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Kyle Richards: Pantene Poster Girl

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On 9/17/2019 at 12:11 AM, suomi said:

Thank you for helping us out, HunterHunted. re lawsuit #2 you said "Mauricio agreed to cover the insurance company's lawyers fees and potential damages." Is that still in play or did it pertain to a separate matter? If Mauricio loses lawsuit #3 is he, alone, on the hook for all fees and damages?

It's the same matter. If he loses 3 and the plaintiffs of lawsuit 1 use the findings from it to prove lawsuit 1, then Mauricio pays all the damages and fees. I'd have to look at the filing for 3 again because I don't believe the insurance company was made a party to 3.

This lawsuit has reignited the stolen goddamn house and Kim being the primary wage earner thing, which is my one weird hill to die on. I have dug into so much random shit including old SAG rate minimums to Bureau of Labor Statistics reports to child star biographies. There are some fat years where Kim might have earned enough to support her family, but there are other years where even if she was getting paid like her most successful peers she still only earned $10K a year, which was the median household income for a family in the US. It's fine money if you are normal, but shit money if live in Bel Air and have to keep Big Kathy in drinks and diamonds. Overall I think Kim's lifetime earnings didn't exceed $500,000. In actuality it was probably lower, but I'm being generous. These are the very limited areas where I'm team Kyle.

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12 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

This is kind of similar to what he was accused of before, right? Secretly buying a house, flipping it, then making a huge profit? I like Kyle and really didn’t want to think of Mauricio as shady.

Regarding Kim, I’m still not convinced Mauricio’s done anything but help her. Thank you for all the info @HunterHunted. It sounds like Kim made much less money than I thought. 

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42 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

Regarding Kim, I’m still not convinced Mauricio’s done anything but help her. Thank you for all the info @HunterHunted. It sounds like Kim made much less money than I thought. 

To be slightly fair to Kim with inflation, it's about $4 million in current dollars, but over the course of almost 20 years it's not that great. If you had a friend who told you that they were planning on moving to Bel Air and live solely off the $50,000 - $400,000 her child might earn every year, you'd think she was a moron especially if she spent the way Big Kathy did.

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2 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

To be slightly fair to Kim with inflation, it's about $4 million in current dollars, but over the course of almost 20 years it's not that great. If you had a friend who told you that they were planning on moving to Bel Air and live solely off the $50,000 - $400,000 her child might earn every year, you'd think she was a moron especially if she spent the way Big Kathy did.

Oh I absolutely factored in inflation, but it’s still not the vast amount of money I thought with the way some believe Kim bankrolled her family and is owed so much for the rest of her life. 

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2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

This is kind of similar to what he was accused of before, right? Secretly buying a house, flipping it, then making a huge profit? I like Kyle and really didn’t want to think of Mauricio as shady.

Regarding Kim, I’m still not convinced Mauricio’s done anything but help her. Thank you for all the info @HunterHunted. It sounds like Kim made much less money than I thought. 

I think this is another lawsuit regarding the same property and now the agent is suing to recover the commission he lost because of Mauricio's shenanigans.

Saying that because the articles I saw mentioned the same company and same foreign gov't. (Guinea?)

Please correct me if this is wrong. TIA

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1 hour ago, suomi said:

I think this is another lawsuit regarding the same property and now the agent is suing to recover the commission he lost because of Mauricio's shenanigans.

Saying that because the articles I saw mentioned the same company and same foreign gov't. (Guinea?)

Please correct me if this is wrong. TIA

Ohh okay, thank you! I wished we learned more about this at the reunion. 

9 hours ago, suomi said:

I think this is another lawsuit regarding the same property and now the agent is suing to recover the commission he lost because of Mauricio's shenanigans.

Saying that because the articles I saw mentioned the same company and same foreign gov't. (Guinea?)

