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S01.E07: Everythingship

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Wow, they shook things up in that episode! “Nobody liked Peach, but we loved her.” ?

Yeah, glad Ethan met someone. I knew the abusive ex from next door would be back. The hot to trot friend of Paco’s mom was a surprise though.

Joe is a great liar the way he could glibly replace “Beck” with “Reynaldo” in his narrative to the doc. Oh, and keeping all the personal pronouns straight. Plus switching the work setting to a bar! ?

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I was worried about the lack of antagonist with Peach gone, but this episode worked for me. 

If you subtract the whole stalker angle, the relationship between Joe and Beck is basically: Joe does something for Beck, Beck overreacts and flounces off, Beck eventually returns with an apology, rinse and repeat. Good lord is that irritating.

Outside of the episode where we got Beck’s voiceover, we rarely get moments from her that don’t feel somewhat put on, like she’s always ON, if that makes sense. I really liked that scene  where Beck spoke to her therapist as if he were Joe. It was honest and frank and wonderfully straightforward. I just wish Beck had been able to say just that TO Joe instead of Joe finding out because he’s a stalker and letting him somehow be the good guy in this scenario.

Speaking of, this guy has been breaking countless laws and KILLED TWO PEOPLE, all for this girl,  but is somehow emotionally mature enough to understand and respect Beck’s reasoning and is letting her go**? That kinda seems out of character for our resident stalker, as did the random hookup with the neighbor’s friend. 

John Stamos was effective as the therapist and I look forward to more of his insight. ETA: Though, even though i’m positive Joe was super careful with pronouns and settings, if Beck described how it all went down with Joe, these stories would still be remarkably similar. I know, I know, I shouldn’t pull at that thread. 



**Yes, I’m sure he won’t let her go for good, but even if it’s a couple weeks or months, that seems rather inconsistent for his character or any stalker, really. Man, he’s even a “nice guy” stalker. 

Edited by VagueDisclaimer
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4 hours ago, VagueDisclaimer said:

**Yes, I’m sure he won’t let her go for good, but even if it’s a couple weeks or months, that seems rather inconsistent for his character or any stalker, really. Man, he’s even a “nice guy” stalker. 

This show keeps me guessing but I agree.. some of it seemed a bit out of character.  Of course the show could be saying that not every stalker has such linear motives but it does take a lot of mojo to be killing people so strange he could just up and leave. 

Anyone think it was just too convenient the way the cop was neutralized by one phone call? 

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Speaking of, this guy has been breaking countless laws and KILLED TWO PEOPLE, all for this girl,  but is somehow emotionally mature enough to understand and respect Beck’s reasoning and is letting her go**? That kinda seems out of character for our resident stalker, as did the random hookup with the neighbor’s friend. 

I think the point is that, by doing what she wants and maintaining his attractive quality of being sensitive to her needs (which she doesn't know is not an innate and remarkable sense of perceptiveness), he is hoping to further cement his place as "a keeper" in her mind. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I enjoyed how this episode delved into what a big nothing burger Beck is as a person. Frankly, if it weren't for the narrative dramatic irony of knowing that she's a stalking victim with a high probability of becoming a murder victim, she'd be a little more than a vapid asshole as a character, which I guess is kind of the point. The only thing that makes her different from her friends is not some manic pixie dream girl joie de vivre or actual writing talent, but just that she attracts obsessive clingers who confuse all-consuming sexual infatuation with believing that she's marriage material or has any depth whatsoever. Over the years, Beck has probably bought into their hype and thinks she does everyone a favor just by existing. I know people like her (and have lusted after people like her) and it's absolutely mind-boggling. They don't have to do anything and people just fawn all over them. I admire the show for flipping the manic pixie dream girl trope on its head and rather than the guy ignoring the girl's personality to fit his own narratives, the girl is just an empty vessel and kind of a terrible person. I thought making Beck really crappy and unmotivated at the job Joe had handed her as a result of her magical vagina was an excellent touch and very reflective of how narcissistic and hot people in general just coast by in real life.

