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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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It's like...for every triumph or bit of happiness Sharon enjoys, the show feels the need to balance it out with some bizarre deception that will eventually ruin everything. I don't particularly enjoy watching and waiting for her to get caught and punished.

You know what would be awesomely entertaining? Victor being humiliated, loathed, and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for even a tiny sliver of the shit he's pulled throughout the decades. Let him become the town pariah. Subject him to an intensive psychiatric evaluation (and a session with one of those FBI peeps who profile serial killers, cause Victor is some kind of evil, yo).

Ninja I agree!!!

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"Dylan was hugging her back and they came out of the hug staring into each others eyes and then both of them went in for the kiss. It was a mutual kiss not all one sided.I have watched it 3 times now. Lol"


 Slowpokey, IA that no one grabbed anyone. It was not one-sided or forced by either. 

I don't like her sending that text either but Avery should have called Dylan back to talk. If she really wanted to go home, she would have.


Ninja, I couldn't agree more. the stigma attached to mental illness is quite real and this show is not doing any sufferers a favour. I don't blame SC  in any way shape or form for her portrayal but the writers who pen this shit for her need to learn a few accurate facts about illnesses in general and write with compassion.


On a shallow note, scruffy Joe is so hot but someone needs to get that crabby bitch outta the therapy room. She wouldn't be allowed in there at all IRL. Since when did she become a professional PT? 

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Today was all about the CONTRACT and Michael's plot to get rid of Lauren for her own good, and some blah blah about Hillary and Devon.


So Lily realizes there's a hooker in the house so she calls the cops and Michael is arrested.  Fortunately, Lauren gets to witness this.  She thinks there must be a mistake and she rushes to the Squad Room to help him.  She bails him out.  But he tells her he hired the hooker and he had sex with her and that he wants out of his marriage.   Cane decides he needs to get involved so he interviews the hooker who reveals they did not have sex.  Cane confronts Michael who admits it and tells Cane he cannot tell Lauren because he doesn't want her stuck with a sick old man with ED. Lily confides in Devon that she thinks Cane might cheat with Lauren.  Lauren tells Lily that she is so grateful for Cane and she couldn't have gotten through all of this without him.  Later Cane comforts Lauren (which means hugs) and Lily sees it and has that "oh shit" look on her face.  


Prick is trying to convince Drinki to witness the contract.  He explains that because Fack is so flighty, he didn't wait around for her to be there to witness the signatures.  She wants to know why she is even listed as a witness and he says it is because she is impartial with no loyalty to Jabot or Newman.  Hah!  She's uncomfortable witnessing it when she didn"t actually witness it and Prick makes the funniest face I have ever seen him do--it was kind of a:  WTF is your problem you idiot, sign the goddamned contract!  Neil helps out and they convince Drinki that if she doesn't "witness" the contract that the merger will fall apart and ruin poor Fack's dream.


Over at the hospital Gnome feels bad that he missed the five seconds when Fack was awake.  Ash is all concerned about Jabot should something happen to Fack and she and Phyllis have it out.  Ash tries to explain to Phyllis, who really is dumber than a sack of hammers these days, that this merger is bad for Jabot and that the Abbotts are being shut out.  She wants to scuttle the deal, but Phyllis sees this as a power play while Fack is in a coma.  Which it sort of is.  Ash takes offence that Phyll is suggesting she cares more about business than Fack.  Ash is concerned about the CONTRACT and wants to see it.  Ash wants to know if Phyll or Gnome ever saw Fack with a contract, or talk about a contract, and they say no, but that doesn't mean anything.  Ash apologizes and then she goes to visit Fack and they play the Y and R music.  She tells him that she is going to fight for Jabot in his absence, and that she can't understand why Fack is okay with Prick destroying Jabot.  She gets very emotional.  He's going to kill it.  Gnome and Phyllis talk.  He wants to know if she hates him for the accident and she says no.  She says I am certain your father is fighting with everything he has to come back to us.  Hah!


Billy is over at Victoria's office (Prick has actually moved back to his own office now) and he is questioning Vic about the CONTRACT, but she doesn't know anything about it.  Billy muses that maybe there is a reason he's not gloating about the contract, and Vic says that Billy would love to turn the tables on Prick and get Jabot back.  Ummm, yeah, Victoria.  He would be an idiot to not want to pay back Prick for everything he's done and at the same time get back the family business.  And Billy tells her that, and says it would make my day, my year, my life.  She can't figure out why Billy wants to stir things up--things have never been better, but Billy points out that only works in one direction.  He then learns that she is no longer with Ben and that Ben is doing her sister/his niece.  He asks her if she is okay and she says, meh.  Billy wants Vic to find the CONTRACT for him, and he says she has integrity, and would have a problem with this if Prick was up to something.  Ashley arrives and wants to know about the CONTRACT and Vic tells her to check with legal.  But she has and they don't know about a CONTRACT!    Prick shows up and pulls it out of his pocket because he always carries around billion dollar contracts in his suit pocket.  Especially ones the legal department hasn't seen.  Prick has an extremely arrogant and smug look on his face.  Ash looks at it, and remarks on the interesting timing.  And then Billy looks at it and declares that this isn't Jack's signature.  Prick says:  really?  And Victoria looks annoyed.


