PatsyandEddie August 8, 2018 Share August 8, 2018 BWAHAHAHA! You guys are awesome! ??? 7 Link to comment
bc1795 August 8, 2018 Share August 8, 2018 Quote Jaboutique can’t be real. It just can’t be. What will they sell there? Jablouses? Jablush? Other jabeauty products? What the jafuck? Expand Jabdouche? 8 Link to comment
basiltherat August 8, 2018 Share August 8, 2018 Jabba the Hutt? Beely , don'tcha know that the young and tragically hip are very fickle and flit faster than a hummingbird on uppers? Plus, that group wants an app for that. They will be on to the Next Big Thing in 3.5 milliseconds. 13 Link to comment
boes August 8, 2018 Share August 8, 2018 On 8/8/2018 at 6:24 PM, basiltherat said: Jabba the Hutt? Beely , don'tcha know that the young and tragically hip are very fickle and flit faster than a hummingbird on uppers? Plus, that group wants an app for that. They will be on to the Next Big Thing in 3.5 milliseconds. Expand Maybe the Jabotiques could start doing nostril enlargements, too. ButtBiscuit himself could become the new thing, thus ushering in the End Times... 12 Link to comment
PatsyandEddie August 8, 2018 Share August 8, 2018 Why does Mal keep making Jack look like a chump? JFC, we get it Mal, ButtBiscuit is your BFF and PhyllAss is the show’s queen. 15 Link to comment
HeatLifer August 8, 2018 Share August 8, 2018 On 8/8/2018 at 8:09 PM, PatsyandEddie said: Why does Mal keep making Jack look like a chump? JFC, we get it Mal, ButtBiscuit is your BFF and PhyllAss is the show’s queen. Expand Jack is just another man to add on to Phyllis’ Love Interests list. Except he’s old and gross !! so he doesn’t get her like a Nick or Billy. 11 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins August 8, 2018 Share August 8, 2018 Watch as Kyle, Cane, Nate, Arturo and Neil all fall madly, passionately in love with Phyllis. She is the only leading lady on this show, right? 20 Link to comment
peacheslatour August 8, 2018 Share August 8, 2018 (edited) Thrill as the Phyllis creature, half venomnous reptile, half preying mantis, mates and pops the heads off her victims/lovers while devouring their still beating hearts!! Edited August 8, 2018 by peacheslatour 15 Link to comment
film noire August 8, 2018 Share August 8, 2018 (edited) On 8/8/2018 at 11:21 PM, peacheslatour said: and pops the heads off her victims/lovers while devouring their still beating hearts!! Expand Tastes like chicken! Quote Jaboutique? Seriously?!? Expand And -- correct me if I'm wrong --Jaboteek is basically a bunch of fancy schmancy kiosks in higher end shopping spaces (aka malls) -- yes? --jafucking wrong with these people? How stupid do they think we are? Throw around "brick and mortar" and shopping-as-emotional-experience and we'll perk right up, all "Oh yeah, that sounds edgy and modern and not at all like buying eyeshadow at the mall since 1979 -- I totes buy it!" Don't sell me Genoa City's "The Apprentice" meets my first lemonade stand and then expect me to behave as I'm jadazzled. Edited August 9, 2018 by film noire 13 Link to comment
Cindyluwho August 9, 2018 Share August 9, 2018 So the canonization of Saint Hilary continues, this time by her fans. What a joke! Can we discuss next week's spoilers here? Just in case.. Reveal spoiler How cruel to tease us with Cane packing up the whole family and sneaking off to Australia. We can only dream! 10 Link to comment
Anna Yolei August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 On 8/7/2018 at 4:27 AM, peacheslatour said: I never thought I'd say this but dayum, I'm going to miss Ashley. ? Expand Wait, what? ED's leaving? On 8/9/2018 at 11:53 PM, Cindyluwho said: So the canonization of Saint Hilary continues, this time by her fans. What a joke! Can we discuss next week's spoilers here? Just in case.. Reveal spoiler How cruel to tease us with Cane packing up the whole family and sneaking off to Australia. We can only dream! Expand That *is* a horrible tease indeed! ?? 4 Link to comment
jewel21 August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 On 8/9/2018 at 11:53 PM, Cindyluwho said: So the canonization of Saint Hilary continues, this time by her fans. What a joke! Can we discuss next week's spoilers here? Just in case.. Reveal spoiler How cruel to tease us with Cane packing up the whole family and sneaking off to Australia. We can only dream! Expand I'm assuming we can sans spoiler tags. I was going to ask who the fifth ticket was for, and wondered if Cane was capable of counting, when I suddenly remembered Sam. Maybe the writers should show him more often so I don't forget he exists, heh. 9 Link to comment