Speaking of magical vagina, what was up with the random introduction of the neighbors friend/apparently Joe's rebound? What are the chances that you would be walking home from a breakup and some brand new acquaintance is just waiting outside your door eagerly ready to rip off your pants? Did they bang in poor Paco's apartment? That kid just can't catch a break with sleazy dudes. That said, I'm excited by her introduction. She seems like she actually has a good head on her shoulders. I think Joe intentionally goes for airheaded insecure girls because they're easy to control and manipulate, but this rebound could be Joe's undoing. I think this new woman is far too confident and self-assured to swoon over Joe's adolescent Romeo moves. I have a feeling she's going to take Joe down and maybe even save Beck in the process.

Other random thoughts: I think it's really interesting that they continue to subtly link Joe's premature ejaculation problem/inability to last in bed with his sociopath tendencies. Is it just the story's way of encouraging us to mock him for fancying himself the ultimate Lothario when in reality he can barely last long enough to get inside a woman? Or is it a warning shot (no pun intended) about his sexual deviance and unhealthy levels of obsession? he seems to be so overtaken by the idea of a woman and becomes so overinvested in the fantasy of being with her that he absolutely loses control whenever that fantasy actually becomes reality, i.e. that he somehow manages to get into their pants.

John Stamos is a fucking daddy. Christ, did he look hot with that beard.

I'm very confused how mundane everyday scenes and dialogue continue to occur in the basement and the hermetically sealed book chamber without a hitch (including romantic dinners!!!) post-Benji. Doesn't that small bookcase area specifically designed to have limited or controlled ventilation reek of human decay? You can't clean the stench of corpse out of everything, but especially not musty paper. And Joe left the body in that exact spot for at least 36 hours. Surely Beck would smell something - he was straight up fungus-level rotting on the floor right under her feet.

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I love how this show keeps going in directions I dont expect. I didnt see Joe trying to move on from Beck happening, although its hard to say if he actually wants to move on, or if this is just his next step, after he heard that she found him smothering? Either way, no way do I think that Joe is really going to leave Beck alone after this. Maybe even Joe thinks he might leave her alone, but I dont for a second think he will. 

John Stamos as the therapist was super sexy, the beard is seriously working for him. Glad that he managed to be a good therapist, AND escape the creepy wrath of Joe! 

Beck really is a messed up person. She is flaky and shallow and has low self esteem, but she is pretty self aware of her faults,and wants to do better, but struggles with it. I mean, Joe is clearly the bad guy here, but in a real relationship not based on stalking, I would say that Beck is super inconsiderate, and majorly sucks at communication. She spends so much time trying to fill up the needs of people around her, being a quirky artsy girl, a fun party girl, or anything else that people around her want, and she has spent so much time trying to put up an imagine, that she really doesn't have a whole lot going on in her actual personality. Which, is actually pretty tragic, as you can tell that she knows this, and it upsets her, but she hasn't figured out how to develop more as her own person. Of course, she also seems to be creep/psycho catnip, so I guess being messed up can be expected. 

I kind of wonder if this is basically a horror story version of The Great Gatsby, where Gatsby does everything and changes himself fully for a woman he doesn't know very well, but idealizes as a perfect woman, but when he does finally start to get to know her, he realizes there isnt that much to her. I mean, its not a perfect analogy (Joe is significantly more villainous than Gatsby, and I would say Beck is more likable than Daisy) but I think there might be something there, especially with all the literary references. 

On the other hand, Ethan getting together with the pretentious writing student was just adorable. 

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This show has done a real mental number on me in that I love and root for creepy, murderous Joe and literally cannot stand Beck at all.

I don't believe she was innocent, or meeting "Emma Fox." She looked constantly guilty and who the hell misses her birthday dinner with her boyfriend like it's no big deal?? 

I have never been lucky enough to have anyone go to the trouble of throwing me a surprise party. She could have at least shown some gratitude for the effort. Instead she bitches him out and leaves? Way to be appreciative AT ALL. 

Beck lacks focus, ambition, clarity, decency... you name it. There's nothing attractive about her, really, except her dewy complexion and hair. She uses writing as an excuse not to have other responsibilities, but we've been shown over and over again that she has no real desire to write. 

Maybe Beck is a one-season character and we will just follow Joe and his many conquests and obsessions? I'm on board for that... exploring the different worlds of his objects of desire could make for an interesting, long-term series.

