CousinAmy June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) I'm afraid I may have to stick up for George (I know, eww). Last year, the incident on the daybed with Sonja - I highly doubt he used anything harder than his elbow to poke her in the back. Logistically, I can't think of another way his 80+ year old brissed member could have reached her. They weren't exactly spooning - they were both on the bed but not that close. And unfortunately I have to report my father might have done something like this. Not that he did it, but I can imagine it with the wife of a friend. My dad only lived until his 50s and he died in 1979. If he had lived, he'd have been 92 this year - quite a bit older than George. These kinds of raunchy jokes were just what his gang of middle-class middled aged friends might have been into. Things weren't as open as they are now, so jokes and even gestures like goosing someone you know would have been just the thing overgrown boys - teenagers before the word was coined, watching movies that the Hayes' code had sanitized - might have snickered over. I do agree George stepped over the line the way he spoke to Ramona, and I'll never watch another scene he appears in, but do I think he's guilty of rape? No. Sexual assault? Iffy. Edited June 6, 2014 by CousinAmy Link to comment
DebbieM4 June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I noticed the same things regarding Kristin. She apparently studied her friend Brandi's seasons on how to get included in scenes. She makes sure she's involved. I thought I'd like her, but her 'acting' is getting on my nerves. All the bug eyed big open mouthed expressions are irritating. She wants to be the Star, that's for sure-- whether it's crying about her hubby and friends leaving her behind in a race, or her lip being cut (LOOK at my LIP, just LOOK at it!) endlessly, to pushing Heather out of the way so SHE could be in the scene with drunk Sonja.... I'm just tired of her face. This episode really featured her, she had a couple of talking heads,too. And that laugh! So operatic! (ha,ha HA!) Gee I feel mean, but I think she's the new girl and shouldn't be so featured. One more thing-- if she had heard George was an old perv who felt up women why would she make sure to walk right up to him so close in her braless dress and then when he did his thing scurry off all big shocked smiles...? She seems like an immature girl who's been told she's 'preeety' and needs that attention, no matter what. I'm with you all the way on everything you said. I just find Kristen more & more irritating every week. Her laugh absolutely drives me crazy, and I fully realize that it drives me crazy in the way that everything about someone you can't stand drives you crazy. She is so desperately trying to create major drama and keep herself front & center. Sure, many of the HW's in all the franchises do it, but I've never found any of them to be so absolutely boring and vapid. (Many are vapid for sure, but at least there's some entertainment value there.) Kristen is just one big snoozefest, IMO. Not special or interesting in any way. 3 Link to comment
DebbieM4 June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) I do agree George stepped over the line the way he spoke to Ramona, and I'll never watch another scene he appears in, but do I think he's guilty of rape? No. Sexual assault? Iffy. I think he's definitely guilty of sexual assault. And I don't think your father's raunchy jokes would have turned into what George does. Lots of men joke among their friends and get all winky winky with women they know. I think that's very different. George does not just "accidentally" brush up against women & tell corny jokes. He very deliberately, obviously, and proudly grabs their breasts and paws their bodies. Repeatedly. Not just once. All the time. This is his thing. And these are his daughter's coworkers! I think worse than what he does and worse than what he says (and all of that is awful) is how he thinks. He thinks this is okay and cute, and he thinks it makes him look like some kind of manly and sexy stud. And he thinks he has the RIGHT to do whatever he wants to a woman. Women are playthings to him, and what he said to Ramona shows more than anything else exactly how his dirty, disgusting, degrading mind works. He absolutely does not see women as equal human beings, and he has no problem treating them that way. How dare he say what he said to Ramona! That was waaaay over the line, even for someone who was pretty far over the line already. That's the most vile thing I've ever heard anyone say to anyone - and I worked in the mental health field for years, so that's saying a lot. Aviva should be distancing herself from him or getting him help or hiding him somewhere rather than parading him on national television. And announcing that he's a pervert - while she acts as though it's amusing. The two of them are very, very screwed up, and I think having him for a father probably accounts for a lot of what's wrong with her and why she's such a miserable person. Edited June 6, 2014 by DebbieM4 12 Link to comment
Diane Mars June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I just wouldn't leave without my drunk friend. Sure production was there but we aren't supposed to consider that so, don't leave your drunk friend, she can't protect herself. She's a grown woman, she's always seen drinking, a lot (and yes, even in the morning), and they're not her chaperon ! You wanna drink, Sonja ? OK, drink... but don't blame it on the others for the eventual consequences that may occur ! 1 Link to comment
