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The GCEh?C: Canadian Episodes (Spoilers for Non-Canadians)

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Holy Shit!  Last I knew, Paul was practically dead and going to need some serious recovery time and here is waltzing around the PD and getting into fights with Christine--who, btw, should just be fucking grateful he is alive and still revelling in that news, but no, she has to moan about Nikki, and about the baby her dusty old womb will never carry.   Although at this point, this story is so ridiculous I have begun picturing Dylan in diapers with a giant binky.


As for Nikki, she looks like hell, again!  MTS must be unwell for her to look this bad, but the wardrobe and hair people are doing her no favours.  We know she can look good, so what is up?

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Ugh, another filler show. Big yawn. At this point I am finding Yappy Abby as annoying the The Bug. I have never liked this actor playing Abby - I miss the old Abby who managed to be likeable despite her pedigree of being the daughter of Delusional Victor and Stick Up the Butt Ashley. On the other hand, maybe the actor is just mimicking ED's portrayal of Ashley.


I must say though I do like NuNuBilly. I usually have to warm up to a recast, but have liked this newby since his first scene. Mind you with so many poor actors on the show, it isn't a stretch to be a bit better than the average bear.

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Okay so Kelly told Jack the secret, but I didn't hear it.  Didn't they show it?

I mean, I heard that he murdered a man (in self defense, which is not murder I think) but then she said it was who he killed that made it so horrible.  Did she ever say who?

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Okay so Kelly told Jack the secret, but I didn't hear it.  Didn't they show it?

I mean, I heard that he murdered a man (in self defense, which is not murder I think) but then she said it was who he killed that made it so horrible.  Did she ever say who?


I don't think so. I wondered if I skipped a scene. What a stupid conversation. She stressed it was NOT self-defence or anything to do with the war. How would Jack not DEMAND to know who the hell Stitch killed and more details? It's idiotic. This nonsense of stretching this stupid ass secret out even longer is making everyone seem like morons (more so than usual). And no doubt Jack won't tell Billy because we all need to tune in for another week. ugh.


So, at the Abbott dinner when Summer called Jack "Dad" wasn't that the first time she's done that? And isn't that a HUGE deal? I have skipped a lot so maybe she's done this before? Boy they are missing beats. 

Edited by miamama
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Thanks, miamama, I thought I missed it too.   And I must have misheard because I thought she said it was murder and self defence!


Well, then it must he murdered their father, why else would she hate him so?

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I don't think so. I wondered if I skipped a scene. What a stupid conversation. She stressed it was NOT self-defence or anything to do with the war. How would Jack not DEMAND to know who the hell Stitch killed and more details? It's idiotic. This nonsense of stretching this stupid ass secret out even longer is making everyone seem like morons (more so than usual). And no doubt Jack won't tell Billy because we all need to tune in for another week. ugh.

So, at the Abbott dinner when Summer called Jack "Dad" wasn't that the first time she's done that? And isn't that a HUGE deal? I have skipped a lot so maybe she's done this before? Boy they are missing beats.

See my post in the other thread. This storyline with The Artist Formerly Known As Ben Rayban is thinner than a Lay's Potato Chip.

Also, anyone see NuBilly's shitty shoulder tat today while he was rolling around on the couch with ManJaw when the "repair man" snuck in? Christ, I thought Kneel's Tribal Tats were bad. This one looked like someone coloured it on with a crayon.

Speaking of Kneel, KSJ was absolutely dreadful in today's Canadian ep. Good Lord it was bad. Dude was having a really, really off day.

Thanks, miamama, I thought I missed it too. And I must have misheard because I thought she said it was murder and self defence!

Well, then it must he murdered their father, why else would she hate him so?

I'm wondering if it isn't tied in somehow with the son that Kelly lost. They've made sure to mention that plot point several times since Kelly's first appearance, and it is also what connected her to Billy.

I could be wrong, though, and giving the writers way too much credit for bringing everything together here.

Edited by canucktvwatcher
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I'm really afraid this is going to be a sexual abuse storyline for Kelly -- and when I say afraid I mean I shudder at the horror of watching bad writing and overacting repressed memories. I do think CM has talent but she can go campy. And since she's chronicled actual sexual abuse by her father in real life I think if they do it onscreen it could have disastrous results.


