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Future of Movie Stars: Who Will Shine? Who Will Fade Away?

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There isn't any real backlash against Lawrence. There is some online bitching about her but that is about it. Hathaway's backlash was actually frequently mentioned in entertainment magazines/talk shows. Until Lawrence backlash starts appearing on in magazines/talk shows or her movies start bombing at the box office, Hollywood isn't going to care that some people on the internet don't like her.

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Re this - Charlize Theron, who won an Oscar for her performance in Monster, does ads for Dior. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call her a fashion icon, but I would imagine that they pay her a fair chunk of change to shill their perfume. Granted, Theron won her golden statue in 2004 and didn't really do anything impressive again (IMO until she was in Young Adult in 2011, but Nyong'o followed up 12 Years A Slave with Non-Stop. Regardless of hype, not every role is going to be an award-winner, and while she may have been cast in the next Star Wars, the prequels didn't exactly boost Hayden Christensen's career into the stratosphere. At least Lupita can act.

Second re - as the backlash against Jennifer Lawrence continues, I would imagine that Anne Hathaway is breathing quite the sigh of relief. I'm mainly commenting on it because its such an interesting dichotomy. People didn't (don't?) like Hathaway because she was too "snooty", and now they don't like Lawrence because she's too "loud", I guess in addition to being too hyped. Makes me wonder why anyone would even want a career in the acting business. :-P

Maybe it's because I've had a really long day, but I couldn't really follow what you wrote about Lupita and Charlize. Charlie followed up her Oscar with an award bait starring role in North Country and a starring role in a big budget sci-fi thriller, Aeon Flux. Non-stop wasn't Lupita's follow-up. She filmed both that and 12 Years a Slave in 2012, well before either was released (and who knows which she signed up for first). Her followups are a supporting role where her face can't be seen in Star Wars and a supporting role where her face can't be seen in The Jungle Book.

As for Jennifer Lawrence and Anne Hathaway, I don't dislike either one based on perceived personality traits. I don't disliked either at all actually. I'm just burnt out on seeing so much Jennifer Lawrence and wish other actresses could get as many opportunities. I've always liked Anne and was really happy for her Oscar win. I never got the backlash over her at all.

But yeah, when you choose to work in the public eye, especially as an actor since a huge part of your success is getting people to want to spend money to see you (people want to think that's based on talent, but more often than not it's just as much based on appeal and likability) you kinda have signed up for people to have opinions about you. It's a package deal. If they can't handle that, they should probably think about a different line of work.

Edited by cynic
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In terms of Jennifer Lawrence, I do think she HAS retreated, as much as she possibly can given the fame level she has. I can't think of the last magazine cover I've seen her on this year- Shailene Woodley seems to be making the press rounds far more than Jennifer has, and I do have to tip my hat to Jennifer for seeming to understand that she can't saturate herself too much.

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If you're moderately talented like Jennifer Lawrence but luck into a huge franchise (two huge franchises if you count her turn as Mystique in X Men)


I don't understand what a big deal the Mystique role was.  Basically all I remember is that she was very blue.  Her acting didn't register at all.


I agree I have had too much of her and I did not like her win for Silver Linings Playbook.

Maybe it's because I've had a really long day, but I couldn't really follow what you wrote about Lupita and Charlize. Charlie followed up her Oscar with an award bait starring role in North Country and a starring role in a big budget sci-fi thriller, Aeon Flux. Non-stop wasn't Lupita's follow-up. She filmed both that and 12 Years a Slave in 2012, well before either was released (and who knows which she signed up for first). Her followups are a supporting role where her face can't be seen in Star Wars and a supporting role where her face can't be seen in The Jungle Book.


But another difference between the two is that Charlize Theron had a lengthy list of credits to her name, before she won any awards. She started off in some indie movies, some ropey bigger money flicks, and some critically well received movies too (according to IMDB, she had twenty movies under her belt before Monster). Lupita Nyong'o has barely anything prior to 12 Years a Slave, which is why I really don't see why it's so heinous that she's doing a couple of supporting roles in big movies, whether she's CGI'd or not. Give the woman an actual career, before saying she has to do more award bait roles. Let her diversify and show people what she can do. And hell, maybe she just wants to make some money. Bet Star Wars is paying her more than 12 Years a Slave did.


