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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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Too late Camille.  The cat is out of the bag to infinity and beyond.   #BestTagLineEver


Camille, Faye and Kyle are getting tight.  How would you feel if Faye joined the cast as a full time Ho next season?


Kyle Richards retweeted 

Camille Grammer @TheRealCamilleG 
  ·  2h 2 hours ago  
I want to clear the air about what I said about @fayeresnick1 in season one. The Morally C.. tag line was years ago and I have apologized.

Kyle Richards retweeted 

Camille Grammer @TheRealCamilleG 
  ·  2h 2 hours ago  
I wish people would stop using that Tagline about @fayeresnick1 I have spent time with her since season one and she is Cool!

Too late Camille.  The cat is out of the bag to infinity and beyond.   #BestTagLineEver


Camille, Faye and Kyle are getting tight.  How would you feel if Faye joined the cast as a full time Ho next season?

FR would be friend to both Kyle AND Kim! She is close to all 3 sisters. I would prefer she not be on the show just as much as I want Brandi/Kim gone! LOL

  • Love 4

Too late Camille.  The cat is out of the bag to infinity and beyond.   #BestTagLineEver


Camille, Faye and Kyle are getting tight.  How would you feel if Faye joined the cast as a full time Ho next season?

I don't have a problem with Faye joining the cast.  Yeah, I realize there's many who can't stand her.  Then again, I would take almost anyone over Kim and Brandi. 


I do think that Camille  and Adrienne are kind of itching to come back, sans Brandi.  I would welcome the change with Brandi and Kim walking towards the sunset.

  • Love 4



I must have missed this WWHL.  I didn't know Kyle was engaged when she met Mauricio.  Kind of interesting, with clips from the show.




This has to be Mauricio's dad!  Same name. 

She mentioned it during this season how she was engaged to a newscaster when she met Mauricio. I can't remember which episode.

  • Love 2

FR would be friend to both Kyle AND Kim! She is close to all 3 sisters. I would prefer she not be on the show just as much as I want Brandi/Kim gone! LOL


I really really dislike Faye. Having Faye, Brandi and Kim on the show would just be too much. Though Faye hates Brandi so those two could spend all their time going at each other I guess. 

Edited by Lisin
Removed NY stuff
  • Love 3

I am still of the firm belief that the REAL initial reason Kyle disliked Brandi from the start was because she wanted Faye to get picked up for Housewives and not Brandi. I think that was why she was snarking on Brandi before she had actually met her and why she chose to ignore Lisa V's advice to just be polite but not engage Brandi in Brandi's first season. I never bought that Kyle was being mean to Brandi out of some loyalty to Lisa V, because Lisa had already said her piece about it and was just going to avoid engaging her. 

  • Love 4

Reruns serve such a great purpose...


I haven't been able to stomach kyle since season 1, and that's without ever before having previously heard of either her or her drunken sister...


What has always struck me the most about kyle is her smirking arrogance and overblown sense of entitlement - but for what, I have no idea. If, however, I had had any doubts that I was being unfair to her, kyle put that fear completely to rest with her slam at Eileen during the segment about the film festival....


Eileen was clearly going through the whole thing in a nicely humorous, 'tongue in cheek' sort of way, but then kyle had to have that shitty TH about the 'unitard... being better than naked and spread eagle'.....followed by that innocent/superior/'who me?' look straight into the camera that I find so totally nasty and disgusting of her. Not much difference between those sisters as far as I can see,

  • Love 6

What has always struck me the most about kyle is her smirking arrogance and overblown sense of entitlement - but for what, I have no idea.


Exactly.  By design, we haven't seen that smirking arrogance and entitlement that often this season so it's easy for me to forget.  But reruns....yes, they serve such a great purpose.


That arrogance, that braying hee haw of a mean spirited laugh - just like her niece, Paris, just like Kim.  Those bad apples don't fall far from the tree.

