the popcorn.      

  • Love 6

Geez, wings, I'm not in the habit of giving other women wolf whistles, but you must be one smashing sight when you go out!  I need to lose ten pounds off my tusch, and then you need to come to San Francisco and put me together!  "Wings, Dresser to the Ordinary HW!"  I'll bet Kim would lose that plaid flannel shirt in a matter of days and become your new celebrity client.


"When I go out?"  To the grocery and Home Depot?  Shirt /t- shirt and jeans is what I wear everywhere.  I don't do fancy.  Florida does not do fancy.  Florida does not do much.  Odd state. 

  • Love 4

She shook her head yes because she is agreeing with Brandi that she was there the last time Brandi smoked pot. If Kyle were to say, "I didn't," then she is walking right into Brandi's trap of bringing up who has ever smoked pot. Brandi wants everyone to sit around and talk about their party days on camera and there are some who don't want to go there. If they deny smoking pot with Brandi on that particular day she then can turn around and say-"Kyle is a liar, she said she didn't smoke pot." Because now Brandi has taken part of the conversation and applied it across the board. It is then up to people to point out that Kyle didn't say she never smoked she just said she didn't smoke pot with Brandi the last time Brandi smoked pot.

Kim and Brandi have a method to their madness. I noticed when Brandi was arguing with Kyle in Amsterdam and claimed the reason she disliked Kyle is because she claims because Kyle hits people. When Kyle says she has never hit anybody in her life-Brandi starts with the frantic hand gestures which she claims is just like hitting. This in print makes in seem like Kyle hits people. Same with Brandi's meltdown on the streets of Amsterdam-Kyle said she was a bad parent and should have custody taken away-Kyle never said any such thing on camera. Maybe a sneaky producer told Brandi that or maybe a non sober Kim told Brandi that to drum up sympathy and maybe Kyle said it years ago after Brandi made the doing crystal meth in the bathroom comment. Brandi repeats it thinking the whole world thinks she is a great parent and the audacity of anyone let alone these women to claim otherwise is the greatest injustice in the world. It is Brandi's storyline and no one is letting her have it. She can get drunk throw wine, slap someone, insult Babyface, scream at Kyle, grab Kyle's arms, get between two sisters, lie repeatedly AND the rest of them are smart enough NOT to walk into the Brandi and the her parenting trap. Because she wins if any one of them state the obvious-Brandi's behavior gives rise to her mothering techniques.

So your saying Kyle didn't smoke pot with Brandi?

  • Love 1

Dr. Phony does, in fact pay his guests. In fact, in spite of all of his proclamations about how much he cares about children, the P.O.S. was only too happy to pay the Anthony's for a interview in spite of Cindy lying, under oath, to protect her baby killer daughter.


I watch the local CBS news in the morning when getting ready, which is the same station that carried Dr. Phony in the afternoon. 

I caught a preview of Kim's "interview" this morning (sorry if this has already been stated I haven't had time to catch up on the thread), and it showed her saying "is this an intervention?". There was a young man in the room that I assumed, and it is strictly my assumption, must have been Chad. She only has one son, this guy was young, and I cannot imagine who else it could have been. At any rate, right after asking that, she got up and was walking out of the room.


Now, it  could have been editing, but this would not be the BRAVO editing monkey's, and knowing Kim, queen of denial, as we do, It would seem she is no more accepting of an intervention with at least one of her kids in the room (there may have been others, I was only listening and by the time I walked into the room only the young man was visible, but there were others in the periphery of the scene), than she was when LIsa R suggested it.


I detest Dr. Phil (as you may have gathered) but I do have my DVR set. 


I am not sure who actually believes that an intervention organized by a phony doctor and first class famewhore is going to help the addict, but I am bringing the popcorn.      

It was Chad plus Brooke and Kimberly.  The video was posted here.  I think the kids were hoping that Dr. Phil, whether you like him or not, would get through to Kim.  Say what you like about Phil, but he has gotten help for a lot of people and he does cut to the chase, something that Kim needs.

  • Love 9

Brooke's wedding cannot really be a reason for Kim to avoid rehab because Brooke is already a married woman. Honestly don't care if Kim goes to rehab or ends up dead in a ditch (though I certainly don't wish the latter upon her)--just don't bring her disgraced ass back to BH.



Didnt Kim say, during the Reunion, she had told Brooke she wanted to be a grandmother - now!  For them to hurry up?    Brooke may want to wait until the 2nd wedding is over.  Kim just wants to be at a big party - a party she's not paying for.    Kim did the interview for PR, nothing else.   She won't go to rehab.   She'll continue on with her "I'm seeing a dr and therapist (and my life coach)" as if that will do anything.   Her kids will give up trying.   Kathy will brush it under the carpet, and Kyle hopefully will just continue to ignore her.

  • Love 6

It was Chad plus Brooke and Kimberly.  The video was posted here.  I think the kids were hoping that Dr. Phil, whether you like him or not, would get through to Kim.  Say what you like about Phil, but he has gotten help for a lot of people and he does cut to the chase, something that Kim needs.