bannana August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 So I rewatched the ep where Lily kills Hilary. And, yes, she is the driver and should not be distracted, but holy shit, Hilary was haranguing her and wouldn't shut the fuck up. Not that that is a good reason to run a red light and almost kill everyone, Lily, including your own son. I just want to say, I myself have been in driving situations with crazy people yelling and arguing at me whilst driving. It can distract one from driving. Just sayin. WTF is wrong with Michael?! What a shitty lawyer! 7 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 Lily seems to do that annoying/scary thing where the driver feels they have to look at the passenger they’re conversing with. I have a co-worker who does this and likes to drive us on group outings. Relentless nagging has improved her focus, though she still sulks that “everyone does it.” We don’t, but whatever. Keeping one’s eyes on the road doesn’t seem like an onerous requirement. Lily could have pulled over and told Hilary to GTFO and have Devon send a car to pick her ass up. Maybe pull over and scream at each other until they both get it out of their system. Sure, they’d be there for weeks, but no one would be dead. I guess Cane’s smarmy desperation to protect his family is supposed to come across as noble and heroic. Fail. He comes across as Victor-lite, controlling and insensitive and repulsive in the example he sets for his kids. What a dried up dog turd. 12 Link to comment
Cindyluwho August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 On 8/10/2018 at 3:16 AM, jewel21 said: I'm assuming we can sans spoiler tags. I was going to ask who the fifth ticket was for, and wondered if Cane was capable of counting, when I suddenly remembered Sam. Maybe the writers should show him more often so I don't forget he exists, heh. Expand I was hoping he was planning to take Neil. 7 Link to comment
pearlite August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 Oh, Silly Stunned Summer! You thought you could trick Uncle Jack into your little PokeBilly scam! But no. Thanks heavens--I'm sitting over here waiting for Jack's wheel to start turning skyward...and Billy's wheel can't japlunge earthward fast enough. It's always fun when Billy's defenders trot out their favourite defence of his splashy, irrational business moves: "he's an innovator," "he's brought Jabot into the 21st century," and my all-time favourite, one I expect all CEOs stay awake nights waiting to hear, "he's a free spirit." Perhaps he's a "free spirit" because no one would be willing to pay for him. 13 Link to comment
PatsyandEddie August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 I couldn’t believe my ears when Phyll was getting all slit-eyed and tight jawed with Ashley. Face it you viper, your current boo is an impulsive, immature asshole who is going to drive his father’s company into the ground. Paying zero attention to work except for his stupid projects, eating popcorn and elevator fucking does not a good CEO make. You chose to fuck your ex and he choses to gamble while being pouty. Great couple! Thanks but no thanks Mal. ? 16 Link to comment
Pop Tart August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 (edited) On 8/10/2018 at 3:16 PM, pearlite said: It's always fun when Billy's defenders trot out their favourite defence of his splashy, irrational business moves: "he's an innovator," "he's brought Jabot into the 21st century," and my all-time favourite, one I expect all CEOs stay awake nights waiting to hear, "he's a free spirit." Perhaps he's a "free spirit" because no one would be willing to pay for him. Expand On top of my loathing for this because it's Billy, I'm also just beyond irritated because when's the last time we've seen a single female character lauded like this in terms of her job? When has any female character gotten praise for how well she does her job and how good she is at it? When Victoria was running her own company when did a single character laud her for her business acumen? I get that she was lousy (in any real world sense), but so is every male character by the same rubric and yet, they're wunderkinds, every one. They're naturals. They can start up a business in a coffee shop and be immediately multi-millionaires. We'd occasionally see Hillary get some praise for her job performance but I'm not going to count that because her job was to gossip and so of course as a woman she'd be good at that, wouldn't she? This show is just so incredibly misogynistic in so many ways, I know that, and yet everyday I spot something else. Edited August 10, 2018 by Pop Tart 11 Link to comment
