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S06.E13: Win, Place, Or Sonja

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If that's the case, I'd imagine Mr. Cohen is filled with self-loathing. 


Bravo's insistence on promoting the bad behavior - from the violent confrontations to sexual assault and misogynistic comments is a disturbing trend across their franchise of reality shows. 


"Is this the kind of world we live in?"

Apparently even Bravo will pass on an Andy Cohen idea. Who knew Bravo had standards? http://www.people.com/article/andy-cohen-i-slept-with-a-celebrity-show

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Has Kristen spoken out after this episode about George's behavior?  I might cut her a little slack about laughing and running away.  Sometimes when something so outrageous happens, it's hard to deal with especially being filmed.  While I would think my reaction might be to knee the old geezer in the groin, perhaps instead I'd had stood there or ran.  I know the first time it happened to me at work, I ran.  Flight or fight, I choose flight.


Kristen claims getting felt up was a "right of passage" and she took one for the team. She then put Ramona on full blast.

Edited by zoeysmom
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That's the thing Kristen, we women don't have to take that for the team or anyone else. That is one thing about getting older you learn that you don't have to be polite. My 50 year old self would have a lot to say to my 30 year old self.

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Kristen claims getting felt up was a "right of passage" and she took one for the team. She then put Ramona on full blast.

She also says, " you can only take so many 'f--- yous' before you start giving a few back," in reference to her scene with drunk Sonja. I wonder how much groping she can take before it stops being funny to her.  

Edited by comatoast
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That's the thing Kristen, we women don't have to take that for the team or anyone else. That is one thing about getting older you learn that you don't have to be polite. My 50 year old self would have a lot to say to my 30 year old self.

I posted a comment under Kristen's blog.  Don't know if it will get published as it said pending review.  I don't feel like creating a twitter account but if this continues, I just might have to.  So disturbing!

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I read a few comments in response to her blog that excuse her behavior, because, really, how could she say or do anything.  After all, she would make a scene and make Aviva and George angry! Hello!!! (Or should I say, Holla!) You're on the RHONY! Please, MAKE A SCENE! It is your job to do so, especially when it is perfectly called for. Jeez, had she been uglier perhaps she would have been sharper, at least enough to realize (after any possible shock in the engagement party) that this is her ticket to drama/air time and she could have milked this the rest of the season!

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So I guess that Luann should sue for sexual harassment because Sonja was groping her and trying to kiss her in the next episode?


Or is what sauce for the gander is not sauce for the sauced goose?


This is all reality TV bullshit and what they signed on for and why they get the big bucks.

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That's the thing Kristen, we women don't have to take that for the team or anyone else. That is one thing about getting older you learn that you don't have to be polite. My 50 year old self would have a lot to say to my 30 year old self.

I'm all of a year older than Kristen and I am really weirded out by the level of tolerance for George. I don't know if I would have made a huge scene (not my style ) but I likely would have firmly asked George to remove his hands from my person. I also possibly would have left that lovely little Caligula theme party. That's me. Here's is what I would not do at anytime before or after, try to shame other women into accepting such behavior. And it has nothing to do with George being 80. He is not some cute old man that occasionally forgets it's not 1956 and calls someone Dollface. He is an angry, aggressive sexist. The man hates women and honestly seems to think if them as objects.

Kristen's shrugging off of George while being so upset with Ramona and Sonja is just nuts. Why is anyone tolerating him? And not just tolerating, everyone was downright protective of George and Cody. Of all the crazy we've seen this season, the vibe at that party topped the list. What was all that about?

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Yeah, true. Cohen's not responsible for the way these women could have tried to band together to support and protect each other in this scenario, they needn't have caused a scene, just all pulled George aside to quietly and firmly tell him his past actions had made them feel totally uncomfortable and they weren't going to let any touching continue. If the results were for him to shout and call them all derogatory names, they could have disengaged then, having told him the it message that his behavior was unacceptable. And if they were looked down at this for 'spoiling the party' by three people who don't even live in reality, and seemingly invited half of their guests just to show up and get assaulted and disrespected, big deal. Like they should even have to do this but, ugh, anyway, I wish this or some better plan like it had happened instead.