And NO!!! to Faye as a Ho because she's also one of them

  • Love 4

Kyle was engaged to one of the guys that is currently on 60 Minutes. I think it was Steve Kroft. I'm a little concerned about myself for knowing that.

Kyle was engaged to Michael Tuck, not Steve Kroft. LOL http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2860929/Kyle-Richards-reveals-engaged-older-newscaster-Michael-Tuck-met-husband-Mauricio-Umansky.html

  • Love 3

Reruns serve such a great purpose...


I haven't been able to stomach kyle since season 1, and that's without ever before having previously heard of either her or her drunken sister...


What has always struck me the most about kyle is her smirking arrogance and overblown sense of entitlement - but for what, I have no idea. If, however, I had had any doubts that I was being unfair to her, kyle put that fear completely to rest with her slam at Eileen during the segment about the film festival....


Eileen was clearly going through the whole thing in a nicely humorous, 'tongue in cheek' sort of way, but then kyle had to have that shitty TH about the 'unitard... being better than naked and spread eagle'.....followed by that innocent/superior/'who me?' look straight into the camera that I find so totally nasty and disgusting of her. Not much difference between those sisters as far as I can see,



Exactly.  By design, we haven't seen that smirking arrogance and entitlement that often this season so it's easy for me to forget.  But reruns....yes, they serve such a great purpose.


That arrogance, that braying hee haw of a mean spirited laugh - just like her niece, Paris, just like Kim.  Those bad apples don't fall far from the tree.

And NO!!! to Faye as a Ho because she's also one of them


YES to all of this!


Reruns do serve such a great purpose.  As nasty, brash and inappropriate as Brandi and Kim can be, I accept them just as they are.  I can't do that with Kyle because she's such a phony.  It's easy for everyone to dislike Kim and Brandi for the things they've done.  Kyle's bullshit comes across differently.  You almost have to watch for it to really see it.  Her talking heads, the statements of "surprise, shock and/or horror" she often makes in response to a situation and her endless martyr routine are as phony as a three dollar bill.   Thanks to tonight's reruns, one example that comes to mind is Kyle's "confusion" and pretending not to know why Kim made the comment about Kyle talking about Kim being late when they left the airport.  If I can remember all the times Kim was MIA or late and Kyle had something to say about it, Kyle should remember it too.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 6

On WWHL Kyle claimed it was Brandi who ran away when she spotted Kyle. During the show there was no tweet and no phone call to  contradict Kyle.

You should see the big fat look of surprise on my face at the revelation that Brandi lied about something.  Say what? Brandi lied? Next thing I will find out that Adrienne never sued her. Oh wait..


Kyle said she stayed in Sephora for a good half hour after that and shopped. Never change Brandi. 


Kyle looked beautiful on WWHL last night. I thought she did a great job in answering the questions. She was also much more gracious to Brandi than Brandi has been to her. Andy asked her if she could say one nice thing about Brandi and she said that Brandi could be a lot of fun, and that she loves her boys and is a great mother. She said that was how they originally bonded, as mothers. This is in comparison to Brandi who said that Kyle loves no one, not even her own family. 

  • Love 7

Soooooooooo I'm going to try to put this gently. There's a lot of talk about what Kim has put Kyle through for the last 30ish years. Do we actually know what that is? I realized I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure dealing with Kim on a good day isn't fun, let alone when she's drunk or high (incidentally I would put all three Richards sisters in this category. I don't really like any of them at their best, let alone worst.), but is it just run of the mill PITA addict stuff like flaking out on promises and always being the center of attention? Are there specific things that haven't been said like Kim hitting on Mo while drunk or leaving her kids with Kyle and Mo for extended periods while she went off to do peyote in the dessert? I'm just asking do we know what Kim has put Kyle through or are we just guessing based on pretty good evidence?

