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I can totally understand Tamra and Kelly finally losing their shit with Shannon.  If someone called me every night at midnight crying about paying bills and every other woe is me I wouldn't be able to take it for long either.  Kelly even said that Shannon calls and calls and if no one answers she keeps calling until they do answer.  How freaking selfish and rude is that! 

Even at the dinner table when Gina was explaining her issues with her, Shannon freaked and took it to a whole new level where it didn't have to be brought.  She could have just said, I'm sorry I made you feel that way, I've been going through a lot and from now on I'll try to be more friendly and ask about you.  But Nooooo.......she had to make it all about her AGAIN.  I'm getting divorced, I'm starting a new business, I have kids, I'm fat, blah, blah, blah.  She really doesn't listen to anybody else's feelings and constantly makes it all about her.  I'm sick of her also and I don't even know her the way these women do.  

Also, I want jerk chicken.

  • Love 18
24 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

It looks to me like Tamra and Vicky are trying very hard to secure that orange.  Tamra overacting, and Vicky dressing like a young sexy girl with her boobs out down to her navel.  Don’t even get me started on her “twerking” with her big fat old ass.  Steve should run away after last nights display.

I really do not think Vicki or Tamra have to do much or anything at all to secure their oranges. I doubt that TPTB would ever get rid of them. Hell if they did not get rid of Vicki after cancer gate than I doubt they ever will. 

I feel like I need therapy after seeing Vicki twerk. The outfit was bad enough, but then she added the twerking. 

I have been liking Kelly this season. I also, enjoy both Emily and Gina. I like them better than the endless circle of the same old Vicki, Tamra, and Shannon drama. TPTB will never redeem Vicki for me. The only time I liked Shannon is when she did not like Vicki because of cancer gate. I would love for them to bring Heather back, but doubt that will happen.

  • Love 7

If Shannon needs people available to her to talk about issues with, wouldn't it be rather beneficial to take Gina and Emily in?--in case Tams or Kelly can't pick up the phone at midnight ? I've always liked Shannon and considered her down to earth with her self deprecating humor and the way she mothers her girls- so caring. Rich as she is, I found her relatable. I hope she gets thr help she needs.  That said , ZERO of these women are a testament to the "benefits" of anti depressants and other meds.  Kelly is redeeming herself a lot and I'm enjoying her but lest we forget Tam's red party when she went off on Shane. Emily- please drop the Gina and slowwwwly back away. You can make it. I know you can. Gina= vacuous waste of space . She should've been on the one season only crap-tactic show called "princesses: long island." 

  • Love 14
7 minutes ago, Sai said:

I can totally understand Tamra and Kelly finally losing their shit with Shannon.  If someone called me every night at midnight crying about paying bills and every other woe is me I wouldn't be able to take it for long either.  Kelly even said that Shannon calls and calls and if no one answers she keeps calling until they do answer.  How freaking selfish and rude is that! 

Even at the dinner table when Gina was explaining her issues with her, Shannon freaked and took it to a whole new level where it didn't have to be brought.  She could have just said, I'm sorry I made you feel that way, I've been going through a lot and from now on I'll try to be more friendly and ask about you.  But Nooooo.......she had to make it all about her AGAIN.  I'm getting divorced, I'm starting a new business, I have kids, I'm fat, blah, blah, blah.  She really doesn't listen to anybody else's feelings and constantly makes it all about her.  I'm sick of her also and I don't even know her the way these women do.  

Also, I want jerk chicken.

And it's not like she's crying about not knowing where the money is going to come from to pay the bills, like a normal person. She's calling to share her amazement that she has to pay for things like water. I'm sure that goes over well at midnight or 2am.

I can't imagine being that naive and clueless about bills at her age. I wonder if someone had to teach her how to write a check.

  • Love 16

Gina is annoying really can't stand her and the way she speaks bugs me.


A lot of this is typical Tamra shit stirring she does it all the time last few seasons she has done it more in background letting the others do dirty work for her.


These women are strange what defines a good friend? each person can define it differently yet some one gets attacked because they have different view and I don't see why you need to keep asking people about what they have been up to or how good they look.


