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Bethenny & Jason: The Divorce Showdown

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1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Have there been other times when Bethenny filed a criminal complaint against Jason for something?   This is the first time it's happened that I know of, so I cannot look at it as using the system like a gumball machine (which I agree is wrong, I just don't see it happening in this situation).  

I hope Jason doesn't walk into court claiming Bethenny deserved to be stalked and threatened and harassed because she is such a terrible person.  He is a grown man and his behavior is on HIM.   The "he/she made me do it" defense stops working as an excuse somewhere around kindergarten, and I doubt any court will have much patience for it.  

I think the court did the right thing by barring Hoppy from any contact for six months with Bethenny or Shields.  Not bcause it was about to get violent but because there was nothing positive coming from the contact.

Better yet he should get off his high horse sell his story to the highest bidder instead having some secret war with Bethenny and Dennis Shields.  His ship has sailed. 


  • Love 4

Wait, what?

The court barred Jason from contacting them them for six months? I totally missed this development. The thing with the cyst and deceased letter actually went to court? I thought they were trying to just dust Jason back from the play with that move.

Wow. So is this recent outburst from him the result of being stifled?  Hmm.

  • Love 2

There are two Page 6 articles.  In one Jason is rumored to have told Bethenny at some point (not clear if it is recent) that he is not going to let her cut him out of Bryn's life the way Bernadette did Bethenny's dad.  And then the other quote was about Bethenny "playing that way, using lawyers yadda yadda and warning Shields that Bethenny is evil and that Jason isn't going to take it" and "he can't help it."  Bethenny went to the police after that with her lawyer and friends (maybe Shields? another witness/mom) and told the story that she was in fear of Jason.  In the more recent article the police source says they think Bethenny is exaggerating to get back at Jason.

In the Jezebel article they note that Bethenny is suing her attorneys over the apartment trust because it gave Jason 1/2 ownership and allowed him to live rent free, so maybe Jason made out better than we think or she wouldn't be suing the attorneys? 


  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Have there been other times when Bethenny filed a criminal complaint against Jason for something?   This is the first time it's happened that I know of, so I cannot look at it as using the system like a gumball machine (which I agree is wrong, I just don't see it happening in this situation).

I do not know if there has been any other criminal complaint. When I refer to the justice system I mean the courts as well; these resources are not limitless. If someone is an abusive situation they have the absolute right to work within the system to protect themselves. However two people not only dragged this crap through the courts for several years, one of them openly spoke ill of the other at every turn on national television and wrote a book about how lousy her ex was. Hoppy's actions were incredibly stupid, but B has been sticking her chin out for years.  

With the current political climate I've been in a whole duty/freedom morality mindset so I apologize if I sound a little...invested in this topic. 

I think this story has a little more information. A Friday arrest is a pretty standard move to mess with someone but b/c it's Bethenny I have to wonder the level of her lawyer's involvement. Also, apparently the friend who witnessed the confrontation was the boyfriend:

Hoppy approached Frankel and her boyfriend at an undisclosed location and allegedly said, "OK I see. This is how you want to do this. OK. You can play your game. It doesn't matter. You can get 10 lawyers. There's nothing you can do to stop me. You'll be sorry. You've been warned. I can't help it. She's pure evil. You've been warned. Don't say I didn't warn you."

"Ms. Frankel’s decision to report Mr. Hoppy’s abusive behavior followed years of systematic bullying, harassment, stalking and torment on an almost daily basis.

So, clearly the only way to read this situation is that KELLY IS TOTALLY COMING BACK next season.

  • Love 10

I agree these two asshats completely wore out the family court system.  I can only hope the criminal court system is less tolerant of similar shenanigans, be they either Bethenny bringing nonsensical charges or Jason acting like an ass, whichever it turns out to be.

But your suggestion that Kelly might return is going entirely too far, Chick!  That's just needlessly cruel to suggest! 

A note:  As mentioned by zoeysmom in an above post,  Jason has been barred from contacting Beth and her boyfriend (aka Mrs. Shields' husband, Dennis) for six months ... but that is based on this new complaint just filed.  It is not the result of the cyst and deceased letter Dennis sent a while back, which I misunderstood to be the cause.  Just wanted to clear up any confusion my post my have caused.   

  • Love 4

I am EXTREMELY suspicious Bethenny is playing the system here.  Not to say Jason is an innocent victim.  But it just doesn't sound like he's the crazed stalker she's making him out to be.  Look, we've seen how miserably bitter & cruelly evil Bethenny is.  She's ruthless as hell & she's a well-known liar.  And she's out for blood & revenge.  She's certainly capable of setting him up to be arrested.  And now that's what The Post is saying cops are thinking about this.  Not surprised.


The awful evil Frankelstein monster strikes again?  If she did set him up to be arrested over bullshit, how horrible would that be?  He could lose his job over this.  I'm trying to think of someone more evil & horrible & cruel than Bethenny.  It ain't easy.  Satan?  Maybe?  Trump or Bannon?  Nah, she's way more evil.

  • Love 13

Holy planted story, Batman. That is quite the chatty little police source quoted in that article. Can't say it makes the cops look very good though LOL. Admitting they think she's full of shit but going out and arresting Jason anyway just because she filed a complaint? Without her even alleging a physical assault?  Is that how the police in New York City operate? I wasn't aware they knowingly allowed themselves to be the tools of embittered "C list" celebrities who are telling obvious lies just to screw with their exes. The wrongful arrest lawsuits must really pile up. 

