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  1. Meghan thought she had a gotcha question for McCabe. Bwahahahaha! Meghan can't "get" anybody. She's not bright enough and she has no political or journalistic weight. She always falls flat on her face and makes herself look foolish.
  2. Meghan tried to play "gotcha" with Cory Booker. Bwahahaha! Boy, did he make her look small!
  3. Thank you, rickhurst, but I can't take credit for that term. Credit goes to some other clever poster in this forum.
  4. I am so damned sick of the Megsplainin' about how red America thinks every damned day. It truly is an insult to the audience. Does Meg-gun really think that we tune into The View to have a political dilettante explain contemporary American politics to us when we hear about it daily on political shows and Web sites from people who actually are experts? You are NOT a political pundit, Mehgan. You are merely a spoiled rich kid who studied art history in college and worked on her father's political campaign. At best you are a TV personality, and not a very good one at that. NO ONE takes you seriously, and likely never will. True experts don't have tantrums and continually insist we listen to them because they KNOW because they just do. You have no cred at all kid. Please gather up your guns and go to Montana somewhere and get off of my TV.
  5. Meghan was about to bash Malcolm Gladwell before they cut to break. Sorry they did that because I wanted to see her try to take him on. She apparently thinks she is on his intellectual level. Bwahaahahaha!
  6. Yeah, it really is weird. A few weeks ago she was going to "filet" James Comey about the Russian collusion probe, now she is saying "there is a lot of smoke." Does she think we forget this stuff?
  7. Who are you and what have you done with Meghan McCain?
  8. Meghan misused the word recourse today. I think she meant repercussions. But she is a political "pundint," y'all.
  9. Megan got her feelings hurt by what Comey said about her party. Everything as always about her. She insinuated terrible things about Comey, but she handle any crticism of her "tribe." What a huge partisan hack!
  10. Add "I'm not going to sit here and (fill in the blanks)," to the drinking game list. Big word of the day moral relativism. Kinda hard to take someone seriously when they have a pussycat on their chest.
  11. I think she said that he is Cuban and Irish. Everyone wants to be Irish on St. Patrick's Day.
  12. The show was really enjoyable today. Smart women having a conversation without anyone taking over each other. KInd of like the difference between being seated at the adult table or the children's table. So, who was missing? Oh yes, Whoopi and Meghan, two blowhard buffoons.
  13. Krugman was awarded a Nobel prize in ecomomics on 2008, but Megs doesn't trust econonmists because what do they know? Oh, dem damned elite eductated libruls! Can't even even buy a sex toy in NYC without being dogged by elite educated libruls! Do us all a favor Megs, get off of our TV and go back to gun country. You have absolutely nothing to add to any discussion.
  14. Yes, that's it. That's all she's got. A political hack with irritating voice modulation problems who frequently admits to not knowing anything about a wide range of the topics seems like an odd choice for host of a show about women with differing viewpoints discussing a wide range of topics. I think her frequent pronouncements have two purposes. Declaring that she knows nothing about about pop culture is intended to make her seem "intellectual" and act as a defense against criticism. She is a political animal getting ahead of the story. It may work for her, but not for the audience. She simply is not interesting. Worse, she frequently interrupts guests who are interesting. Her screeching is so unbearable to me at times, I have to change the channel to escape the pain. I used to watch the show because I enjoyed hearing the hosts takes on current events. Now I only watch when there is a guest on who interests me. There is only one reason Nicole Wallace is on the show, and we all know what it is.
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