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The View in the Media


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If a corporate officer actively markets a product that they know is dangerous, we'd be screaming for their heads.

And this wasn't an issue of a close call. In early foreign policy briefings, Palin didn't know there was a North and a South Korea and she thought Africa was one country. This was the person who would be the clichéd heartbeat away.

The only thing I will say is that Wallace wasn't the only one who knew this. McCain and all his advisors knew it as well. In a way, Wallace may be the most honest because she at least admitted Palin's frightening incompetence. I don't think the others have even gone that far. But that's damning her with faint praise.

That said, I didn't mind her on The View because she was a rational, respectful presence in stark contrast to the shrill, uninformed and mean-spirited invective of Hasselbeck.

  • Love 5

I'm glad she is going.  I never felt she deserved the position in the first place (sadly like a lot who have been paid to sit there).  And, just me, I've never taken the "less is more" when it comes to what I see as ineptitude.  Or agenda driven misinformation (aka lies).  I'm not saying that from a position of superiority at all.  I'm not a nice person.  Doesn't mean that I am a nasty one.  I just don't fall on the side of thinking the better of someone.  So it is more of a flaw I guess.


Also I think Wallace actually gets it a bit easy when it comes to being blamed for Palin.  Palin was a horrific choice.  But there were a lot of other things deeply wrong with how McCain as a candidate acted in regards to Iraq, the financial crises and how Presidential campaigns are run in regards to the nation having to freaking vote in less than a month.  All of those things Wallace had a voice in and a voice that until they lost, she was known to have bragged about.  Was proud of.  So even if she had vetted someone qualified for VP, she had a lot of other marks against her as a rational thinking pundit whose voice deserved to be heard and paid for on matters she had no problem cheery picking and misrepresenting here.


I'm not picking on you Mumbles or anyone else who saw her as the lesser of two evils.  Or three.  I just wish I could have something in life that didn't seem like Sophie's Choice and my two kids are Hitler and Stalin (but I don't want either!!!).  I'm selfish that way.

  • Love 5

Also I think Wallace actually gets it a bit easy when it comes to being blamed for Palin.  Palin was a horrific choice.  But there were a lot of other things deeply wrong with how McCain as a candidate acted in regards to Iraq, the financial crises and how Presidential campaigns are run in regards to the nation having to freaking vote in less than a month.  All of those things Wallace had a voice 


Wallace was the Communications Director, no?  Palin was the princess of Bill Kristol and his ilk.  When McCain couldn't choose Lieberman he was desperate because it was the last minute.  I don't think "vetting a potential VP" falls under the purview of a communications director.  Perhaps she suggested the "pause" during the financial meltdown which was incredibly dumb, but I wouldn't hang the choosing of Palin around her neck, nor the tragic lack of vetting.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 4

Well and while Bure doesn't seem shrill - her belief system allows for no compromise and she's a bigot.  It does get a lot worse than Wallace.


I can't decide if the lack of authoritative gravitas that Wallace falsely brought to the table (they treated her as a political and diplomatic expert here) makes Bure less dangerous.  Hasselbeck was as shrill as a rabid squirrel caught at the lip of a running wood chipper.  Yet she was able for years to fall back on the poor injured little girl when anyone tried to call her out on her lies and false outrages.  Bure seems more deft at playing how she is just simply telling it from the heart.  Which I think is so nasty at the core because it adopts the notion that it is okay for her to use her "faith" to condemn someone and their ideas as "sinful" for which there is no reply.  That is what is at the core of her arguments.  She can impose her morality on you but you can't do likewise.  Because no matter what you are already wrong.


Hasselbeck I always saw as going conservative, not only because of the family she married into, but, perhaps more, she saw it as the winning side.  Truly, watching her when she first came on the show she took the approach that because Bush had won his elections, he was automatically right. And so that made her right no matter what.  Latter she fell into talking point mode.  But originally you could see that she didn't even have a script to fall back on ('but Clinton...but Obama,,,")  It was simply the Right is Right because they won.  Amurica.


That's what the leaks indicated.


I wonder how much it was Wallace was stuck trying to be the Conservative mouthpiece at the same time she saw Whoopi exercise her selfish controlling behavior and had no idea how to juggle both perfectly.  At some point no matter how much Whoopi nodded her head and muttered "right, right" Wallace had no idea when Whoopi might decide Wallace was wrong (even if the sky was still blue that day) and make her life hell.  Dang I almost sound like I feel sorry for Wallace having to work with the Whoopi Monster.


