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The show's credibility is so shot that even TMZ's lowbrow readers think it's garbage now! You'd figure the dumbing down of the show would appeal there, but I guess it's gone too far..



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This Daily Beast post echoes the sentiments of some of the other articles. Quit dumbing it down or just put it out of its (and our) misery altogether. This show was at its best when it was paneled with smart, articulate women who actually read a real newspaper on occasion and had a real understanding of what was going on in the world beyond the tabloids. Meredith and Lisa were serious journalists at different stages of their lives and careers. Star, an attorney who's diva antics were a severe irritant, but who was smart and articulate on matters of substance. And Joy, a teacher turned comic who, despite her often very stale jokes, was whip smart and could easily hold her own with the others. They were able to hold intelligent, thoughtful, factual discussions about serious topics without constantly descending into screech fests of crosstalk and partisan talking points, while also bringing the silly and fun. The show started it's sad slow decline as soon as that balance started to tip from smart real women to D list comic caricatures, reality show rejects, and playmates. Go back to occasionally trying to raise the bar instead of consistently playing to the lowest common denominator and *maybe* the show can be saved. Otherwise, it's time to turn off the ventilator and let it go.


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I thought Brooke Shields was coming in after BW retired?

I'd love Rosie back (and what an F you to Elisabeth), but how could she not moderate? And I'd love Joy back. I saw that they are looking for a Latina.

It's interesting - I bet the resumes are flying in like crazy! But ABC is derailing right now by cleaning house of powerful women. Diane Sawyer and Katie were booted. It would figure they'd add men and screw up the whole concept. They have such a perfect cast on The Chew, they need to really be careful and try to get that magic.

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I'm also wondering what the effect that Meridith Vierra's new show will have on the decisions that ABC makes for The View. I can very well imagine myself switching to a show that Meredith hosts instead of this one. I've actually switched to watching Kathy Lee and Hoda who are on in my viewing area at the same time as the View. I was just getting so sick of the ignorance and cross talk and blah blah blah on the View. The straw that broke the camel's back for me (and I wrote about it on TWOP) was the debacle of the cooking segment with her and Clinton and Mario. She was just over the top disgusting and by the time Clinton served the finished dish, after her picking raw onions, carrots, and half cooked sausage out of the skillet and plowing them into her mouth with her hands - and then admonishing Mario for pouring in too much chicken broth... I believed he said she was behaving like a schizophrenic with music playing in her head... Anyway, when he brought out the finished dish she started scooping up food right from the pan over and over with the same spoon.


That did it for me. And I started switching around and actually found Kathy Lee and Hoda a very relaxing hour in comparison to the mess on ABC. So when Meredith comes on with her show I'm hoping they run it in my area at the same time as The View. Because no matter who is on the panel, Meredith wins by a mile even before her first show airs. And I'm betting ABC is trying to figure out how to make this cash cow of a show appealing to advertisers who may very well transfer their dollars to another better show.

Edited by maryis1
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If The View must continue [/shudder the thought], here's my dream team pick for The View:


1.  Judge Judy (moderator maybe?). Judge Judy doesn't play. She's smart and quick witted. I know her current show displays a more exaggerated version of herself; but I think Judy would bring a lot to the table.


2.  If they hire a man or two, it should be Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson and Jeff Goldblum. Dr. Tyson is serious about creating scientifically literate people! The world benefits tremendously from that. He is also funny.


Jeff Goldblum is highly intelligent and delightfully quirky and funny.


3.  I can't think of anyone else right now.


Bottom line, I would like to see intelligence, wisdom, and quirk reflected on the show. There would be serious discussions about topics that actually matter!


I know NONE of these people would work for the show; I'm just dreaming.


Who is everyone else's dream team pick?

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Who is everyone else's dream team pick?

@Jiggle Billy there is a whole thread devoted to this here. 


The show's credibility is so shot that even TMZ's lowbrow readers think it's garbage now! You'd figure the dumbing down of the show would appeal there, but I guess it's gone too far..


I love this @Kromm! The Spew  seems to pay very close attention to TMZ - it's like their #1 source of information so there is way TPTB did not see this.  I'll bet this was what made them finally decide to clean house - even if they won't admit it. 

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Shame on CNN, for running a story (today too) that didn't challenge Jenny's claim that she's leaving in solidarity with Sherri.



I think CNN, like many (most) news media just repeat what they see on social media and press releases without bothering to investigate or even fact check.   Then someone else will pick it up (Hey - CNN is reporting blah blah blah) and it's off like wildfire.  Look how many online gossip/entertainment sites just repeated Sherry and Jenny's tweets on Friday.  