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Apparently even Bravo will pass on an Andy Cohen idea. Who knew Bravo had standards? http://www.people.com/article/andy-cohen-i-slept-with-a-celebrity-show

Andy left off the words "D list" in front of celebrities.

I posted a comment under Kristen's blog.  Don't know if it will get published as it said pending review.  I don't feel like creating a twitter account but if this continues, I just might have to.  So disturbing!

Me too Lola16

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So I guess that Luann should sue for sexual harassment because Sonja was groping her and trying to kiss her in the next episode?


Or is what sauce for the gander is not sauce for the sauced goose?


This is all reality TV bullshit and what they signed on for and why they get the big bucks.

Well LuAnn did say she wished she and Sonja were closer.  Maybe Sonja took it the wrong way.

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I don't like Ramona HOWEVER - George called his fiance "african" and Sonya said she was worried her neighbors would think "her dealer" was at her house. We could spend every episode Cody appears in playing "HEY THAT'S RACIST"

Dana Cody and her future stepdaughter Aviva visit Lady Morgan so that Lady Morgan can grill Dana on her intentions with Aviva's father and so Lady Morgan can score a free manicure.  OK...  Lady Morgan worries that her neighbors will think Dana is her dealer.  Not OK.   There's discussion of Dana and George's sex life and Aviva asks "Do you want to hear about your parents sex life?".  Not OK, Not OK, Not OK.  1 - ew.  2- Didn't we just have a blow-up at the sex museum about Dana's parents being dead?  Should we be going down that road?  smh

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I don't like the phrase "age inappropriate."  I think people are being too prudish where age is concerned.  IMO as long as the two people are adults it's all good.  I've seen women marry dirtbags in their "appropriate" age group.  As for George, I wouldn't marry him for all the money in the world.  If Dana Cody is marrying him for the money, so fucking what?  It's a lot better than marrying some asshole who doesn't want to work, has no money and four or five baby mamas.


I don't think Ramona and Sonja need anyone else to take them down.  Ramona can't seem to keep her foot out of her mouth, and just comes off looking like an ass at every event she attends.  She never knows when to shut her mouth.  Sonja's drinking and desperate attempts for male attention, along with her delusion about her current state of affairs, makes her look like an ass too.  Any downfall they experience is due to their own behavior.


I agree with this, their own behavior is taking them down.  Now I'm not one for ageism, I'm over 50 myself and I don't believe that once you turn 50 everything sould die below the waist; but Ramona and Sonja's problem is that they're trying to act like twenty somethings and it's not cute.  

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There is no doubt that Ramona's behavior is not very appropriate most of the time. She is loud, insensitive, manipulative etc. I do not think that Ramona is a racist. I can't recall anything that would indicate that. She definitely displayed that she" felt the relationship was inappropriate due to age not race. It amazes me that the "race " label can be thrown out so casually. No it is more than amazement--- I am outraged. To label some one racist when they are not trivializes racism. It makes a joke out of a very serious issue. I hope that Andy's newest idea is not to start flashing the race card because of the color of Dana's skin,  I think the idiots at Bravo are trying to fix their ratings and grasping for straws---- let's use Ramona as the scapegoat. ( as a FYI -- I don't like Ramona at all). 



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There is no doubt that Ramona's behavior is not very appropriate most of the time. She is loud, insensitive, manipulative etc. I do not think that Ramona is a racist. I can't recall anything that would indicate that. She definitely displayed that she" felt the relationship was inappropriate due to age not race. It amazes me that the "race " label can be thrown out so casually. No it is more than amazement--- I am outraged. To label some one racist when they are not trivializes racism. It makes a joke out of a very serious issue. I hope that Andy's newest idea is not to start flashing the race card because of the color of Dana's skin,  I think the idiots at Bravo are trying to fix their ratings and grasping for straws---- let's use Ramona as the scapegoat. ( as a FYI -- I don't like Ramona at all). 



I think Aviva (of all people) nailed it when she told her father that Ramona is rude to everyone!

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Kristen claims getting felt up was a "right of passage" and she took one for the team. She then put Ramona on full blast.

This really pisses me off and what I predicted over at the TWOP forum!  She spent what, three episodes demanding the perfect apology from Ramona for a plastic glass thrown at her, but a man gropes her and she giggles about it?