bannana August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 Today's show was actually entertaining. Sharon has her bridesmaids, Dummer and Mariah, over to try on dresses from a rather large selection on racks in the living room. Sharon then invites Vic to come over and be a bridesmaid, and Vic reluctantly agrees and brings along her mommy. Oh, and Vic is back from visiting Reed who is doing really well at school and with his music, and is resigned to never see or hearing from his father again. At Sharon's, Mariah tells Summer that this is like one of Sharon's Girls' Nights, and they always turn out to be craptastic, so Dummer says she's all in. And right on cue, Phyllis storms in and has it out with Dummer in front of Mariah and her mom, about Dummer's shenanigans to set up her and Jack. This is also when Vic and Drinki show up so they get to hear this whole drama too. There's lot of delicious snark from Mariah, throughout. Dummer tells her mom that she and Billy are not a good match because you can have two wild and crazy people in one couple. She says Billy is the wilder one so he needs someone else. Phyllis insists that she is wilder than Billy and admits to being the kook. Sharon insults Phyllis, Phyllis insults Vic, and so on and so on. At one point Sharon blurts out that she and Nick had just a few weeks ago called off the wedding. Dummer's ears perk up at this and she grills Mariah who explains that Nick was away for one night and then they made up. At some point Nick shows up, frankly stunned to see the gathering of these women, and Sharon explains that it is a bridesmaid fitting party. He wants to know why Phyllis is there and suddenly there is talk of Phyllis being a bridesmaid. Hah! Eventually they talk themselves out of that after some uncomfortable discussion. Drinki asks Nick if she can bring her plus one to the wedding, and he asks her if she can promise he will behave. She says she cannot. Nick leaves. Vic, Dummer and Mariah all model different dresses in different shades of blue. They talk about the first Girls' Night where Hilary was so brilliant at mediating everyone's problems, and they all toast Hilary and Sharon says she was a "brave bride". Dummer leaves, and Mariah goes upstairs to work. Phyllis seizes on the opportunity to berate the other three for not inviting her to the party. Eventually Drinki reveals that they know that Phyllis was going to stab them in the back, and they argue about that. They also talk about how much stress they are each under, with Drinki acknowledging that her MS has flared up. Cane decides to take his family sans Sam out for a fabulous dinner at the GCAC. Even Charlie can figure out the "last supper" feel of the event. When Charlie and Maddie leave (presumably to harangue their uncle into having mercy on their mom), Cane tells Lily that they are all flying to Sidney tonight, including Sam, and that his father has everything arranged at the other end. This is actually kind of a good plan. With Devon on the warpath, Lily will surely get a steep sentence. So why not leave town? No more uncomfortable family get-togethers with Devon and Shawna. Plus it would take all of them off of our screen. Sounds like a win-win. Ash and Billy argue about the Jabotique concept (seriously? that's the name?). She suggests starting with one store and he wants to go big to make a splash. Kyle joins the discussion. He's with Ash and bemoans the cost and that now there is no money for R and D on new and necessary products. Billy says Ash is Innovator of the Year, surely she can whip up some anti-aging masque with zero dollars at her disposal. I guess Billy has forgotten how well that went for BS when he cut costs on a facial masque the last time around. She says she needs more than pixie dust to make magic happen. She and Kyle head to the rooftop where they conspire against Billy. Apparently Ash has Jack working with Nick to buy the company that is doing the bo-teek concepts, leaving Billy out in the cold. Dummer swans by and senses something is up and she runs to Billy's office to tell him. He tells her to get lost, he is not interested in her 24/7 drama and spying reports. She suggests that he is not able to be around her for other reasons. 16 Link to comment
valleycliffe August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 thank you for the bannanacap........ i hate phylass, i hate dummer, i hate the bonobo, i hate lame, buttbiscuit is a douche, nikki is an idiot, i can't stand lame.... crap....i want my old bill bell y&r back, sick of the bovine feces they throw on the floor and expect everyone to lap it up.. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 7 Link to comment
MollyB August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 On 8/10/2018 at 3:16 PM, pearlite said: PokeBilly Expand If you pronounce this 'Pok-ee-billy' you have a new phone game where you run around GC (towel optional) and 'capture' Billys. 8 Link to comment