Supposedly Wallace and Steve Schmidt ran Palin through the two (or was it three) very minor runs before putting her up to McCain -- it does seem both had doubts but depending on the post loss revisions of history how much or how much said is unknown. 


Going by what Rachel Maddow reported as being overheard by many at one meeting, it seems McCain was under the delusion that there was a large enough block of progressive voters that were angry Hillary did not win the nomination.  And a female VP candiate on the Republican side would sow more discord and at the least cause many to stay at home.  At the time people like Chuck Todd who was cribbing off of Maddow, Wolfe and Nate silver still were giving much greater poll numbers to McCain than the election proved.  Wallace was on Fox News in early September and crowed about helping pick the first Woman VP and how they destroyed Obama already and any momentum the Democratic Convention would bring him with Palin on board.  I think she can be blamed for it.


the fact she ran as fast as she could to Rachel Maddow, the only media open to her post election 2008 is telling.  Her sour grapes approach to trying her hand at fiction another. 

Edited by heebiejeebie
  • Love 11

What would  have happened if McCain  had won and Sarah Palin had been VP?  Would Nicolle have spoken out then an said I don't think she is qualified?  I don't actively dislike Nicolle but I think she saw public opinion was against Sarah Palin and thought it was safe to criticize her.  I'm not going to give her points for that.  She is shrewd and will not doubt land her on feet.

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Hasselbeck was as shrill as a rabid squirrel caught at the lip of a running wood chipper.  Yet she was able for years to fall back on the poor injured little girl when anyone tried to call her out on her lies and false outrages.




Oh yeah, she was always the victim.  Poor little Elisabeth getting picked on by the big bad liberals. 


Bure seems more deft at playing how she is just simply telling it from the heart.  Which I think is so nasty at the core because it adopts the notion that it is okay for her to use her "faith" to condemn someone and their ideas as "sinful" for which there is no reply.  That is what is at the core of her arguments.  She can impose her morality on you but you can't do likewise.  Because no matter what you are already wrong.




When anyone tried to have a rational debate with Elisabeth she would instantly get defensive and ask if this was a pop quiz or she would do the "what about Obama" game.  Candace Bure will debate you but it will always be about "her" right to believe what she believes.  Which yes she does have a right to believe what she believes but it's her refusal to acknowledge that someone's differing belief has just as much right to be heard as well. 


Hasselbeck I always saw as going conservative, not only because of the family she married into, but, perhaps more, she saw it as the winning side.  Truly, watching her when she first came on the show she took the approach that because Bush had won his elections, he was automatically right. And so that made her right no matter what.  Latter she fell into talking point mode.  But originally you could see that she didn't even have a script to fall back on ('but Clinton...but Obama,,,")  It was simply the Right is Right because they won.  Amurica




Elisabeth simply believes what she is told to believe.  Candace believes what she thinks is true. 

  • Love 8

It did seem as if Nicolle was determined to make this work for a cushy job during her mom years, ie, the Whoopi worship. Plus, it protected her interests not to get the same negative publicity Rosie O received for countering Whoopi, in the case of future job opportunities.


Even so, I'm not worried about her getting fired because surely she made more money working for the White House for 8+ years and the McCain/Palin campaign than most people'll ever see, not to mention the million or so she made this year on The View. And she'll no doubt have appearances on the same political shows she's always had. I wish this year had worked out differently; paired with Rosie O, Joy, or some other miraculous find that could fill their role, I'd have liked Nicolle to stay on. She should be lucky she'll be out before she has to share the table with Sherri Shepherd...
  • Love 11

It did seem as if Nicolle was determined to make this work for a cushy job during her mom years, ie, the Whoopi worship. Plus, it protected her interests not to get the same negative publicity Rosie O received for countering Whoopi, in the case of future job opportunities.




Even so, I'm not worried about her getting fired because surely she made more money working for the White House for 8+ years and the McCain/Palin campaign than most people'll ever see, not to mention the million or so she made this year on The View. And she'll no doubt have appearances on the same political shows she's always had. I wish this year had worked out differently; paired with Rosie O, Joy, or some other miraculous find that could fill their role, I'd have liked Nicolle to stay on. She should be lucky she'll be out before she has to share the table with Sherri Shepherd...