Hevon are back together and feeling guilty about it blah blah.  Nuff said, and I have seen this show before, so I FF through most of their scenes.  But there is a good moment when Hillary goes to drop off a file for Jack and Neil is there, and he takes it, and Drinki says how did you manage to keep your hands off that woman's throat.  They also talk about drinking and Neil says he really wants a drink but he's working the program.  And Drinki says she really doesn't.  Good for Drinki.  Except then she looks longingly at the bottle of booze on the office bar.


Previews:  Victoria to Prick, please tell me Jack's signature was not forged; Billy to Neil, you are the one who can't see the truth, you didn't even know when your wife and son were cheating on you and Neil punches him; Chelz and Gabe naked and making love (may be a dream).

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It's like...for every triumph or bit of happiness Sharon enjoys, the show feels the need to balance it out with some bizarre deception that will eventually ruin everything. I don't particularly enjoy watching and waiting for her to get caught and punished.

In one of his interviews, Pratt described Sharon as a beloved heroine who continually sabotages her own happiness by setting landmines and forgetting where she put them. Okay, Chucky, we get the picture. You drew us a map with a great big ole X indictating where Sharon just planted her next one.  I think you got up from the drawingboard to soon. It was way to soon to show us your cards. I think I read in the same interview that was one of things you warned your writing team against. You should have followed your own advice, because you just sabotaged your own storyline. You could have at least teased us until we some earnest fucks to give about Shylan before you pooped in that punchbowl. I don't even want in on the game now. 

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I FLOVED Victoria's dress and hair today.

Yes, forgot to say that she looked stunning, once again.  And Billy's shirt was ugly on him.  Also I really didn't like that colour on Phyllis.

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It's like...for every triumph or bit of happiness Sharon enjoys, the show feels the need to balance it out with some bizarre deception that will eventually ruin everything. I don't particularly enjoy watching and waiting for her to get caught and punished.

In one of his interviews, Pratt described Sharon as a beloved heroine who continually sabotages her own happiness by setting landmines and forgetting where she put them. Okay, Chucky, we get the picture. You drew us a map with a great big ole X indictating where Sharon just planted her next one.  I think you got up from the drawingboard to soon. It was way to soon to show us your cards. I think I read in the same interview that was one of things you warned your writing team against. You should have followed your own advice, because you just sabotaged your own storyline. You could have at least teased us until we some earnest fucks to give about Shylan before you pooped in that punchbowl. I don't even want in on the game now. 


Thank you for saying exactly what I feel. I was so looking forward to Shylan and here they had not even shared a kiss which I was so anxiously awaiting to see and he has Sharon doing a stupid thing in sending that text. Of course that took all the excitement out of the first kiss for me and now I don't even want Shylan.All they have done is used SC again as a whipping post to spare the stigma of having Dylan and Avery painted as cheaters. Now the onus is completely off them and all the blame can be laid right square in the middle of the bullseye permanently affixed to Sharon's back.You ruined it Pratt! Thanks for nothing!!!

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Thank you for saying exactly what I feel. I was so looking forward to Shylan and here they had not even shared a kiss which I was so anxiously awaiting to see and he has Sharon doing a stupid thing in sending that text. Of course that took all the excitement out of the first kiss for me and now I don't even want Shylan.All they have done is used SC again as a whipping post to spare the stigma of having Dylan and Avery painted as cheaters. Now the onus is completely off them and all the blame can be laid right square in the middle of the bullseye permanently affixed to Sharon's back.You ruined it Pratt! Thanks for nothing!!!

I blame JFP for this one. Wooden boy is her prize. ugh. Everyone is to be railroaded in an effort for this lame ass actor to matter. What JFP doesn't seem to realize is he only began to matter when he was in a potential pairing with Sharon. If she is thrown under the bus to prop him he will go from not mattering to being loathed by many of us.

Edited by miamama
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Ash apologizes and then she goes to visit Fack and they play the Y and R music.  She tells him that she is going to fight for Jabot in his absence, and that she can't understand why Fack is okay with Prick destroying Jabot.  She gets very emotional.


