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The View in the Media

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Even, the original format of woman of different ages & backgrounds was dropped. That's what made the show special. I didn't care for Whoppi, Sherri & Jenny since they were basically comedians (a term I use loosely). Would,it be so hard to find a young & smart journalist like Lisa Ling was when she first started. Even, Elisabeth was okay in the beginning before she went off the rails. Granted, she was just a reality star but she & Lisa really brought the young factor to the show. Unfortunatly, Raven & her crazy hair ain't cutting it for me.

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Yes, Variety has posted that Rosie P will not return next season. Producer Bill said she wants to focus on acting and they will give her a "proper send off." Gotta admit that the fact she was working on Broadway at same time she was co hosting was impressive and she is a hard worker.

Proper send off?  Pffft.   She's been gone for two whole shows and not one of those morons have bothered to even acknowledge her absence.  I'm sorry her last day is Aug 6.  I was hoping she just decided not to return from this last break - both for her sake and the viewers. 

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I just hate the way The View continues to leak firings through the media. Ali Wentworth said she got an email offering her the hosting job. Then she finds out that they had hired Jenny McCarthy. Tacky.

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I just hate the way The View continues to leak firings through the media. Ali Wentworth said she got an email offering her the hosting job. Then she finds out that they had hired Jenny McCarthy. Tacky.

I saw her say that last night on WWHL too.  I don't think she's a fan of The Spew.  I like her.  

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The show became a laughing stock while Barbara was still on it. I now I was happy when she finally left and that year from hell known as Barbara the final year was over.


They should just stick a fork in it and call it a day.

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The View isn't going anywhere. It would be like P+G discontinuing Bounty. Or NBC cancelling Meet The Press.  Or the Republicans not nominating a Bush. A few dozen of us can snark from the side, but The View is a terrific brand name and I'll bet the 200 or so executives allegedly in charge of ABC Daytime just love love love all the publicity.  Whoopi knows her role and plays it well. If the execs wanted droll sophistication, they would hire that.  And a couple hundred people would tune in.


Whoopi Goldberg is arguably one of the most famous women in the USA.  The masses may not tune into The View, but everyone knows who Whoopi Goldberg is. Even the most jaded of us have to acknowledge that there is a bit of hidden depth to Whoopi.  Every so often it slips out, especially when she mentions some literary novel from a few decades ago.  She may be dumb as rocks on some topics, but she isn't being paid to be Wikipedia or a social trend expert.  She is paid to rev up the crowd, to be outlandish, and to bring eyeballs to the show.  


Sure, putting Ginger Z and Lara Spenser in as leads for the Third Hour of GMA might be cheaper, but there's not going to be much buzz around the show. It took Robin Roberts nearly dying for anyone to even pay attention to GMA.


It seems the biggest issue with the show isn't the talent, it's the apparently fractured, multi-level, seemingly highly dysfunctional, bloated management structure behind the scenes.  In some ways, the tumult helps (creating endless "buzz" when info is leaked) but it makes the show awkward and unwatchable at times, and leads to poor/bad decisions being made -- like tossing together an untested mix of personalities as co-hosts to launch this season.


There's no reason to believe the dysfunction is ending anytime soon.  Apparently only Whoopi and Raven are under contract for Year 19. 

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Would,it be so hard to find a young & smart journalist like Lisa Ling was when she first started.


It shouldn't be, with Barnard, Columbia and NYU all in the confines of NYC and many other top schools very close by.


The View isn't going anywhere. It would be like P+G discontinuing Bounty. Or NBC cancelling Meet The Press.  Or the Republicans not nominating a Bush. A few dozen of us can snark from the side, but The View is a terrific brand name and I'll bet the 200 or so executives allegedly in charge of ABC Daytime just love love love all the publicity.  Whoopi knows her role and plays it well. If the execs wanted droll sophistication, they would hire that.  And a couple hundred people would tune in.


Whoopi Goldberg is arguably one of the most famous women in the USA.  The masses may not tune into The View, but everyone knows who Whoopi Goldberg is. Even the most jaded of us have to acknowledge that there is a bit of hidden depth to Whoopi.  Every so often it slips out, especially when she mentions some literary novel from a few decades ago.  She may be dumb as rocks on some topics, but she isn't being paid to be Wikipedia or a social trend expert.  She is paid to rev up the crowd, to be outlandish, and to bring eyeballs to the show.  