Soooooooooo I'm going to try to put this gently. There's a lot of talk about what Kim has put Kyle through for the last 30ish years. Do we actually know what that is? I realized I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure dealing with Kim on a good day isn't fun, let alone when she's drunk or high (incidentally I would put all three Richards sisters in this category. I don't really like any of them at their best, let alone worst.), but is it just run of the mill PITA addict stuff like flaking out on promises and always being the center of attention? Are there specific things that haven't been said like Kim hitting on Mo while drunk or leaving her kids with Kyle and Mo for extended periods while she went off to do peyote in the dessert? I'm just asking do we know what Kim has put Kyle through or are we just guessing based on pretty good evidence?


This is just my personal opinion, but I don't think there ARE any "run of  the mill PITA addict stuff." I haven't dealt with addiction in as close capacity as some of the other posters here, but I have a cousin who is a drug addict and the toll its taken on his entire immediate family, especially my aunt and cousins, is enormous. Kyle can be annoying and I don't always like her, but when it comes to dealing with her sister, I have no doubt it's been hell.  

  • Love 7

My brother isn't an addict to the point where he can't function but he has done more than a few things under the influence. He flipped his car & broke his neck while drunk.


A year or so later I moved in with him/his girlfriend/their baby, I get a knock on my door about 7am asking me can I watch the baby while she takes my brother to the hospital. Apparently during an exchange, someone stabbed him, sliced an artery/vein? and instead of going to a hospital he came home.  There was blood all over the front door and their bathroom.


That was all in a maybe 2 year window of bullshit. I can't imagine what's gone on with Kim and Kyle over 3 decades.

  • Love 6

Somebody posted that earlier, I can't remember which thread now probably either Kim or Kyle's. 


Lol, I can see why there wasn't a network that was willing to run this. 


They all come across as clueless. Kim sucks as usual and it's especially rich to hear her talking about being in the position to offer anybody an "opportunity". 



Lol that Kathy is never a part of the successful reality TV ventures of her family members. As far as having a lead role, I mean. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 3

Hmmm this is interesting, it looks like a pilot, a very,VERY cheaply made one at that, for a reality show featuring all three Richards sisters.  I think this would have been less than a year before Kyle and Kim got casted for RHoBH.


Holy. Shit.

I could only make it halfway through before I had to stop, it was bad enough listening to the way they talked at "a homeless" "bum" or "the one" on whatever intersection or street corner, but I cannot watch them interact with real life people. After 15 years of non profit work in poverty intervention, I can't tolerate this kind of crap. Just...no.

  • Love 7

Soooooooooo I'm going to try to put this gently. There's a lot of talk about what Kim has put Kyle through for the last 30ish years. Do we actually know what that is? I realized I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure dealing with Kim on a good day isn't fun, let alone when she's drunk or high (incidentally I would put all three Richards sisters in this category. I don't really like any of them at their best, let alone worst.), but is it just run of the mill PITA addict stuff like flaking out on promises and always being the center of attention? Are there specific things that haven't been said like Kim hitting on Mo while drunk or leaving her kids with Kyle and Mo for extended periods while she went off to do peyote in the dessert? I'm just asking do we know what Kim has put Kyle through or are we just guessing based on pretty good evidence?