The writing was quite good I thought when Ashley described Jabot as not just a company but "our dad." That really is honouring history because they have -- especially Jack -- treated it as such. Nadia's Theme was lovely here -- PB and ED have such a long history. The piece of music IMO should only be used for actors/characters who have been on the show a minimum of 20 years. When they use it for the likes of Dylan I want to gag.


some blah blah about Hillary and Devon.


How are these two popular? (They seem to have fans on twitter). They have no energy. The move no story. Darvon is a little nothing twerp. Hilary is defanged when with him and therefore completely wasted. They are a fucking bore. I can't watch the Winters or Ashbys at all. Pure FF.

Edited by miamama
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I hate Steve Farren Phelps and have for a long long time---I quit GH  many years ago but I have not forgotten HIM---he has been wooden and a Dudley Doowright here---I do not want him with my sharon but if it means she will get a minute or two off from being the whipping post then OK and I loathe the Nickanator so OK--but now this???? UGH she will pay and pay and pay and once upon a time on another show I lurved Jessica Collins but again here---not so much---H.A.T.E.---this show is really trying my patience and if I had AW or ATWTs left I would not even be here except for my mom who now loathes the VIC/Prick with the fire of a thousand suns---way to go JFP and Stoopid Pratt

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Now the onus is completely off them and all the blame can be laid right square in the middle of the bullseye permanently affixed to Sharon's back

 I think it has been so obvious they would make Sharon the bad guy in all of this. We sure knew Phelps' boy would not be the whipping post. They have written Sharon as the common gardening tool and will do so for a long time me thinks. Pratt likes writing her as crazy..he even admitted it so I think we are going to get lots more of crazy sharon.

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Hilary is defanged when with him and therefore completely wasted. They are a fucking bore. I can't watch the Winters or Ashbys at all. Pure FF.

I can't watch them either.. the whole lot of them bores me to tears.

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Thanks for making  a nice banana cake from this load of crap, bannana.  Just a week ago, I was enjoying the show and believing that maybe things were going to get better.  Now, I don't know what the hell is happening - No funny Jack or Fack anywhere, Sharon ruining what could have been a good thing for her, AND Kelly didn't die, AGAIN.  BuJ was getting interesting and now he is boring as toast, and while they are scruffing up my gorgeous Joe, it's the greasy hair that turns me off so bad,  I want to give him a good shampoo, and cut off about an inch of hair on top, so it won't hang in those blue eyes. I want to watch again, and I try to think it's better, and they hit you in the gut with stuff like the last few days.  It's like they change writers every couple of weeks, and they have let the crazy one have control again. Disgusting - Pratt!  Just nothing but SHIT!! 

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Avery cheats on her sex on a stick hubby with a literal stick because Joe was a workaholic. Years later, she shoves Joe off a balcony, and he ends up in a wheelchair. I get the impression I'm supposed to be deeply moved by Avery's noble self-sacrifice as she drifts apart from her battling bonsai in order to play nursemaid to the man she pushed into paralysis. No sale.

Sharon finally escapes from the long arm and tight pants of the law, but can she take a breath and enjoy her freedom? Of course not. I sure hope the text of terror stays hidden for a year while Dylan and Avery secretly pine for each other's comforting blandness. Bonus points if Dylan swears up and down that there's no secret in the world that could destroy his and Sharon's special friendship.

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Today was all about the CONTRACT and Michael's plot to get rid of Lauren for her own good, and some blah blah about Hillary and Devon.


Cane decides he needs to get involved so he interviews the hooker who reveals they did not have sex.  Cane confronts Michael who admits it and tells Cane he cannot tell Lauren because he doesn't want her stuck with a sick old man with ED. Lily confides in Devon that she thinks Cane might cheat with Lauren.  Lauren tells Lily that she is so grateful for Cane and she couldn't have gotten through all of this without him.  Later Cane comforts Lauren (which means hugs) and Lily sees it and has that "oh shit" look on her face.  


Prick is trying to convince Drinki to witness the contract.  He explains that because Fack is so flighty, he didn't wait around for her to be there to witness the signatures.  She wants to know why she is even listed as a witness and he says it is because she is impartial with no loyalty to Jabot or Newman.  Hah!  She's uncomfortable witnessing it when she didn"t actually witness it and Prick makes the funniest face I have ever seen him do--it was kind of a:  WTF is your problem you idiot, sign the goddamned contract!  Neil helps out and they convince Drinki that if she doesn't "witness" the contract that the merger will fall apart and ruin poor Fack's dream.