Please correct me if this is wrong. TIA

You are correct. This is Sam Hakim's real estate agent suing for his lost commission. At the very least, there are also going to be some new regulations to rigorously prevent shit like this from happening again because I wouldn't be entirely shocked to find out that Mauricio didn't "actually" enter into a partnership with the buyer until the seller was past a certain no go point that would make it kind of onerous to look for more buyers. I think Mauricio hadn't officially become a partner when the offer was made to the seller, meaning no contract had been written and nothing of consideration had been exchanged so Mauricio never had to disclose the relationship. Technically it was legal, but very shady.

In another kind of shady, but still legal example, LVP only cashed the Toms cheques for TomTom like a week before the club opened so that she could legally restrict them from the club and keep them out of the decision-making because they technically had no money invested in the enterprise until she deposited those cheques. 

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20 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

This is Sam Hakim's real estate agent suing for his lost commission.

I think that's fine that the realtor is suing for his lost commission, but what gets lost in all of this is the seller. Their own realtor, who is obligated to protect and represent their best interest, didn't present the higher offer from the other realtor, but instead worked to get the property cheaply for himself and his cohorts. I haven't read much about this law suit, but I hope that the seller is going to get their pound of flesh even more so than the buyer broker.

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Well my Google feed has links to articles about 

1.  Several Agency employees have bailed and some of those went to Rick Hilton's company.

2.  Teddi's husband is now under investigation for fraud.

3.  PK has apparently been hiding his money in Dorit's bank accounts.

They should change the title of the show to Law and Order, Financial Crimes.

The only redeeming show left is Cash Cab.

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26 minutes ago, Teri313 said:

I think that's fine that the realtor is suing for his lost commission, but what gets lost in all of this is the seller. Their own realtor, who is obligated to protect and represent their best interest, didn't present the higher offer from the other realtor, but instead worked to get the property cheaply for himself and his cohorts. I haven't read much about this law suit, but I hope that the seller is going to get their pound of flesh even more so than the buyer broker.

The actual seller is human filth. He and his father plundered their country of hundreds of millions and maybe billions of dollars. They silenced the free press and imprisoned, tortured, or killed their detractors. The true victims in the case are the people of Equatorial Guinea. Every amount over the DOJ fine of $10 million, was supposed to go to DOJ approved charities that helped the people of Equatorial Guinea. That's the actual tragedy here. Mauricio knew all that and was like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I gots to get mine! I'm hoping that lawsuit 1 has been amended and the DOJ has been made a party to it because Obiang cannot be allowed to lay a single grubby paw on a single cent. 

Edited by HunterHunted
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2 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

The actual seller is human filth. He and his father plundered their country of hundreds of millions and maybe billions of dollars. They silenced the free press and imprisoned, tortured, or killed their detractors. The true victims in the case are the people of Equatorial Guinea. Every amount over the DOJ fine of $10 million, was supposed to go to DOJ approved charities that helped the people of Equatorial Guinea. That's the actual tragedy here. Mauricio knew all that and was like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I gots to get mine!

Okay, WOW. Thank you for that.

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Technically it was legal, but very shady.

In another kind of shady, but still legal example, LVP only cashed the Toms cheques for TomTom like a week before the club opened so that she could legally restrict them from the club and keep them out of the decision-making because they technically had no money invested in the enterprise until she deposited those cheques. 

Shady but legal is how to get into the 1% club, it seems?

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I'm betting the messy reality is that Big Kathy paid herself a momager fee out of Kim's earnings - if she took 15/20 percent, she pocketed a very nice chunk of change over time (as any lean years would be offset by 20 percent going into her pocket during Kim's top-earning cycles).  If Kim's financial take is 4 million in today's $$, then Big Kathy  picked up 600-800K before Kim turned eighteen; not too shabby for being the showbiz version of a soccer mom. 

And by "in her pocket" I mean just that  - 15 percent of Kim's money would've been (by law) diverted into a Coogan account, but I bet dollars to doughnuts Big Kathy did not diligently squirrel away the remaining money for Kim, and I wouldn't be surprised if a chunk of Kim's earnings went to "expenses" incurred in pursuit of Kim's "career" - food, dental, gas, car, clothing, etc (nowhere near Gary Coleman territory, but adjacent to the idea that a kid's money is actually family money to be spent on family maintenance.)