My theory: Stitch killed their father and no one knows about Kelly's abuse except Stitch. She can't remember (because of the repressed thing). Stitch will be a pariah for awhile (this explains why his wife ran off -- she thought he randomly killed the old man, too). Soon, Kelly will begin remembering -- likely stemming from being dumped by Jack when Phyllis comes back -- and Stitch will become a hero overnight.

I will add this is idiotic -- why wouldn't Stitch tell his wife that he believed his sister was sexually abused? And how did he serve in the military if is he's a convicted murderer? And why did he take on a new identity if he "did time"? (Oh and Jack said something about Stitch changing his name in that conversation with Kelly -- which is why I was positive I skipped a scene. Bad editing?) 

Edited by miamama
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I'm really afraid this is going to be a sexual abuse storyline for Kelly


If they make Smelly a victim of sexual abuse I'm going to assume it will be used as a cheap ploy to get the audience to feel sorry for her and stop hating her.

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How would Jack not DEMAND to know who the hell Stitch killed and more details?


I thought Kelly DID tell Jack the secret. She just didn't tell the viewers because the idiotic writers want to drag this on for as long as possible. Or at least until they figure out WTH the secret is themselves. It is because Jack knows the details that he feels the need to tell everyone person he has ever met in order to protect them. At this point I don't care if Stitch is a mass murderer - I still like him more than 75% of the rest of the people in G.C.

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If Jack doesn't tell Billy ASAP, he is the world's worst brother.


Jack is already hooking up with the woman who helped destroy Billy's marriage so it's not like he lets sibling loyalty get in the way of his sex life. But even if he doesn't care about helping Billy he should at least want the mother of his nephew to know she's screwing a murderer.

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So, Jack knows but we don't? Really? This show. Honestly. What a load of crap. They don't show people reacting to anything. Anything that's interesting happens off screen. Isn't this what made soaps different? You saw the reactions?

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I do think CM has talent but she can go campy.

I keep hoping I see this talent that so many have said she has. So far it is a NO GO. She is horrible.


If they make Smelly a victim of sexual abuse I'm going to assume it will be used as a cheap ploy to get the audience to feel sorry for her and stop hating her.

 I agree, this is probably their thinking, but I don't think it will work. Kelly and her  umm brother can both pack their bags and head off.

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I'm completely depressed by the writing. They made a huge miscalculation in taking a (IMO) supporting character and trying to conflate his importance with a backstory that eats the show and reduces the major characters to stooges, and simultaneously renders the character DOA insofar as him being potentially salvageable in any believable way in the future.  Tying Kelly and Ben together as siblings only exacerbates their already tenuous appeal (if any) individually. 


How can Ben Rayburn or whatever his real name is possibly be viable going forward once his past has been exposed publicly?  It's one thing to have "murdered" in the past and been criminally prosecuted, convicted and served, but it's another thing to cop a new identity using that of a former classmate and adopt a fraudulent identity in order to scuttle the past and be reborn. (Of course, it's not as if we haven't been treated to that in elephantine-sized doses throughout the past 35+ years Victurd has been glowering all over town). The thing is, once Ben's cover is blown, so is his professional license and any credibility as a medical practitioner. He'll lose his residency, his license and his educational credentials will be rescinded, not to mention that he'll be facing federal prosecution for identity theft by having used a federally-issued SSN. 


If they were going the "My Brother Was A Murderer" route, perhaps they might better have gone with something along the lines of Dr. Richard Kimball a la The Fugitive (except in Stitch's case, make him an actual murderer of somebody [a pedophile or something other than his wife, of course], and have him dodging the law for years and years. Anyway, I just think they wrote the character into a hole and everyone surrounding him has been pitched into the same hole with him.

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The thing is, once Ben's cover is blown, so is his professional license and any credibility as a medical practitioner. He'll lose his residency, his license and his educational credentials will be rescinded, not to mention that he'll be facing federal prosecution for identity theft by having used a federally-issued SSN.


But this is Genoa City, so none of these things will happen.  I actually like Ben Whatever-His-Last-Name-Is.  If they were going to make him a murderer,  I would have preferred he murder his sister before she even set foot in GC.

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I hope Stitch tells them all to fuck off because none of them are any better than he is.  He actually went to jail for whatever he did while everyone else in GC gets off scot free, with the exception of the Baldwins who briefly did some time for something that didn't even happen.


I would eventually like to see STITCH get with Chelsea because I like their sarcastic scenes the best.   They have a lot more believable chemistry for arguing and slapping and kissing than Chelsea and idiot Billy do, or than Stitch does with Victoria.  But I'm in the minority, I know.