Over at the hospital Gnome feels bad that he missed the five seconds when Fack was awake.  Ash is all concerned about Jabot should something happen to Fack and she and Phyllis have it out.  Ash tries to explain to Phyllis, who really is dumber than a sack of hammers these days, that this merger is bad for Jabot and that the Abbotts are being shut out.  She wants to scuttle the deal, but Phyllis sees this as a power play while Fack is in a coma.  Which it sort of is.  Ash takes offence that Phyll is suggesting she cares more about business than Fack.  Ash is concerned about the CONTRACT and wants to see it.  Ash wants to know if Phyll or Gnome ever saw Fack with a contract, or talk about a contract, and they say no, but that doesn't mean anything.  Ash apologizes and then she goes to visit Fack and they play the Y and R music.  She tells him that she is going to fight for Jabot in his absence, and that she can't understand why Fack is okay with Prick destroying Jabot.  She gets very emotional.  He's going to kill it.  Gnome and Phyllis talk.  He wants to know if she hates him for the accident and she says no.  She says I am certain your father is fighting with everything he has to come back to us.  Hah!


Billy is over at Victoria's office (Prick has actually moved back to his own office now) and he is questioning Vic about the CONTRACT, but she doesn't know anything about it.  Billy muses that maybe there is a reason he's not gloating about the contract, and Vic says that Billy would love to turn the tables on Prick and get Jabot back.  Ummm, yeah, Victoria.  He would be an idiot to not want to pay back Prick for everything he's done and at the same time get back the family business.  And Billy tells her that, and says it would make my day, my year, my life.  She can't figure out why Billy wants to stir things up--things have never been better, but Billy points out that only works in one direction.  He then learns that she is no longer with Ben and that Ben is doing her sister/his niece.  He asks her if she is okay and she says, meh.  Billy wants Vic to find the CONTRACT for him, and he says she has integrity, and would have a problem with this if Prick was up to something.  Ashley arrives and wants to know about the CONTRACT and Vic tells her to check with legal.  But she has and they don't know about a CONTRACT!    Prick shows up and pulls it out of his pocket because he always carries around billion dollar contracts in his suit pocket.  Especially ones the legal department hasn't seen.  Prick has an extremely arrogant and smug look on his face.  Ash looks at it, and remarks on the interesting timing.  And then Billy looks at it and declares that this isn't Jack's signature.  Prick says:  really?  And Victoria looks annoyed.


Hevon are back together and feeling guilty about it blah blah.  Nuff said, and I have seen this show before, so I FF through most of their scenes.  But there is a good moment when Hillary goes to drop off a file for Jack and Neil is there, and he takes it, and Drinki says how did you manage to keep your hands off that woman's throat.  They also talk about drinking and Neil says he really wants a drink but he's working the program.  And Drinki says she really doesn't.  Good for Drinki.  Except then she looks longingly at the bottle of booze on the office bar.


Previews:  Victoria to Prick, please tell me Jack's signature was not forged; Billy to Neil, you are the one who can't see the truth, you didn't even know when your wife and son were cheating on you and Neil punches him; Chelz and Gabe naked and making love (may be a dream).


Well, it looks like this is the Men with Disabilities season. Whether it's limp legs or a limp dick, apparently nothing must challenge the Sacred Wood, the Manly Righteous Powers of Dylan, Heir to the wide-seated throne of Paulie Beernutz [tks, Boes].


It seems like Pratt et al believe in the old Wrigley's Gum principle of "Double your Pleasure, Double your Fun"; in fact, double everything, because it's less work for the writers and makes some dumb online posters feel smart when they notice this.


And in other newsy notes...could anyone seriously write another of those damn scenes where Cane and Lily decide, "Yes, it's time to fuck romantically [again]. The kids are locked in the closet, Colin's stealing the family silver instead of babysitting, Jill ate Humphrey, and the GCAC runs itself, so we're good." In fact, I think I'd welcome Cane sampling a bit of Lauren's dry-aged whatever, just so I didn't have to watch Lily. Ever. Again. And how much do you want to watch Devon and Hilary work their way through another imitation of Heterosexual Congress?


Has it occurred to anyone that when Nikki is the moral arbiter of Genoa City, that we've landed deep in a demonic swamp? A mirror-world where Devon and Hilary represent true love? [Or heterosexual sex?] I hope Cane and Colin can bring the Downunder know-how to the CONTRACT PLOT because it's going to boomerang all the way to LA and back. Where the Forresters will decide to buy out the whole mess because the Jabman stock is selling for pennies.

Has it occurred to anyone that, when Nikki tries to sell Neil on the fact that she's been possessed by a Higher Power and no longer craves a drink, she may have failed the Doppelganger test? I'd love a Double Nikki--preferably on the rocks, with a twist. But it's not to be--she's eyeing something other than the Stoli this time.


