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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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This is the best case scenario for the child, which is why I have no trouble believing that the DA's office would be happy to go with it. Unless the situation is utterly hopeless, the best solution is to not saddle the child's father with a criminal record and give everyone the chance to co parent in a respectful manner. As long as Jason does not continue the behavior that got him in the situation in the first place, all should be good for him. Beth will be happy because he is not allowed to contact her. Brynn will be happy because neither of her parents are in jail. I am hoping for the best. 

It may seem crazy but seemingly normal people do engage in crazy emails and stalker-like behavior when someone breaks up with them. I've experienced it and had to block grown ass men on social media who I've known for years. It's certainly done all the time. That said, there becomes a point where the language and frequency pushes it into another territory all together. I've dealt with far less than what it sounds like this was and that was bad enough. But, man, people do lose their shit and email and social media make it way easier to access the people you want to take it out on. 

Edited by Otherkate
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On ‎10‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 10:31 PM, gundysgirl said:

Jason will always be that dude who was arrested for stalking and harassing his ex. Always. He will be the dude that the criminal justice system said was behaving in a way that was inappropriate and unacceptable and warned to stop if he wanted to keep hold of his freedom. Every time there is an article or a mention of him, there will be a mention of the fact that he was once told by legal authorities that the behavior he thought normal was in fact not normal. That he had to be threatened to act differently in the future. He might not be in jail, but it will always be there and always some will wonder if he would have continued to behave like a first class asshole had folks in authority not told him to stop. That is his future. 

Jason will always be that dude that was once married to that loud mouthed, exploitive, slut-shaming shrew who exaggerates everything. EVERYTHING.  Because everything that happens to her is the worst, most painful, horrible torture ever.

Most anyone, who has witnessed her in action - in real life or on TV - knows how unhinged she can be.  And how prone she is for...exaggeration. Any future employer or ladyfriend of Jason's would be wise to read anything about him, in relation to Bethenny, with a big grain of salt. 

This is a world where Harvey Weinstein will probably be making films again and people will go see them. (not me)  We live in a fickle and forgetful society.  I doubt Jason's future will be sullied by this dismissed case against him. Fart in the wind. 

As far as parents not allowing their daughters to sleep over his house? His won't be the first.  He has broad shoulders. Brynn will survive. 

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On 10/29/2017 at 0:01 PM, biakbiak said:

... in Jason's case his arrest will be vacated so he wouldn't be required to divulge it on any job application in any state. 

He won't have to ... google will do it for him, LOL

Seriously, though ... why is it being assumed that it is a guaranteed, sure-fire thing that Jason is going to make it through the six months with no trouble and have his record wiped clean?   The slightest misbehavior from him could completely screw up his little deal.

We may get to see him go to trial yet .... get 'errselves a lil peek at those emails after all .... 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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22 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

The slightest misbehavior from him could completely screw up his little deal.

It's not the slightest misbehavior and even if it is more serious infraction would not guarantee the deal was revoked it would still have to be up to the discretion of the DA.

As for why many people think that it's a pretty safe bet is because he hasn't contacted her in 8 plus months and clearly they have figured out a way to communicate about Brynn's needs and schedule without ever having to interact which seems to be a fairly decent predictive indicator.

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I wouldn't actually say "most people" think Jason will be able to avoid getting into trouble.  Opinion seems fairly split to me (and as an aside, there is actually a fair amount of legal discussion on the web about how oftentimes an ACD is not good for his specific type of criminal charges due to the tendency of people like him to not be able to leave their victim alone.  Getting re-arrested for the same offense means the state and court will deal really harshly with you.  Some lawyers think it is better to fight the charges as hard as possible rather than accept an ACD for something like stalking or domestic violence). 

And as far as the level of misbehavior required for Jason to find himself back in trouble -  we have no idea what the stipulations and conditions of his ACD are, do we?  For all we know, he may have to get counseling, drug testing, do community service, wear bright pink underwear every Thursday, write the judge a sonnet ... who knows.  But he needs to fulfill every single obligation, otherwise his deal could be in jeopardy

I did come across some stuff that said in New York City in particular, they don't like to reinstate charges after an ACD has been broken, but rather they stick it to you super harshly for whatever new crime you were arrested for.  So if Jason gets a littering charge he likely won't face reinstatement of his ACD charges.  When I said "the slightest thing" I was referring to the slightest violation of his restrictions about harassing Bethenny.  Just wanted to make that clear.