ETA: Oops, I just read the rest of the story on that page and it sounds like CNN did talk to someone in Sherri's camp or "sources" close to Sherri who are saying she's been ready to leave for a few months.  I think that's probably true considering how she's been acting on the show.  She knew her contract was up, and this was probably going to happen.      As far as Jenny goes, I wonder if anyone really even cares.  She did about a dozen episodes of The Jenny McCarthy Show on VH1 last year before joining The View.   Now she can go back out on the anti-vaccine activist trail.  I hear measles is making a real comeback. 

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I saw a tweet from Fox that says a "source" is saying Rosie will be returning to add some "controversy" I click on the link and was shot back a few years ago reading about her and the nasty little comments that are made about her ad nauseam. The moral majority my ass. At least find some new material. Jeez. 

Edited by Boots
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I just mentioned in the "All Episodes" thread that I'm not so sure that Whoopi, or the show, will be back. I read something like this in two or three articles:




For the current sole survivor, meanwhile, "they are figuring out what to do with Whoopi . . . It is still being decided,” says the insider. Over the past several months, ABC has been "auditioning loads of people," the source says, including recent guest hosts Bill Rancic, Fashion Queens star Bevy Smith, E!'s Ross Matthews and Mario Cantone, among others.

The mood among staffers behind-the-scenes is understandably tense. "Everybody is counting on one more season," says the source.


I think there might be a behind the scenes power struggle between ABC and Babs and Geddie. We'll see if The View survives or not. Maybe ABC wants to kill the show and start with something new and Babs and Geddie are battling with ABC for a buyout? 


Also, I find it hard to believe that they would have Sherri and Jenny come back for a few weeks of shows after they've been fired. That just isn't the way this show does things. 


Plus, every single article that I've read and every TV show that discussed the shake up only give this as ABC's statement on the matter:


"The View will be moving in an exciting new direction next season and ABC has made decisions to evolve the show creatively," ABC said in the statement.


If anyone is able to find any more to that statement, or any other statement by ABC, please post it. That statement is very terse and when you think about it, downright rude to Sherri and Jenny. Where is the typical sentence or two thanking them for the contribution to  the show, especially Sherri after several years, and wishing them well in their future endeavors?


For ABC to release such a short, cold statement that does not even mention Sherri and Jenny by name seems a bit nasty to me and makes it appear that things did not end on a good note. I just can't see the show having them back on the air for a few weeks. It makes no sense. 

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Apparently Sherri requested Monday off a while ago so it should be Jenny, Whoopi, guest hosts and the ABC firing squad.  (I'm only kidding about the last part, but it wouldn't surprise me if someone from the network is there that day.) 

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ET  Wed.  evening floated the possibility of Monica Lewinsky being considered --complete with old Babs tape-- and I don't think even they took that seriously. They also dropped Rosie's name again.


I do think Rosie is a serious candidate but ET mentioned a potential conflict with Whoopi and I sort of agree it wouldn't work.

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I think Whoopi will stay although buying out her contract would be very nice for her and usually perfect for "only there for a paycheck" kind of way.


But NOW Whoopi seems much more powerful and may have more clout. I could not have put up with the fluff, gossip, ignorance and general tone of this season in particular. Definitely would have said have at it BW to moderate on Fridays during THE YEAR OF BARBARA.


Dumb and Dumber cannot/could not pull in guests, especially A listers. Whoopi can. Geddie can't either. Plus ABC has GMA, Kelly and Michael and even The Chew that can - and in a much more dignified experience for the guests.

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‘The View’ wants Mario Cantone to join the cast


We hear ABC has extended an offer to Mario Cantone to join the cast — the first time a man has been offered a full-time seat on the show.


Meanwhile, ABC seems determined to do whatever it takes to get Rosie O’Donnell back on the program.


“They’ve made a pretty firm offer to get Rosie back. Obviously, there’s some concern of having Whoopi Goldberg and Rosie on the same show, but comedians are much less afraid to say what’s on their minds than actors,” said one insider.


But sources say there’s also talk of adding a rotating cast of Broadway stars, such as Idina Menzel or Bernadette Peters, to bring more performances to the show.


An ABC rep sniffed, “Any specific names at this point are rumor and speculation. No decision has been made, and we are not to ready to make any announcements.”


Meanwhile, executive producer Bill Geddie appears to still be onboard.


Although we’d heard he might be on his way out, sources told us in April that ABC had signed him to a new contract to keep him “for the foreseeable future.”


The rep insisted Geddie will continue as EP.