And WTH with today's writing of Phyllis? As you say so well above, all of a sudden she's dumber than dogshit--and that's an insult to dogs everywhere. She was quite intuitive just the other day...


But, as we're noticing, show now goes in what a friend's grandmother once called, "stits and farts."

Edited by pearlite
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All I can say is that Victor is a smug, lying, arrogant EVIL bastard who just.needs. to. die. 


As big a dick as Billy can be, he told Billy he wasn't worthy enough to mention John Abbott's name or shine his shoes. Vicki just stood there and let him talk to the father of her children like that.  


He's got Neil and Nikki both lying big time and then he had the nerve to tell Nikki who was questioning the legality of the CONTRACT since she didn't see Jack actually sign it, that it was legit. 


If he gets away with any of this shit, show needs to shut down.


Preview shows Fack waking up , looking at Phyllis and not knowing her. 

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No recaps next week as I am away on a biz trip.


There's a scene of Chelz and she's dreaming of doing it with Gabe.  Later they actually do it.  If you dream it, you will come.


Lots of CONTRACT talk today.  Ash and Billy are challenging Prick--they don't believe that it is Jack's signature.  Prick does what he does best:  deny and lie.  Throughout the episode.


Prick accuses them of trying to take control of Jabot while Fack is in a coma.  Then he launches into a personal attack on Billy, saying that Fack fired him, cut ties with him, Ash is only supporting him because she pities him, and that he shouldn't mention his own father's name, and is not fit to shine his shoes.  This is why we call him Prick.  Victoria stands by and says nothing.  She is disgusting.  Billy says to Prick:  how many people have walked out of your life?  He says: Not too many, present company excluded (meaning Ashley, but he could have also included Victoria at one time, when she had actual integrity and balls). I have a wife, children, grandchildren; I run a multi billion dollar company.  You, dumb-ass, are unemployed, and everyone has dumped you, who ever had anything to do with you. Right?  Victoria tells Prick to calm down, while putting her hand on his shoulder.  What she should have said was:  You, dumb-ass, SHUT UP!  Why oh why would Billy ever go back to her.  She should disown her father, for reals.


Instead she says no one should be fighting, this is a business discussion.  Hah!  Billy rightly points out that Prick is the one who launched a personal attack on Billy, as usual.  Billy says he is going prove it's a forgery and Prick challenges him to have the damned handwriting analysed and and Billy says: you bet your ass I will.  They leave and Victoria confronts Prick about whether the CONTRACT is forged.  Prick tells Victoria that when Fack wakes up he will confirm that he signed it and your erstwhile husband will have to concede defeat.  We now know that Victoria is officially stupid because Prick gets a text from Abby saying that there has been no change to Fack's condition, and Vic says:  you really do care about him, don't you?  ARGH.  Ash tells Billy he shouldn't let Prick to get to him.  She points out that even if they have it analyzed it won't prove it is a forgery, because Prick made sure it can't be detected.  She says that they should track down the WITNESS.


Neil is with Gwen, and they are going to go to lunch but now Neil can't because Drinki texts him that she lied and she really does want to dive into that bottom shelf bottle of Vodka.  She's at the GCAC about to have a drink out of a proper glass in public.  Do it Drinki!  She's upset about this witness thing and is pretty sure Prick is lying.  Neil arrives to help her, just as Ash is trying to get her tell the truth about whether she truly witnessed Fack signing the CONTRACT.  Neil says both he and Drinki witnessed Fack signing the contract.  Billy says:  wow, you sold out to Prick too.  Neil tries to blow him off.  Billy wants to know what Prick offered him in return for forging the signature of his unconscious friend.   It gets heated.  He tells Drinki that she knows Fack would never join up with Prick, but she says he changed after the UG collapse.  Billy says Fack suffered a concussion so he may not be thinking clearly or Prick is manipulating him and the deal is being pushed through while he is in a coma.  Billy says:  We know that Prick has no conscience but Drinki, I know that you do. He wants to know why Drinki would hurt Fack, a man she cares for deeply.  Neil steps in and tells Billy they have given him proof, he just can't accept it.  Billy says that Neil wouldn't recognize the truth, cause he couldn't even tell that his son and wife were cheating on him.  And Neil punches Billy.  Neil is itching for more punching, and Devon runs in and Neil says:  Billy Bob doesn't have his facts straight, does he? and that he is just going to have to accept the truth.  Billy says people he trusted are lying to his face.  And why should he believe Neil--then he turns to Hilary and asks her if she had ever seen the CONTRACT.


