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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Yeah, Billy Miller had that effortless charm that made Billy, flawed as he was, likeable. Even the child/baby actors could feel it. I miss that million dollar smile!

Edited by LittleIggy
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I really don't like Nu-Billy; I think the actor is fine but he doesn't have Billy's charisma.  With BM in the role, Billy was a bit of a rascal, a charmer.  This guy cannot pull that off.

Oh @bannana I really do share your feelings about nunuBilly. We may have to settle....sigh.
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All right, apologies for those who care for my absence--back in the saddle again in the halls o' knowledge. I have only seen the show in bits and sporadically for the past few weeks, but I did see all of yesterday's CDN.


Gloria, dear, thank the almighty you're back. You bring the sparkle and charm to a show lacking both for far too long. And, honestly, I loathe Detective Crankypants, but I could almost stomach him yesterday and enjoyed his comedown.


Next, it seems Ray Wise is in for a while, to judge from the script--I sure hope so. I do enjoy his scenes with Victor and want more. Also, if it wouldn't be too much, could Ian and Gloria please have scenes together?

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I would like to see Gloria and Ian in a scene together.. or Vic and Gloria hooking up. 

I always wondered about Victor and Gloria.  I didn't start watching this show (except when staying with my Gran) until the gaslighting of Gloria by Jack and Sharon.  I thought she was such an assured performer and age appropriate that she had to have been with 'ol Vic at least for a story line or two.  But I guess not...

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Gloria is spicy enough to give ole Vic a run for his money and I am sure we would get at least a few laughs out of it.. a scene that Jack and Gloria had when he threw all her stuff in black garbage bags and threw them outside always left me wanting Jack and Gloria to hit it at least once.

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The scene in the courtroom where the judge admonished Nikki for not trying to identify her babydaddy 40 some years ago was ridiculous. As much as I find Nikki to be an airhead a lot of the time, she was a teenager, underage (from what I can remember) and being taken advantage of by the older, married cult leader. That a judge would even utter those words is unbelievable. Not to mention in those days there was no such thing as DNA -the closest thing that could have linked baby to baby daddy would be blood type. In any case not something Nikki would have done anyway since in her mind she was sure babydaddy was Ian. Total rubbish.

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Does Stench finally get completely exposed on Monday's U.S. or do they find a way to drag this out even longer?

As I recall, Dr NewGuy who offered him the big job is confronted with Billy's allegations, and Stench stands there looking meatloafish. Stench gives the "you know the writers are going to whitewash this character speech," about how medicine saved him and his sins are less than his virtues... Dr NewGuy says essentially, save it for the hospital board.

And, in breaking news, Mariah pumps lil sis for Nick's preferences and greets Nick at the door with a warm peach pie. Take that as you will.

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No, she wasn't.  She was married to Greg Foster when she ran away to join the cult.

she was not some sweet virginal ingenue like she is trying to appear.


Ah, interesting. I wasn't watching the show back in those days, and my assumptions were based on postings at the TWOP site where several (myself included) thought Nikki was only about 16 at the time she was in the cult. This may have been based on Dylan at least being in his early 40s and Nikki supposedly playing MTS's real age of 58ish.


However I still think the judge's comments were totally out of line, no matter what Nikki's age was. Her reasons for not keeping her child are none of his business. Period.

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Ah, interesting. I wasn't watching the show back in those days, and my assumptions were based on postings at the TWOP site where several (myself included) thought Nikki was only about 16 at the time she was in the cult.


Actually, if IIRC, Nikki was probably around 20 then. She had already gotten married to Greg Foster by then, and I believe she joined the cult following her split from Greg. I don't think they'd actually gotten divorced at that point. After their separation, I think Nikki joined the cult because she was depressed that her life at that point was sucking pretty hard.