Sure, putting Ginger Z and Lara Spenser in as leads for the Third Hour of GMA might be cheaper, but there's not going to be much buzz around the show. It took Robin Roberts nearly dying for anyone to even pay attention to GMA.


It seems the biggest issue with the show isn't the talent, it's the apparently fractured, multi-level, seemingly highly dysfunctional, bloated management structure behind the scenes.  In some ways, the tumult helps (creating endless "buzz" when info is leaked) but it makes the show awkward and unwatchable at times, and leads to poor/bad decisions being made -- like tossing together an untested mix of personalities as co-hosts to launch this season.


There's no reason to believe the dysfunction is ending anytime soon.  Apparently only Whoopi and Raven are under contract for Year 19. 


I don't agree with much of the above, and the show is now under the News division and has been since last fall.

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The View has the luxury of not having to rely on writers or any truly creative people behind the shows to keep the show going and make it interesting again. This isn't a show that relies on keeping fresh and interesting storylines. What they need is panelists that will keep viewers tuning in. It is is not rocket science. It had this for the first decade plus of the show. 


That's what makes this show that confusing. It just needs to find the right panelists. They haven't been able to do and seem to continuously go about it the wrong way. They made a mistake "building" the panel around Rosie/Whoopi after the initial reboot last summer. They had options that would have been provocative (Sonny and SE) and they didn't go with them because they listened to Whoopi and Rosie. They need to stop listening to Whoopi and realize what's good for the show.

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If all they can come up with is Stacey London and Molly Simms, they are truly desperate. Michelle Collins hasn't shown much in the way of comedy, but maybe that's difficult to do with Whoopi lording over the table. Raven needs to grow up and mature. She acts like a snobby, pretentious teenager who thinks acting wacky is cute. I guess Whoopi is relieved that the show is sticking around another season so she can collect another $5 million.

Edited by Kenz
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Are they going to replace Rosie?  Or just leave it as is?  Because if they are going to replace her I am totally calling it right now --- they will hire Naya Rivera once she has her baby.  She will kill a few birds with one stone.  She is Latina, she is young and she will be a "new mom."  And I am sure she will come cheap.   The fact that she has absolutely nothing of value to say unless you count the time she said white people don't shower enough and that she is a plastic Kim Kardashian wannabe will not matter to the fools that run this asylum.


Oh, and THANK GOD that Cristela woman said she would never work with ABC again since they canned her sitcom.  Because that laugh.  *shudder*

Edited by Cementhead
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Well the plan was casting a Latina would increase the shows ratings since it's a quickly growing demographic, since Perez didn't work out anyways even though she's one of the most famous Latin women in the country maybe they will just cast anyone.


I bet Nicholle gets phased out next like the rumors suggest, cut to recurring host, kinda like a friend of Housewife, as a last chance for her to either improve or be let go.


Wendy Williams thinks they need Joy Behar back and Caitlin Jenner.  haha, I think Jenner has way better opportunities than this show.


The McCarthy season felt very much like a reboot to me, much more of a Wendy Williams copy, and then of course the Rosie reboot.  Third time's the charm!

Edited by Morbs
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Whoopi Goldberg is arguably one of the most famous women in the USA. The masses may not tune into The View, but everyone knows who Whoopi Goldberg is. Even the most jaded of us have to acknowledge that there is a bit of hidden depth to Whoopi. Every so often it slips out, especially when she mentions some literary novel from a few decades ago. She may be dumb as rocks on some topics, but she isn't being paid to be Wikipedia or a social trend expert. She is paid to rev up the crowd, to be outlandish, and to bring eyeballs to the show


No doubt her job is to "make sparks"...but to consistently support a douchebag that (in his own words) basically admits to drugging 40+ women is beyond outlandish. It's more like total denial. Her "we don't know, we weren't there" attitude is ridiculous, especially since all these women told the same story BEFORE the transcripts were unsealed and released.

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So they "delayed" Michelle's announcement for Rosie to have her "moment." 



Is it really a moment when she was halfway out the door to begin with due to the play?

Ha!  Her good-bye speech felt longer than her entire stint on the show. 


The View isn't going anywhere. It would be like P+G discontinuing Bounty. Or NBC cancelling Meet The Press.  Or the Republicans not nominating a Bush. A few dozen of us can snark from the side, but The View is a terrific brand name and I'll bet the 200 or so executives allegedly in charge of ABC Daytime just love love love all the publicity.  Whoopi knows her role and plays it well. If the execs wanted droll sophistication, they would hire that.  And a couple hundred people would tune in.