What really puts it over the top is the source describing Jason as "a pretty cool character."  I didn't know a "cool characters" emailed their ex wives (and her new boyfriend) fifty times a month insulting and attacking and badgering them LOL

I wonder how much it cost to get  why a member of the police department would provide Page Six with this PR statement information that makes the cops sound like idiot douchebags?  It's almost like they meant to make the cops sound like fools and paint Jason is an innocent victim of their complete disregard of the truth and failure to do the right thing.  Poor Jason.

LOL Sorry but I am classifying this story as "alternative facts" and depositing it directly into the circular file where it belongs.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 9

50 emails a month over scheduling pickups are easy.

1. I am picking up Bryn today at 4

2. I haven't heard back from you.  Will Bryn be ready at 4?  Let me know.

3. Can you please let me know if Bryn will be available at 4.

4. Why the fuck can't you or your BF who I copied on this email let me know if Bryn will be ready at 4. Why is it always a game with you handing over Bryn. Do we have to go over this every time there is an exchange? You won't keep my daughter away from me you 40 year old addicted to plastic surgery evil woman yadda yadda insult insult.

5. Thanks for finally responding I will see you at 4.

See how easy it is to get 5 emails in over one exchange? Now imagine school plays, bday parties, etc. There are other things that they need to communicate over. And yes when there is a complaint of harassment and stalking and if there was a cease and desist in play and Bethenny and the BF could show the police continued emails, then the police do have to go out and arrest him.  Now Jason's emails could be much worse even. But if they were, we wouldn't have gotten that quote from the cops. Page 6 isn't going to play with potential DV IMO.

One thing - if he is threatening her, then his emails may come out now and be shown as part of them prosecuting him.  Although he is only being charged with harassment and stalking, not menacing.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 11

Lets see so after receiving an average of 3 emails a day, multiple attempted facetime calls, and finally an ambush at a location he knew she would have to be ... SHE'S WORKING THE SYSTEM?  Yeah, not buying it.  If some cop really did say that bullcrap then I feel for the people of New York.  This noodle brain can't recognize an escalating series of threats?  Keep him on traffic detail.

Hoppy is out of control.  I'm sure his lawyer has told him to knock it off.  If he has any friends left they have told him to let it go.  He is becoming dangerous.  The judge saw it and that is why there is a restraining order.  And speaking of the restraining order that is the best bit for all us Gladys Cravits.  We got a look at some of the actual emails.  What kind of nut is asking to see the life insurance policy.  He is one scarey dude right now.  And yes when they go to court we'll know whether he actually said the things he did.  And if he is ambushing her at Bryn's school and threatening her then its a crime.

I still want a definitive answer on who the friend was that heard all this.  Any chance it was Tinsley?  Timing seems interesting with the photos.  And speaking of photos.  The paps are just as lame as that cop.  All those pictures of that morning and we don't get a pap shot of Jason.  Dammit people do your job.

  • Love 8

50 emails a month over scheduling pickups are easy.

It's obvious from Bethenny's snap that they pick up and drop off at school.  So on switch days Bethenny would drop off and Jason will pick up.  It also seems that when Bryn is with the other parent the other parent has a scheduled call with her.  Bethenny is all about her daily call with Bryn.  So no need for email there either.  But of course there is that vital email asking to see the life insurance policy to make sure that Bryn has money in case Bethenny dies.  WTH? 

  • Love 7

The notion that the police "had to arrest" Jason simply because she made the report is total crap.   The police investigate and then determine if there is probable cause to make an arrest.  I don't recall her ever having had to involve the police prior to this & honestly to hell with Jason for bringing his anger to his daughter's school.  

  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Holy planted story, Batman. That is quite the chatty little police source quoted in that article.


1 hour ago, AttackTurtle said:

The notion that the police "had to arrest" Jason simply because she made the report is total crap.   The police investigate and then determine if there is probable cause to make an arrest.  I don't recall her ever having had to involve the police prior to this & honestly to hell with Jason for bringing his anger to his daughter's school.  

Well, there you go.  Two sides of the same coin.  I tend to think this...

2 hours ago, jinjer said:

50 emails a month over scheduling pickups are easy.

And that what counts as anger and frustration in one person's mind might be considered stalking and harassment in another person's mind.  I guess we'll see what the courts say at some point, right?

Regardless, Jason, if he hasn't already, needs to move on.  I get seeing the legal battles through to the end, but since all that is done and decisions have been made, it's time to move on.  Fighting Bethany will mean nothing but more loss for him.  She's too smart, cunning, angry, mean, and rich. 

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 2
16 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Are you talking about a restraining order being put in place to protect Bethenny from Jason which would result in Jason being jailed for coming near his daughter?  Because that is not how restraining orders work.  Bryn herself would have to be a party to such a restraining order for it to result in Jason being jailed for visiting her.  And right now there is no reason to anticipate Bryn being a party to such an order.  Jason is not threatening her - not as far as we know, at least. 

As far as violating an order of protection regarding Bethenny while attempting to visit Bryn and ending up in jail, that doesn't have to happen. Parent's go through intermediaries to facilitate visitation all the time when they can't be around each other for either legal reasons.  Mom drops the child off with a custodian who turns the child over to Dad.  He then returns the child to the custodian and they give the child back to Mom.  Happens every day.  

In short, there is no reason to think Bethenny would be telling Bryn she can't see her daddy because he will be put in jail if he comes near her. Because it's simply not the truth. 