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I would swoon if someone would throw me a literary themed party. Sadly, Mr. Maddingcrowd never reads and wouldn't know many authors. I thought this episode dragged a little bit after the last couple tense ones. I'm also a little tired of Joe being able to get any and all information from everyone. Dr. Stamos doesn't password protect his files? Just find that hard to believe. Also, Joe is much more of a literary nerd than a tech one so I don't know how he can break into everyone's electronics.  I like Beck as a character even though I would despise her as a person. I do think it is interesting she knows something is wrong with Joe even if she can't pinpoint what it is. 

I also thought Joe hooking up with the new neighbor seemed off. He doesn't seem like the one night stand type at all, he seems like he has to stalk a woman for awhile before he has sex with her, and I guess this will lead to another murder (just a guess, I read the book so long ago I can't remember much of it at all and dont know if this woman is in it). I hope the writers have some interesting directions to go to because right now it kind of seems like everything is slowing down. I hope Beck can become more interesting through her sessions with Dr. Stamos and that Joe can surprise us in some way. And I usually complain about too many characters but with only two main characters now that Peach is dead, I'm not sure where else the story can go besides Beck meeting someone new and being stalked again by Joe. Hopefully they have some surprises in store. 

Edited by Madding crowd
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19 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I kind of wonder if this is basically a horror story version of The Great Gatsby, where Gatsby does everything and changes himself fully for a woman he doesn't know very well, but idealizes as a perfect woman, but when he does finally start to get to know her, he realizes there isnt that much to her. I mean, its not a perfect analogy (Joe is significantly more villainous than Gatsby, and I would say Beck is more likable than Daisy) but I think there might be something there, especially with all the literary references. 

That is EXACTLY what this show is! No wonder it's so satisfying. We're finally being shown in grand detail what a worthless laze-about Daisy really was, and our Tom Buchanan (Peach, I think) has met the ill fate he always richly deserved!

One has to wonder if Benji in this case was actually Nick Carraway, and Joe killed him before he realized how useful he could truly be. That makes Beck's friends an amalgam of Jordan Baker, which I'm cool with. 

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9 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Beck lacks focus, ambition, clarity, decency... you name it. There's nothing attractive about her, really, except her dewy complexion and hair. She uses writing as an excuse not to have other responsibilities, but we've been shown over and over again that she has no real desire to write. 

I also think that's a general commentary on being in your 20s (or maybe just an anti-millennial commentary) about the difference between dreaming of pursuing your passion and actually putting in the work to make your passion a reality. Beck is enrolled in an MFA program, has rich friends like Peach willing to bankroll her every creative whim, and is at least financially stable enough to fuck around in an upper-middle-class lifestyle in between incredibly brief bouts of "thinking about writing," yet never seems to actually produce anything and only squeezes out the most mediocre of work when under immense pressure and seemingly only to maintain the façade of being an aspiring writer. She uses the idea of wanting to become a writer as a placeholder to put off having to confront the fact that she has zero passions or real life plans. It's not just writers block, she hates writing and dreads even the possibility. It's just the artsy interest that she tells people she has to look profound or complicated at parties. But she continues to insist that her dream is being an author because that's the hipster persona she's created for herself and one that serves as a crutch and a smokescreen to avoid real adult reality. I would wager she also has to keep lying to herself because even she is starting to realize that she's a fraud with no ambition.

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2 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

I enjoyed how this episode delved into what a big nothing burger Beck is as a person. Frankly, if it weren't for the narrative dramatic irony of knowing that she's a stalking victim with a high probability of becoming a murder victim, she'd be a little more than a vapid asshole as a character, which I guess is kind of the point. The only thing that makes her different from her friends is not some manic pixie dream girl joie de vivre or actual writing talent, but just that she attracts obsessive clingers who confuse all-consuming sexual infatuation with believing that she's marriage material or has any depth whatsoever. Over the years, Beck has probably bought into their hype and thinks she does everyone a favor just by existing. I know people like her (and have lusted after people like her) and it's absolutely mind-boggling. They don't have to do anything and people just fawn all over them. I admire the show for flipping the manic pixie dream girl trope on its head and rather than the guy ignoring the girl's personality to fit his own narratives, the girl is just an empty vessel and kind of a terrible person. I thought making Beck really crappy and unmotivated at the job Joe had handed her as a result of her magical vagina was an excellent touch and very reflective of how narcissistic and hot people in general just coast by in real life.