Whoopi Goldberg is arguably one of the most famous women in the USA.  The masses may not tune into The View, but everyone knows who Whoopi Goldberg is. Even the most jaded of us have to acknowledge that there is a bit of hidden depth to Whoopi.  Every so often it slips out, especially when she mentions some literary novel from a few decades ago.  She may be dumb as rocks on some topics, but she isn't being paid to be Wikipedia or a social trend expert.  She is paid to rev up the crowd, to be outlandish, and to bring eyeballs to the show.  


Sure, putting Ginger Z and Lara Spenser in as leads for the Third Hour of GMA might be cheaper, but there's not going to be much buzz around the show. It took Robin Roberts nearly dying for anyone to even pay attention to GMA.


It seems the biggest issue with the show isn't the talent, it's the apparently fractured, multi-level, seemingly highly dysfunctional, bloated management structure behind the scenes.  In some ways, the tumult helps (creating endless "buzz" when info is leaked) but it makes the show awkward and unwatchable at times, and leads to poor/bad decisions being made -- like tossing together an untested mix of personalities as co-hosts to launch this season.


There's no reason to believe the dysfunction is ending anytime soon.  Apparently only Whoopi and Raven are under contract for Year 19. 

Interesting points SanDiego, although I'm not sure I would put this mess in the same category as Meet the Press, lol.   Still, I agree that after 18 years, the name of this show is a big part of what's keeping it on the air.  If they changed it to what it really has become: The Whoopi Goldberg Hour, it would sink in less than a season.   People who haven't watched in years (decades) are familiar with the The View name.  And Whoopi is famous although I'm not sure about "one of the most famous" women in the U.S. anymore.  Maybe with a certain demographic but that's NOT the demographic networks are trying to attract.  Ask ten people if they know the show The View and then ask if they can name the co-hosts.  I've gotten responses that include "that Hasselbeck chick, and Barbara Walters."  


The View has been circling the drain for years but I think it will stay on as long as it makes money, and since it's obviously so cheap to produce (and getting cheaper all the time with the rotating co-hosts) I'm not holding my breath for it's cancellation. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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"Goldberg and Symoné’s job descriptions include starting debates and stirring up controversy. But there’s nothing bold or enlightening about their outdated take on the Cosby case... In addition to alienating viewers, The View’s insistence on harboring rape apologists places the talk show firmly on the wrong side of history. Making survivors feel triggered and unsafe is the television purview of Game of Thrones and Fox News—not The View. While every woman is entitled to her own opinion, ABC shouldn’t provide Symoné and Goldberg with a public forum in which to silence and invalidate other women. It’s time for some new ladies to grab the mics."


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I can understand Raven not wanting to wade too deeply into the topic, I'm not sure she should be held to a different standard than Phylicia Rashad - but in combination with Whoopi's insulting outlandishness, it's really bad from a single talk show panel.  Has Lisa Bonet commented?

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I can understand Raven not wanting to wade too deeply into the topic, I'm not sure she should be held to a different standard than Phylicia Rashad - but in combination with Whoopi's insulting outlandishness, it's really bad from a single talk show panel.  Has Lisa Bonet commented?

I went looking and I found a story about a tweet from her.... except it was proven to be a fake account... which was suspended by Twitter.... and she had no comment on the scandal.

There was also a misleading link to another story that said Raven Symone defends Cosby... what it actually was... Raven said he never molested her.... and she was only 4 when she started the show...... not really a defense.... just correcting rumors

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"Goldberg and Symoné’s job descriptions include starting debates and stirring up controversy. But there’s nothing bold or enlightening about their outdated take on the Cosby case... In addition to alienating viewers, The View’s insistence on harboring rape apologists places the talk show firmly on the wrong side of history. Making survivors feel triggered and unsafe is the television purview of Game of Thrones and Fox News—not The View. While every woman is entitled to her own opinion, ABC shouldn’t provide Symoné and Goldberg with a public forum in which to silence and invalidate other women. It’s time for some new ladies to grab the mics."


Great article.  Brings to my mind that the original concept of the show was something like "by women, for women, and about women."   so when 40 women say a man drugged and raped them, this is the show that takes the side of the rapist.