Why is it a waste of police resources?   Does it have to come to actual physical violence before Bethenny is entitled to ask the police to intervene?   

No, I am talking about the nasty shit that parents talk about each other and filter down to/at the kids, who are the real victims.

All 'restraining orders' are horseshit pieces of paper that people break all the time.

No, Methenny would NEVER say anything any thing demeaning about her kid's father, or anyone else!

  • Love 6

Wow, 3 emails a day which coud be easily ignored & deleted in a sec.  Oooh, real skeery & terrifying.  Nope, don't dare to annoy the Frankelstein monster -- or she'll see you arrested & put in jail.

Look, hate on Jason all ya want.  Maybe he does deserve the hate.  But Satan Bethenny had him put in jail over bullshit.  She is pure evil.

  • Love 10

When Bethenny filed for divorce she requested a life insurance policy be maintained by Hoppy.  He responded in kind that she maintain one. 

I have no idea what occurs in the back and forth but clearly the driver, Kevin, should be dropping off the child.  Kevin is the most likeable person in Bethenny's life.  Scheduling should not even be an issue and can be done in accordance with the child's school schedule.

There are just so many ways for these people to avoid contact with one another.  First knock off the daily phone calls.  That cannot be anything but disruptive to the custodial parent's time with the child.  I would hate to see it get to the point where the parents have to alternate recitals or soccer games because they are immature and cannot be in the same space.  Between the two of them they are making this child out to be a remake of "Poor Little Gloria". 

Jason's claims aren't totally unfounded when it comes to his feelings of being replaced.  First there was the custody battle and then the bizarre meeting Bethenny had with her ex-stepfather.  Why she would bring him a druggie, degenerate gambler into the child's life is uncomfortable to say the least I am sure for Hoppy. 

Jason needs to keep his focus on the child and not who Bethenny is dating.  And Bethenny's men should not be involved in the pick up drop off situations.   

I can see why the police source was skeptical of Bethenny who brought friends and an attorney to the police station.  That is a little dramatic.

  • Love 11
38 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Wow, 3 emails a day which coud be easily ignored & deleted in a sec.  Oooh, real skeery & terrifying.  Nope, don't dare to annoy the Frankelstein monster -- or she'll see you arrested & put in jail.

Look, hate on Jason all ya want.  Maybe he does deserve the hate.  But Satan Bethenny had him put in jail over bullshit.  She is pure evil.

There's an episode of Cheers in which John Allen Hill takes control of the space above Sam's bar and begins wielding an unreasonable amount of power.  Sam tries in vain to stop him but can't.  His lack of control drives him a bit looney and he reaches a boiling point and tries to destroy whatever small bit of John Allen Hill that he can.  At the moment, it was a welcome mat John Allen Hill placed at the door of the bar.   Sam goes crazy trying to rip, tear, and  burn the thing but it's too durable and can't be destroyed.  He then realizes his attempts at taking down John Allen Hill will always be futile.  He acquiesces and says in a resigned tone something like "I give up.  I can't fight evil" (or something like that).  It was one of the funniest scenes of the show's history IMO (Cheers still makes me laugh out loud).   Anyway, Jason and Bethany remind me of Sam and John Allen Hill. 

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 3

What I'm really annoyed by is this story is not at all what it first appeared to be -- from the first reporting of it.  At first, it looked to me like Jason went off the rails & was seriously threatening her.  That's NOT what's going on in the least.  Is this merely the same bullshit they've been fighting about?  Or was there something valid to be concerned about that made the cops arrest Jason?  

Bottom line is Jason should tread very carefully.  Satan Bethenny is the one with the dough.  He sure ain't.  She can & I'm convinced she has & she absolutely will continue to use expensive lawyers to work the system in her favor indefinitely.  I believe she'd do anything to get revenge on him.  And she's annoyed as hell by the power struggle in having to deal with him daily on custody matters.  Hideously ugly situation, made way worse by BOTH of them.  They're both horrible people.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:


The awful evil Frankelstein monster strikes again?  If she did set him up to be arrested over bullshit, how horrible would that be?  He could lose his job over this.  I'm trying to think of someone more evil & horrible & cruel than Bethenny.  It ain't easy.  Satan?  Maybe?  Trump or Bannon?  Nah, she's way more evil.

I know!  I know!  The guy I work with.  He is far worse than Bethenny.   She'd be like a newborn puppy compared to him. 

Sorry....just had to say that!!  Sadly it's true.

Edited by Ellee
  • Love 4

Ladies & Gents ...... out of curiousity .... since NY was called in because they were too boring .... could all of this Jason/Bethenny drama be a way to 'spice things up'?  Even though it is probably not going to be on the show. 

And for some reason.....I thought Shields became an ex. 

Have to admit that I'm not following too closely but the timing of all this seems more than a coincidence.  Also the whole Kenya/Matt drama.  Abusive/harassment/stalking.   Am I too cynical now? 

I don't know.

  • Love 3

There are just so many ways for these people to avoid contact with one another.  