Dealing with an addict is not what I would consider "run of the mill PITA addict stuff". It is heartbreaking, stressful, painful, at times it is agonizing. I would never, EVER, wish anyone to go through life with any person who is an addict. Not even my worst enemy would I wish that to happen to. It is physically and mentally exhausting. It is stressful in more ways than one. Hearing the phone ring in the middle of the night, you don't know whether it will be the addict who is going off the rails or if it will be the police or hospital giving you bad news about that addict. You try to enjoy your own family life, but there is the addict who will make things topsy-turvy for you in many ways. The addicts main tool of power is manipulation. It is similar to those in domestic violence relationships. You want to believe when the person says they are sorry for their behavior. You would be lucky if the addict even acknowledges their behavior. They would blame the entire world sometimes before they even point the finger back at themselves, if they ever do. As a family, you are taught to be supportive and be there for your family members, no matter what. You think if you keep giving and giving, the addict will surely see the error of their ways and they will get help. Not a chance. That addict will keep burning you left and right, asking for money to "help them get by" or to go pay that electric bill before the company shuts them off. You don't want to be the bad guy, so you give them the money. You will find that addicts come up with all kinds of reasons for not having any money and why they need yours. You find out how much that addict lies and how many people they have lied to. Their lies catch up to them. But, you ignore it because they are family and you cannot turn your back on them.  If they have kids, it only makes the situation worse because then those children become the pawn in the addicts' game such as, "You won't ever see my kids again!" Boy, talk about pulling on those heartstrings. And you believe their shit, even though common sense should tell you that they will be back because their kids will need something that the addict cannot give them and you are the one who will take care of those kids somehow. You cannot live with the pain of turning your back on the addict because if something happens to them, it will be YOUR fault, and you cannot live with that feeling. How could you look at their kids and know you could have helped their parent? The guilt that occurs is so overwhelming, it is like being in the gas chamber at San Quentin. I felt as if I was choking and gagging sometimes because I could not just breathe and relax. I was so tense and this feeling of being eaten up inside from the guilt that was put upon me and my family, I felt as if I was losing it. I haven't even gotten to the missed family celebrations, the holidays where the addict can ruin a great family get-together, the funerals the addict didn't show up to because they were too sick, too hungover, too fucked up to even get out of bed. Then there are the fights and arguments where everything the addict can throw in your face, is thrown in your face with such vitriol that the only conclusion drawn from that would be that the addict is out for blood. They seem to get joy out of hurting you with words and what they consider to be "the truth!" They say things about you that never even occurred and threaten to tell others. You remind them of how you were there for them, but all they remember is the times you were not there for them because you either couldn't be there for them or you put your foot down once just to avoid getting involved in the mess because you have your own problems and your own life to lead, which the addict doesn't give two shits about because it is all about them. You watch these addicts as they treat their own children like dirt. They can't be bothered to attend a school function or help their kids with their school work. They don't show up for basketball games or baseball games. They don't show up for award ceremonies or bother to take their kids somewhere to have fun. These kids end up going with other family members on trips or to have a fun day out so they could know what it is like to be a kid in a normal family.  The addict can be verbally, mentally and physically abusive to their children. You get phone calls from the kids telling you their parent is acting in a bizarre fashion and they are scared. They are crying and all you can do is run to them to help console them. If the addict is there, it turns into a shouting match. And again, the kids are crying over that and are now being exposed to more verbal arguing. Nothing worse than receiving a call from a pre-teen telling you they want to get away from their addict parent or that they just got into an argument with their parent who called them an ugly name or told them some stupid shit.  You so badly want to call CPS, but you hold back because you fear the addict will blame you for making such a call and then it goes back to that threat they made about you never seeing the kids again. And then, the medical issues the addict is going through. You watch them as they fail to go to doctor's appointments, mostly because they don't want to be told how they need to stop drinking or doing drugs, or both in some cases. Their heath is deteriorating and you cannot do a damn thing about it. You try to get them to see the doctor, but they don't want to. You plead, cry, and beg. Nothing. That feeling of helplessness will burden you along with the guilt and the other feelings that have been plaguing you since this person became an addict. On top of all of this, you begin to notice cash missing from your wallet or purse. You wonder if maybe you spent the money or did that addict take it from you? You then have to live your life making sure your wallet or purse is never out of your sight. When that addict is in your home, you make sure your kids' piggy banks are out of sight and any electronic devices or anything that can be taken and sold, is kept hidden. You rarely want to have that addict in your home, especially if they are not working. You may be dealing with a functional addict who wouldn't go as far as to steal from family members. We had a functional addict in our family. He was lucky to hold down a job.  The ones who don't have regular income coming in, are likely to bug for money and steal. There are so many incidents and situations I could mention about the addicts I had to endure in my life, but I am happy to say I no longer endure it because I had to be the one to put an end to that ugly behavior. All the tears I shed, the headaches, the drama, the ugliness that comes with dealing with an addict, it would take a book the size of "War and Peace" to put it all down.