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This show has been so bad lately (who am I kidding - for a long time) that there hasn't even been anything worth posting about in the Cdn thread. But I was wondering about something from today's show. I have been ffing past scenes for ages now, but my understanding of the whole music box fiasco was that there was no clue in the music box, and Jill just happened to throw something at the chandelier which knocked the multi million dollar necklace out of it. Like the writers couldn't think of a way to end the stupid storyline so that is the best they could come up with.


Is there something that I missed along the way? Because in Katherine's letter to Jill that was read today, Katherine mentioned the music box, and said she assumed after a year that Jill had found the necklace. How did Katherine think the music box would lead to Jill throwing something randomly at the chandelier and knock the necklace free? Am I missing something, or is this just more incredibly stupid writing?

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I do not understand the ratings or who is watching this dreck ( except us--the long time fans who can't let go because all of our other choices ATWTs etc are all ready gone) I watched this show since day one--it was never my favorite as long as I had Another World or ATWTs or even Edge of Night but they had the greatest sets and clothes etc and while some of the storylines were bad they were nothng like the awful we see every day now---WTH? When I was in high school I wanted shutters on my windows so bad (Brooks family--lol)

This show is so awful now even with good actors and no I can't think of one at the moment (Ray Wise excepted) ---love Jessica Collins on other shows and did not mind her too much until the Dullard story and the stoopid cooking story (and I cook a lot and that should have been good for me but it was awful) I do not mind Sharon like others do but Nick is not a bright bulb and pretty much hate Victor and Nikki and as for most of the rest--no longer care if I ever did--Dummer and her Ken doll husband are not even watchable--UGH-ICK-BARF--

I have finally almost quit---I record the show for my mom and leave her watching it alone because I just DO.NOT.CARE.--it is something we need to share---she is 87 and I will try to watch more often with her but even she cannot stomach Cane or Lily or especially Devon---sigh. We are thinking of trying West Wing at Netflix---there is just not much left for us and we are not interested in "Dallas"

***and I am not Canadian but gee I want to be---my dad took us to Vancouver/Victoria for spring break for many years and I remember high tea and toffee etc--and cabins out in the 'wilderness" and Stanley Park---

Edited by Oly
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It must be odd for the actors.  I read an interview with CG where she said she hoped that this wouldn't happen, it would be too creepy because she sees JM as a father figure.


Of course they had no problem going there and beyond with Shictor.  Again, he had always treated Sharon as a daughter and then he was banging her.  EW!


An acquaintance of my parents was probably in his late fifties or so when his son died.  So dad turned around and married DIL and raised his own grandchild  I guess it happens IRL.  However, we have watched Nick raise Cassie and I think they are just going it have it be Mariah who is hitting on Nick.

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It was one of the nastiest things so far. I thought it was so disgusting having Sharon kissing on old man Vic.. but fake Cassie dreaming of Nick is too fucking gross.. these writers are such fucking losers.

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When Mariah came trotting down the stairs in her "lingerie" thinking Nick was there, I laughed out fucking loud.  He clearly would have been horrified and not turned on, had he been there to see her.  What an idiot.


I have been catching up after a couple of weeks away.  Helen Cassie's mom was a nurse, obgyn/pediatrics?  So it appears they are setting up a twin story and Mariah is in fact Sharon's daughter.

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Well if that wasn't obvious.


Sharon had 2 babies, the nurse (Mariah's mother) stole Mariah. The question is why did Ian want Sharon's baby stolen so he could parent. They just haven't said what Ian's connection to Sharon is. It can't be Newman/Nikki related since Sharon hadn't met Nick yet, unless they go and rewrite history (more so than they already are). Good for Sharon for kicking Mariah out, but the second that fight was happening it was obvious they were doing it just for them both to find out they're mother and daughter.


Stitch is a catch, if Victoria lets her sister take him just so she can have Billy. Victoria's an idiot.


Loved the Y&R theme song at the end. 

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Someone speculated in another thread (or maybe it was here - too lazy to scroll back) that maybe Ian is Sharon's real father. So he has really been helping raise his granddaughter all this time? I find it hard to beleive though that he would not have cashed in on the Newman name (ala Jeffery) long before now if that is the case. Anyhoo, all I learned today (assuming Mariah and Cassie are twins) is that mother and daughter have the same taste in men.