motorcitymom65 June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) It is very obvious that he hates women and it has shown over the years but this George character takes the cake. I don't think AC hates women in general. Andy has many very close female friendships, and says that Sarah Jessica Parker is his best friend, and has been for years. I have met a lot of men who hate women (raised in a house full of them) and none of them count females as their best friends. I think he hates dumb women. Really hates dumb women, and maybe all dumb people. I also think he likes to see himself as an influencer and contributor of pop culture. I have always thought that Andy really viewed this whole deal as some big sociology experiment. I often imagine that he sits around stunned as he sees the following that folks like Tamra/Vicks/Teresa/Ramona have been able to cultivate over the years. The fact that he and his show make no attempt to disguise the fact that these broads are dumber than dirt, and don't seem to be in any way embarrassed about this fact, continues to astonish me. I think he enjoys making them look foolish, and that he is basically mocking the folks that like them. I honestly think this gets to the root of it all. I don't think that Andy has much respect for a lot of these gals, and that in turn he doesn't have a lot of respect for the folks that tune in, which is a sad state of affairs. I think that he basically detests the very show/content/people that make up this franchise at this point. I don't think that was always the case, but I that this is what it has come to. It's too bad really. I have found that so many people who watch this show, especially those who post on this and other forums are extremely smart and insightful. I have learned a lot about a variety of topics just by reading many of these posts. It doesn't seem like Andy has the respect for us that he once had. His loss. Edited June 6, 2014 by motorcitymom65 8 Link to comment
MyAimIsTrue June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Another person who doesn't particularly like Carole checking in. " any number of reasons, her season 1 attempts to take down my beloved LuLu being one. But I also think she tries too hard. I wouldn't normally think of the Sex in the City comparison, but I do wonder if she took that episode about Aiden having a cabin " in the middle if nowhere" aka Suffern NY - Carole's hometown, and ran with the image of the bohemian lifestyle. But Suffern is solidly suburban,middle class to the core. I grew up not far from there (any Monsey folks here?? No, likely just me!). I had a friend in college who was from Monsey. Wish I could remember her name but that was 30 years ago and since it was college my memory is a bit hazy. Link to comment
Grneyedldy June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Sonja's court date was June 21 2010 but I don't know if it was postponed or what the outcome was. After googling Dana/Cody and reading all the disturbing stuff including the fact that her father isn't dead... well, I've done enough sleuthing for one night! Holy crap.....her father isn't dead? Well fuck a duck, another reality tv con job. Thank you for all your sleuthing, including Dana/Cody's famewhore past. I think I'm one of the few who didn't think Ramona was wrong or rude with her conversation with that pig of a man. I don't think one can be rude when dealing with a POS like George. He has set the bar lower than I have ever seen before on these shows. And he can leave now take his fake ass fiancé with him. 6 Link to comment
Higgins June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) That fake ass story deserves a call out. Ramona is the Greek chorus. She is like fuck this shit, no way you want to marry this nasty piece of subhuman slime for anything other than money and it's all a pile of crap anyway. There is no engagement. Fuck you producers. No wonder this show is in the grave. Edited June 6, 2014 by psychnurse 4 Link to comment
motorcitymom65 June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) That fake ass story deserves a call out. Ramona is the Greek chorus. She is like fuck this shit, no way you want to marry this nasty piece of subhuman slime for anything other than money and it's all a pile of crap anyway. There is no engagement. Fuck you producers. No wonder this show is in the grave. Yea, but she is in it just as deep as the rest of them are. What actually constitutes a fake story at this point? Ramona pretending to just find out there would be no A/C at Heather's place in the Berkshire's and ordering an A/C unit that was probably already on it's way by production? So much of this is fake, probably at this point in the story, even the part about Ramona and Mario having any type of a marriage. The scene of the two of them together in their bedroom when she related the events at the Berkshires looked all kinds of phony and contrived. I have no issue with the gals calling out the production derived bullshit in general, but I have a big problem when they start getting selective about it. If you are going to throw someone else's story out as being fake, you need to stop clutching your pearls and acting like you are above a little producer-driven fuckery yourself. It irritated me to no end when Lisa VP did that last year, making it clear when an issue that blew up was actually a behind the scenes production deal and not her fault, but going along with production dictated foolery at other times when it made someone else look bad. Edited June 6, 2014 by motorcitymom65 1 Link to comment
