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Live With Kelly And Mark - General Discussion

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Wow, was the Kim K ep sponsored by Ryan Seacrest, Inc.?  Both she and Kellie Pickler are the main talent for two of his shows.  The man knows from corporate synergy.

Poor Eric Dane looked like he was under orders to sit there with a smile to overcome the reports of his recent chronic depression episodes which halted production of The Last Ship.

On 8/30/2017 at 10:59 AM, Tammee said:

I thought the ep was kind of bland.  Changed it after host chat, but happened to flip back for a second and Eric Dane shocked me!  I wouldn't have known was him had I not heard his name in the beginning.  I'm so sorry for his battle with depression.  Hope he's dealing and getting trmt

Can you elaborate on what it was about him that made him so that you wouldn't have known who he was?  Thanks.

6 hours ago, slasherboy said:

Can you elaborate on what it was about him that made him so that you wouldn't have known who he was?  Thanks.

I thought a pic would show more than I could justify.  I dont know how to cut/paste but I went to google and did a search on 'eric dane' 'live with'  and it brings up a couple pics and a video

17 hours ago, Tammee said:

I thought a pic would show more than I could justify.  I dont know how to cut/paste but I went to google and did a search on 'eric dane' 'live with'  and it brings up a couple pics and a video

I did the same thing, but I can't place what makes him different.  Is his face bloated?  That would probably be because of an anti-depressant, but I'm only speculating.  Is this what you think?  Lighter hair?  I don't know.

20 hours ago, slasherboy said:

I did the same thing, but I can't place what makes him different.  Is his face bloated?  That would probably be because of an anti-depressant, but I'm only speculating.  Is this what you think?  Lighter hair?  I don't know.

It was the blond hair that threw me. He was a silver fox before, wasn't he?  I didn't watch the show itself but just from commercials etc saw him.

Ok I just went and googled him from the Last Ship.  Looks like it goes back and forth from lightish to silver.  One thing is for sure, he is one good looking dude

Edited by Tammee

I wonder if the producers told Kelly to cover her body up a bit.  Since they've come back, she has worn granny dresses, a style I've never seen her in before in all the years I've seen her on the show.  

OK I take back what I said earlier.  She's back to the super form fitting tight dresses.  

Edited by Teddybear

just channel surfing and came upon this show. kelly looks terrible. i remember when she was cute and although still thin, healthier  looking. and that horrible hair. what the hell is it with women thinking bleached blonde is a good look. her hair is white! and does not look in the least, flattering. today she has white hair, white complexion and a white dress!

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5 hours ago, msrachelj said:

just channel surfing and came upon this show. kelly looks terrible. i remember when she was cute and although still thin, healthier  looking. and that horrible hair. what the hell is it with women thinking bleached blonde is a good look. her hair is white! and does not look in the least, flattering. today she has white hair, white complexion and a white dress!

I agree. I don't know why she is going for the white hair look.  She already looked aged from being so thin, and now the pale skin, white hair and skeletal body is making her look haggered.

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I was in the show audience Tuesday, Sept. 19, and a woman's cell phone went off during taping. Most people would have been scurrying to shut it off, but she just sat there like she couldn't even hear it -- the thing rang for about 20 seconds! Gelman, Art, all of the producers and camera men were glaring up at her and security was running up to the balcony....it was just so weird.

But, the thing that shocked me was that they never told us to turn off our phones. I know most people would realize this already, but I thought that since it was a live show we would get several warnings about turning off phones -- we didn't even get one. The only thing that was said about phones was that we could take pictures but please don't take videos. That's it. 

During the commercial break, Kelly said that the phone totally made her lose her train of thought and that she had a David Muir story to share that left her mind when the phone started ringing. David Muir said it was an embarrassing story, so he was thankful to the phone lady. And then Kelly said the same thing happened to her during church, but she was so embarrassed that she just looked around like 'Who's phone is that?'

2 hours ago, HoosierJen said:

I was in the show audience Tuesday, Sept. 19, and a woman's cell phone went off during taping. Most people would have been scurrying to shut it off, but she just sat there like she couldn't even hear it -- the thing rang for about 20 seconds! Gelman, Art, all of the producers and camera men were glaring up at her and security was running up to the balcony....it was just so weird.