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Can somebody tell me why Whoopi plus Rosie wouldn't work?  All I know of them together is how well they did when Whoopi would be a guest on Rosie's show back in the day.  Did something happen?

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If they're going to go with a man (and I would prefer they don't), I would rather have Ross Matthews than Mario.  Mario is a little to "on" for me.  It's too frantic when he is there.  I don't think Rosie would return with Geddie still there. And a rotating cast of Broadway stars?  I don't know about that.  I just want four smart women to sit at the table and talk intelligently about issues of the day and not cross-talk each other, and not try to deliberately one-up each other with stale jokes. I know these are just rumors at this point, but what a mess.

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I agree Fannysue - as in a co-host.


I think the panel and guest co-hosts should be women - as in the original premise of the show.


Have them as occasional guests if necessary.


With a guy it is no longer a  "for and about women"  kind of show for me - with guests and entertainment.

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I agree Fannysue - as in a co-host.


I think the panel and guest co-hosts should be women - as in the original premise of the show.


Have them as occasional guests if necessary.


With a guy it is no longer a  "for and about women"  kind of show for me - with guests and entertainment.

The View stopped being a show for and about women for a long time..... in fact a lot of the topics they discuss are anti woman

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The View stopped being a show for and about women for a long time..... in fact a lot of the topics they discuss are anti woman



That's because Bill Geddie is anti-woman...unless one is blonde, petite, giggly, and flirty.  Doesn't Bill live on the east coast and his wife lives on the west?

Ross Matthews.   Here is a study in improvement.  The guy's personality has developed and really toned down since he first came on the scene.  He, like Sherri, seemed to be willing to do anything...ANYTHING...to slip into showbiz.  He has lost weight, dresses better...and (I assume) is listening to some good advisers.  I find him him kind and entertaining...and that's NOT what I thought the first many times I saw him on TV.   He could appear on The View occasionally and I'd be happy enough.

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I'd never heard of Mario Cantone before Joy's comedy corner, and I wouldn't mind if I still hadn't heard of him.


Rosie would have to be really, really desperate to go back if sicko Geddie is still there.  So, so icky.  I'm beginning to see myself not watching anymore even though I like Whoopi.

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Rosie, had a talk show on OWN, that Oprah, cancel.The viewers didn't care for her.


Yes, and didn't they already make that same mistake with Jenny? Her show was cancelled for low ratings yet The View hired her. Rosie's show didn't do well, yet she's being considered. They're also considering adding Ross to the show, but his show is supposed to be cancelled now too.


What genius thinks hiring co-hosts whose shows were cancelled is going to result in bringing viewers and higher ratings to this show?

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I think Jenny's show ended because she got the View as it did get a second season, though the ratings were anemic. Which does remind me of something: long ago I remember reading Jenny did do a pilot (maybe even 2) for a daytime talker but it never went anywhere. Why? It was rumoured that the test audience couldn't relate to her at all. Hell, she even had a development deal with Oprah at one point and that fell through. Maybe Oprah found out that her appeal was very limited at best?

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The anti-vax cult is wide, but not that powerful. ;)


They'd rather be "commenting" on gazillions of articles on the interwebz linking to pseudo-science to prove their point, instead of you know, taking care of their children in the here and now.

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Ugh to both Mario Cantone and Ross Matthews!

A lot of how this is unfolding almost seems like Trial Ballooning.  It's like they keep leaking rumors to see how the press and the Internet react.

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What genius thinks hiring co-hosts whose shows were cancelled is going to result in bringing viewers and higher ratings to this show?

Maybe the same executive producer whose only TV project outside of Babs failed miserably: Iyanla.  Thanks to Oprah, Iyanla was a red hot commodity in the late 90s.  Bill Geddie recruited her for a talk show and then proceeded to destroy it and to hear her tell it, her career.   She even talks about  talks about what a pig Sweaty Geddie was in her book.  [- I was looking for dates and found  an excerpt here]


And this is an article from the LA Times.  Babs has some interesting things to say about producing a talk show.  Too bad she lost sight of those ideas over the years and let Geddie ride this show into the gutter.  (At least that's how I see it.)   Emphasis added by me. 


Iyanla,' the Reluctant Talk Show Host and Other Daily Features

September 16, 2001|ELIZABETH JENSEN | Times Staff Writer

NEW YORK — Iyanla Vanzant has been a frequent and popular guest on "Oprah," but that didn't mean she had any interest in having her own show. In fact, executive producers Barbara Walters and Bill Geddie, of ABC's "The View," had to talk the busy self-help author into taking the plunge with "Iyanla."