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I remember being young and vulnerable, on a crowded el platform in Chicago.  I was sitting at the edge of a bench and a guy against the wall in front of me pulled his dick out; I was so disgusted and horrified that I gasped and walked away.  Later, I wished I had had shouted, "over here, look what this nutcase is doing over here!" instead of giving him his thrill.


Don't feel too bad, you were probably in shock.  Many women don't report being raped or sexually assaulted or harassed.  But many do.  Women are at a great advantage now by being equipped with smartphones.  Lately, there have been several incidences of women harassed & assaulted on the subway, who took vids & pics of the perpetrators, gave them to police & they were eventually found & prosecuted.  These are serious crimes & are always taken very seriously by the police.


It's NOT just a question of George being gross and/or disgusting -- which of course, he is.  What's deeply disturbing is Andy Cohen, as the producer of this show & Bravo, as the network showing it, are advocating misogyny, deep hatred of women & the sexual assault & harassment of women.  WTF?  Er, huh?  Did they forget their audience is overwhelmingly women, who'll surely find this shit offensive as hell & tune out in droves?  Ratings have gone down significantly.  I suspect they're really, really, really gonna plummet.


And why would they (the producers) include the vile, racist joke/comment Sonja said about her neighbors thinking Cody is a drug dealer?  Did they think this was hilarious?  It isn't.  It's vile & racist & Sonja should apologize for that comment.  Honestly, I think Andy Cohen has totally got a screw loose.  We are really seeing him now for what he is, if he thinks this shit is hilarious.  A misogynist & a racist.


It's so disappointing to me how far this show has veered off from what it used to be.  I think what they need to do is a complete recast.  I'm not sure I'd keep any of 'em.  Moaner is just way too nasty & cruel.  I can't take watching her anymore.  I'm bored by Sonja's Grey Gardens routine.  And she angers me, rather than eliciting any sympathy, that she got herself into the shitty financial position she's in by defrauding people (which she, of course, doesn't cop to).  I'm totally over Carole.  I don't find her interesting or funny in the least anymore.  


Lulu is OK.  But she doesn't especially belong on this show cuz she lives full time in the Hamptons.  Heather's OK too.  She could stay or go.  It won't make a diff cuz she's the normal one & her presence isn't gonna make the show a hit.  And as for Kristen & Dickhead, I couldn't give a shit if I never saw either one of those 2 ever again.


They desperately need to get rid of Veevs & her awful father.  Cuz they & they alone are gonna be the death of this show.  I have no doubt they will kill this show.  These 2 are just gonna drive viewers away in masses.  In this ep, Veevs was trying to be nice & she was still sneering, unpleasant & horrible to watch.  I wanted to tune out just cuz of that fugly yellow wallpaper.  That fuckin' hideous wallpaper was burning my eyes.  While I can't say I hate Reid (yet), he creeped me the fuck out with that comment about having a mirror on his ceiling when he was 16.  If it was a joke, it laid a big goose egg.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Has Ramona always waddled? I noticed it for the first time during the spa scene when she waddled away after throwing her champagne at Kristen. It was on full display when she was leaving the scene of her latest crime at the engagement party. Not a good look when you are surrounded by ladies who are for the most part very graceful.

I was just coming here to address this very subject. Ramoaner is not just waddling, she's lumbering. She has lost any poise or grace and just moves like an old shrewish fishwife. Girl needs rehab, STAT!

Edited by Lisin
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Kristen claims getting felt up was a "right of passage" and she took one for the team. She then put Ramona on full blast.


That is extremely disappointing to me too.  It sends out a horrible message to young women -- who I shudder to think could be swayed or somehow pressured into thinking this behavior should be tolerated.  NO women should ever tolerate the kind of sexual harassment George has committed.  Kristen is trying to downplay it as not a big deal.  You're fucking wrong, Kristen.  It is a big deal.  It's a fuckin' huge deal!  But look at Kristen & the dickhead she's married to & how we've seen her routinely tolerate his constant & non-stop verbal abuse.  That speaks volumes about Kristen & who she is.  And Andy Cohen thinks George's behavior is a hilarious joke.  Sure he does, cuz he obviously hates women.  Lovely.