I feel like some of this should have been addressed in the custody agreement. And maybe it was. I just feel like Bryn should have a Google calendar that they both share. They each can add school activities, homework assignments, and Bryn's existing hobby activities (dance classes, horseback riding, karate, what have you to the other parent's week). If Bryn has a science class project due on Bethenny's week, Jason can add it. If Bryn is going for her yellow belt in karate during a Jason week, Bethenny can add that. New activities, play dates, and birthday parties can only be added by the parent whose week it is. They can send an email as a heads up when they make changes to the schedule once. Not multiples of "did you see my change?" But whoever said that these two hate each other more than they love Bryn is absolutely correct. The funny thing is that hate isn't the opposite of love. Ambivalence is. If Jason is having a hard time getting Bethenny to respond to his 5 emails about picking up Bryn after school, the solution is to talk to Bryn and the school. If Bryn hasn't been picked up by 4, she is to go back into the school, go to the office, and call daddy. The school knows why Bryn is waiting there.

  • Love 2

The thing that makes me view Jason as the party in the wrong is the fact that he is showing up to see Bryn when Bethenny is dropping her off for school.  He simply does not need to be doing that.  He has Bryn as much as Bethenny does and showing up at school to accompany the child from the curb to the front door of the building is intrusive and unnecessary. He really seems to be doing it more to make his presence felt by Bethenny than because he has some urgent need to see Bryn.  

He DAMN SURE does not need to go anywhere near Bethenny or speak to her when he sees her at the school drop off.  I don't even care what he says to her. The fact that he approaches her at all shows he is there to see her, and not his daughter.  

Viewed in this light, his constant emails lose any potential to be viewed as innocent attempts at communication.  This guy is doing this all just to bother his ex and he needs to knock it off.  At some point a person is entitled to demand they be left alone and if it takes involving the cops, so be it.  There is a reason cops view domestic disturbance calls as the most dangerous.  They never know what they are walking into and it can get ugly and violent very quickly.  The earlier the intervention into an escalating situation, the better.  It may look premature to involve the police, but they actually can often stop a developing problem from worsening and involving them before things actually get really scary is in no way being manipulative or scheming.  It is quite often simply the responsible thing to do. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 14

Wow. I guess LuAnn should probably hustle off to her local precinct and get some charges a filed since Bethenny fantasized on national television about "strangling" her. Maybe the Countess should get the NYPD on Andy, too, since he waxed orgasmic about how B "dismembered" her in the Berkshires.

Bethenny is a sociopath who thinks racist flourishes to her humor are cute and has an at best situationally adaptable relationship with the truth. If anyone should be afraid of coming to harm in this dynamic, it's Jason.n

  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

Wow. I guess LuAnn should probably hustle off to her local precinct and get some charges a filed since Bethenny fantasized on national television about "strangling" her. Maybe the Countess should get the NYPD on Andy, too, since he waxed orgasmic about how B "dismembered" her in the Berkshires.

Bethenny is a sociopath who thinks racist flourishes to her humor are cute and has an at best situationally adaptable relationship with the truth. If anyone should be afraid of coming to harm in this dynamic, it's Jason.n

If Bethenny threatened to strangle Luann to her face or emailed her similar threats dozens and dozens of times, you might have a point. But of course that was just one single dumb comment on a talk show, and hardly comparable to how Jason has allegedly behaved.  And Andy's use of the word "dismember" was just a figure of speech, obviously. 

But facetiousness aside, Bethenny's credibility is a fair subject to question.  I would love to hear from the person who witnessed their confrontation or to get a peek at those emails (if such things are ever made public). It's one thing to hear there were 150 emails or that Jason once again got in Bethenny's face in public to threaten her - but reading those emails and hearing what other people who have less situationally adaptable relationships to the truth have to say about what happened might be extremely illuminating, to say the least. 

  • Love 4

Both sides have enough financial resources and people around to ensure that they never have to have contact with each other. It is outrageous that these conversations are taking place in Bryn's environment.

Emails can be easily blocked. There is no reason to feel threatened by a ton of emails. My phone has an app that also blocks text messages and phone calls. No one gets through to me electronically unless I allow it.

I hate sore losers.

  • Love 4

The only person he can control is himself. If Bethenny is being childish or manipulative by refusing to respond to his emails, then he needs to let the school know to call him if Bethenny fails to pick up Bryn and document that. Or if he has to deviate from the usual schedule and Bethenny doesn't let him know if this is ok, cc her assistant, her lawyer, and his lawyer. He knows she hates him. The two of them can barely talk to each other. Sending 4 or 5 emails a day with basically the same message isn't going to get Bethenny to hate him less. He should be sending 1 email. If there is no acknowledgement, send a second one and cc to all of the relevant parties. That's it. She's not responding because it bothers him. He's sending tons of emails because it bothers her. They both need to stawhp!

9 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

The notion that the police "had to arrest" Jason simply because she made the report is total crap.   The police investigate and then determine if there is probable cause to make an arrest.  I don't recall her ever having had to involve the police prior to this & honestly to hell with Jason for bringing his anger to his daughter's school.  

The arrest could be bullshit. It could be serious. But if his weirdo intrusive emails to Dennis Shields were included, I might be inclined to come down on the side of arresting him especially because his threat at the school was heard by witnesses. He made a child with a crazy vindictive person. He has boundary issues (I'm not just basing this on his arrest or his emails to Shields. I thought this when the show was on and how he interacted with his parents). It sucks that this happened, but at least it's easily explainable as ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ crazy ex-wife. This is a lesson for him on how to deal with Bethenny.

Bethenny is an asshole, but he's never going to out asshole her. When he tries to, this is what happens. He's in this situation because he was being angry, dumb, and petty. He wasn't thinking of Bryn or even himself. He should have better things to do with his time.