It won't do a bit of good, wouldn't even if he was a real doctor. It may end with her agreeing to go to rehab, but either she won't, or it will just be another waste of time and money.


Bitch doesn't want to  stop. This the life she knows and anything that goes wrong is always someone else's fault. 


I personally don't give one fuck what happens to her, but I do feel terrible for her kids. They must be pretty desperate to turn to that asshole Dr. Phil. 

  • Love 8

Dr. Phony does, in fact pay his guests. In fact, in spite of all of his proclamations about how much he cares about children, the P.O.S. was only too happy to pay the Anthony's for a interview in spite of Cindy lying, under oath, to protect her baby killer daughter.


I watch the local CBS news in the morning when getting ready, which is the same station that carried Dr. Phony in the afternoon. 

I caught a preview of Kim's "interview" this morning (sorry if this has already been stated I haven't had time to catch up on the thread), and it showed her saying "is this an intervention?". There was a young man in the room that I assumed, and it is strictly my assumption, must have been Chad. She only has one son, this guy was young, and I cannot imagine who else it could have been. At any rate, right after asking that, she got up and was walking out of the room.


Now, it  could have been editing, but this would not be the BRAVO editing monkey's, and knowing Kim, queen of denial, as we do, It would seem she is no more accepting of an intervention with at least one of her kids in the room (there may have been others, I was only listening and by the time I walked into the room only the young man was visible, but there were others in the periphery of the scene), than she was when LIsa R suggested it.


I detest Dr. Phil (as you may have gathered) but I do have my DVR set. 


I am not sure who actually believes that an intervention organized by a phony doctor and first class famewhore is going to help the addict, but I am bringing the popcorn.      


Just one point of clarification. LisaR NEVER suggested and intervention for Kim. She point blanks said "It's not like we can do an intervention."  Brandi suggested a group intervention so that Kim would not feel singled out and they could make the therapist the bad guy.

  • Love 7

Most of the time on Dr Phil, he is pretty careful not to  actually diagnose or practice (I'm sure because he's had problems in the past).  Most of the time if someone is crazy, he brings on some therapist or psychiatrist or MD and essentially refers to them to give input--they ususally sit in the audience or sometimes he'll have them on the stage.   Most of them are related to the treatment facilities he ends up sending the person to for free--it is probably all really free advertising for the treatment place. He has some places for battered women, some special ones for teens, etc.  Phil mostly gives people his take on their situation-then offers to send them for more help.   For medical stuff he has Dr Frieda Hall on a lot from Kaiser, and he also has had the people from The Doctors--I think his son is involved in that show.


I have a feeling maybe one of the family suggested it--it happened so quickly and having the kids there seems to have come together very fast--I think Kim probably just thought it would be a chance to present her side for PR purposes and when Dr Phil started his tough talk, and included her kids in it, it dawned on her it was an intervention and she of course bolted.  Who knows, maybe Kathy facilitated, or maybe Yolanda and David --since he's a personal friend of theirs.    I think Dr Phil is a probably a bit strongly spoken for her to be able to hear what he is telling her--she rejects any kind of direct criticism.

  • Love 4

I didn't hear Kyle say that.

At the Reunion part 3, Kyle says something to the effect-why would I do it front of you instead of people I know better?  And she pointed to Lisa V and Lisa R.


I swear these women and their statements and questions.  It reminds be of "when did you stop beating your wife?"  Questions-put the allegation out therein the from of a question.

Kim needs to get help but rehab will not work until she deals with her comorbidities. She uses to attempt to stabilize her moods. I think she needs to try and an antipsychotic along with a mood stabilizer. Then she might be more receptive to addiction counseling.

Hey Super Nurse Higgins-here is an article about Kim telling Dr. Nassif what she is talking.  As far as I know according to Kim she continued to take these drug plus something for anxiety when she left treatment.  See one on one with Andy.For anyone else very interesting how drinking Kim claims she has made these sacrifices for her kids and now she is doing for herself and moving in with Ken.   http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kim-richards-and-slurring-2011811

  • Love 2


At the Reunion part 3, Kyle says something to the effect-why would I do it front of you instead of people I know better?  And she pointed to Lisa V and Lisa R.


I swear these women and their statements and questions.  It reminds be of "when did you stop beating your wife?"  Questions-put the allegation out therein the from of a question.

Great point. 


I know this is the Kim thread, but this right here reminded me of something I have been meaning to point out.


Sometimes these women don't know how to ask a question correctly. When Kyle asked Brandi, "What did I do to you?" when trying to figure out why suddenly Brandi hated her guts, Brandi responded that Kyle hits people. Brandi mentions what happened at poker night, but Brandi forgets (on purpose?) the things she was saying to Kyle before all that happened.  This is where Kyle fucked up. What she should have asked Brandi was this: "We began to play poker and suddenly, you began calling me 'stupid'. I tried to ignore it, but you kept saying rude things to me. Why were you saying those things to me?"

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2

Why do I think at some point Kim would pull a Nurse Jackie and switch out Monty's pain meds for candy, lol. 


Mother Persnickety used to do that to Papa Persnickety.