Ultimately, Vanzant said, "I just made a choice that it was something I wanted to do and I could do it. It wasn't something I had to be afraid of."


Walters--who anchors "20/20," in addition to her duties on "The View"--said she had no desire to do another show either, but was taken by the host, who moved on from a troubled childhood and early years on welfare to become a lawyer and sought-after speaker. Vanzant was persuaded by Walters and Geddie that "this would be a program about normal people, that it would be done with humor, with a variety of subjects, so she wouldn't lose her integrity," Walters said. "We're not going to do a screamer show."


Topics such as women and money, aging and how to get a bargain might make it harder, however, to attract an audience in this already crowded field. But Walters insists that the most important thing for talk show success is "the personality of the person. People think you could do 'The View' with any four women, and you can't." Vanzant, Walters said, "brings herself into it; she's funny, she dances around, she has great warmth and she has the wisdom." Vanzant herself doesn't want to talk about the odds of success. "If it works, it works," she said. "My goal is to further the work, to support people and find ways to make this a kinder, gentler world. If we only do that for one week, why call that a failure?"


"Iyanla" airs weekdays at 10 a.m. on KNBC.



If you ask me, there isn't any point in pretending this show is going in yet another "new" direction if they are keeping the same guy who came up with the last new direction. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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I've seen her name on TV and in print, but have never seen Iyanla's show or know much about her but the book excerpts Cosmocrush mentioned above about her dealings and impression of bill g. is fascinating. He really is unlikeable and seems to enjoy throwing his weight around.

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" Vanzant, Walters said, "brings herself into it; she's funny, she dances around, she has great warmth and she has the wisdom."

Funny and dances are the first two words to describe her??? ugh

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I've seen her name on TV and in print, but have never seen Iyanla's show or know much about her but the book excerpts Cosmocrush mentioned above about her dealings and impression of bill g. is fascinating. He really is unlikeable and seems to enjoy throwing his weight around.


I don't know much about Iyanla either, just that I vaguely remember that she was on Oprah and then briefly had her own show. I've never seen her on either show and I had no idea Babs and Geddie produced her short-lived show. 


That entire chapter, (Chapter 10), beginning at Page 149 is very interesting. Geddie is mentioned throughout the chapter and at the end of the chapter she describes a telephone conversation with Babs after the show was cancelled.


Thanks for linking it, @Cosmocrush .



ETA:  I forgot to mention that there's a good part on Page 153 where she discusses what Geddie's view of the daytime audience was. I highly recommend reading that entire chapter, though.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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Rosie's show didn't do well, yet she's being considered.

I don't really hold that against her. That particular show probably just wasn't the right format for her. Add to the fact that it was on OWN in the very early stages of that network where it seemed like nothing was working on that channel. It's not as if Rosie hasn't had a hit talk show in the past that ran for many years. And it's not like she did poorly as host the first time she was on The View either. Hell, people still talk about her and Elizabeth. If Elizabeth were still there I bet that first episode back would be a ratings draw. The only problem I see with bringing back Rosie now is that Bill is still there. I don't see them putting aside their differences for very long even without his favorite pet, Elizabeth gone. If she does come back I predict she will only last a season just like Jenny. Does she even want to come back? 


I wouldn't mind Iyanla coming on either. She currently has a hit show on OWN and a big personality on it so I can see why they would be interested in her. I do worry how she would jell being apart of a panel though. Iyanla is kind of a one-woman show.

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Oh, hell naw!
Sarah Palin ready to 'go rogue' on 'The View'

USA Today


“It’d be so much fun to shake it up taking on issues that make audiences objectively consider all sides, and I’d do it with my own real-life groundedness, candor and commonsense that I’m known for. Media needs that today, versus the condescension that oozes from TV and radio.”


“I hear everyone recently got canned from The View, maybe a show like that needs a punch of reality and a voice of reason from America’s heartland to knock some humble sense into their scripts. You know, someone willing to go rogue.”





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Really? Palin thinks she is known for her "real-life groundedness, candor and commonsense"? I thought she was known for just the opposite! But it makes sense that an attention seeking, uneducated loon, who promptly bailed on her elected job when she realized she could make more money doing other things rather than sticking out those last few months, would be interested in working at The View. It is a high paying, low hour job that provides a platform for whatever you want to promote (wacky views, books, wigs, appearances, etc )

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Oh, hell naw!


Sarah Palin ready to 'go rogue' on 'The View'

USA Today




Ain't gonna happen.  As much as "The View" is supposed to support different points of View, I think basic sanity is a requirement.

Edited by Kromm
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