Tamra knows Shannon goes over the top so why does she keep triggering her even more and telling her how she should do things (older people are very stubborn so keep going on and on wont change them)


Funny how they are all attacking Shannon over the money stuff as well that is the life style she is used to her family had money so it is petty for them to try and play the help the poor etc


So they mention they think she has depression and are now attacking her come on that doesn't help trying to force her on meds this is sick she has issues and people with depression have trouble dealing with there own life's they cant keep paying attention to what others are doing. (meds are not the way americans think they are when really you need to fix what the cause is not cover it with meds)


These are all so needy no wonder they have all been divorced I can't stand any of them.


This episode has gone back to the pack attacking one member it's sick and these are suppose to be grown up women it all feels like they are projecting their misery onto Shannon.

Edited by mon berg
  • Love 13
1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

I don’t think it’s depression only, if it even is depression. This hysteria has been going on for years. We are aware of Shannon and David’s domestic disturbances where the police were called, Shannon trying to break down a door,scuffling to the point of falling and being bruised up...her birthday dinner at the restaurant with her family was cringe-worthy. Lack of gratitude even on camera, even in front of her girls. The way she stormed off and ripped her mike off at that conflict with Lydia and her mother. The way she stormed off at her daughters’ band Showcase during her conflict with her mother-in-law. The crazy, screaming, plate-throwing fight with kelly at The Quiet Woman. This is what WE see...imagine what we don’t. Yes, the situations involved some sort of assholery or another...but the way Shannon escalates it...zero to sixty...is just not normal. I’m sure there’s some depression in the mix, probably due to regret at her previous epic meltdown, but that’s not Shannon’s main problem.

This 100%! Shannon has been an entitled, hysterical bitch since day 1. Let's get real and not blame it on the divorce and depression. The woman drinks too much and is spoiled rotten. Because she was married to an ass in his own right, it took the heat off of her. 

  • Love 19
11 hours ago, breezy424 said:

What the heck was that black lacy thing that Vicks was wearing?  Was 'that' supposed to be flattering?  I don't know about Vick's butt but she's got a gut.  That's all I was seeing.

From the other side of the pool:  I've always been a big Shannon supporter but I really struggled with her tonight.  If you don't want to get medication (which doesn't mean that you're 'mentally' ill.  Don't stigmatize it) then get a freaken therapist.  Her behavior was off the rails to me.  Yeah.  Rich person's problems.  I get (and I can't believe I'm saying this because I can't stand Tamra) that  she is fed up with her.  Suck it up Shannon.  Yes.  Divorce is painful but complaining...  Geez, it could be so much worse.  A lot worse.  Shannon says she knows this but she ain't accepting it.  She wants to wallow.  Sorry Shannon.  You were Debbie Downer.

I could just picture David eating popcorn on the couch watching all this and thinking “boy, am I happy to get away from these bitches”.  With his young girlfriend beside him.  Maybe Eddie and Steve are next.

Edited by Gem 10
  • Love 5
On 10/23/2018 at 9:21 AM, Sai said:

I can totally understand Tamra and Kelly finally losing their shit with Shannon.  If someone called me every night at midnight crying about paying bills and every other woe is me I wouldn't be able to take it for long either.  Kelly even said that Shannon calls and calls and if no one answers she keeps calling until they do answer.  How freaking selfish and rude is that! 

Even at the dinner table when Gina was explaining her issues with her, Shannon freaked and took it to a whole new level where it didn't have to be brought.  She could have just said, I'm sorry I made you feel that way, I've been going through a lot and from now on I'll try to be more friendly and ask about you.  But Nooooo.......she had to make it all about her AGAIN.  I'm getting divorced, I'm starting a new business, I have kids, I'm fat, blah, blah, blah.  She really doesn't listen to anybody else's feelings and constantly makes it all about her.  I'm sick of her also and I don't even know her the way these women do.  

Also, I want jerk chicken.


The only way I would have lasted as long as Tamra and Kelly have with Shannon is if I were in danger of losing my orange.   In real life, I would have laid the law down a long time ago.