I'm sure that when Bethenny's phone is broken or if she gets a new number, she is Johnny on the spot getting the new contact to him. She was ignoring his emails and texts and he knew that. He was frustrated and he viewed the constant emails as cathartic because he knew Bethenny would be bothered by them. The thing is that you need to love and know yourself enough to be authentically happy. This includes admitting your own culpability. He knew who she was when they met. He underestimated her and overestimated himself. She and the marriage was more than he could handle. She's crazy and awful, but she didn't hide that from him and he still picked her. Right now, when he lashes out at her it is still very much in that "fuck you crazy bitch who ruined my life" vein. However he needs to accept that he's the dumb asshole who brought this into his life. It took two people to create this mess. He needs to own his part.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Showthyme said:

Emails can be easily blocked. There is no reason to feel threatened by a ton of emails. My phone has an app that also blocks text messages and phone calls. No one gets through to me electronically unless I allow it.

I don't think the volume of emails is what is being considered "threatening."  I think that is the harassment part.  It sounds like the "threatening" aspect of it is coming from well, threats, lol.  Threats to "destroy" Bethenny, asserting a fleet of lawyers can't stop him, won't be able to protect her.  I have a sneaking suspicion that the real problem is the harassment, though, more than anything.  That crap gets old.  I know some people think it would just roll of their back if it was them.  But after years of it doing battle with someone, I have to wonder if that would really be true.  I don't think you know for sure until you've actually been through something like that.  I'm not sure ignoring stuff like that is as easy as it sounds.  

I must admit - as far as "threats" go - I have to laugh at anyone suggesting they are going to "destroy" someone.  That sounds like something Erica Kane would say.  Who knows, maybe Jason is an All My Children fan and that is his way of making a death threat, lol.

That being said, though, that doesn't mean you should just leave out comments like that when you go to the police.  You need to give them all the facts.  I think if Bethenny was really trying to exaggerate things just to get Jason arrested, she would make up something more menacing than that.  It may sound kind of dumb, but I think she was just trying to give the police a complete picture. 

  • Love 4

First of all, why is Dennis Shields putting up with this crap? What's wrong with him? It's too much drama for anyone in a new relationship to want to get involved in. 

How did Jason do financially in the divorce? Did he walk away with millions or was he screwed over? I'm inclined to think he got a decent settlement. Maybe not what he hoped for but enough to live a nice life. What he should have done was move on with his life, find a nice woman to settle down with that's 10 or 15 years younger and have a couple more kids. Siblings for Bryn to play with every other weekend! That would be the ultimate screw you to bitter old bag Bethenny. It would drive her insane. He's playing it all wrong. 

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

The only person he can control is himself. If Bethenny is being childish or manipulative by refusing to respond to his emails, then he needs to let the school know to call him if Bethenny fails to pick up Bryn and document that. Or if he has to deviate from the usual schedule and Bethenny doesn't let him know if this is ok, cc her assistant, her lawyer, and his lawyer. He knows she hates him. The two of them can barely talk to each other. Sending 4 or 5 emails a day with basically the same message isn't going to get Bethenny to hate him less. He should be sending 1 email. If there is no acknowledgement, send a second one and cc to all of the relevant parties. That's it. She's not responding because it bothers him. He's sending tons of emails because it bothers her. They both need to stawhp!

The arrest could be bullshit. It could be serious. But if his weirdo intrusive emails to Dennis Shields were included, I might be inclined to come down on the side of arresting him especially because his threat at the school was heard by witnesses. He made a child with a crazy vindictive person. He has boundary issues (I'm not just basing this on his arrest or his emails to Shields. I thought this when the show was on and how he interacted with his parents). It sucks that this happened, but at least it's easily explainable as ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ crazy ex-wife. This is a lesson for him on how to deal with Bethenny.

Bethenny is an asshole, but he's never going to out asshole her. When he tries to, this is what happens. He's in this situation because he was being angry, dumb, and petty. He wasn't thinking of Bryn or even himself. He should have better things to do with his time.

I'm sure that when Bethenny's phone is broken or if she gets a new number, she is Johnny on the spot getting the new contact to him. She was ignoring his emails and texts and he knew that. He was frustrated and he viewed the constant emails as cathartic because he knew Bethenny would be bothered by them. The thing is that you need to love and know yourself enough to be authentically happy. This includes admitting your own culpability. He knew who she was when they met. He underestimated her and overestimated himself. She and the marriage was more than he could handle. She's crazy and awful, but she didn't hide that from him and he still picked her. Right now, when he lashes out at her it is still very much in that "fuck you crazy bitch who ruined my life" vein. However he needs to accept that he's the dumb asshole who brought this into his life. It took two people to create this mess. He needs to own his part.

All of this.  I thought I was long done with NY until I saw the article today.  I always thought Jason Hoppy was a passive aggressive asshole who knew exactly what he was getting into but didn't expect to come out the loser that he is.   He is an intelligent man who had a successful career in a very cutthroat field so he was no innocent babe from a small town.  IMO when the marriage imploded, he kept tabs on the media and viewership that turned on Bethenny and played the victim role to the hilt, thinking he would come out the big winner.  Even when Bethenny brought out his behavior during the divorce, e.g. unflushed turds, he and his father wandering around in the apartment in their underwear while a photoshoot was going on, etc., she got very little sympathy for the most part.  What slowly emerged were the other unsavory tidbits, e.g. the infamous trust that his mother notarized, etc. that most viewers didn't really think were a big deal.  And to be honest, when she was whining about him 'torturing' her, I thought she was exaggerating as usual.  But then to read that he was sending outrageous amounts of email not only to her but sending stuff to her boyfriend - that is beyond creepy.   I really think he miscalculated getting caught.   Frankly, I'm glad that Bethenny got his sorry ass arrested after the public outburst.   Until the emails are made public, no one really knows what exactly went on.  I thought I read in another article that Dennis Shields had his lawyers send Hoppy a cease and desist letter about the email barrage - I'm sure that you guys will let me know if that is incorrect.