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9 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I wouldn't actually say "most people" think Jason will be able to avoid getting

Meant to say many. Will edit.


9 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

 we have no idea what the stipulations and conditions of his ACD are, do we?  For all we know, he may have to get counseling, drug testing, do community service, wear bright pink underwear every Thursday, write the judge a sonnet ... who knows.  But he needs to fulfill every single obligation, otherwise his deal could be in jeopardy

No there are no stipulations like that in an ACD, that is what makes it different and why it's not technically even considered a plea deal.. By definition the case is on a continuance for six months during which time he just has to do literally nothing even if he did something it is still is evaluated if the DA wants to revisit the case. Also, now all his charges are misdemeanors because that is the only way an ACD can be offered.

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46 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

No there are no stipulations like that in an ACD, that is what makes it different and why it's not technically even considered a plea deal.. By definition the case is on a continuance for six months during which time he just has to do literally nothing even if he did something it is still is evaluated if the DA wants to revisit the case. 

That is not accurate.  Any number of conditions can be imposed as part of an ACD.  Classes, counseling, community service, restitution, etc.  Things like that are not considered punishment for a crime and are quite often part of a negotiated ACD deal.  

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On ‎10‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 3:20 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

That is not accurate.  Any number of conditions can be imposed as part of an ACD.  Classes, counseling, community service, restitution, etc.  Things like that are not considered punishment for a crime and are quite often part of a negotiated ACD deal.  

FYI - all of that stuff can be part of a punishment for a crime.  Particularly restitution and community service (the latter often in lieu of prison/jail).

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On 10/30/2017 at 4:30 PM, LIMOM said:

At the end of the day, he is free to go on with his life. 

We shall see if he wised up.

Right.  If this was indeed a setup, then, he will have to be careful.  Some people are not able to put on the mute bottom and not allow another to push their buttons.  You really have to learn how to do it.  With some people, you can't just act normal.  You have to take everything very seriously.  I still think they would benefit from a Parenting Coordinator.  IT's like a referee.  They rule on disputes on the spot, handle sudden issues, keep the peace and keep the kid out of it.  And the parties don't have to keep going to the judge with every little thing.  And if one party is causing the trouble, they have to pay the fees.  It's a way for someone to really see what's going on.  I wonder why they don't want one. Or, maybe, it's not popular in NY.  

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4 hours ago, Mrs peel said:

FYI - all of that stuff can be part of a punishment for a crime.  Particularly restitution and community service (the latter often in lieu of prison/jail).

Lord I hate posting from my phone lol

.... what I meant to say is yes you are right those things can be meted out as punishment for a crime but they can also be part of an ACD because they are not something that can only be done to a person who's been convicted of a crime -such as time in jail. Time in jail cannot be part of an ACD. That is what I was trying to say.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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14 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Lord I hate posting from my phone lol

.... what I meant to say is yes you are right those things can be meted out as punishment for a crime but they can also be part of an ACD because they are not something that can only be done to a person who's been convicted of a crime -such as time in jail. Time in jail cannot be part of an ACD. That is what I was trying to say.

LOL.  I hate posting with Apple auto-correct!

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12 hours ago, stewedsquash said:


Jason and Bryn seem to be having fun together. He looks great and I hope all is well with him.

I dunno ... Bryn doesn't look especially thrilled to me. Maybe it's the paps in her poor little face annoying her. Understandable.  Maybe she doesn't like being carried around like a trophy for a photo op by her dad. Also understandable. But there is nothing about that picture that says "dad and daughter meandering through the city just having a good time" to me.  It feels a little too intentional. A little too "look at us being so cute and close."

Bethenny's completely staged shots of her and Bryn grabbing an ice cream cone seem more organic.  

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Jason will always be that dude that was once married to that loud mouthed, exploitive, slut-shaming shrew who exaggerates everything. EVERYTHING.

Yes -- and I bet there are plenty of mothers who wouldn't want their daughter sleeping over at the home of a foul mouthed woman who  throws water on people, films  her sick pet for instagram, and slams lawsuits on anyone who disagrees with her. 