Geeze.  Shannon needs to take a stroll through the barrio or the cancer ward of a hospital to see what real suffering is all about.  She could then take another stroll through any manner of jobs (e.g. hotel housekeepers, sanitation workers, construction workers, etc.) to see what real work is all about, and she could finish at the VA hospital to see what real sacrifice all about.  And this is just in the USA.  Never mind 3rd world countries.

Even if Shannon were to take a tour of the real world, she likely wouldn't get it.  She is so far gone and so self-absorbed that she can't comprehend what perspective means much less how it can be applied to her situation.

She is entitled to her feelings.  I give her that.  But in context, her selfishness is shameful.  And how she expresses her feelings is at the expense of others and without reciprocal support.  Shannon forgets can't grasp that the world doesn't revolve around her.

There has to be a clinical diagnosis for this.....maybe straight-up narcissism or could something akin to it

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 16
5 minutes ago, Jextella said:

The only way I would have lasted as long as Tamra and Kelly have with Shannon is if I were in danger of losing my orange.   In real life, I would have laid the law down a long time ago.

Geeze.  Shannon needs to take a stroll through the barrio or the cancer ward of a hospital to see what real suffering is all about.  She could then take another stroll through any manner of jobs (e.g. hotel housekeepers, sanitation workers, construction workers, etc.) to see what real work looks like, and she could end at the VA hospital to see what sacrifice looks like.  And this is just in the USA.  Never mind 3rd world countries.

Even if Shannon were to take a tour of the real world, she likely wouldn't get it.  She is so far gone and so self-absorbed that she can't comprehend what perspective means much less how it can be applied to her situation.

She is entitled to her feelings.  I give her that.  But how she expresses them are at the expense of others and without reciprocal support.  Takes two, baby.   Shannon forgets can't grasp this.

You are so right.  I think Shannon came from big money and was pampered her whole life growing up.  I’m pretty sure David is self made and didn’t grow up wealthy (not sure).  Shannon doesn’t know from wanting or needing anything.  Plus $13,000 a month isn’t bad.  If she would cut down her luxuries, she would have plenty of money.  There are single mothers struggling to put food on the table and shoes for their kids.  She should really be ashamed to complain.  She really is self centered

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

You are so right.  I think Shannon came from big money and was pampered her whole life growing up.  I’m pretty sure David is self made and didn’t grow up wealthy (not sure).  Shannon doesn’t know from wanting or needing anything.  Plus $13,000 a month isn’t bad.  If she would cut down her luxuries, she would have plenty of money.  There are single mothers struggling to put food on the table and shoes for their kids.  She should really be ashamed to complain.  She really is self centered


She did come from money so she has a standard of living.


David was self made but some people said he borrowed her family money not sure that is true.


Her rent i think is 13 grand which is over the top she could easily get a place for 8 grand which is fine. The rest of the money we dont know what that is suppose to cover so its hard to work out how it is being used and remember she is a organic natural everything only person that is very expensive.


It's easy to just say theirs these people living on this or that but it doesn't always work that way and breaking life time upbringing habits is very difficult also she has 3 children which would be used to a set life stye as well.

Edited by mon berg
  • Love 10
5 minutes ago, mon berg said:


She did come from money so she has a standard of living.


David was self made but some people said he borrowed her family money not sure that is true.


Her rent i think is 13 grand which is over the top she could easily get a place for 8 grand which is fine. The rest of the money we dont know what that is suppose to cover so its hard to work out how it is being used and remember she is a organic natural everything only person that is very expensive.


It's easy to just say theirs these people living on this or that but it doesn't always work that way and breaking life time upbringing habits is very difficult also she has 3 children which would be used to a set life stye as well.

I get this and I don't really mind Shannon. I accept her for being a rich spoiled brat. The thing is like Bethany on RHNY, she doesn't seem to have the empathy for others she expects from others if that makes sense.  

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

13K is her rent, she's getting 22.5K a month from David.

OMG .. you are right. $13, 000 for rent?  Isn’t that high?   It’s a house then, not an apartment?  The rest is quite a lot.  I guess they go by how she was used to living with David.  She could cut down quite a bit on all her quirky things and be alright.  Geeze, 22.5 a month.  I can’t imagine.  I have had to budget my whole life to live on Long Island.  Now I’m mad. Haha.