Did Abby really tell Stitch that he should just go away and reinvent himself somewhere else? Really? Like he did in GC which has lead to all his current troubles? The next big storyline will be that Abby and Lilly are twins - they certainly share the 'dumb as a doornob' trait. Not to mention sticking their upturned noses into other peoples

 business. Hate them both.

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The writing and directing for the Neil-is-blind storyline sucks. In the scene at the apartment before they all sit down to eat, Lilly is hovering around her dad. Then she goes in to the kitchen and Hillary arrives at the couch by Neil. However no words are said during this time. Yet Neil reaches out and caresses Hillary's arm and knows it is Hillary. How did he know it was Hillary and not Lilly?

And why did the whole dinner have to be cancelled because the salad was knocked on the floor? Is that all they were going to eat? What are they, rabbits?

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The whole contrived dinner was just a fiasco!  Sooo tired of Devon and Hilary sharing stares...sooo tired of Neil reaching out for Hilary to continue to kiss her over and over while he continues to say "my wife, my wife"....terribly written and portrayed.  


I hit the FF button on my DVR and wake up wondering is it over then?


Peaches recaps for me and she even had trouble watching!  Seriously if they cancelled this soap how much would we as viewers be out?  Would there be an outcry.. 

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No the show is just going in a Flowers in the Attic or Game of Thrones slant- it's so EDGY. Kidding. But yea he'd have to be a sick bastard to marry his granddaughter even if the marriage isn't consummated.

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The whole turn the writers have taken with Ian makes no sense - but what else is new? The only reason Ian would have for marrying Mariah would be financial, but why wait until now? It seems like Ian has known for awhile that Mariah is Sharon's daughter, so he could have cashed in on that fact long ago. Obviously the writers are doing this as a way of pushing Mariah away from the only person she has ever trusted and into the arms of Sharon and Nick where she can morph into CassieTwo. Dumb.

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It would have been more dramatic if he had the Mariah twin thing secret to hold and still her father figure and INSTEAD married the village idiot Summer. I'm pretty sure it would have been easy to get shit for brains to the alter so then he'd have all this power against the Newmans.

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The whole turn the writers have taken with Ian makes no sense - but what else is new? The only reason Ian would have for marrying Mariah would be financial, but why wait until now? It seems like Ian has known for awhile that Mariah is Sharon's daughter, so he could have cashed in on that fact long ago.


What bothers me about all of this is the fact that Sharon hadn't even met Nick at that point in her life, when she gave birth as a teenager. Nobody had any way of knowing, back then, that Sharin' would eventually marry into the putrid Newman clan - or ANY other wealthy family, for that matter.


Weren't Sharin' and her mom practically destitute back then? WHY would Ian be scheming to steal some poor teenage girl's baby?!? He obviously didn't sell Mariah on the black market - what was his reasoning??


You know what? I will bet dollars to donuts that TIIC just assumed Sharin' and Nick were already an item at the time of the birth.


The continuity half-wits strike (yet) again!

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You make a good point. At the time Sharon was pregnant she was a poor 15 girl (living in a trailer?) and had no connection to the Newmans. Why would he steal her baby of all all baby's if he's power mad, money hungry, and despo to stick it to Nikki?

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There is absolutely no logical reason why Ian would have targeted Sharin's baby to steal. Like I already stated, he never sold the kid, therefore he never profited off said baby-theft. Any thoughts of Ian possibly being Sharin's father pretty much flew out the window once he slapped a wedding gown on Mariah - and is now attempting to marry the poor girl.


It makes no sense whatsoever, and I really believe this is yet another continuity goof that TIIC just haven't managed to catch up with yet. If not - then this is some pretty fucked-up shit going on here between Ian and Mariah!