That is just a small portion of what life with an addict can be like. It can be very tumultuous.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 18

I could only make it halfway through before I had to stop, 


Those fucking privileged snotty bitchburgers.  Not enough  pitchforks in the GD world -- NOT ENOUGH -- I do applaud the editor who cut together the opening sequence. (The fantastic section showing endless footage of Hilton's ticky-tacky home, even as we hear their voices rambling on about the collection of homeless, as if discussing unsightly  lawn ornaments --  "Oh, I know which one you mean -- the one in front of Scala" "The one at the far left corner" -- followed by Kim's fav homeless story being told, a tale for the ages, that one, of giving sleeping bags to a homeless family like she'd bought them a villa in Tuscany. My rage is biblical -- may  locusts, plagues, and drought descend on their houses -- they are the worst of Versailles with none of the art or architecture left behind as (admittedly, minor) mitigation for sins of economic oppression. Once the ramparts are stormed all we'll have left is Hilton's home, looking like a  celebrity "Trading Spaces" episode circa 1999. Fucking hell.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 5

Isn't Kyle precious at the 8:50 mark? 


And who says Kim Richards doesn't do anything for anybody?  Here's proof she's trying to cure Beverly Hills' homeless problem one sandwich at a time.


Ugh.  Awful human beings trying to look non-awful.

After putting up with two of them for an entire season, Bravo just had to put all three of the Bichards Sisters in the season finale. We all recognize how awful Kim is but every so often I read something about "poor Kyle." That video clip should be an auto-response to that phrase.

  • Love 1

YES to all of this!


Reruns do serve such a great purpose.  As nasty, brash and inappropriate as Brandi and Kim can be, I accept them just as they are.  I can't do that with Kyle because she's such a phony.  It's easy for everyone to dislike Kim and Brandi for the things they've done.  Kyle's bullshit comes across differently.  You almost have to watch for it to really see it.  Her talking heads, the statements of "surprise, shock and/or horror" she often makes in response to a situation and her endless martyr routine are as phony as a three dollar bill.   Thanks to tonight's reruns, one example that comes to mind is Kyle's "confusion" and pretending not to know why Kim made the comment about Kyle talking about Kim being late when they left the airport.  If I can remember all the times Kim was MIA or late and Kyle had something to say about it, Kyle should remember it too.

The difference being Kim was a two days late to Hawaii and drunk. Kim and Ken were very late to a chartered boat for no reason except they were smashed and IIRC Kyle was pretty ambivalent about leaving them once she saw they did arrive and the ship had sailed.  In Amsterdam Kyle clearly suggested the others go ahead while she retrieved her luggage.  That is all you can do when you make a mistake.  I felt Kim's comment was disproportionate to what had transpired.  Kim was first talking about the escalator collision-which Kyle did not bring up and decided to go back years.


I still am surprised at why anyone should or would give Brandi and Kim a pass for their behavior as mean as it has been,  I have always said Kim doesn't like Kyle but geez don't play the sister card in one hand and the next go along with you BFF calling your sister a c*nt and a whore.  Some things are just wrong. 


I am still waiting for Brandi to say exactly what it is that Kyle ever did to her.  We had nine episodes where everything was just fine and then all of a sudden Brandi goes after Kyle.  It leads me to believe Brandi is the phony one.  I get when someone doesn't like Kyle but as it has been shown -it is Kyle's playground and if she is pushed someone who continues to go after her will not be invited back to the playground.  Part of being the one that tries to keep the band together is a certain amount of phoniness.


Kim can't go back and rewrite history.  First she wants a pass for all past bad behavior during the drinking years and she wants to be able to use the behavior to paint the Kyle in a bad light.