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See, show? That's how to dress Nikki! She has a gorgeous, dark-blue dress on today. It's beautiful.

She did look really good in that dress and her hair looked better.  I hope she does start drinking again-

I love Drinki!


Or is it Drunki?

Edited by peacheslatour
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So, now ANITA knows Stitch's sekrit, as well as Jack, Kevin, Chelsea,and Adam'sHands and his manservant?  And not us.  Who have to watch this crap.  Or watch it just to snark.  ANITA, people, a con artiste!

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Talk about a lunch-bag letdown.  So as a teenager Stitch killed his father, accidentally, sort of, but confessed to doing it intentionally to save himself and his family from the torture of a trial (see Nikki Newman, for an example of torturing the viewer with a trial).   So fucking what!  I am pretty sure Billy accidentally on purpose "killed" Adam.  And Jack accidentally had someone die in his house so he not so accidentally had her thrown out with the trash.  Abby accidentally almost on purpose almost killed Tucker.  And Nikki accidentally or on purpose has killed quite a few people and I see more in her future.  Victor no so accidentally killed Walter Palin and I am sure others.


I really don't like Ben, and don't like nu-Billy.  So I could care less about this, but I am so annoyed that I am still watching this show.  What a ridiculously weak secret to drag out of for so long.  

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So Stitch's father died in an accidental fire, and everyone is going around (including Vicki) calling him a murderer, like they have just found out he is Ted Bundy. Not to mention Stitch was so young that he served his time in juvie. Meanwhile Billy held a gun on Adam, quite likely caused the accident that supposedly killed him, and nothing happens to Billy. Why isn't everyone trying to keep the people of GC safe from Billy? 


Loved it when Billy accused Jack of letting Stitch get close to Victoria and Johnny. The dude knew Kelly's secret for a day. Sheesh. If the writers are going to write this drivel (and they are) at least TRY to make the words fit the 'facts'.


And Vicki making the test results fit her wishes? Totally unbelievable that VIcki would do this, especially seeing the fall out of Summer finding out Nick isn't her bio dad (or so everyone thinks. In GC no one really knows who their parents are), Not to mention Vicki's own mother has a son whose father's identity was unknown until recently. If the idea is that either Stitch or Billy find out years down the road that they are the kid's father...forget it. The soap will have been cancelled long before that possibility. And rightly so with these recycled and stupid storylines.

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That Stitch's ex wife would divorce him and take his child away because he committed a crime as a teenager is INSANE. His father was abusive and Stitch was a kid and even if he did kill him (and it wasn't an accident) it's hardly a reason to run away from your husband and father of your child like he's Jeffrey Dahmer. God, this is beyond stupid.


And Stitch confessed rather than putting his family through a trial? huh? Their kid admitting he killed his father willingly and knowingly is better than a trial wherein he says he didn't mean for him to die? I'm still scared there is more to this that will involve Cady McClain overacting (repressed memories, I tell you). Please please let me be wrong.

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Yes, they are seriously overreacting to this non-stunning news.  I feel like the actors even realize this is ridiculous.  I feel bad for them.


In other stupid plotlines, Devon and Hilary are not remotely interesting.  Devon is a wet noodle, he has no appeal, not sexual, not intellectual, nothing.  I am still hanging onto the hope that Hilary is running a long con.

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This over reaction to Stitches evil deed they're acting like is the worst thing in the world. 


Billy should have been arrested for the exact same thing, what he did to Adam. Victor gas-lit Sharon with her dead child and they all forgot about that already. Yet Stitch's teenage fight with his dad makes him unfit to be a parent and human being?

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So fucking what! I am pretty sure Billy accidentally on purpose "killed" Adam.



I'm wondering if they will have Villy reconcile, and Adam's reappearance and revelation that Billy shot him during that abduction preceding the crash that supposedly killed him will precipitate another split down the road?


This entire storyline continues to plumb new depths in lameness.  They've got the entire town and his ex wife in Oz acting like Ben's the BTK serial killer, and what happened would probably not only have won him sympathetic support back in the day, most prosecutors probably would have classified the act as justifiable homicide - and he would have walked. But I guess the ugly word 'patricide' is the reason for everyone's *horrified* reaction. GMAFB.  The old man was a classic abusive drunk. He probably routinely knocked his wife and kids around every other day and six times on Sunday, and I'm supposed to be shocked and repulsed because a kid got sick of the abuse and decided to do something about it? Oh!  But he didn't, according to Ben. The old drunk caused the fire and Ben supposedly tried to save him. I don't even care whether he tried to save the old shit or not. And I don't even like Ben especially.