For every supposed horrific sin on Jason's side (all of them erased in ninety days) that bar him from hosting a theoretical friend of Bryn's,  Frankel has twice as much shit in her moral ledger -- and with Frankel suing for sole custody again, she's about to get even crazier. (And who files for sole custody right before Xmas? Just when I think she can't go any lower, she does --  she either did this before Xmas to try and incite Hoppy to contact her  - and breach his no contact rule - or she truly has no sense of ruining the holiday for her own daughter.) 

Edited by film noire
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16 hours ago, film noire said:

For every supposed horrific sin on Jason's side (all of them erased in ninety days) that bar him from hosting a theoretical friend of Bryn's,  Frankel has twice as much shit in her moral ledger -- and with Frankel suing for sole custody again, she's about to get even crazier. (And who files for sole custody right before Xmas? Just when I think she can't go any lower, she does --  she either did this before Xmas to try and incite Hoppy to contact her  - and breach his no contact rule - or she truly has no sense of ruining the holiday for her own daughter.) 

Well, in her defense, she has a finite period of time to stir things up and try to get him to do something to nullify the agreement.  If she can do that, it will make sole custody a little easier for her.

I really hope he can keep his cool and just be a good parent to that little girl.  She really needs one.

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16 hours ago, film noire said:

Yes -- and I bet there are plenty of mothers who wouldn't want their daughter sleeping over at the home of a foul mouthed woman who  throws water on people, films  her sick pet for instagram, and slams lawsuits on anyone who disagrees with her. 

For every supposed horrific sin on Jason's side (all of them erased in ninety days) that bar him from hosting a theoretical friend of Bryn's,  Frankel has twice as much shit in her moral ledger -- and with Frankel suing for sole custody again, she's about to get even crazier. (And who files for sole custody right before Xmas? Just when I think she can't go any lower, she does --  she either did this before Xmas to try and incite Hoppy to contact her  - and breach his no contact rule - or she truly has no sense of ruining the holiday for her own daughter.) 

I think Bethenny did it now for several reasons. First one, as Alonzo pointed out, she has a new show starting soon. Second, she wants Jason to contact her and go to jail. Third, she believes that because of all her relief work for PR/VI/elsewhere, people will support her no matter what she does, even something this nasty/evil. Last but not least, even her own daughters emotional health isn't as important to her than her having total control over everyone/everything all the time. How dare Jason not allow her to take Bryn, a 7 year old,  into a natural disaster area for a photo op! 

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4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I think Bethenny did it now for several reasons. First one, as Alonzo pointed out, she has a new show starting soon. Second, she wants Jason to contact her and go to jail. Third, she believes that because of all her relief work for PR/VI/elsewhere, people will support her no matter what she does, even something this nasty/evil. Last but not least, even her own daughters emotional health isn't as important to her than her having total control over everyone/everything all the time. How dare Jason not allow her to take Bryn, a 7 year old,  into a natural disaster area for a photo op! 

WW, you certainly have her all sussed out, Alonzo too.

She has a good business sense. The only problem is she runs her personal life like a business, always a strategy. 

Doesn't occur to her how all of this strategic plotting and planning impacts on her poor daughter. 

Her endgame is f.....d, I mean flawed. For the win, take no hostages. (Bryn, Jason, how many others?)  I hope she realizes this before it's too late.

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I wonder if there is a way for an objective witness, like a professional hired by the court, to inform the judge what they are dealing with with BF. Perhaps, a Custody evaluator, could gather the facts and see through the rubbish and illness that BF possesses.  If so, there are a number of options, like award dad sole legal custody and limit BF's custodial time with supervision, since she seems to be unstable and may subject her child to traumatic and questionable situations.  Judges are used to seeing through fake tears, so, I wouldn't be overly confident that she's actually going to pull this off.  She really is a miserable person. I wonder if she ever wonders if Bryn will feel about her, the way she does her mom.....she should. 

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4 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I wonder if there is a way for an objective witness, like a professional hired by the court, to inform the judge what they are dealing with with BF. Perhaps, a Custody evaluator, could gather the facts and see through the rubbish and illness that BF possesses.  If so, there are a number of options, like award dad sole legal custody and limit BF's custodial time with supervision, since she seems to be unstable and may subject her child to traumatic and questionable situations.  Judges are used to seeing through fake tears, so, I wouldn't be overly confident that she's actually going to pull this off.  She really is a miserable person. I wonder if she ever wonders if Bryn will feel about her, the way she does her mom.....she should. 

