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The View in the Media


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I didn't know Paula ever guested on this show before being cast? Of course Whoopi is pissed Padma is a "contributor" after the way she and Nicolle mean-girled her when she guested. Like anyone believes Whoopi is nice to the general staff behind-the-scenes.


I hope Paula, Padma, and the producers all tell her to **** off. I'm going to eat up every moment when her contract is finally up. The Padma nonsense was part of the reason I cheered when Nicolle was fired. Hopefully they upgrade her to regular co-host when Whoopi isn't there to drive her away like when they brought on Rosie O'Donnell.


I find it hard to believe Joy would care about Michelle telling jokes since she worked with Sherri for years. Regardless, I'm glad to hear she has another solo talkshow coming--even if it's on the dreaded TLC.


PLEASE NO SHERRI! If they're keeping Raven and Candace--she has nothing to offer as a black person, mother, or Christian. Stay away.

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Just saw an ad promoting The View on This Week with Martha Raddatz (who did a great job exposing Bobby Jindal). The ad highlighted the political discussions and except for the brief spot of Whoopi with The Donald via phone of course, I thought it was pretty good. Makes me think that they're getting some positive feedback from the political discussions, particularly Joy's segment.

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"I think I'll tune into The View to see what's going on in U.S. politics" said no one ever.   Ditto with, "I think I'll tune into The View and see  how candidate_______ feels about ______"


But if they are going to continue to try and talk about politics on this show then I'd say Joy with just two political commentators worked far better than one politician being bombarded with co-hosts dying to read their question off their cards without listening to a word being said.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 11

Just saw an ad promoting The View on This Week with Martha Raddatz (who did a great job exposing Bobby Jindal). 

Maybe Bobby will go on The View but I doubt he would put himself out there.  I live in Louisiana and he has been about the worst governor ever, leaving mostly everything in disarray all the while saying how great it and he are.  Joy vs. Bobby would be a lovely experience.

  • Love 6

A moderator needs to be willing to listen to other people talk. Whoopi isn't. Her ego is too big to allow that. Meredith was awesome as a moderator. But she was journalist. She was used to interviewing people. Rosie O was good also. Because she had previously been a talk show host. They both understood you bring up a topic and throw it to others to discuss. You don't sit there and pontificate about the topic and then look to the others to agree with you.

Last week I was waiting to see the Dr and they had Meredith's show on she had a panel of Co hosts I had never heard of them except Lance Bass. It was pretty good. They had a pleasant conversation they joked laughed, it was nice to see adults talking.

I have only been watching the View on Fridays. I prefer a Whoopi free view.

Raven is an odd duck to say the least. Her apology for the name thing seems forced I'm sure producers asked to do it. Twitter was dragging her.

She really didn't seem to understand what she was saying on the show. I only watched the clip on line but they all seemed a little taken aback by what she was saying.

  • Love 3

Last week I was waiting to see the Dr and they had Meredith's show on she had a panel of Co hosts I had never heard of them except Lance Bass. It was pretty good. They had a pleasant conversation they joked laughed, it was nice to see adults talking.

I have only been watching the View on Fridays. I prefer a Whoopi free view.

Raven is an odd duck to say the least. Her apology for the name thing seems forced I'm sure producers asked to do it. Twitter was dragging her.

She really didn't seem to understand what she was saying on the show. I only watched the clip on line but they all seemed a little taken aback by what she was saying.

Most people get taken aback when someone speaks about their own persona bigotry


Mocking strange sounding names from someone named "Raven"

  • Love 5

Most people get taken aback when someone speaks about their own persona bigotry

Mocking strange sounding names from someone named "Raven"

I completely agree. Of course they were. Raven seems to not be able to see/read a room. That is why I said what I did. I thought she seemed oblivious to what she was saying and how it would be seen.

Watching WG on Fallon, I remember/see now why many of us liked Whoopi. WG was great in a Hollywood way, just fun. She imo made a huge mistake being on the view. WG being on the view showed all her flaws. I guess money wise it was smart for her.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 7

Frankly I think Whoopi is kind of a has been; sure, she acts some - but not top billings. And even $5M per season on this show has not helped. She is not raising tons of money for charity either these days.

Plus I am sick of hearing how just about everyone of importance (or at the moment) is her friend, that she barely knows and doesn't hang with personally, or with a very few friends. Or her calling people by their given names (Ben Carson for example) or babe.