comatoast June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I think I'm one of the few who didn't think Ramona was wrong or rude with her conversation with that pig of a man. I don't think one can be rude when dealing with a POS like George. He has set the bar lower than I have ever seen before on these shows. And he can leave now take his fake ass fiancé with him. I couldn't get too worked up about Ramona, either. She said what most of us viewers were thinking. And even when she was talking to Cody, I couldn't care too much about her rude behavior. We're talking about someone who is obviously a famewhore faking this relationship for some air time on a trashy reality show. The proposal scene gave it away: "Here, look in the bag, we can exchange it." Or whatever it was. Bravo should have just hired actors for that scene. It was just so fake. In my opinion, by agreeing to play the part of the fiancée, Cody is condoning his behavior. I also think he likes to see himself as an influencer and contributor of pop culture. Unfortunately, he probably does have a certain amount of influence in our culture, which is why if he had more respect for women in general, he wouldn't have been OK with airing the lecherous George scenes, much less considering this episode to be hilarious. It could have been. I thought Sonja's TH segments were pretty funny. So were some of Luann's. I wonder what his female friends think about this episode. 1 Link to comment
Duke2801 June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I think she used age against Ramona like it was an insult to be post-menopausal. So she may not have specifically said that she looks young, the inference is that she is better because she is younger. The OP may be just reminding Kristen that she looks at least her age and there is always someone younger and more beautiful Being that Kristin is in a profession where she most likely "aged out" in her late 20s or early 30s, I strongly suspect that she's well-aware that there is always somebody younger, prettier, etc nipping at her heels. I'm not saying that Kristin was right in making a remark about Ramona's age at ALL. It's a cheap shot. But it's not really fair to single her out when a number of women on these shows have made cracks about the "older" women in the casts. We know Aviva has knocked on Carol for being "50 and having no kids"... or whatever insult she hurled at her at that housewarming party. And Heather made cracks about Ramona and Sonja being menopausal in the Berkshires. And that's just the tip of the iceberg! 1 Link to comment
Higgins June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I say fuck all of the ageist bitches, if that is even a word. There are degrees of fakery on these shows. This latest one is probably the worst I've ever seen. Cody Dana, Your talons disgust all decent people they are ugly and nasty and gross. I suspect your business will shortly fail as with any hope that "trend" will die. 2 Link to comment
walnutqueen June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I think he hates dumb women. Really hates dumb women, and maybe all dumb people. If that's the case, I'd imagine Mr. Cohen is filled with self-loathing. Bravo's insistence on promoting the bad behavior - from the violent confrontations to sexual assault and misogynistic comments is a disturbing trend across their franchise of reality shows. "Is this the kind of world we live in?" 4 Link to comment
shoegal June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 But I also think she tries too hard. I wouldn't normally think of the Sex in the City comparison, but I do wonder if she took that episode about Aiden having a cabin " in the middle if nowhere" aka Suffern NY - Carole's hometown, and ran with the image of the bohemian lifestyle. But Suffern is solidly suburban,middle class to the core. I grew up not far from there (any Monsey folks here?? No, likely just me!). I don't think Carole got this from a Sex and the City episode, in her book (What Remains) she goes into a lot of detail about her bohemian childhood, growing up in the woods of upstate New York (with extended family, I believe her mom and dad actually lived in a small city). I believe Carole's bohemian nature is something she comes by very naturally. 5 Link to comment
Souvlaki June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) If that's the case, I'd imagine Mr. Cohen is filled with self-loathing. Bravo's insistence on promoting the bad behavior - from the violent confrontations to sexual assault and misogynistic comments is a disturbing trend across their franchise of reality shows. "Is this the kind of world we live in?" Always thought Andy either had mother issues or women issues, I've often pondered his relationship with his Mother, but if he's got a book out (likely a few) I'm good with not buying it. I guess I am in agreement with whomever said he seems to have thrown in the towel in regards to respect to the viewing audience. It wasn't always like this, I agree and kinda feel like it has devolved into nearly a modern day blood sport, only the weapons are a bit different, and better hidden, I suppose.Can I just stand real quick and do a citizen Kane slow clap for the choir of voices who spoke up in disgust about George's behavior? I'm so glad I set up camp here. Edited June 6, 2014 by Souvlaki 1 Link to comment