If it's true that Bethenny is once again trying to gain sole custody, I'm sure the courts will want to know as much about her as possible, including wanting to take Bryn into a disaster area. 

I am not a fan of hers but I don't think she has done anything to warrant losing shared custody, any more than I think Jason should lose it. They need to make sure that there is a middle/independent adult/person to audit when either parent takes Bryn out of the country or out of state on trips. It seems that common sense is missing/lacking in both of them. 

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Am I the only one that thinks it is strange that nobody has quoted or even referenced the filing documents to this court petitioning?  I've gone through multiple sites and they all just reference "multiple sites" as their source. Normally they will at least reference the filing documents to give some additional details to the article. 

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32 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

Am I the only one that thinks it is strange that nobody has quoted or even referenced the filing documents to this court petitioning?  I've gone through multiple sites and they all just reference "multiple sites" as their source. Normally they will at least reference the filing documents to give some additional details to the article. 

Yes, which is why I say "If" when I post about it.

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Press has started for her new real estate show with Frederik I think it starts after the new year. A lawsuit putting you in the press is always good PR for your new upcoming t v show dontcha know ? 

I remember when she was starting her talk show, she announced that she recently had a miscarriage ... Yeah, right.  

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17 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I am not a fan of hers but I don't think she has done anything to warrant losing shared custody, any more than I think Jason should lose it. 

I don't think she should lose shared custody. That said,  anyone (Frankel or otherwise, male  or female)  who not only dates someone credibly accused of rape, but defends them (behind the scenes) to media has profoundly impaired judgement. Especially since Frankel let that "alleged" pig be around Bryn (after the rape allegations surfaced).  Even if you believe your new boy-toy is innocent, you keep your daughter separate from any of that ugliness, imo --  if custody really is being re-opened, I think the court should require Hoppy and Frankel to agree on strict guidelines as to who can be around Bryn (on both sides). 

Edited by film noire
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On 12/15/2017 at 11:53 AM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Press has started for her new real estate show with Frederik I think it starts after the new year. A lawsuit putting you in the press is always good PR for your new upcoming t v show dontcha know ? Are they filming RHONY? 

If she is doing this for publicity for her new show she sucks at it. She hasn’t said a word, and except for a few articles several weeks ago, this hasn’t exactly set the tabloid world on fire. We know she is much better at creating publicity when she wants to. 

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28 minutes ago, film noire said:

I don't think she should lose shared custody. That said,  anyone (Frankel or otherwise, male  or female)  who not only dates someone credibly accused of rape, but defends them (behind the scenes) to media has profoundly impaired judgement. Especially since Frankel let that "alleged" pig be around Bryn (after the rape allegations surfaced).  Even if you believe your new boy toy is innocent, you keep your daughter separate from any of that ugliness, imo --  if custody really is being re-opened, I think the court should require Hoppy and Frankel to agree on strict guidelines as to who can be around Bryn (on both sides). 

I would add this, if the courts find there is no reason to take shared custody away from the other parent (Jason in this case), the parent that filed (Bethenny) should have to pay all legal expenses for the other (Jason) and pay a large fine as well. 

1 minute ago, gundysgirl said:

If she is doing this for publicity for her new show she sucks at it. She hasn’t said a word, and except for a few articles several weeks ago, this hasn’t exactly set the tabloid world on fire. We know she is much better at creating publicity when she wants to. 

She also has people to read/monitor how people are reacting to headlines she is in, so she might realize keeping quiet on SM about it is better for her public image. It is possible that this is a fake story but it is just as possible it is true. I hope it is a fake story but if it is, why hasn't she said so?

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I am curious as to what grounds there are for a change in custody?  I don't think Bethenny can have it both ways that Bryn was oblivious to the going ons between her parents and she is somehow affected by them.  

Was there ever any doubt this was Bethenny's game plan from the beginning?  All it means to me is since Bethenny does not work when she has custody of her daughter we will see a lot less of her if she were to achieve sole custody.  

Somehow I think Jason's words about not caring about how many attorneys Bethenny hires he will not be pushed out of his daughter's life have come full circle.  My guess is there was always a threat of Bethenny making this move.  She lost the first round in the custody battle and now she thinks she will win?  