I totally agree. And I don't understand why Beck wasn't more freaked out when she caught Joe following her and when he questioned her about sleeping with her therapist. Yes, she broke up with him, but she sounded pissed off because he wasn't respecting her boundaries, not angry or afraid that this guy is a stalker. At the very least, Beck should be smart enough to know that abusive partners often start off by being overly protective of their mates, going so far as to track their movements and question the people they spend time with. 

I used to like Beck, but now she irks me. Is she really as naive and imperceptive as she behaves? I did like her confession to Dr. Dreamy Eyes John Stamos that she doesn't mind people seeing her as a little bit of a mess because it hides the truth of how much of a mess she feels inside. So she is capable of introspection. But the girl is a bad judge of character. Or maybe it's her bad-boy obsession. 

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oh, Blackie...(I can't help it)

I feel like Joe is a very black-and-white-thinker  (that could be part of his being-a-sociopath, perhaps?)  Beck had to explain that her depression wasn't linear, that sometimes she was happy and laughing.  Lynn had to explain that while they didn't like Peach, they loved her.

Also, any Vanderpump peeps here?  Myman's ex got some work as Ghost Candace!  (I hope they tell us that story for real.)

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11 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I think the point is that, by doing what she wants and maintaining his attractive quality of being sensitive to her needs (which she doesn't know is not an innate and remarkable sense of perceptiveness), he is hoping to further cement his place as "a keeper" in her mind. 

I don’t disagree that a normal guy would respond this way. But, to me, the kind of escalation Joe has shown makes his being able to walk away and even destroy the cellphone a little unbelievable. I don’t see that kind of patience in him at this point in the relationship, when it’s moved past the info gathering stage. I hope that we see in the 3 months since he let her go that he’s continued his stalking, just without any contact. Otherwise it’d really make no sense. 

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I know her friend(?) just died, but I love how Beck is so narcissistic and self-involved that she's just had a whole relationship run from meet-cute to break up and she hasn't realized that she knows absolutely nothing abut her boyfriend, his family, his background or seemingly ANYTHING ELSE AT ALL.

After Joe slept with the new neighbor, was that her phone he was looking at? So she's been looking through Beck's social media? 

3 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

What was the job Beck said she was fired from? I couldn’t understand her.

She worked at a yoga studio as an instructor and got fired for falling asleep while teaching a class.

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9 hours ago, teapot said:

Also, any Vanderpump peeps here?  Myman's ex got some work as Ghost Candace!  (I hope they tell us that story for real.)

Oh yeah. My first thought when I realized the actress was 'Lala will be bummed her man hasn't gotten her a part in a good tv show'.

The title of episode eight is Candace and I'm really looking forward to it.

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8 hours ago, BaskingsharkGTX said:

She worked at a yoga studio as an instructor and got fired for falling asleep while teaching a class.

I’ve fallen asleep during Savasana. But that’s totally unacceptable for a yoga teacher. I’m assuming she wasn’t a certified yoga instructor..


8 hours ago, BaskingsharkGTX said:

I know her friend(?) just died, but I love how Beck is so narcissistic and self-involved that she's just had a whole relationship run from meet-cute to break up and she hasn't realized that she knows absolutely nothing abut her boyfriend, his family, his background or seemingly ANYTHING ELSE AT ALL.

After Joe slept with the new neighbor, was that her phone he was looking at? So she's been looking through Beck's social media? 

I think Joe looked up Beck’s public Instagram account—or was able to get into her private account 

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11 hours ago, BaskingsharkGTX said:

After Joe slept with the new neighbor, was that her phone he was looking at? So she's been looking through Beck's social media? 

When he reached over and grabbed her phone, I thought he was getting access to her accounts.  But I think he actually picked up his own phone to check in on Beck.


11 hours ago, BaskingsharkGTX said:

I love how Beck is so narcissistic and self-involved that she's just had a whole relationship run from meet-cute to break up and she hasn't realized that she knows absolutely nothing abut her boyfriend, his family, his background or seemingly ANYTHING ELSE AT ALL

She hasn't cared enough to ask him anything about himself.    I also loved that it's his fault she isn't writing.  Bitch, you weren't writing before he came into the picture.