Hilary says she has seen every single legal document that Fack has signed since she started working for him, and she has never seen this CONTRACT. Ash says:  then who signed it? Neil says, your brother Jack Abbott. He says they can't believe Hilary.  And even if she is telling the truth, he hasn't been in the office, so maybe she just didn't see it.  Ash says he would never have been cavalier about such an important document, and Neil tells her maybe she doesn't know her brother as well as she thinks.  Ash yells at Neil that she knows him a hell of a lot better than Neil.  Billy says if Fack was so gung-ho about the merger he'd have been waving it around but it is no where to be found.  Neil says he doesn't have to explain anything to Billy, and Billy says it is because he can't explain it.  And Drinki says, please stop all this fighting, I am jonesing for a Vodka.  Drinki says this is what Fack wants, and when he wakes up he will be happy to tell you that.  Ash says, what if he doesn't wake up.  Are you going to be happy to continue to perpetuate this lie?  And that shut her up.  Billy tells them he'll see them in court.  On the way out they bump into Prick who is just arriving, and he says to Billy, what are you blathering about?  Billy says it's not going to work, forcing Drinki to lie for him, she is too good and decent to follow through with it.  And Ash says:  I know you don't give a damn about my brother but do you care at all what you are doing to your wife?


Drinki confronts Prick and says that Fack didn't sign the CONTRACT, did he?  She demands that he tell her the truth.  Prick has some pretty crazy facial expressions when she's confronting him.  I still have a theory that Prick is also a doppelganger, just because of the crazy expressions he is making now.   She points out that Ash and Billy confronted her about it, but Neil arrived and told them that they both witnessed it.  Prick says:  good.  Drinki says, not good, because that is a lie.  He doesn't understand why she wants to talk about the damned CONTRACT.  He tells her he that he can handle Ash and Billy, and that what he wants is for Drinki to be on his side.  Prick wants Drinki to just move on and forget about it.  She threatens him that if he doesn't tell her the truth she will go over to the bar and drink everything behind it.  Prick doesn't appreciate being emotionally blackmailed.  Hah!  Now Prick says that if Drinki won't say she was a witness for his sake she should do it for the sake of their family.  Of course.  Drinki rightly says he always plays the family card as a last resort.  Prick says this is not a game, and Drinki says she just wants the truth.  Prick says:  Jagabbid signed that damned  CONTRACT!


Devon and Hillary do it, and then talk about whether they will tell Neil.  Then later they actually do tell Neil and Devon tells him that Hilary was faking that she was faking, and that she actually got Neil off the charges (he neglected to mention that she slept with the prosecutor to do it, but Neil figured it out on his own). Neil can't believe that they want his forgiveness.   He tells Devon he should run for the hills.  Hilary says she loves Devon, and Neil says, like you loved me?  Neil wishes great pain on both of them and says:  Karma is a bitch.  


There's a bunch of Chelz and Gabe blah blah arguing foreplay.  Chelz says it was all just sex, he was in her proximity, she has no feelings for him, he ruined her life, blah blah, and then they start ripping each other's clothes off.  Afterwards, Gabe tells her she called out Adam's name, and he is totally okay with it, but she gets completely freaked out.  She says it feels like she is cheating on Adam.  And Gabe leaves but he has a smile on his face.  


Billy and Ash show up back at Victoria's and she asks what happened.  He says he was pursuing truth and justice and got blindsided by corruption. She says that if Neil punched Billy he must have had a good reason.  Billy says Darth Pricktor pulled Neil over to the dark side.  Billy cannot believe that Vic is okay with what Prick is doing to Drinki, but Vic says there's no proof that Prick is lying.  They mention the convo with Hilary and she says that doesn't prove anything either, and Ash says that she used to do that with Prick too, try to convince herself he wasn't lying, but she says that Vic knows deep down inside what the truth is.  Billy asks her how she can live with herself knowing what Prick is doing to them and to Drinki.  She goes to get the first aid kit, instead of answering.  She's worried about Billy because he's had a tough time lately what with Chelz cheating on him, getting fired, Fack being in an accident.  She's worried that Billy is on the edge, and he assures her that he will not lose it and start gambling, drinking or sleeping around.  She says that he can lean on her and he said that he is done leaning on people.  Billy says it's time for him to step up and repay Jack for all he has done for Billy his whole life.


Neil goes back to the office, and tells Gwen about Devon and Hilary.  They commiserate a bit and then they kiss.


Previews:  Prick to Gabe:  I think you and I have more in common than you realize; Sharon  and Dylan necking on her sofa; Fack wakes up and says to Phyllis:  Do I know you?


**edited because I was rushing and made a lot of mistakes!

Edited by bannana
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So basically Pratt is having EVERYONE act like an asshole.