I don't understand what a big deal the Mystique role was.  Basically all I remember is that she was very blue.  Her acting didn't register at all.



I thought Rebecca Romijn-Stamos was great as Mystique in the first two X-Men movies, and Lawrence was a rather pathetic imitation of her. In fact, I thought the entire character as written in X-Men: First Class was a disservice to the Mystique character of the first movies.

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In terms of Jennifer Lawrence, I do think she HAS retreated, as much as she possibly can given the fame level she has. I can't think of the last magazine cover I've seen her on this year- Shailene Woodley seems to be making the press rounds far more than Jennifer has, and I do have to tip my hat to Jennifer for seeming to understand that she can't saturate herself too much.


I think it was probably the Vanity Fair cover she did late last year, after hacked photo controversy that took place and right before the latest Hunger Games movie took off. She's been pretty low-profile since. I will say that I've yet to see any of her movies, so whatever annoyance I have with her right now has to do some of her real life persona, which started to grate on me the more I saw of her, but that's about it (and in spite of whatever I might about her RL personality to some extent, my heart goes out to her 100 percent in regards to the hacking scandal. That was just disgusting and wrong.). Until her next movie came out, I can see her staying in the background a little while longer. 


I think it was probably the Vanity Fair cover she did late last year, after hacked photo controversy that took place and right before the latest Hunger Games movie took off. She's been pretty low-profile since. I will say that I've yet to see any of her movies, so whatever annoyance I have with her right now has to do some of her real life persona, which started to grate on me the more I saw of her, but that's about it (and in spite of whatever I might about her RL personality to some extent, my heart goes out to her 100 percent in regards to the hacking scandal. That was just disgusting and wrong.). Until her next movie came out, I can see her staying in the background a little while longer. 

Yeah, I guess I would be considered part of the "backlash," but not because I dislike her. I just think there are SO many talented actresses out there and yet she keeps getting Oscar-baity parts that are written for 30-somethings. I don't blame her for taking good roles, I just think it's already hard for 30-something actresses to get parts without having the latest "It Girl" take them at age 23. I also didn't think she deserved to win the Oscar for SLP. It was entertaining, but I thought she was shrill and shrieky and that Bradley Cooper, De Niro and Jacki Weaver did more of the emotional heavy lifting. I like her just fine in the Hunger Games movies, but I think she got way overhyped way too soon. She's IMO a decent young actress who has yet to fulfill her potential, but the media made her out to be the second coming. Laying low is the best thing she could possibly do, but I'm afraid she will be overexposed all again this fall with the Hunger Games and Joy being released. Again, not her fault, but I do understand people being tired of her. I never quite understood the so-called Hathaway hate though, I've always liked her and was thrilled to see her win for Les Miserables.

Edited by SallyAlbright

Yeah, I guess I would be considered part of the "backlash," but not because I dislike her. I just think there are SO many talented actresses out there and yet she keeps getting Oscar-baity parts that are written for 30-somethings. I don't blame her for taking good roles, I just think it's already hard for 30-something actresses to get parts without having the latest "It Girl" take them at age 23. I also didn't think she deserved to win the Oscar for SLP. It was entertaining, but I thought she was shrill and shrieky and that Bradley Cooper, De Niro and Jacki Weaver did more of the emotional heavy lifting. I like her just fine in the Hunger Games movies, but I think she got way overhyped way too soon. She's IMO a decent young actress who has yet to fulfill her potential, but the media made her out to be the second coming. Laying low is the best thing she could possibly do, but I'm afraid she will be overexposed all again this fall with the Hunger Games and Joy being released. Again, not her fault, but I do understand people being tired of her. I never quite understood the so-called Hathaway hate though, I've always liked her and was thrilled to see her win for Les Miserables.