Persnickety1 June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I contrast George's behavior to a 90-year-old man, Clarence, for whom my sister provided housekeeping services. This 90-year-old gentleman was quite the ladies man. Effusive compliments, very kind to ladies of all ages, even dancing at weddings with every lady he could all whilst using his cane. Never any sexual innuendo or anything remotely inappropriate, but one could tell he was probably quite the hit with the ladies in his younger years because he was so charming. Everyone just loved Clarence and he was the hit of every party. Sadly, he passed from prostate cancer when he was 93 but what a full and lovely life he led. Then I look at the 80-something-year-old George's behavior and it's all the more reprehensible and disgusting to me. He really is the epitome of "dirty old man," and I don't mean that in the typical joking type of way. I can actually picture the old bastard running around Miami alleyways wearing a trench coat and nothing else, exposing his horny goat weed-enhanced dick to every unsuspecting woman who passes by and deluding himself into thinking the women love it. Ugh. 6 Link to comment
babykin June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) I do agree George stepped over the line the way he spoke to Ramona, and I'll never watch another scene he appears in, but do I think he's guilty of rape? No. Sexual assault? Iffy. Sorry if the quoting is wrong. George is absolutely guilty of sexual assault. He stuck his erection into Sonja, grabbed Kristen's breast, and that's just what we saw. This is on TV for entertainment and I am really having issues with it. He needs to be taken off the show as an example and Andy Cohen is disgraceful to put this up as funny. I actually did like Kristen before this. But to make such a fuss about Ramona throwing the glass (which was horrible and I don't blame her) and then to laugh off George?? NO. Edited June 6, 2014 by babykin 4 Link to comment
ryebread June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I don't think Carole got this from a Sex and the City episode, in her book (What Remains) she goes into a lot of detail about her bohemian childhood, growing up in the woods of upstate New York (with extended family, I believe her mom and dad actually lived in a small city). I read the book and I didn't get boho as much as I did just a lower income family scenario. It's possible she comes by it naturally but every picture I've seen of her, prior to her appearance on RHONYC, she's very conservative in her dress. There's one when she's doing a story somewhere dusty that she's got on khakis and a t-shirt but other than that she's buttoned up pretty tight. Like a frog's ass in water as my husband so charmingly likes to say. Those nails! So not Boho! She looks like she was HEAVILY influenced by Lee, here. Or she evolved into Boho at a later time in her life. Like during SATC. ;-) O/T: after browsing for pics of Carole, can I just say that JFK Jr. and Carolyn were a beautiful couple. 1 Link to comment
shoegal June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) It's possible she comes by it naturally but every picture I've seen of her, prior to her appearance on RHONYC, she's very conservative in her dress . I was speaking to her attitude and lifestyle, not the way she dresses. I don't think that her style of dress is bohemian. I don't know many bohemians who wear short shorts and beaded cocktail dresses. I am thinking of this: "a person, as an artist or writer, who lives and acts free of regard for conventional rules and practices." ( Edited June 6, 2014 by shoegal 2 Link to comment
ryebread June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I was speaking to her attitude and lifestyle, not the way she dresses. Sorry. I thought it was you. So many folks here talking about her boho chic (or un-chic) style as it pertains to her clothing. I think it suits her. Link to comment
Souvlaki June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) I contrast George's behavior to a 90-year-old man, Clarence, for whom my sister provided housekeeping services. This 90-year-old gentleman was quite the ladies man. Effusive compliments, very kind to ladies of all ages, even dancing at weddings with every lady he could all whilst using his cane. Never any sexual innuendo or anything remotely inappropriate, but one could tell he was probably quite the hit with the ladies in his younger years because he was so charming. Everyone just loved Clarence and he was the hit of every party. Sadly, he passed from prostate cancer when he was 93 but what a full and lovely life he led. Then I look at the 80-something-year-old George's behavior and it's all the more reprehensible and disgusting to me. He really is the epitome of "dirty old man," and I don't mean that in the typical joking type of way. I can actually picture the old bastard running around Miami alleyways wearing a trench coat and nothing else, exposing his horny goat weed-enhanced dick to every unsuspecting woman who passes by and deluding himself into thinking the women love it. Ugh. Thank you for sharing your story of this lovely seeming man. I think it a perfect example of a man who just loves women, adores them, all kinds, and adores being around them, making them feel special, and respecting them. I bet they felt very at ease. Juxtapose this with George, and you see a clear difference in temperament and character that, in my opinion, rarely changes with age. In my opinion, being a gropey bastard or allowance of boundary crossing is NOT the elderly right of passage so many men perpetuate, the misogyny and disrespect have probably been with George his whole life, and his age is just another attempt for him to rationalize such sordid behavior and have it enabled, as we've seen. Edited June 6, 2014 by Souvlaki 6 Link to comment
