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Jesus God, Leah!!

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There was a news story over the weekend about a Mom who does speaking engagements about texting and driving. Her teen daughter survived her first texting while driving accident, but not her second one. Fortunately(?) she didn't take anyone else out with her, but it was so sad to hear the mom's pain. It made me think of every one of the girls on this show but especially Leah.

ETA here's the online version of the story. Leah please take note. http://www.modbee.com/news/article70854217.html

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 1

I watched the sneak peak with Leah finding out about the baby and I was this { } close to booking a plane ticket so that I can go and slap that bitch.  


Highlights include


"Miranda and Daddy should have called to tell you guys" OR MAYBE they are in hospital with a premmie baby and were planning on telling the girls themselves when things had calmed down.  It is so not Leah's place to tell the girlses before Corey and Miranda had a chance to and then to blame them?  STFU. 


"I'm going to talk to your Daddy and see if he needs any help with you guys.  I'll ask your Daddy if he wants me to let you guys stay with me for a little while so that way I can get you guys to school."  ........................I didn't even have words for this one.  Corey has primary custody because you couldn't get the twinses to school so I seriously doubt that he is about to throw them back and let you drag them hungry, undressed and late to school again.  And stop acting like you are planning on doing Corey a favor when all you are clearly doing is setting up the argument that Corey and Miranda can't take care of three kids. Leah only needs a throw-away line about how C+M aren't getting much sleep and she will be right back at the lawyers office claiming that they are neglecting the girls.  

  • Love 10

I watched the sneak peak with Leah finding out about the baby and I was this { } close to booking a plane ticket so that I can go and slap that bitch.  


Highlights include


"Miranda and Daddy should have called to tell you guys" OR MAYBE they are in hospital with a premmie baby and were planning on telling the girls themselves when things had calmed down.  It is so not Leah's place to tell the girlses before Corey and Miranda had a chance to and then to blame them?  STFU. 


"I'm going to talk to your Daddy and see if he needs any help with you guys.  I'll ask your Daddy if he wants me to let you guys stay with me for a little while so that way I can get you guys to school."  ........................I didn't even have words for this one.  Corey has primary custody because you couldn't get the twinses to school so I seriously doubt that he is about to throw them back and let you drag them hungry, undressed and late to school again.  And stop acting like you are planning on doing Corey a favor when all you are clearly doing is setting up the argument that Corey and Miranda can't take care of three kids. Leah only needs a throw-away line about how C+M aren't getting much sleep and she will be right back at the lawyers office claiming that they are neglecting the girls.  

I'll book the seat next to you. I'm sure Corey and Miranda wanted to tell the girlses themselves. Jeff posted the pic, not Corey. So, it's not like Corey was telling the world before he talked to Ali and Gracie. Leah saying she wanted to 'help' them by keeping the girlses with her was just a way for her to make Corey out to be the bad guy when he said no. I can hear Gracie right now saying 'But, mommy was just trahin' to help ya'll'. I think Corey and Miranda could take care of 5 or 6 kids better than Leah can take care of 1.

  • Love 6

Well, you know it was Corey's fault that she crashed into a tree. He was giving her anxiety so she had to text Chasity or her sister and tell them how upset she was. Ain't no damn lesson to be learned thar! If Corey would just stop downgrading her, she wouldn't need to be on her phone 24/7 defending herself.

Actually, she didn't crash into a tree. Corey staged the accident scene with her car. The truth will come out!

  • Love 12

There's a new sneak peek of Leah and Germy out to dinner and they're not at Roni's!! Leah's pretty liquored up and from the looks of her eyes, she did some pre gaming with pillses before dinner. She's trying every which way to get Germy to say he wishes they would have tried harder to work things out and he's not playing along. He tells her that he was truly scared for the kids and when she tries to get him to say he feels bad about them splitting up, he just says it sucks for Addy. 

  • Love 8

Does he elaborate as to why he was scared for the kids? It can't be because of her drug addiction because she doesn't have one, so was he scared because of her "anxiety"?