Not to stray too far from topic and into Unpopular Opinions but I have to agree re: JL's Oscar.  I saw that movie after the hoopla and just despised it.  I will never understand why anyone was nominated for that. 

Well, Winter's Bone is what got people talking about Jennifer Lawrence, and that was before she landed any franchises.  But she might be an example of someone who's been too busy working to develop her craft.  At this point, I'm more apt to blame Russell for casting her too often, but how many actresses are able to work comfortably with him?


But she might be an example of someone who's been too busy working to develop her craft.  At this point, I'm more apt to blame Russell for casting her too often, but how many actresses are able to work comfortably with him?

I assumed that for actors, working was how they developed their craft. But yes, the last couple years the work has been pretty stagnant; franchise, DOR, franchise, DOR, rinse and repeat.


Interestingly, Kristen Stewart seems to be having a mini renaissance in her career by working constantly in the lower budget films in secondary character roles with different directors and strong actors and actresses as leads. I wasn't a Twilight fan so I never felt much about her acting but I always felt a little pity that she was scorned so much for taking what is, on the surface, a dream job for a young actress(Jennifer Lawrence auditioned and lost out to Stewart) and basically being an ill-suited introvert for the media frenzy that followed. The stars that we discuss are really just a drop in the bucket in terms of the acting world. There are tons more actors then stars. And while we have an idea of an 'actor type' we are really imagining media stars. Stewart might have just been better suited to being an actor and Lawrence the star. Although at this point, I don't think anyone is seeing the bonus in being a star out weighing the negatives.


Oh, Twilight.


Full disclosure: I've only seen the first movie all the way through and just bits and pieces of the others and I wasn't paying much attention to said bits and pieces. Anyway, I'd already known of Stewart, Burke, Facinelli, Kendrick, Reaser and (later on) Sheen and Fanning and liked them or at least thought they were capable/solid at their profession. Then, there were people like Pattinson, Lautner, Lutz, Rathbone, Gigandet, Green and Lefevre who I'd never seen before. I spent the time watching wondering how the people I'd previously liked were all so shitty and whether or not the people I didn't know were actually shitty or just shitty because the movie itself was some sort of acting Vortex of Suck.


I caught part of the first one on TV a little while ago and hadn't seen it since my original viewing and it hit me how downright horrible the writing was. I mean . . . goddamn. I cannot think of a single actor who could've made those lines work. I don't hold the movies against any of the people involved and I continue to think it's pretty rad that Pattinson and Stewart have sort of entrenched themselves in indie/arthouse movies post franchise.


I do wish Lautner would do something I actually want to see because I still have no idea if I think he's a decent actor or not.

Edited by hardy har
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I spent the time watching wondering how the people I'd previously liked were all so shitty and whether or not the people I didn't know were actually shitty or just shitty because the movie itself was some sort of acting Vortex of Suck.

I have this theory that some actors are good enough to rise above the material, some are only as good as what they have to work with. See the Star Wars prequels, specifically Natalie Portman.

I never quite understood the so-called Hathaway hate though, I've always liked her and was thrilled to see her win for Les Miserables.


I'm with you on the "so-called", because I keep hearing people talk about a "backlash" when I haven't actually seen any ... backlash behavior. Maybe I'm not reading the right gossip sites? (Not that I would anyway)

I found Anne Hathaway insufferable during her Oscar run for Les Mis. I liked her before that. But, man she was exhausting during awards season.

As for Jennifer Lawrence, I thought she deserved the Oscar for SLP. I would have given one to Bradley Cooper as well. I loved everything about that movie. Jennifer was the only one in American Hustle who deserved a nomination though. The rest were chewing screen hard during that movie and Jennifer had 1 scene where she stole the spotlight from the other actors and lit up a dreary movie. Man, I hated that movie. As for X-Men, I think everyone sucks in those movies. I keep watching them and hating them. I really need to stop.

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I saw a lot of hate for Anne on other sites. I particularly remember people being upset because she corrected the spelling of her name at an awards show.