Edited by Toomuchsoap
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It doesn't make any sense that Stench plead guilty. Any half way decent defense attorney could raise reasonable doubt if what he described happened.


Of course it doesn't make sense. Except in the minds of these pea brained writers. Because you are only really scum if you spend time in jail. If you are just the run of the mill resident of GC who, say, gas lights people or holds them hostage at gunpoint you can carry on with your charmed life and continue to a pillar of the community.

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Of course it doesn't make sense. Except in the minds of these pea brained writers. Because you are only really scum if you spend time in jail. If you are just the run of the mill resident of GC who, say, gas lights people or holds them hostage at gunpoint you can carry on with your charmed life and continue to a pillar of the community.

Or shoot the Chief of Police because "WAAAHHH it was a axident WHAAAH!!

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Victoria is so horrified that Stitch killed his abusive father but not worried about Billy killing (abducting at gunpoint....) HER BROTHER ! Stitch did time in Juvie, turned his life around except for his loser sister who keeps messing up his life. I hate how all the GC "first families" have forgotten what sins they have committed and NOT done time for.

But most of all I hate how the writers and producer are murdering this show.

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So Stitch's father died in an accidental fire, and everyone is going around (including Vicki) calling him a murderer, like they have just found out he is Ted Bundy. Not to mention Stitch was so young that he served his time in juvie. Meanwhile Billy held a gun on Adam, quite likely caused the accident that supposedly killed him, and nothing happens to Billy. Why isn't everyone trying to keep the people of GC safe from Billy? 




I missed all of the shenanigans regarding Adam's death. That said, when I saw the reveal of Stitch's crime I was blown away...By how ridiculously everyone is behaving.  As I watch today, I'm still ticked off.


It's obvious that Stitch's father's death was accidental.  Yet folks in GC are getting riled and reacting badly towards Ben based on what he was charged with--not what actually happened. 


I hope this nonsense is over ASAP. It makes absolutely no sense. 


Would it have been so wrong to make Ben a former criminal who had committed the ultimate crime, but was truly a changed man? As it is now, there's nothing credible about folks' contempt for him.

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Would it have been so wrong to make Ben a former criminal who had committed the ultimate crime, but was truly a changed man? As it is now, there's nothing credible about folks' contempt for him.


There are so many ways in which this story could have gone that would have been better. But I'm noticing the writers always choose to go in the most stupid way imaginable every time in every story.


They should have made it something heinous. I saw a fabulous French film with Kristin Scott Thomas where she plays a woman who moves in with her sister after serving time in prison. It is revealed about a half hour into the film that the crime was killing her 6-year-old son. People react as they should -- horrified. It isn't until the end of the film when we find out the extenuating circumstances. But it is a powerful film that is about this woman's character. She was shut down and cold. Stitch is so happy go lucky and good they painted themselves in a corner. No doubt because they make this shit up as they go.


Someone suggested incest -- that would have been heinous. And instead of this secret revelation, the gruesome twosome siblings actually hook up and Jack and or Vicki find them. There are ways to create-off-the-charts drama that stuns viewers. These are not long-term characters. Why not have them on for short runs? God, so many ways to go.


Don't these writers watch anything half way decent to get ideas? They are so fucking awful. I can't watch it. I have two shows sitting there. My kids are in bed. I'm bored and need some fluff entertainment and I can't watch this shit.

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Honestly I could see people being horrified that Stitch stole the identity of a dead classmate, and I could understand Vitoria being furious that the man she says she loves and wants a future with, whitewashed his past. Of course it isn't something that comes up in the beginning stages of a relationship, but when you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you owe then the truth about who you are and what happened in your past. The whole truth,

But for everyone else to be OUTRAGED that stitch was a MURDERER!!!!!!, including his sister? Just stupid. Most of all, his wife deciding he was far too dangerous to be anywhere near his child because he may have killed a drunken busing bastard? Bitch please.

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But for everyone else to be OUTRAGED that stitch was a MURDERER!!!!!!,

IKR?  And OMG you guys, did you see Dullan's reaction?  Talk about outrage- he tried to slightly raise one eyebrow.  His face is too botoxed to actually achieve this, but the point is- he TRIED!