Plus her moderating skills are zero.

Hopefully ABC has told her about an early dismissal and promised her lots of exposure and promoting her own things (book, reality show for daughter on some off the wall place) and a graceful way to exit.

LOL, even the co-hosts were underwhelmed by her piece on comic-con or what ever that thing was today. I actually used to enjoy her segments kicking around NYC.

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bannana - yes, and the comments are fascinating....especially from "her people" whatever the hell that means since Raven doesn't "label*." She is an idiot.

I hate that term....it is so divisive and exclusive....as far as I am concerned we are all people. "Can't we all get along?" And blend? We're not white or people of color....we are people. As we will see in a decade or two and already are.

  • Love 3

Oh, good Lord, this is like that old horror movie about "the thing that wouldn't die!" According to the New York Daily News, Babs is thinking of returning to the show!

Here's the first paragraph from the article:

"Barbara Walters has been turning to her high-powered friends for advice on whether she should step in to a full time role and save “The View,” Confidenti@l has learned from a well-placed industry insider."

Do you think Babs has truthful (rationale) good friends that will tell her to stay away and give it a rest?

  • Love 1

^^^Is it even her decision to make at this point? 

I don't think so.  She and Sweaty Geddie sold their share of the show a few years ago.  But as the tabloid reported, I can see TPTB asking her to come do a one-off during sweeps or something. 


“She created it, and to see the show turn into this hodge podge of topics which constantly gets press upsets her,” says our first source. “She doesn’t want to see it canceled, and thinks she’s the only one who can save it.”



Hahahahaha!  I guess she never watched this mess when she was on it. The Spew has been circling the drain for years, long before she left.  Then The Year of Barbara by Barbara Walters should have killed this show dead but it continues to limp on like some post-apocalyptic cockroach.  


And as far as all the notes Babs is taking I can't imagine who she thinks would read them?  I wonder if she remembers working with Whoopi Goldberg for six years? The moderator that slept through most of the show and always gives the impression she just rolled out of bed moments before squinting at the teleprompter.   The idea of Whoopi reading any notes from anyone is laughable. 

  • Love 11

I don't think so. She and Sweaty Geddie sold their share of the show a few years ago. But as the tabloid reported, I can see TPTB asking her to come do a one-off during sweeps or something.

Hahahahaha! I guess she never watched this mess when she was on it. The Spew has been circling the drain for years, long before she left. Then The Year of Barbara by Barbara Walters should have killed this show dead but it continues to limp on like some post-apocalyptic cockroach.

And as far as all the notes Babs is taking I can't imagine who she thinks would read them? I wonder if she remembers working with Whoopi Goldberg for six years? The moderator that slept through most of the show and always gives the impression she just rolled out of bed moments before squinting at the teleprompter. The idea of Whoopi reading any notes from anyone is laughable.

Post apocalyptic cockroach FTW! :)

I remember reading somewhere last season, I wish I could remember where (maybe one of the Variety articles?), about Babs and her notes. They would politely accept them of course and then do a lot of eyerolling as they mostly just ignored her. Often these "notes" would come in the form of Babs calling the control room to speak to the EP or the director during the live broadcast. I can only imagine it wouldn't take long for the new guard to stop finding that kind of behavior cute. I also seem to recall that she didn't sell all of it. She retained a tiny percentage of show ownership as creator but sold her controlling interests back to ABC some time ago. However, I could easily be mistaken about that.

I find it entirely believable, given the mammoth size of her ego, that Babs would think that only she can swoop in and save the show from its death throes. Whether or not she actually said it is anybody's guess but it certainly sounds entirely consistent with her nature.

Edited by TribbleTrouble
  • Love 6

Wow, the DM is in full on one sided sleaze tabloid mode on this one. Take the allegations in the complaint, mix in a liberal amount of embellishment, fictional melodrama, and dubious "sources," season with snippets from other tabloid stories, stir and then bake in a preheated Internet until it bursts into flame.

  • Love 4

Lather, rinse, repeat.  Once again Rosie is at the forefront of a bitter dispute, this time including physical threats.  It happens over and over, both professionally and personally.  Sooner or later it has to be believed.  Let's see:  Trump, Hasselbeck, Whoopi, Walters, Geddie, Brookman, Selleck, Ripa, Kelli, Michelle, Chelsea, her former magazine, her former talk show, The View. etc., etc., etc.  Needless to say, I absolutely believe the DM article b/c it's once again about Rosie The Bully. 