I still like Jlaw, but agree with others that she plays a lot of roles that would be better suited to 30 or 40 year olds. Honestly, I would like to see her in a comedy playing her age.

I saw a lot of hate for Anne on other sites. I particularly remember people being upset because she corrected the spelling of her name at an awards show.

I still like Jlaw, but agree with others that she plays a lot of roles that would be better suited to 30 or 40 year olds. Honestly, I would like to see her in a comedy playing her age.


I just don't get her casting in Joy. Joy Mangano was well into her 30's when she made that mop, and she was like a mother of three. It's just annoying. And I'm positive we're going to be subjected to Jennifer Lawrence in hideous age make-up when we get to the Cal Years of East of Eden.


Of the former Twilight people, Anna Kendrick is just ON FIRE right now, and I couldn't be happier. I've loved that woman ever since she was Fritzi in Camp, and I couldn't be more thrilled at her career right now. She probably has been the most versatile in what she's done- comedy, dramas, musicals- and she can even claim being a one-hit wonder! Too freakin' cool. I love that Anna is not the conventional Hollywood beauty- she's got a uniqueness about her, and I see her aging into a respected character actress quite beautifully.

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I just don't get her casting in Joy.



Well I think David O. Russell wrote it  with her in mind as another project they could do together.  That's basically what it comes down to despite the age inappropriateness.  I'm not convinced he would have proceeded on it with any other actress.  Possibly, but I tend to doubt it.


We will see if the East of Eden  project goes forward.  From what I've read, she really wants a break.

Edited by vb68


I'm sure it is easier for him to just have this one young actress who'll do anything he says.

We'll see how long that last. I think JL use to be in a position where she was just really grateful to have made it, now that she is there she can't let people take advantage of her. That is what has been coming out about her debating with Sony and the pay for her next film. If DOR hasn't changed (which the email leak indicated that he hasn't and I'm now convinced that Billy Walsh from Entourage might be based or 'inspired' on him,) she certainly doesn't have to put up with it. Hell, I'm not sure I believe that a bio about the woman who created the miracle mop would have even been green-lit except that he had JL attached to it from the start. Certainly not with the little that the description of the film had to go on to start.

Edited by raezen

From what I understand, they "expanded" the film's premise so it's not just about Joy. Also, Robert Deniro is playing her father, and Bradley Cooper is an executive that helps her, and Elizabeth Rohm is playing her sister. (I wish they could have gotten Julia Stiles again, although Rohm-bot is also believeable.)


We'll see how long that last. I think JL use to be in a position where she was just really grateful to have made it, now that she is there she can't let people take advantage of her. That is what has been coming out about her debating with Sony and the pay for her next film. If DOR hasn't changed (which the email leak indicated that he hasn't and I'm now convinced that Billy Walsh from Entourage might be based or 'inspired' on him,) she certainly doesn't have to put up with it. Hell, I'm not sure I believe that a bio about the woman who created the miracle mop would have even been green-lit except that he had JL attached to it from the start. Certainly not with the little that the description of the film had to go on to start.

I hate that I know this, but Billy Walsh is based on Vincent Gallo.

David O'Russell is one of those people that I'm shocked still finds actors that will work with him. I know he gets actors nominations/wins, but my god, that man has burned so many bridges. First Clooney, then half the cast of I Heart Huckabees, then Mark Wahlberg, who was his actual friend (apparently he promised him the lead in Silver Linings Playbook, then went with Bradley Cooper because he was cheaper), and after Christian Bale had to physically step in and intimidate him to stop him from screaming at Amy Adams, I doubt either one of them will want to work with him again. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence seem to be his favorites now, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he alienates them as well.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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I hate that I know this, but Billy Walsh is based on Vincent Gallo.

David O'Russell is one of those people that I'm shocked still finds actors that will work with him. I know he gets actors nominations/wins, but my god, that man has burned so many bridges. First Clooney, then half the cast of I Heart Huckabees, then Mark Wahlberg, who was his actual friend (apparently he promised him the lead in Silver Linings Playbook, then went with Bradley Cooper because he was cheaper), and after Christian Bale had to physically step in and intimidate him to stop him from screaming at Amy Adams, I doubt either one of them will want to work with him again. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence seem to be his favorites now, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he alienates them as well.