I think the fact that she still kept her ties to Morning Joe and made no bones about where she fell on the punditry side of things indicated she wasn't going to make the View her permanent home.  But it is odd that she was let go and not kept another year with the campaign season on us, coming up, going on forever.  I do think she wants a career back in politics.  She and Schmidt were persona non grata for some time.  Both for awhile, even as other failed Republicans were getting handed shows on Fox could only get appearances as the token Republican (along with Megan McCain whose desperation had her one minute claiming fiscal responsibility was the reason she was a Republican and then could not list one policy she felt underscored those beliefs) on shows that were anathema to the Conservative movement.


I do think she's fine financially.  And will be.  MSNBC is still being muttered about as leaning more right as Comcast tightens its owenership grips. 


But how she leaves in regards to the media will be interesting.  If she stays on Morning Joe or appears there even more regularly, The View might find itself getting a bit of the Eighteen Acres treatment.  Wallace does not take failures she has any part in very well going by recent history.  Maybe not right away.  But Wallace is not a woman scorned to go quietly into the night when all is said and done it seems. 


Where I think it will hit her more than money is she loses a good pulpit to show future bosses political and media, what a good talking point deliverer she can be in an election cycle.  Something the View might have decided they did not want after all going by their own recent history.

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I think the fact that she still kept her ties to Morning Joe and made no bones about where she fell on the punditry side of things indicated she wasn't going to make the View her permanent home.  But it is odd that she was let go and not kept another year with the campaign season on us, coming up, going on forever.

I think tptb want someone more like Bitsy. Someone who defends anyone on Team GOP no matter what. As a Republican, Nicolle would disagree with some Repubs and agree with some Dems. They don't want someone who can think, just someone that is stridently conservative no matter what. That's how you get sparks!

  • Love 6

I think tptb want someone more like Bitsy. Someone who defends anyone on Team GOP no matter what. As a Republican, Nicolle would disagree with some Repubs and agree with some Dems. They don't want someone who can think, just someone that is stridently conservative no matter what. That's how you get sparks!




Unless their new Republican hire has a left leaning sparring partner there won't be sparks.  It will simply be someone spouting off the same GOP rhetoric that Fox News puts out.  I think that is why ABC cut Elisabeth and Joy. They thought one wouldn't work without the other.  Which of course they clearly forgot Joy had been there for many years before EH and did just fine.  So unless they have a rotating roster of co-hosts of liberals (or even moderates) who can debate Candace or whoever is the going to be the new GOP Barbie it's going to be yet one more disastrous year at the View.

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I'm one of them..sort of.  What I object to is the cutsie story about how she didn't vote for McCain/Palin while all the time she was working overtime to get US to vote for them.  She worked hard to hide Palin's ignorance from us and the fact that she was unsuccessful and stymied at every turn by Palin's shining incompetence then gives a big "whew" isn't cute to me.   Well I tried to fool ya'll but that crazy woman just wouldn't cooperate...tee hee....that bitch is craaaazieeeee amirite?  


(audience obediently claps)

Yes, the problem I have with her is that she didn't come clean until afte the election. She knew Palin was a dangerous, ignorant, nut job and didn't mention it until it was too late.

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I would think it is about finger pointing (which Whoopi sure likes to do)

  • Love 3

I remain completely befuddled by the decisions that TPTB make regarding this show.


The Whoopster is getting pummeled by the 'entertainment' press and they (TPTB) leave her as the one standing.  It really beggars the imagination as well as common sense, and frankly the 'bottom line' guys must be shitting acorns!


Even in terms of her so called 'lucrative' contract - - -it makes no sense.  Their early am show is very popular, Kelly and Michael is very popular.....why would they stick with this loser of a show?


It would be interesting to compare the entire am ratings between ABC and NBC....NBC has a variety of programing until noon while ABC kinda' drops the ball.  My main question is, in the head to head against the View, does NBC win the hour?


Who wins the overall am...assuming the am ends at noon?

  • Love 4

I remain completely befuddled by the decisions that TPTB make regarding this show.


The Whoopster is getting pummeled by the 'entertainment' press and they (TPTB) leave her as the one standing.  It really beggars the imagination as well as common sense, and frankly the 'bottom line' guys must be shitting acorns!


Even in terms of her so called 'lucrative' contract - - -it makes no sense.  Their early am show is very popular, Kelly and Michael is very popular.....why would they stick with this loser of a show?


It would be interesting to compare the entire am ratings between ABC and NBC....NBC has a variety of programing until noon while ABC kinda' drops the ball.  My main question is, in the head to head against the View, does NBC win the hour?


Who wins the overall am...assuming the am ends at noon?