I have a friend who was harassed in the same manner by her ex-husband and I can attest that that type of gratuitous harranguing is emotionally exhausting.  He placed her and her children is a poor financial position, and it took her awhile to be able to pull together the money to be able to pay her lawyer to put a stop to it.  Whether rich or poor, it was very damaging to my friend and to Bethenny, (so it seems).  


Both Bethenny and Jason are self absorbed, horrible creatures.   Both need to get psychiatric help and get out of the public eye. 

  • Love 6
58 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

First of all, why is Dennis Shields putting up with this crap? What's wrong with him? It's too much drama for anyone in a new relationship to want to get involved in. 

How did Jason do financially in the divorce? Did he walk away with millions or was he screwed over? I'm inclined to think he got a decent settlement. Maybe not what he hoped for but enough to live a nice life. What he should have done was move on with his life, find a nice woman to settle down with that's 10 or 15 years younger and have a couple more kids. Siblings for Bryn to play with every other weekend! That would be the ultimate screw you to bitter old bag Bethenny. It would drive her insane. He's playing it all wrong. 

Exactly.  I  bet that was a real eye opener when he got his first email.  Not knowing what exactly was in the emails, it's hard to say why Dennis didn't bolt out of the clusterf*ck when he got the first one.  But possibly the first one confirmed Bethenny's accusations that Jason was harassing her and put Dennis into "protective mode".  Guess he didn't anticipate getting multiple ones.

I agree, I think he got a decent settlement - not as much as he wanted, but decent nonetheless.  Hey, if I had a loony ex and I got offered a few million to exit stage left, I'd do it in a heartbeat and feel like I dodged a major bullet, lol.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

If Bethenny threatened to strangle Luann to her face or emailed her similar threats dozens and dozens of times, you might have a point. But of course that was just one single dumb comment on a talk show, and hardly comparable to how Jason has allegedly behaved.  And Andy's use of the word "dismember" was just a figure of speech, obviously. 

But facetiousness aside, Bethenny's credibility is a fair subject to question.  I would love to hear from the person who witnessed their confrontation or to get a peek at those emails (if such things are ever made public). It's one thing to hear there were 150 emails or that Jason once again got in Bethenny's face in public to threaten her - but reading those emails and hearing what other people who have less situationally adaptable relationships to the truth have to say about what happened might be extremely illuminating, to say the least. 

Totally agree.  She's a whiner, an exaggerator extraordinare - Bethenny and her All Me orchestra.  That's why I initially dismissed her whining about her being tortured - she's the perfect patsy - and maybe Jason counted on no one believing her because of her tendency to exaggerate.  Like you, I would be interested in hearing from the people other than Dennis Shields that witnessed all or part of the confrontation.   Sad to say that probably Bethenny and Jason aren't the only divorced couple to melt down at their kid's school. 

  • Love 7

When I re-read the article the 160 emails were over three months. I get more emails from Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma over the holiday months than Bethenny got from Jason.

Is there some reason that the parents are at the school at the same time?  Are they exchanging Bryn's clothing or toys or something?  As best I can tell, Bethenny was off to film all weekend and missed a Friday night event because she was upset.

As far as calling Bethenny evil, old, ugly-uh one need not look to far to see how Bethenny behaves and things she said to Luann and did to Luann and Tom in the name of a reality show. By nature she is pretty vicious.  I get the impression Jason is essentially saying he is not backing down to Bethenny's threats.  So if she was busy having Jason arrested who picked the child up from school?  Was this not something that could have waited until she had Bryn? 

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

When I re-read the article the 160 emails were over three months. I get more emails from Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma over the holiday months than Bethenny got from Jason.

Is there some reason that the parents are at the school at the same time?  Are they exchanging Bryn's clothing or toys or something?  As best I can tell, Bethenny was off to film all weekend and missed a Friday night event because she was upset.

As far as calling Bethenny evil, old, ugly-uh one need not look to far to see how Bethenny behaves and things she said to Luann and did to Luann and Tom in the name of a reality show. By nature she is pretty vicious.  I get the impression Jason is essentially saying he is not backing down to Bethenny's threats.  So if she was busy having Jason arrested who picked the child up from school?  Was this not something that could have waited until she had Bryn? 

I got a lot of those emails around the holidays as well. The great thing is that I was able to go to the "unsubscribe" link on the email so that they would stop. They have this function because some people don't like having their mailboxes get clogged up with stuff they don't want. These emails are not threatening, and there are no names being called or insults being hurled.  Just companies wanting to show me that they have stuff available that I might want. Stuff in some cases I have researched and shown an interest in. Still, some folks don't like getting this correspondence. Imagine if the sender called them old or useless. Folks would be all up in arms I would imagine. 

Regarding who picked up Bryn, there is another article that said the altercation happened in the morning, that she visited the police, then was there to pick Bryn up after school.  

  • Love 7

Regarding who picked up Bryn, there is another article that said the altercation happened in the morning, that she visited the police, then was there to pick Bryn up after school.