shoegal June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I would absolutely not describe Carole's style as boho-chic, I would describe it as high end trendy, which I guess could be seen as trying to be SATC, if you count most of the fashionable world as SATC influenced. Carole's looks are usually not my favorite, although she does put together some good looks at least once an episode. I much prefer Kristin's style, which is more classic trendy, with high and low pieces. I know there was a big thing about Carole's choice to wear boots and the dress, but I live in Texas and I see that look allllll the time (too freaking much, I really don't like it) and I would say it's anti-SATC. Carrie Bradshaw wore Blahnik's, not boots. Link to comment
FozzyBear June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I would absolutely not describe Carole's style as boho-chic, I would describe it as high end trendy, which I guess could be seen as trying to be SATC, if you count most of the fashionable world as SATC influenced. Carole's looks are usually not my favorite, although she does put together some good looks at least once an episode. I much prefer Kristin's style, which is more classic trendy, with high and low pieces. I know there was a big thing about Carole's choice to wear boots and the dress, but I live in Texas and I see that look allllll the time (too freaking much, I really don't like it) and I would say it's anti-SATC. Carrie Bradshaw wore Blahnik's, not boots. I think that had more to do with Carol wearing boots and a leather skirt during a record breaking heat wave. 1 Link to comment
comatoast June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I can actually picture the old bastard running around Miami alleyways wearing a trench coat and nothing else, exposing his horny goat weed-enhanced dick to every unsuspecting woman who passes by and deluding himself into thinking the women love it. If I had the slightest clue as to where I would find George types in Miami, I would go there hoping he would try something. Basically, I would take one for the team just so all of you could read about how his horny goat weed-enhanced dick became horny goat weed-enhanced dick chum for the sharks. 6 Link to comment
motorcitymom65 June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Always thought Andy either had mother issues or women issues, I've often pondered his relationship with his Mother. From what I have been able to ascertain, AC seems to adore his mother, as well as his father. He has had them both on WWHL in the past, but I have also seen just his mother on. They seem like a very tight family. Then again, it could all be just for show. I agree that it is so nice to see all of the outrage from folks on this forum and others about George's behavior. His parting line to Ramona was the most disgusting thing I have ever heard, and prior to him saying it, I would have denied that I would/could be offended by anything a person might say to Ramona, because in general I think she deserves whatever terrible thing someone might say to her, and then some. I tend to be more irritated by the gals on the show than I am with Andy for allowing George to have become the asshole that he is on my TV. Years of watching these shows has helped me become immune to the way Bravo decides to portray women and their friendships. Women often come across as petty, mean-spirited, screeching loons, and friendships are something to easily be tossed aside. Bravo brought us to this place so long ago. I am always amazed that women allow themselves to be party to this behavior on the show, but then I decide that maybe they are really like this in real life, so they don't get what an embarrassment they are to women in general. Many of them have said that the show is edited in a way to highlight the more dramatic flaws in their characters, and we don't see the good stuff. I am sure that is true to an extent, but question the integrity of a person who would allow Bravo to portray them in such a way. Especially when they do it year after year. The gals are the ones who needed to show outrage about George and his behavior, but they didn't. Carole, who I generally like, is the one who brought up the whole "squirting orgasm" deal from last year. Sonja, who acted slightly outraged that he poked her with his erection, seemed to have forgotten all about this assault when she stood at the front of the room, partially entwined with Aviva as she toasted the leering bastard. She certainly seemed to have no problem with George at that moment, or when she was gushing over his engagement at the party earlier at Aviva's pad. As has already been mentioned, Kristen didn't slap him the way a lot of us