valleycliffe August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 On 8/10/2018 at 9:35 PM, MollyB said: If you pronounce this 'Pok-ee-billy' you have a new phone game where you run around GC (towel optional) and 'capture' Billys. Expand EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 4 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins August 10, 2018 Share August 10, 2018 I think I found Billy in the Genoa City Pokedex. He can only be caught with the rare JaBall. 16 Link to comment
TobinAlbers August 11, 2018 Share August 11, 2018 On 8/10/2018 at 9:15 PM, bannana said: Cane tells Lily that they are all flying to Sidney tonight, including Sam, and that his father has everything arranged at the other end. This is actually kind of a good plan. W Expand It's sad that Sam has to even be mentioned as included in the family escape plan. Sam is Cane's son. Not even a year old. It should be an automatic assumption that where he goes, Sam goes. I hate they gave him this kid. He's such an afterthought and deserves better. Anyone else on the show need/want a kid? Wish there was some way Devon could end up with Sam. He and Hilary wanted a kid. Let Devon focus on being a dad to get him through grieving. Or give Sam to Cane's mother Genevieve to raise offscreen. I'd find that less insulting and annoying. What is Summer's game? Is her baiting Billy really about getting him away from Phyllis or is she actually into him. I never get the idea of 'helpful' women going to the lengths of seducing a man to try to show their friend/loved one that he's no good. That make be true but you don't need to sink to that level. 7 Link to comment
crowsworks August 11, 2018 Share August 11, 2018 On 8/11/2018 at 3:41 AM, TobinAlbers said: It's sad that Sam has to even be mentioned as included in the family escape plan. Sam is Cane's son. Not even a year old. It should be an automatic assumption that where he goes, Sam goes. I hate they gave him this kid. He's such an afterthought and deserves better. Anyone else on the show need/want a kid? Wish there was some way Devon could end up with Sam. He and Hilary wanted a kid. Let Devon focus on being a dad to get him through grieving. Or give Sam to Cane's mother Genevieve to raise offscreen. I'd find that less insulting and annoying. What is Summer's game? Is her baiting Billy really about getting him away from Phyllis or is she actually into him. I never get the idea of 'helpful' women going to the lengths of seducing a man to try to show their friend/loved one that he's no good. That make be true but you don't need to sink to that level. Expand They could give Sam to the dingos so Lily could howl about how bad she feels and who knew she would get blamed just for dressing him in skirt steak. 7 Link to comment
bannana August 11, 2018 Share August 11, 2018 I am alone on the Lily empathy train. But think of it. You are driving a car, you, by your distractedness, cause an accident that kills people in your family. That has to be the worst thing you can imagine. Then your sibling disowns you and wants you to serve the maximum sentence. Now, Lily was an idiot and confessed to being responsible to the cops and pled guilty. In the real world she would have lawyered up (hopefully with a better lawyer than Mikey). She would have pled not guilty and received a lesser sentence. I am guessing where this is going is that the twins appeal to Devon to not go after their mom. But in IRL, Lily would never have pled guilty. She would have had an actual lawyer representing her. So sad that Mikey's one appearance in weeks is one that makes him look like a fool. 13 Link to comment
boes August 11, 2018 Share August 11, 2018 On 8/11/2018 at 3:41 AM, TobinAlbers said: What is Summer's game? Is her baiting Billy really about getting him away from Phyllis or is she actually into him. I never get the idea of 'helpful' women going to the lengths of seducing a man to try to show their friend/loved one that he's no good. That make be true but you don't need to sink to that level. Expand Dummer's just tacked on that bit about ButtBiscuit being wrong for her mom lately. She's been swanning around Beely since the moment she slunk back into town. She's about as in to "saving" her mom as she is in to recycling and saving the polar bears. 16 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins August 11, 2018 Share August 11, 2018 I think I would have more sympathy for Lily if she didn’t do shit like skip into work like everything was cool and didn’t have a ghoulish husband running around town doing his damnedest to prevent her from taking responsibility. I mean, I don’t think she should spend her life in jail, and of course Michael shafted her something fierce with his shit lawyering. But when you’re driving one to two ton metal death machines, you have a serious responsibility to your passengers and other people on the road not to do things like fuck with your phone, eat a five course meal or crane your head around to scream at someone in the backseat. Lily has to face some legal music, just maybe not as much as Devon demands. If she’s lucky, she might be able to ride the incompetent counsel wave to freedom. 12 Link to comment