The reporting on the restraining order says that he is not allowed at Bryn's school  So is that ever or just on the days when Bethenny will be there?  This could really mess with him if it means no school events.

  • Love 3
24 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

The reporting on the restraining order says that he is not allowed at Bryn's school  So is that ever or just on the days when Bethenny will be there?  This could really mess with him if it means no school events.

And an additional knife in his heart administered courtesy of Bethenny. 

One of the things I think keeps getting lost with all this discussion is.....Jason has never sought out a public forum.   He has kept his mouth shut.  Bethenny however is in the press every chance she gets.  While I give Jason a +1 for not seeking attention, that same +1 seems to have hurt him more in the long run. 

That ***hole I've told you all about that I work with.....his favorite saying is....Repeat a lie long enough it becomes the truth.   That may be Jason's world right now.   I know there is no 'right' in this whole situation but I still fall more into Jason's corner.  I've lived through the whole 'repeat a lie...' thing.  It can destroy.

Lol, dear QuinnM, I didn't mean to turn a quick reply to you into an Ellee soapbox thing.   Does anyone else get dizzy when they climb on that damm soapbox?  :D

  • Love 7

One of the things I think keeps getting lost with all this discussion is.....Jason has never sought out a public forum.   He has kept his mouth shut.  Bethenny however is in the press every chance she gets.  While I give Jason a +1 for not seeking attention, that same +1 seems to have hurt him more in the long run. 

Yes it was always 'Sources Close to Hoppy'.  So he got plenty of press.  All of the negative inside stuff against Bethenny did not come from Bethenny.  It came from sources close to Hoppy.  Takes two and she may be a head strong bitch but he is one nasty piece of work.  The problem right now is that she has lots of money and he does not.  He has behaved like such an asshole that he probably can't get a date much less a girlfriend.

If it really does block him from the school, there's a reason and documentation for it.  So the 'friends' that appeared with her in court may have included someone from the school. 

This is not something she did to him.  This is something he did.  He is not a victim.  He is the abuser.  He made the decision to behave like this.

  • Love 10
6 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

He has behaved like such an asshole that he probably can't get a date much less a girlfriend.

Woman marry serial killers on death row so there's someone for Hoppy. Just kidding. I've only seen one pap pix of him with a woman and she may or may not have been a date. Its odd that he hasn't gotten a girlfriend/SO in all this time. It does seem like he has no SO because if he was out with anyone it would be saleable enough for a pap pix or if he was out with friends someone would post to SM and that would be picked up by a gossip site.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I got a lot of those emails around the holidays as well. The great thing is that I was able to go to the "unsubscribe" link on the email so that they would stop. They have this function because some people don't like having their mailboxes get clogged up with stuff they don't want. These emails are not threatening, and there are no names being called or insults being hurled.  Just companies wanting to show me that they have stuff available that I might want. Stuff in some cases I have researched and shown an interest in. Still, some folks don't like getting this correspondence. Imagine if the sender called them old or useless. Folks would be all up in arms I would imagine. 

Regarding who picked up Bryn, there is another article that said the altercation happened in the morning, that she visited the police, then was there to pick Bryn up after school.  

I realize that I can unsubscribe-my point was the volume to Bethenny was not that impressive to me.  I don't think Jason should be calling her irrelevant or any names. Nor should Bethenny call him a thief in a public forum.  It just seems there has to be more than he spends time thinking of ways to insult and harass Bethenny.  Jason does need things clearly spelled out when he can and cannot contact Bethenny-it really isn't his right.  If there isn't something Jason is responding to then he either needs to tell his side of the story or get help.  Don't threaten to destroy someone's public persona just do it and get it over with.  This reminds me of Kim Richards and her Harry Hamlin bluff.

If the exchange place for Bryn was the school, it creates a whole new level of difficulty if Jason is in fact barred from the school.  Personally, short of a school performance I don't think both of them should be at the school at the same time.  If I was banned from a particular school, I would probably not agree to allow the child to attend that particular school any longer.  I am sure the other parents who are paying good money are probably tired of the Bethenny/Jason shit show.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Yes it was always 'Sources Close to Hoppy'.  So he got plenty of press.  All of the negative inside stuff against Bethenny did not come from Bethenny.  It came from sources close to Hoppy.  Takes two and she may be a head strong bitch but he is one nasty piece of work.  The problem right now is that she has lots of money and he does not.  He has behaved like such an asshole that he probably can't get a date much less a girlfriend.

If it really does block him from the school, there's a reason and documentation for it.  So the 'friends' that appeared with her in court may have included someone from the school. 

This is not something she did to him.  This is something he did.  He is not a victim.  He is the abuser.  He made the decision to behave like this.

It can also mean an irresponsible reporter just making shit up.

There was a story today about Luann being fired-yet she was photographed filming over the weekend.  Of course it attributed to sources close to RHONYC.

Is there a court date?

  • Love 9

I did see his court date, March 13th.  So we have just about a month to wait.  It is most likely an open court since this isn't custody but criminal.  So like I asked months ago with the cyst and disease happened, NOW we get to see the actual emails.  And unless Bethenny turns out to have manufactured this it will be Hoppy paying for his lawyer and for the court fees.  See, this isn't Bethenny suing him.  This is the state of New York charging him with criminal action.  It's serious stuff.  I'm sure the prosecutor is already looking for the cop that thinks it's a good idea to tell the press he's a cool dude.