would have, or at least sternly rebuked him and made sure he understood that grabbing her ass was not acceptable. Even Heather seemed generally glad to see him. Ramona might have fled the scene when he made his disgusting comment to her, but IMO she is no better than anyone else. When he first came into Aviva's apartment, he immediately started complimenting Ramona, much the same way Avivia did when they had lunch together on the first episode. Ramona giggled like a school girl. She seemed charmed by him in that minute, completely forgetting how she had hated him, much the same way she was able to forgive Aviva for her terrible words just because she lied and told her she looked good. She continued to laugh and smile until George basically called her a racist. That is the moment she became outraged. I am firmly convinced, had the conversation just stopped with George telling Ramona she was hot, Ramona would have been singing the praises of George. 3 Link to comment
OhGromit June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Say what you will, but make no mistake: Andy is the puppet-master. 3 Link to comment
Lola16 June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I would absolutely not describe Carole's style as boho-chic, I would describe it as high end trendy, which I guess could be seen as trying to be SATC, if you count most of the fashionable world as SATC influenced. Carole's looks are usually not my favorite, although she does put together some good looks at least once an episode. I much prefer Kristin's style, which is more classic trendy, with high and low pieces. I know there was a big thing about Carole's choice to wear boots and the dress, but I live in Texas and I see that look allllll the time (too freaking much, I really don't like it) and I would say it's anti-SATC. Carrie Bradshaw wore Blahnik's, not boots. To me, Carole looks like she shops at Bloomie's soho. I rarely see anything I'd like but besides a couple of outfits that were too sheer or showed too much floppy a-cup, most of what Carole wears is bland and unobjectionable to me. Link to comment
comatoast June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I am firmly convinced, had the conversation just stopped with George telling Ramona she was hot, Ramona would have been singing the praises of George. I felt the same way. She was one happy puppy, wagging her tail and ready to roll over and have her belly rubbed...until the compliments stopped. Link to comment
chlban June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) Holy crap.....her father isn't dead? Well fuck a duck, another reality tv con job. Thank you for all your sleuthing, including Dana/Cody's famewhore past. I think I'm one of the few who didn't think Ramona was wrong or rude with her conversation with that pig of a man. I don't think one can be rude when dealing with a POS like George. He has set the bar lower than I have ever seen before on these shows. And he can leave now take his fake ass fiancé with him. I am right there with you. I couldn't really care less what crazy Ramona says to him. I don't care if she throws a glass a him either. A real one. Edited June 6, 2014 by chlban 5 Link to comment
FozzyBear June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Wait! Dana/Cody's father isn't dead? Can we get some well sourced confirmation on this? What the fuckity, fuck, fuck is that? That's up there with Kim Z's not-cancer over on ATL. Got to say, I felt like a bad, insensitive person, but I did think the DON'T BRING UP THE DEAD PARENTS was really strange. As I said up thread; had they died the day before or something? If so it's a strang time to throw an engagement party. If they had been dead a while why would it have been such a breach of etiquette to even bring them up. I imagine a conversation would go like this: Are your parents coming? No they died a few years ago. Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you. I know they would be very happy for me. Annnnd scene. Really. I know people who lost parents young. They don't dissolve into tears at any mention. It was just weird how everybody was acting like this was such an inappropriate topic! So much pearl clutching! At the time I chalked it up to Sonja being drunk and Ramona being someone you can't trust not to say something off the wall and rude. She could go full on Oscar Wild and tell Cody that losing two parents is just careless. But now we find out her father might be alive? What is that about? 2 Link to comment
shoegal June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I think that had more to do with Carol wearing boots and a leather skirt during a record breaking heat wave. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who do not dress for the weather. I think so many times that people get an outfit in their head and they are going to wear it come hell or high water. I see it all the time where I live, people wearing jeans and boots in triple digit heat and girls wearing sundresses and flip flops in 60 degree temps. I didn't like the suede short ensemble or dress/boot combo that Carole wore, but I didn't find it that particularly egregious for the weather. It was shorts, after all, and that sundress looked nice and breezy (and the boots seemed practical for a walk in the woods). Carole has made some questionable fashion choices, for sure, but her style is decidedly unbohemian IMO. Is she sometimes a fashion victim? Yes, I can concede that. Link to comment