I remember when he was doing press for American Hustle, DOR sort of alluded to the fact that he had changed a lot of his ways.  I actually was really touched by how he came across and thought, Wow, he really seems to have learned from his mistakes and is a better director.  Then I heard about Christian having to step in and stick up for Amy Adams.  The I heard Amy Adams say that the movie was incredibly difficult for her, now I know she was alluding to David.  It really seems like he hasn't changed, how unfortunate, he really can't get out of his own way.


Mark Wahlberg has talked about the fact that he and DOR actually have made up.  Now I don't know if that means made up enough to ever want to work together again.  Mark and Angelina were the ones who were originally supposed to do SLP.  Angelina had to drop out because of scheduling (I think this was around the time that her health problems surfaced.  If so, I'll give DOR credit for being a gentleman and not revealing that information publicly). Mark had another project lined up and needed David to wait for him to finish his current movie.  DOR went behind Mark's back and gave the role to Bradley.

Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence seem to be his favorites now, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he alienates them as well.

There were rumors of some big arguments between DOR and Jennifer Lawrence during the shoot for Joy, so we'll see. Her camp was pretty quick to deny it, but that might have been to save face through the end of the film's inevitable award season.

I remember when he was doing press for American Hustle, DOR sort of alluded to the fact that he had changed a lot of his ways.  I actually was really touched by how he came across and thought, Wow, he really seems to have learned from his mistakes and is a better director.  Then I heard about Christian having to step in and stick up for Amy Adams.  The I heard Amy Adams say that the movie was incredibly difficult for her, now I know she was alluding to David.  It really seems like he hasn't changed, how unfortunate, he really can't get out of his own way.


Mark Wahlberg has talked about the fact that he and DOR actually have made up.  Now I don't know if that means made up enough to ever want to work together again.  Mark and Angelina were the ones who were originally supposed to do SLP.  Angelina had to drop out because of scheduling (I think this was around the time that her health problems surfaced.  If so, I'll give DOR credit for being a gentleman and not revealing that information publicly). Mark had another project lined up and needed David to wait for him to finish his current movie.  DOR went behind Mark's back and gave the role to Bradley.

What I truly don't understand is why he burned that bridge with Mark Wahlberg, even if they have made up.  Just because Silver Linings Playbook probably doesn't even get to be made without the success of The Fighter, and The Fighter basically brought back David O Russell's career.  I mean, if one of the few actors who will still work with you who actually has some clout in Hollywood has stuck by you, then revived your career, you wait a few months to give back the role you already promised to the guy.  I feel like you can't be a complete asshole AND be disloyal.

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David O'Russell is one of those people that I'm shocked still finds actors that will work with him. I know he gets actors nominations/wins, but my god, that man has burned so many bridges. First Clooney, then half the cast of I Heart Huckabees, then Mark Wahlberg, who was his actual friend (apparently he promised him the lead in Silver Linings Playbook, then went with Bradley Cooper because he was cheaper), and after Christian Bale had to physically step in and intimidate him to stop him from screaming at Amy Adams, I doubt either one of them will want to work with him again. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence seem to be his favorites now, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he alienates them as well.


But you said it already; his movies are critically acclaimed and win awards.  Actors will put up with his cruel antics if it means winning an Oscar in the process.  And if Lawrence or Cooper drops him, DOR will just replace them with someone else who's willing.


I didn't care for SLP and I have no interest in seeing Joy, regardless of how they pad the script. 

Rohm wasn't very bot-like in American Hustle.  I guess she does better with a character who's not always wearing twin sets.

I loved her in American Hustle.  While watching the movie I knew that I knew the actress from somewhere but couldn't decipher.  It wasn't until the credits that I was shocked it was Rohm. 