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Andy and other people on twitter calling his behavior "hilarious" comes across as tone deaf and ignorant. I would venture to say that most women have had contact with someone like George. I guarantee at the time, they did not find it "hilarious"


I'd luv for Andy Cohen to explain what's so fuckin' hilarious about women being sexually harassed.  It's humiliating, embarrassing & against the law.  But hilarious?  To who?

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So I guess that Luann should sue for sexual harassment because Sonja was groping her and trying to kiss her in the next episode?


Or is what sauce for the gander is not sauce for the sauced goose?

This is all reality TV bullshit and what they signed on for and why they get the big bucks.


Well, that's the kinda stuff I'd like to see more of.  :)  


But seriously, we know charges aren't gonna be filed & there'll be no lawsuits.  They signed up for this humiliating crap. 


I just hate the message the shit with George sends out -- that women being sexually harassing by men is soooo hilarious.  And if a woman speaks up about sexually harassed, then she's not a good sport.  That's a bunch of crap & bullshit.  Women don't have to put up with this shit anymore cuz it's illegal.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Hilarious to nobody but a misogynist jerk like Andy and the numbskulls he probably pays to flood his Twitter page with praise for trash like this. The more I think about it, the more it makes me mad. Andy's making millions off of this garbage and doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks, apparently. He and his approval of this treatment of women are disgusting and offensive. I say we all hit him in the bank account by refusing to watch crap like this anymore until he and Bravo clean up their act. Maybe start a petition to get Andy booted from Bravo?

I may be mixing apples and oranges here, but I think it's awfully funny that Paula Deen -- of whom I was never really a fan-- gets dropped by her network, loses all of her endorsement deals, etc. for honestly admitting to having used the n-word many years ago. She gets ripped apart by the media and basically loses her livelihood over something that was said out of anger and that (I hope) she has learned from. Yet, Andy continues to allow women to be verbally and physically be sexually harassed/assaulted by scumbag George in full view of the TV audience while laughing at it and calling it "hilarious." And nobody's taking him to task for that? Hell, Bravo ought to boot his sorry behind out the door for encouraging and condoning that shit. What a pig!

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I'm all of a year older than Kristen and I am really weirded out by the level of tolerance for George. I don't know if I would have made a huge scene (not my style ) but I likely would have firmly asked George to remove his hands from my person. I also possibly would have left that lovely little Caligula theme party. That's me. Here's is what I would not do at anytime before or after, try to shame other women into accepting such behavior. And it has nothing to do with George being 80. He is not some cute old man that occasionally forgets it's not 1956 and calls someone Dollface. He is an angry, aggressive sexist. The man hates women and honestly seems to think if them as objects.

Kristen's shrugging off of George while being so upset with Ramona and Sonja is just nuts. Why is anyone tolerating him? And not just tolerating, everyone was downright protective of George and Cody. Of all the crazy we've seen this season, the vibe at that party topped the list. What was all that about?


I agree with all of this.


And how ridiculous was that party!!  Everyone is all bent out of shape because Ramona made Cody cry "at her ENGAGEMENT PARTY!"   Well, that was the sorriest excuse I've ever seen for a party of any kind, and completely unbelievable as a engagement party at all.  A 20-something woman's engagement party consists of her future husband's daughter's co-workers standing around?  Does she not have one friend?  One family member?  One co-worker of her own?  (I can believe that George has no friends, but she's pretty young to have ostracized everyone she knows already.)  This was the most fake "event" I've ever seen on any HW show.  They put no effort at all into making it look authentic.   Or were there other people there, and I just didn't notice them?  Either way, where was the food?  Or chairs?  Tables?   It was all so awkward how everyone basically milled around waiting for Ramona to put her foot in her mouth.  That seemed to be the entire purpose.


And if her fiance grabbing women and making disgusting remarks didn't make Cody cry at her ENGAGEMENT PARTY, then I find it hard to believe that what Ramona said would have put her over the edge like that.  If anyone ruined that party, it was George - just by being his usual self.  What Ramona said wasn't wonderful, but certainly not as awful as they were all saying.  And this was not her ENGAGEMENT PARTY!  It was a Bravo event thrown together (in about two minutes from the looks of it) for filming purposes only.  I don't buy the whole George/Cody thing for one minute, but really - That party and all the millions of ways I was apparently supposed to suspend disbelief really insulted my intelligence.