Excellent question!!!  I'd also like to know how this shit show stays on the air & why they're so beholden to the Goddess of Gauche, The Whoopster!!!

  • Love 6

I would think it is about finger pointing (which Whoopi sure likes to do)


Here I thought it was about a certain someone at The View always pointing their finger at the camera. I had no idea about Jimmy Fallon. LOL At least I got a laugh out of it.


You both could certainly be right.  I just remember all the problems Rosie had with her injury (for a while she was permanently "giving the finger") so that was my first thought when someone mentioned fingers to her.

Edited by buffynut

This is a nice summary of what so many on these threads have been saying.


A show about a panel of men would never be covered as a decades-long catfight, it’s true, but the producers behind The View have done their (many, many) cast members through the years an ongoing disservice by putting them in the position of hosting a show whose reason for existing keeps changing. The View has tried to be a political debate series, a celebrity gossip rundown, and now a platform for Raven-Symoné to make Twitter mad. Given that the “Hot Topics” format has been put into place by shows far more certain of what they are and far less plagued by indecision and drama, maybe it’s time for ABC to take some time to innovate a new sort of broadcast, rather than hiring new talent in hopes that something, anything, will end up working.  [Emphasis added]


I disagree with the title however, the time for this show to end gracefully has long since passed.   Interesting that this article, like the producers, seem to miss the one component of this craptastic mess that never changes - even as the show continues it's lengthy circling of the drain:  Whoopi Goldberg. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 10

From what I can recall Paula seemed nice but bland. Very forgettable. Is this supposed to be synergy? If so she's just going to toe the ABC News line and that is not what this show needs.


Candace vs Raven will be interesting until its not anymore because Raven already has shown signs of annoyance and even turning her back against someone she doesn't agree with--and Candace seems like a broken record. 


The only promising note from that article is they are considering live shows on Friday--but honestly unless they are going to start focusing on topical Hot Topics again it won't make much of a difference. Also maybe Whoopi will throw a fit since she'll have to work five days a week now and will not show up Fridays.

  • Love 3

Someone made an interesting comment about CCB. They said that she was a poor choice for a show like this because with her, her position on almost any subject can be predicted before she ever says a word. Predictable = uninteresting, no matter how many phony sparks she and Raven try to ignite with each other. I think there's something to that. That was one of Elisabeth's problems as well. At some point during her tenure there her responses to any subject became completely predictable. EH didn't start out that way but she became that knee-jerk reactionary and painfully tedious shrew. In many ways CCB would be starting out that way from the get-go. in this TV talkshow context, being utterly predictable is not a plus.

  • Love 8

The article Morbs posted was updated to say that Sara De La O will be joining The View as its first female director. Just thought it was worth mentioning. I wonder why this women's show has had so few women behind-the-scenes?


re: Raven punching Candace, we might as well call next year on The View, "The Has-Been Child Star Deathmatch."
  • Love 10

Who is on The View and Who Cares? http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/whos-view-who-cares-810218?utm_source=twitter


I also forgot to mention AV Club mentioned The View as being what they find unbearable to deal with for the week, and wondered why it hasn't been canceled.


They really need to have Paula be the moderator and move Whoopi into the Queen Bee, part time BW role.

  • Love 5

Bitsy is treating Candace Cameron's gig on this show as a victory for the Lord:



elisabeth hasselbeck ‏@ehasselbeck Jul 24

What an incredibly bright light you will be @candacecbure congrats and let's get together soon:) #GodWinsEveryTime #AudienceOfOne  xoxo

 Who knew that with all going on in the world, the Almighty has skin in this game?

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Hopefully, the hashtag #AudienceOfOne will prove prophetic and everyone will stop watching this tripe once Candace brings her hateful beliefs to the table.

Ha!  I don't think AudienceofOne means what Bitsy thinks it means.  


Candace and her rigid judgmental opinions are exactly what this show loves.  It's been reported that Nicole was basically "too nice"  to be at the  table (and I still think she's the smartest one there, definitely the most educated anyway) so she's out.  Raven is all about causing uproars on Twitter so she's in. 


One day I saw Raven look like she wanted to punch Candace in the face and that's probably what sealed the deal for Candace.   This reboot 3.0 sounds like it's  catering to the lowest common denominator.   Since I have very very low TV standards (obviously, lol) I'd probably tune in just to watch Raven actually punch Candace in her big mouth but I honestly can't take any more Whoopi Goldberg.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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