  • Love 3
42 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

This 100%! Shannon has been an entitled, hysterical bitch since day 1. Let's get real and not blame it on the divorce and depression. The woman drinks too much and is spoiled rotten. Because she was married to an ass in his own right, it took the heat off of her. 

I don’t think it’s just about being entitled. My whole town is entitled! Lol! I’m spoiled rotten by my husband, but I have never had police called for an “argument”, or thrown a plate at someone while cursing them out in a restaurant, or ever lost control to that degree in public or private...there comes a time when reason takes over and the tantrum doesn’t end with full-blown hysteria. Shannon really lost control in a scary way. She was irrational. Then hit the vodka.

I think Shannon has a mental health disorder, one that is quite common sadly. She’s not just a typical bitch like Tamra or a self-absorbed lying arrogant asshole with loose morals like Vickie. 

  • Love 9

Did anyone hear Gina say something like "Vicki looks great in that outfit (the lacy tobogganing one)& is so sure of herself & SHE'S  PUSHING 60!!"  

I'm sure Vicki would have loved hearing that.  She's 56.

Of course Vicki would wear an outfit like that while tobogganing in the jungle.  She wanted to be the center of attention & definitely was.

Regarding the screaming,  somehow the gals forgot all about the numerous (drunken) embarrasing outbursts from Kelly, including one at the beginning of the season with Emily's husband.  I will never forget the outburst she had at Ryan's  girlfriend's shower  in the Japanese restaurant that made Heather leave. 

At least Shannon has found something new in the QVC meals.  What has Kelly done since her divorce? Does she work?Same with Gina.  

Shannon does need help but true friends wouldn't have ganged up & screamed at her.  All Shannon asked was for 10 minutes to get her self together in her room. Instead we had Tams chase her down in the driveway of the resort screaming at her & not respecting Shannon's wishes.

  • Love 24
8 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I don’t think it’s just about being entitled. My whole town is entitled! Lol! I’m spoiled rotten by my husband, but I have never had police called for an “argument”, or thrown a plate at someone while cursing them out in a restaurant, or ever lost control to that degree in public or private...there comes a time when reason takes over and the tantrum doesn’t end with full-blown hysteria. Shannon really lost control in a scary way. She was irrational. Then hit the vodka.

I think Shannon has a mental health disorder, one that is quite common sadly. She’s not just a typical bitch like Tamra or a self-absorbed lying arrogant asshole with loose morals like Vickie. 

I get the town entitled bit.  Location, location, location.

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, breezy424 said:

What the heck was that black lacy thing that Vicks was wearing?  Was 'that' supposed to be flattering?  I don't know about Vick's butt but she's got a gut.  That's all I was seeing.

From the other side of the pool:  I've always been a big Shannon supporter but I really struggled with her tonight.  If you don't want to get medication (which doesn't mean that you're 'mentally' ill.  Don't stigmatize it) then get a freaken therapist.  Her behavior was off the rails to me.  Yeah.  Rich person's problems.  I get (and I can't believe I'm saying this because I can't stand Tamra) that  she is fed up with her.  Suck it up Shannon.  Yes.  Divorce is painful but complaining...  Geez, it could be so much worse.  A lot worse.  Shannon says she knows this but she ain't accepting it.  She wants to wallow.  Sorry Shannon.  You were Debbie Downer.

...especially when Shannon stays guzzling down vodka. #Hypocrite 

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

She’s not just a typical bitch like Tamra

Tamra is pure bitch. She was savouring every moment of that screaming match.  No way she was trying give advice to a friend.  She so enjoyed having the camera crew follow her to her room to film her tossing stuff into a suitcase.  And Gina acts for the camera.  The way she articulates, widens her eyes.  Acting.

Unfortunately Kelly gets caught up in the anger and blasts off.  But out of the lot of them, I like Kelly the most.  I think she'd genuinely try to help a friend.  No way Tamra or Vicki give two fucks about anyone but themselves and the newbies just want that orange.