Usually there has to be a substantial change of circumstances to warrant a custody change.  I haven't seen it-other than Bethenny wants zero contact with Jason.  Wish granted.  It almost sounds as if Bethenny is planning on making a move out of state.  Hollywood calling?

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On 12/31/2017 at 3:32 AM, zoeysmom said:

.  It almost sounds as if Bethenny is planning on making a move out of state.  Hollywood calling?

Oh, ding ding ding; that could be it, ZM (especially since the first time she tried to move them all to Cali, Jason stopped it.) She spent NYE with Kyle, so maybe she wants to return to her old stomping grounds.

Bernadette - unironically, I assume - makes the case for Hoppy, with both feet planted firmly in her mouth:

“I don’t know him,” Birk told Radar about Frankel’s ex, Jason Hoppy, 47. “But from what I have seen, he seems nice."


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She spent NYE with Kyle, so maybe she wants to return to her old stomping grounds.

She spent it in Aspen.  She’s done that at least the last three years.    She just added a hot tub to the Hampton place.  She’s not acting like someone that is moving to LA.

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4 hours ago, Ellee said:

Bethenny’s PR hasn’t been the same since Julie left forever ago. 

PR ppl who can also play role as your baby's godmother must be few and far between! IMHO Bethenny has spiraled down so badly she will never find another blind loyalty like Julie's. Wonder how much Brynn sees her godmother now that Julie is out the picture. 

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PR ppl who can also play role as your baby's godmother must be few and far between! IMHO Bethenny has spiraled down so badly she will never find another blind loyalty like Julie's. Wonder how much Brynn sees her godmother now that Julie is out the picture. 

A couple of times a year on insta you see Julie.   She has a family now so it’s usually a group trip.  Not sure about loyalty but a number of her staff have been with her 8 years.  There are some in the office that seem recent.  The stylist/PA has been around for years.  Her PR is an outside firm.  

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I don't know if this has been brought up, but I think one of the reasons B wants sole custody is so that Brynn can be on the show.  I hope I'm wrong, but I can see her doing something like that.  She probably thinks showing the world what a great relationship they have would soften her image.  She should really concern herself with the actual relationship.  I hope Brynn never ends up on the show.  I think it's damaging to children to have them appear on these things.  I definitely commend Jason for keeping his child off the air because I know if he were okay with it, B would trot that child out in front of the cameras in a heartbeat.

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On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 4:19 PM, Normades said:

I don't know if this has been brought up, but I think one of the reasons B wants sole custody is so that Brynn can be on the show.  I hope I'm wrong, but I can see her doing something like that.  She probably thinks showing the world what a great relationship they have would soften her image.  She should really concern herself with the actual relationship.  I hope Brynn never ends up on the show.  I think it's damaging to children to have them appear on these things.  I definitely commend Jason for keeping his child off the air because I know if he were okay with it, B would trot that child out in front of the cameras in a heartbeat.

And if Jason could financially benefit from it, he'd agree to it in a flash.

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On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 2:32 AM, zoeysmom said:

I am curious as to what grounds there are for a change in custody?  I don't think Bethenny can have it both ways that Bryn was oblivious to the going ons between her parents and she is somehow affected by them.  

Was there ever any doubt this was Bethenny's game plan from the beginning?  All it means to me is since Bethenny does not work when she has custody of her daughter we will see a lot less of her if she were to achieve sole custody.  

Somehow I think Jason's words about not caring about how many attorneys Bethenny hires he will not be pushed out of his daughter's life have come full circle.  My guess is there was always a threat of Bethenny making this move.  She lost the first round in the custody battle and now she thinks she will win?  

Usually there has to be a substantial change of circumstances to warrant a custody change.  I haven't seen it-other than Bethenny wants zero contact with Jason.  Wish granted.  It almost sounds as if Bethenny is planning on making a move out of state.  Hollywood calling?

I wonder about this too.  I don't practice in NY, but a bit of googling found NY, like many states, change of custody if there is a material/ substantial change of circumstances:

New York courts recognize those situations that qualify as either a material or substantial change that have a profound effect upon the original agreement, such as health or medical conditions, remarriage, job loss, criminal behavior, negligent or dangerous behavior or a change in residence.