What I truly don't understand is why he burned that bridge with Mark Wahlberg, even if they have made up.  Just because Silver Linings Playbook probably doesn't even get to be made without the success of The Fighter, and The Fighter basically brought back David O Russell's career.

Exactly. And even though Joy now has a more elaborate script and a big impressive cast when JL was promoting Mockingjay: Part 1 I distinctly remember her saying that her next project was playing the miracle mop lady for DOR and at that time she was the only person linked to it and that was as elaborate as the concept of the film had gotten. And only after that the film got the go ahead, the rest of the cast and lastly it seems the actual story seem to expand. That was some pretty amazing PR she gave him during the promotion of the series that he remarked "Talk about 12 years a slave!" when he was asked about working around JL's schedule.

I guess what I'm saying is I don't see DOR's history inspiring a lot of actual loyalty from people he works with. Although he has had quite a few good turns from actors like Wahlberg and Lawrence. 

Edited by raezen


Exactly. And even though Joy now has a more elaborate script and a big impressive cast when JL was promoting Mockingjay: Part 1 I distinctly remember her saying that her next project was playing the miracle mop lady for DOR and at that time she was the only person linked to it and that was as elaborate as the concept of the film had gotten.


Honestly, when I read the line, I instantly thought of that failed movie biopic starring Greg Kinnear as the guy who invented a better mechanism for automatic windshield wipers.


Even they seem to realize that the concept itself just isn't that appealing, which is why they're padding the plot and the cast.


I hate that I know this, but Billy Walsh is based on Vincent Gallo.

David O'Russell is one of those people that I'm shocked still finds actors that will work with him. I know he gets actors nominations/wins, but my god, that man has burned so many bridges. First Clooney, then half the cast of I Heart Huckabees, then Mark Wahlberg, who was his actual friend (apparently he promised him the lead in Silver Linings Playbook, then went with Bradley Cooper because he was cheaper), and after Christian Bale had to physically step in and intimidate him to stop him from screaming at Amy Adams, I doubt either one of them will want to work with him again. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence seem to be his favorites now, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he alienates them as well.

I think the second part answers the first. His last three movies have received a combined eleven nominations for their actors, and three wins. At this point in time there's no director more likely to get you to the Oscars than him, and I think an awful lot of actors are willing to put up with an awful lot for that. I also think that while David O. Russell may be an extreme example, most actors probably just accept that working with egomaniacs and assholes is more or less inevitable in their line of work (especially given that a fair few of them are egomaniacs and assholes themselves), and thus don't find his behavior quite so shocking.


I am curious about what'll happen if critics and awards bodies stop responding quite so enthusiastically to his films though. All hot streaks come to an end eventually, and I'm wondering if (or when) that happens to DOR will he have more trouble enticing actors to come work with him?

Edited by AshleyN
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I'm happy that people seem to care about Michael Keaton again. I hope he can make this last.


Kevin Costner's supposed comeback post-Hatfields and McCoys hasn't been all that good, so hopefully Michael can do better.


I do think Bill Murray did a pretty great job with his comeback after Lost In Translation.

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After seeing Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, I predict big things for Olivia Cooke. The two lead boys were both very good as well, but she was the standout for me. She managed to make the titular teenage girl very appealing, funny, sweet, sympathetic and, most impressively, not annoying. She also looked beautiful with a shaved head.


One actor whom I think has a very bright future is Chris Hemsworth. He's not only shown that he can play a superhero in the Thor The Avengers movies, he proved that he can act in Rush The Cabin In the Woods and has shown great comedic chops, if his appearances on SNLJimmy Kimmel Live and the trailer for the Vacation reboot are any indication, which is why I think his being cast in the secretary role of the Ghostbusters remake is a great idea. He could either play a dumb blonde stereotype or, at the risk of aging myself,  like Loni Anderson on WKRP In Cincinnati, be just as smart or smarter than his bosses, who could hit on him and fail every time for one reason-he's gay. If well-written, I think that Hemsworth would not only have a field day with the character, if he had the right love interest-like, say, Channing Tatum, Matt Bomer, Jonathan Groff or Neil Patrick Harris-I think the film could attract more fans, which means more money and a potential sequel. If the purists don't like it, so what?