But, the thing that shocked me was that they never told us to turn off our phones. I know most people would realize this already, but I thought that since it was a live show we would get several warnings about turning off phones -- we didn't even get one. The only thing that was said about phones was that we could take pictures but please don't take videos. That's it. 

During the commercial break, Kelly said that the phone totally made her lose her train of thought and that she had a David Muir story to share that left her mind when the phone started ringing. David Muir said it was an embarrassing story, so he was thankful to the phone lady. And then Kelly said the same thing happened to her during church, but she was so embarrassed that she just looked around like 'Who's phone is that?'

Thanks for the report.  so, what is it like in person?  Is Kelly friendly, obnoxious, etc. during commercials?  do she and Ryan seem like they get along?  I watched a few minutes of a few shows from the past week and they look like they are hitting their stride so to speak.  

They were both very friendly during commercials . . . they came out into the audience a lot and took pictures with audience members. And they seemed to get along well and be really friendly with each other. And with the cell phone lady, they weren't mean or anything, but were just kind of laughing about it. Also, they both seemed incredibly kind to the people behind the cameras...apparently one guy has a new baby and they were congratulating him and saying how beautiful the baby was. 

I haven't really watched the show a lot, so I had no expectations about what they'd be like, but I thought they both seemed very sweet. And very tiny!

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22 hours ago, MzTori77 said:

They are getting better, but I am more than a little tired of them talking about how small they are. Ryan is as bad as Kelly. Oh, and enough about Mark's abs, guns, and zero body fat!! 

Yes,  I too laugh when they talk about how small they are and was really laughing the other day when a Trivia caller guessed that Ryan was 5 feet tall!  He jumped out of his chair and ran to the camera in mock shock over her answer :)

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This has been a few weeks back, but the trivia caller had just come out of surgery, she was recovering from a mastectomy. As they were about to cut to the question, Kelly made a motion with her hand toward her neck as in, they were going cut to the chase so the trivia question was "What's the name of the show?" It was a very "feel good" moment and great on Kelly's part. 

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On 10/18/2017 at 2:42 PM, MzTori77 said:

They are getting better, but I am more than a little tired of them talking about how small they are. Ryan is as bad as Kelly. Oh, and enough about Mark's abs, guns, and zero body fat!! 

Yeah it gets old fast.   The one thing that really bugs me...I said I wasnt going to say anything.  But I will this once to get it out there.  The new intro oh we're having fun in the sun ladeda.  Ok the bug part, and it goes for both of them...they shouldnt wear skinny jeans when being shot from above angling down.  They look like all heads.

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Today Kelly was insulted because someone thought she was the mother of an adult wrestling while she was watching her son . The guy was bald and had to at least been in his 30’s.

I would  also be insulted If I were Kelly’s age, but she does look much older now with her new style . Her poker straight hair which has grey color is not flattering on her very pale , very boney face .  Since she is so skinny, she’s aging much worse . 

I had to also laugh when Kelly said no one is looking in her windows of her house ! Well, she lives in a penthouse in NYC, and her mentions I am sure are not on public streets .

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There is a blind item that is now “solved” as Kelly and Ryan .

Apparently Kelly is npthappy about Ryan’s gig  on Idol , and she had a hissy fit about a possible appearance on GMA. Ryan never did appear on GMA to keep the peace .

Who knows is its true , but Ryan isn’t dumb, he saw her freak out over Michael , so I wouldn’t doubt it .

Kelly and Ryan still seem like they are forcing things a bit . Kelly is so over the top about loving Idol, and Ryan is gushy too . It just appears a bit fake sometimes . Kind of like when a couple has to show PDA’ in public all the time !

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OMG Kelly looks like crap lately !  She had always been gaunt and scary skinny, but her face usually looked nice . Now during close ups she looks old and haggered with that poker straight grayish hair . She looks awful . And her clothes are looking like old lady outfits . 

The short and small jokes were funny at first , but everyday a Kelly or Ryan needs to make a comment about how small they are . 