All this needs to be about the CHILD, not the parents.  Since Jason did a plea deal that dismissed the charges, no criminal behavior.  I'm not sure his behavior that led to a dismissal would be considered "dangerous" to the child, but NY lawyers would know better.  And I think NY is strongly in favor of joint custody, so this is an uphill battle.

If B thinks she can move out of state easily, she has an uphill battle.  Apparently NY is particularly strict about moving out of state, and that she "wants" to move, possibly for her career (when she has a very successful career in NY), when she will be putting a continent between the child and her father, doesn't look like a winner.  Even if she obtained sole custody, she'd still need a court to rule she could move out of state.

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If B thinks she can move out of state easily, she has an uphill battle.  Apparently NY is particularly strict about moving out of state, and that she "wants" to move, possibly for her career (when she has a very successful career in NY), when she will be putting a continent between the child and her father, doesn't look like a winner.  Even if she obtained sole custody, she'd still need a court to rule she could move out of state.

Plus she shows no signs of pulling up stakes.  She is on the finishing touches of the new apartment.  Talking about missing the wood burning fireplace in her current one.  Added a spa to the pool in the Hamptons.  Bought an investment property in the Hamptons.  Moving SG to a larger office.  She’s a NY girl.

I wonder if it is a change in his circumstance?  Is he trying to live in a small one bedroom with a growing daughter?  Did he move to a neighborhood that is so far away that Brynn is missing the first period at school?  

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On 1/9/2018 at 11:25 AM, Mrs peel said:

I wonder about this too.  I don't practice in NY, but a bit of googling found NY, like many states, change of custody if there is a material/ substantial change of circumstances:

New York courts recognize those situations that qualify as either a material or substantial change that have a profound effect upon the original agreement, such as health or medical conditions, remarriage, job loss, criminal behavior, negligent or dangerous behavior or a change in residence.

All this needs to be about the CHILD, not the parents.  Since Jason did a plea deal that dismissed the charges, no criminal behavior.  I'm not sure his behavior that led to a dismissal would be considered "dangerous" to the child, but NY lawyers would know better.  And I think NY is strongly in favor of joint custody, so this is an uphill battle.

If B thinks she can move out of state easily, she has an uphill battle.  Apparently NY is particularly strict about moving out of state, and that she "wants" to move, possibly for her career (when she has a very successful career in NY), when she will be putting a continent between the child and her father, doesn't look like a winner.  Even if she obtained sole custody, she'd still need a court to rule she could move out of state.

The only reason I surmised the change of locations is Bethenny likes the west coast.  Sounds arrogant coming from a Californian but we do have the weather and of course forest fires, mudslides but year round southern California has beautiful weather.  Erika Jayne left her kid behind in New Jersey to seek employment opportunities in California.  Bethenny wanted to move to California, she has lived here for a significant portion of her adult life.  

In many jurisdictions if there is a compelling reason there is a interim order awarding custody pending the hearing.  If you don't get the interim order chances are the reasons are not that profound.

I think with Miss Bethenny she has control issues.  She has zero problems with cutting people out of her life and I believe Jason has become that "inconvenient man".  So far all I have seen are religious and dietary differences.  Bethenny trotting out of McDonalds probably negates the big dietary regime.  I honestly understand when Bethenny was with Dennis, Bryn probably enjoyed a big fat family experience, but alas he is gone again.

On 1/9/2018 at 11:34 AM, QuinnM said:

Plus she shows no signs of pulling up stakes.  She is on the finishing touches of the new apartment.  Talking about missing the wood burning fireplace in her current one.  Added a spa to the pool in the Hamptons.  Bought an investment property in the Hamptons.  Moving SG to a larger office.  She’s a NY girl.

I wonder if it is a change in his circumstance?  Is he trying to live in a small one bedroom with a growing daughter?  Did he move to a neighborhood that is so far away that Brynn is missing the first period at school?  

Bethenny could have homes all over the world.  It seems she likes to buy new homes and it is her new schtick.  

The solution when one parent has seemingly unlimited wealth is to compensate the other parent.  If the other parent is constantly burdened with attorney fees, the court takes notice.  Jason being mean to Bethenny has kind of been a constant.  I would like to hear the child is not comfortable.  Since Bethenny no longer has a stable relationship with built in family and friends I am at a loss as to what changed.   Since the last reincarnation she has split her relationship with her step father.  It just seems to me not everyone who has a relationship with Bethenny is toxic.