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Judd Apatow decided not to wait until his appearance on Thew Spew next week to go after Whoopi.


The director, who's been one of the most vocal supporters of the women who've accused the comedian of drugging and raping them, took the 'View' co-host to task for remaining cautious about Cosby.


When asked by someone how he felt about Goldberg's comments, Apatow initially said they'd talk about it during his July 16 appearance on The View. But it seems he couldn't wait that long, firing off a series of tweets directed at Goldberg on Thursday night.

Apatow tweeted a photo of an ad for quaaludes and wrote to Goldberg, "He admitted to giving this to women to get them to have sex. So what are you defending?"

In another tweet he suggested, "I think Whoopi Goldberg is trying to be a loyal friend. It is sad that Bill Cosby is so sick that he puts his friends in that position."


The Trainwreck director also referenced one of the newly unsealed court papers from Cosby's settled case with accuser Andrea Constand, in which it was revealed that Cosby asked his agent to send money to one of his accusers. Apatow wrote, "He paid off women to avoid the courts. So you can't say the courts didn't convict. He used wealth to avoid it."

He concluded, "I believe it is wise to be careful but at some point we need to support the survivors of his violence."




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It almost feels like perhaps she got this gig because of the Cosby story


...and most likely to be Whoopi's lackey. Bitch ain't gonna stop until everyone on the panel agrees with her twisted point of View.

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Judd Apatow has, right from the beginning, been very vocal in supporting the women who have accused Cosby.   what's sad is that a woman's tv show like The View was not doing the same thing. 


this is interesting and I plan to tweet it to Whoopi -


in 1969,  Cosby's comedy routine included a bit about drugging women with Spanish fly to get them to get woozy so he could have sex with them.   Yeah, it's not an admission of guilt, but it speaks to his mind-set, to make a JOKE of drugging women to have sex with them.

Edited by backformore
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I will bet money that WG walks off stage after she screams her head off in a rant!  I guarantee she has it all planned out already IF she shows up that is!  

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Honest question on the Apaptow situation - is anyone beyond our little group paying enough attention to know?  If either the Whoopster doesn't show how Thursday or Apatow gets canceled?  He went there on his appearance on Real Time a few weeks ago as well.

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I think Whoopi will just deflect with "Everyone is entitled to their opinion" and not really get into it.  But I'm always terrible at predicting the idiots of The View's behaivor.

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I'm sensing a real shift here. I think the show runners have wanted to get rid of Whoopi for a while. Now (finally) public opinion is weighing heavily against her and the only thing that's in her corner really is the money they'll have to pay out. Until now it hasn't been worth it. Now maybe it is.

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"Goldberg and Symoné’s job descriptions include starting debates and stirring up controversy. But there’s nothing bold or enlightening about their outdated take on the Cosby case... In addition to alienating viewers, The View’s insistence on harboring rape apologists places the talk show firmly on the wrong side of history. Making survivors feel triggered and unsafe is the television purview of Game of Thrones and Fox News—not The View. While every woman is entitled to her own opinion, ABC shouldn’t provide Symoné and Goldberg with a public forum in which to silence and invalidate other women. It’s time for some new ladies to grab the mics."


I think this is the best written article I've read on the subject.  I found it disturbing that this controversy seems to have so many more people (myself included) talking about a show that should be long dead but like the author, I think this has gone much further than "make sparks" or as she put it, "clickbait."   


And while controversy is a necessary ingredient for any chat show, Symoné and Goldberg’s ignorant attitudes have transcended acceptable zaniness and clickbait tactics. Despite posturing themselves as vigilantes, fighting against an unjustified current of anti-Cosby sentiment, these women are in fact playing into a system and a set of beliefs that is older than Barbara Walters and more inexplicably indestructible than The View itself.



I can understand Raven not wanting to wade too deeply into the topic, I'm not sure she should be held to a different standard than Phylicia Rashad - but in combination with Whoopi's insulting outlandishness, it's really bad from a single talk show panel.  Has Lisa Bonet commented?

Just my opinion but I'd say the different standard is okay since Phylicia Rashad does not have a daily public forum on network television, unlike Raven and Whoopi.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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in 1969,  Cosby's comedy routine included a bit about drugging women with Spanish fly to get them to get woozy so he could have sex with them.   Yeah, it's not an admission of guilt, but it speaks to his mind-set, to make a JOKE of drugging women to have sex with them.