Neil had some nerve lecturing his son and wife about honesty after supporting Victor's lies. And as much as I love Fack, I'm looking forward to cracks showing up in Victor's masterpiece. When I saw the preview for Monday's show, my interest was piqued. If they can't reveal something via a detail such as his blood type, I'll be fine with Fack not remembering his stolen identity. Let the games begin!


Mind you, I realize that Victor will try to ruin it all. I'll just let my predictions keep me warm this weekend. 

Edited by C76
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I'd say the cracks are widening and deepening. Victor has to go down. Jack is obviously coming back. Show won't kill Jack Abbott; so this master plan has to be exposed. And Victor can try and pin shit on Kelly or I don't know how he'll defend himself -- but he used Neil and Nikki and he won't be able to deny that. Even Victoria will have to extend her usual 1.3 hours of not talking to her father to maybe a week for this.

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Oh, Banana! I haven't watched this show for days and totally delete the recording as soon as I get home and think that for today i actually cancelled the recording but I LOVE your recaps! Especially since the Scooby Don'ts appear to be on vacation. 


Don't go on that business trip. In fact, quit your job, your recaps are so good! Can't you catch the episodes while away?

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It's like they change writers every couple of weeks, and they have let the crazy one have control again. Disgusting - Pratt!  Just nothing but SHIT!!


These are friters. The real writers are tied to beds somewhere.

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Oh, Banana! I haven't watched this show for days and totally delete the recording as soon as I get home and think that for today i actually cancelled the recording but I LOVE your recaps! Especially since the Scooby Don'ts appear to be on vacation.


Don't go


on that business trip. In fact, quit your job, your recaps are so good! Can't you catch the episodes while away?

You are like the 'old' Talk Soup. You WATCH this stuff so we don't have to. It's a public service - like unblocking a sewer.

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Oh, Banana! I haven't watched this show for days and totally delete the recording as soon as I get home and think that for today i actually cancelled the recording but I LOVE your recaps! Especially since the Scooby Don'ts appear to be on vacation. 


Don't go on that business trip. In fact, quit your job, your recaps are so good! Can't you catch the episodes while away?

I would love to not go on this biz trip and quit my job!  No, no time to see eps, working day and night.  But I might be able to recap next Friday cause I will be back then.


Here's the other song, and I really do love this, so I wanted to find it.  http://daenajaymusic.com/track/the-gray   I had to rewatch the Chelz/Gabe love scenes to get enough of the lyrics to find it but I should have just reached out to the twitter verse.






Neil had some nerve lecturing his son and wife about honesty after supporting Victor's lies. And as much as I love Fack, I'm looking forward to cracks showing up in Victor's masterpiece. When I saw the preview for Monday's show, my interest was piqued. If they can't reveal something via a detail such as his blood type, I'll be fine with Fack not remembering his stolen identity. Let the games begin!


Mind you, I realize that Victor will try to ruin it all. I'll just let my predictions keep me warm this weekend. 

I don't get this either.  Everyone has a doppelganger.  This  is not a small lie Neil is involved in and he doubled down by saying he was also a witness.  He knows that Drinki is on the verge drinking, and he colludes with Prick, just so a merger can go through?  Let's Fack is truly Jack, which is what Neil thinks.  Why wouldn't he just say to Prick, no can do, and no doubt Jack will wake up, he's only been unconscious for a day, let's give it a week.  Instead in a public place he goes all in on this lie, and drags Drinki along.  Doesn't he remember what she did for him--he should be telling her the truth, if no one else. 


You are like the 'old' Talk Soup. You WATCH this stuff so we don't have to. It's a public service - like unblocking a sewer.

Except there are lots of scenes I FF through and that is where the blah blah comes in.  Cannot stand Hevon, Lane, Chelsea (but I like Adam), Lauren and Michael, Abby and Ben and of course Dummer.

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Cannot stand Hevon, Lane, Chelsea (but I like Adam), Lauren and Michael, Abby and Ben and of course Dummer.


I agree on all this. It's so annoying to have to watch Chelsea because I want to see Adam. lol.

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This might be how Show plans on dragging out the nonsense. If Fack doesn't remember stuff upon waking, he will have a "medical injury" to explain it instead of leaving his family scratching their heads. 


Maybe it'll be temporary and when his "memory" comes back he'll think he's the real Jack and have his memories cuz he went through the Svengali School for Doppleminions (aka TGVN boot camp); except he'll now come out fighting....Or not.

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We will miss you terribly, bannana.  Is anyone volunteering to pitch in and help for the four days you are gone.  I know several people who are perfectly capable of doing this (looking at you, Red).  I know it's tough to do but it's just for four days.  I read this first thing, because I always want to peek - lol.  