LovetoSnark June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 OMG! I lost my diet coke on my computer when I read this. I would maybe believe it if she swore on her fake leg! This is my laugh for the day. Aviva on twitter "I swear to you on my 4 children and my good leg- Cody and my dad are truly a couple and engaged. They live tgether." Link to comment
kassa June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I freely confess that sometimes her blogs just drive me batshit crazy. Trying Too Hard is a really distracting font. 4 Link to comment
comatoast June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I would maybe believe it if she swore on her fake leg! Which one? If I remember correctly, she has the couture NYC leg for high heels, and then there is the tanned, waterproof/hurricane proof Miami leg for sandals and flats. 1 Link to comment
ATWTer76 June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 (edited) Say what you will, but make no mistake: Andy is the puppet-master.I get that feeling, too. IMO, Andy does hate women, save for those who kiss his arse and tell him how wonderful he is or those in the Hollywood A-list crowd (SJP, etc.) that he worships/aligns himself with. Andy has some pull at Bravo and for him to allow some scummy, disgusting, molesting, sexually harassing pervert like George to be featured on RHONY, much less call his behavior "hilarious," is incomprehensible to me. Only someone with zero respect for women, both cast members and the viewers at home, would allow that to take place and call it entertainment. In some ways, I think Andy is as much of a pig as George. Edited June 6, 2014 by ATWTer76 6 Link to comment
CatMomma June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 I think he's definitely guilty of sexual assault. And I don't think your father's raunchy jokes would have turned into what George does. Lots of men joke among their friends and get all winky winky with women they know. I think that's very different. I think this, more than anything, is why I am still raging. The show is implying that George is just a dirty old man, so just shrug it off. So, he grabbed your ass, your boob, or stuck is gross boner against you. It's not assault, silly goose. You women are overreacting. Fuck that. It is sexual assault. There is no iffiness about it. Making lewd jokes and belittling women as nothing more than sexual objects makes someone a sexist asshole, but once that person crosses the line to grabbing a woman in a sexual manner without her permission, it becomes a crime. Andy and other people on twitter calling his behavior "hilarious" comes across as tone deaf and ignorant. I would venture to say that most women have had contact with someone like George. I guarantee at the time, they did not find it "hilarious". 13 Link to comment
parisprincess June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Put me in the passenger seat of a convertible on a warm summer night with good tunes playing, and you can bet I'd have my shoes off and my feet up on the dash, singing along with the music. Ain't nothin' wrong with that! 9 Link to comment
CatMomma June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Put me in the passenger seat of a convertible on a warm summer night with good tunes playing, and you can bet I'd have my shoes off and my feet up on the dash, singing along with the music. Ain't nothin' wrong with that! I'm in Texas. You haven't lived until you've seen someone's bare foot sticking out the side window on a hot day. We don't need convertibles down here! 3 Link to comment
NannyPants June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Add necrophiliac to the list of George's accomplishments. 3 Link to comment
bosawks June 6, 2014 Share June 6, 2014 Add necrophiliac to the list of George's accomplishments. And Cody's...... 14 Link to comment
LovetoSnark June 7, 2014 Share June 7, 2014 (edited) OMG! I lost my diet coke on my computer when I read this. I would maybe believe it if she swore on her fake leg! This is my laugh for the day. Aviva on twitter "I swear to you on my 4 children and my good leg- Cody and my dad are truly a couple and engaged. They live tgether." I have to now eat my own words and slurp up diet coke off of my computer. I went on a snark hunt this evening and this is what I found through Florida Public Records as well as zwillow. All totally disgusting to me but there. Under LLC listing for Tippitoes2 LLC 9/22/10 and 2011 Angela Page and Dana Cody are listed as the managing agents . The location of the shop is 3015 Northwest 79thstreet Miami On October 13 2013 George enters the picture and the state license is re- issued as follows : Pres Dana Cody, Lexsus Page Mgr, George Teichner Mgrm Also on October 13 2013 Dana Cody filed a change of address for herself with the state to 2401 Collins Ave. 2401 Collins Ave is the same address that George listed also. Of course we know Cody is rich that is why she was living in a home that sold for a 137,000 in Miami ( cheap living there) and moved into a condo that was Purchased on 11/26/13 for the amount of 560,000.(I bet Cody owns it...ha) I also found: had Tippietoe listed who went inactive last week---whose picture is now missing-- Of course this could not be our Dana Cody . I think George said she waxed his balls and that was how they met......... at her nail salon ,,,,,, Edited June 7, 2014 by LovetoSnark 2 Link to comment