Edited by DebbieM4
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Kristen claims getting felt up was a "right of passage" and she took one for the team.


Great. Now, being groped can pass for a sorority thing.

See, he's no predator, he's a right of passage. You can't ask all the women to have sex with Harry to bond after all.

Edited by Pollock
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Great. Now, being groped can pass for a sorority thing.

See, he's no predator, he's a right of passage. You can't ask all the women to have sex with Harry to bond after all.

Thank you! As I said earlier, it's not Kristen's or anyone's immediate reaction that bothers me. We've all been there where someone's father or grandfather or someone makes a inappropriate and strange comment or gesture. Sometimes pure shock and concern for humiliating the friend keeps you quiet in the immediate. It's the blogging aftermath that implies being groped is a-ok, but asking about someone's parents is a federal case. What. The. Fuck. Is George paying them? I really don't get it. Nobody has to be ok with Ramona or Sonja's behavior, but how are they fine with George?

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Hilarious to nobody but a misogynist jerk like Andy and the numbskulls he probably pays to flood his Twitter page with praise for trash like this. The more I think about it, the more it makes me mad. Andy's making millions off of this garbage and doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks, apparently. He and his approval of this treatment of women are disgusting and offensive. I say we all hit him in the bank account by refusing to watch crap like this anymore until he and Bravo clean up their act. Maybe start a petition to get Andy booted from Bravo?

I may be mixing apples and oranges here, but I think it's awfully funny that Paula Deen -- of whom I was never really a fan-- gets dropped by her network, loses all of her endorsement deals, etc. for honestly admitting to having used the n-word many years ago. She gets ripped apart by the media and basically loses her livelihood over something that was said out of anger and that (I hope) she has learned from. Yet, Andy continues to allow women to be verbally and physically be sexually harassed/assaulted by scumbag George in full view of the TV audience while laughing at it and calling it "hilarious." And nobody's taking him to task for that? Hell, Bravo ought to boot his sorry behind out the door for encouraging and condoning that shit. What a pig!


When it came to Paula, it was about much more than the saying the n word many years ago.  In her deposition she talked about wanting a plantation style wedding for her brother, her family telling "jokes" using the n word and saying "of course" she has used the n word.  She and/or her brother (who ran/runs a restaurant she owned) were also accused by a white woman of racism, sexism, assault and discrimination.  The narrative that was being pushed in the media is that she said the n word once years ago, but the situation was much more extensive, so it really is apples and oranges.


Even though I'm not a woman, I have been on the receiving end of an unwanted, physical sexual advance.  The person did have a position of power over me and it made me extremely uncomfortable.  I'm not bothered by George though.  I think the difference is that George holds no power over them and because he's old, he's seen as non-threatening.  Also, the women laugh, joke and encourage him by talking about sex.  I don't think I've seen any of the women swat his hand, tell him stop or have a conversation with him indicating that they are horrified by him.  Everything we've seen shows the situation being addressed with smiles and a lilt in their voices.  If the woman aren't upset, I don't see anything to get upset about.

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What upsets me is that if mature women do NOT shut down behavior like this, they are doing a disservice to the next young girl who may not be able to laugh off such an offense so easily.  They have daughters; would they be so sanguine if some perv made moves like that on them?  What if the next woman he tries this on is already PTSD from a previous sexual assault and goes all Rambo on is geriatric ass?  Scratch that - I WANT to see that happen. 

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The only way Andy Cohen will ever stop George is if Andy's money is taken away. We would all have to stop watching RHONY. Maybe then Andy will get the message. Maybe better to just turn the channel when George is on the t.v

I think ill try it. Who's with me?

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This really pisses me off and what I predicted over at the TWOP forum! She spent what, three episodes demanding the perfect apology from Ramona for a plastic glass thrown at her, but a man gropes her and she giggles about it?

Sorry, I'm not sure what one has to do with the other?

I'm disappointed that Kristen didn't slap the hell out of that old lizard but some woman react differently to men's bad disgusting behavior. I wish George did not have a platform to show off this nasty harassment of women.