  • Love 3

Sorry, guys. I'm trying to keep an open mind and see all sides I really am.   And, again, both are wrong in all of this.

Where does the 'wear and tear' on Jason factor in on all of this?  Conjecture on my part but does anyone seriously believe that B hasn't threatened to take away any contact with HIS DAUGHTER?   Does anyone believe that B hasn't done an equal share of the harassment?  

The other aspect of this that I have trouble with is that B will make sure that this is covered ad nauseum through every rag paper and will supply her forlorn, rundown face with free pictures and will have Jason guilty by the court of public opinion regardless of the 'facts'.   And, we really don't know the 'facts'.  

I can't get the pictures of little Bryn always smiling with her daddy out of my mind.  Every one.   Maybe that's why I want Jason to not be the bad guy here.

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, Ellee said:

 Conjecture on my part but does anyone seriously believe that B hasn't threatened to take away any contact with HIS DAUGHTER?   Does anyone believe that B hasn't done an equal share of the harassment?  

If that's the case, then Jason can present that in court.....but yeah, considering there are no allegations against Bethenny in that regard, I think that it's unlikely to exist.  

It's good to keep in mind that this is not just Bethenny making these claims.  There are attorneys involved, and now the NYPD and the court system that have brought charges against Jason and issued a restraining order against him.  There IS evidence that Jason is doing the harassing.  There is no evidence, at this point that I'm aware of, that Bethenny is doing the same. 

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 7
48 minutes ago, shoegal said:

If that's the case, then Jason can present that in court.....but yeah, considering there are no allegations against Bethenny in that regard, I think that it's unlikely to exist.  

It's good to keep in mind that this is not just Bethenny making these claims.  There are attorneys involved, and now the NYPD and the court system that have brought charges against Jason and issued a restraining order against him.  There IS evidence that Jason is doing the harassing.  There is no evidence, at this point that I'm aware of, that Bethenny is doing the same. 

Most likely Jason hasn't presented any of his facts and will not until the actual hearing, so not all the evidence is in. Bethenny pressed charges against Jason, the police and the DA have to follow through, especially since this is getting a lot of press, national press at that. Soooo, until all the facts are presented, we really don't know if Bethenny is telling the truth OR exaggerating things once again (something she is prone to do). It is possible that both Jason and Bethenny are in the wrong here, we will just have to wait and see how this plays out.

  • Love 7

I don't believe the police, the DA or the judge that issued the restraining order have to do anything that Bethenny says....Jason was arrested and charged and a restraining order issued, that's a pretty strong indication that something is wrong with his behavior, but he'll get his chance to defend himself in court.  So far we have seen no evidence that Bethenny is guilty of stalking or harassing Jason.  I have a feeling, though, that no matter what Jason does, somehow Bethenny will still be at fault.  

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Ellee said:

One of the things I think keeps getting lost with all this discussion is.....Jason has never sought out a public forum.   He has kept his mouth shut.  Bethenny however is in the press every chance she gets.  While I give Jason a +1 for not seeking attention, that same +1 seems to have hurt him more in the long run. 

That ***hole I've told you all about that I work with.....his favorite saying is....Repeat a lie long enough it becomes the truth.   That may be Jason's world right now.   I know there is no 'right' in this whole situation but I still fall more into Jason's corner.  I've lived through the whole 'repeat a lie...' thing.  It can destroy.


6 hours ago, QuinnM said:

Yes it was always 'Sources Close to Hoppy'.  So he got plenty of press.  All of the negative inside stuff against Bethenny did not come from Bethenny.  It came from sources close to Hoppy.  Takes two and she may be a head strong bitch but he is one nasty piece of work.  The problem right now is that she has lots of money and he does not. 

This is one of several reasons I have trouble seeing Jason as a total wingnut - whether or not the sources are authentic, Jason has never pursued any real public attention since the separation.  On the other hand, Bethenny - way before any e-mail scandal started - has been trashing Jason since day one quite publicly. As Bethenny has reminded us countless times, she is not stupid. What is to gain from trashing your daughter's father other than making yourself look like the victim of a money-grubbing monster who is not suitable to raise his own child?

I know I can't see past Bethenny's less than stellar qualities and I'm not trying to bestow any good ones on Jason, but I've always thought a war chest was what he was trying to build. And sadly I think he's going to need funds for a long time. Parents argue over child-rearing all the time but Bethenny treats every conversation like a battle. I get dizzy thinking about what this must be doing to Bryn. Because mom and dad? I don't care how much you say you love your daughter. and that she might not even be aware of the particulars - but the kid is feeling & internalizing everything.

  • Love 8

I think it's important to remember that the apartment issue took FOREVER to litigate and cost Bethenny a ton in legal fees ...  fees that she should never had to incur had the trust not been screwed up by those lawyers (supposedly).  I can understand her wanting them to pay her back for what it cost her to rectify their mistakes.  Plus she was having to pay for that place while Jason was living there without her.  I don't know if judge in the divorce ordered Jason to pay her back for that.  The court might have construed it as a loss to her that was caused by her lawyers and not Jason and she may be seeking reimbursement for that as well.  

I am of the opinion that if her lawyers were involved in shenanigans or acted incompetently, they should have to repay her every dime they cost her. With interest and punitive damages if they are applicable.  You wouldn't let a doctor commit malpractice and do you serious harm, and you shouldn't tolerate it from a lawyer, either. 

  • Love 8

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