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Just to clarify, when I wrote that Ian has known for awhile that Mariah is Sharon's daughter I didn't mean that he knew that when he stole Mariah. As others have said, Sharon was a nobody. And if she had been with Nick (which she was not) Ian would not wait 23 years to cash in on that fact. Originally I thought Ian was Sharon's bio dad, and he stole Mariah because she was his granddaughter. Helen said that stealing Mariah was Ian's idea, she never had any interest in her. But now the whole wedding debacle just makes it look like the writers are making it up as they go along with no plot outline to start with. But again, what else is new?

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I think Ian originally just wanted a baby.


Any baby would do.


The shady dr. told Helen she could not have cassie cause she already accounted for with the adoption agency and they would take her right away.  Then the miracle happened.  A second child NO ONE knew about and he got his payday.


I think he didn't know who Mariah could possibly be related to until he saw the picture of cassie that must have appeared in every paper in the nation when she died.  The grand daughter of Victor and Nicole Newman, and that's when the wheels started turning in his head about how he could use her in the future.


This is just my opinion tho and I am usually wrong with how I think things will go

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I think he didn't know who Mariah could possibly be related to until he saw the picture of cassie that must have appeared in every paper in the nation when she died.  The grand daughter of Victor and Nicole Newman, and that's when the wheels started turning in his head about how he could use her in the future.

Honeeee...no.... That would make sense, so.... noooo.


Can you get a job as a writer? You might have to wear a monkey suit. Making sense might make it worth it.

Edited by crowsworks
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And why does he hate the Newmans so much that he planned this decades long scheme to get even with the family Sharon might somehow, one shot in a million, marry into. Repeatedly.

LOL, that made me smile...

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I think Ian originally just wanted a baby.

Any baby would do.

The shady dr. told Helen she could not have cassie cause she already accounted for with the adoption agency and they would take her right away. Then the miracle happened. A second child NO ONE knew about and he got his payday.

I think he didn't know who Mariah could possibly be related to until he saw the picture of cassie that must have appeared in every paper in the nation when she died. The grand daughter of Victor and Nicole Newman, and that's when the wheels started turning in his head about how he could use her in the future.

This is just my opinion tho and I am usually wrong with how I think things will go

If he was so desperate for a child why would he exploit and use the child repeatedly now? And why would he marry his own daughter and basically shatter any relationship he spent 23 years building?

This storyline is just like the last few stories (Gus and Rose wtf cares, Blahdrianna and her mob money, Kelly and Stitch's reconned histories, the music box disaster, Carmine's death) that are made up and changed as they occur.

Edited by Petunia13
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So many good points here. Why don't they ask these questions in the writers room?

It's nonsensical that Ian would, suddenly, 23 years later, want Mariah as his bride. If he's a sicko he can't just turn it on and off. Stupid ass show.

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I am finding Victor's obsession with the sekrit much more repugnant than Ian Ward right now. Watching him badgering Phyllis simply becasue she opened her eyes was disgusting. He should be at home minding his own business, noticing that his wife is struggling not hounding a coma patient for information. His bullshit mantra of "doing it for his famuleee"  simply rings completely hollow and has for years. The man is a selfish bastard who has a deep and patholgical need to control everyone around him. 

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I am finding Victor's obsession with the sekrit much more repugnant than Ian Ward right now. Watching him badgering Phyllis simply becasue she opened her eyes was disgusting. He should be at home minding his own business, noticing that his wife is struggling not hounding a coma patient for information. His bullshit mantra of "doing it for his famuleee"  simply rings completely hollow and has for years. The man is a selfish bastard who has a deep and patholgical need to control everyone around him. 

This post is absolutely perfect - I wouldn't change a word, except to maybe add several really bad words between selfish and bastard.

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I have nothing against the actor at all. He's just so miscast. Billy is supposed to be a 32 year old boyish looking, acting, cheeky class clown type. He's supposed to be much younger than Ashley not her contemporary. Ridiculous.

What's next they recast Mac with Lisa Rinna?

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