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6 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

I also loved that it's his fault she isn't writing.  Bitch, you weren't writing before he came into the picture.

Probably for the best. Peach was 100% Mean Girl but she was right that nobody wants to read "Shitty Poems About My Father Who I Tell Everyone Is Dead But Who Isn't Vol. 27"

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13 hours ago, dusang said:

Full disclosure, I had never heard of this show before five minutes ago and I have not seen a single second of it. However, for reasons unknown my Google news feed served up a Vulture recap headed by a shot of John Stamos with a beard and I needed to talk to someone about this. What the hell? He's discovering new and unexplored levels of hotness as he ages! What is going on?!

Apologies for this digression, please carry on meaningful conversation.

He and Rob Lowe must compare notes.

Any idea how many episodes remail?  I liek this show, have watched since day 1, but I am feeling it's nearing it's expiration date for me. 

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Wikipedia seems to indicate 10 episodes this season ending November 11.

There will also be a Season 2.


In April 2017, Lifetime gave You a 10-episode straight-to-series order.[28] On July 26, 2018, ahead of the series premiere, Lifetime announced that the series had been renewed for a second season.[6][7]

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I've been feeling kind of meh about this show but wow did my interest pick up at the unexpected appearance of John Stamos. That facial hair really works for him and highlights his eyes even more. It's funny to me that 30 years ago he probably would've been cast as Joe.

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Somewhat off-topic: I never thought John Stamos was hot (or Rob Lowe). Neither is gross, of course, but just not my type, I guess (I'm more of a Rob Zombie kind of gal). I do think Penn Badgley is though.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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9 hours ago, Stella Rose said:

He and Rob Lowe must compare notes.

Any idea how many episodes remail?  I liek this show, have watched since day 1, but I am feeling it's nearing it's expiration date for me. 

The last 2 episodes have me thinking about letting this one go. In this day and age of so many security cameras and forensics,gps on phones etc., does Joe really think he is getting away with his shenanigans? 

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I was surprised that Joe just put back the doctor's laptop after only listening to the one session. I would have thought he would have had a thumb drive and saved all those recordings so he could listen to everything Beck said.

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On 25.10.2018 at 3:30 AM, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

The last 2 episodes have me thinking about letting this one go. In this day and age of so many security cameras and forensics,gps on phones etc., does Joe really think he is getting away with his shenanigans? 

Yeah, I also thought when he hit Peach with that rock: Gosh what are you're doing? You hold it with bare hands and throw away like 20 meters from the scene of the crime?

Anyway, I think, for cameras etc. you need to know what are you're looking for, same with the DNA,  and on the other hand the guy is literally crazy, so he probably he doesn't care. And it's a TV world,  most of the rules of the "real" life just doesn't really exist.  

Edited by skotnikov
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Well, to state the obvious, even in real life, remember that authorities can get results only if the stuff is tested to begin with. Because of the expense and the rampant backlog in evidence testing (especially in NYC, probably), it's possible that this rock wasn't even collected if it didn't have visible blood on it (though I assume it would? Head wounds are bloody things!). And because Peach wasn't dead in the park and didn't later die, maybe the scene wasn't even thoroughly processed.

As for GPS, the cops don't have any reason to know who Joe is, much less get a warrant for his phone. And then, as for the pee jar (and whatever else he left at that disorganized mayhem of a crime scene!), a DNA profile can be gathered but Joe would have to have DNA on file for it to link to him...which seems like it could soon become an issue whether or not he actually does have DNA on file, as someone who would probably be questioned eventually due to knowing the now-dead victim. 

I think he does care, and normally would be more careful. But he was all fucked up and sloppy about it, just strolling about that mansion like that!

ETA: You know what though? He is smart and clever and all, but there are many times that he's pretty brazen too. Like grabbing Peach's laptop at a party at the bookstore, for one thing. I wonder if he operates in the "act casual" manner--don't look suspicious and no one will be suspicious. I use it myself often (but not for stalking and killing!).

Edited by TattleTeeny
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45 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I wonder if he operates in the "act casual" manner--don't look suspicious and no one will be suspicious.

He does. He almost always presents a very confident exterior when it's called for, which in general makes people less likely to question him. A version of "fake it til you make it," if you will.