I however will not some how minimize Ramona's horrible violent behavior because Kristen reaction to another incident was different.

I wish Kristen had been more outraged by George and I agree with those that think Bravo is sending an awful message to women, by finding this perverts actions camera worthy.

George groping Kristen and Ramona throwing a wine glass at Kristen's face both horrible violent and the two people should not be on my TV screen.

Kristen should have demanded an apology from Ramona. Her reaction to George does not change my opinion of that.

Edited by imjagain
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Interesting that Carole will instantly chime in on LuAnn using the term "Indian" to describe her own ancestry, but George can grope her "friends" and she'll play a scene with him reminiscing about the time he "initiated" her with the squirting orgasm talk. 


Say what you will about Ramona, she is openly contemptuous of him which is what he deserves, and I have no doubt that if she saw him act similarly to Avery or any young woman, Ramona wouldn't giggle, but would march up, pull the girl away and give him holy hell.   I suspect LuAnn would, too, though probably in the form of asking security to remove him.


Frankly, I don't know that Carole, Sonja, or Kristen would do a damned thing if they saw George pull the same crap on an 18 year old girl, except tell her "that's just George" and "keep your distance if you don't want more of the same."

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Sorry, I'm not sure what one has to do with the other?

I'm disappointed that Kristen didn't slap the hell out of that old lizard but some woman react differently to men's bad disgusting behavior. I wish George did not have a platform to show off this nasty harassment of women.

I however will not some how minimize Ramona's horrible violent behavior because Kristen reaction to another incident was different.

I wish Kristen had been more outraged by George and I agree with those that think Bravo is sending an awful message to women, by finding this perverts actions camera worthy.

George groping Kristen and Ramona throwing a wine glass at Kristen's face both horrible violent and the two people should not be on my TV screen.

Kristen should have demanded an apology from Ramona. Her reaction to George does not change my opinion of that.

The reason why people keep bringing up Kristin's reaction to Ramona is because with that, she proved to us that she is no shrinking violet. As you said, both Ramona and George displayed deplorable behavior, why did she only call out Ramona? And let's say, for arguments sake, that she was in shock at the party, well it has been long enough to get over her shock and she is still dismissing it as not a big deal. It is starting to smell like women holding women to higher standards, but boys, well, boys will be boys.

So I guess that Luann should sue for sexual harassment because Sonja was groping her and trying to kiss her in the next episode?


Or is what sauce for the gander is not sauce for the sauced goose?


This is all reality TV bullshit and what they signed on for and why they get the big bucks.

No one should sue for anything because it's pretty obvious no one feels they are being harassed or assaulted in any way, which is what makes their behavior even more disturbing, especially for mothers of young girls.

While both are wrong and need to be shut down, to me there is a difference between a close friend doing something while clearly intoxicated to the point of having no control, and someone you just met fondling you. Unless he has been plastered beyond belief every time we have seen him, he knows damn well what he is doing. The biggest tell is how he reacts to Ramona. When he doesn't get his way (the Amen to everything his says/does), insults come out and he uses sex as a punishment of sorts. Of course, as with most predators, he knows damn well who he can cross the line with and who would throw a glass at his face, so instead of saying: "I'm going to lick my fingers and touch your vagina," he says he'll do it at her funeral, when she can’t do anything about it because he doesn’t have the balls to do it now!


I also seriously doubt their contracts stipulate putting up with molestation.

Edited by comatoast
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Everything we've seen shows the situation being addressed with smiles and a lilt in their voices. If the woman aren't upset, I don't see anything to get upset about.

I doubt most women hold these women up as any standard of behavior, and its amazing what kind of behaviors we passively tolerate merely because they're socially acceptable, or we've been taught in the past to 'rationalize them away' like Kristin and her "rite of passage" joke, which made me sad, that is how they I feel they'd like us to see it as well. I personally don't, and believe there exists a place where groupthink doesn't necessarily reflect moral reality. Just my opinion.

Really quick, just my take on Ramona's smile during George's talk. I have smiled in shock before. I have smiled through tears before, and through anger. I have smiled calmly outward while I have seethed inside, so the other person wouldn't think they weren't getting to me. I guess I am projecting, but that's what went through my mind with her seemingly out of place grinning.