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Victoria is so horrified that Stitch killed his abusive father but not worried about Billy killing (abducting at gunpoint....) HER BROTHER ! Stitch did time in Juvie, turned his life around except for his loser sister who keeps messing up his life.

This Fucking THISSSS!

I've been screaming that all week. It's making me start to hate Mop again her hypocritical idiocy, hate Kelly and Billy even more, and sympathize with Stench. Kidding about the last past. But if he wasn't a desperate weirdo with doofus tendencies and no lips I'd be in his side and loving him as a knee jerk reaction to this bullshit.

Also fuck Kelly its all this stupid bitchs fault.

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Victoria forgives her father and mother over everything they do, Victor just hid the truth about Delia's death and gaslit Sharon. She forgave him in minutes. Her mother has killed half a dozen people and Stitch is the worst guy ever? When Summer's married to a man who just took her aunt hostage and shot a cop? 


What Billy did to Adam should have put him in jail and is worse than Stitch. 

Edited by Artsda
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Victoria forgives her father and mother over everything they do, Victor just hid the truth about Delia's death and gaslit Sharon. She forgave him in minutes. Her mother has killed half a dozen people and Stitch is the worst guy ever? When Summer's married to a man who just took her aunt hostage and shot a cop?

What Billy did to Adam should have put him in jail and is worse than Stitch.

I agree. None of these story lines are making sense. I'm finding I'm fast forwarding more and more. Edited by Evanscody
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Why oh why do they continue to do these stupid stories with Kevin committing crimes and getting caught.  So boring.  For a guy who is terrified of prison he sure makes some stupid decisions.  Like keeping the stolen id badge.


It seems pretty clear that we are going to find out Stitch is just protecting someone else.  All this angst!


I really don't like Nu-Billy; I think the actor is fine but he doesn't have Billy's charisma.  With BM in the role, Billy was a bit of a rascal, a charmer.  This guy cannot pull that off.

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Why oh why do they continue to do these stupid stories with Kevin committing crimes and getting caught.  So boring.  For a guy who is terrified of prison he sure makes some stupid decisions.  Like keeping the stolen id badge.


It seems pretty clear that we are going to find out Stitch is just protecting someone else.  All this angst!


I really don't like Nu-Billy; I think the actor is fine but he doesn't have Billy's charisma.  With BM in the role, Billy was a bit of a rascal, a charmer.  This guy cannot pull that off.

Jesus, THIS. Kevin's some kind of Hacker/Computer Genius extraordinaire, but he's too fucking stupid to get rid of the ID badge he stole? FFS. The only way he could have been stupider was to don the Chipmunk costume and go lurking around the hospital. It's shit like this that shows the seams in the writing, and shows how connect the dots the whole affair is right now.

This Stitch bullshit is such a fucking cop-out. Reminds me of the "bad, bad, so bad" thing that Phyllis and Ovary's Swindly Pa did - defrauding people of money. Not to say that's not bad, because obviously it is, but with that, and this, with the "a lantern got knocked over and it was all an accident", YR further proves that it's afraid to tackle any big issues with its storylines. Tragic? Yes? Shocking, in terms of story? No. They'll soft-pedal this sl out, and do the usual lame job. Sigh.

Totally agree about BJ's work as Billy so far. I'm really, really trying to find something redeeming about his performances, but he's falling flatter than a pancake. Jenkins doesn't have an ounce of the charm that BM did in the role. He's so listless, whiny, and just generally a wet blanket. I've never wished so much for BM to be back in the role. JFP should be kicked right in her frumpy, ferret-faced ass for letting him go from the show. They should have been backing up dumptrucks of money to convince him to stay. The colossal fuck-up that the character's been rolled out as with BM's replacements is a cautionary tale to soap casting agents.

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Not feeling NunuBilly either and I sure did not care for David Tom and I acknowledge that I am a Billy Miller fan from AMC, a movie he made and "Ringer" ---but I would be capable of accepting someone else in the part (even though I suspect I wouldn't have to if the showrunner was not a doofus) but this guy???? not so much, whoever called him a Jack Wagner's younger brother or something like that had it right---he just comes off as a self righteous jerk to me (I get that is the writing) but this guy playing a "charmer or a rascal"? --in what universe---sigh---he is still not Cane levels of hate but just NO--- and I agree about the whole idiot Stich story too

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