Edited by DollEyes
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After seeing Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, I predict big things for Olivia Cooke. The two lead boys were both very good as well, but she was the standout for me. She managed to make the titular teenage girl very appealing, funny, sweet, sympathetic and, most impressively, not annoying. She also looked beautiful with a shaved head.


I think she's this generation's Wynona Ryder, but with a bigger range.


Chris Pratt has to be feeling on top of the world right now.

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Re this - Charlize Theron, who won an Oscar for her performance in Monster, does ads for Dior. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call her a fashion icon, but I would imagine that they pay her a fair chunk of change to shill their perfume. Granted, Theron won her golden statue in 2004 and didn't really do anything impressive again (IMO until she was in Young Adult in 2011, but Nyong'o followed up 12 Years A Slave with Non-Stop. Regardless of hype, not every role is going to be an award-winner, and while she may have been cast in the next Star Wars, the prequels didn't exactly boost Hayden Christensen's career into the stratosphere. At least Lupita can act.


Second re - as the backlash against Jennifer Lawrence continues, I would imagine that Anne Hathaway is breathing quite the sigh of relief. I'm mainly commenting on it because its such an interesting dichotomy. People didn't (don't?) like Hathaway because she was too "snooty", and now they don't like Lawrence because she's too "loud", I guess in addition to being too hyped. Makes me wonder why anyone would even want a career in the acting business. :-P


Probably nothing fanned the Hathaway hate more than the casting of her as Catwoman.   To drop an already-backlashed actress into such an iconic role, especially in the eyes of an audience that's been waiting for someone to do justice to Catwoman again since as far back as Julie Newmar ... they may as well have plopped the poor girl down in a dunking booth.   IMHO, Angelina Jolie is the only actress around right now who could have done Catwoman right.


Personally, I would be happy to know less about stars' private lives.   In the old days, there were movie star tell-all magazines that catered to folks interested in all that crap, but now it's actually difficult and sometimes impossible to avoid having it foisted on you whether you're interested or not.   Back then it was easy to keep the art and the artist separate.   Today, I can't see Charlize Theron without thinking about her and Seth McFarland, and it makes my skin crawl.   I used to really like Charlize Theron.   My respect for her now: zero.   It's not fair because my disdain has nothing to do with her art but unless you live under a rock you just can't avoid the personal stuff and off-screen impressions creeping into your overall estimation of an actor.

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Unfortunately Angelina Jolie would be considered far too old for Catwoman now.


It is really a shame that she had to drop out of Silver Linings Playbook because of her health issues. Tiffany was such a great role.


As a guy who's enjoyed Chris Pratt ever since he tricked Ephram Brown with his girly handwriting, I'm really glad he's getting his moment in the sun.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Probably nothing fanned the Hathaway hate more than the casting of her as Catwoman.   To drop an already-backlashed actress into such an iconic role, especially in the eyes of an audience that's been waiting for someone to do justice to Catwoman again since as far back as Julie Newmar ... they may as well have plopped the poor girl down in a dunking booth.   IMHO, Angelina Jolie is the only actress around right now who could have done Catwoman right.


Personally, I would be happy to know less about stars' private lives.   In the old days, there were movie star tell-all magazines that catered to folks interested in all that crap, but now it's actually difficult and sometimes impossible to avoid having it foisted on you whether you're interested or not.   Back then it was easy to keep the art and the artist separate.   Today, I can't see Charlize Theron without thinking about her and Seth McFarland, and it makes my skin crawl.   I used to really like Charlize Theron.   My respect for her now: zero.   It's not fair because my disdain has nothing to do with her art but unless you live under a rock you just can't avoid the personal stuff and off-screen impressions creeping into your overall estimation of an actor.


You mean Angelina doesn't give you the heebie-jeebies? I mean, she can act and all, and I actually think she's more talented than a lot of people give her credit for, but still, three words - Billy Bob Thornton. ;-)

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