nilyank August 11, 2018 Share August 11, 2018 On 8/11/2018 at 6:55 AM, bannana said: So sad that Mikey's one appearance in weeks is one that makes him look like a fool. Expand Once upon a time, Michael was the best attorney around that the Devil himself had him representing him. And by Devil, of course, I mean Victor. 15 Link to comment
crowsworks August 14, 2018 Share August 14, 2018 On 8/11/2018 at 2:39 PM, nilyank said: Once upon a time, Michael was the best attorney around that the Devil himself had him representing him. And by Devil, of course, I mean Victor. Expand Maybe they will remember that HE was Phyl's BF and now her new instafriend is dead he'll get screentime with her...Her, I mean. The all glorious, sexy, young and Hawt Phyl will probably want hawt young friends and start hanging out with Faith. Post sorasing. or her Granddaughter! 10 Link to comment
bannana August 14, 2018 Share August 14, 2018 Okay, something is happening to me regarding Show. I am actually liking Kyle, and, shockingly, this version of Dummer! Dummer the snowflake disgusted me in her love for Nosferatu over everyone else, including her mother, father and Jack. But somehow, this bratty version of Dummer entertains me, most especially because she is targeting Phyllis. In today's ep she toys with her father and Sharon in a conversation about marriage, and then later, after Phyllis berates her daughter for leading her boyfriend astray, Dummer confronts Phyllis. She says: I know you screwed around, I know when and I know with whom! Also, at the GCAC, Nick and Sharon arrive for a meeting with their wedding planner, to do a tasting menu. Prick shows up and mocks his son for not being a serious business guy if he has time for such trivialities. Later, Prick tries to plant seeds of doubt with Sharon about Nick's ability to balance his family with his work. Yawn. Mikey meets with Phyllis to tell her Lauren is thinking of taking legal action against Jabot, to tell her she is a lousy friend and to encourage her to have Lauren's back. Then they talk about Saint Hilary, Phyllis' other bestest friend, and Lily's fate. Mikey tells Phyllis he doesn't think that Lily should go to jail and that is not what Hilary would have wanted. Well, maybe not the dying sainted version of Hilary, but the one we saw 99% of the time would probably be fine with it. This ends up with Phyllis bumping into a despondent Lily at HWG. Devon works from home now so he doesn't have to see Lily, she confides in Phyllis. Phyllis eventually realizes that revenge will not bring her bestie back, and feels sorry for Lily and I think she even hugs her! There was some pretty good verbal sparring between Kyle and Dummer, except for the part where she expresses what a hottie Billy is. Kyle has also figured out if Billy dumps Phyllis and falls into bed with her daughter, this could work to his advantage as it could impact his ability to continue as CEO. Oh, and Nick and Sharon enter the tent of decrepitness and almost have sex, right there in the middle of the rooftop lounge! 13 Link to comment
boes August 15, 2018 Share August 15, 2018 (edited) On 8/14/2018 at 10:03 PM, bannana said: Okay, something is happening to me regarding Show. I am actually liking Kyle, and, shockingly, this version of Dummer! ............ Oh, and Nick and Sharon enter the tent of decrepitness and almost have sex, right there in the middle of the rooftop lounge! Expand Thanks, bannana for this recap! I understand the feeling, at least in regards to Kyle. I'm fighting it mightily but these days, he's much easier to take than he was. While I'm not there with Dummer, I'm happy for anything or anyone who can take Our Lady of the Dumpster down a peg or 12. So I guess, going on what apparently happens with her forgiving Lily that Phyllis IS ACTUALLY eating the whole show. May it give her gas.... It's not even a betting proposition that she'll be the one to get Devon to back down, she'll lead him out of his grief, blah da fucking blah. So Mal's pet Angry Bird will now be in EVERY scene, EVERY storyline, without a break. She's become the Ryan Lavery of Genoa City. I honestly can't insult anyone more than with that comparison. So I guess the collapsible Vomitorium and Anal Massage Tent is here to stay? I can only imagine where Mal must stay on his vacation to have THIS idea play out so prominently......Nah, I don't want to imagine that. We had something like that in my hometown, too, when I was growing up. It was the back room of Junie's Bait and Tackle where they kept the nightcrawlers. All in all, a pretty natural environment for the Newmans.... Edited August 16, 2018 by boes 14 Link to comment
