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First Looks: Upcoming Episodes

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Probably. Hopefully that will be followed by the "ladies" putting Kyle in the hot seat questioning Maurice's fidelity, Lisa R in the hot seat questioning if she's really as freaky as she too often presents herself, and Kim in the hot seat questioning exactly what items she took in that $600 Target haul.


I've decided to jump on the bandwagon of Housewives hocking shit.

I feel it is my right to come up with a product as I am a cast member on a reality TV show thread.


Introducing KFB pitchforks and torches made of upholstery foam. for the first 50 people, the cost is Free99.

These items are re-usable and so versatile across all housewives shows and seasons.


Many of you may gather to chase Vicki around Coto De Caza or at an undisclosed rock somewhere in Florida looking for Brooks. Since Halloween is over, please come up with an excuse of why you have these items before hand

Re-use these pitchforks when the next HW show begins. Gear up and practice your techniques in anticipation of Yolanda and David sightings.


While all of you enjoy, I will be testing my prototype Holy Heezus Stick on Tamra Barney. The first prototype (is actually my rolling pin) will go through some heavy usage. I want to prove once and for all that Tampon has functioning tear ducts. I think if I poke, prod, or thump in the exact spot on her body with the Holy Heezus Stick tears will flow. Bunny is on a mission, wish me luck

  • Love 7

I've decided to jump on the bandwagon of Housewives hocking shit.

I feel it is my right to come up with a product as I am a cast member on a reality TV show thread.

Introducing KFB pitchforks and torches made of upholstery foam. for the first 50 people, the cost is Free99.

These items are re-usable and so versatile across all housewives shows and seasons.

Many of you may gather to chase Vicki around Coto De Caza or at an undisclosed rock somewhere in Florida looking for Brooks. Since Halloween is over, please come up with an excuse of why you have these items before hand

Re-use these pitchforks when the next HW show begins. Gear up and practice your techniques in anticipation of Yolanda and David sightings.

While all of you enjoy, I will be testing my prototype Holy Heezus Stick on Tamra Barney. The first prototype (is actually my rolling pin) will go through some heavy usage. I want to prove once and for all that Tampon has functioning tear ducts. I think if I poke, prod, or thump in the exact spot on her body with the Holy Heezus Stick tears will flow. Bunny is on a mission, wish me luck

L O L!!

Awesome post! Thanks for the sorely needed laugh!

Stick a pitchfork in me! I'm done!

L O L!!


Edited by Scrambled Fog
  • Love 2

L O L!!

Awesome post! Thanks for the sorely needed laugh!

Stick a pitchfork in me! I'm done!

L O L!!



Glad to make you laugh.


Since this is the upcoming episode thread, regarding Lost Footage.

One of the things I noticed about Meghan is that she enunciates eh-ver-eee sill-ah-bull. A sentence coming out of her mouth takes forever - do me a favor and prod her in the ass with the pitchfork.


How funny would it be if in the Lost Footage episode, the Bravo technicians slow motion Meghan talking. OMG - that would take up the entire hour

  • Love 3

I'm wondering why we didn't get the meghan from the reunion during the season..she seemed likable and semi smart..even nice.

Yes, there was too much talk of cancer and affairs...but here are some positives....the big trip didn't have a huge blow up, lots of fun moments including the girls getting drunk, tamra prank calling heather and terry, tamra busting that medium, tamra having a bible for dummies book bahaha...

  • Love 3

Glad to make you laugh.

Since this is the upcoming episode thread, regarding Lost Footage.

One of the things I noticed about Meghan is that she enunciates eh-ver-eee sill-ah-bull. A sentence coming out of her mouth takes forever - do me a favor and prod her in the ass with the pitchfork.

How funny would it be if in the Lost Footage episode, the Bravo technicians slow motion Meghan talking. OMG - that would take up the entire hour

L O L!!

Keep em coming KungFuBunny!!


The obvious question...how much did Brooks get paid for this 'special' and interview? And will it go to any legal bills? Okay, I'm not a lawyer but we have misrepresentation and forgery here, at the very least.


I believe Brooks was paid $10k to do this special and interview.


Thanks, Gromit--it's a piece of change but nothing life changing. Still more than he deserves, of course, though. He lied his way through it--as he existentially admitted later. I would hope that there was a clause in the contract that if it was found that he misrepresented the truth the check would be cancelled but, sadly, i doubt it.

  • Love 2

Thanks, Gromit--it's a piece of change but nothing life changing. Still more than he deserves, of course, though. He lied his way through it--as he existentially admitted later. I would hope that there was a clause in the contract that if it was found that he misrepresented the truth the check would be cancelled but, sadly, i doubt it.