  • Love 23
48 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

You are so right.  I think Shannon came from big money and was pampered her whole life growing up.  I’m pretty sure David is self made and didn’t grow up wealthy (not sure).  Shannon doesn’t know from wanting or needing anything.  Plus $13,000 a month isn’t bad.  If she would cut down her luxuries, she would have plenty of money.  There are single mothers struggling to put food on the table and shoes for their kids.  She should really be ashamed to complain.  She really is self centered

She doesn't seem like she comes from a wealthy family to me. She seems like she's someone who's hung up on ditzy, ignorant, shallow stuff, and I think she's a little bit afraid of being found out. IMHO, she has a lot of low-rent characteristics. I don't think her family was ever close to reaching the financial success of David.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Shannon didn’t toss a plate per se.  She swept it off the table .

tamra threw a glass of wine in Jeanas face and shoved Kelly.  She’s the only one who has actually gotten physical with a cast mate.  She also carelessly rolled the dune buggy.

tamra is the devil.  And the bitch is Teflon. 

I think Shannon crossed a big line with me when she acted the way she did at her birthday dinner with her husband and children. They were so nervous around her. And hopeful. They so wanted her to be happy and joyful and the way she behaved around them, full of disappointment about the restaurant, the gift, everything, was absolutely dis-gus-ting. I never forgave her for that and it told me everything I needed to know about Shannon. She wants everyone to always feel sorry for her, even her children! She wanted them to comfort her! To placate her. She wanted her husband to grovel and plead and beg. That’s probably one of the reasons the kids staged that cute dinner for her and David and cooked and served them, I bet those kids are used to jumping through hoops for her, to keep her happy. Ugh. I think she is horrible. And I really don’t think she is capable of empathy. All she cares about is herself and her feelings and her troubles. 

  • Love 15
11 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

Tamra is pure bitch. She was savouring every moment of that screaming match.  No way she was trying give advice to a friend.  She so enjoyed having the camera crew follow her to her room to film her tossing stuff into a suitcase.  And Gina acts for the camera.  The way she articulates, widens her eyes.  Acting.

Unfortunately Kelly gets caught up in the anger and blasts off.  But out of the lot of them, I like Kelly the most.  I think she'd genuinely try to help a friend.  No way Tamra or Vicki give two fucks about anyone but themselves and the newbies just want that orange.

I don’t know, I think Tamra is a dumpster fire, but I actually understood her frustration with Shannon last night. Tamra is low IQ, she doesn’t understand how to handle an out-of-control person. But then my understanding towards Tamra vanished when she whipped out her phone the next day and started reading off eddie’s texts. She should have been cooler and calmer and smarter by then. She really is a colossal dumbass. I bet Eddie seeing that caused a fight between them. It’s a betrayal. She’ll never learn. Maybe Bellino’s lawsuit will teach her...

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

Tamra is pure bitch. She was savouring every moment of that screaming match.  No way she was trying give advice to a friend.  She so enjoyed having the camera crew follow her to her room to film her tossing stuff into a suitcase.  And Gina acts for the camera.  The way she articulates, widens her eyes.  Acting.

Unfortunately Kelly gets caught up in the anger and blasts off.  But out of the lot of them, I like Kelly the most.  I think she'd genuinely try to help a friend.  No way Tamra or Vicki give two fucks about anyone but themselves and the newbies just want that orange.

I’m liking Kelly more and more.  Out of all those bitches, I think Kelly has a very soft heart.  And her daughter is a complete doll.  Her crying over the less fortunate at the food shelter melted my heart for a girl so young.

  • Love 24
11 minutes ago, StevieRocks said:

She doesn't seem like she comes from a wealthy family to me. She seems like she's someone who's hung up on ditzy, ignorant, shallow stuff, and I think she's a little bit afraid of being found out. IMHO, she has a lot of low-rent characteristics. I don't think her family was ever close to reaching the financial success of David.

I believe it was stated in a past season that Shannon grew up wealthy . Horses, law school , etc. She stated David came from a blue collar family and was raised on meat and potatoes and would be fine eating that every day.  That's how my memory serves me but I'm open to corrections if wrong. 