I also figure maybe Heather's smiling last season creeped her out so much last season (lol!) she thought she might steal and try it on other people or something, haha.

Thank you for expanding on the Paula Deen backstory!

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George is just so gross and slimy looking. Andy and the other Bravo big shots are really f'ed up if they think this perverted orange greaseball molesting cast members and making lewd remarks is entertainment. They had a winning formula with the original RHONY -- a glimpse into the everyday lives of the rich and fabulous -- why'd they have to go and mess with it and bring it down to such a disgusting level?

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Hilarious to nobody but a misogynist jerk like Andy and the numbskulls he probably pays to flood his Twitter page with praise for trash like this. The more I think about it, the more it makes me mad. Andy's making millions off of this garbage and doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks, apparently. He and his approval of this treatment of women are disgusting and offensive. I say we all hit him in the bank account by refusing to watch crap like this anymore until he and Bravo clean up their act. Maybe start a petition to get Andy booted from Bravo?

I may be mixing apples and oranges here, but I think it's awfully funny that Paula Deen -- of whom I was never really a fan-- gets dropped by her network, loses all of her endorsement deals, etc. for honestly admitting to having used the n-word many years ago. She gets ripped apart by the media and basically loses her livelihood over something that was said out of anger and that (I hope) she has learned from. Yet, Andy continues to allow women to be verbally and physically be sexually harassed/assaulted by scumbag George in full view of the TV audience while laughing at it and calling it "hilarious." And nobody's taking him to task for that? Hell, Bravo ought to boot his sorry behind out the door for encouraging and condoning that shit. What a pig!

I personally have tried to post to everyone of the house wive blogs for NYC regarding the inappropriateness of George's behavior. When you see viewer comments most of them are on Andy's wave link. My comments would often show up and then be deleted an hour later. I was extremely careful in my wording when I posted. I suspect that someone is monitoring and deleting or limiting comments to Bravo that do not reflex Andy's opinion.  Yet, when I have been to sites where articles have been written about George and his behavior it appears that the negative comment out weighs the "hilarious" or positive attitude that Andy conveys about George's behavior.   I feel that these women should be standing up . Paycheck or no paycheck. Reality TV , movies, sitcom's etc----- is Andy stupid enough to think that women will continue to watch this misogyny .  It is not funny and it is serious stuff whether on a TV show or in real-life. It saddens and infuriates me that Kristen feels that she needs to take one for the team and not make any waves. I am part of the Gloria Steinem Generation we fought so young women like Kristen did not have to take one for the team. 

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Yeah, well, Andy Cohen & Bravo cannot brainwash us into thinking sexually molesting women is OK.  It isn't.  And it's not hilarious.  And may I remind you, Andy Cohen & Bravo, it's against the fucking law!  OK, maybe I can sorta understand Kristen's bullshit of going with being groped.  She does put up with Dickhead, after all.  But what about Carole?  I gotta say, she's really lost me.  She's going along with George's bullshit too, like it's just soooo hilarious.  Er, huh?

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I personally have tried to post to everyone of the house wive blogs for NYC regarding the inappropriateness of George's behavior. When you see viewer comments most of them are on Andy's wave link. My comments would often show up and then be deleted an hour later. I was extremely careful in my wording when I posted. I suspect that someone is monitoring and deleting or limiting comments to Bravo that do not reflex Andy's opinion.  Yet, when I have been to sites where articles have been written about George and his behavior it appears that the negative comment out weighs the "hilarious" or positive attitude that Andy conveys about George's behavior.   I feel that these women should be standing up . Paycheck or no paycheck. Reality TV , movies, sitcom's etc----- is Andy stupid enough to think that women will continue to watch this misogyny .  It is not funny and it is serious stuff whether on a TV show or in real-life. It saddens and infuriates me that Kristen feels that she needs to take one for the team and not make any waves. I am part of the Gloria Steinem Generation we fought so young women like Kristen did not have to take one for the team. 

What is wave link?

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And btw, would these assholes -- Andy Cohen, Bravo execs, Kristen, Carole -- think it so hilarious if George grabbed at Avery?  She is of age now -- if barely.  Can you imagine how Moaner would react to that?  Oy!