There was probably a bonus because without his duplicity there would be no viewable footage.  I am surprised he was allowed to give other "exclusives" before this aired.  Although this was filmed way back in September.

  • Love 1

Just watched the preview show. The new wife sounds like a real shit stirrer.   And, she's not all that pretty. Meghan looks different in the face. Don't know if she had surgery or gained weight to sustain a pregnancy.  Can't believe Vicki still seems to absolve Brooks of all his lies, despite the fact that he confessed he didn't have cancer. According to things I've read in the media, she has a new man.  I just read in a gossip rag that Heather is going to sell the mansion and that they never intended to live in it.  According to local realtors, some Saudi is interested in paying $20 million plus for the place. 

  • Love 2

That new girl Kelly looks like trouble.  Now I get why Tamra said she makes her look nice lol

At first, i was a littlr hesitant about Meghan opting to do IVF as her main story...after seeing Gretchen and Luann try that...I figured it was a gimmick...but given that shes pregnant..Im glad she was being serious and sincere :)

  • Love 2

Me-Again looks like a 11 year old boy injecting her hormones. Jeebus lady, some body fat is a good thing.

Hey Vicki, could you have driven the car at some point so your daughter could have some relief from her own health issues and two small children?

in the scenes with Tamra and the surf board/body show let's all play where in the world is her belly button.

  • Love 5

We've seen Vicki drive....remember Hawaii?  Brianna probably just wants to keep herself and her kids alive for the trip to California and won't let Vicki take the wheel.

I'm eagerly awaiting the (sure to happen) many scenes of Vicki bringing Bri & fam casseroles during Brianna's recovery at home.  (Yeah right; Vicki will want the casseroles for her own personal suffering.)

Maybe Shannon's daughter was in a dance recital?  I seem to remember girls who did dance had to wear stage make up for recitals, even in middle school.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, lasandi said:

Shannon's 14 year old daughter had so much eye makeup on.  Kids really want to grow up so fast however its up to parents to set boundaries.  Maybe I am just old fashioned but it really seemed overboard for a14 year old.image.jpeg

It was so over the top and we have seen her before and she has never had this sort of makeup, I am giving the benefit of the doubt that she was coming home from a dance/theater or modelling event.

  • Love 5
On July 8, 2016 at 9:47 PM, Lizzing said:

We've seen Vicki drive....remember Hawaii?  Brianna probably just wants to keep herself and her kids alive for the trip to California and won't let Vicki take the wheel.

I'm eagerly awaiting the (sure to happen) many scenes of Vicki bringing Bri & fam casseroles during Brianna's recovery at home.  (Yeah right; Vicki will want the casseroles for her own personal suffering.)

Maybe Shannon's daughter was in a dance recital?  I seem to remember girls who did dance had to wear stage make up for recitals, even in middle school.

Actually Vicki did drive on the trip from OK to OC. There is a clip of her pulling out of a gas station saying she doesn't understand which way she's supposed to go. I think they just filmed mostly Brianna to try to make some sort of drama out of a boring car trip.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

A First Look:  http://www.people.com/article/real-housewives-orange-county-shannon-beador-kelly-dodd-70s-party-exclusive  I guess they had to bring in outside agitators. 

I loved the way Tamra just sat there with a WTF look and also looked rather cute. Can't believe I said that and will probably take it back after seeing the whole episode...

So it looks like Kelly made the cut and were these other two just like the multiples of shady wives New Jersey production uses to stir things up but don't earn a place. Do I have that right???

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Almost 3000 said:

I loved the way Tamra just sat there with a WTF look and also looked rather cute. Can't believe I said that and will probably take it back after seeing the whole episode...

So it looks like Kelly made the cut and were these other two just like the multiples of shady wives New Jersey production uses to stir things up but don't earn a place. Do I have that right???

I am wondering where Shannon met these ladies, the interlopers?

  • Love 2
40 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think they were possible RH, and they seem to know about Kelly's infidelities while married and the fact she is a flat out whack job.

I understand that (the part about her having a boyfriend while being married), but Shannon's friend was pretty rude. I don't like Vicki or Kelly, but I think they really were just looking for the purse, not looking for an argument.

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Wow, I never thought in a million years this would be a situation where Kelly wasn't the one throwing the first punch. Could it be that Vicki and Kelly come out looking like the wronged ones in all of this?

Probably starting the evening out by repeating calling your host a "pedophile" would not be considered benign behavior.  I couldn't understand why Vicki would not describe what her purse looked like.  Tamra  used poor judgment in approaching drunk Vicki and Kelly to advise them Kelly was being talked about.  Time and place Tamra.