I walked in unexpectedly one day to find her with a prescription bottle and a bottle of generic Tylenol.


"What are you doing, mom?"


"I'm out of Vicodin, so I'm taking your father's and putting Tylenol in their place.  He'll never know the difference."


"Well, maybe he won't know the difference, but his pancreas will, mom."


My dad had been prescribed 20 Vicodin for acute pancreatitis the day before during an ER visit...and my dad was never, ever one to take pain medications so it was excruciating.


But, much like Kim and all other addicts before her, my mother didn't care about his pain, it was her pain that was important.


I can absolutely see Kim doing the same thing Mother Persnickety was doing to my father.  I think it's probably common practice for many addicts, sadly.

  • Love 9

That is what both Kyle and Lisa have said that when Brandi smoked pot-Kyle did not.  So I am going to go with it.  

Yeah, I think they were trying really hard to differentiate the statements that Brandi was saying. She went from "the last time I smoked I was with you" to "Kyle is pretending she never smoked pot before." And I applauded Lisa for not letting Brandi get away with that. Brandi is really good at conflating arguments so that she leads you into trapping yourself on camera. 


She wanted to insinuate that she smoke pot with Kyle, without actually saying it. Then when that didn't work she tried the Kyle is pretending she has never smoked pot before, which Kyle says "I never said that." So then it becomes well "Kyle is a hypocrite because she talks about my drinking when she is a big ole pot head." The interesting thing here is I can't remember Kyle actually commenting on Brandi's drinking or mothering. The other women, Eileen, the Lisas and Yolanda all talked about how Brandi behaved when she was drinking, but I don't recall Kyle going there this season. And I don't recall any of them discussing her parenting. 

  • Love 9

Yeah, I think they were trying really hard to differentiate the statements that Brandi was saying. She went from "the last time I smoked I was with you" to "Kyle is pretending she never smoked pot before." And I applauded Lisa for not letting Brandi get away with that. Brandi is really good at conflating arguments so that she leads you into trapping yourself on camera.

She wanted to insinuate that she smoke pot with Kyle, without actually saying it. Then when that didn't work she tried the Kyle is pretending she has never smoked pot before, which Kyle says "I never said that." So then it becomes well "Kyle is a hypocrite because she talks about my drinking when she is a big ole pot head." The interesting thing here is I can't remember Kyle actually commenting on Brandi's drinking or mothering. The other women, Eileen, the Lisas and Yolanda all talked about how Brandi behaved when she was drinking, but I don't recall Kyle going there this season. And I don't recall any of them discussing her parenting.

Thank you. This is what I remember. Brandi is very good at misleading conversations.

I'm not saying she's the devil or saying anything about what is in her uterus, as another poster said in the RHNY thread, that we who dislike Brandi always say.

I'm just saying she is manipulative asshole who twists shit up.

I went and watched the leaving for Paris episode on Hulu.

The conversation between the sisters in the airport is interesting.....cut to doped up Kim on the balcony in Paris. Sad.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 5

It's always interesting to see what leads a person to volunteer to go to rehab or just quit drinking.  I don't always think it's hitting rock bottom.   Years ago my family had an intervention for my dad.  It was total BS.   My grandmother was there - and no way was she taking any responsibility in any way shape or form for her son's drinking.   I remember she said that liquor was never allowed in her home.   Which sounded good, unless you knew that she and my grandfather owned a BAR that was downstairs from their apartment!!!   Anyway, the intervention was a bust.   He liked his life, didn't want to change.   It wasn't until 4 years later when he and my mother divorced, the minute the ink was dry on the papers, he quit drinking cold turkey and never looked back!!!  No sneaking drinks, no cheating, and he remained sober until the day he died.    My mother was always a little pissed off by that, but in reality as much as she complained about his drinking, she was a huge enabler.  


Kim thinks she has things under control, and really thinks this is all fuss and bother over nothing.   Whatever she does it will be for good PR, and to briefly placate her kids.   They are out of the house, so what they don't know won't hurt them is her mindset.

  • Love 4

At the Reunion part 3, Kyle says something to the effect-why would I do it front of you instead of people I know better? And she pointed to Lisa V and Lisa R.

I swear these women and their statements and questions. It reminds be of "when did you stop beating your wife?" Questions-put the allegation out therein the from of a question.

Hey Super Nurse Higgins-here is an article about Kim telling Dr. Nassif what she is talking. As far as I know according to Kim she continued to take these drug plus something for anxiety when she left treatment. See one on one with Andy.For anyone else very interesting how drinking Kim claims she has made these sacrifices for her kids and now she is doing for herself and moving in with Ken. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kim-richards-and-slurring-2011811

I was kind of half watching. I stand corrected.

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I think making me even consider watching Dr. Phil is the cruelest thing that Kim has ever done.


I blame Kyle.

I totally stopped watching even a moment of Dr. Phil when he had the Anthonys on and said the $200K  was going to their fake charity  for which they were the paid directors. But now i find it necessary to watch. Clearly I am lacking in self discipline, and -- as you say -- it is Kyle's fault. 

Edited by mbutterfly
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