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I think Shannon crossed a big line with me when she acted the way she did at her birthday dinner with her husband and children. They were so nervous around her. And hopeful. They so wanted her to be happy and joyful and the way she behaved around them, full of disappointment about the restaurant, the gift, everything, was absolutely dis-gus-ting. I

I give Shannon a huge pass on this.  They are wealthy. She was expecting s Broadmoor meal and he took her to Red Robin  (or equivalent).  I think there are fun ways to spin Red Robin but David didn't do that.  Of course the kids were anxious; they knew the score.

  • Love 21
3 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Tamra is low IQ, she doesn’t understand how to handle an out-of-control person.

But it was Tamra that was out of control IMO.  Shannon was being attacked from all sides and trying to defend herself, she wasn't out of control.  She was just handling it all wrong. Instead of trying to defend herself with this crew of shrews she should've just backed away, gone to her room and locked the door.  

I don't know why they bother to yell at each other during these stupid fights.  No one listens to what the other person is yelling anyway. They all screech at once.

  • Love 23
1 minute ago, KungFuBunny said:

Did the first time even take?


1 minute ago, KungFuBunny said:

Did the first time even take?

Tamra is the same kind of Christian that Vicki is.

That Jim bellino is. 


Tamra was vile that night, overacting and screeching. That bitch never changes her target does. 

And Vicki never changes either. She is forever the victim of her own evil deeds. 

Those two should get married. 

  • Love 15

Why on earth would anyone go on a reality show...

Not the type of person I'd want to hang out with.  Same with running for president -not someone I'd want to know.  

I'd like to be rich, but I wouldn't want to be famous (or infamous).

Later - I'm going out to buy a lottery ticket (and if I win, sue to remain anonymous - which apparently you can do and win!).

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Kdawg82 said:

If Shannon needs people available to her to talk about issues with, wouldn't it be rather beneficial to take Gina and Emily in?--in case Tams or Kelly can't pick up the phone at midnight ? I've always liked Shannon and considered her down to earth with her self deprecating humor and the way she mothers her girls- so caring. Rich as she is, I found her relatable. I hope she gets thr help she needs.  That said , ZERO of these women are a testament to the "benefits" of anti depressants and other meds.  Kelly is redeeming herself a lot and I'm enjoying her but lest we forget Tam's red party when she went off on Shane. Emily- please drop the Gina and slowwwwly back away. You can make it. I know you can. Gina= vacuous waste of space . She should've been on the one season only crap-tactic show called "princesses: long island." 

How dare you?!?!? “Princesses Long Island” was a masterpiece!! 

Actually (whispering) I know one of them. Actually, the mother of one of them. If you can believe it, the absolute NICEST, kindest, gentlest woman I ever met-the mother. Crazy, I know...

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, esco1822 said:

Just a hint for these ladies, if you really want to see "Fun Shannon," perhaps it is not the best idea to then tell her what a terrible person/friend she is. Rarely (if ever?) does that kind of conversation follow with a good time for anyone. 

They were totally mocking her with that. Assholes. 

However...I think it could have been salvaged. I think if I saw that heading my way, I would say, “you’re right. Here she is!” And proceed to stand on my head. Then fall over. I think it would break the ice. 

  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

How dare you?!?!? “Princesses Long Island” was a masterpiece!! 

Actually (whispering) I know one of them. Actually, the mother of one of them. If you can believe it, the absolute NICEST, kindest, gentlest woman I ever met-the mother. Crazy, I know...

Lol! That's awesome! Well I watched "princesses" through to the end so GUILTY! Shalom! (Sp?) Gina just reminded me of those girls so much!

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

Shannon is completely overwhelmed and has been for a long time.  She’s probably at the point where she doesn’t know where or how to start, so minor crises throw her into a tizzy.  Having money is great, and it would solve all my problems, but having money doesn’t fix everything for everyone.

these entitled bitches are the last people who should be lecturing her on how fortunate she is.

god I hope she makes a fucking killing on her business.  Just to spite these losers. Cough, cough wine by wives.  Vicki Lynn dumpy ass jeans. Dog hair diamonds.  And so on.

Aww come on...Vickie’s perfume is amazing! I bathe in it!


  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Barb23 said:

All Shannon asked was for 10 minutes to get her self together in her room. Instead we had Tams chase her down in the driveway of the resort screaming at her & not respecting Shannon's wishes.