  • Love 5

Can I order my pitch fork gift wrapped? Presentation you know! I'll need it when I invite Kelly and the rest to my sit down dinner party. First I shall quote from Westside story then I have some millenial words of wisdom for all! First, Heather. You know, I took two craps today and you remind me of them. They're cold, stiff, and drab as are you. Vicky? Quit trying to come off ad apologetic. We all know you only love yourself. And Kelly? *que me running her out wih pitchfork and torch*

  • Love 2

So all that was interesting in the First Look is Meghan's physician is Nina the potty mouth from the party's-ex wife.  Meghan mentioned she had colorful language.  He agreed.  Meghan does a really bad job of fakinf how stoned she is from the meds.

The rest is just the annoying jumping from one scene to another.  Vicki talking to Tamra, Shannon talking to David and Kelly the Thug talking to her husband, who at this point is starting to make Slade look good.

  • Love 1

The issue of what is wrong with Briana has been discussed at length on the episode thread.  I found this interesting in that Vicki says in this interview that Briana had NO diagnosis.  I thought Vicki said that Briana had infected lymph nodes. Now they don't know what is wrong?  I'm confused. I really am curious as to what is going on.  I hope Vicki is getting doctor's notes and medical records of Briana's care.......just in case she needs it for her friends.  lol  (I'm actually a Vicki fan.  I'm not sure what the hey is going on though.)  Regardless, I hope Briana's surgery went well.  If she actually did have surgery. 

Vicki said:


She hopes the future includes her daughter, Briana, overcoming the health issues that have plagued her over the last four years. 

"She's having surgery on July 27 to continue to try to find a diagnosis," she says.

While she wouldn't disclose what kind of surgery Briana is having, "we're really positive and hopeful that we can find a diagnosis. We don’t have a diagnosis in four years. She has something – we just don't know what." 



  • Love 1
32 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

The issue of what is wrong with Briana has been discussed at length on the episode thread.  I found this interesting in that Vicki says in this interview that Briana had NO diagnosis.  I thought Vicki said that Briana had infected lymph nodes. Now they don't know what is wrong?  I'm confused. I really am curious as to what is going on.  I hope Vicki is getting doctor's notes and medical records of Briana's care.......just in case she needs it for her friends.  lol  (I'm actually a Vicki fan.  I'm not sure what the hey is going on though.)  Regardless, I hope Briana's surgery went well.  If she actually did have surgery. 

Vicki said:



I think she is referring to Briana's lymph node problems, that they don't know what is causing them to "swell". Initially, Briana was diagnosed with Thyroid disease/problems, that caused her surgery a few years ago before she/Ryan married but what is currently happening has yet to be diagnosed. I think the infection (most likely MERSA) she had right before/then during filming happened after they removed lymph nodes from her leg. That said, Vicki has been very vague about it on camera so we really have no idea what was going on then and even less now that the cameras are gone. I also, don't think any of the HWs question if Briana is really ill as she has a documented history of this illness going back a few years and she looks really, really sick/ill, unlike Brooks who always looked/acted healthy on camera and around the other HWs.

I am not a Vicky fan at all, I can't stand the woman, and I admit that I believe she would/is use(ing) her daughters real health crisis for a redemption storyline this season. I also believe it is Briana that who would prefer to keep her health issues quiet but Vicki can't resist using her for sympathy and Briana is going along with it for her mother's sake/the paychecks. She, Vicki, needs to keep everyone from remembering that she was integral to Brooks cancer lie, not a victim of his lies, but a willing participant in the lies they told the other HWs and we the viewers.

I agree, I hope Briana finds out what is wrong and fully recovers from it.

ETA... Vicki needs to stop sayin that she made "Some MISTAKES", she lied, plain and simple, she told whoppers to further the cancer (lie) story both she and Brooks tried to sell us all last season. More viewers than not would give her a second chance if she just got real, admitted to lying and stop throwing blame on the other HWs for her own actions/lies.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I don't blame Vicki for the purported health crisis of either Brooks or Briana.  I found them both suspicious. 

Vicki is the one that talked Brooks into using his "cancer" story on the show last season but she then found out before filming began that Brooks didn't have cancer so she began telling lies well before the camera's started rolling, 1 of the lies was about Terry/late night IV and that makes her complicit in the whole cancer story lie IMO.

I do believe that Briana is sick but I also believe that Vicki decided, with Briana's permission/blessing, to use that illness as a redemption storyline this season. She is trying to show everyone (us) that she really is a good person deep down and not some self absorbed narcissist.

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