And if Big Kathy used her "salary" from Kim's earnings to buy property - or upgrade current property - that was then flipped to help buy/upgrade Palm Springs? Then I can see Kim feeling her money was converted to Big Kathy money= property bought that Kim actually financed as a kid. (I'm sure Big Kathy did the same with Kyle, but her career was not as lucrative).  Maybe Big Kathy did it all for love, and - between Kim's Coogan account and her mother's diligence -  Kim received the equivalent of 3.2 million dollars the day she turned eighteen, but that's the one bet in this post I wouldn't make ; )

Add in me not trusting Mauricio or Kyle, because they strike me as self righteous grifters (the kind of people who easily do wrong, because they are so convinced they are always right) and - as much as I dislike Kim -  I'm left thinking duplicity is absolutely possible, here.

Edited by film noire
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Brava to your entire post, film noire.

You succinctly laid out what I've always thought but couldn't figure out how to say. The only thing I could add is my opinion that Big Kathy never did anything for love.

BK and my mom were twins separated at birth. When she was in her 30s my sister with developmental delay and the IQ of a 6-year'old was gifted $1.1 million for her lifetime care by our great aunt. Mommy dearest divorced her husband right quick and broke my sister's trust and created her own trust. The money was gambled, cruised and timeshared away within 20 years. And fuck you Wells Fargo Bank, which charged huge monthly fees to protect 50% of the new trust from her financial depredation, which it did not do. Even Wells Fargo was afraid of my mother!

I grew up hearing "If someone has something and I take it away from them that means I'm smarter." There has to be a special place in hell for mothers like that. 

BK is why Kyle is like a flea on a hot griddle with her many quirks, fears and tics.

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If anyone watches Jessica Jones, I'm pretty sure Patsy's mom, Rebecca De Mornay's character, was partially inspired by Big Kathy. The character is a momager who always takes her cut and is living her sublimated dreams out through her child. She is a pincher and pointer. She also put Patsy in sexual situations far too early.

Edited by HunterHunted
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6 hours ago, Hiyo said:

I think that entertainment trope existed long before anybody knew who Big Kathy was.

It totally did. I had read House of Hilton years ago. It's just that here were things the character in Jessica Jones did that struck me as particularly Big Kathy like and not Teri Shields, Jaid Barrymore, or Pimp Mama. The character is a pastiche for sure. There was at least one line that I know Orange Oprah has said. There were some elements of Rose Hovick and some Big Kathy Dugan.

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On 10/12/2019 at 9:27 PM, dosodog said:

HunterHunted!  A vault of info!

I had to look up Orange Oprah.  I get the orange part, but not the Oprah part.

Dina Lohan used to claim that she was so insightful and gave such good advice that Lindsay's friends used to come to her for advice all the time. Allegedly those friends called her White Oprah. She claimed that she was getting her own tv talk and advice show.


Michael K from DListed trolled her so long and hard that basically every gossip blogger started using his Orange Oprah moniker.

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On 10/10/2019 at 12:15 AM, film noire said:


I can't recall if it was in the movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (I loved this movie) or its sequel (I loathed this movie)...Queenie says people are either givers or takers.

I subscribe to this notion.   I've always felt Kyle was a taker and Kim was a giver.   I think I'd put Mauricio in the taker category. 

Not that givers are all good or takers are all bad, but they operate from a fundamentally different set of values (which I tend to believe are hard-wired).

Kim and Kyle will never see eye-to-eye because they have fundamentally different ways of interpreting the world, aka values.

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3 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

“If I had to do it again in hindsight, I would do it the same way I did it last time. I wouldn’t change a thing,” ...


p.s.:  Is it me, or does she look a lot like LVP here? 

Digging in, I see. Well, I'll be very interested to hear his side and how he explains this away.

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3 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

“If I had to do it again in hindsight, I would do it the same way I did it last time. I wouldn’t change a thing,” ...


p.s.:  Is it me, or does she look a lot like LVP here? 