This is somewhat off topic but what I've never understood is why Cosby had to drug women before having sex with him. Surely as a rich and famous man he could have gotten all the tail he wanted but why with a comatose woman who wouldn't be able to respond and participate?  Wouldn't an inflatable doll work just as well?

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This is somewhat off topic but what I've never understood is why Cosby had to drug women before having sex with him. Surely as a rich and famous man he could have gotten all the tail he wanted but why with a comatose woman who wouldn't be able to respond and participate?  Wouldn't an inflatable doll work just as well?


It's not as much about sex as it is a twisted, ego-driven game of POWER over a young and defenseless woman with his sexual gratification being the end result. Not unlike the majority of serial rapists.

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I've always wondered about that, too, but rape has as much to do with power as it does sexual pleasure. Maybe it pumped up his ego knowing he could do whatever he wanted, even drug and rape women regularly, and basically suffer no consequences.I agree about the tide having finally turned against Whoopi even among casual viewers. I believe right now TPTB are just trying their best to make it work for the last year she’s there because they can’t afford to give her the boot and hire somebody new, too. I’m betting she’ll be out the door then. I wonder if she’ll regret taking advantage of her power over ABC with a contract allowing her to do whatever she wants if/when she loses the last steady paycheck she’ll probably have. I’ll start watching again when that happens.

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Honest question on the Apaptow situation - is anyone beyond our little group paying enough attention to know?  If either the Whoopster doesn't show how Thursday or Apatow gets canceled?  He went there on his appearance on Real Time a few weeks ago as well.

I don't know how well known it is, but Apatow has been THE most vocal celebrity about Cosby, partly because Cosby had been an early influence on him.  Apatow had been criticized quite a bit initially, accused of being obsessed, of trying to ruin Cosby's career.  Mostly, it was the same thing said on The View -  that Cosby was an iconic figure, and the accusations would ruin his legacy.  Apatow comes from a feminist viewpoint, that women deserve to be heard.  I think the more he was told to shut up about it, the more he felt an allegiance with women who had been told to shut up.


This is somewhat off topic but what I've never understood is why Cosby had to drug women before having sex with him. Surely as a rich and famous man he could have gotten all the tail he wanted but why with a comatose woman who wouldn't be able to respond and participate?  Wouldn't an inflatable doll work just as well?

Power, control, and possibly a sexual fetish involving having sex with a partner who was unconscious.

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I do believe Apatow has much clout in Hollywood. He is well-respected in certain circles and I'm sure his tweets are read daily by many. Mainly known as a comedic writer, director and producer - his older peers would be the ones who have known about Cosby's reputation as a horndog.


I applaud JA's willingness to speak out.

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This is somewhat off topic but what I've never understood is why Cosby had to drug women before having sex with him. Surely as a rich and famous man he could have gotten all the tail he wanted but why with a comatose woman who wouldn't be able to respond and participate?  Wouldn't an inflatable doll work just as well?


a sexual fetish involving having sex with a partner who was unconscious.


There's your answer, shudder.

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a sexual fetish involving having sex with a partner who was unconscious.


There's your answer, shudder.


It was a tongue-in-cheek question. Without emoticoms I guess it didn't come across that way. Oh well.

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IF this Judd and Whoopi thing goes down, Whoopi will do what she usually does. She will talk over him, say "look man" several times, and they will agree to disagree and then commercial time. 

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IF this Judd and Whoopi thing goes down, Whoopi will do what she usually does. She will talk over him, say "look man" several times, and they will agree to disagree and then commercial time. 

I will be surprised if Whoopi is on the show on Thursday... if she isnt... they wont say why.

Hannibal Buress.... the guy who called out Cosby in his act is taking advantage of his new found fame.... there is a Comedy Central show called Why?..... I watched the first episode.... and in my opinion.. it was terrible

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I agree about Hannibal. Whoopi is a strong willed woman. I don't think she will back out from this. I just see it as her yelling and pointing and shuffling in her chair, rolling her eyes and making him try and look like a fool. 

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Yeah, I think Whoopi will just repeat "innocent until proven guilty", and Judd Apatow will promote his new movie.


And the sad thing will be that Apatow will be the feminist voice on the show that day.   

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NY Post is reporting Cosby's wife wants a PR push that the women had consented to being drugged.  I mean, there best defense is Cosby was just a light necrophiliac?  Maybe Whoopi will repeat that nonsense.

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