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I will give it a try! However, my recaps might not be as thorough as bannana's, because I get distracted by my kids wanting to be fed and such :D

Thanks for volunteering - no matter about the distractions - just hit the important stuff.  Nice how everyone is so cooperative here. 

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I will give it a try! However, my recaps might not be as thorough as bannana's, because I get distracted by my kids wanting to be fed and such :D

Thank you Capricasix! Much obliged!

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I'm sorry (not really), but it's 2015. I know people bedhop without protection, otherwise companies that manufacture home paternity kits would all go bankrupt, but come the fuck on with this stuff.

Nick has been in enough WTD situations to know better. Yes, he is as slow as an arthritic turtle wading through molasses, but sex is his area of expertise. He's bonked so many different women that his dick probably has stress fractures. Considering his colorful humping history, Nick needs to wrap that thing as tight as Paul's pants.

Adam obviously does know better, because he's miraculously knocked up only one woman. You're telling me he wasn't carrying condoms in his pocket on the off chance he got Chelz to drop her panties? Please.

Honestly, Nick should just open a babymaking service; the infertile could make pilgrimmages to his holy dropcloth and receive that blessed white gold. I bet he could get Lily pregnant, and she doesn't even have a uterus.

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Ok, I actually wrote things down on a notepad as they happened. I = nerd :D

Opening with Sharon/Dylan at cop shop. He waited there all day until she was released. She tells him that she doesn't want the kiss to affect their friendship. She signs her release papers and he takes her home, where Nick, Faith, Noah, and Mariah are waiting to welcome her home. (Somebody called Nick to let him know - it might have been Dylan.) Nick admits to Dylan that he was a jackass for not believing in Sharon.

Before this happened, Nick and Sage were at the Underground. She comes over all faint because she "hasn't eaten anything all day". He tries to get her to eat something, but she tells him not to worry about her, and he should go be with his family. He says that even though he is concentrating on his family right now, he still cares about her.

Kelly is brainwashing Jack to think that he is married to her, not to Phyllis. She spiked his water with something. She has teh Crazy Eyes.

Gabe shows up at the U'ground and tells Sage that he and Chelsea did the nasty again, and that Chelsea called him Adam. He tells Sage that she looks like hell. She's totally preggers. Gabe already rejectd Victor's offer to be the go-between NewmanAbbott and Jabot.


Edited by Capricasix
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Fack wakes up and doesn't recognize Phyllis. She calls Ashley, and the family (including Victor, summoned by Victoria) shows up at the hospital. Dr. Leslie's husband boots them all out of Fack's hospital room. Fack doesn't recognize Victor either. Oh, yes he does. psych! He's pretending to his "family" that he has amnesia.

Sharon and Faith talk about being able to go out and spend time together. Big sleepover at Tacky House with Faith, Mariah, Noah, and Nick. Sharon will see Faith tomorrow; she thanks Nick for bringing Faith to see her. He tells her to take care of herself. After everyone else leaves, Dylan says that Avery can't make it back to Genoa city for another week. He has the sadz, and kisses Sharon to feel better.

Nick goes back to the Underground. Sage actually looks pretty good in that dark blue blouse. Yup, she's preggers! She tells Nick so.

Dylan apologizes to Sharon for kissing her. She wants him to stay and keep her company. They busy themselves cleaning up party dishes.

Kyle and Phyllis back at the Abbott mansion to find photos to help "jog" Fack's memory. Kyle still feels guilty - it's all his fault.

Kelly and Jack "dancing". Jack can barely stand. He seems to think that he married Kelly rather than Phyl.

Back at Jabot lab. Chelsea is there, and offers Billy support, but Victoria to the rescue with amnesia statistics on the Interwebs.

Victor threatens Fack with something (I wasn't paying attention), and he is about to inject Fack with a syringe full of something, but Gabadam walks in and asks Victor WTH he is doing?

Previews: Victoria tells Billy that if he is going to accuse Victor of fraud, he'd better have proof. Billy's phone bings, and he says, "Oh look - proof!" Sharon tells Nick that he should probably stop seeing Sage.

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Sharon finally escapes from the long arm and tight pants of the law

I am so behind on the show and this board, but this cracked me right up! 


That would be the plus side of the coma...

Lol.  Yes even though this Phyl has been very loving with Jack unlike the previous version.


We all guessed it Sage is pregnant..she told nick today...




PHUCK is right.  Wow what scintillating writing!  Who ever would have guessed?


Nick needs to wrap that thing as tight as Paul's pants.


DickHole and Paulie jokes never get old, combine them in one sentence and it's gold :D


Hysterical!  That tumbling sagebrush has more charisma then Sage of the Underground any day!

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