She does remind me of LVP with the purse-lipped slight smile. I think she had cheek bones implanted and that's what reminds me of LVP - the little plump balls on her cheeks.

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3 minutes ago, dosodog said:

You're not going to get the truth though.

If they didn't show Dorit getting chased by a lady around the pool screaming "Ya cheap bitch", that happened organically while its filming?

You're not going to see this.  Although you might see Kyle more anxious about stuff than usual.

Do you think Andy treads softly sometimes so as not to lose a housewife? 

Kyle is the only OG on the show. Maybe he didn’t grill her more at the reunion because he can’t lose her after losing LVP.

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4 minutes ago, dosodog said:

You're not going to get the truth though.

If they didn't show Dorit getting chased by a lady around the pool screaming "Ya cheap bitch", that happened organically while its filming?

You're not going to see this.  Although you might see Kyle more anxious about stuff than usual.

Maybe her anxiety <cough> botox <cough> will cause her eye to droop again like it did last season!

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22 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

“If I had to do it again in hindsight, I would do it the same way I did it last time. I wouldn’t change a thing,” ...


p.s.:  Is it me, or does she look a lot like LVP here? 

I don't think Mauricio is above bad deeds, however, he's a smart guy and I don't think he'd do something so heinous and big that it would risk besmirching his reputation - he'd be particularly hard-hit given he's on TV.

I'm not a big Kyle/Mauricio fan, but this is what I'm going with for now, anyway.  There is something missing in this story.  Things don't add up, so maybe Mauricio's side of the story will fill in some blanks.

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People who get away with stuff eventually think they are entitled to do what they want and don’t think they are doing anything wrong. They get indignant when they are called on it.

When you start out slow stealing your sister-in/laws goddam house you can eventually work your way up to stealing the mansion of third world dictators and not think anything of it. 

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1 hour ago, Jextella said:

I don't think Mauricio is above bad deeds, however, he's a smart guy and I don't think he'd do something so heinous and big that it would risk besmirching his reputation - he'd be particularly hard-hit given he's on TV.

I'm not a big Kyle/Mauricio fan, but this is what I'm going with for now, anyway.  There is something missing in this story.  Things don't add up, so maybe Mauricio's side of the story will fill in some blanks.

I am a fan of them actually and don’t think they stole Kim’s house but have supported her for years. The allegations against Mauricio are ugly, but I do want to hear his side of the story. I don’t know why it’s taking this long to clear things up if he handled things ethically, but I don’t have legal/real estate expertise. 

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On 8/9/2019 at 7:09 PM, Jennifersdc said:

I was always curious about this (not the nonsense “stealing the house thing” - which was as above an awesome moment in RH history). Kim was married to some very rich men. How come she got no money?

Kim got a fuck ton of money; she's just so bad at managing it that she's constantly broke. I remember reading that she got $10,000/month for Brooke from Monty. She got $250,000/year for Whitney and Chad until they turned 21 and $250,000/year for herself for life provided she doesn't remarry from Gregg Davis. John was surely giving her some child support money for Kimberly. Brooke was still a minor when Kim moved into Big Kathy's Palm Springs house.

Despite all that money, Kim tried to borrow against her one-third interest in the Palm Springs house. This is what alerted Kyle and Mauricio that they had to buy her out of the house. There was a provision in the will that said the family had to hold on to the house for a decade before selling. They couldn't do that and let Kim continue to sap the equity from the property.

She has lost those dog bite lawsuits by default because she hasn't bothered to have her counsel answer the complaints or show up at court. The last one dragged Kyle into it because Cujo bit Kim's assistant in the condo Kyle bought and lets Kim live in rent free. Kyle got sued too and then had to petition the court to remove her from the suit. Kim responded with crickets.

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On 10/14/2019 at 9:54 AM, Jextella said:

 I've always felt Kyle was a taker and Kim was a giver. 