Had this been an article about Whoopi Goldberg, people would be tripping all over themselves to vilify her.  But when it comes to St. Rosie, it's always the other person's/organization's/entity's fault.  Sorry, but her illnesses don't cleanse her of her bitchiness.  Obviously. YMMV.

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 3


Lather, rinse, repeat.  Once again Rosie is at the forefront of a bitter dispute, this time including physical threats.  It happens over and over, both professionally and personally.  Sooner or later it has to be believed.  Let's see:  Trump, Hasselbeck, Whoopi, Walters, Geddie, Brookman, Selleck, Ripa, Kelli, Michelle, Chelsea, her former magazine, her former talk show, The View. etc., etc., etc.  Needless to say, I absolutely believe the DM article b/c it's once again about Rosie The Bully. 


Had this been an article about Whoopi Goldberg, people would be tripping all over themselves to vilify her.  But when it comes to St. Rosie, it's always the other person's/organization's/entity's fault.  Sorry, but her illnesses don't cleanse her of her bitchiness.  Obviously. YMMV.

I totally agree. I've never understood all the Rosie adoration. Everyone else cannot always be wrong and Rosie always right. There's a pattern. When Rosie can't control everyone in her orbit, she blows up, quits and walks away. She's always the misunderstood victim.

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Well, let's see... There are some things in the article I believe, and there are many I don't. Do I believe Rosie O'Donnell insinuated this woman was leaking info. during a meeting, had a screaming match in a hallway, and that she appealed to ABC executives to get her fired? Yes. Do I believe that she had the woman isolated to a chair and screamed in her face, and that she had to be physically restrained from attacking her? No. Do I think she wasn't fond of anyone she deemed on "Team Whoopi," required that Bill Geddie was fired before she agreed to join the show, that she was pissed that Whoopi had a solo interview with Beverly Johnson, and was angry about Whoopi's stances on the Cosby scandal and Ferguson (like most people)? Yes. Do I think the people behind the scenes lived in fear of her and nicknamed her "the Beast"? No. Do I think she was "afraid" of Whoopi or agreed to come on the show as a regular co-host while wanting Whoopi's job? No.


Besides, the article lied about the ratings being down, because they went up during the premiere week. I don't believe the woman's e-mail was innocent if she was terminated for it, since Rosie O'Donnell was no longer even working for ABC to give them reason to fire her unfairly.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
  • Love 16

Could not agree more. I'll throw in how Rosie was blindsided by Getty and Elisabeth as well - split screen had never been done before on the show or since.

I also see how this producer is still out of work....

People erupt all the time both personally and professional. Not cool, but reality. Even many that don't have seen those that do in real life. Just as Whoopi did when she went on her own back stage recently.

Twice now, both times Rosie has been on, she has been blindsided and shut down. Whoopi was vile to her.

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The article is clearly generated by the producer and/or her lawyer.  All photographs were clearly provided by them to show producer in a completely positive light…happy with her children, close to everyone at The View, assorted superstar actors/directors etc.  Not completely defending Rosie, but this article is a legal maneuver. 

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I thought the pic in the DM article that included Diane Sawyer's deceased husband was in poor taste. If that producer was one of the few left from the original View crew maybe the network was waiting until they had a valid reason for firing her because they knew she'd file a lawsuit. I don't doubt that Rosie could have been difficult this time around too but with the way things would go when the show was on air I can only imagine what it was like behind the scenes. Rosie O was long gone when the incident happened where Rosie P had to apologize to Kelly Osborne and we've had articles since both Rosies vacated that have indicated drama is still going on.

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I thought the pic in the DM article that included Diane Sawyer's deceased husband was in poor taste.

Just about everything this rag prints is in poor taste. 


Gee, this Brookman person sounds like a real charmer.  I can't imagine why some other show didn't just snap her right up when she left this show.  After 14 years on the same job she couldn't get one ABC recommendation or someone in all those smiling pics to make a call on her behalf?  That says more to me than anything. 

  • Love 8

Btw, while there's no doubt that I am biased in her favor, even if I thought O'Donnell had been a violent, controlling, psycho bully to everyone behind-the-scenes, that wouldn't mean I'd think better of Whoopi Goldberg. Whoopi being an arrogant, domineering, victim-shaming diva was present on-air for everyone to see, and that behavior is still continuing. It's not really as much of an either/or situation as it's made out to be.