  • Love 13

Kyle was not MIA or late at the airport. She walked off without her carry on and had to retrieve it....which isn't so simple. Unattended bag at an airport, I'm guessing it wasn't as easy as going back and grabbing it from the bathroom. The bag had likely been picked up by airport personnel and could have been anywhere in the airport in a country where you don't speak the language . Plus, it was a carry on which means it did not have an identifying tag and barcode. It might take a minute to locate.

I understood Kyle's confusion regarding the "late" comment Kim made, it was a false equivalency and out of the blue, because Kim just wanted to be a bitch to Kyle.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 9

The post in the episode thread about "having my back" got me to thinking how I am still suspicious of Kyle. Lisa and Kyle at the beginning of the season made a pact to not talk shit behind each other's backs. But then Kyle in her talking heads said a lot of things that I thought were "talking shit". One example I can remember is when Portia was asking if Lisa R or Lisa V was better, and Kyle in her talking head said, "no comment" with a smirk on her face. There are others, but it has been a long season. I just remember thinking, all she asked is to not talk shit, but there she is continuing to talk shit. So when are those things filmed? At the end of the season, it looks like Kyle and Lisa are thick as thieves but some of those early talking heads made it seem like there was still tension, at least on Kyle's part. I never saw any comments like that from Lisa, so it would appear that at least she held up her end of the bargain.

  • Love 1

The post in the episode thread about "having my back" got me to thinking how I am still suspicious of Kyle. Lisa and Kyle at the beginning of the season made a pact to not talk shit behind each other's backs. But then Kyle in her talking heads said a lot of things that I thought were "talking shit". One example I can remember is when Portia was asking if Lisa R or Lisa V was better, and Kyle in her talking head said, "no comment" with a smirk on her face. There are others, but it has been a long season. I just remember thinking, all she asked is to not talk shit, but there she is continuing to talk shit. So when are those things filmed? At the end of the season, it looks like Kyle and Lisa are thick as thieves but some of those early talking heads made it seem like there was still tension, at least on Kyle's part. I never saw any comments like that from Lisa, so it would appear that at least she held up her end of the bargain.

I think Lisa V was very assertive with her comments.  She mentioned not inviting any of her "friends" to Palm Springs.  Then she and Ken made a few nasty comments about Kyle not congratulating her -knowing Kyle did not know about it and was in Europe at the time.  Kyle made the grudge comment and then they stopped taking pot shots at each other.  Lisa still throws out the bitches she has to be around.  I think they decided either together or independently they were better dialing back on the snide towards each other because it made their reconciliation dubious.  By Yolanda's party it just seemed all the little tit for tats between LvP and Yolanda had been played out as well.

  • Love 6

After putting up with two of them for an entire season, Bravo just had to put all three of the Bichards Sisters in the season finale. We all recognize how awful Kim is but every so often I read something about "poor Kyle." That video clip should be an auto-response to that phrase.


We "all" do? That seems like a bit of a stretch. I'm not a real Kyle fan, I just can't get past some (petty on my part) annoyances and some genuine character flaws, but I will proclaim "poor Kyle" when it comes to her relationship with Kim pretty much forever, no matter how awful she is in other respects. 

  • Love 14

So happy to find this forum - for weeks I kept thinking there must be a place to discuss this train wreck of a season!

Seems to me that Kyle is still trying to please her dead and deadly narcissistic mother, who didn't even let up on her deathbed, leaving it to Kyle to look after Kim. imo Kyle needs to let go of her crazy mother and "golden child" Kim - they are sucking the life out of her.

  • Love 19

I think Kyle and Kim are both awful, and for the same reasons.  Mean girls at heart, and obviously their childhood did neither any favors, from the "get pregnant and get married while you are still teenagers, but ONLY to a rich man!" on. 


I have more sympathy for Kim though, because she does have a disease and does seem to be fighting to be well.  I don't know who Kim would be if she were sober, we saw encouraging glimpses of it though.  Kyle?  Is just an asshole without the addiction explanation.

  • Love 1

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