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On 10/23/2018 at 10:35 PM, dusang said:

Full disclosure, I had never heard of this show before five minutes ago and I have not seen a single second of it. However, for reasons unknown my Google news feed served up a Vulture recap headed by a shot of John Stamos with a beard and I needed to talk to someone about this. What the hell? He's discovering new and unexplored levels of hotness as he ages! What is going on?!

Apologies for this digression, please carry on meaningful conversation.

It is truly a life changing experience, isn't it?

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Peach proved to be glue of the girl group, no matter how much they disliked her. It really seems like after she's gone, the other three friends no longer hang out with each other. They were all merely her minions and their lives revolved around her. If Peach were around, she'd be able to convince Beck to come to her birthday party. Joe miscalculated badly by killing Peach off. He thought it would bring Beck and him closer but it is actually the opposite, because Beck used Joe as a break/refuge from Peach whenever Peach got too exhausting to handle from time to time. Now with that gone, Beck doesn't need Joe as her emotional support anymore and it's obvious that is all she uses him for. She doesn't admire him or even thinks he's hot.

Edited by waving feather
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On 28.10.2018 at 2:05 AM, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

So are we to believe everyone  in this group of friends think Peach committed suicide ? And what do they think has happened to Benji since we haven't heard from him in awhile? 

Beck did say that Peach tried to kill herself before, last episode, I think. So it probably doesn‘t come as THAT big of a shock.

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John Stamos's beard is glorious. And he smokes pot during his sessions. This character's fun. I like that his diagnosis of Joe wasn't wrong.

Fake identity with fake sexual orientation and fake career - that's a good cover story. And good cover with the phone call and remembering his other fake identity with the cop when he posed as Mr. Mooney. I don't want to compliment Joe, but that was well done. He also showed some good progress by letting Beck go, even if there's no way that's going to stick with three episodes left. And with Candace haunting him about leaving Beck alone so she doesn't end up like her, I'm really enjoying his more conflicted aspects.

"Thinking about writing is a part of the process," - Loved the ridiculousness of that line and that she immediately acknowledged that was bullshit. Write, woman! But I liked her the most in that scene and her therapy session.

I like that neighbor he was sexing up. I hope she doesn't die.

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On 10/22/2018 at 12:57 PM, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Speaking of magical vagina, what was up with the random introduction of the neighbors friend/apparently Joe's rebound? What are the chances that you would be walking home from a breakup and some brand new acquaintance is just waiting outside your door eagerly ready to rip off your pants? Did they bang in poor Paco's apartment? That kid just can't catch a break with sleazy dudes. That said, I'm excited by her introduction. She seems like she actually has a good head on her shoulders. I think Joe intentionally goes for airheaded insecure girls because they're easy to control and manipulate, but this rebound could be Joe's undoing. I think this new woman is far too confident and self-assured to swoon over Joe's adolescent Romeo moves. I have a feeling she's going to take Joe down and maybe even save Beck in the process.

John Stamos is a fucking daddy. Christ, did he look hot with that beard.


Yes gotta love the magic of TV and how easy it is to find a quick lay on the fly.    Girlfriend was clearly the aggressor in that scenario and I assume her veejay was an offer that Joe couldn't refuse.    With that said she does have the potential to see through Joe's stalker ways.    But since there is a season 2 (I haven't seen the remaining 3 episodes yet...but soon) I'm guessing she'll make some Peach like fatal error that'll be her downfall.

And yes John Stamos is like a fine wine.    He just gets better with time.

Edited by Meedis
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On 10/23/2018 at 2:14 PM, VagueDisclaimer said:

I don’t disagree that a normal guy would respond this way. But, to me, the kind of escalation Joe has shown makes his being able to walk away and even destroy the cellphone a little unbelievable. I don’t see that kind of patience in him at this point in the relationship, when it’s moved past the info gathering stage. I hope that we see in the 3 months since he let her go that he’s continued his stalking, just without any contact. Otherwise it’d really make no sense. 

I'm totally unspoiled, but a few hours after watching this episode I suddenly had this random thought: "I bet that was Benji's phone he smashed, and he still has Beck's!" Off to watch the rest of the season to find out if I'm right!

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