Haha! She cuts him off as he's talking and says she was 'wasn't doing good'.  He's so over it, you can tell he just wants to finish dinner and get the hell out of there. She's crying by the time the clip is over, he probably told her he wasn't interested in getting a room. They couldn't go back to her place because TR was probably sitting there wondering where the hell she was.

  • Love 3

I feel sorry for Leah's twins. What a mess. Ali is so cute and I felt bad for her. The poor kid is allowed to like being at school on time. This is why Leah should have just gotten back with Cory and went along with how he wanted to take it slow and see what happened. I wonder if she regrets that now that Miranda is in the picture. She is really out there, it probably doesn't occur to her when she is asking who is Miranda that it's her own fault Miranda is even in the picture.

  • Love 3

Haha! She cuts him off as he's talking and says she was 'wasn't doing good'. He's so over it, you can tell he just wants to finish dinner and get the hell out of there. She's crying by the time the clip is over, he probably told her he wasn't interested in getting a room. They couldn't go back to her place because TR was probably sitting there wondering where the hell she was.

Ding ding ding! I had a light bulb moment reading this! Does anyone remember TR's tweet wondering if he should be upset about a girlfriend going to dinner with an ex husband? Gosh was that recently or last summer?

I also do realize almost all of my replies are about tweets. My name is Malinda, and I have an addiction. Hahaha

I wonder if this was the meeting that her boyfriend was tweeting about a while back. Didn't he say something about exes shouldn't be having dinner together or something like that?

I didn't read all the replies so I just saw this. I remember!!

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 1
Tatum, on 11 Apr 2016 - 7:33 PM, said:

He's got friends at the WV state patrol, you know. Leah has time stamped photos of herself not at the scene of the crash!


LOL. After reports from the teachers that the girls were late, Leah's whole "I have time stamped pictures of the twins being at school on time!!" makes me roll my eyes. Like it isn't easy to change the date and time on a camera and time-stamp pictures for whenever you want.

  • Love 1

did it look like at Leah's house that the girlses sleep on the couch along with Leah? 

Do they have bedrooms???


I posted this in one of the episode threads too, but I have a few theories on this.


- TR and kids are living upstairs and that's the easiest way to hide them from being filmed.

- Ali can't get upstairs to where the bedrooms are - which is, in my opinion, totally disgusting since she should have chosen a house where her daughter could get around as freely as possible. I mean really, one minute she absolutely must have a single story ranch house (or trailer) with therapy horses and a pool, and the next she's in a 2 story house? WTF?

- The couch is closer to the laundry pile they get dressed from and the front door, so it shaves 30 seconds off of Leah's precious 15 minute time to get 3 people ready.


I think it's just her girls and maybe even just the twins sleeping on the couch, but it's hard to tell. Leah certainly sleeps there during the day but I haven't really seen where she sleeps at night, and also don't recall seeing where Addie sleeps. I can only imagine that not everyone has their own rooms if you include the 3 girls plus TR's kids, but I hope the kids at least have a couple of rooms to share and call their own (i.e. TR's kids in one room, Leah's in another... if Ali can get there).

  • Love 5

I posted this in one of the episode threads too, but I have a few theories on this.

- TR and kids are living upstairs and that's the easiest way to hide them from being filmed.

- Ali can't get upstairs to where the bedrooms are - which is, in my opinion, totally disgusting since she should have chosen a house where her daughter could get around as freely as possible. I mean really, one minute she absolutely must have a single story ranch house (or trailer) with therapy horses and a pool, and the next she's in a 2 story house? WTF?

- The couch is closer to the laundry pile they get dressed from and the front door, so it shaves 30 seconds off of Leah's precious 15 minute time to get 3 people ready.

I think it's just her girls and maybe even just the twins sleeping on the couch, but it's hard to tell. Leah certainly sleeps there during the day but I haven't really seen where she sleeps at night, and also don't recall seeing where Addie sleeps. I can only imagine that not everyone has their own rooms if you include the 3 girls plus TR's kids, but I hope the kids at least have a couple of rooms to share and call their own (i.e. TR's kids in one room, Leah's in another... if Ali can get there).