On 11/2/2019 at 4:35 AM, HunterHunted said:

Kim got a fuck ton of money; she's just so bad at managing it that she's constantly broke. I remember reading that she got $10,000/month for Brooke from Monty. She got $250,000/year for Whitney and Chad until they turned 21 and $250,000/year for herself for life provided she doesn't remarry from Gregg Davis. John was surely giving her some child support money for Kimberly. Brooke was still a minor when Kim moved into Big Kathy's Palm Springs house.

Despite all that money, Kim tried to borrow against her one-third interest in the Palm Springs house. This is what alerted Kyle and Mauricio that they had to buy her out of the house. There was a provision in the will that said the family had to hold on to the house for a decade before selling. They couldn't do that and let Kim continue to sap the equity from the property.

She has lost those dog bite lawsuits by default because she hasn't bothered to have her counsel answer the complaints or show up at court. The last one dragged Kyle into it because Cujo bit Kim's assistant in the condo Kyle bought and lets Kim live in rent free. Kyle got sued too and then had to petition the court to remove her from the suit. Kim responded with crickets.

"Giver" was never a word I would associate with Kim - for the above reasons, plus the addictions; addicts are takers.

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2 hours ago, princelina said:

"Giver" was never a word I would associate with Kim - for the above reasons, plus the addictions; addicts are takers.

1 hour ago, The Ringo Kidd said:

That’s not true.

Kim gives a lot. As an adult, Kim has given grief, misery, agita, headaches, heartaches, thousands of dollars of medical bills (with her feral dog), and food poisoning with her signature hand tossed chicken salad.

Part of the reason Beverly Hills is a mess is because it's the one show that they didn't cast for personality. Their names might be noteworthy and they have real money, but the majorityof the the BH cast is too boring and generic for words. It's the reason LVP was the break out; she's the only one with any semblance of a personality. She's is/was a wealthy older British lady with a house gay, purse dog, and she tells randy jokes.

By this point in a franchise, the tone and tenor of a franchise should be well established. It should be so well established that the thought of moving a housewife from another city should be anathema. And it largely is, except that it only works one way when it comes to Beverly Hills. People have opinions about Bethenny, Heather Dubrow, Lea Black, Nene, Kim Zolciak, and Dina Manzo joining BH, but they have no opinion about any of the BH women joining another franchise because there's no there there. Would anything about New Jersey change if Erika joined the cast or if Kyle joined Atlanta? No. What if Melissa and Porsha swapped franchises? Both would become very different shows.

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59 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Kim gives a lot. As an adult, Kim has given grief, misery, agita, headaches, heartaches, thousands of dollars of medical bills (with her feral dog), and food poisoning with her signature hand tossed chicken salad.

Part of the reason Beverly Hills is a mess is because it's the one show that they didn't cast for personality. Their names might be noteworthy and they have real money, but the majorityof the the BH cast is too boring and generic for words. It's the reason LVP was the break out; she's the only one with any semblance of a personality. She's is/was a wealthy older British lady with a house gay, purse dog, and she tells randy jokes.

By this point in a franchise, the tone and tenor of a franchise should be well established. It should be so well established that the thought of moving a housewife from another city should be anathema. And it largely is, except that it only works one way when it comes to Beverly Hills. People have opinions about Bethenny, Heather Dubrow, Lea Black, Nene, Kim Zolciak, and Dina Manzo joining BH, but they have no opinion about any of the BH women joining another franchise because there's no there there. Would anything about New Jersey change if Erika joined the cast or if Kyle joined Atlanta? No. What if Melissa and Porsha swapped franchises? Both would become very different shows.

WOW! Well stated. Every point spot on. Kadooz to you HH. This is relevant to everything Bravo. Please quit your day job and join Bravo production. They need you.

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On 11/28/2019 at 9:58 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

Mauricio had to settle that case out of court. If it went to trial IMO he’d be at risk losing his license. I bet even the legal fees he incurred (his insurance company wasn’t paying), he lost money even on what he made from the house flip. I wonder if his insurance even paid anything out on the deal that was struck. Now he just has to deal with the other two...the guy who made the higher offer and his agent who was out a big commission. 

Lesson learned Mauricio... hopefully. Also hopefully that settlement is going to the people of Equatorial Guinea it was meant for.

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