jewel21 August 15, 2018 Share August 15, 2018 I really liked Sharon's dress. She looks lovely in white. I wish she would wear the color more often. 7 Link to comment
bannana August 15, 2018 Share August 15, 2018 (edited) On 8/15/2018 at 3:37 AM, boes said: Thanks, bannana for this recap! I understand the feeling, at least in regards to Kyle. I'm fighting it mightily but these days, he's much easier to take than he was. While I'm not there with Dummer, I'm happy for anything or anyone who can take Our Lady of the Dumpster down a peg or 12. So I guess, going on what apparently happens with her forgiving Lily that Phyllis IS ACTUALLY eating the whole show. May it give her gas.... It's not even a betting proposition that she'll be the one to get Devon to back down, she'll lead him out of his grief, blah da fucking blah. So Mal's pet Angry Bird will now be in EVERY scene, EVERY storyline, without a break. She's become the Ryan Lavery of Genoa City. I honestly can't insult anymore more than with that comparison. So I guess the collapsible Vomitorium and Anal Massage Tent is here to stay? I can only imagine where Mal must stay on his vacation to have THIS idea play out so prominently......Nah, I don't want to imagine that. We had something like that in my hometown, too, when I was growing up. It was the back room of Junie's Bait and Tackle where they kept the nightcrawlers. All in all, a pretty natural environment for the Newmans.... Expand And that is when I bailed on AMC after watching it from a young age with my parents!!! I could not stand another minute. I never watched it again. I bailed on Y and R before too, back in the 90's, but I got sucked back in with the Diane vs. Phyllis storyline. Not the Maura West Diane. Edited August 15, 2018 by bannana clarity 4 Link to comment
valleycliffe August 15, 2018 Share August 15, 2018 On 8/15/2018 at 3:37 AM, boes said: So Mal's pet Angry Bird will now be in EVERY scene, EVERY storyline, without a break. She's become the Ryan Lavery of Genoa City. Expand i heart you boes....your description is PERFECT. 9 Link to comment
Cindyluwho August 15, 2018 Share August 15, 2018 Wow....for a few brief moments today, and for the first time ever, I kind of liked Summer today. 5 Link to comment
Diane M August 15, 2018 Share August 15, 2018 On 8/15/2018 at 10:44 PM, Cindyluwho said: Wow....for a few brief moments today, and for the first time ever, I kind of liked Summer today. Expand Why? I think she's an absolute bitch. 5 Link to comment
Cindyluwho August 15, 2018 Share August 15, 2018 On 8/15/2018 at 10:50 PM, Diane M said: Why? I think she's an absolute bitch. Expand I totally agree that she is an entitled spoiled bitch, but I enjoyed how she made Phyliss squirm today. 10 Link to comment
peacheslatour August 15, 2018 Share August 15, 2018 On 8/15/2018 at 10:50 PM, Diane M said: Why? I think she's an absolute bitch. Expand On wheels. ? 7 Link to comment
Gam2 August 15, 2018 Share August 15, 2018 I, also, enjoyed Summer making her mom squirm. They’re both sluts and man hoes. I really don’t care what happens to either one of them or the men they hook up with who don’t have better sense than to do that with these women. Can’t we just once have a woman who can stand on her own and not slut around to capture a MAN? 14 Link to comment
pearlite August 16, 2018 Share August 16, 2018 I find it a bit tough to work out whether Summer has any motivation for her vengeful behaviour--undoing mom, okay; using Billy to achieve that, okay. But she verges on the evil here--Phyllis payback doesn't seem quite enough of a motivator to me. Mind you, having to look at Phyllis in that dress yesterday was enough punishment for anyone... 12 Link to comment
spinxella August 16, 2018 Share August 16, 2018 12 Link to comment
peacheslatour August 16, 2018 Share August 16, 2018 (edited) A ha ha ha ha ha ha *wheeze* hahahhahahahah. Whew. Edited August 16, 2018 by peacheslatour 9 Link to comment
NinjaPenguins August 16, 2018 Share August 16, 2018 Pro move by Buttbiscuit to quickly shield his crotchal area. So have we established any possible motive for Summer to pursue bleached Gumby, or is this just Young throwing an obstacle at Philly to deflect criticism that all they do is shag? I’m here for Phyllis getting her face cracked, but none of these three characters are coming out of this garbage looking good. 13 Link to comment
Big Blue Plate August 16, 2018 Share August 16, 2018 Ashley dances like she can't stand up. 1 Link to comment