I just want to note, because I think it's important, that Tamra chased her down the driveway at Kelly's suggestion. Tams was complaining about this being the kind of thing she's trying to get Shannon to understand she can't be doing and Kelly says something to the effect of "go tell her then." Tams chasing her definitely escalated things.

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, lunastartron said:

[Shannon] is both demonstrably sick and profoundly ugly. 

But at least she's working on herself...by getting plastic surgery on her eyelids. It'll make everything better.


8 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I think maybe Kelly was the most measured and least disgusting and that just makes my head spin -- at least she seemed to not be coming from a place of malice. 

Kelly has a weird screech.  Or maybe it's not actually a screech, but somewhere between talking and a screech.  Was she involved in the "whoooo" thing at the costume(?) party?  The way she was screeching last night reminded me of that. 


4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Shannon hsoud have tried the local “natural” drug available in Jamaica. Smoke some ganja Shannon and chill. Don’t want to toke Shannon because you are allergic to smoke, then eat some gummies or cookies.

Do they have edibles in Jamaica?  They do where marijuana is legal, but it's not legal in Jamaica.  I'm picturing a dealer on the corner palming some gummy bears to his customer.

Also, I think it was Kelly educating us on the history of the Jamaican bobsled team.  I'm pretty sure she said they won the Olympics.  Uh, no.  I guess it's not impressive enough for a tropical island nation to field a team in the winter Olympics--they must have won in order to be notable.


3 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

I’m going to post something controversial. I’m actually going to defend Tamra a tiny bit. Tiny. Everyone here knows I detest Tamra with the burning strength of a thousand suns....buuuut....I really think shannon was having a bit of a psychotic break. Shannon was in the throws of pure fury at Tamra when she started ripping off her mike. They very rarely break that wall and allow camera guys to be seen. I’m not saying Tamra is an angel but I really think she had reached her limit with Shannon at that moment, and also isn’t great at dealing with anger directed at her, and reacts like a cornered badger.

The thing is, Shannon asked them to leave her alone, to give her ten minutes to herself.  I understand reacting like a cornered badger, but Tamra isn't an actual badger and presumably has a more advanced brain, and it's a very binary proposition--engage or disengage.  The inability to disengage (in this case, to do what your friend has asked you to do) is mind boggling to me.  You don't have to disengage forever.  Just back off for ten minutes, as requested.  But that's apparently out of the question, and I have very little respect for people like that.

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3 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

I agree with what you said about Gina, but after watching WWHL last night, I think she’s here to stay.  The callers like her and so does Andy, unfortunately.

I read some realty website (radaronline?) saying Gina is a go for season two, the producers love her, and people connect with her,  Of course, we shall see.

3 hours ago, Sai said:

I can totally understand Tamra and Kelly finally losing their shit with Shannon.  If someone called me every night at midnight crying about paying bills and every other woe is me I wouldn't be able to take it for long either.  Kelly even said that Shannon calls and calls and if no one answers she keeps calling until they do answer.  How freaking selfish and rude is that! 

Even at the dinner table when Gina was explaining her issues with her, Shannon freaked and took it to a whole new level where it didn't have to be brought.  She could have just said, I'm sorry I made you feel that way, I've been going through a lot and from now on I'll try to be more friendly and ask about you.  But Nooooo.......she had to make it all about her AGAIN.  I'm getting divorced, I'm starting a new business, I have kids, I'm fat, blah, blah, blah.  She really doesn't listen to anybody else's feelings and constantly makes it all about her.  I'm sick of her also and I don't even know her the way these women do.  

Also, I want jerk chicken.

WOW, ITA,  Gina is allowed to say her peace, but Shannon is just too defensive.  WHAT, APOLOGIZE?  MEEEEE?  I can't be wrong! I'm a KIND PERSON, A GOOD FRIEND, and on and on.

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3 hours ago, esco1822 said:

Just a hint for these ladies, if you really want to see "Fun Shannon," perhaps it is not the best idea to then tell her what a terrible person/friend she is. Rarely (if ever?) does that kind of conversation follow with a good time for anyone. 

Fun Shannon wouldn't be using her phone at the table, and also would try to be "present" in the conversation. 

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