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On 1/10/2018 at 6:23 PM, zoeysmom said:

 It just seems to me not everyone who has a relationship with Bethenny is toxic.

Agree. Given the rage Bethenny still has about her own parents and their respective significant others relative to her own upbringing, Bethenny's issues with that make her ill equipped to parent  without some self awareness. No parent gets a handbook with children, it's not easy I am well aware.  She needs to address her issues and learn to parent in the situation she's got. One can learn algebra, one can learn how to needlepoint and if you've never parented you have to learn how to do it. Bethenny thinks she has to fight and fight to get what she wants tooth and nail and she doesn't. She can learn and she can parent well.  She can be divorced and co parent well. To me, she is putting her strength into the wrong efforts because she just never gets to the bottom of her own issues first. Zero self awareness. Poor Brynn. 

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I think she'd love to move to California - maybe join the BH crew as a friend (shoot mostly with Kyle) to maintain exposure, and leave her history of being the spite-mouthed housewife behind.  It'd be a smart move - she has a shot at flying higher in Los Angeles than in NYC (still so much snobbery in the city) especially if she resumes charitable work.  But I doubt Hoppy will let his kid go that far away.

Edited by film noire
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12 hours ago, film noire said:

Custody case blurb:

“They’ve been butting heads since the day they split back in 201, and she’s telling friends that now she’s got some powerful ammunition to get him out of her life for good,” an insider reveals in a recent print issue of OK! Magazine."


Virtually impossibly to do.  She might bet an arrangement where a third party acts as an intermediary between the parents (though that's rare too), but cutting all contact between father and daughter?  He would need to be a pedofile or have tried to kill Bryn or something like that. Horrible parents get supervised visitation, at the worst.

I'd say the entire story was garbage (it's all third hand statements), but has it been confirmed she's re-opened the custody decision?

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I'd say the entire story was garbage (it's all third hand statements), but has it been confirmed she's re-opened the custody decision?

So there are degrees of custody.  Jason traveled in the past for his job.  So lets say he is now on the road M-TH (millions do this).  So a third party (grandparent/nanny) pick Brynn up on Wednesday after school, Jason returns late Th night, spend F-Sun with Brynn, leaves her with nanny M-Wed school drop off.  I actually know a parent that got full custody with the other parent just getting alternate weekends and 2 days connecting to those weekends IF he was in residence.  The court sees third party custody as wrong.  This is parents custody only.  

But it’s still BS since there has been nothing to indicate it was true.

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36 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

So there are degrees of custody.  Jason traveled in the past for his job.  So lets say he is now on the road M-TH (millions do this).  So a third party (grandparent/nanny) pick Brynn up on Wednesday after school, Jason returns late Th night, spend F-Sun with Brynn, leaves her with nanny M-Wed school drop off.  I actually know a parent that got full custody with the other parent just getting alternate weekends and 2 days connecting to those weekends IF he was in residence.  The court sees third party custody as wrong.  This is parents custody only.  

But it’s still BS since there has been nothing to indicate it was true.

I'm not totally following your example here in terms of B and J.  But I think B wants to avoid the joint decision making, in addition to  changing the amount of time he has with Bryn.  If she wants SOLE custody, she doesn't want to have to talk to Jason about any decision in Bryn's life.  That sound right up her alley, but unfortunately for her my limited research of NY law would indicate she's got an uphill battle there. 

I'd be pissed as a parent if my ex were having the child stay with a nanny (instead of me) on a regular basis.  But then you just change the schedule for when each parent has physical custody of the child, not that you move for SOLE custody.  People used to think that joint custody meant the child spent 50% of the time was spent with each parent, but that's rarely true (or workable).

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I'd be pissed as a parent if my ex were having the child stay with a nanny (instead of me) on a regular basis.  But then you just change the schedule for when each parent has physical custody of the child, not that you move for SOLE custody.  People used to think that joint custody meant the child spent 50% of the time was spent with each parent, but that's rarely true (or workable).

That was my point.  Even if she was going back for full custody it may be about time spent or it may be about decisions or it may be some gossip rags way of making money.  No one knows.  

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