The bedroom Leah was taiking on the phone in might be the girls, but it was weird. The house is a mess, but from what I could see that room appeared pretty clean. The beds were nicely made. It was definitely a girls' room, but it didn't seem lived in.
  • Love 5

The bedroom Leah was taiking on the phone in might be the girls, but it was weird. The house is a mess, but from what I could see that room appeared pretty clean. The beds were nicely made. It was definitely a girls' room, but it didn't seem lived in.

I thought it was too clean to be her house, too. Maybe TR cleaned after Corey got custody and Leah hadn't had a chance to trash it yet. On the episode on Sunday, she was in a room with purple carpet with the girlses and it didn't look like there were any beds in there. There was kid's stuff scattered around on the floor. I was wondering if it was a play room of sorts. If the girlses have beds, why in hell are they sleeping on the couch when they're at her house? Maybe Ali can't make it up the stairs and her sister stays downstairs with her. Which begs the question again, why in hell did she move into a multi level house? I think TR already lived there and she just moved in with him. The story about her mom finding the house for her when she was in not rehab was bullshit.

  • Love 2

The bedroom Leah was taiking on the phone in might be the girls, but it was weird. The house is a mess, but from what I could see that room appeared pretty clean. The beds were nicely made. It was definitely a girls' room, but it didn't seem lived in.

I suspect the Girlses got their own room once TR and family moved out. She flirted with Jeremy this week during the drop off and then next week she flirts with him at dinner. With TR gone, she's back to Jeremy.

well I haven't seen all the episodes,and didnt realize they are in a 2 story house now. that's crazy. I had noticed the difference when  Corey was waking them for school (and saying that chorus was that day) that they were clearly in a child's room. I think they were in the same bed but it was a bed. 

At Leah's, it seems they are all in teh living room on a couch.

Now I know sometimes we plop out on a couch and sleep there for the night, but it just seemed to be the norm for Leah's house.


No question that Leah does love her girlses but she is just so disorganized and not focused. I mean they are going to school- she doesnt have them for much time- I would think that you concentrate all your energy to getting them ready and out the door to drive them. (and not be busy texting and reading yoru phone).

  • Love 3

Dang, that is some aggressive flirting in the sneak peeks from next week. I don't want to slut shame (would be the same if a guy was doing it with a girl who seemed so uninterested), but man, I guess we know how she snowed two people into immediate marriage. If he had wanted to skip dinner and bang in the truck she'd have been game. Hard to watch because I know she's probably really hurt and that's the dad of her child, but man. The secondhand embarrassment is real.

  • Love 7


I had noticed the difference when  Corey was waking them for school (and saying that chorus was that day) that they were clearly in a child's room. I think they were in the same bed but it was a bed.


I noticed that too, however, when the camera panned back, you could see there was a second twin bed that was still made. I would bet the girls share a room with two twin beds but probably sleep together in one bed by choice. Lots of siblings do that. That's a cute room at Corey's house. Lots of Frozen sister love themed decorations.

  • Love 5

Ohhh, this sip of white wine has me sooo buzzed.

Yeah, is the sip of wine and not the 2 benzos you gulped in the ladies room while not being filmed.

Her eyes were a dead giveaway that she'd done some pre-gaming with pillses before she thought about ordering that glass of wine! My guess is benzos with an opiate chaser.


I do wonder where Leah will be in 10yrs. Married to husband 3? More children (to try for a son)? Or will she get it together as her 30s hit her...

My prediction is divorcing husband #4 with two more kids from two different men, broke, on public assistance and living in a rented trailer on someone else's property. Of course, nothing about her situation will be her fault. She'll still be blaming Corey for everything. That's if she makes it ten more years. Sadly, a drug related death or a fatal car accident are real possibilities given the way she lives and drives.