Just curious -- has anyone been to the Museum of Sex?  I used to work near there, but never had any interest in going to it.  Looks mostly silly to me.

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Yeah, well, Andy Cohen & Bravo cannot brainwash us into thinking sexually molesting women is OK.  It isn't.  And it's not hilarious.  And may I remind you, Andy Cohen & Bravo, it's against the fucking law!  OK, maybe I can sorta understand Kristen's bullshit of going with being groped.  She does put up with Dickhead, after all.  But what about Carole?  I gotta say, she's really lost me.  She's going along with George's bullshit too, like it's just soooo hilarious.  Er, huh?

I had always liked Carol even though I thought she was rather eccentric at times. I was shocked when she was at the sex museum and appeared to be encouraging George with her comment . I know reality television is partially scripted and production has a great part in what is said and done. However, these people are playing themselves. They are not fictional characters . So when it ends for NYC, George will still be known as a pervert to many people and if I ever see Carol I will never forget her giggly naughty school demeanor when she said "squirting orgasm" to George. UGH! I would have rather always kept some of her other words in my head than that phrase.

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This was the most fake "event" I've ever seen on any HW show.  They put no effort at all into making it look authentic.   Or were there other people there, and I just didn't notice them?


Well, there was the one guy in the background with the green  hair.......

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Did they forget their audience is overwhelmingly women, who'll surely find this shit offensive as hell & tune out in droves?



I HAVE tuned out and no longer watch any RH shows. Drop into these forums now and then to see what's going on, and boy am I glad I stopped watching this crap. I saw Andy Cohen for what he is a long time ago.

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I think that the reality is, Kristen probably sees this all very differently. As a model, she probably has been harrassed and groped a fair amount. She might have even been harrassed by people with the authority to impact her financial future. In my younger years I had several friends who had modeled, and they all had stories of things that they routinely put up with in the course of their job; things that other woman would scream about.

I know as a woman, I should probably be outraged by all of this, but in fact I am not. Not by the groping. Again, none of these ladies seem to care one bit about it. I have known plenty of women that laugh about a quick grope by a drunk neighbor at a block party, or someone sneaking a quick feel at the company Christmas Party. It would bother me if someone did that to me, but the reality is that it doesn't bother everyone. Some people are actually flattered by it, which I get is pretty sick (Ramona was more than flattered, and only became outraged because he pissed her off about something else. She never had a problem with what a disgusting person he was). Just like I wouldn't put up with a cheating spouse for one minute, yet other woman are able to get past it and move forward. Different people are able to blow off different behaviors. I am much more outraged by George in general. The story line is fake, he seems fake, and he is gross. To me he is gross regardless of whether or not he is groping someone. His relationship and conversation with Aviva is gross. He is completely without intellect or charm. I have no idea what he is doing on my TV and have felt this way since the very first time I saw him.

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Yeah, well, Andy Cohen & Bravo cannot brainwash us into thinking sexually molesting women is OK. It isn't. And it's not hilarious. And may I remind you, Andy Cohen & Bravo, it's against the fucking law! OK, maybe I can sorta understand Kristen's bullshit of going with being groped. She does put up with Dickhead, after all. But what about Carole? I gotta say, she's really lost me. She's going along with George's bullshit too, like it's just soooo hilarious. Er, huh?

I'm with you. Where is the morally righteous indignation in Carole, or did she just reserve it for Luann and the Native Americans/American Indians and such? I really don't get it either, I actually like Carole, but this... it doesn't feel in line with how she presents herself as being somewhat more intelligent/socially aware than how she acted. I guess I'm a teeny bit more like Ramona than I thought (shit!) because I don't care if I make waves, if it's for something I feel is just truly not okay to let continue. Yeah, Carol though. She disappointed me too.

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I know as a woman, I should probably be outraged by all of this, but in fact I am not. Not by the groping. Again, none of these ladies seem to care one bit about it. I have known plenty of women that laugh about a quick grope by a drunk neighbor at a block party, or someone sneaking a quick feel at the company Christmas Party.


Whether anyone is outraged or not is irrelevant.  This behavior is illegal.  Maybe there would be outrage if this was directed at underage girls.  But that doesn't matter.  It's still illegal.  I'd actually like to see him try that shit with a woman who will finally call him out on it.

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