And it is funny how Kelly apparently had a hissy fit  about Ryan promoting Idol on GMA, so he didn’t go on . I have a feeling that someday when Ryan is done ass kissing to keep the peace and promote his other show, he will take over and Kelly will be old  news.

Oh and did you you know that Lionel Richie is suddenly one of Kelly’s faves??? She is so so excited about Idol and all of the judges !!! How fake and forced can she get ? 

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I  think the costumes were fine for the Halloween show, but something was off. I think that they went for shows on cable and online that not everyone watches.   I think that since we have such a divisive and crazy political situation, they can not mock the president without freaking out a lot of their fan base, and that made it weird too.

I did love Ryan imitating Kelly!  Strangely, she looks so boyish and washed out with her hair color and bony body, Ryan actually looked better in some ways!  I think she was a little put off by his mannerisms, but they were great! 

I am one that hates the Halloween show each year. The costumes, the taped bits, the guests that really are not being interviewed and everything else just does not work for me. I do not know why, but it does. To be fair, I am not a fan of when any of these sort of talk shows do it. I did think Ryan did very well with all of Kelly's mannerisms. He committed well to that bit. I thought when Kelly was dressed as Ryan that the make-up and hair did not really scream Ryan to me. 

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6 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

I am one that hates the Halloween show each year. The costumes, the taped bits, the guests that really are not being interviewed and everything else just does not work for me. I do not know why, but it does. To be fair, I am not a fan of when any of these sort of talk shows do it. I did think Ryan did very well with all of Kelly's mannerisms. He committed well to that bit. I thought when Kelly was dressed as Ryan that the make-up and hair did not really scream Ryan to me. 

Me too!  They were 1/2 way thru the bit before I realized they were doing each other. I thought the Kelly was Jerry Oconnell and the Ryan I couldn't figure out.  I kept staring back and forth.  I couldn't figure it out lol!  I had finally decided on either Mark or Seth Green.  Then the lightbulb finally went on.  Never say I don't get there, just a little slower hah 

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I always get a kick out of the Halloween show....the best part this year was the spoof of Taylor Swift's video "Look What You Made Me Do" :)  I did not know the YouTube girl and could do without Gelman wearing women's clothes.  But overall, it was good for some laughs.

I watched "Live" this morning to see Justin Hartely of "This is Us"....I thought he would talk about his recent wedding.  Maybe I missed it, but I did not hear Kelly or Ryan ask him about it,  mostly Kelly & Justin seemed to talk about being on the Soaps.  I wondered if the show was "Live", or maybe had been taped before Justin was married?

Lola was on the show today during a cooking segment. When she hugged Kelly the mic picked up her saying that she was really nervous. Basically, a typical 16 year old.   She seems like a very nice girl. Ryan asked who her mothers favorite child is and she said it’s Joaquin. She didn’t say it in a mean way though. She said he is so nice, kind and works really hard. Overall, Mark & Kelly have raised 3 great kids. Even, with  all of their (Kelly) parents millions they seem like very well adjusted kids. Who knew???. LOL!!!!!

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2 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Lola was on the show today during a cooking segment. When she hugged Kelly the mic picked up her saying that she was really nervous. Basically, a typical 16 year old.   She seems like a very nice girl. Ryan asked who her mothers favorite child is and she said it’s Joaquin. She didn’t say it in a mean way though. She said he is so nice, kind and works really hard. Overall, Mark & Kelly have raised 3 great kids. Even, with  all of their (Kelly) parents millions they seem like very well adjusted kids. Who knew???. LOL!!!!!

Yes, I also thought she came across as a normal teen girl(as normal as can be with wealthy parents living in NYC) and she kept insisting that her Mother's stories about her are NOT true, lol.  I did think it was cute that she said Joaquin was the favorite child :)  

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Lola  is a cute kid   As much as Kelly annoys me, it seems like she is a good mom .

The only thing I always wonder about is allowing Lola to use Uber alone or with her friends at such a young age .

I wouldn’t let me teen in NYC use Uber with her girlfriends to go to a concert. I’m in a big city in the mid- west , and maybe I just am too protective.

i would think if you’re a celebrity you might be even more careful, but then again ,  maybe I am too protective.

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