bannana August 16, 2018 Share August 16, 2018 Wow, weird show today. Nick pays off Dummer to keep quiet about his ONS with her mother. Apparently she will get monthly instalments. Then he tells HER how disappointed he is in HERr. I have to admit, Dummer made some pretty good points about how her parents are the ones exhibiting bad behaviour but they are all judgy about her. More verbal sparring between Kyle and Dummer, as she tells him about her windfall. She says the bet is still on, and she makes it clear that she is really into Billy, and will still get him in the sack, even without telling him about the ONS. Not sure why Kyle continues to hang out with her, but they are mildly entertaining. Phyllis shows up and lambastes Kyle for being indiscreet and telling Dummer. Hah! Dummer and Phyllis go home together and the temperature is frosty en route, which we don't see but hear about it. Phyllis softens and says they should go get mani-pedis or something, to repair their relationship. Dummer says sure. But then when Phyllis goes to bed, Dummer sneaks out and goes to Jabot where she knows Billy is working late. She comes on to him again, he tells her no, and that she is causing him great angst, and she tells him she knows when a guy is into her and he is def into her. I felt mildly sorry for Billy, but I did that by pretending it was Billy Abbott Billy. Billy stomps out looking like he may be having trouble walking. After Nick bribed his daughter to keep his ONS a secret, he heads over to CL. There he walks in on a spat between Sharon and Abby with Arturo uncomfortably looking on. The spat is because Sharon asks Abby to be her bridesmaid, and Abby does not react graciously, at all. Then they both bare their fangs. Later Arturo points out that Abby reacted in a bitchy way, and so she relents and apologizes to Sharon for boinking Scott, and for her behaviour, and agrees to be a bridesmaid. Nick also talks to Arturo about working with Dark Horse. Also at CL, Rey shows up. Nick had already met him earlier at the GCAC rooftop. Now he meets Sharon and it turns out they like their coffee the same way. Anvillicious! He says he is looking for a place to live, and Nicks says they are too. WTF, Nick is still on this path to leave Sharon's house? Stop it, Mal! This is a bad idea. They better take that fugly afghan with them to whatever dumb new house/set they get. Later we see Rey in front of a blank wall where he is posting pics of suspects with red tape to connect them to JT. You know, like a murder board. Except JT is in the centre and everyone else is a spoke. It's pretty silly. The pics are the Gang of Four, plus Nick and Prick. And, Neil calls Ash for a last minute date to listen to jazz, which they do, and they dance, and talk about his woes. They then go back to his place and listen to jazz and start necking. Previews for next week: At CL, Billy to Nick: the new Nick Newman, just like Daddy after all. At Neil's penthouse, a shirtless Neil to Ash, the morning after, she is drinking a coffee and dressed in yesterday's clothes: Good morning, and she replies that it is a good one so far, and he says: the question is, now what? Rey, at the GCAC, to Drinki and Prick, who are dining: You are Nikki and Victor Newman, am I right? Drinki smiles politely and Prick glowers. At Dummer's place, Phyllis walks in the door, saying she forgot her phone. She sees Billy and Dummer in the kitchen and Dummer is just wearing a bra and a skirt. Phyllis looks pissed, Billy looks surprised and Dummer looks like the cat who swallowed the canary. 14 Link to comment
Diane M August 16, 2018 Share August 16, 2018 Why doesn't Phyllis realize her life would be a lot better if she left Dummer's apartment, packed up Billy and found a new place to live? There's just too much temptation there with Dummer constantly parading around half dressed. 14 Link to comment
Shicklove1 August 17, 2018 Share August 17, 2018 On 8/15/2018 at 10:56 PM, Cindyluwho said: I totally agree that she is an entitled spoiled bitch, but I enjoyed how she made Phyliss squirm today. Expand So did I haven't watched in weeks but I watched the last two days just to see Summer point out to Phyllis the kind of low life she is. And I hate Summer 11 Link to comment
crowsworks August 17, 2018 Share August 17, 2018 On 8/16/2018 at 11:02 PM, bannana said: The spat is because Sharon asks Abby to be her bridesmaid, Expand Why? 4 Link to comment
Diane M August 17, 2018 Share August 17, 2018 So is Sharon planning to have all of Nick's female relatives as her attendants? How ridiculous for her to have such a big wedding after so many marriages. And we know there will be only a few people attending this wedding. 6 Link to comment
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