  • Love 8

Btw, while there's no doubt that I am biased in her favor, even if I thought O'Donnell had been a violent, controlling, psycho bully to everyone behind-the-scenes, that wouldn't mean I'd think better of Whoopi Goldberg. Whoopi being an arrogant, domineering, victim-shaming diva was present on-air for everyone to see, and that behavior is still continuing. It's not really as much of an either/or situation as it's made out to be.

If Rosie did indeed have a relentlessly violent, controlling, bullying pattern of behaviour, make no mistake, someone would have recorded it.   It would almost be expected for someone to whip out their iPhone and hit record.  Voila, instant evidence and bargaining chip…...


Again, the article screams of self-serving lawyer BS.  That's what they do when there is nothing solid.

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If anyone doubts that the producer's story *could* have happened, a Google search of the allegations made about Rosie at her former magazine should be interesting reading. She is capable of a lot of anger and cruelty.

Which is not to say that they did happen. Just that they're in the realm of possibility. Rosie isn't all koosh balls and ring-dings.

I would never have the wherewithal to record an office altercation on a phone. I would be too shocked and scared, and when my rational thought returned I would be concerned about pissing off the boss who I was recording. Plus I don't carry my phone everywhere.

The thing is, we will probably never know. If Rosie doesn't succeed throwing this out on legal reasons, it will quietly settle. She doesn't want to risk having statements on the record about her in light of her custody issues.

  • Love 3

If anyone doubts that the producer's story *could* have happened, a Google search of the allegations made about Rosie at her former magazine should be interesting reading. She is capable of a lot of anger and cruelty.

Which is not to say that they did happen. Just that they're in the realm of possibility. Rosie isn't all koosh balls and ring-dings.

I would never have the wherewithal to record an office altercation on a phone. I would be too shocked and scared, and when my rational thought returned I would be concerned about pissing off the boss who I was recording. Plus I don't carry my phone everywhere.

The thing is, we will probably never know. If Rosie doesn't succeed throwing this out on legal reasons, it will quietly settle. She doesn't want to risk having statements on the record about her in light of her custody issues.

I would never be able to do such a thing either.  I think it's 1000 times more likely in show business, whether it's on-location shooting a film or in-studio shooting episodic television.  Those people are never without their phones and shady co-workers recording tantrums, or exploding tempers, happens a lot.  Remember years ago when director David O. Russell lost his mind and started tearing Lilly Tomlin to shreds (verbally) ?  He went crazy on George Clooney on set of Three Kings and it got ugly.  He has a reputation for being abusive, so crew members started recording him.  

  • Love 1

Finally, the mainstream media is echoing things I we've been posting about for years.   This was in The Washington :Post this morning.  


What Happened to Whoopi Goldberg?


Some excerpts: 


If there’s anything that’s emblematic of Goldberg’s tattered credibility, it’s the reaction to her recent statements on Viola Davis’s Emmy acceptance speech — in particular a line in which Davis said, “the only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity.”...


...It would appear that Goldberg has torched her reputation to the point that when she says something that could be construed as controversial, it simply gets rounded up to Yet Another Crazy Thing that sprung from the mouth of Whoopi Goldberg. Indeed, that characterized the resulting media fracas surrounding the Davis statement.


  • Love 7

So what do you think about this?




Might work but only if Whoopi's out of there. . . also Raven and Michelle. Still could use a millennial.

I don't understand why this would draw people to the show. People are interested in this person? Not me.

  • Love 4

So what do you think about this?




Might work but only if Whoopi's out of there. . . also Raven and Michelle. Still could use a millennial. 

No.  Just.  No.


Whoopi is the weakest link.  Getting rid of her will change everything for the better, even with a dumb dumb like Raven still there….

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So what do you think about this?




Might work but only if Whoopi's out of there. . . also Raven and Michelle. Still could use a millennial. 

Goop!!!   This show is dreaming.   Chelsea Clinton???   Laura Bush?  Hahahahaha    Besides Paltrow lives in California and I think her website/company probably makes far more than a million bucks a year. 


And I don't care how big of a "name" they get, one person* cannot fix this show.   You guys all know how highly I think of RO and her talk show hosting skills (12+ Daytime Emmys)  and even she couldn't save this mess.   I think last season was the best shot they had - producer and co-host wise and look what happened. 


*except maybe Whoopi if she left. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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