Edited by lovesnark
  • Love 4

I saw an article written about a doctor in Daniels, West Virginia who is under investigation for prescibing huge amounts of strong opiods (?spelling).   Apparently he runs a clinic where up to 100 people see a video in a room together, pay $120 cash and then they all receive prescriptions at the same time for the exact same thing.  He claims he doesn't need to see them privately.  I wonder if that's close to where Leah lives.

  • Love 5

Carrying this over from the latest episode thread because it's more Leah specific as opposed to episode specific.


Here's what I posted there:

I was thinking about it earlier and remembering how excited she was to have so much freedom when she first tried out that motorized wheelchair. I can't even believe they don't have her using it yet. I don't follow the girls that closely on FB/Twitter/etc. but it seems like she's not even using it currently, which is infuriating.


And YES so much to Leah yanking Ali's arm out of her socket. Also, getting all pissed off about her "damn glasses," carrying her around like a sack of potatoes at the motel an episode or two ago, and moving to an inaccessible home. It seems like the older the girls get the more Leah lashes out at Ali, from what we're seeing on the show. It's heartbreaking.


...and an update. I checked out both Leah and Corey's FB accounts tonight and no sign of the wheelchair as recently as Easter. Maybe there just aren't pictures with her using it, but I'd think an Easter Egg hunt would be the perfect time for her to use it, and nope. I sincerely hope they fix this SOON. I also hope they follow up with the Make A Wish suggestion while she can get the most enjoyment out of it.

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 6

I am stunned CPS has not been called about Leah texting while driving. Not that CPS could do much since Leah would blame editing, but you'd think someone would have made that call.

Leah has gotten away with so much thus far. She obviously does not learn since she already crashed once.


I have to assume CPS can't do much of anything about it, given how many people I see texting and driving every day, including those with kids in the car. Around here CPS can barely keep up with cases of severe neglect and abuse in the home. I can't imagine them being able to keep up with kids in cars, too. I think warnings from the highway patrol or sheriff might be more effective in her case. (just my opinion)

  • Love 9

I'm gonna laugh if here on out she gets along with every other ex, but Corey's the only difficult one of the bunch... Damn Corey.


No kidding.  She's certainly turning on the "flirt" for next week with Jeremy, based on the sneak peek. She was obviously out of it, but yet still 'with it' enough to pretend that a sip of wine had her tipsy... uh huh, right.  I'm guessing she's got Robbie on speed dial if that Jeremy attempt doesn't go well. Of course there's also TR Dues who as far as we know was still at home during the Jeremy date too. Geez just typing that all out I realized how ridiculous it is.

  • Love 3

No kidding.  She's certainly turning on the "flirt" for next week with Jeremy, based on the sneak peek. She was obviously out of it, but yet still 'with it' enough to pretend that a sip of wine had her tipsy... uh huh, right.  I'm guessing she's got Robbie on speed dial if that Jeremy attempt doesn't go well. Of course there's also TR Dues who as far as we know was still at home during the Jeremy date too. Geez just typing that all out I realized how ridiculous it is.

Robbie only goes for Leah when she's married. Banging Leah when she's single (as in unmarried, we know Leah is never actually totally single) carries too much of a risk she'll get clingy. Or pregnant.

  • Love 4

I saw an article written about a doctor in Daniels, West Virginia who is under investigation for prescibing huge amounts of strong opiods (?spelling).   Apparently he runs a clinic where up to 100 people see a video in a room together, pay $120 cash and then they all receive prescriptions at the same time for the exact same thing.  He claims he doesn't need to see them privately.  I wonder if that's close to where Leah lives.

I saw a map recently which showed West Virginia as one of the states in which there are more opioid pain prescriptions than people in the state. More than one Rx for every man, woman and child living in West Virginia. I can't find the map but I think that PBS's Frontline posted it.

  • Love 3

I saw a map recently which showed West Virginia as one of the states in which there are more opioid pain prescriptions than people in the state. More than one Rx for every man, woman and child living in West Virginia. I can't find the map but I think that PBS's Frontline posted it.


It's about 2/3 down the page. WV has 137.6 prescriptions for every 100 adults. And that's not even the worst in the country. Alabama has 142.9

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