Lola16 June 7, 2014 Share June 7, 2014 I don't doubt that Dana Cody is 'with' George. She met him on the sugardaddy site. She was on a reality show looking for a rich man. So here comes George. It's not clear if her father is still alive; if he is, he would be 67. I've posted links on the George thread so as not to derail this thread. It's suspect. Aviva swearing on her good leg. I just can't with her. I'd like Reid to dump her for Dana and Aviva can go live with her father in Miami as it seems RHoMIA isn't coming back. I was much happier with the prior episodes that were Aviva free. 1 Link to comment
starrynola June 7, 2014 Share June 7, 2014 I think it has more to do with her excellent note-taking during long evenings spent with her cherished 'Sex and the City' DVD collection. Yes Yes Yes Link to comment
maggiemae June 7, 2014 Share June 7, 2014 Is this right -it took Bravo 6 months to Re-edit the show and this is what they came up with? IIRC because Luanne was no longer with her boyfriend? IMO Andy is disgusting. I know little about SJP but Andy is friends with Kelly Ripa and Mark, they have traveled together to Croatia. And KR is always talking about the size of her vagina and tampons and general potty talk/demonstrations. Seems to me disgusting, and Andy is not a nice man at all - personally and professionally. Link to comment
AnnaL June 7, 2014 Share June 7, 2014 Sorry if the quoting is wrong. George is absolutely guilty of sexual assault. He stuck his erection into Sonja, grabbed Kristen's breast, and that's just what we saw. This is on TV for entertainment and I am really having issues with it. He needs to be taken off the show as an example and Andy Cohen is disgraceful to put this up as funny. I actually did like Kristen before this. But to make such a fuss about Ramona throwing the glass (which was horrible and I don't blame her) and then to laugh off George?? NO. Absolutely agree, given her reaction to Ramona I just don't get her reaction this time at all. She goes out laughing like a lunatic as if this was a joke. No wonder this pervert thinks the ladies are enjoying his charms. 1 Link to comment
Satchels of gold June 7, 2014 Share June 7, 2014 Back in the day, women did not have sexual harressment laws to protect them like they do now. When George is on my screen I literally get a knot in my stomach. It takes me back to being a young woman working with the most vile perverted CFO ever to grace the medical community. We all had to grin and bare it or loose our jobs. It makes me sick to see Geroge assault a woman and have every one laugh it off. He doesn't come across as some harmless coot he is a malevolent sexual abuser. I don't think it was Ramona's place to say what she did but I'm glad she did it. I also loved that she walked out and didn't allow him to talk to her in that manner. I've never hated anyone on tv like I do this man. 6 Link to comment
Higgins June 7, 2014 Share June 7, 2014 Yeah, it's like a punch to the stomach. His behavior is not cute or funny it is threatening and all these women who laugh it off on this show should be ashamed of themselves. He is a predator, 4 Link to comment
Lola16 June 7, 2014 Share June 7, 2014 Has Kristen spoken out after this episode about George's behavior? I might cut her a little slack about laughing and running away. Sometimes when something so outrageous happens, it's hard to deal with especially being filmed. While I would think my reaction might be to knee the old geezer in the groin, perhaps instead I'd had stood there or ran. I know the first time it happened to me at work, I ran. Flight or fight, I choose flight. Link to comment
SFoster21 June 7, 2014 Share June 7, 2014 Has Kristen spoken out after this episode about George's behavior? I might cut her a little slack about laughing and running away. Sometimes when something so outrageous happens, it's hard to deal with especially being filmed. While I would think my reaction might be to knee the old geezer in the groin, perhaps instead I'd had stood there or ran. I know the first time it happened to me at work, I ran. Flight or fight, I choose flight. I remember being young and vulnerable, on a crowded el platform in Chicago. I was sitting at the edge of a bench and a guy against the wall in front of me pulled his dick out; I was so disgusted and horrified that I gasped and walked away. Later, I wished I had had shouted, "over here, look what this nutcase is doing over here!" instead of giving him his thrill. 5 Link to comment
comatoast June 7, 2014 Share June 7, 2014 Has Kristen spoken out after this episode about George's behavior? I might cut her a little slack about laughing and running away. Sometimes when something so outrageous happens, it's hard to deal with especially being filmed. While I would think my reaction might be to knee the old geezer in the groin, perhaps instead I'd had stood there or ran. I know the first time it happened to me at work, I ran. Flight or fight, I choose flight. I would cut her some slack if she didn't know anything about George beforehand, making his behavior totally unexpected. She knew what to expect from George because as she admitted, the other ladies had warned her. It is also obvious she watched the show before she was on it. And what about her TH segments that are supposedly filmed long after? 3 Link to comment
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